Marathon training—> you learn to work with things and to be resilient.

(I think I fixed the Feedly/RSS feed/Bloglovin problem with my blog… will somebody let me know in the comments if it did or didn’t work today?)  

Well, the last long run of this training cycle was done early yesterday morning.  I wore lots of pink for the occasion.

A little disappointed with how my final long run went.  My stomach has been really off for the last couple of weeks and we are trying to figure out what is going on but it isn’t pleasant.  The workout called for 4 x 7:30 miles and 6 x 6:30 miles.  After the first of the 6 @ 6:30 my stomach said no more.  My speedy friend (he ran a 3:01 at St. George last year) was fine slowing down for the rest of the run with me and we ended with 10 @ 7:08 average pace.  This is the thing about marathon training and racing… things always pop up at some point along the way so you just have to learn to work with it and be resilient.   Things happen.  

I’ve yet to ever have a perfect marathon training cycle nor do I know anybody that has had one so you just have to go with it.  

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The sunrise was quite perfect if you ask me.

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Back in time to get the Brookers up and snuggle at the kitchen table…. just a normal Saturday morning occurrence for us.  

It is always weird after a marathon because I take a break from Saturday long runs for a bit.

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Our favorite (and only) September tradition!  Third year in a row——>  raspberry picking (we went and did it in Payson).  

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Debating whether or not she should eat this one or put it in the bag.  

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It sure takes a lot longer to pick them compared to how long it takes us to eat them.  

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Nature’s candy.  

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And like many nights lately—>  a lot of couch time at Megan’s house and some Sobe Lifewater.  

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And I am eating this beautiful Einstein bagel with almond butter and jam while chatting with you.  I hope your Sunday is fabulous!

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How did your weekend run(s) go??  Details please!!

Favorite type of bagel?

Three things you are doing today?

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I had a strong 20 miler, but felt strangely bad after the run. Weird.
Fave bagel: blueberry or cinnamon raisi
Three things: 7 mile run, hike with the hubs, and church


I had a great 18 miles yesterday in perfect weather so can’t complain on that front! Very sorry about the tummy troubles – I’ve been there and it’s really frustrating and just plain sucks! Three things today are apple picking, candy apple making, and hanging with grandparents :)


So jealous of your raspberry picking! Three things today -> one hour swimming laps, grocery shopping and meal prepping. My Mom just got into town so I’m sure we’ll be hanging out a lot today too.


My long run went well but usually at least one or two runs during my taper don’t go well. I think it is just to give me a mental challenge. You will do awesome at St.George next week! You’ve done all the work, you’re going to rock it!

Today my plans are church and relaxing with the family!


This post (and several older ones) just came through on my Feedly.


Same here!


Same here, looks like it’s fixed


Same here! Got Tuesday-Saturday overnight and this post came through just now! Glad to see you back in my feed reader…


yay Feedly is getting your posts again :-)

I ran 15K yesterday. Felt good! Perfect fall day so running felt amazing.

I’m cleaning….cleaning and more cleaning today


Run went well… 11 miles. Just a few weeks til the Nike Women’s Half! Upgraded to a new phone, though, and the Nike+ data from my run was lost. Nooooo.

Love your boots near the bottom photo!! Where’d you get them?

Happy Sunday!


Ooh other Jess that is a huge fear of mine if I switch phones! I would rather stay with my older phone than risk it.


I just ran my first marathon ever! I got 4 minutes under my goal time, too, so I am excited!


I swapped running for a spin class yesterday, just what I needed.

I don’t know if you have “Cosi” in Utah but they make a cinnamon sugar bagel with a crunchy topping that is SO yummy.

Have a great Sunday!!


Bloglovin’ is working as well!


Its working on bloglovin. My me smile when I woke up and check my feed and your post was first. It really makes my day reading your blog :) Thanks for fixing it so quickly.

Utah is so beautiful. The mountains in the background when you’re raspberry picking is unbelievable. The orchards are one of my “happy places” and living in CT, I have never had quite that view when I am picking fruit. My little brother lived in Utah for many many years. (He went to a therapeutic school and then to University of Utah and I visited twice in all of the years he was there and fell MADLY in love with the beauty of your state!)


