One of those runs that blows up your confidence into teeny tiny pieces.

You know how there are runs that build your confidence up big time and then runs that blow up your confidence into 4,000 teeny tiny pieces?  Yesterday’s run was the latter.  

During the run yesterday I had a recurring thought—>  “How in the world am I going to be able to keep up my goal pace in just two weeks for 26.2 miles when 10 fastish miles is nearly killing me (actually, I think it did kill me for at least a few minutes).”  I felt defeated.  That is for sure.

After thinking about it a bunch I have to remember a few things—>  after 14.8 weeks of training hard, my body is just wasted.  Marathon training cycles are long so by the time I start the taper I am going to most definitely feel tired. After 2 weeks of tapering and taking it easy I will feel a lot better on race day.  This last week (well, mainly Thursday) was emotionally lame.  Josse told me yesterday after my run that I am not allowed to even think about boys/dating etc until after the marathon to avoid any extra stress etc.  I always forget how much my emotions affect my running and I think they were yesterday for sure.  

I do have to remember that I pushed through it and that I am stronger now because of it.  Hopefully I just got the bad run out of the way so that I have a really good run at Boston.  

2 mile warm-up, 10 miles @ average of 6:52 pace, 2.7 mile cool-down.  I did stop once during the tempo to take off my jacket and grab a drink of water from my mom’s car.   My mom and Brooke were out and about doing errands…  I told them my route before I left and they came and waved along the way.

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Stopped at the end for a few minutes to just stare at the mountains.

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All of my long runs so far have been done early in the morning and yesterday I wanted a little bit of a dress rehearsal for Boston by starting late.  I started running at about 9:30 and it was cold when I started but hot by the end.  

I highly recommend starting your run near a gas station so that you can go directly inside afterwards to grab a nice cold drink as soon as possible.

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Brooke is really into bowling these days and my sweet parents play quite a lot of rounds with her.  

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My mom, my sister, brooke and I had a GNO.

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Afterwards the sis and I had a few more things to pick up for Easter.   Twix eggs are the best.

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We did the Easter egg decorating thing and then when Brooke went down I raided the Easter candy.  

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Today will be spent egg hunting, general conference watching and Peeps eating.


How will you be spending today?

Had any confidence building runs lately?

Hard boiled eggs= delicious or not so much?

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I did a late morning run last week as my Boston dress rehearsal and it was so tough!
This morning I’m getting in a short workout and then Easter church!
My track workouts have helped my confidence lately.
I’m neutral on hard boiled eggs.
Happy Easter!


Those last training runs can be brutal. But with fresh legs on marathon day, I bet you will be amazing!

I think we are going to church and then eating….big plans!


My last long run before a big race is always terrible. I don’t know if I just get into my own head or of it is so I can remind myself that all runs aren’t awesome but now I just count on a bad long run or two before the race then the race will be great. Don’t let one run determine that you aren’t ready when so many other runs have said otherwise!

Plans for today – relaxing with the family and lots of great food! Hard boiled eggs, definitely not my favorite! Happy Easter!


Go get ’em Janae!! You’ve worked hard, you’re strong and you can do tough things! Sending good thoughts to you in the next week or two leading up to Boston. Don’t think about boys or dating…and to quote the Goonies, “this is our (your) time!!” Stay focused :)


yesterday was such a crappy run for me, too!!! ugh- the worst! (misery loves company, though :) remember… WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. this is just a hiccup, and we still got the miles under foot. onwards and upwards, sister!


I always have runs like that and let my mind go there during the taper, and it’s never really indicated how I do in the actual race. Race day is just different and my stubbornness takes over, making it somehow easier to keep a faster pace. You’ve done the work and I believe you’ll have a great race!


Hang in there! I’m training for my first Ironman and in my final build and am experiencing the same things. I just have I keep telling myself that self doubt is a normal part of the process and the workouts that break you down the most always lead to a awesome workout in the near future. You got this!


Hang in there girl, it’s almost race day….two weeks from today we will be all jazzed up and getting ready to run!


Men always mess up things at the right time or we just over analyze them. That said I’ve done some of my best running out of anger. Stay focused, you got this! Happy Easter and give me all the hard boiled eggs! They’re my favorite!!!


Happy Easter!

You look like you’re flying in that running pic. I would never have guessed that you were having a tough time. You look really strong and you will feel really strong at Boston! After a nice little taper you’re going to have such a great race. Just re-read that awesome post you wrote a couple of weeks ago about why running Boston is going to be emotional and amazing!!


