Maybe this is why I blog (5 years today!) AND running shoes GIVEAWAY!

Please note this was written at 4 a.m. so it might be especially random…

But first… my favorite picture of Brooke.


Sometimes I wonder why this blog has stuck for FIVE YEARS (3,134 posts) and why it gets the traffic it does.  I make as many grammatical errors as a 4th grader, my pictures are usually poorly lit and from my iPhone.  Most posts include so many random tangents that I get confused reading over them myself, I don’t know a thing about the technical side of it all and I eat the same 4 meals on rotation.  I make a lot of mistakes and a lot of times the same ones over and over again and yet you guys still stick around (THANK YOU).

I then wonder why the hardest stuff (along with a lot of great things too and the greatest thing ever= Brooke) for me didn’t come until I had a lot of people watching me on the blog—>  femoral stress fractures (those really hurt), overtraining and eating disorder side effects at the very beginning of my blog (osteopenia/ammenorhea and ps I haven’t had any relapses since then).   My divorce from a person I was deeply in love with at the time and thought I was going to be with forever, loneliness that my chest still hurts when thinking about how hard those days/nights were (and still sometimes are) and the many ups and downs of post-divorce dating.  The pain that comes along with your little baby/toddler/kiddo being away from you for the weekend or holidays.  Dropping out of a million races due to injuries/sickness/mental exhaustion, my sister’s divorce and my mom’s health (heart surgery and now a stroke).  Feeling so sick recently that I wore sweatpants way too many days in a row and some other things that I have dealt with privately while at the same time trying to keep a smile on my face.

And maybe a part of why I keep blogging (and why you stick around despite my lack of blogging skills) is because of the above reasons.  I am an extremely open human (I am that awkward person that shares their life story within 20 minutes of meeting a person) and maybe I just really like connecting with others about all of the ups and downs in life.  I have incredible blessings (my family—> I’m looking at you) and my life has NOT been any harder than yours (because EVERY human has trials and most have a lot bigger ones than mine) but maybe I love blogging about the good and the bad so that you and I can relate a bit over a computer screen.  Whether it be emails back and forth with girls struggling with the loss of their period from running too much and eating too little.  Or for people like a a non-runner that I bumped into the other day that told me she reads my blog just to see, as a newly single mom herself, that life can be beautiful as a single mom and that you can in fact make it through a messy divorce.

We might relate because you and I both know how a break-up wrenches our hearts.  Our connection might come through the two of us understanding how hungry marathon training makes us and how ice cream sometimes just solves all of the major problems in the world.  We might just ‘get’ each other because we both understand how much we miss running when we don’t get the chance to lace up our sneakers each morning.   Maybe we connect because we are both trying our hardest to hit a goal that we have had for many many years.  I know for a fact that a lot of us can all agree that the perfect day includes a long run, plenty of refueling and some Netflix watching from the couch.  Our ‘reasons for running’ might be pretty darn identical and that helps us both to realize we aren’t crazy.  I think you and I know the feeling of failure and the decision we have to make to either give up trying or to be resilient and come back from the set-back stronger than ever.

I hope that when you read this blog you feel a sense of community.  I think humans crave some form of community or group and that is most definitely what feeling I get from you guys and why I love blogging.  I think that is a part of why we all love running/races so much.  It allows us to feel like a part of something bigger, and something that is really great for our health takes it to the next level.

I really want you to know that we are all in this together and when the going gets tough, you’ve got some random girl in Utah cheering for you.  Maybe this is one of the reasons that I will blog for as long as I possibly can because I know that your comments/emails and support are always a huge source of strength for me in the good times and the bad.  Goodness gracious, those amazingly sweet comments/emails during the first few months after filing for divorce are what got me through some really dark days and your comments over the last few weeks—> wow.

