I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start.  I’ve got some tangents for you this morning!

-This picture of Brooke snoozing while at Sundance makes me want to take a nap myself.  

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-Post long run selfie from last week because I wanted to stall getting up off of the grass and walking the rest of the way to my car.  I stopped my garmin the second it hit 18.00000 (because heaven forbid I stop it a second later) and plopped down on the ground.  I was done.  A marathon is 8.2 miles longer than what I did for my last long run… yeah, that scares me a bit.

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-I was too tired to even put on my lip gloss after my long run so Brooke had to help me out.

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-Hopefully she continues to run away from the boys until her late 20s.  

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-It is crazy.  I swear the second she turned three years old she all of the sudden became so good at independent play (hence why I am able to wash my hair more often lately).

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-Bowl + fresh peaches + milk.  Best snack.  

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-Or maybe these are…. I have a feeling I would fall in love with these and forget all about fruits and veggies so I probably shouldn’t even try them.  

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-So, this is kind of fun.  We really like our sugar here in Utah.

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-Having my dad with me on my long runs has been the best.  He keeps my water and gatorade in the car with him and passes it off to me whenever I need it so that I don’t have to stop.  He also opens up all of my gus and hands them to me along the way.

I still haven’t figured out how to avoid getting gu all over my hands whenever I try to eat one while running.  The result of sticky hands for the rest of my run is not fun.

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-A few people have asked about the bikes we rented last weekend.  We used GREENbike.  For $5 you can rent one for the day (you just have to check them into one of the many stations around downtown every thirty minutes and then grab a new one:)  Definitely a great way to see the city and a super fun date.  

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-Hit up Megan’s bootcamp class last night in hopes that she will be able help me beat my 12 year old nephew at an arm wrestle.  And maybe a few extra muscles will help my running too.

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-My nephew is all ready for some football game attending this fall!

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Give me your Tuesday Tangents!

Classic Oreos or do you like the different flavored ones?

Current favorite snack?

When marathon training—>  how long is your longest run?  What about when half-marathon training?

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Brownie batter oreos look dangerous to me ;) I’m the same way with long runs lately and stop my watch as soon as it hits the mileage! I was never like that in the past, oh well.


Your nephew is adorable!! We got my nephew the same headphones for his first hockey game when he was only 3 months old and he slept through the whole thing. And hockey games are LOUD. I absolutely have to try those oreos!!


Your nephew is ADORABLE!!! What a cute pic! I am ready for football to start too :)

Is it crazy that I don’t like Oreos? I like the cookie part but not the white creme part!

During this marathon training cycle I only doing one 20-miler but a few back-to-back runs that are double digits :) I can’t believe Chicago is less than 7 weeks out!


AHHH I am stoked for you to do Chicago! That is on my bucket list of races:) I’ll forgive you about the Oreo thing… I mean real cookies are so much better but every now and then an Oreo hits the spot! Good luck with the rest of your training!


Those peaches. I am going to costco TONIGHT to buy some!

When I’m training for a marathon my longest run will be 20-22 miles. And even then it’s crazy to think I STILL need to run further!


Candy Corn oreos were by far the best ever but they only made them for one season and it still gives me the sads.


Tuesday Tangent: so happy with my 1000 repeats this morning! My legs are shot, but I’m glad I got it done!

My favorite snack right now is animal crackers and grapes. Apparently I’m like a 7-year-old.

Love that your dad is so helpful to you on your runs! It’s precious :)


WAY TO GO NATALIE on your repeats this morning. Enjoy every second of the post-speedwork high:)

Your snack sounds pretty perfect to me!


Your nephew is the cutest little guy!

I do 20 milers as my longest run during training. I’ve done 22 before and don’t feel like it does any more for me than a 20 miler so I stopped doing them.

I think the only one of the limited edition flavors I’ve tried was the red velvet, which was pretty good. I’m not a huge oreo fan though, so I don’t get them often! Current favorite snack – peaches! They are so good right now!


I like classic Oreos – sometimes the golden ones.

I usually go to about 12 miles for a half. I went up to 20 for my marathon


Ummm I need to stay away from the brownie batter oreos… once I tried the birthday cake and I almost ate the entire bag… I think there were three left? Can’t stop won’t stop. Longest marathon run is usually 20-21. Half marathon training I usually run up t about 12ish. I’ve never really trained for a PR in the half, usually just focus more on marathon training :) because I’m running crazy haha


Your father is number 1. That’s all I’m saying.


I”m going to have to go ahead and agree with you on that one! Have a fabulous day Susy!