I did my last 15 mike tempo for Boston this week and it was harder than I would have liked. I have to remember that the Boston crowds are going to be huge and that will help tremendously! Not sure if I have ever been so ready to taper but that time is now. Now, off to hide away some jelly beans for race day (I am sure that is what all the elite runners do). Now, let’s embrace the taper!!!!


You have put in so much hard work + effort that I know you will be fine. You just needed to get this run out of the way and now time to focus on Boston!

Today started w/ a 14 mile bike ride. Now on to church, lunch and maybe some bowling!

I love eggs–cooked any way.
We don’t have kiddos but I still decorated eggs because (1) an excuse to make hard boiled eggs and (2) I wanted to try painting them this year


Enjoy the taper and Trust the Training. And definitely no boys/dating distractions. Focus on YOU!!


I felt exhausted during my taper….I think you’re going to rock Boston!

And boys are silly…not worth the emotional ups and downs!


I ran around 15 miles like you did yesterday, but that was my long run, not tempo at all! I can’t keep a race pace for that long–how can I build up to that? Tempo runs are my WEAKNESS!


Happy Easter!! I hope you girls have a fabulous day. I have cinnamon rolls in the oven, church, then two dinners. NO run but I’m going to relax and enjoy my day off… or at least try to :)

My last confidence booster was on Thursday – 2 mile time trial in 12:31 and I didn’t even feel bad after!


everyone has those runs where you feel like you haven’t trained hard enough but you have and you just have to have faith in yourself in race day! Your body knows what to do and how to do it, as long as your mind doesn’t play tricks on your legs.

I love hard boiled eggs on salads but I can’t really eat them plain. Today will be an easy pace 10 mile run woohooo


This morning, I’m taking my time getting ready, and then my husband and I are going to our Easter service. After that, we’re going to both of our family Easter get-togethers. (Crossing my fingers that there’s homemade ice cream- you should come by sometime for that. It’s the best!)


Glad you were able to talk sense into yourself after your run. I have every confidence that when Boston comes, you will be reinvigorated and refreshed and will accomplish every goal you set!

This afternoon will be spent doing blog posts and cleaning up around the house after my run.

All my runs have been confidence building lately. But that’s not hard to do since I’ve been recovering from back surgery. I recently discovered I encounter a lot of pain in the morning, but when I run in the afternoon I am pain free. I am not sure of why there is a difference.

Absolute NO on hard boiled eggs. I can’t even be around people who are eating them.


You’ve done the hardest, race day will seem much easier.


Ran 5 miles (sans Garmin— & I find I have the most confidence when I run when I can’t see how slow my pace is :) ) church with family, and Easter din-din at my Grandma’s!!

Hard boiled eggs are frikkin delicious. No yolk though, that part’s gross.

Happy Easter Janae! You are a rockstar, and I am sure after these 2 weeks of tapering- which you better embrace- you will tackle Boston with more strength than you know! xoxo


Hang in there Janae! You have done all the work for Boston already and now it’s time to keep the legs turning over. I always will say that having jitters, anxiety, doubts is all part of being prepared on race day. Your body and mind are practicing for the big day so when you get in a complete dither race weekend you can say “hey, I’ve felt this before and guess what, I do pretty darn good despite myself.” You will be ready to face any challenge or confidence booster that comes your way!

I had a great 20 miler run the other weekend which was great, but then I can just as easily have a downer 6 miler. Eh, it’s part of the sport and part of the joy of running. I do many other things mixed in with my running so it all balances out nicely.

Hard boiled eggs-I don’t really like eggs that much but in theory I think they are great. Food that comes in its own little package (banana, hard boiled egg, etc) are pretty neat.

Funny, I don’t like the lunch/dinner foods of Easter but Easter candy is one of my favorites!!!!


Happy Easter! That Twix egg looks DELICIOUS!


Ah it happens Janae. Just like you said 14 weeks of this.!! Your body is getting tired. Once you taper your body will be dying for speed and hope legs will be so fresh, plus the environment and competition will do wonders.!! Not only that but you’ve been training like a beast. Your going to do amazing at Boston :)

I like hard boiled eggs. Especially when they become deviled eggs :) or when they’re in a salad. Yumm.


You make human runners feel like we our out there with canes when you call that time fast-ish. I think you are doing great. If I ran that fast I would fall over.


