Monday Matters and Tucson Marathon Training (just 20 more days!)

I hope your weekend was a great one and that you got plenty of good eats, running and rest in!  

Sunday meant a walk while eating bagels after church.

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Naps (well, I took one).

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And family dinner!  My mom made my favorite cold weather meal (or all weather meal).  Baked potatoes with bbq chicken and salad.  Perfection.

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I was in charge of dessert so I made THIS apple crisp and we added vanilla ice cream on top!

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Time for a few Monday Matters that we need to discuss.  

-My grandma brought over the pie menu for our Thanksgiving.  She always brings the best pies ever and I’m salivating thinking about the banana cream pie.  

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-Brooke wears my race t-shirts more than I do these days… they are the perfect nightgown for her:)

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-My sister and I had some mint brownies on Saturday.  The only problem—>  they were full of nuts.  We picked out each and every single one of them.  I don’t know who came up with the idea of combining nuts and brownies but I am not even going to try to understand their logic. 

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-Brooke nailed her 400m repeats at the track.  She smiled a heck of a lot more than I do when I am on the track.  A lot more. 

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-The amount of joy that entered her body when a cat came to the front door was amazing… 

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-I don’t know why I thought this was so cute.  Probably because I love avocado.  

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-Remember when I went to Thailand and I got really sick?  Remember how I swore off Thai food right after that?  Well, I had Pad Thai the other day and it was amazing so I think I am finally back (2 years later) to loving Thai food.  

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-Brooke sings to Hello by Adele at the top of her lungs and she gets really really into it.  Picture taken during the chorus:

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-A card and a treat from my niece.  This made me feel like a million bucks!

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PS my favorite running jacket ever (the black one with white/grey stripes that I wear all of the time) is on sale HERE for 50% off!

Let’s talk about how marathon training went last week!!!!

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Monday:  5 mile recovery run @ 8:00 pace

Tuesday: 1 hr fast finish run.  First 30 @ 7:15 pace and second 30 @ 6:15 pace.  9 miles total.  

Wednesday: 6 miles @ 8:16 pace.

Thursday:  7 miles @ around 8:00 pace.  I was supposed to do speed work but my calves were angry and so I decided it wasn’t worth it to risk an injury and took it easy instead.

Friday:  3 miles @ 7:30 pace

Saturday:  20 mile long run (just a 14 and 10 mile long run before race day ahhhh!).  1st 10 around a 7:30 and 2nd 10 around a 6:30.  CRAZY difficult run for me but I went into it knowing it was going to be extremely tough for me and that I was going to have to work for it. 

Sunday:  OFF!

50 miles total!!! I haven’t hit 50 miles in a long time.  


Nuts in brownies… yay or nay?  PS let’s try to respect our difference of opinions on this one in the comments;) 

What was your hardest run last week?  What was your best run?

Any foods that you have gotten sick from in the past that you refuse to eat now?

What was the biggest highlight of your weekend?

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So excited for your next marathon to see how you do and following along with all of your training is so inspiring !!! You killed that 20 miler! Brooke wearing your race shirts is the cutest thing too!


I can go either way with nuts actually, and pecans I love :) Choc chips or chunks must be in a brownie though! And Thanksgiving pies just make me happy thinking about them.


Wow you apple crisp looks delicious! And great job hitting 50 miles.. that’s amazing! I can answer a few of your questions in one: I ran my first marathon ever on Saturday and broke 4 hours by 3 seconds!! This was my hardest run, longest run, and highlight of my weekend :)


Nuts in brownies is a crime!

I had some pretty decent runs last week so no really hard ones.

I never get sick of food, like ever.


That mint brownie…!! What do you mean nuts don’t belong in brownies…?? They’re awesome together! ;)


Nuts in brownies – just no. That’s the quickest way to ruin a perfect brownie!

I’ve never gotten sick from something and not been able to eat it again, but my husband got food poisoning at Olive Garden once and has never been back since.

Highlight of my weekend – seeing my sisters and the Thunder Road Marathon!