Today is the second part of a slumber party we’re hosting so my 3 things are:
Supervise little girls.
Meal prep.
Get some exercise. I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night (see above) so I’m not sure if it’ll be a run day or a lift day.


17 miles yesterday that went pretty well. 6 weeks until my marathon! I am going to be buying raspberry bushes for my new house. I can’t wait to pick from them! 3 things today, coffee, hanging with my mom, and decorating our house for fall!


Ahhh! I was wondering what was up and why you hadn’t been posting (and I was actually getting worried about you!). Now I can catch up on my HRG posts from the last few days on Feedly :)

I’m prepping for a birthday 10 miler this morning! Then photo editing (wedding season!) and probably a nap.


Nature’s candy for sure – YUM!!


I had 24 miles scheduled but was only able to get in 12 miles. Ya know, life gets in the way. ;)

Three things today:
Visit the Buddhist Temple in town
Finish my long run at the gym and get in a good workout.


I thought I was missing your posts! It showed up in Bloglovin today. I hope the stomach problems get better. My favorite bagel is Cinnamon Crunch from Panera. Mmm, I wish I had one right now, but I think we’re running up to Einstein’s up the road actually for breakfast!


Yes! I can see your posts again via bloglovin. :) I think I love cinnamon raisin bagels the best, especially from H&H bagels in the city. So giant! My long run yesterday was awesome, hoping for the same type of run and the same great weather for next weekend’s half.


My stomach has been off this past week-so weird. At least I’m not training for a marathon! How does Brooke look so grown up all of a sudden?


I love whole wheat bagels with peanut butter. I had to skip my long run this weekend because my leg is on the fritz. Today I am baking, cleaning, and watching TV. I love those boots you got Brooke from Old Navy, they are adorable.


Hey oh. I had an Einstein bagel last night at 11pm. Creepy. Only I didn’t run 10miles that morning;) Crappy ot not, you got it done. The work is done, the race is almost here and I am so excited to watch you hit your goal


I love blueberry bagels and everything bagels
I am running with my Oiselle ladies on the lakefront this morning, relaxing and cooking a new recipe for dinner- sweet potato enchiladas!
Have a great Sunday!!


I had 18 miles yesterday that went ok, but I woke up so sore today! About to go out and do a shake out slow run.

I feel you about loving pb&j on bagels! I also feel lost when my Saturday long runs go away…I try to do long runs even when I’m not training just to keep a base:)


I have a short (4 mile) pace run on the schedule for today, and I got in a solid 12 miles yesterday – I swapped days because of the boyfriend’s weekend plans, we’ll see if long run before pace run was a bad plan…

I love everything bagels and blueberry bagels, depending on if I want sweet or salty!

Today I am drinking coffee, running and probably doing laundry.


I decided last minute to do a 5k Friday night that was in my town…this was also the night before my longest (22 miles) training run for my fall marathon. Maybe that was not the smartest idea..but it was still fun. The end of my long run yesterday was crazy hard and my legs were so mad at me! Today and relaxing and church for me.
I LOVE just plain bagels toasted with butter.


Love reading your blog every day. *Still thinking about your mom. Hope she is continuing to heal. These long runs everyone talks about inspire me so much. I ran a 1/2 this Spring (slowly). I did it thanks to your blog! Haven’t run that far since, but I will!
Favorite Things Today:
1: Pumpkin butter on a bagel
2. Quick 3 miles
3. Hot tub and a Super Moon


The Blogloving feed works!
I run 6 miles yesterday, and for the first time ever I run under 60 minutes!!! I have a 10k next Sunday and I really felt good about it yesterday.
Today: reading, farmers market and happy hour with a colleague.


1. Enjoying my coffee while the rain still comes down!
2. Going shopping with my running BF for some fall clothes :)
3. Grading papers (hmm, last on the list…)

16 miles yesterday – pace was strong and felt good for the first 12-13, wavered for a couple of miles when my hamstring felt tight and crampy, but my mentor came back for me and we finished strong with our fastest paced mile at the end! Looks like a fun weekend for you – never been raspberry picking but man, I am jealous of that bag!! :)


Yesterday’s run was much harder than I wanted it to be. But sometimes that happens.

Today we are driving home right after family dinner. It’s a long drive but it will be good to be home.


