It sure changes a lot—> pace.

Isn’t it crazy how much our pace changes throughout the year?  

Okay, maybe it is just me but I always find it interesting how drastic the changes can be in just a few months.  IE yesterday—>  I woke up feeling like doing some mile repeats and so I did 5 of them (with quite lengthy breaks in between each one) and I averaged 6:35 for the repeats.  Now rewind to about about 7 weeks ago and I did a 10 mile tempo run averaging around a 6:27 yet yesterday’s mile repeats felt way harder than those tempo miles did.  The same pace can feel so much harder or easier from one day to the next and from one month to the next.  Some weeks we hit our paces easily while the next week our legs just can’t seem to hit the same numbers.  We gain fitness, we lose fitness and then we gain it back again.  I think that is my favorite part about marathon training though… a certain pace towards the beginning of the cycle may feel crazy tough for us and then by the end you are hitting faster paces for longer distances like it ain’t no thang.  Running doesn’t get easier, you just get faster and your happy pace changes all year long.  

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We got a little bit more snow yesterday and I love watching Brooke study the snowflakes that land on her hand.

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 Right after my run it was straight to the kitchen for my meal of choice while we played with Kinetic Sand.

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The best purchase of 2016—> This toy microphone.  Brooke brings it along with us in the car and she sings some pretty epic songs that she makes up about our life.  

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Oatmeal raisin cookies will always remind me of my grandma.  Growing up she lived in California and whenever we went to visit she ALWAYS had a huge container of fresh ones waiting for us to eat for when we arrived.  Brooke and I picked up a Kneaders one (not nearly as good as her homemade ones but it will do…) and went on over to her house.  

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Brooke got to spend some quality time with her two little buddies.  

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Fast forward a few hours and we met up with some of the girls.  

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Lindsey brought out a pack of Juicy Fruit… the best tasting gum on the planet… if only the flavor lasted longer than 24 seconds.  

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While we were out and about my sister walked in randomly (great minds think alike…) and her phone causes me all sorts of anxiety.  54 voicemails/missed calls?!?!  I don’t want to admit how many of those voicemails are from me.  

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Some My Little Pony watching before bedtime and Brooke all of the sudden started giving me an arm scratch… one of those heart melting moments.

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In other news—>  I am guessing that the show Parenthood has made me cry close to 400 times.  Yesterday —> Season 6, Episode 7 … I may have cried throughout the entire episode.  

Also, don’t forget to enter my KeVita Giveaway HERE!!!!


Three things you’ve got going on today!!

Any snow where you are at?

Does your ‘happy pace’ change dramatically throughout the year or is it more consistent?

Any foods/treats that remind you of your grandma?  

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I still find it surprising how quickly I lose fitness after a marathon and how much work it takes to get it back – although I’ve sort of given up at this point! Today is a big day of dance recitals so getting everyone ready :)


I hate checking my voicemail but hate the little bubble telling me I have voicemail even more. One of my friends has over 10k emails that she hasn’t read. It gives me a panic attack looking at her phone.

My grandma always made kolaches (a Czech food). I can’t make them like hers but they will always remind me of her!

We had a dusting of snow in the ground yesterday but it didn’t last!


My Grandma used to always have chocolate chip cookies waiting for us. She had them in the freezer too so we always knew where her stash was and could steal them! It is crazy how quickly fitness can go. It ebbs and flows like anything in life. I think that’s part of the attraction to it. You never really know what to expect!


3 things: a run in the cold……eek!, some quality snuggle time with some dogs I am housesitting for (not as good cuddlers as the hubby though), and maybe some yummers salad for dinner!

No snow in TN, although a few flurries are possible………which means nothing to show for it if it actually happens :(

My pace is usually pretty consistent, I am not fast at all, but sometimes I surprise myself and have fast days!

And my grandma always had strawberry bubblicious gum! And peach nehi soda.


Ahh this little tidbit came at such a good time for me! I am wanting to start building up my mileage and know that it’s going to be at paces much slower than the ones I was running a couple years ago. But thanks for the reminder that paces are always in flux and that is okay :) And ohhhh yes do certain foods remind me of my grandmas! But the first to come to mind is all the sugary cereals that I was only ever allowed to have at her house and that made me SO happy when I was a kid :)


I do find that my happy pace changes quite a bit. I always feel my best as I am in the beginning of marathon training, still running lower mileage but with a solid base. During that time I need to remind myself to slow down on my easy runs! Right now I am trying to get back to my normal easy pace and it feels much harder than it did a few months ago!
I need to have all my notifications cleared on my phone, including emails. My coworker showed me that she had over a thousand emails unread on her phone the other day and it stressed me out just seeing it!