So although this blog might seem like a showcase of froyo and running shoes I hope you know that I really want it to be a place where we can all relate somehow.  Whether it be over how amazing endorphins are, the joys of dessert, our addiction to races, the amazing feeling that comes after completing a tough track workout or how hard it is to keep going when you want to quit.  We all have ups and when we have downs, we keep looking forward and have hope that there are a lot of really great things in store for all of us in the future.  We just gotta keep pumping our arms when our legs get tired, count our blessings and take the hard things a mile at a time.

Here’s to another 5 years (well, I have no idea how long) of getting to know each other better, sharing the beautiful parts of life along with the hard stuff, growing, running and connecting.


And to celebrate five years of blogging I’m going to buy a pair of Brooks running shoes (whatever ones you want) to one lucky reader!

To enter:

1.  Leave a comment with whatever you would like to say.

2.  If you want more entries then share the giveaway on twitter or Facebook or email your mom about it or Instagram and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

Giveaway ends at the end of the week.

Thanks again for hanging out with me on the internet:)

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It is rare these days that I read one of your present days posts because I have been lightweight stalking you for the past 3 months. I don’t know why exactly but I went back to around 2011 in your archives and have been moving my way forward. I love the way you blog and it is an inspiration to me to just get out and connect with people on my blog. Not every post has to be perfect and that is what I love about yours, you sometimes just stop in to say ‘hey, I haven’t forgotten you guys’ and I love that.
I am almost to the present day, I think I am in October of 2014 so I’m getting there! Keep doing what you’re doing because it is amazing.


YES!!! 5 years!!!!! That is so amazing. I’m so happy that you continue to blog. Its often something constant in my life while everything around me is changing. I got divorced two years ago and have had several running injuries but its so nice to have this page as a constant.


Love your blog!! I have been reading it for the last 4 years! Your blog is so refreshing and funny to read!


I love this blog – I look forward to reading it at the end of my day or whenever I have a break to do something for myself. I love that you’re human, you eat weird things as much as I do, and you are true to yourself. You are in touch with your feelings and your body, and you aren’t afraid to listen (or admit that you should have listened earlier). Thanks for highlighting my day for the past few years! Keep it up.


You are a wonderful person and I love reading your random blog every day. You inspire me to be a better mom and friend and make it through a hard workout!


Never stop telling us about your froyo :)


I’ve read your blog as soon as I get home every day for a year now. This is the first time I’ve commented, but I wanted to say thank you. Your posts remind me what I love about running, and when I read them the old excitement from when I started running all comes back. I’ve battled through stress fractures for the past year, but this year I ran my entire senior cross country season without injury, and next year I head to Michigan State to hurdle for their track team. Thank you for keeping the joy of running alive for me through all of the ups and downs that come with it.


I’ve only been reading your blog for about a year, but I’ve found so much inspiration to just keep running!


Congrats on 5 years! I have been following for the last 3 and any time I don’t feel like going for a run or working out, I read your blog and it gives me the motivation to go!


Love this! We are all the same no matter our circumstance and all feel pain and heal and long for a sense of community. Thank you and keep on.


I love your honesty, humor, try, and reality. You remind me that we are all in this together, and I’ve felt your pain, laughed out loud, and smiled almost every day because I read your blog. Thank you for sharing yourself, it’s a beautiful one!


Congratulations on 5 years. I have been a daily loyal reader for the last 3. Thank you for introducing me to froyo, it’s been a life changer :)


Thanks for sharing! I’m new to reading but love your honesty and randomness :) Keep it up!


Janae- your blog has seriously been my favorite thing to read everyday for the past 3 years! I love how honest and sincere you are- it makes me feel like I know you so well and has helped me out in a lot of my own situations. Thanks for being so awesome. You’re a great mom, and you have such a bright future- I can’t wait to see what’s ahead for you! xx -Emily


I LOVE your blog and I have been reading it nearly everyday since August 2012. Thank you for writing! Your blog is definitely a bright part of my day and always uplifts me and encourages me to do and be better. Thank you for sharing your light! #runninglove


I have read you blog for probably the last two years (never commented, just been a lurker!), and have been rooting for your success and happiness! Your posts, however random, never fail to make me smile. You’ve had a tough few years, but you obviously have a wonderful family and a huge following of people who care about you (even if it is through the Internet!) Also, your daughter is absolutely precious and will definitely grow up knowing she is very loved, which (imho) is the most important thing you can give to a child! I hope you do continue blogging , because I have gotten so into the habit of checking your blog every afternoon :)


I love your blog! Happy 5 Years!!!