Love those boots! What are they? Great job on finishing your final long run!
I rode 64 miles yesterday, so today’s six Mike’s will hurt. I think I’ll jump on my treadmill instead of going outside to make it a bit easier.

I love an everything bagel with plain cream cheese or (I’m gross), a salt bagel with chive cream cheese! I usualy only get salt before or after a long run/ride. need to make sure I’m not depleted of sodium! :)


Woohoo! You’re showing up on my bloglovin feed now! Have a fabulous Sunday!!


Tackled 16 miles yesterday morning – Last extra long run of the season! Will probably try to get in 10 next Saturday and then the full on taper begins.

Favorite bagel … Good old plain (cause I usually eat my bagels with peanut butter) OR the cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera which is the BOMB.

Three things today: A few laps in the pool to loosen up the joints, baking cookies, and a pacer appreciation party with my running club!

Have a good Sunday!!


My long run felt like torture. My legs felt dead, my body ached and I kept looking to see hoe many more miles. I got it done and saw I did my fastest long run since the injury. Crazy, guess I just wanted it to be over!

Mowing lawn, pedicure and making Chicken Escarole Soup.


Yay! You are back on my Bloglovin’! I did 18 miles yesterday in the rain…actually turned out to be a fantastic run!!


Bloglovin fixed! My weekend run/race went great and that sunrise looks beautiful! Today I’m drinking coffee, watching football, and watching football.


Sorry about your tummy! I eat oatmeal (with some chocolate chips) when I have those issues. We were in Chicago a couple weeks ago and my stomach was so upset when I got home. At first I thought it was allergy drip into my stomach but then I got to thinking it might be my water bottle, which I took along to Chicago with me. It got an immediate cleaning. I never did figure it out but I am glad it is gone now. Worry plays a big role with the tummy and you have had lots to worry about with your mom etc. Hope she is better and they get to the bottom of the stroke issue.

In the past when I ate gluten, I loved the everything bagel egg sandwich from Einsteins. Today, church – check, run, and haircut.


Didn’t have a run this weekend unfortunately (I’m 6 months pregnant and have been having pains ‘down there’) boooo.

Favorite Bagel is definitely a blueberry but made into a French toast bagel (too die for!).

Three things for today: snuggling with my little one, waiting for my husband to get home from getting an elk last night, an evening walk with the hubby. ☺️


Just a short shakeout run on Saturday before my race this morning. I keep filling improperly and my stomach bothers me during races. This race annoyed me though because I was 9 seconds off of my goal time of 19:xx for the 5k with a time of 20:08! Oh well, you live and learn. I still beat my old PR of 20:42, so at least that’s a plus.

My favourite bagel–well I haven’t tried a lot of them but I do love the Everything bagels, especially toasted with cream cheese. Yum!

Three things I’m doing today is rest, eat, and eat.?


No running for me this weekend. Still on crutches for my femoral stress fracture (less than two weeks left!!!!) I’m just living vicariously through your runs at the moment :)
Favorite bagel – cinnamon raisin
3 things today – driving to Virginia, spending the night in a dorm, meeting a possible future college cross country team!!!


Yes, my feedly has your posts now! I was missing your posts, glad you fixed it :)


Yay – Feedly blew up with your posts! My stomach has been bothering me lately too. I am trying to figure out why as well. Starting by eliminating dairy and artificial sweeteners (so no diet soda for me for a while, wah wah). Also added a probiotic supplement to my routine. If my stomach issues go away, I’ll try to add back dairy and see what happens. Same with sweeteners. It’s so annoying. Sorry you’re dealing with stuff too!


Loads of relaxing today! But on the real agenda? Washing towels/blankets (I can just feel my cold germs on everything), blogging (!!) and hopefully tidying up the apartment.


My last run was rough – makes me wonder how I ever run longer distances, but as runners that’s what we get – ups and downs. I’m sure you will be perfectly ready on race day next weekend!! :)

I like everything bagels with regular cream cheese, but yours looks delicioussss.

Three things today…
1. Making a smoothie
2. Lounging around
3. Spending time outdoors before summer weather is totally gone!


