A pretty great running view and just a couple Tuesday Tangents.

I don’t know what we are doing in this picture but it seems as though I was trying to eat Brooke’s cheeks.  

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I get questions about why I treadmill run so much—>  the answer is because the treadmill means I don’t have to get a babysitter.  When I am training for a specific race then I find ways to make it work so i get more outdoor runs in but right now I don’t want to be asking my mom to babysit all of the time to run when I am more than okay on the treadmill.  BUT every now and then I get an outdoor run if Brooke has something else going on.  Treadmill = single mom’s best friend.  There is a time and a season for everything and maybe a different season in the future means I will be able to run outside more.  

Hand warmers make me love winter running.  

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7 miles at an 8:40 pace with quite the great running view.  

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Just a few tangents!

-Brooke and I decided to skip town today and so we are headed up to the mountains for the snow.  

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-Dejah shared this awesome Pace Converter that you can use when you need to switch between miles/kilometers!!

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-Highlight of Brooke’s week thus far:

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-We had a a very important meeting with my nieces the other day in which we voted on which cookie from Swig is the best.  I will always stick to the pink sugar cookie.  

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And we are off… Enjoy the rest of your day and we will see you in the morning!!!

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What running season life are you in right now?  

What was your run today?  What was your view?

Share a tangent please!!!

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I’m currently in training, but I still do alot (most) of my runs on the treadmill. It doesn’t bother me at all, actually anymore I have to push myself to go outside. My view for my run after work will be my TV and an episode of Worst Cooks in America. Ok by me!

Mountains would be fun! I need to make a trip to the mountains soon!


I’m afraid of my future treadmill days, but I’m sure it’s one of those things where you just accept it and get used to it! Plus, you don’t make it look so bad. Right now I’m able to run with a lot of different people and groups which is fun. In the summer I run a lot by myself really early in the morning while the sun is coming up and its not too hot. My “seasons” of running right now change with the season, but I’m sure when I get married and have kids and things the bigger picture of seasons will change more drastically, but running will hopefully always be involved!

Have fun and be safe in the mountains!


Tangent: Today has been rough, and I really need a sugar cookie.


I hope your day is better and I hope you get a cookie.


Natalie!!! I am so so sorry about your rough day! I hope that tonight has been better for you and I’ll ship you a cookie!


Agreed – I gift you a virtual cookie for your tough day. I had a bad day too so will eat an extra cookie on your behalf!


That is a seriously incredible view! I think I’m entering a different season with my running right now so it’s hard to see exactly what it is. My kids are older and it’s less about needing “me-time” now, I think I have to figure it out.


I will be on the treadmill in the morning! I usually only use it when it’s too cold (like tomorrow) for a workout I’ve got.


I have children at home and a husband who works long hours, so I’m right there with you on that treadmill most weekdays! I actually kind of like it because I can listen to music. (I don’t trust myself to be alert outside if I’m listening to music.) I think I spent the first, oh, fifteen or so years of my running career afraid of the treadmill. I think I thought I’d fall off or something.


Today I had to split my treadmill run into two parts- 3 miles before work and 5 miles after. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing!

Have a great trip!


Just got back from 3 very cold miles! It’s marathon training season for me right now, and I’m trying to get outside as much as possible, even when the windchill is 3 degrees like today!

My tangent- my dog has been obsessed with the radiator in my bedroom lately. She usually is always laying on my bed or couch when I’m around, but lately every time I find her she’s cuddled beside the radiator. She loves that thing!


I run outside for now, even though UK winter weather isn’t very giving and it’s pretty freezing but thanks to you i just remembered my hand warmers!! Thank you Janae!! It was a much needed rest day for me today but tomorrow i got 6am crosstraining and a 7 mile run later in the evening! As for a tangent my day wasn;t a great one :( I had a fight with someone in the subway this morning that elbowed me and almost gave me a black eye and after that my day kinda went down the drain…but i looking forward to tomorrow. New day new adventure and many cool things planned! :) Enjoy your day everyone!!


Waiting for my maternity belt to show up. I returned my first one and went with the one you suggested this time. The other just wasn’t working right for me. But now it’s taking forever to ship so I’ll probably have to find a different work out until it comes.