Congratulations on five years! Clearly a lot has changed in your life, but I love that your posts are still clearly you! Thanks for always motivating me to run and eat more sugar.


Your blog is my favorite! I know everyone’s saying that, but it’s all true. I love getting to know you – even though we don’t actually know each other – exactly because of the reasons you state above! You’re open and you’ve given yourself this platform to be.

And Brooke being the cutest definitely doesn’t hurt either :)


You get the traffic you do because you are a 100% genuine human being, and pretty hilarious at that.


This post was so sweet! I have loved following your blog these past few years and especially love those tangents! Thanks Janae :)


I love your blog because you make me laugh and not feel so bad about my sugar addiction and I think you would be such a fun friend!


I’ve only been reading your blog for around six months but I love it. It gave me the inspiration to get back to running (my last half was 9 years ago) and I finished a half this past Sunday with a new PR. So thank you!


Congrats on 5 years of blogging! Love your blog!

Great giveaway too! :)


Thank you so much for sharing your personal ups and downs. I too have struggled with eating disorders, over training, and at times depression. I used to remain quiet but now share my struggles with others and I love that you share also! If we can speak to even 1 person that will make a difference in this crazy world!! Keep fighting and keep running?


Thank you for being inspiring, open and honest!


I’ve been reading for over 3 years now and I hardly ever comment…but I just want to say that when you said “I really want you to know that we are all in this together and when the going gets tough, you’ve got some random girl in Utah cheering for you.” I literally started to tear up (I’m blaming PMS!). That comment really just melted my heart because I truly believe you :). And I want to say right back at you! There is a random girl in Maryland cheering for you too! You are an inspiration and deserve nothing but the best. xoxo


I probably won’t win the sneakers because I apply and never win these things but I do want to let you know that I love reading your blog. I read for inspiration with running and life in general ( ie: high conflict post divorce)..keep up the great work


You are amazing! Your strength is contagious.


I am training for my first ultra (the JFK 50 Miler) next month and it has been crazy! After dealing with a month + long injury, I am finally back to training and just simply want to finish…not even worried about a time goal.

With the mileage I am putting on, I have been going through shoes like there’s no tomorrow. A new pair wouldn’t hurt at all ;-)

Brooke is beautiful, by the way!


I shared on my Facebook page (Run Freckles Run)



Congrats on the five years! Brooke is adorable


You are one amazing runner, blogger, sister, daughter, friend, and most importantly mother. I have been reading your blog from the beginning (can’t believe it’s been 5 years!) and your passion for running has been so influential to me. Being a collegiate runner, it has been hard getting caught up in times, races, and constant comparisons. Your blog truly shows the happiness to it all and is a constant reminder to me of the reasons why I began to run.
Thanks for sharing your world with us.



A friend shared your blog. Looking forward to digging in!!


Yay to 5 years! I LOVE that picture of Brooke! I am currently preggo with our first little and cannot wait to find out what we are having! 2 more weeks!


Congrats on 5 years! Ive been reading for at least three of them. :)

I was definitely one of those girls who emailed you about running and losing my period (it’s back :)) and I just want to say thank you always being so open with us. Thank you for talking about real life while most other bloggers pretend everything is dandy 24/7.

Stay strong girl, everything works out eventually. Be thankful for all you have and stay in the present.


