YOUR answers and a pretty great treadmill set-up.

Brooke loves treadmill time as much as I do.  

She gets to hang out in her favorite chair, eat snacks, watch an episode of Mickey and then play in the toy room.  It’s a pretty good set-up if you ask me.  Some friends even joined in with us today and so it was quite the party.   I have bootcamp tonight so I kept it short and sweet on the treadmill this morning.  

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We then got to go in and see Dr. B and get my normal adjustments and work on strengthening some muscles so that I can go into St. George training as strong and healthy as possible.  

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I’d like you to meet the salad that I will dream about for the next few weeks.  Josse has been telling me about her amazing salad making skills and so I convinced her to let me come over and be the judge.  She wins at life.  This salad is a 3000 on a scale of 1-10.  

Spring lettuce mix, cooked broccoli and asparagus, halibut (a ton of it!), peppers, apples, strawberries and bleu cheese.  The dressing was a combo of mashed up avocado, balsamic vinaigrette and beet juice (sounds strange but crazy good).  

She sure knows how to fuel her running properly.  

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She cooked the broccoli and asparagus in these three things (and some butter) and I think I will be copying her from now on.  The way she prepared the veggies even got the approval from Brooke!  

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It’s raining here so that means we have had about ten breaks throughout the day to try to catch it on our tongues.  Also, there have been some pretty epic meltdowns today so the ddp was kind of necessary for me:)

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Two random pictures from yesterday:

Just using the The Stick to roll out some lower shin muscles after all of the running she has been doing lately:)  

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And some selfie randomness with my homies.  

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I wanted to post some of the ‘You ARE a runner even ifs’ that you guys shared with me this morning.  I loved them all and shook my head agreeing while reading your comments.  I love it.  Thank you for your comments!!! 

Jillian said, “You are a runner even if you don’t (*think you*) look like one.”  

Flower said, ‘You are a runner if you run. Period.:)

Amanda said, “You are a runner, even if you’ll never BQ.”

Sally said, “You are a runner regardless of pace or whether you take walk breaks or not. You are most definitely a runner when injured.  It’s then when you train your mental running toughness;)”

Michele said, “You are a runner even if you don’t love every run either, or lack motivation for periods of time.”

Beth said, “As they say, I’m still lapping everyone on the couch:)”  She was talking about how it doesn’t matter what pace you are running!

MK said, “You are a runner if some days you don’t want to run! You don’t always have to feel ready to hop out of bed and bang out some miles.  Some days, a few extra minutes relaxing trumps sweaty sidewalk sessions.  While I’m a full believer that running has feelings (hehe), it will understand if you’re not excited to visit it that day.”

Angie said, “Runners come in ALL shapes and sizes, we need to embrace who we are and what our bodies can do when we take care of it!”

Aubrey said, “You are a runner even if you’re just getting started!”

Raechel said, “You are a runner even if you are rolling, with an angel pushing your chair. (Nod to Team Hoyt, myTeamTriumph and Ainsley’s Angels, with whom I’ve had the honor of running and pushing.)”

Jenee said, “You are a runner even if you don’t come from a track or cross country background… You are a runner if you don’t tally up weekly/monthly miles…”

Honor Hill said, “You’re a runner even if, like me, you walk some in a marathon (or any race for that matter!)

Thank you everyone for sharing!  Honestly, I love this online running community so very much.  


What has been the highlight of your day?

Favorite way to prepare veggies?  Favorite spices/cooking oils etc for veggies?

Do you use coconut oil?  With what?

What are your plans tonight?

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I use coconut oil as a moisturizer every day, but I always forget to try it in my cooking! I love a good cajun spice for my veggies!


I keep hearing that it is a great moisturizer… I’m going to finally try it!


Believe it or not, it’s also great for your hair!


I use it as a hair treatment once or twice a week. Amazing!


do you just rub it in the ends and let it sit?


Thanks for the shout out girlfriend! I had a little shout out to YOU in my post today because I read your blog while I plank. HRG + planking = times flies. It’s science.


Thank YOU for your comments! I always love them:) Also, thank you for the shoutout and great job on all of the planking!


Coconut oil always goes in my oatmeal. It makes it so creamy, I love it!

I love to drizzle them with some olive oil and a little salt and toss them in the oven. So quick and easy!

Plans for tonight – a short elliptical session, then having dinner with my favorite professor from college and his wife. He is retiring and moving to Oregon in a few weeks :(


That is awesome that you get to go out with your fave professor from college and his wife. Have a blast. Ummm great idea about the coconut oil in your oatmeal! Love it!


It’s so good! You have to try it!

I’m sure it will be alot of fun, he is one of my favorite people on the planet. I’m very sad he’s moving!


coconut oil in oatmeal sounds delicious!


I love roasting vegetables on really high heat with pepper and garlic. I also love grilling veggies, but my parents broke my grill when they were visiting this winter.


NOOOOO time to get a new grill:) Grilled veggies are the best! Enjoy the rest of your day Megan!