It’s always crazy to me how hard the pace feels in January vs in May, when I do my first race of the year. The journey to rebuilding strenght and speed is on! I started the day early with short hills, felt awesome. I don’t know why it feels like running hills give me the biggest endorphin boost! Expecting a drop of 30 degrees in weather from today to tomorrow! Crazy January!


There are so many foods that remind me of my grandmas. One is hot chocolate with ice cream in it. It was the special treat any time I slept over even if it was summer time.


Its raining here and 60 degrees. So bizarre for January in New York. I’m hoping for snow soon! I’m going skiing in 3 weeks.
My grandma always had coffee flavored sucking candies.
My happy place lately is between 10:45-11:15 mile. Slower than its been but frankly with the lack of miles and the multitude of injuries i am just happy to be at that pace.
Three things today: coffee and cuddling with my dog, dinner with my brother’s family and hoping to get a blog post up today too.


No snow, a lot of rain though! Hopefully it won’t freeze and be all icy…

My happy place is generally around 9-10 minutes, but I’ve lost so much fitness the past couple months bc I was busy becoming single and moving and eating everything that now my pace is around 14 min mile Hahahaa. Hopefully that’ll change!

Her phone freaks me out too. My sister generally has around 1400+ unread emails and I just want to go through and delete evvvverything hahah. My mailbox is usually around 20-50 emails. I like it to be neat and orderly!


I have NO idea how your friend does that – having ANY kind of notifications weirds me out and gives me anxiety. My husband will literally have a text from ME sitting in his drop down menu (that he must have just read quickly) for a entire week. It drives me crazy!


Three things I have going today: church, bike ride, football.

There aren’t any treats, really, that remind me of my grandma, but whenever I see a quilt, I’m reminded of her because she makes the most beautiful quilts and gives them away to her kids/grandkids/friends. :)


Lots of snow here, another storm heading our way tonight and Wednesday:)

It amazes me how much our paces change as well! I did 3 x 1 mile tempo last week and I did great! I didn’t think I was that quick, but it must be the colder temperatures!

Fartleks this morning, followed by breakfast with friends and football this afternoon!

Happy weekend!


There’s been no snow accumulation yet…some flurries but nothing is laying down! We’re supposed to get some this afternoon so we’ll see what happens :) I have 10 miles on the schedule..not looking forward to doing it in the rain/snow!


Oh man, I feel like my pace is all over the place these days. I just started a new training cycle so it’s been crazy trying to nail down what paces currently correspond to what effort. Hopefully in a few weeks it will all feel like a breeze :)

I can’t ever imagine waking up and saying “I feel like doing mile repeats today” though haha so you go girl!


No snow here in SoCal… But 3 things going on today:
20 mile training run (without my training partner, aka hubby :( )
Supporting my neighbor’s in home business
Football and family time (ok that’s 4 things)
It is funny how your pace can change over the weeks/months. Today, I’m planning on a good steady, not fast, pace so the 20 miles feels good the whole time!
Happy Sunday everyone! :)


My Grammie would give me a jelly jar glass full of real Coca Cola (none of this diet stuff) poured from a large glass bottle. Those glass bottles definitely remind me of my grandparents.


Half-melted snow here. I’m pretty consistently crazy slow :-). And apple juice takes my straight back to my grandma’s kitchen every time.


Yes, the elevator scene! Big fat tears during that one. So sad this is the last season.


YES CAIT… that scene seriously killed me. I can’t handle it.


Every episode of Parenthood makes me cry at some point; I love that show!!

Vienna cookies remind me of my grandparents- my grandfather always used to have 2 with his coffee after dinner. My grandmother kept them in a glass jar, on the shelf in the kitchen.


Three things today: Watching Making a Murderer, grocery shopping, and yoga!

No snow here, just lots and lots and lots of rain.

It’s crazy how much my pace changes! It drives me nuts when I’m on the slow end, but I know I can speed up again.

There are so many foods that make me think of my grandma, she is always cooking delicious things! Baking soda biscuits are probably one of the things I always associate with her though. And popcorn :)


I live in Provo so yes definitely snow, as you know ha. Today’s agenda was church but my little girl got a fever in the night so plans changed and I will be staying home and cuddling her. :)


I have two episodes left of Parenthood!! We almost finished the season last night but we’re trying to savor the last few that we have left!

You are spot on with the different paces. I just got in from an 8 mile run and I was hitting my splits at about 7:20 and thinking I was doing great and then I remembered thats more than my “marathon pace.” So 26 miles vs. 8 miles at a slower pace womp womp


It really is crazy how our bodies can change so much from day to day! I think alot of it is what you eat. I notice when I eat more processed stuff my body is definitely unhappy. I started trying to cut out all processed foods and I am definitely seeing it in my runs. My body feels great, recovers faster, and I am running faster than ever currently :)

It is FINALLY snowing here in Ohio today!!! Less than an inch but it is still pretty!