I tried the Brownie Batter oreos and was very disappointed in them! They didn’t taste good at all so I would pass on them. Right now I’m training for my next half marathon and my longest run is 12 miles. I’m also doing a lot more 10 milers than I normally do..hoping to PR!


Brooke is so good to you:) I love that you two are the best of friends – it melts my heart!
While half marathon training, I have run the full distance or 1km less only because I like knowing that I can for sure do it and exactly what to expect.
I love all Oreos… Actually, all cookies:)


I’m really not a huge fan of Oreos and can’t remember the last time I had one. I do though have a weakness for cookies and cream ice cream. The longest run I’m doing before my first marathon is 18, since I’m following the Hansons plan.


Just finished a great track workout!
Classic Oreos
Fave snacks: fruit or popcorn
Longest long run: 22-23 miles


-Ran 5 miles this morning with my new shoes!
-I don’t eat oreo’s ( do to food allergies) but my daughter picked out birthday cake oreo’s and they smelled awesome!
-fruit an yogurt


The most i run for a marathon is 20 or 21! My favorite snack is Greek yogurt!


Heading out for an 8 miler with the kids in the Bob. Fav snack currently- Pink lady apples and frozen grapes.

Have an awesome day!


8 miles pushing the kiddos… you are a rockstar! Way to go girl. Thanks for reminding me about frozen grapes!


I love double stuffed Oreos! My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy because he is all about the classic.

Lately, I have been loving apples, chocolate covered almonds, and organic fruit strips.

The longest run in my marathon training cycles is 20 miles.


Classic Oreos (as long as their double stuffed) will always be my fave! The brownie ones do look pretty amazing though ;) I saw that emoji map last week – I’m curious how they track that info!


22 miles is my longest one for marathon training and I run it 3 weeks out from the race.


My longest run I’ve done is 20 miles. It sucked because it was all on a treadmill.

My favorite summer time snack is peaches in milk. I’m all out of peaches though, so I should probably stop by Allreds today.

I’m checking out that bike place. That’s an awesome date


You have the sweetest dad ever. I love my dad, but he’d probably laugh at me if I asked him. (Though, he did sit in a doctor’s waiting room for well over an hour watching my son the other day)
Also, that picture of your nephew. I can’t.


I am typically a double stuf Oreos kinda girl, but those brownie batter Oreos might have me changing my mind! YUM! What will they think of next?

When marathon training, my long run is typically around 22 miles. I like the feeling of breaking down the wall and finishing those last couple of miles really strong.

Grapes are definitely at the top of my snack list right now!


Your nephew looks like Brooke!
My longest run gets to about 20 miles
Plain Oreos for me


Classic all the way! They are the only cookie I actually poor a glass of milk for.
All time favorite snack is cheese and crackers, they only problem is that I eat so many in quickly becomes a meal….
My second half marathon is 11 days way! AHHHH!!! 12 miles was my longest.


Tangent- I am sick with a stomach bug and I’m sad because I had to miss my run this morning.
I like golden Oreos but haven’t had one in a long time!
I have only run halfs before and run up to 12 miles before the race.
Favorite snacks are fruit and nuts.


I feel like Oreo keeps coming out with new flavors that I can’t keep track of them all.

My longest run when I was marathon training was 21…now I’ve stayed around 14 and it seems to be working well for me!


I LOVE the Minty Oreos!

Longest run for half marathon training- 12 miles.

I did my first pool running workout this morning. It wasn’t that bad! I’m fortunate to have a pool so it was nice to just walk out back and start “running”. Two important things to have: a buoyancy belt (I have AquaJogger) and a good playlist!!


YAY for getting in the pool for a run:) I completely agree about the two musts for pool running! Keep it up girl!


Your nephew is the cutest!! And I wish Colorado had the same bike renting idea!


Denver does! https://denver.bcycle.com


You’ve raced marathons, so you know this, but let me remind you that the adrenaline, the goal (sub 3:xx, right?) and the crowd support will carry you the last several miles. You’re gonna great! I don’t even know you, but I feel proud of you every time I see posts about your splits getting faster, and your injuries staying away. You’re gonna rock this, girl!! Thanks for being an inspiration.


You are so right Stacey… I forget about all of that adrenaline and the crowds. I appreciate your reminder and sweet comment. I hope you are having a great day Stacey and thanks for brightening mine!


Classic Oreos for sure! I love them so much that I almost never buy them, because between my husband and I, we’d eat them in one day. My current favorite snack is a Clif Bar–I typically don’t like prepackaged snacks, but they are just so convenient and delicious that I’m making an exception until I can find a homemade replacement.


