A few things from our Thursday so far….

Another day of preschool in the books.  She still tells me that she learned all about dinosaurs each time I ask her when I pick her up… she is going to be a Paleontologist before we know it.

Also, I took your advice and made sure everything was all ready to go the night before and it made this morning go a lot more smoothly.  What would I do without you guys?

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While she learned about dinosaurs, I ran around town for 4 miles @ an 8:37 average pace.  My legs were toast from Wednesday’s workout so those four miles were anything but easy.  They will be recovered in time for 22 miles tomorrow though right?

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I went straight to Target afterwards to refill on Brooke’s current favorite…

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And I picked up my current Target favorite too…

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Oh and some yogurt for me too so that I could top it with two cut up peaches and graham cracker.  

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There were some emails, writing of tomorrow’s post, SHIRT DESIGNING STUFF (the next one comes out soon:) and cleaning before picking up my sidekick.  

We met up with my mom and Brooke and I showed up kind of matching.  This time I really didn’t do it on purpose.  I didn’t realize we were both sporting striped dresses until I was picking her up from school.  Subconsciously I have a matching problem.

Also, I’m trying to teach her the peace sign which is something else I have a problem doing all of the time without really even thinking about it.

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My mom and I told Brookers that she could just put her hands in the water because we had somewhere to go right after.

It worked the first time….

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But definitely not the second time.  

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And then we came home and had lunch.  Brooke requested ‘mama’s favorite book’ to be read while she ate.  Not even being dramatic—>  this book makes me cry every. single. time. I read it.  SO MANY good lessons in it.

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And now I am here talking to you with Brooke on my lap.  The one and only time I have an excuse for all of my normal typos.  

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Random thing from the other day—> when I asked Brooke for some of her gummy bears she passed up the worst flavors.  She already knows that red and green gummy bears are where the money is at.

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What are a few things from your Thursday so far????

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I have a jar full of gummy bears at my desk, and the greens and reds always go first. Did you know the green is actually strawberry flavored??!

I love that Thursday is almost over because then it’s Friday and then a LONG weekend. :)


Wait what?!?!? Strawberry flavored? I had no idea. My world has just been flipped upside down.



Yup…strawberry. Isn’t that crazy?? Don’t judge a book by it’s random green color, right? I love gummies.


Are you you talking about the haribo gummy bears?? Yum yum!!


YES!! :)


Just got back from my run for the day (easy 5 miles) and it started raining right around mile 2. I absolutely love running in the rain so I was SO happy and it made the run 100 x better. It hasn’t been raining here in Pittsburgh much lately, so it really turned my day around!


I do too (as long as it isn’t freezing rain and windy). I’m glad you got some miles in the rain! Enjoy the rest of your day Gretchen and hopefully you get another rainy run in soon:)


I love that book!!!


I love you. And Ford. And I want to see you guys asap.


An hour in the pool this morning doing laps has kicked my butt! I ate breakfast, answered emails, made phone calls then made these amazing grain free apple crumb bars. Now I want to do is take a nap!


Way to go in the pool today Megan! Those crumb bars sound amazing. Send some over.


Um I need to get those sweet potato chips! Not that I don’t already eat enough sweet potatoes, but those are perfect for when I don’t feel like cooking.
I had an easy run this morning and tomorrow is a rest day before a race on Saturday! I’m definitely glad its Thursday afternoon because that means just 1 more day until a long weekend:)


I like the clear/white (is it really a color??) gummies. But I could pass on the yellow and orange ones. Yuck. I eat all my candy by color!

I have to work both jobs today, so its a late night for me. At least tomorrow is Friday and it is a long weekend!! :)


Yum, those sweet potato chips look good! I had an easy six mile run today, and then tomorrow’s my birthday! My husband’s taking the day off so we both have a four day weekend. Good luck on your 22 miler tomorrow!


My son had his very first day of school today. It was very strange to be at home with just my daughter! I felt like I was forgetting something all day!