I stumbled upon your blog a long time ago while up late nursing my first baby boy! I have leaned on your blog a lot through tough training, just keeping me entertained, reviews on running gear and for advice on lots of random things! I completed my first half marathon on Sunday and your mantra “I am comfortable” truly got me through it! I am so so thankful for you, your blog and your openness!!! God bless you! :-)


Love your blog & great sense of humor. You’ve inspired me to try to run a little faster, eat a little healthier and laugh a lot more! Thanks! :-)


Congratulations on the five years! And brava for how gracefully you have handled life (publicly and, I have no doubt, privately) as a single mom. Well done.


I love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m old enough to be your mom, I’m not a runner, and some of my grandkids are older than Brooke. We don’t really have anything in common, and yet, your blog reaches out and touches me. That’s why I read.


Happy #5!

I think I have been reading your blog for most of those 5 years. I thoroughly enjoy it!


Love your blog Janae! When I found your blog I hadn’t really started running other than a few runs here and there. Several years later, I’m still reading…and now running! I think of you and some of the mantras you’ve shared on the blog when it gets tough out there. Thanks for being an inspiration!


Thank you for the giveaway!! I know you probably hear this a lot, but you inspire and motivate me with running! I don’t think I’ll ever be as fast as you lol but I’m motivated to fit more runs into my life. And I just signed up for a 10k :) AND your daughter is adorable!


I really enjoy reading your blog-I have been a fan for a few years now! I have tried many new things because of you :)


thanks for always been so open and honest! This post was so refreshing to read!! Happy 5 years :)


Yes! I’m a long-time reader and love how candid and refreshingly open and honest you are in your posts. To another 5 years!


5 years! You rock. Keep on going, thank you for being so honestly open and inspiring!


I just started reading your blog about a month ago and am hooked! I was so sad for you that you were not able to do your St. George marathon but loved how you handled the setback. I am training for my first half marathon next month so I need the daily motivation – especially for those long weekend runs! I’m curious about Brooks running shoes – would love to try them! I shared your blog with my friend who is doing a 10k this weekend! Thanks for doing the giveaway!


I have been reading your blog for 1 1/2 years now. Right around the same time I ran my first marathon in SLC. Ever since then I have been so inspired. You are amazing! I love all the things I’ve learned from you. Thank you thank you for writing!! I look forward to reading your blog each day. I’m always talking to my husband about the “running blog I read” and telling him the clothes I need to buy :) or what foods are good (thank you for the recommendation of sweet potatoes, bbq sauce and avocados…heaven)!! and your running journey. Thanks for being so inspiring to me and so many others!!


This is one of my favorite blogs! I think it’s a great mix of good running info, fun stuff and keeping it real! I’ve been recovering from a femoral stress fracture and your old posts have such good info and remind me to stay positive and that I WILL get back to running:) thank you for being such a positive person and sharing it on your blog with all of us!


Woohoo! Happy 5 years to a great blogger!


I love this blog! I’ve been running for about 5 months and your blog inspires me!


Thanks for being so transparent with your journey. That sub 3 is coming!


I don’t want to be entered for shoes! Just want to say hi! I commend you for blogging for as long as you have. I was involved in the blogging world quite a bit more a few years ago but for whatever reason I still like to check in on you and Brooke a few times a week! I am rooting for you guys!


Love your blog because you are so real. Perfect grammar and completely organized posts seem forced and fake. Keep doing what you’re doing because we all love it!


5 years is amazing, wishing you 5 more with even more amazing things to come in life!


Hi Janae, Happy 5 years! This post actually made me tear up. You’re such a relatable blogger. I truly feel like if I was ever having a crap day (be it about running or anything else) I could email you and you would respond with legitimate concern because you genuinely care about everyone you meet. That’s hard to come by in a blogger, or just a PERSON, period. Hope you enjoyed your bloggiversary!


Your blog makes my heart happy, because although I will NEVER run a sub-3 marathon (heck, I may not even make my lofty goal of running a sub-4), I can relate on a personal level to being thrown so many curve balls, but always seeing the positive and the good. So glad you’ve been here for 5 years and I hope you’ll be around for many, many more to come;)


Congrats on 5 years!


