Friday Favorites and why I don’t feel nervous this time…

-We are never really in the area of our favorite donut shop (Daylight donuts) but we were yesterday so that meant one thing.   Carb loading for 14 miles tomorrow.  Remember that dark time in my life when donuts killed my stomach?  I don’t want to go back there.  

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-I don’t wash my hair super often but when I do I love to rotate my shampoo and conditioners.  I’ve been out of this one for awhile and it finally arrived and my mom called me ridiculous for how excited I was about it.

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-A nice little chat with this girl that I met a decade ago.  Single moms unite.  

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-Fast dinners.  Brown rice, steamed broccoli and leftover bbq shredded chicken.  It came together in minutes and this is a meal I could put on repeat for a very long time.

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-Brooke wanted me to make sure to include her Friday Favorite.  We have read this book close to 400 times. 

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-Last night’s treat on the couch with some dude that came over;)  The older I get the more I love dark chocolate (I’m still at 50% but it is delicious).

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-I finally get to wear my race day outfit that I bought for St. George in just 16 days!  It’s weird though.  For pretty much a month leading up to the St. George Marathon I was reallllllly nervous (I’m sure that helped my ulcer;).  Every time I thought about the race my stomach filled with more butterflies than normal.  But then I got sick and so I didn’t race it and I think that helped me to put everything in perspective and now I’m not nervous for this race (I’m sure the week of I will feel some nerves).  I don’t think I am in as good of shape as I was before St. George and that is totally okay because more than anything I’m just EXCITED to run.  I think I was putting too much pressure on myself to hit a certain time at St. George and it was just becoming way too important.  This time around I am confident in my training, stoked to finally race, craving those same paces but also remembering that if it doesn’t go perfectly, it’s okay because there is a lot more to life than running.  I run because I love it… not because I want to be stressed/worried/nervous about it.  I guess I’m just not afraid to not hit my goals like I was last time because I feel more confident and I am putting less pressure on myself about it because if it doesn’t all come together… I’ll just work hard again and again until I do.  

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-While in Arizona I get to spend some time with my brother and his family that I haven’t seen in awhile.  

An old awkward sibling photo from five years ago.  I wish my brothers would get with it and all move back to us.  

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-Friday morning coconut pancakes (mix from Trader Joe’s).  Whenever Brooke gets something on her hand when she is helping me in the kitchen she just stands there with her hand in the air until I come clean it.  

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-Berry/maroon anything but especially pants… three times already this week.  THESE ones are my favorite. 

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Kris’s blog post about her marathon this weekend!  I LOVE reading her blog and her decision to not not wear a watch during her marathon!  GOOD LUCK GIRL!! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!

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-This song and music video.  It’s been on repeat because I’m obsessed with the beat and I adore the dancing in the video.  

-Okay!  We are off to start being somewhat productive people today.  I hope your weekend is fabulous and we’ll talk soon!

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Have any Friday Favorites??

Do your siblings live close or are they spread out?

Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

What is on your agenda today?

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My brother lives in the same town as me and my two sisters live half way across the country. At least they live in the same city so when we visit we can see both of them!

Depends on my mood. I like dark chocolate but sometimes I just crave milk chocolate. And sometimes white chocolate! (which I recognize is basically just sugar)

Today is work, run, cleaning up a bit, and spending the evening with some friends! Should be a nice night!


Tell your sisters to come back soon.. you are right though it must be nice to get to see both when you visit their city! I am all about the white chocolate too… aka just give me chocolate. Enjoy your time with your friends tonight!


Dark chocolate – always!

I’m teaching geography, spanish and phys ed today – that is about it


Do you teach jr. high or high school? That is so so awesome! Teaching PE was my all0time favorite!


I teach high school – but my position is part time, so on days that I have the afternoon off, I can supply in the elementary schools. Today is all high school


That is seriously so awesome! I loved teaching high school… they keep you on your toes and laughing that is for sure ha!


Friday favorites: trip to Trader Joe’s after work today and then a RESTFUL Friday evening. :)

I actually don’t like chocolate at all…

My siblings live close, which I love. Hanging out with my sister is pretty much my favorite thing to do in life. HAPPY FRIDAY!!