I love anything with nuts in them! Respectfully :)

I haven’t eaten Chicken Pot Pie in years because I got sick on it, which is really sad because my aunt makes the best in the world and I used to love it!

I ran 23 miles yesterday and it was so tough. It was 20 miles at 7:40 plus 4×800 at half marathon pace after. I thought I was going to die in the second part!


There is a Dunkin Donuts about a block and a half from my house. Before I became conscious of my health, I used to frequent it. Not so much any more….kind of makes me sick to think about.

I did some mile repeats on last week. Ended up averaging 7:12. Not speedy for many but pretty good for myself.


Hardest and best run last week was the half marathon I did yesterday. It ended up being 26 minutes slower than the PR I just set this past January. It taught me that sometimes you have to just eat a slice of humble pie, laugh a bad race off and move on. I think this means that I have a really good race in my near future :) Also I’m just kind of happy to be running pain free at the moment – finishing was a success in itself!

When I was growing up I hated nuts in brownies, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve grown fond of the combination. I also don’t like marshmallows in my hot chocolate so I feel like we could be good friends – you give me your brownies with nuts and I’ll give you my hot chocolate with marshmallows! ;)


I’m convinced that “nuts in brownies” was created by whatever sicko that came up with mixing M&Ms and Skittles in a bowl on April Fools Day.


We are headed to Thailand in a few months! I hope nothing happens to dissuade me from my love of food!


I once got sick from sour cream and am scarred for life.

My best run was my track workout last week, which is weird because I am not a huge fan of my speed workouts! :)

The highlight of my weekend was froyo, napping and football. Oh, and I made progress in getting my apartment ready for my upcoming move!


I am so not a nuts in brownies kind of girl. Though MINT brownies do sound amazing! I am hunting down some great recipes for Thanksgiving! I love baking :) Looks like you had a great week of running!!


So I now need to hear Brooke singing Hello ;) I can only imagine how cute it is! I got food poisoning from Johnny Rockets in middle school and never stepped foot into one again.


I went vegetarian after my last severe stomach virus so I am the wrong one to talk to about giving up foods after being sick lol….I cannot stand nuts in brownies! Totally totally ruin them! I just want a nice fudgey dense brownie, no nuts, lots of icing.


I’m excited to see how your marathon goes Janae. I feel like I tell you that every week. It’s clear you’ve been working hard though! My hardest run was my workout last Wednesday! Mile repeats are mentally challenging.

I don’t care for nuts in my brownies. I do like peanut m&ms though.


50 miles! Wow! Way to go Janae!

Last week I took it really easy on my runs because I’ve been having a pain in my butt (literally), so no tough runs. Lots of running with friends which made it so much better :)

There aren’t many foods that I can’t eat, but the smell of ranch makes me sick. In high school, everyone was obsessed and would literally get a styrofoam tray and FILL IT WITH RANCH. The entire first floor always had that smell so now it just makes me gag!


Don’t hate me but I love nuts in brownies.
Highlight of my weekend was seeing the peanuts movie with my boyfriend and his daughters :)
I haven’t run at all since 11/1.
I had sushi last month and then got a cold the next day that turned into a sinus infection and now I’m scared to eat sushi.


A very dear friend from college came to visit me in D.C. last week and I took her for a 9 miler around the National mall and the city. It was the best day ever!


ALWAYS NUTS IN BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NON NUT PEOPLE ARE WACKY BANANAS!!!! Think about, nuts=good for you. Brownies with nuts=good for you! It’s just simple math!

But really. All brownies are good brownies. Don’t think I’ve ever said no to one.


I’d love to see what your recipe for the apple crisp is!!!!


Nuts in brownies, meh. I don’t have a strong opinion. Nuts in a MINT brownie though just seems bizarre.

Hardest run was yesterday, it was my first time doing 2 serious runs back to back since my injury and my legs just felt over it. But overall I had a REALLY good running week last week so I’m psyched. Up to a whole 21 miles/week!

Hmm I can’t think of any foods I won’t eat because I got sick off of it. Cherry popsicles maybe?