Ran my weekend run today— was aiming for 5 miles, but felt so sluggish towards the end I had to stop and walk— so I made it 4.7 miles. Still an accomplishment though! (Will the Florida mugginess pleeeease go away and bring in some cooler nicer air?!)

1. running (check!) 2. CLEANING 3. grocery shopping and meal preppin!

I don’t believe I’ve ever done any sort of fruit picking– what is wrong with me?! Need to get on that… love me some fresh fruit :) Have a happy Sunday Janae!


Bad runs are inevitable. We just need to learn from them and move on. The body is not a machine, and slight differences that happen hourly can affect performance. This one crummy run won’t harm your marathon — I guarantee it! :)
My running has been awesome because of the fantastic September weather we’ve been having. I did a hilly eight miler the other day that was pure bliss.
My favorite type of bagel is salt because they taste like a soft pretzel… with gobs of cream cheese!
Today, I am 1. Sleeping because I worked a 12 hr shift last night. 2. Making apple pie with the hubs with apples we picked last weekend 3. Eating apple pie. :)


Yay your blog is finally fixed! I am on blog loving and your posts wouldn’t come up! I have had a bad two weeks of marathon training. My marathon is nov 7. I have been so frustrated with a sore quad and knotted calf! I am trying to stay positive just like you. I am praying for a better week this week. Enjoy your last week of taper!


I ran a half last weekend, so my “long run” was only 8 yesterday! BIG NEWS IS… my son got ENGAGED last night to the best young woman in the world! They are both big runners and coaches, so they are destined for many miles of happiness. xo Good luck in your marathon, Janae! You’ve worked so hard, it will pay off!


Love the boots!!!! Details?


Was supposed to do 20 today but only mustered 18+. Of course the first and last 2.5 were to and from the house. The middle 13.1 was the local half marathon.

Took things slow out the gate for a change and then really kicked in for the second half of the half. 2:07:55 handily beat my 2:10 goal. Wife and kids were able to see me at 11.5 so that was awesome. The route goes right past our suburban subdivision. It band is sore and in need of rolling.

Onion bagels. Just ate one. I’ve got about 3700 calories to catch up on today.


Did my last 20 today. The first 10 at easy-ish pace and final 10 MP–>HMP. I have really bad stomach problems too – have you found any solutions?


Didn’t really have a big run this weekend. Last weekend was my first 5K ever (I did a Dirty Girl a month ago, but that’s a different fish). Because I had jammed my knee the weekend before *that*, my first official 5K wound up being mostly walking with spurts of running because I wanted to actually finish the thing but not permanently wonk out my knee. And, I did finish and I’m proud of that. This week has been letting the knee rest.

Plain mostly, with the occasional toasted Cinammon Raisin. But, a good garlic bagel once in a while is to die for.

Laundry, building a table, unpacking boxes (heck, we’ve only lived her 2 and a hlf years…what’s the hurry.


You are back on Bloglovin’! Three more weeks until I can run again – can’t wait! This morning I met up with a friend for coffee and it was my first time away from my little boy since he was born.

Three things today – football, walk around the neighborhood with the family, cleaning


12 mile yesterday with lots of pineapple mist (Hawaiian rain.) One GIANT hill with over 1700′ climbing and 1700′ descending!

Easy recovery run in more rain this morning. Now I’m waiting for my husband to finish the Honolulu Century bike ride, then going to dinner with friends.

I’ve had one long run cut short during every marathon training cycle due to stomach issues. It never fails! I’ve figured out some things (too much meat the night before, sugar alcohols like Xylitol) but it still happens at least once. I think my legs and stomach have a little conspiracy going ;)


I really needed to go for a run this morning but I didn’t get home until really late from a Bachelorette party last night. My feet were tired from just dancing the night away! Does that count? :)


I tackled my 6th marathon today – Berlin! :) however, I can associate with you having to learn to roll with the punches. I actually “gave up” or cut my longest run (20 miler) short to 14 because it was 103 degrees and 50% humidity. I beat myself up about it for a while – trust me, I’m hard on myself. But alas, I still made it through the marathon (just like I knew I would!).

Enjoy your bagel. Can’t wait to get one once I’m back in the US :)


I love blueberry bagels………specifically from Panera…….theirs are the best!!