Those sweet potato chips look delish! I wish the closest target wasn’t 2 hours away!


It’s 5:40 in Boston now and I get out of work at 6:00 and am starving for dinner… SO any color gummy looks tasty to me right now :)


I’ve never heard of that book and even after reading the preview on Amazon, it made me tear up and also exactly what I needed to read today :)

Those sweet potato chips look delicious, I need to try those asap!! You taught Brooke well when it comes to gummy bears, red is definitely the best ;)


Seriously. Best book ever. Get it!


My niece would never tell anyone what she learned in pre-school. It was “a secret.” If you prodded enough she’d sigh and say okay I’ll tell you ONE thing. And that was it, never more than that one thing.

I never read that book and I have a lot of preggo friends so I guess I’ll be passing them out!

My husband had PT in Brooklyn and it’s a long afternoon. On the way home we stopped in Coney Island where he had a Nathan’s hotdog, I had grilled chicken and we split the fries. Best.Fries.Ever. First time all summer, got in at the last second! I get to run it off later.


I love that she loves dinos! I did too growing up!


After picking up my pre schooler, she said she was sick and then threw up in the car. Only the second day of school :( here’s to hoping no one else gets this!


OH NO!!! I hope she gets feeling better soon!


Our Thursday has been up and down. My IT Band is a mess, so I broke down and got a cortisone shot, so no running for me until Sunday (hopefully!).

We went to meet my daughter’s new teacher and class (not sure how she is in Fifth Grade already!) and we love her teacher, but a boy that makes her life miserable is in her class. We are trying to think positively and make a plan to keep away from him as much as possible.

We are also trying Tader Joe’s quinoa burgers for the first time tonight… we are a little scared! But, I have guac ready, just in case then need to be covered in it!

I’m looking forward to a long weekend to celebrate the end of summer and for football season to begin!


You’re so productive while she’s in school! I feel like I can’t get errands and blogging done, it has to be one or the other and of course I get caught up with laundry and too many emails, etc.

I’m looking forward to a rest day tomorrow since my legs are feeling beat too. Good luck with the 22, getting that one done is always a huge relief!


That’s hilarious about Brooke and the gummy bears! She’s too darn cute!


Anything Frozen is automatically my favorite too! I feel like learning about Dinosaurs in Utah would be the coolest since you all have so many fossils an prints you can still see! I grew up visiting Moab every Summer and we would always go see the Dinosaur tracks!

And yes, you are totally ready for your 22 miles tomorrow, and I am ready for my 7 miles (my longest post-injury run so far) on Thursday!


You definitely got a lot done in such a short time frame. I also ran a very slow 4 miles. I have a long run for me tomorrow too. But my long run is just 8 -9 miles :)


I loved reading that book to my kids too!


The only thing getting me through this incredibly long and busy work week is knowing that I’ll be at the Taylor Swift concert tomorrow. We bought tickets back in December for it, and I CAN’T WAIT!! See you there!!! :)


Looks like a good day! Check out Trader Joes’ Sweet Potato chips– I cannot stop eating them! They are so good!


Heehee too funny about Brooke at the splash pad! You guys always look like you are having the best time :) up until il was 21 I thought dinosaurs were as tall as 18 story buildings! I was so disappointed when I found out that is not the case! Brooke probably knows more about dinosaurs than me :)


My big excitement today was getting fingerprinted. And spending five hours instead of four commuting :( Actually today is pretty awesome…it’s my eldest child’s 16th birthday :) I’m so glad Brooke is digging preschool :)


Green gummy bears, Janae? That’s disappointing! ;) the white ones are the best, then red.

Just watching some football and playing with my new Polar M400 watch!


You Are Special is my all time favorite book!! And you’re not alone in the crying-every-time department. I’m definitely guilty of putting dots on people, and this children’s book is such a lesson.