This made me want to cry. This is why I blog too – the connection and the community. I’ve always said, even if one other person feels a little better because they can relate to me, then it’s all worth it. I love you and keep on being you!


I just sent this to my mom and dad in hopes they’ll better understand why I’m so open about my life on my blog!


I shared on twitter!


I shared on Facebook!


I think that this is one of my most favorite blog posts that you have written! I love how real you are, no matter how messy or wonderful life is :-D Happy Blog-iversary! Here’s to 5 more amazing years!!!


This post is so true! I was thinking the same the other day. I asked myself why are you still reading Janae’s blog? You have no children, you are not American, you don’t run so much etc…. but at the end I think I am still reading your blog cause I feel like home. I feel like I have known you from ages!! Thank you Janae for share your life with us!


You’re keeping it real and that’s why I (and all those others) love your blog! Congrats on the first five years and here’s to the next five and many more miles to come. Let’s pray all our knees hold out!


This is a fantastic, genuine post. I am grateful for all that you have shared; I admire you and, during my own difficult times (running and personal), I often think, “WWHRGD?”!!


My current brooks cascadias are starting to get some holes in them. This would be so perfect for me right now! Also, that picture of Brooke is ADORABLE!


Been a long time reader…glad to keep up with you!


Shared on FB


Shared on Twitter (@anij34)


This post made me get a little emotion. I love your blog, Janae. It’s really the first one that I will read when I scroll my blog roll every day. I honestly love learning about people, especially if they are runners. That sounds a little creepy, but it isn’t. You are so personable, open and big hearted, which is very much like myself. When I read your posts, it feels like I’m listening to a close friend talk. I have a running blog, even though it’s still a baby in some respects, I hope that I could create a community for others to be apart of too. Keep on going! Happy Blogiversary!


I love that you share so much. Your training inspires me to try harder.

And let’s be honest: I’d love to try the new PureFlows. I was a die-hard Flow fan until the 3 and I haven’t tried them since.


You have achieved exactly this via your blog. I feel like I can relate to you so much and you are the one who inspired me to start blogging about my running journey! Thanks to you I have made some amazing running friends, so thank you Janae!


I can’t remember how I came across your blog but I’m sure glad that I did! What keeps me coming back for more is your style of writing seems so real and relatable and you’re such an inspiration. Both as a mom and a runner. Keep up the good work with both, you’re doing a great job! And I think we all can agree, parenting is the toughest job out there, especially to those single mamas!


Congrats on 5 years! Have been reading your blog a little over 4 years!!!


I have read your blog almost everyday for several years now. It is such a source of inspiration to see you overcome trials in your life and maintain such a positive outlook. I am also in awe of your amazing running talent and have loved to follow your running progression over time. Hope you keep blogging for many years to come!


I started reading your blog about 2 years ago. I’m a new mom to a precious little girl that was born in April. I had come across your blog in the past b/c I’m a runner too, but didn’t become truly invested until I was pregnant. I wanted to read through your advice as a pregnant runner, and then as a new mom too. You are such a phenomenal mother to Brooke and I love seeing pictures of her. She is beautiful! I look forward to sharing my passion for running and working out with my little one in the near future.




Your blog is truely great and I look forward to reading it daily : )
I have been in the process of looking for a new pair of shoes and I love Brooks!


You are amazing and I love your blog.


I loved reading this post. What a beautiful summary of why you blog.


I love reading your blog and appreciate you putting it all out there! Here’s to another 5 years :)


I started reading your blog only about 3 to 4 months ago but I did go back and read ALL of your previous posts in chronological order. They are so cheerful and endearing, but what I think made me continually click “next post” was knowing that you were going through some very rough times during those posts, personally and with running, and you still chose to be happy (as much as you could). I’m trying to become a faster and stronger runner, and the process is hard in really surprising ways. One day I will own a work out I was dreading, and the next week finishing half of that distance will feel impossible. Seeing someone who has completed some of my goals be so honest about how hard it is, about how difficult being an adult sometimes is, has been one of the reasons that I have not given up on myself.
Thank you.
(and I love Brooks shoes too!)