Aren’t you so glad that you’ve done this before? You know how great training leads to a fairly beat up feeling a few weeks before the race. We’ve all been there.

Also, I wanted to pass on one bit of Boston strategy in case no one has mentioned it yet. When you qualify between 3:00-3:40, the corals are really really packed. The streets are super tight through around mile 10. Seriously, I had folks within a few inches of my wing the first 10 miles. You can’t make a break and go faster than your qualifying time for those first few miles (after all, that’s the pace the people around you are running). You also can’t move forward in the corrals at the start without risking disqualification.

The smart way to move up (which I haven’t managed to follow) is to just follow the crowd pace and not worry about breaking out until the crowd opens up ( 10ish). If you follow my lead and try to cut through the crowd, you are wasting valuable energy. Also, you won’t really go anywhere. The good news- if you choose to run smart, you get 10 fairly easy miles when your quads are being beaten up and then you can take people down.

If you’ve heard all of this before, forgive the repetition. Good luck and have lots of fun! It’s amazing and you’re ready!


Love this – what a great tip Kathy!


I completely agree with this- it’s almost mandatory to move at the pace of the pack until right around Natick or so. The good thing is that the first few miles are fast so if you are close to the start of the wave you won’t feel too limited!


I NEED to take out the recycling today it’s out of control. Then I’m going to do some PiYo and then Easter dinner with the boyfriend’s parents.

My last run before my most recent half was terrible. Terrible. The race was great, but it would have been nice to go into it feeling a little more confident.

I like hard boiled eggs but almost never make them. Lazy much?


I had a reasonable training run yesterday, but I’ve certainly had the confidence smashing ones too- don’t worry girl! You have worked hard, all the pieces will come back together come race day!


We’re at my in-laws for the day before we head home tonight. My 5k last weekend and my four miles on the treadmill were confidence builders for me. They just reaffirmed how much I enjoy running.


Today I am hanging with my family and my ‘peeps’, heh he. Happy Easter!


First of all, you are awesome. It sounds like mentally you doubted yourself today but you still pulled off an amazing run by yourself!! On race day you’ll have the amazing atmosphere, rested legs and the confidence of an absolutely awesome training cycle. You’re going to kick some butt. Anyway, I’m running and getting donuts&scoffer this morning ! I’ve been stressed about dating off and on, too. My training died a few months ago but it is nice to run again. Hard boiled eggs are pretty good but after seeing the twix egg that’s all I want. Hope you have a great day


Brooks looks like she’s really concentrating with that spaghetti.

We’re supposed to be barbecuing for our Easter dinner, but we got some snow last night and it just started snowing again, so I’m not sure what we’ll be doing now.


We met a friend for an early breakfast and now I am sleepy. I was planning on running but I think it’s one of those days that I have to push myself out the door. I already didn’t run on Friday, so I think I need to get out there today haha.

Have a great Easter!


I’ve had a lot of confidence building runs lately. I only have goal paces for races and speed work, and I’ve managed to hit all of them (even faster than planned sometimes) so I’m very confident so far!

I love hard boiled eggs but they’re such a pain to make, so I like to buy them from trader joes pre-cooked and peeled. So good and easy!


You got it over with! All of your runs have been so awesome and you’re right – you have worked hard and built up a ton of muscle and those muscles will remember how to work hard come race day. And now you’ve gotten the bad run over with so you’ll be ready to be a rockstar again come race day. One of the things I really admire about you is your ability to just GET IT DONE even when it sucks. You may have felt defeated but you still finished that incredibly difficult run when so many others would have just given up or phoned it in.

I’ll be spending today with my family then DH’s family eating a lot of food.

Yesterday was a confidence builder for me. My quads hurt about 3 miles in, but I pushed through and finished 13 miles at my fastest long run pace ever. My half marathon is the day before Boston. I am going to be watching the marathon near Wellesley or Brookline so hopefully I’ll see you there!


I have to work but I think I will go for a quick run after work and then do a Jillian Michaels DVD and eat dinner.

Bad runs are the worst, but they make the good runs that much better!


My last tempo/race pace run before a race is always rough and makes me feel like that pace is too hard for the race. Usually tempo runs are my confidence builders. But I feel like it’s always good to have a bad run before the race because it meams you’ve been training hard!
Today was Easter mass followed by making a nice Easter meal for tonight! Happy Easter!