I hope you like the one that I suggested!!!! Good luck!


My run will be on the treadmill as our sidewalks are covered in ice. Also, it’s in the teens and that is without the windchill factor! No tangent for me. Today has been a good day. Have fun in the mountains!


It’s finally winter here in nyc. I ran yesterday. Not terrible but the wind gets to my cheeks.
Tangent for today is i made lunch plans to see my old boss this week. I miss working with him. It will be great to catch up.


I’m between races right now and not sure what’s in the future. It’s kind of fun not having anything on the schedule!


It doesn’t matter where you do it, just as long as you DO IT!


I am a treadmill runner and love it! When I started running 8 years ago, the only time I could run was during my daughter’s nap and now I am used to it. I run outside when I want, but have no problem running on the treadmill 75% of the time. Today’s run was 6.5 miles and my view was The Today Show! :)

My tangent- potentially major snowstorm headed this way (DC area) Friday-Saturday and the grocery store was insane! Worse than Christmas Eve! #SnowPanic

Safe travels, Janae


Congrats for keeping up the running schedule with your child. My hat is always off to parents who don’t give up their fitness goals when children come along, I think it’s even more important then so we can set a great example for our kids. Looks like you have an incredible view when you do run outside.


Thanks Bryan! That sure means a lot!


I do both although there was a time I was almost all treadmill (when kiddos were little) then a few years ago almost ALL outside in the early morning with a couple girl friends (even though I was living in Iowa at the time). I’ve relocated and have not found new running buddies yet so now I do a lot of my winter runs during the week on the treadmill and do the weekend ones outside. In the summer sometimes I go outside after work. I’m good either way – as long as I get the endorphins going :) Bonus for evenings on the treadmill is that my 16 year old daughter likes to go to the gym with me!

Tangent – I got some chocolate covered raisins for the first time in forever – YUMMY!


Seriously, everytime I see those cookies on here, I realize how much I want one. Like, now. Between my pregnant belly and a toddler that woke up me up at 4 (after I stupidly went to bed at 1:30..) I need cookies in my life.


I’m on the treadmill about 4 days per week, maybe 2 outdoor runs. Not my favorite by any means, but when I run at in the 4 oclock hour most mornings, theres no way I’m runnnig outside…one I’m done with my Masters degree, and work regular hours (nurse=12 hour shifts) then I’ll run outside much more…but for now, the treadmill just gets it done


WOW. Your schedule is out of control right now. Keep up the amazing work and making the best of this season of life:) You’ve got this!


I am learning to love the treadmill. I am a part time work at home mom and my husband works 60-65 hours a week plus a two hour commute each day…so the two hours he is home and we aren’t sleeping I want to hang out with him, not leave him and baby to go run in the dark!! I do a speed workout on the treadmill once a week (gym has childcare) and the other weekday runs I push her in the jogging stroller. Saturday’s I do my log run while he hangs out with baby and does work from home and Sunday I run before they both wake up. I have gained a new appreciation for the dread mill since we are away from family and don’t have a babysitter! I never thought I would say that!


Caitlin, just want you to do you are doing an amazing job with your schedule and fitting in running. Amazing! Keep it up:)


Thanks! I seriously think of you and how many miles you have logged on the ‘mill and it inspires me!


Thank you for the reminder that there is a time and season for everything and my time will come again. I thought for sure this will be the year for me to make my comeback to racing. My kids are older now, almost double-digits and DH is in a non-deployable assignment, however, I may have to put things on hold for a bit. Being injured now (doing too much too fast and not considering I am now considered a Master!!!) and my kids sports schedules taking over our Saturdays (I have one in comp gymnastics and one in soccer) makes for fewer opportunities to get in the proper training. So yeah – treadmills are still my saving grace! ;)

My run was a walk on the treadmill, hahaha and my view were a lot of new years resolution type of gym goers. Entertaining for sure!

Tangent for today: My house is spotless right now and I can’t believe how good it feels.

Hope you had a great time playing in the snow!!


I ran outside with my coworkers after work, barely 3 miles, and it was so hot. 63 degrees in CA and really humid after the rain. I was overdressed but I hadn’t shaved. lol it’s winter.