I’m so jealous of your TJ’s trip… maybe we will just have to copy you and make the drive. AHHHH NO CHOCOLATE?!?!?! Have you always not liked it? That is awesome that all of your siblings live close… I get the sister thing!


You totally should if you are able to!! :) And I’ve just never really been a big chocolate fan. I LOVE sweets, but chocolate just isn’t one of them.


Let me know if you actually want to try to schedule a little something something post-Tucson marathon! I tried emailing but I suspect that’s not the best way to arrange these sorts of things.

Love those maroon pants. I have some skinny maroon cords from American Apparel and they are just the best.


HEY YOU!! Okay, sorry my inbox has exploded! I am thinking that Saturday meet-up might be a little bit better… where are you staying? My mom wants to go straight to my brother’s (two hours away) after the race but maybe I can talk her into something different.


That dinner looks on point! I need to put some BBQ chicken in the crockpot stat! Friday Favorite is that it’s Friday and that means the weekend is almost here in which I get to spend a lot of quality time with my blog and figuring all this crazy stuff out! :) My brother lives in our hometown, my sister lives 2.5 hours from there, and I live all over the country (UT, OR, VA, and now MN). Hoping to get back closer to home someday!


In my family, I’m the sibling that moved away. I live in Utah, but both my sisters are still up in Idaho.

I’m glad you’re feeling less nervous this time around. That’s my least favorite thing about competing. I hate the nerves, and I get them SO bad. High school track was terrible because I had to face the nerves every single week.


Yesss to dark chocolate! I just had a sea salt caramel dark chocolate bar and it was HEAVEN.



ooh just love that video!!!

I have one brother and he’s way out in Oregon (I’m in Florida) but soooo excited to go visit him next week for Thanksgiving :)

I think you’re going to enjoy this race, and by doing so, KILL IT. whether you get the sub-3 this go-around or not, you have put so much effort and passion into this training cycle, and you will cross the finish line knowing you worked for it.


My sister lived in California right before I graduated from college (I live in PA), and she just moved back a few months ago. This is the first time we’ve been in the same city since we were teenagers, so it’s weird having a friendship with someone I used to fight with and torture as a kid. It’s nice though :)

I decided to sign up for a marathon because you and all the other running bloggers out there inspire me so much. I swore of marathons after my first one, but I decided to bite the bullet and actually train for one and see how it goes! So I’m doing one the week before I get married..hopefully it’ll make the day come sooner :)


My siblings all love close except for one and he is really deeply missed. Milk chocolate is my favorite, but dark chocolate milky ways taste like hot chocolate and they are amazing. Today we are focusing on surviving with a four going on 16 year old. Oh, the drama just to get dressed this morning.


It is funny you say that about Brooke getting something on her hand and just standing there… my toddler does the same thing! he refuses to clean it himself if its on his hand!


After years away my youngest sister finally wised up and moved back to NYC from Miami. It is really nice to have the 3 of us sisters together again!

That dinner looks fantastic. I am the same way I get a good combo going and will eat it for days!


I keep waiting to find that pancake mix at my TJs but they never have it!


Milk Chocolate but will always choose a doughnut over chocolate. We have the best donut shops here in Vancouver, BC – Lucky’s is the most amazing doughnut ever – (i am a connoisseur)

My 1 sister lives near me (we had dinner together last night) but sadly my other siblings are 1700 miles away :(

Tonight – going to an Art Crawl & tomorrow is Christmas craft sale + Hunger Games! Sunday DOR (day of rest)


My sister is a 10 hour drive away from me at college :'( BUT she comes home today for Thanksgiving break and we get to spend a whole week together!!!


That’s so funny that Brooke loves that book, I did too as a kid! I remember thinking I was sneaky and that I had tricked my mom into thinking I knew how to read…but really I had just memorized the whole thing (we read it that much).