I had an easy 5 miler yesterday, and I plan for 5 or 6 today, but the Iron Man race is going on and most of my riverwalk area is blocked off for the competitors………don’t get me wrong, Iron Man is a tough event and those folks are rock stars, but roads have been closed and blocked all over our downtown area since Thursday………sorta ready for it to be over. Going to have to navigate differently for those miles today. Hopefully all the competitors make it thru, the last finisher is usually around 11 or midnight.


I ha my last long run before St. George! 14 for me with 4 at MP. Great run! Good luck on your race!

Followed by Bruegger’s Bagel- cinnamon raisin toasted with butter. Though the cranberry bagels at Einsteins are heaven.


Hello! Today my workout was my first ever ‘long ‘ run. I completed 7.46 miles @ 10:18min/mi average pace! A new record for me, in terms of distance. Next Sunday, I am going for 8.5 miles, so we’ll see how that goes. Beautiful scenery… for Reno, anyway ;).
My favourite bagel would have to be Everything Bagel, as my most favourite meal is Lox and Bagel with cream cheese, which I had for lunch. Aside from the gourmet places, such as Einstein’s, I have yet to find a good one. I had to make do with one half of a Thomas’ Everything bagel, which was okay, but Einsteins’ would have been better.

Three things I am doing is game playing, running and Uni. Homework. Have a good rest of your Sunday!


I love sesame or whole wheat bagels–they’re pretty yummy. Today the hubby and I hike about 5.5 miles on the Appalachian Trail. It was a very nice day for it.


I’m doing St. George too! I ran 10 on Saturday, 8 by myself and the last 2 with my bob stroller with my baby! I always get a little nervous about what to eat before marathon day! Good luck!


I am a huge Everything Bagel fan!!
3 things: Church, 5 mile run, beach with fam
Good weekend of fun time with family and friends. Went to a beautiful baby shower for a sweet friend. Enjoy the rest of Sunday!!


I did one last long run of 23 miles yesterday, and it went awesome! I ran the first 10 easy, the second 10 at a goal marathon pace of 6:24 and the last 3 easy. It was a major confidence builder to pull that out at the end of a super high mileage week :) hope you feel better!


I rocked my 10k today! I surprisingly PRed by 5 minutes and I won my first age group! Yes it was a tiny race but whatever right??


How did your weekend run(s) go??: It was my first marathon! woo woo! Okay, I knew it was going to be a bad run because when we got to the start and I was already hot (had my sweatshirt and pants on, and it felt like 50-60 when they came off just before the run), so instead of getting close to 5 hours I was closer to 6 hours. :S It was between 80-90 (though it seriously felt like it was above 100) when I finished the race.

Favorite type of bagel?: I really like the asiago cheese bagels.

Three things you are doing today?: Church, Drove home from Huntsville, and am watching my 2 favorite shows tonight: Doctor Who, and Once Upon a Time..


No run for me this weekend. I was supposed to run 15 for my training but still taking a couple more days off. Hoping to run again on Tuesday. So jealous of every runner right now. Marathon day is in 4 weeks away so better be smart about it


I normally stick with plain bagels and load them up with toppings! I did buy some Pumpkin Spice bagels yesterday though so I’ll have to let you know how those are :)


You are such an inspiration to me :) I started running recently and your blog inspires me so much! I hope you are feeling better- thank you so much for just being you! Best thoughts and prayers to your mom as well, hope she is on the mend.


Weekend went well. Celebrated my 5th Wedding Anniversary and ran the DIVA Half Marathon in Leesburg, VA Wine Country. It was super hilly yet gorgeous views. 1:50 time, letter under 8:30 min/mile. Goal was 1:40 so you can imagine my surprise and the mostly hilly course :)
Plain bagel with peanut butter gets me there! Prayers to your family and you will be great on M-Day!


I came across your blog today for the first time. 6x 6:30?! I would be hurting too! Your pictures are beautiful I loved the mountains in the background and what a fun fall activity! thanks for sharing!


Sunday I ran my longest–16 miles! I’m training for my first marathon. Bur, at mile two I realized that after completing mile 16, I’d have to run for another 10 miles. Oh boy…


Nice boots! I love a raisin and cinnamon bagel.


Mmm, I love bagels too!

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