Highlight of the weekend–>It was all just really great and low key. Running on Saturday with my bf was a lot of fun though.

Brooke is adorable and please record a video the next time she’s singing to Adele.


I honestly can go either way with nuts in brownies. I can’t eat movie theater popcorn still 15 years after getting sick from it. Your training is going so well and I’m getting so excited for you as Tuscon approaches.


I’m going out for my first run in over a month today – time to get back on it! Also, I love that your Grandma has a ‘pie menu.’ Bring on all the pies!


Nuts should never, ever, under any circumstances be in baked goods of any kind. Even muffins. Highlight of the weekend – finding my new winter coat :)


Great running week!

I was literally thinking the same thing about nuts in dessert last night! I was eating a peanut butter cookie from Whole Foods that so many peanuts in it and it was so disappointing. I like to keep my sweets and trail mix separate :)

About a year and a half ago, I ate froyo from a place in DC (can’t remember the name but it was at 22nd & M street) … Made me sick for days. I will absolutely continue to eat froyo but never from there … Ever again!

Have a good Monday!


I like minimal stuff in my brownies. Even adding chocolate chips can be too much sometimes. Just let me enjoy my brownies.

My hardest run was also my best run last week – I ran intervals for the first time in months. It was the first run I really pushed on since the marathon in October.

I don’t have any food that I don’t eat because they’ve made me sick. There are a few *ahem* adult beverages that I steer clear of though…

The best part of my weekend was meeting up with my running group for an amazing trail run!


Nuts in brownies… yay or nay? NAY! I do not get nuts in any desserts…yuck…

What was your hardest run last week? Thursday’s run was rough. Florida still hasnt had fall yet and I am so over humidity and summer.
What was your best run? Tuesday for some reason end of the week runs are either fab or awful

Any foods that you have gotten sick from in the past that you refuse to eat now? Yep a lot of asian foods I will not eat from getting food poisoning.

What was the biggest highlight of your weekend? Walking the Purple Stride 5k with my sister. She is def not a runner but wanted to walk the race in honor of a dear family friend we lost earlier this year.


I waaay overate Cheetos when I was pregnant and cannot even think about eating them now. Ugh.


That apple crisp looks so good!! I like nuts in brownies sometimes, just depends on what I’m feeling.

I got a stomach bug when I was little and had eaten spaghettios that night for dinner. I still cannot stomach the smell!

Highlight of my weekend was going to Hobby Lobby and getting so much Christmas stuff!! They had a 50% off all Christmas decor sale! We may or may not have already put some decorations up…:)


Nuts in brownies are a big no for me! Or in chocolate chip cookies!
I had a great progression run last week and my body is trying to adjust to the colder temps.
I had this tortellini soup the night before getting sick so now its ruined for me along with tortellini.
Highlight of my weekend was quality time with family!


After reading this all I want is brownies, crisps, and pies! They all look so good. I could do without the nuts in brownies but I will eat it if it’s the only kind available.

Highlight of my week was seeing my BFFs in the middle of the week for dinner, we even had pad thai and I agree it is delicious.


Nuts in brownies and cookies are the cause of my trust issues (along with raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip).


I used to be totally on board with you with the whole nuts in brownies thing…but now I actually like it! *gasp*. You are Brookers are so stinking cute. I hope to have that kind of relationship with my daughter someday.


I got the sickest I have ever been in my life off of Thai food as well, but I am not a quitter and still eat it. :)

I love nuts in brownies but they have to be walnuts.


Who would ruin a perfectly good browinie (or cookie or cake) by adding nuts to it. I never understood that.


Or on that not, biting into a delicious chocolate chip cookie only to find that they are raisins.


Hardest workout was running my long run in 25 MPH winds on Saturday. Felt soo great to finish that one!! Those brownies looks amazing!!
Good luck in your next week of training!! Marathon is almost here!


I had a great fun-filled weekend! The highlight was watching my bestest buddy get married!