I’m so glad you’re feeling more relaxed for this marathon! You’re going to kill it. Also I really wish I had the self control to run without a watch. A few years ago I ran a marathon and covered my watch up the entire time until about the 20 mile mark and I hit my goal by a full 5 minutes! Running by feel really is the way to do it… I think we tend to get in our own heads too much with watches on :)


I have to say I am still a milk chocolate fan :) Though I do enjoy dark chocolate. Happy FRIDAY!!


Love the Oiselle shorts you have ready for the marathon! Love all of their running clothes, and glad to see more and more ladies out there supporting them!


Dark chocolate! Funny how the taste buds change over the years, used to be a milk chocolate fan now it tastes funny to me…I am an only child but my parents are 15 minutes away and my cousins are like my sisters :) Have a great weekend


Friday favorite: I’m at home instead of work! My daughter isn’t feeling well, so I volunteered to stay home with her and have a lazy Friday.

My siblings and I are spread out, and I don’t like it one bit! : (

Dark chocolate all the way!

Not sure what’s on the agenda for today since my daughter is under the weather. If she starts feeling better we’ll probably do some baking (TJ’s pumpkin bars) and run errands.


All 7 of my siblings (and 9.33 nieces and nephews) live within 4 hours drive of each other. We see each other quite often which makes me happy. Lots of runners in the family so there’s always someone up for a fun run.


That is amazing!!!! I’m jealous:) Hope you get in a good run with your siblings again asap!


Trust your training and find peace in that! I worked for 8 years and 13 marathons to run a sub 3:30 marathon and I finally did it with 8 mins to spare. But, I know you’ve got this!


I love what you said about finding peace in trusting my training. LOVE IT. Katie, HUGE congrats on crushing your sub 3:30 goal. You are amazing and you worked so hard!


Dark chocolate, the darker the better. (we have 85% and 90% in the house at the moment).

I’m working at the hospital while my husband gets his chemo. 2 weeks off and then we’ll be back. I’m undecided if today is a rest day or if I’ll go for a run later. I’m leaning towards a rest day. I’m just pooped today.


Definitely dark chocolate! Just made some dark chocolate caramel cups and they were amazing – I might be set for the weekend :) And I hear you on the pressure/nerves thing – I think I might finally be over it. It’s great to work toward goals, but when we just run for the love of it at the end of the day, it’s not worth it to stress out over arbitrary numbers!


I used to live 9 and 12 hours away from my twin sister and little sister–it sucked! Now I live 30 minutes from my twin sister and 2.5 hours from my little sister–much better, but still not close enough!!

Dark chocolate : )

Today we are going to our community arts center to see them light the decorated trees for their Christmas exhibit! Then we are traveling to my little sister’s for the weekend to help her move into her new house!

Your photos of your daughter helping in the kitchen remind me of my own daughter–she is six and love to help me cook and bake, so she’s always standing on a chair at the counter mixing something in an apron that is three times her size : )


Rudolph is one of my favorite christmas books/movies, that girl has good taste!!!


LOVE the Oiselle shorts – absolutely my favorite brand these days. My favorite shorts are the rogas and the stride (yours look like the distance shorts? – the track pants are also fab.


Well now you have me wanting to try out the stride and track pants… I love their products!


My sibs are in the Boston area- I am lucky! Thanks for sharing Kris’ blog- can’t wait to watch her run this weekend! Good luck with your taper run!! Almost marathon time!


I just posted today about what a difference it has made for me to not put on a ton of pressure on myself as I prepare for my marathon on Sunday. I think in past races I have been so nervous and couldn’t really enjoy the process. Now I am just excited for the experience and I know I put in the training, so no matter what happens on race day I know I have already achieved many of my goals.


YES YES YES Lisa… exactly!!! Good luck on Sunday… you’ve done the training and now it is time to celebrate all of your hard work!


Love Yourself is my favorite song on Beiber’s Purpose album! But I’ve since replaced it with Adele’s 25. Because, Adele. ;)


Love Yourself is the PRETTIEST FU I’ve ever heard in my life!


hahaha it really is!


Yes to dark chocolate, especially with sea salt! 70-85% is my favorite. My sister lives almost 2000 miles away from me so I only see her a few times a year.