I’m watching Parenthood right now too! I’m only in season 4, but I’m pretty sure most of the episodes have made me cry so far. It’s such a great show!


Wish we could all watch it together!!!!


I’ve only finished the 3rd episode of season 6 and have yet to make it through an episode without crying…I’m scared for what’s coming.

I love how you look at the changing of fitness in such a positive way. I am so quick to get discouraged when my pace fluctuates.


We’re in Pennsylvania for the week, so spending quality time with the Boy’s family today.

There is no snow, but there is more rain than I am comfortable with. Cold + rain = not so fun running conditions for tomorrow.


The snow here has melted :( I hope more starts falling. I hate winter without snow.

A Harry Potter marathon is on the books for the rest of the day! My pace usually stays within 30 seconds so maybe that’s considered consistent?

Happy Sunday!


Any episode of Parenthood makes me cry -it took a long time, but I finally realized I can’t watch it while on the treadmill because it’s so hard to run while sobbing :) Still so sad the show is over.


I had a great morning run in the snow this morning. Lots of hills, hills, hills for breakfast! I definitely notice that my pace changes throughout the year, depending on what I am training for.

I am currently on the 3rd Season of Parenthood. Seriously, what a great show. All the emotions… every episode.

Angel food cake reminds me of my grandma. She always makes the best!


I think it’s important for all runners to recognize that a given pace or distance will be easier some days and harder on others, even as you progress through training. Even at the peak of my training for my last marathon, I had days when 20 miles felt easy and awesome, and days when a 7-mile easy run felt exhausting.

It may not be snowy here in Florida, but I used to live in Minnesota, and my friends there enjoyed a minus-20-degree morning! I was complaining about the 40 degrees I’m going to be running in tomorrow, until I saw THAT!


Today is a typical Sunday for us. Church, grocery shopping, laundry, and baking for a family birthday dinner tonight. It’s my sister-in-law’s birthday this week!

No snow here right now. Just ice all around due to the rain from last week freezing in puddles with the lovely single digits we are having. How long until spring?…


Three things for today: grocery shopping, food prep for the week, and running! (It’s going to be glorious!)

Lots of snow here in WI – plus sub-zero temps and wind chill advisories. : (

Thus far my pace stays pretty consistent throughout the year, but that’s because I don’t really like to push myself out of my comfort zone. I’m hoping that will change this spring!

My Grandma always made the best homemade treats around the holidays: peanut butter balls, fudge, 7-layer cookies, etc. etc. etc. Also, her chicken and dumplings were just about the best thing I ever tasted!!


Running about 20miles, son’s swim meet, washing fitness clothes

My pace changes seasonally-usually I get a bit quicker in the fall when I’m coaching Cross Country (until those buggers surpass me, then I can’t keep up!). I don’t do many races so I tend to shy away from speed work outs-that’s something to improve on for sure!

The snow has melted just in time for a new batch this week! We have really lacked in the snow department here in Germany. The bright side is I’ve been able to get in some great runs and rides in!

The smell of Cardamon always makes me think of my grandma as she made the yummiest cardamon bread. Bridge mix and Andes mints, too.


The foods that remind me of my grandma are Grape Nuts and Coolwhip. Lol. It’s insane how pace changes. When I was training for an ultra my pace felt sooo slow, it had to be compared to marathon pace. Then I immediately got pregnant and that same pace felt like the 100 meter dash.


Ohh Juicy Fruit. I love it so much and get so mad after 5 seconds of chewing it!

3 things on the agenda today:
-Got in a 4 mile shakeout run this morning after my half marathon yesterday! FREEZING outside.
-Baking banana bread (in the oven and smells delicious)!
-Hopefully convincing my mom to take me out to dinner :)


3 things: Just got off work (happy dance!), find a cardio video to do, Chest/Back/Core training, and a yoga video to finish out the fitness for today.

I believe 1.5 inches last night of snow.

Oh yes does my pace change! Right now my speed work has me doing some miles @ Half Marathon pace….and I like want to die and I’m trying to figure out how I held that pace for 13.1 miles when it is a struggle to get there on the road for a whole mile! haha


Hold on a minute…Mer has 2 dogs now? (I have only ever seen her little guy on the left in that picture.)

Juicy Fruit is the best gum ever created.

-22 F yesterday and tons of snow here in western Canada….supposed to warm up a bit next week.