The next time you make chocolate chip cookies, replace 1/2 the butter with coconut oil!! It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!! Mr J makes cookies with our girls every Sunday afternoon and did this 2 weeks ago (because we didn’t have enough butter) and they were the BEST cookies ever! I use coconut oil with everything– and now with my sweet potatoes thanks to your tip!


You are brilliant. I guess I am going to have to make cookies tonight now:) YAY for coconut oil on your sweet potatoes:)


Curious – do you melt the coconut oil down, or use it in the more solid form for the cookies??


I love everyone’s answers to the runner question!
Today’s highlight: just picked up my pups from boarding and we’re heading home.
I love roasted and grilled veggies.
I pop my popcorn I coconut oil…so good!
Tonight’s plans: unpacking and laundry…super exciting.


Enjoy those pups of yours:)


The highlight of my day was froyo followed by a really great job interview!

I am not a very good cook, so I can’t do much besides use a microwave. :( I wish I knew how to prepare veggies better, because I LOVE vegetables!

Tonight I am going to work on my Mother’s Day gift for my mom and then hit the hay early. I love getting to get to bed early on Wednesday nights!


The highlight of my day was the brownie I ate after lunch.

I like veggies best either in a salad or on the BBQ (peppers, zucchini, onions!). Coconut oil, olive oil, and depending on the cuisine: cumin/chilli powder or Italian Seasoning.

Coconut oil – with eggs, so yummy! Stir frying veggies. Some baking! And occasionally on my face for really dry patches.

Tonight I will be doing speed work, then eating Mexican lettuce wraps and dropping off my bicycle to be tuned up for the season, and settling in to read. It has been in the mid-sixties for the past few weeks and today it is 30 degrees and snowed about a foot… yay.


I also use coconut oil as a moisturizer and when cooking veggies. I love garlic salt on broccoli!

I am finishing up watching Lost on Netflix tonight and will head out for an evening walk:)


Garlic salt on broccoli is the best thing ever.


Highlight of my day is seeing my comment highlighted in this post :)
Tonight it’s a long walk with the puppy to relax and then a glass of wine just to be sure. :) I really want to go for a little evening run too but torn if 10 days post marathon is enough recovery time. Hmmmm….


Can’t thank you enough for these past couple posts. I’ve felt so down on myself lately for not being able to run the past 4 months (or the next 5ish!)…it helps to take a step back and realize that in the grand scheme of things it really isn’t that long of a break and it will be so rewarding and worth it when running is still there waiting for me after all :)


The highlight of my day was my run! Some speedy mile repeats that made me want to lay on the floor for a while, but I felt awesome after I was done!

I am a roasted veggie addict – salt, pepper, granulated garlic and olive oil – that’s all you need.

I pop popcorn with coconut oil, I also use it as a moisturizer.

Tonight I am relaxing with my guy and our dog (the usual).


-The highlight of my day was getting no homework in my AP class! What?! That’s craziness! :)
-I love to pan fry my vegetables in coconut oil! Yum! I also use coconut oil to cook my eggs sometimes. I just love the flavor and healthiness!
-Tonight I have some gym time planned and then I’m going to take it easy (and take a deep sigh of relief as there are only 20 days of school left!!)


I love roasted green beans!


love brooke’s shoes!! and that salad sounds SO good. I love making creamy vinaigrette by adding some mashed avocado. SOmetimes I’ll throw it in the blender and make it super creamy and whipped!


Love all the “you are a runner”. They’re all so true!! My friend is having everyone over for dinner in her new house tonight. It should be a heck of a party!


I always enjoy your pictures of Brooke and of course food! I use coconut oil on my legs and to dilute essential oils. Plans for tonight is rest from running and it’s Hump Day! :)


In response to this one:
Amanda said, “You are a runner, even if you’ll never BQ.”

You are a runner if you know what BQ means without having to really think about it!


hahaha SOOOO true!


I am eating grass-fed beef cooked in coconut oil. It’s magical. I want to say, I have enjoyed reading all these answers today, so much. Like I got a little pat on the back from everyone here. Runners are a special, cool type of people.

What has been the highlight of your day?
** My son got recognized for being helpful and compassionate. So proud of him.

Favorite way to prepare veggies?
Favorite spices/cooking oils etc for veggies?
*Sesame oil (believe me – it will change your whole cooking game) and a little salt.

Do you use coconut oil? With what?
**Yes! Beef, eggs, in smoothies, as moisturizer too.

What are your plans tonight?
** I have waited all day to put my pj pants on and now… they’re on. No plans beyond that, maybe do a little writing and eat a little chocolate. :)


That salad looks amazing! I love to roast vegetables with a little bit of olive oil and salt and peppet.
It’s so cute how Brooke is rolling out her shins! She’s a runner in the making!


I love her little chair! So cute!


I use coconut oil in my smoothies every morning. It’s a great healthy fat!

My favorite way to prepare veggies is to roast them in the oven with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Highlight of my day? Finding out paperwork is coming my way for a job next school year!


Highlight of my day was finding Buckleys cold medicine on sale… though I will still argue anyone who says I am “sick” ;) I DON’T GET SICK!