Right now the gym is the most convenient for me because I have childcare, or I go early and my husband watches our daughter. I am so grateful just to be able to run and I am more than happy to run on the treadmill. :) Having fun in the mountains, but don’t freeze!


I’m in the “just starting to want to run again phase” after injuring my arm and not being able to run for over a month. Since I couldn’t do much at the time, as soon as my arm healed, all I wanted to do was HIIT workouts (mainly Kayla Itsines). I love how strong and exhausted I feel after them and they’re super quick.
But, my run today was on a treadmill too and just 20 minutes. At least I had a view out the window!


Enjoy your getaway!


The cookie party looks so cute!


I’m training for 2 half marathons at the moment. Today was cold and windy so l did hill pyramids on the treadmill.

I need to color my hair and I need the time to do it. The gray streak is driving me nuts.


Treadmill run at 4am! Not a great view haha. I’m hoping to run the Chicago marathon this year and will do a bunch of half marathons until then :)


4 am. Jennifer… HOLY COW!! You are inspiring. So so excited about Chicago for you:) You will rock it!


Janae, I am not sure if you already saw this video but I thought you would enjoy it! It’s great and made me think of you! https://www.facebook.com/LadyBossLiving/videos/934760843210904/?fref=nf


Okay, that was amazing. I had goosebumps for the entire clip. Thank you sooooooo much for sharing that with me Elizabeth. THANK YOU MOMMY… that was beautiful!


Omg the things I would do to have the mountains in my view while running. So pretty! My view today was the tv on the treadmill! I watched Ellen and Dierks Bentley performed so it was all good :)


I’m in an all outside running phase. I kind of miss having the treadmill as an option – especially when it’s really windy/cold out.

My run today was 400m repeats into the wind. It wasn’t the best plan, but I got it done.


I’m in the post marathon phase right now, and going through IVF. So no running for me for a few more weeks or months if I’m pregnant… :)

My view was from the inside of a fertility clinic… I had egg retrieval today, and they were able to get 8 eggs! It was a pretty nice nap.

Thank you for letting me live in your runs… I’ll be your cheerleader the next few weeks on the treadmill if you want. :)


Girl, you are in my prayers. I am so excited that they were able to get 8 eggs wahoo!!! Please let me know if you need anything at all. I’ll be thinking of you!


my running season is recovering from a brutal half marathon over the weekend! successfully ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill today and am surprisingly not very sore, WIN! my view was a ton of meatheads on the weight machines. bleh. that’s why I typically go super early in the morning: it’s quieter (less grunting), more machines/weights available, and the meatheads are all still sleeping off their steroids ;) ;)


Today I ran on the treadmill! It currently gets dark around 4:30 so if I want an afternoon run then it’s off to the treadmill. Is it weird I prefer to listen to music and stare at my face/swinging hair? Maybe it hypnotizes me? Whenever I have a movie or a TV show on I can never find my groove, but staring at a blank screen I am in the zone!


I’ve actually been running in the treadmill a little more than usual. It is just so easy to get in a quick sprint treadmill interval out of the comfort of my own home!


I can definitely relate to your treadmill tangent…I’m not a single mom (and I really admire those who are), but my husband and I have opposite schedules, so 2/3 of the time I’m a single mom. You find ways to workout, if it’s treadmill, spinning, barre after bedtime. You’re such a wonderful role model for your daughter! So that’s the season of running in in now, just trying to find a time to workout. Happy hump day!!


I love running on the treadmill. The temperature is controlled (I do not like running in the cold) and I can catch up on all of my shows!


That’s a heck of a view! Question about your treadmill running. Lately I’ve been getting REALLY dizzy when I’m on the treadmill. Usually it’s around mile 2. Has this ever happened to you?? I’m trying to figure out what causes it. Whether it’s lack of water, trying to read closed captioning, or if it’s all just in my head. I’ve never had this problem before and it’s driving me bananas!


I buy those hand warmers in bulk at Costco!! I’d die without them!! lol

In the winter, with a good show to watch, I can stay on the TM forever…but once the snow is gone and the temperature rises, I can’t be on it for one minute! lol


That lip color in your last picture is AWESOME!!! What it is??

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