I am so with you on the sticky hands after eating my gu’s on my runs. So annoying!!


Tuesday Tangent: Started out with a tempo run at 6:15 AM. Weather in Minneapolis at that time of day was in the mid-50s = best running conditions.

Current favorite snack = chips and salsa OR kiwis. Yum

Longest run for marathon training is 22! For my last training cycle I did two 20-milers and two 22-milers. I swear those long long runs are what got me to the finish line without hitting a wall and getting a negative split. My first 22-miler I wanted to die and thought that there was no way I could do a marathon (I literally crawled up the stairs to my house), but the second 22-miler a couple weeks later was easier/faster and I recovered well. Maybe it was just a confidence boost, but I think every training cycle from here on out will have those crazy long runs. They just work for me!


Tangent: This New England humidity and heat NEEDS to go away. I literally look like I’ve gone swimming after running :/
Double stuf oreos are the way to go!!
Current favorite snack: Rice krispies with blueberries and cashew milk
I’m training for my first marathon right now, and I am using Hanson’s Marathon Method, so my longest run is 16 miles. Usually I run about 13-14 miles for half marathons.


With marathon training, I never go over 32 KM. Don’t worry about being tired- you are a rock star. The marathon will be nothing. :)


My favorite Oreo is a straight up classic with peanut butter smeared on … Obviously stole the idea from The Parent Trap and it was the best discovery ever.

For marathon training, I like to get up to 22 miles with at least a few 18-milers and one 20-miler thrown in. Helps me feel like I got a solid base down.

Favorite snack as of right now … Trail mix! I’m traveling all week and the only thing I can seem to find in airports that are somewhat nutritious and sustaining are the nut mixes!


oh how I love fresh peaches! Isn’t it so great when your kids discover independent play?


Tuesday Tangent: this afternoon’s workout will be a conditioning workout that my daughter’s gymnastics coach sent out to get the girls prepared for the season. I’m a little scared.

I think I’m better off not trying those brownie batter oreos. More chocolate is always better!

My current favorite snack is 1/2 of a protein bar chopped up in a vanilla yogurt. YUM!


I haven’t tried all of the new oreo varieties but I used to love the original or the chocolate crème filled. Oh, and the double stuff and big stuff, remember the giant oreo’s? Those were so good!


Birthday Cake Oreos are my fave!


Tuesday Tangent: my legs are dyingggg. between a spin class last night and a bootcamp this morning, I’m spent!

Favorite snack right now…watermelon and feta!


I’ve never actually had flavored Oreos which is tragic because I imagine I would love them but good because I would probably demolish the whole package. Right now I’m into eating Golden Grahams. No milk, just the cereal.

For this first marathon training cycle ever, the group I am training with goes up to 22 miles. I’m kind of ignoring the fact that I have to run an additional four miles on top of that. Also I’m running a half marathon the day AFTER the 22 miler. Bad planning.


Mmm brownie batter oreos! Those sound fabulous!


It’s been so long since I have done a long run that I am jealous of the feeling of just wanting to collapse afterwards.

Um, why is the Texas emoji grapes?!?


One of a jabillion reasons why I do not use GU. It’s so gross!

I swam this morning then lifted weights. Making zucchini espresso brownies today. It’s raining in Phoenix and I couldn’t feel happier about that.


I can totally help you with the whole how to avoid a sticky hand while eating gu thing.
Stop eating them. I know I know it’s a radical thought and it took me awhile to get on board as well. Tailwind nutrition. Look them up and give it a whirl…life changing. I promise you’ll thank me :)


I’m usually one that sticks to the tried and true traditional Oreos, but those brownie batter ones look pretty amazing! And that is THE most adorable photo of your little nephew! What a happy guy!


Last day of meetings… my music room will be filled with elementary students for the 1st day of school tomorrow! Ready or not…

Classic Oreos (but I wouldn’t turn down any kind, probably!)

Current fav snack = Old Bay Chex Mix!

Longest run for full = 22 miles, if I’m remembering correctly (been a while.) Longest run for half = 12 miles.


Did 6 x Yasso 800s this morning. During my 2 mile warm-up the voice inside my head told me I was too tired, stiff, slow, etc. I did them anyway! They hurt, and the 5th one almost killed me, but it’s such a good feeling to see progress!

I almost bought the caramel apple Oreos yesterday, but I’m really working on cutting back on sugar so they didn’t make it in my cart. My husband can eat an entire row of Oreos in one sitting, while I’m done after two. I prefer gooey homemade chocolate chip.

Longest marathon training run will be 22 miles.