I mean–wow! What a great post! I read bc I simply adore your blog…no matter the topic of the day. Like many, I don’t remember how (or when) I first came across your blog, but man, that was a great day. Now, I save your blog to read last (I read a few other blogs), bc yours is simply my favorite. Save the best for last, right? On the days I’m too busy or too tired from work and can’t read that day (I work 12-hour shifts and run everyday–so sometimes I have to miss a post), I literally feel like I have separation anxiety until I can catch back up. I hope you have 5+ many more years of blogging in you, bc your blog makes me smile! It’s my special treat.


Thank you!



I love love love coming here to read about your fun runs, eats and adventures! please keep blogging forever!


thank you for that post, Janae. I know you always say it, but that last paragraph gave me a new perspective on something I’ve been dealing with in my own life, and I’m going to use “keep pumping our arms when our legs get tired” as a new mantra to help get me through it.

here’s to many more posts, laughs, and connections!


I love how real you are. You are open about your problems and stresses and that’s what makes you so easy to relate to and fun to read. Also, your positivity. It’s easy to get down when things are tough. While you’re honest about your feelings, you never stay there. You ALWAYS come back and never give up. That’s what draws me to your writing. Sometimes I will start to give up and I’ll head to your blog and there’s your smiling face encouraging me to keep going.


Hi Janae!
I started running at the age of 44 and found your blog soon after. I love running and I love your blog – you are incredibly inspirational! I appreciate that so much. I am so impressed by all of your accomplishments. I’m a kindergarten teacher and love to read about all of the cool things that you and Brooke do together. Your food pics are my favorite. Thank you for all of your posts – you ROCK!!


I found your blog soon after I got back into running. It has inspired me to try new things (Marine Corps Marathon this weekend–eeps!) and I just adore your posts about Brooke. I like how open and approachable you are and think you are truly inspirational-so glad I found you!


I generally don’t run really more than 3-4 miles at a time, so your training motivates me. :)


We are all here because of everything wonderful that you are and share with us. Thank you for sharing your day to day, your ups and downs and all the yummy fro-yo and treats along the way. Plus the most important, your adorable daughter. I always look forward to catching up on your blog. It’s real, honest and a lot of fun! Cheers to five years!


I love reading your blog because of how genuine you are. You have a great perspective on life and always seem to make the best of any situation. Plus, you have great taste in shoes and who doesn’t love that?! Thanks for being so awesome!!


I love this post!

I was reading your blog prior to becoming a runner. Your blog is genuine, heartfelt and funny – kinda what most people look for in a friend. I think that is why it is so popular! You have responded to a few of my comments too, which tells me you truly do care. Your blog is an act of service, as well as a job – what a blessing!

I would love a new pair of shoes!! I wear the brooks glycerin 13s and love them! I just ran in them for my first marathon :)


I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now (since living in India and now back in Malaysia!) And its so inspiring to see how put together you are despite the hardships you have faced. Your dedication to running is admirable and I can only wish I’m half as fast as you are


Thank you for writing! It’s inspiring to read about someone who faced amenorrhea and came out the mother of a beautiful little girl! Brooke is beyond lucky to have you as an example. <3

I love to hear that you're corresponding with and supporting women struggling with amenorrhea. I read several blogs of writers who have gone through it and it never occurred to me to contact you!


I’ve been reading your blog for years-I could always relate because I was a runner, but now even more so as a new mom with a femoral stress fracture!


Wow! 5 years — that deserves a BIG congrats! Thanks for the giveaway, too. I’d love to win these shoes.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net


I tweeted
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net


Congratulations on 5 years of blogging :)


You’re so popular because you are adorable and real!