My siblings live in different countries so yeah, I guess far is the right word :D
Definitely milk chocolate all day! I once accidentally bought dark chocolate and I think I cried (not daramatic at all).
I was going to do uni work today but I’m applying for jobs instead.. both as stressful I guess.
Have a nice weekend!


I’ve actually never really gotten into dark chocolate. My fiancee loves it, but I think I’ll always be a milk chocolate girl. I only have one sibling and he lives nearby, just a few towns over.


That shampoo is my favorite too!! I don’t hate any chocolate, but I would take milk over dark :) Have a great weekend!!


Daylight donuts are amazing! Krispy Kreme are still my fav though-I love seeing them making them and watching them go under the glaze on the conveyor belt………….I just want to put my head under there and eat the glaze! Ha!

My siblings live close but are mostly still in school (some college, some high school……….I am the oldest).

I prefer dark chocolate, but I like milk chocolate too! Just not white chocolate.


I just told my husband this morning that I must be cranky because I haven’t been doing a long run on the weekends which means I haven’t been carb loading. That can make a girl cranky, right? I have been running shorter to work on my speed but sounds like time to through in a long run and eat some donuts!


dark chocolate alllll the way. my fave sweet!


I get the same exact way with race day pressure! Sometimes its unbearable, but usually I’m able to get it in check and put things into perspective before the actual race! My running is not live and die and I’m just thankful to be able to do it as well!

I’m a dark chocolate fanatic and I live with my sister and her husband :) you could say we’re still pretty close!


No siblings here – just an only! I always wonder what life would be like if I had a brother or sister.

My preference for dark and milk chocolate changes from time to time. I go through stages. It’s all good in my book.


I’ve listened to that song at least 10 times today, I’m obsessed with it too!! Milk chocolate all the way, my dad works for a chocolate company and he’s always saying I’ll like dark chocolate when I’m older! My sister lives in America with my dad and stepmum and I live in England, so pretty far apart! Thank goodness for Facetime :)


I have that same Nike running top! Mines orange too! Yes, I’m abnormally excited about this ? anyways I scored mine for 50% off at my half marathon last weekend. I’m so happy your looking forward to your marathon and not nervous. You’ve trained so hard I know you’ve got this!!


My siblings live in Boston and Iowa. I’m in Pittsburgh and our parents live in Harrisburg pa. Womp womp.

Dark chocolate!


Friday favorite: yoga. It’s totally throwing me off that I’m actually enjoying yoga because I am usually not a fan.

I’m on the East coast and my brother (and the rest of my family) are on the West coast. I’m the odd one out.

Dark chocolate with sea salt. All day long.

Today I taught some preschool gymnastics classes, ran with my pooch and did some yoga.


Do you just us BBQ sauce in chicken or a recipe for it?


Those donuts look YUM!!!!

Lara Bar chocolate chip cookie dough is on my Friday favorites list!

I have one sister and she lives about 20 minutes away! :)

Dark chocolate!!

Happy weekend!!!


Friday is rest day for me. Work, clean house but no workouts.

My sisters and one brother and my Mom live 3 hours from me. My kids live 12 and 14 hours away (both are in the military). Three hours from my siblings is the closest I have ever lived to them, other times in my life I have been across the county and missed the birth of all most of their kids and they were not there for the birth of my two. I think that is the hardest, not having family close to share the joys.

Dark Chocolate any day of the week!

So glad your stomach is not giving you issues. I just learned I have Crohn’s this past summer and it was a blessing to know what was wrong (not in my head) and that meds could make it better.


Siblings are all over: 1 sister in SD, 2 sisters in So Cal, a brother in AK, and I am on PA.

Dark chocolate (it all started when I met this girl 30 years ago).

I hunted down a back massager today. I am going to try it on my hotspots this weekend.


Hi Janae! Why does bloglovin say that your blog is written by marit korineef? Any idea?


I have no idea!! It is so weird? Looking into it right now! THANKS for the heads up!


ran 10 miles with my new, favorite running buddy! it was cold here in ND, 19 degrees! cute socks!


Mmm, dark chocolate!

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