And, I’m totally with you on the nuts. Hold the nuts, please! :)


Nuts in brownies, always!

Highlight of the weekend was my niece’s birthday party. Little kids are the cutest. My hardest run this week was a 13 miler with my dad. We nailed it! I ran much faster than I thought I could, so that’s always good. :)


you are going to kill your marathon!!!! I’m so excited for you.

nuts do not belong in desserts. Period.

My best run/biggest highlight was my half marathon yesterday!!! 8:00 average pace. I feel good but can’t wait to improve my speed:) that was only on about 15-20 miles per week, so I want to increase my mileage.


Nothing to do with your questions or post, but I saw this video for tight calves, shin splints, etc. and though I would share with you! I also suffer from tight calves, so I’m always looking for good stretching ideas.


My calves thank you for this post. They may have also been cursing you, but mostly thanking you.


My calves also thank and curse me at the same time. :)


No way to nuts in my brownies :)

I can’t do pumpkin in drinks. I can eat it in foods but I got very ill after a pumpkin drink once and can’t go back anytime soon (and it has been about 6 years since that incident!).


YES to nuts in brownies. They’re the best part!!


I got horribly sick after a trip to Mexico. I seriously thought I was going to die. I cannot eat guacamole anymore without thinking about that time. I actually love nuts in anything. I can never eat enough of them!


Looks like you had an awesome Sunday!

I’m not averse to nuts in brownies, but it’s just like… why? Why stick perfectly good nuts in there when the deliciousness of the brownie is just going to hide them?

My best run from last week was probably 14 miles on Tuesday throughout which I was somehow just feeling awesome. My hardest was a tempo run on Thursday, but I set a new personal best during it!

The highlight of my weekend was completing my first-ever 20-miler on Saturday and now feeling confident that I’ll be ready for my first marathon in six weeks… if I can just keep my calf pain at bay. Speaking of which, can anyone testify to whether compression socks are effective? I’ve been considering buying a pair…


Adding nuts to brownies is about as criminal as coloring a picture with the yellow marker last. You just ruined the yellow marker. Now try to sleep at night.

We took a family trip to southern Missouri and I decided in my tiny little brain that it was wise to order meatloaf+tomato paste topping before driving another 2 hours through the rolling hills. Meatloaf and I aren’t on speaking terms right now. I have hope for the future, though!

Highlight of the weekend= my nephew is now acting like a toddler and it is freaking me out but also makes me really proud.


-Nuts in brownies…nay!
-I can not and will not eat jell-o.
-Biggest highlight would be…QT with my daughter while my husbands away hunting. We ventured out Sunday for our favorite JUMBO cupcakes (and bought extra to bring home..obviously!) :) yum!!


weekend highlight:
my son’s high school football team in State Championship football game!
It’s a long beautiful story of how 2 small town teams can coop to have enough players for a team. Then rise to the top of their game and have an amazing season because no matter what they NEVER QUIT! They lost the game by 8 points to a powerhouse team in our state that has won the Championship almost every year for the last 5 years. when we played this same team earlier this year we lost by over 25 points!
Even in the last 8 seconds our boys played like it was the first quarter.
and I thought, “Wow, I can learn a lot from these teenage boys for running and for life.” NEVER GIVE UP!


do not like nuts (or raisins) in any pastry!


Nuts in baked goods of any sort is just wrong, with the exception of pecan pie and snow ball cookies :)

All my runs lately have been hard, but I keep at it.

Peppers and mushrooms make me really sick, so I avoid them!


I can either way on nuts in brownies, but typically they’re all nut-less.
Hardest run was definitely my 20 miler on Saturday night, and my best run probably would have been my 20 miler on Saturday lol
I got really bad food poisoning from a Chipotle burrito, and I haven’t had one since :/
Highlight of my weekend was just hanging out with the family.

Hope everyone has a great week!


I don’t like nuts in brownies, or mint brownies, I’m actually not really a brownie fan…should probably stay out of this discussion.

Pleeeaase post a video of Brooke singing ‘Hello’ . I’ve never seen a pie menu and Mer is so cute as always.