Way to get your Yasso workout done even when your mind was telling you to stop. Mental and physical progress today!!! I didn’t even know the caramel apple ones existed! Hope you have an awesome Tuesday Kathy!


My 20 miler is 26 Sep (for a mid October marathon). I plan on running 3 miles from my home, then doing the local hometown 13.1 race and then another 3 miles home. Puts me a little shy of 20 but I’ll make it up somewhere.


I cracked up at the hoping Brooke keeps running from boys until she’s 20 line.

My Tuesday tangent is “What? It’s only Tuesday? I had woken up seriously thinking it was Thursday. Sad day for me.”

I’m a classic oreo type girl. I actually haven’t really been snacking lately which is weird, maybe the occasional Chobani Greek yogurt flips. They taste more like dessert than yogurt (don’t look at the sugar count). My longest run so far has been 15.5 but I’m aiming to get up to at least 20.


I stand by my statement that double stuff oreos should be classic oreos and regular oreos should be “low fat” oreos. Then all the incredible flavors of oreos would automatically be double stuff.


Your daughter is so cute! How sweet of your dad to give you a hand. I think it’s incredible that you can run for so long. I am one of those people who has such a hard time running. Once I get started it’s easier, it’s just getting there that’s the really hard part.


Your nephew is the cutest!!


I tried the Reese’s Cup oreos and they were really really good! But they are SO sweet, so I only bought them the one time and couldn’t really do it again.


That picture of Brooke napping in your arms is the sweetest! My can never get my 2yo to fall asleep in my arms when we are out and about.

My marathon training schedule always has 2-20mi and 1-22mi. I’ve done that for the last 14 marathons. I don’t feel ready for a race unless I do that 22mi run!


Your nephew is adorable! Have you froze peach pieces yet for smoothies? So good!!


Does your Dad want to make a little trip out to Tahoe to do our long runs with us? :)

Current snack – yogurt with chopped fruit (bananas, apples, peaches), nuts (walnuts, almonds) and some hulled hemp seeds on top. I pretend it’s a sundae.


You found the brownie batter ones! So good. I like some of the flavored ones, but I prefer double stuffed original……………………it’s fun when you get the seasonal ones with diff color filling!

My favorite snack lately has been twizzler watermelon pull & peel and also tollhouse cookies and milk!

I have to run 26 at least once. I think mentally I will be a nervous wreck if I don’t. I plan to do two 20-23 milers and one 26 miler before my race. For a half I run the 13 miles a few times before the race. It lets me know I can make it the whole way.


your nephew is such a happy baby!


Seriously, how cute is your nephew?

Can I hire your dad?!! haha, that is some sweet dedication right there :)

Favorite snack: wasabi peas!!

Never ran a full marathon, but for half-marathon training, I run 9 miles tops! And it wears me out, so I’m not sure how each time I’m able to finish 4.1 more…. game day adrenaline I suppose!


Longest run – 20 miles. I think next time I will do a 22 miler though.

Favorite snack – sliced fresh peach with a dusting of cinnamon and sugar OR raspberries drizzled in pb….cause pb.

That picture of your nephew is so cute. Warn your sister next time I see him I might not be able to restrain myself from stealing him.

I am going to start copy writing my snaps or including a watermark. just you wait ;)


You better not or else Hungry Runner Girl will go down.


I’m running my first half on Sept 5th – it’s a trail half with lots of single track, technical terrain and 1500 feet of elevation gain over miles 2-6. I had my last long run on Saturday (12 miles) and I’m still scared for race day! I’m running with 3 of my best friends and we’ve done all our long runs together so it’s been fun. We are talking about doing a flatter half in October just to counter the insane terrain of our first!


Do you get GU on your hands even when your dad opens it? I open mine with my teeth, I know, bad habit, but it works and I rarely get any on my fingers.

I actually can’t stand oreos. I like the cream but not the cookie.

Current favorite snack: Doritos topped with melted mozzarella cheese and spicy salsa! The bomb!

I haven’t done a marathon, but with my half training my longest run is 13 miles, I like to know that I can do it.


I like regular Oreos but I LOVE the brownie batter flavor. They are the most amazing Oreo I have ever had. I would say those are my favorite snack right now besides salsa and chips!


Tangent: I had my tooth pulled two weeks ago and it still hurts!Why do I procrastinate until things become to bad???

My current favorite snack is Thin Oreos and a little bit of peanut butter to dip them in


First of all, you are so incredibly amazing!! You totally inspire me to push myself and I love it. And secondly, I am so excited for BYU football games!!! :)


The Brownie Batter Oreos are so good!! You have to try them!

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