In central Canada it’s pouring rain today then freezing temperatures the rest of the week! Booh for icy roads haha


Ok, first of all I need to know where you got that t-shirt b/c I love it! Got my 12 miler in this AM and I absolutely agree about pacing. It is crazy how much it shifts in between training cycles. I always try to remind myself of that when I get freaked out that I am slowing down!
Nips candies always remind me of my grandma ? She always had a bowl of them when we went to her house. Whenever I eat one now, I feel all warm and fuzzy.. and I miss her.


Ha, I just realized that’s not a t-shirt! In my phone it looked like it, but I guess it’s a band. Still want to know where you got it though!


HEY AMBER!!! I got it a few years ago from a random company and I can’t for the life of me find it online… I will keep searching though!!!


It’s hard not getting upset sometimes when trying to do a run and it feels so hard. I’ve been trying to be easier on myself yet still pushing myself to get better. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Hi there!
Love your Find your happy pace shirt… where can I get it?



A random company sent it to me a few years ago and I can’t find it anywhere online now.. I will keep searching!


Parenthood = The best show ever! I had many, many runs where I felt like I was hyperventilating due to crying while watching it on the treadmill.
And it is crazy how different paces feel during different times in our training. It makes for some crazy mind games! I am going for a sub-3 at LA in February, and 26 miles at that pace still seems daunting to me even though my training shows it should be possible! Have a great week. Your daughter is beautiful and your blog is very inspiring!


Danielle! I am SUPER stoked for you! Super stoked. PLEASE keep me updated with how the rest of your training goes and the race. You’ve got this girl!


No snow in Dallas, but it sure did get a lot colder today. My grandma was the best cook ever. She used to pick my sister and I up from school and always had fresh made cookies, brownies, or her famous apple crisp waiting in the car for us.


We got a mix of snow and ice last night/early this morning, so I did the shuffle walk when I had to run errands this afternoon…


Three things: Church, brunch, massage

Snow flurries today here in Nashville

My happy pace is slowly but surely getting faster. For the most part I’m consistent and then all of a sudden I realize my happy pace has improved.

My grandmother used to always have a cheesecake waiting on me…just me and not my sisters or brother :-)

P.S. Noticed you have an Apple Watch. Do you wear it on your runs? I have one, but still love my Garmin for my runs.


Hey! I have been wearing it for my runs! I am going to do a full review on it… what I use it for etc this week:) I hope you are loving yours!

Okay, the story about the cheesecake… that is super sweet!


Three things going on: 1-Ran 17 miles that were on my training plan (only second time EVER running 17 miles…. first Marathon in March 2016, 2- finally got caught up on laundry (seriously how does a household of 3 have so much laundry), and 3- got caught up on emails/bills/etc

I LOVE oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies!!! :D


I LOVE kinetic sand! I don’t care if I’m 27! I would bring that stuff to work as a stress relief.

And sweet potato with avocado…be still my heart! <3


I love that…is it it a headband? I go for distance and love watching my pace improve. Even if I have a setback, it’s all about the journey. I used to run for pure fun and didn’t have a garmin or do any timing, I thought it would turn running into work – but instead having the gps watch just adds interest and a sense of accomplishment. I have a 4 year old daughter that reminds me of Brooke – we have the same type of joys each day like making cookies or enjoying the simple things in nature. Very cute!


I just finished the Parenthood season 6 and was balling my eyes out!!

Totally agree with you on how your pace changes. Right now I am not training on anything and somehow I am faster than I have been in awhile. Crazy!


You are so right… running never gets any easier, we just get faster and can run for longer… :)

I was going to buy my niece a microphone like that for Christmas, but I thought her Mum and Dad would hate it lol


THIS is so encouraging to me! I’m hoping to run a half at a 9:00 min pace in two months and can barely make it two miles at that pace right now and my long runs are right under 11 minutes! I’m hoping that increased volume and speedwork will be the trick!

Love your blog, Janae!


I reeeeally want to watch Parenthood! My sisters all love it! And we have twinner Apple Watches! :)


I didn’t make it through ONE episode of Parenthood without crying. And I’m not a crier. And I watched every episode :)


your sisters phone gives me anxiety! unread emails, text messages, phone calls ahhh!!! my husband’s phone looks a little like that and i dont know how me handles it. drives me insane. ah parenthood, whenever you need a good cry just turn on that show, seriously a tear jerker like every episode.


Kinetic sand is the coolest!!! lol

I’ve been training by heart rate for the past year and it has really helped with my “anxiety” when suddenly a pace that used to be easy suddenly feels hard…my heart rate is boss, not pace :)

My grandmother used to always have After Eights at her house…they make me think of her :)


No snow yet in NYC but hopefully soon! It’s been super cold.
If anybody gets the chance it would be amazing if you could check out my blog:

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