Total Nay on the buts and brownie combo… I’ll still eat it, but I also make a huge mess because I pick out each nut.
When I was little I got sick while eating a banana and from the ages of 7-17 I refused to eat anything banana. Then I started drinking smoothies and slowly welcomed banana back into my life. It’s been great ever sense.
Highlight of the week: friendsgiving over the weekend. So much good food with good friends!


My best run was a lovely 8 miler yesterday that just felt so easy and fun.

Subway sandwiches. I used to get car sick and every time my family and I went on a road trip we would go to Subway for meals and the smell of Subway made me so sick for the longest time. Now I love love love Subway again!

Biggest highlight -> a family dinner with my parents and brother after not being able to catch up with them for weeks!


I prefer no nuts in brownies, but I can eat either. :)
My hardest run was the marathon saturday for sure, but it was also equally hard not to want to run farther in the days leading up to the race. Having to stop at 3 or 4 miles just felt wrong!

I think the highlight was the race and how wonderfully wonderful the husband was in supporting me and cheering me on.

I cannot eat the pink grapefruit vitamin c drops or lemon lime gatorade……….both made me sick when I ate them and then ran, so now they have a bad taste to me.


I just ran 51 miles this past week for the first time ever! Something feel really really good about that. But I won’t mind a little rest after my marathon either!


I really love nuts in about anything!! I know a lot of people don’t though. My best run was an old route that I haven’t done for awhile, it is hilly the first half and downhill the last, I love it!! My hardest run was a 10 miler this week with my daughter, we had fun though and had hot chocolate after:0) The best part of my weekend was having my kids over and my boys brought their new puppy, we love her!!


Why ruin a perfectly delicious brownie with nuts????


I have no idea why the put nuts in brownies either, it is just crazy ha! Brooke seriously has the sweetest little smile, I love it! :)


I don’t like nuts in brownies! But no judgement to those that do:0

Hardest run was the marathon on Saturday! I am still feeling the pain in my legs today:) Looking forward to a Turkey Trot next week:)


I don’t understand the logic of putting anything in brownies other than possibly chocolate chips. My mom loves to put nuts and mint chips in brownies and I just don’t get it.

My hardest run was also my best run was also my only run. I ran the Mustasche Dache 5k and it was super hilly and my time sucked but it felt great to get my legs moving.

I didn’t eat cup of noodles for the longest time after getting sick from them once, but I’ve recently rediscovered their joy. I still don’t eat the brand that I barfed up though. It’s a mental thing.

Biggest highlight of my weekend was shopping with my mom. It’s been too long.


I do love walnuts in a good fudgy brownie.

My best run last week was the outer loop of Central Park Saturday. Then again it was my only run. I’ve been slacking…


I have a bone to pick with you, Janae!!! How can you tell us that Brooke sings Hello and NOT include a video!?!?!?

Ill be waiting right here…thanks.



Haha! Toooootally agree on the nuts + brownies thing. NO. Alone, both are delicious, but together, it’s just not right.



Waitttt…please tell me that’s not snow in the first picture! Not ready for that…it definitely looks like snow in your running pics, though. :X

Highlight of my weekend: Petsitting for a friend. He has two little dogs, a cat, and a kitten right now, so I’ve had my hands full with the fur babies!


Nuts in brownies are just plain wrong. I agree that whoever came up with the idea was misplaced in their reasoning. If a brownie needs a mixture, it needs to be of the chocolate variety and nothing else.

I can’t believe you are already beginning to taper! The marathon will be here before we know it, and I cannot wait to read the recap. :)

I refuse to eat Rubio’s chicken burritos. Never again. worst food poisoning of my life.


Next time you are visiting your family in Arizona you have to let me know. I had the best apple fritter of my life the other day and thought of you. So, we’ll have to go get some.


After this post now I want a brownie, nuts or not. That is some serious speed on those training runs, holy cow! I’m so excited for your next marathon. Speed work is always the hardest part of training for me, but it makes me so thankful for the long runs with friends.