I love reading your blog for multiple reasons:

1.) You work HARD, girl!! It shows that goals are achievable (let’s just sweep set-backs under the rug for right now :) ) but ya gotta work for them.
2.) Piggy-backing off the hard work, your determination is astounding -it helps motivate me.
3.) Your positive attitude is infectious! I know you don’t share everything, but you’ve definitely been going through some hard times and to see you continue to work on your goals AND remain positive…it’s something I work on, and once again, you inspire me to do so!
4.) Not gonna lie: love your outfits (running and non-running alike) and you post awesome recipes (even if they are just a few simple ingredients; I am also a creature of habit, so I can relate to you there!)

There are many, many more and I know I’m late to the party in terms of when this was posted, but happy blog anniversary! I hope you continue to blog for a longgggg time, and running for even longer :)



Happy blog anniversary! So awesome to keep on writing through everything, I loved your blog when I was first getting into running and wanted to take it more seriously….after I gave birth, it got pushed to the back burner but I am back trying to make it work, thanks for the inspiration!


You really are awesome! I think we all wish we could be your real life friend. Reading your pregnancy posts when I was pregnant with my son 2 1/2 years ago was a huge confidence boost in knowing I could keep running and be strong throughout my pregnancy. Now pregnant again, I find myself thinking of those posts when I question running while pregnant. Love your blog! Thanks for being an example of good to all your readers!


So glad I found your blog two years ago. You are such a motivation. :)


I absolutely adore your blog. It’s by far one of my favorite ones to read. I think it’s because you seem so much like the rest of us. Your addiction to Swedish fish and donuts is all too familiar.

Thank you so much for writing it all. I truly enjoy it. :)

PS: I shared it with my online running team and my coworkers. Thanks!


Congratulations on 5 years and many many more! I’ve been reading your blog for two years when I started running and look forward to reading it every day. I even went back to read all your older entries! Thank you for sharing your life with so many people, the good, the bad and the ugly. You definitely prove that hard work and dedication to running does pay off.


Congrats on 5 years! Just imagine where you’ll be in another 5 years (with a sub-3 in your pocket!)

I only wear Brooks Adrenaline (currently have three pairs in rotation to get ready for race day in 17 days) so would love to win!


Tweeted about the giveaway @fitfunmomdotcom!


Thank you for blog! I follow you for your running advice, your support of other runners, and your general love of life – your adorable daughter and love of family are additional bonuses! Best wishes in your recovery toward under 3:00!


Love your honesty and your personality. Your blog is the best thing to read first thing every morning!


I love your blog. <3


Your posts are fun to read and since so many people comment, the comments are fun to read, too. Thanks for blogging!


As everyone else has said, I love reading your blog posts. I’ve been a reader for a little over 2 years now. Your blog provides me with inspiration, motivation, running tips, and humor. I learn so much from your blog, whether it’s a workout, a cute running outfit, a parenting idea, or yummy treat. I love how you can be a runner and still allow yourself a treat, which include my favorites, Diet Coke and froyo. I just wish I lived closer so I could be one of your running buddies. Plus, I think my little guy has a slight crush on the Brookers. Keep on blogging!!


Hi Janae! This is my first comment here. Your blog was the first running blog I ever found (a few years ago) and it inspired me to get into racing. At the time I only ran to keep fit and had no desire to push myself. It’s not until I read about your training/racing adventures that I decided to take my running further. Since then I’ve done two half-marathons and I am now training for my first marathon (in January)! I love running more than ever today and it’s thank to you!

You may wonder why your blog gets the traffic it does, but I don’t. Your sense of humor is what people love about your writing, I think. It’s fun to read. I will also admit, I went back and read your old entries!

Brooke is so beautiful. Is it just me, or she looks a whole lot like your niece? Anyway, here’s to 5 more years of bloggin’/reading’!


Your blog is fun and and you are not afraid to put yourself out there; that is why I read your blog.