Roasted veggies (olive oil and Montreal Steak Spice)

Watching the NHL playoff games tonight! #GOHABSGO


Dr. B as in Dr. Brady?!? If it is, tell him I say hi. He’s my favorite.


Highlight of my day: 8 mile solo run through the woods in upstate NY, getting to eat dinner in peace without a toddler whining in my face :)

I use coconut oil to make a delish granola recipe. Makes it nice and chewy instead of dry and crunchy!

Plans tonight: pick up my father-in-law at the airport and get some ice cream!


I’m just catching up on today’s posts and love all the runner answers!!
Highlight of my day: My Dad is here!!

I love coconut oil! I use it for stirfrying veggies – yum.
Also, use it to make popcorn and I put it in my hair overnight as a conditioner and wash the next morning! Perfecto!

I steam or stirfry my veggies. Love them roasted also :)
Tonight’s plans: Dinner with my family and hanging out!!


I tried your idea to rub coconut oil on my potato the other day and it was bit messy but I think it was really good! I am still getting the oven baked potato process down, I think I cook them too long – they get really wet like all the sugar is liquifying! I am not a whiz in the kitchen but that salad looked amazing.

I am going to play softball tonight and I am really nervous – I hope I don’t look like a fool!


-highlights from today consisted of an effortless 4 miles (**grinning ear to ear**) and some outside time with my soon to be 5 yr old on our swing set :) love.
-steamed veggies are my favorite, close second are raw
-never used coconut oil before
-plans for tonight….SURVIVOR Wednesday!!


This post made my day. I love all the “you’re a runner if”s! It’s the little things.


I’ve been giving coconut oil to my dog recently for his itchy skin. Apparently it is really good for them – who know?! Andddddd now I totally want a DDP or a DC. Fountain soda is the best!


Brooke has the cutest toddler chair – perfect treadmill set up! My son gets to watch a show if I run on the treadmill while he’s awake, too. I will have to find him a special chair like that!

Plans for tonight: Prenatal yoga, toddler’s bedtime and probably a TV show with the husband!


I totally got a GIANT smile out of the way Brooke is sitting in her chair, all chill, watching you on the treadmill. :D

What has been the highlight of your day?
OOh… Probably being out in the garden weeding the bed that I plan to plant a few things in this year.

I LOVE roasting veggies. I like the crispiness they get, and I usually drench (I mean sprinkle) them with olive oil or avocado oil, garlic salt, and herbs on them.

Plans tonight are to practice with da sisters as we’re planning to go sing out on an outdoor mall in a week. O_o Scary…


That salad looks incredible. I want it right now. I taught class tonight and then did the same one right after and it was a killer! Now I just want to eat all the food :)


I love roasted veggies! Especially with some garlic and a little crispy :)
And I also love them steamed!

Does Dr. B know anyone who works his magic in Seattle? I am so jealous!


my OLD dreadmill interrupts our wifi, we don’t have cable, but have Netflix so this causes many probs


Oh my!!! Josse needs to move to Florida, so she can make me that salad every day. That looks so tasty! Wow! I’m going to try it myself…

Is that treadmill pic from your gym?! That gym looks awesome!

And, today’s run and my post-run treat of gelati were definitely the highlights of my day! :)


Good. Now that you have tasted the salad and seen how it was prepared, you can make it for me.

I never tire of Brooke in those overalls. She is so cute…god made her (and ddp) so that you could survive the meltdowns. it’s why God gave me PB and chocolate.


hahah yes. my two biggest tender mercies.


I love using coconut oil for a lip moisturizer! I also use it for baking – I replace butter or other oil with coconut oil.


brilliant! I need to try it on my lips! THANK YOU!


I am so making my veggies like that next time! Holy yum! Oh and I love your white and orange top in the picture with Brooke and your niece. So cute! The running community is awesome, and this has helped me to feel more like a runner, even if I am not the fastest, best, out there :)


My plans last night were getting the kiddos to bed and then watching Netflix and eating ice cream topped with peanut M&M’s. Loved every minute of it!!!


My highlight was my son turning 6!!!!! WOW!!! Where does the time go?!? Enjoy every moment with your little one…… they grow up too fast!

What a yummy looking salad!!! Definitely putting it on my list to try!!! :) Thanks for sharing!!!!


Best part of my day was getting free running shoes from a shoe tester friend :)
I typically toss my veggies with seasoning salt and EVOO. I really want to try the coconut oil though!
Plans involve celebrating my dad’s 73rd birthday with bbq’d steaks and baked potatoes at our house.


highlight of my day was taking my daughter to target to pick out a toy because she had a dry diaper 3 nights in a row and then seeing her do a dance in the aisle while shouting “dry diaper!” over and over and ending it with a “Wooo!” haha! We dance to celebrate everything.


That salad looks amazing!!


I love roasting veggies. I really like Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute, and Flavor God’s Garlic seasoning.

I’ve only cooked with coconut oil once so far because of this recipe ->

I really liked it. May try it with some veggies and other dishes too.



So is that a gym you go to that has the treadmill with the kids area or someone’s house?



I love all of the fellow reader’s comments about being a runner!

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