APPLE CRISP yummmmmm i want some. now.

My best run last week was a 7 miler. Been battling some back pain but felt good during it! Also last week I signed up for a Turkey Trot 10k so I am pumped for that! :)


I love nuts in brownies and cookies, the husband does not.

My knee hurt last week so my 3 miler killed me 1/2 way through.

Mussels, still cannot eat.

We had a good weekend but going to dinner with old friends and then grabbing cupcakes was probably the best part.


I wonder what the percentage is of people who like nuts in brownies and people who don’t. I vote no nuts. It’s just way more work.

of course I can’t have brownies. No chocolate here. But when I could…no nuts for sure.


There should be a rule…if there is chocolate, there should be no nuts!! Except maybe trail mix! :)

I got sick after drinking Caesars (kind of like Bloody Marys – but with clamato juice…it’s a Canadian thing lol)…it turned out to be the spoiled potato salad that caused me to be so violently ill…but I still can’t drink a Caesar to this day…but bring on potato salad! lol


I highly dislike nuts in brownies! I prefer them without!


Peanut butter and chocolate- the most wonderful combo in the world.

Actual nuts and chocolate- a horrible combo!!!

Mint and chocolate- the most horrible combo in the world.


Nuts are ok in some things, I won’t hate them. Raisins in oatmeal cookies I can handle but I prefer raisin-less oatmeal cookies.
Highlight of my weekend – watching my nephew play football.
Hardest run was a week ago Sunday a 14 mile trail race. My body gave up and was just out of gas. SO I walked A LOT. But I did finish. So I am take some time off from any hard runs (anything over 3 miles) for a while.


I made apple crisp last night with the EXACT same recipe as you! It was soooo yummy! You know what they say…great tummies eat alike!

Yay to nuts but I roast them first before I bake with them so they have a bit of a sweeter taste! My mother-in-law taught me that one!

I had a very hard run this morning, my legs are still tired from a 10 mile hike on Saturday, which was the highlight of my weekend, we saw some snowflakes! :)


Best run was while visiting family in the Bay Area. Running at sea level + 40 degree temps + no ice/snow/bazillion layers = AMAZING run!! Running at low altitude is a little like cheating, but I still felt like a superhero :)

I can tolerate walnuts in brownies if there’s an extra thick layer of chocolate icing. No icing, no nuts.


Ugh, nuts in brownies! Yuck who in their right mind did that?!?!? I totally agree that is so wrong.


I don’t like nuts in my brownies either. I think it’s the texture that I don’t like.


I’m totally w/ you on no nuts in brownies (or any baked good for that matter).


Not a big fan of nuts in brownies…..but a few finely chopped nuts on top is good. Sometimes.


My mom adores nuts in her brownies. I just like brownies, so I’ll eat what’s available :)

This was a slower week for me, but I did do a 6k with my running mentor on Saturday to celebrate his 60th birthday, and that’s pretty cool!

I absolutely refuse to drink/smell grape soda.


I’ll take all the nuts. I love food that crunches!


Got sick on Cheerios as a kid. The smell still makes me nauseous…after close to 50 years. I am determined to eat a bowl just because.


NO NUTS IN BROWNIES! brownies are my favorite dessert ever, and i love nuts, but together…oh hell no.
hardest run was a little 4 miler after spin. legs and lungs were not working together.
best part of the weekend…lost of couch time. it was a crazy/busy/crap week, so i just needed some me time.


Brownies – I prefer without nuts, but don’t mind them if they are present.
Ugh – I got sick from sushi earlier this year. I still have a really hard time just passing by sushi.
Biggest highlight of the weekend – Spending my 1 year anniversary hiking with my husband!


I am SO glad Im not the only one who hates nuts in brownies! nuts have no business being in brownies!! I dont know how Brooke stays so happy running the track, thats definitely not how I look when I do track work!


Mmm, that family dinner (and dessert) looks great!


That link for the jacket isn’t working….?


I love your nails! How often do you get them done??

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