My wish for an endorphin filled run was granted.

Today’s lunch was just what the doctor ordered.  I have known these two girls for 8 or so years and the three of us all got divorced right around the same time.  It has been so beyond helpful to have each other to lean on, learn from and to have the support from one another because we understand exactly how it feels during the really rough times.  

I realized today that we are all in a much better place now and that felt really good.  We’re just getting stronger and stronger and rocking that single mom thing.  

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The lemonade at Chick-Fil-A just brightens everyone’s day.  If you haven’t tried it yet, you need to. 

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Now let’s rewind through some other parts of the day:

Brooke and I are wearing matching shirts so that is clearly a highlight.  

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Brooke did some sprints while at Target.

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I got to the gym first thing this morning and was craving a sweaty and endorphin filled run.  My body is still recovering and I could tell that it wasn’t wanting to run the same paces that it was doing before the marathon but it felt good to get them moving for a little bit of speed.  

4 minutes at around a 7:50, 2 minutes @ 6:30….   repeated until I hit 8 miles.  7:16 average pace.  The gym was crazy hot this morning and so my wish for a sweaty workout was granted.  I left feeling like a million bucks, it is amazing what a little bit of sweat will do for ya.  

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It is also amazing what your favorite shoes and favorite treadmill at the gym will do for ya.  All of you gym goers—>  you know you have a favorite treadmill too.

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One more picture from trail running yesterday.   We are making it a date each Monday to meet for some miles in the mountains together.  

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Now I’ve got to figure out what to wear tonight… Brooke told me she is taking me out for a special dinner;)

I hope your day is going great!! See you in the morning and thanks for the comments this morning:)

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It’s amazing to have friends who’ve gone through similar struggles, makes life much happier :) Have a great dinner with your princess!


Um speaking of chik fil a lemonade, have you tried the frozen lemonade yet? Must.


Wait. What?

I didn’t know such a thing existed. Maybe I will have Brooke take me there tonight because that sounds incredible!


YES it’s their lemonade mixed with their soft serve ice cream. It’s kind of like a lemon meringue pie milkshake.


You have just changed my life. Thank you.


I agree. The frozen lemonade is divine.


I was just going to comment about the frozen lemonade too! It is so good!!


I need to try this!!! I thought it was just one of those Italian ice type things, but soft serve? Game over.


There was so much red and white in this post and I LOVED it.

And totally agree, CFA lemonade is the bomb-diggity! Always hits the spot!

Enjoy your date! :)


UGH I cannot WAIT to be able to run and sweat again. It’s the best feeling ever. And yes, having people around who *get* us is truly a gift. People can empathize and support us but it’s the ones who really understand that give us hope. I’m glad you have peeps like that. That’s awesome.


Glad you had a great run! Brooke’s outfit is just too precious!
Enjoy your date with Brooke :)


There’s so much happiness in this post…love it!
Enjoy your special dinner. :)


Well it sounds like you have the best date ever! Have fun with Brooke.


Love this!!! Have a wonderful time on your special date!


I’m glad you are having such a good day filled with joy and fun! And perfect timing for a great run!

Yes, everyone has a favorite treadmill!


I love Chick-Fil-A, especially their frozen lemonade. Might have to go get me one now :)
A good sweat always makes everything better! I think it’s very philosophical. Sweat is ridding the body of toxins, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Sweat is cleansing.

PS-I got my fav treadmill this morning too!


I’m so glad your day turned around from this morning. It’s amazing what good friend and good food can do. Enjoy your date with Brooke tonight!


I love the picture of you guys matching. It’s soo sweet how much she clearly loves you. (and visa versa of course!).

Have fun on your date tonight :) I mean, it is Cinco de Mayo so if you went somewhere with amazing chips and salsa/guacamole it wouldn’t be the worst thing. Chips and salsa = happiness.



Oh my goodness, the guy who always arrives at the gym just after me and takes the treadmill next to me arrived first yesterday.

I was absolutely terrified that he might take MY China all, but luckily he didn’t and it was a happy Monday haha


Going to Target makes me so happy I want to sprint around. It’s a little ridiculous how much I love that store! ;p


Enjoy your special dinner w/ the best date ever!


I have been known to switch treadmills as soon as my favorite one opens up. People look at me like I’m crazy!


I soooo wish we had a Chick Fil A in Vegas! Luckily, St. George is only a couple hours away, so my friends and I can stop by every once in a while :)


awe a Brooke and you date sounds perfect for you two.!! and being around good friends who understand, that’s the best.
Have a great time. :)


So glad you have your posse. It makes such a huge difference having folks who are going through the same thing.