Janae, you are the sweetest. You are right on. The reasons above are exactly why I’ve been following your life adventures for the last 5 years. Who knew that looking over the shoulder of some girl in a 700 person lecture hall would lead me to you? I clearly picked the right seat that day :). You have a beautiful family and a beautiful heart. Keep smiling girl (and writing for the next 5 years!) :)


p.s. not only did I email my mama, I also emailed my sisters and cousins! Girl power right there :)


i for one appreciate the monotony (for lack of a better word) on the blog. I’m going through a really really rough breakup myself right now and you’re giving me hope that life can still be “normal” afterwards. I really need to know that things can keep on keepin on. You’re an inspiring runner as well, but the everyday life of what is speaking to me currently. Thank you, janae!




I love your blog. When I first discovered it I couldn’t stop reading (a couple years worth of blog history) I went through it so quickly. I love your outlook on life, it is so refreshing! That is why I will continue to read for as long as you write.


The reality is that nobody wants to read a blog about someone portraying their everyday life, marriage, and parenting adventures as perfect because the reality is nobody is. You are relatable and real and that’s why your blog gets so many visits. Thank you for being you. That is all.


Your blog is great, Janae. I read it every morning with a hot cup of coffee. I pray that your walk with God becomes more intimate every day, that you find peace in knowing Him and that you bless others with your kind heart and beautiful smile.
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31


You are such an inspiration! I stumbled on your blog when training for my 4th marathon that I had to drop out of because of a torn ACL. Since then, I’ve had three surgeries and have really struggled to get back into running. I am running the Haunted Half (most miles run in a year) and I just signed up for the San Diego marathon. Fingers crossed I can make it to this one! Keep up the inspirational posts. You’re great :)


You are an inspiration, Janae! Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!


Keep doing you! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now, and always find such inspiration with how you handle tough situations using the relationships God placed in your life!


Janae, I love reading your story. Keep sharing!


I tweeted!


I’m not entering the contest, because I already have running shoes. :) I just wanted to say that I have been a (mostly silent) reader for over 4 years and I love reading this blog. I come for running inspiration, recipes, new products, clothing ideas, and like you said, to feel like I have another friend when I need one (med school and/or bad break ups can be hard to handle when your family and closest friends aren’t near). So keep it up :) and maybe some day we’ll get to meet!


I am a silent reader and had been for the past few years! I am thankful you write this blog. I read because you are an inspiration to me (in running, food, life) I ran and finished my first full marathon 1 week ago. Training was super hard (full time job, 2 young children, husband and a broken treadmill) I just wanted to say thank you!!


I love the planned randomness. So much of my life is planned to the minute, so this is a breath of fresh air to me. Just stay healthy because injuries are no fun.


I stumbled on your blog when I was pregnant with my third and determined that I was going to run through my pregnancy. You were pregnant too and I felt like I had a buddy. Thank you for your authenticity, training tips, and the pictures of froyo. :)


I always love sneaking in a few minutes to read your blog! Only wish we could meet in person!


Happy 5 years! I’ve followed along for years and have admired your strength through your divorce and persistence in training. As a new mom, I’ve loved reading about Brooke too!


I love your blog because you’re so real and easy to relate to! You talk about eating healthy, eating junk food, your little nugget Brooke, and all the curve balls life tosses at you along the way. Cheers to you!


Been reading your blog for about 4 of the 5 years (of course I’ve gone back and read the older posts) and have always enjoyed your honesty. You seem like a sweet person as evidenced by this particular post.


Wow, 5 years! Thanks for being so open and using that to help and inspire others!


Congrats on 5 years!


We go way back. I was randomly blogging at the time. Need to start back. I came across your blog looking for tips on running. I found that and so much more. I found a friend. A real person. You make me laugh, smile, inspire me and cry at times. It is difficult to watch you go through the struggles. You are a special person. Love you!


Been following you for a while, love the info. you put out!


Happy Anniversary!

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