I definitely bragged about the amazing peach I was eating at work today…. till someone pointed out it was a nectarine. I clearly need a fruit lesson.


Thank you thank you thank you! I decided to skip my easy run today because I had a hard workout yesterday and wasn’t feeling it. Sat down and opened your blog, saw that you ran even when your legs were “toast” and I put down my phone and finished the run. So thanks so much, that was my Thursday


Watch out world we have the next set of Gilmore Girls (I hope someone else on the blog loves that show as much as I do) but you guys are super cute and she’s already gotten so big in the year I’ve been following the blog! Too cute to handle


I love your striped dress and have been wanting to get one (or all of the colors!) :) how does the sizing run?


I wear a small and I do in most other cotton like dresses that I wear (from Gap, Old Navy, Nordstrom etc) so I would say pretty true to size. Get them. Best things on the planet. I wear them at least 4 times a week:)


Mmmm, the peaches and graham crackers in yogurt look delicious! What a great idea!


I am starting to think Brook’s teacher is obsessed with dinosaurs!

I LOVE eating graham crackers with butter on them, and all gummy bears are delicious!

You’ll fly through your 22 miler…just put one foot in front of the other and listen to your tunes :)




Oh boy! That fountain looks like trouble!

I always eat my gummy bears in sections by color, but yeah I guess I do start with either red or green. I thought it was because they were the easiest colors to distinguish. ;)


Oh my gosh i love the white (clear?) gummy bears!! I think they’re pineapple? Anyways my favorite so Brooke can pass them my way ;-)


I missed my run yesterday because I let someone upset me…..I have to stop doing that!! On top of it all……my daughter is moving to college today! First off – where did the time go…..and second….I cannot possibly be old enough to have a daughter going to college…..wasn’t I just in college yesterday? My son wants a trip to the bulk store to get gummies today – maybe I’ll have to get some gummy bears and test the green bear theory!


I really wish I could own Brooke’s wardrobe for myself, haha…
Thursday was spent moving back up to school. Lots of driving and lots of radio tunes! So it was kinda fun. My snack of choice were banana marshmallows. I feel like I’m the only one in the world who likes these though!!


Banana marshmallow? I’ve never seen these! I bet they would be good in s’mores, though…


Love the gummy bears story haha! I love the clear-yellow ones? I think they’re pineapple usually?


Ahh gummy bears. Sometimes when I’m really wanting candy but know it’s not in my best interest I’ll swipe a dose of my daughter’s gummy vitamins. She insists I take the yellow and clear ones.


I love that book!

The clear gummy bears have always been my favorite.

I accidentally/ subconsciously match with my two daughters all the time. I think it’s because I buy them things that I would wear (in bigger sizes, of course), so we’re bound to coordinate at least some of the time.


I feel like I am always a day late on these, oh well. My oldest is going to preschool for the first time this week as well. When I ask him what he learned, or his teacher’s names, or his friend’s names, he always replies, “I have no idea.” So I started asking specifically, “What did you do today that you enjoyed?” “What happened that made you uncomfortable?” “What happened that you want to happen again?” “What did you say during snack time?” etc. That is where I get all the juicy stories, like about his friend Joseph who always moves seats or the little girl with yellow hair that doesn’t follow the teacher’s instructions. Or that they had fruit snacks and he told his friends about his baby sister, Corinne. I found it is easier to pump for information that way!

Before having kids I was so anti matching. I don’t have any sisters and my mom never matched she and I, so it just seemed weird. Now I found myself buying matching shirts AND coordinating outfits for all the kids. All.the.time. Alas, it’s fun.


I LOVE “You are Special”! Last spring my daughter took it to the animal shelter to read to the cats and dogs :o)


I taught my nephew to give the peace sign and say “peace out” instead of goodbye. It worked for a while. Then he came home from preschool and said, “Meenda, I think this means 2.” No more peace signs. :(


she’s going to be Ross Gellar!!! no better role model IMO :)

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