Can’t wait to hear about your date with Brooke! I think you should wear those adorable booties with your favorite jeans and that really cute top. :)

Heading to my son’s baseball game. It’s a big one that will likely mean the division championship. (High school).

I’ve never eaten at a Chik-Fil-A.


I have never had Chik-Fil-A but they are building one about 10 minutes from my house so I can’t wait to try it!


Omg her outfit is everything. I want it for nyself. And chick FIL a lemonade is amazing. When I was pregnant it was all I wanted. A close second is the lemonade at shake shack if there’s one near you – the have traditional and a daily special, like blueberry or strawberry. Soo goooddd


So great to have good people to lean on!


That picture of you and Brooke…PRICELESS


This may be the first day in the history of HRG with no questions!? You enjoy your little date night with Brookers, you two deserve it!


Love the matching shirts – super cute!

I’m glad you got a great run in, those can totally make your day!


Anything from Chick Fil-a is the best. Enjoy your date with Brooke.


Love that you turned a tough day into a positive day!! Funny how even with a divorce, we find ourselves in a better place. I never knew I could be as happy as I am now… with being married and having a 5 year old. So yes, life always seems to turn out for the good…. just have to look forward!!!!! :)


I ran a PR in the 800 today!! I love those sunglasses… I’m thinking about finally investing in a pair for those sunny runs. And they make you look pretty BA!

I got to go to Target the other day and it was just the best. So wish I had one closer. Enjoy your dinner!! Eat lots of guac :)


Hey Janae, what size compression socks do you wear? S or XS? I can’t decide what is right to order…I don’t want them too tight, but I don’t want them too loose. the chart seems to be on the cusp – I’m 7.5 shoe. I assume that would be a S, but I’ve read other reviews to go down a size for Procompression…which I thought was odd since their tight I assume.


Hey Jenni! I wear the XS ones… I like them extra tight. I would probably get an XS if I were you!


I definitely have a favorite treadmill at the gym. It perfectly lines up with the TV that plays SportsCenter every morning. :)

LOVE the matching shirts, and hope y’all had a very special dinner date tonight!


The pic of you two in matching shirts is soooo sweet! You should print it, frame it and give it to your mom! It is beautiful!

Have an awesome date night!


Looks like some awesome running fun!

I hope your special date was good! That is just too cute!

And yeah, I totally have a favorite treadmill at the gym. It really bothers me when someone has not read the memo alerting them of this and they are on my favorite treadmill. Perhaps I should request a sign be made… ;)


A good sweaty run makes anything better!


it reallly a awesome post.thanks for sharing your experience with us it helps many people to survive and enjoy in college life.


Chick Fil A just opened where I live and it’s delicious but kind of a pain to eat at since the drive thru line is usually around 30 cars long. I’m a big fan of the fil a sauce but the sweet tea let me down a little.


Divorce is very tough, but it’s so great to see that you have turned a positive into a negative. One thing is for sure, that it is not helpful for children to have parents stay together who should really divorce.

There’s nothing like true friends and some endorphin filled exercise, to give us some “good medicine” just when we need it. Thanks for sharing!


I would be so unbelievably happy if I could ever run that fast! I love it when you have a good run and feel like you can achieve anything :)


Great treadmill shot. I love that shoe-shorts match.
I don’t have a fab treadmill because I rarely get the same one. But I have a favorite running path that I have to force myself to mix it up sometimes.


I love Chick Fil a’s lemonade, and their chicken…and fries.. ;)

I am glad you have a good support group.


Your post made me psyched for my interval workout I have on the docket after work. I love the feeling of accomplishment after a tough workout.


It’s amazing how God puts just the right people in our lives when we need them most. So happy to hear you have girlfriends to lean on through it.

Just tried the Chick Fil A lemonade and couldn’t agree more!


It’s so nice to have friends who know exactly what you’re going through, especially in that situation. When my mom divorced from my stepdad, her friend actually divorced her husband on the same day. They ended up (coincidentally) having the same judge and times right back to back. So my mom and her friend actually get together every year on that day and celebrate with pizza and wine. They’re both in much better places than they were when they were married.


People are awesome – it always helps to have friends by your side to get through a tough time. I hope you and Brooke had fun on your date last night!


My gym recently moved around the treadmills so I can either have my favorite space OR my favorite treadmill, not both. Gah!!


Alright, I will ask – where did you get that super cute baseball tee? Love the salmon color!


I just recently tried a milkshake at Chikfila, but now I have to try the lemonade!

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