You are going to do great at Boston!! You got that rough run done and over with and now you can let your body (and mind/soul!!) recover over the next couple of weeks before you crush that course!!!
Happy Easter!


-Today will be spent doing some Easter morning Bootcamp, food prepping for Easter dinner, and enjoying my family! :)
-Every once in a while I have runs where im just not feeling good! My legs are tight and pace is slow. These runs definitely take their toll on my confidence, but I have to remember that my body needs recovery time after I put it through tough workouts! You inspire me with your positive thinking, though. You always get past the initial suckiness of a bad run and look at the good in the situation!!
– I am a fan of hard boiled eggs. They make a great portable snack! And, they’re filled with protein!


I almost forgot! Happy Easter! I hope the Easter bunny spoiled Brooke :)


My last long run before my marathon was awful. I was going to do 22 miles, I managed 16 outside, had my boyfriend pick me up and I finished the last 6 on the treadmill because I felt so awful. I kept telling myself a bad dress rehearsal means a great performance! Your training has been stellar, Boston will be awesome for you!

Happy Easter!


When I was training for the LA marathon I had an awesome 22 mile run and then the following 14 and 10 milers were terrible! You are going to do fantastic in Boston!

Today will be spent with family celebrating Easter; I love hard boiled eggs and I did have a confidence inspiring 1/2 marathon last Saturday!


Janae you can do this, the taper is going to reward you with fresh legs and you will be capable of so much. Great training cycle for you, no injuries and hitting all of your time goals. The last run was tough – so what! Didn’t you say that you were shortening your taper a little? Therefore, I would imagine the extra running after a tough training cycle is going to be really hard.
I know how this stage of training is though, I would guess that if it wasn’t the bad run you would be picking apart some other aspect of your training or imagining injuries or something like that!
Boys – You deserve the best, and My humble opinion is that when you meet the right person it is easy and free of drama. If haven’t found him he will be worth waiting for ;)


It’s so funny how we perceive things isn’t it? I saw you post on instagram yesterday your pace and run and you were applauded with so much encouragement, praise and wow’s. And then I read here today how you found it defeating! Hah. That’s life for you. It’s never as it appears.

I agree with the other girls. You will always race faster on race day. I’m NOwhere as fast as you (i wish), but I typically aim for 7.19’s in training and I find it HARD work. But in races, my pace is usually 6.40-6.59 and I still don’t know how I do it consecutively when I can’t in training and think I’d die. You have really ran a hard training cycle (in my non little opinion) and I’m positive I would have been injured or cut the mileage done so TAPER your heart out the next 2 weeks!


How will you be spending today?
**Amazing worship, fried chicken, book store, chocolate. :)

Had any confidence building runs lately?
**The other day I missed a 5 am run with a friend bc of rain, so I went to the gym instead. Dreading the tmill but I ran faster than usual, breathing was good (don’t you love it when your chest/lungs are warm right off the bat?) AND I got to pick the movie at the gym so I chose Labyrinth. Helloooo Goblin King.

Hard boiled eggs= delicious or not so much?
**Not so much. I don’t eat eggs that often.


I hope someday we get to share the road one day and run. You are boss! Stay the course. Stay blessed. Stay fierce! happy Easter!


You are SO FAST! I’d love to run really fast for just a quick second to get a photo like that!


If you had only good runs your whole training cycle then I’d say you weren’t giving it your all. This is normal and you’re going to KICK BUTT in Boston!


I went to church this morning and then met my family for brunch. Then I stopped at my Sunday froyo place (my absolute FAVE). I had a massage later in the afternoon, which was definitely needed.

I had an encouraging tempo on Friday, but I know those runs you are talking about that make you feel defeated. The important thing to remember is that you are STRONGER than those negative thoughts, and all of your hard training has prepared you to have a GREAT race in Boston!

Oh, and I think the way I feel about hard-boiled eggs depends on my mood. Sometimes I think they are tasty, and other times I don’t. One thing is for sure: they ALWAYS smell awful.


I’m SO happy you posted this. I’m currently training for my first marathon and I’m very unsure about how I’m supposed to be feeling–whether I’m pushing myself too hard, whether my pace is too ambitious. I started tapering last week and it couldn’t have come sooner. Four months and I’m so tired of running. I had to really pump my arms during that last tempo run…which I just assumed towards the end of training would be easier.

To hear that this is normal makes me feel so much better. I really do love running but training for a marathon brings a level of uncertainty I wasn’t prepared for. Everyday I wonder…can I?


You have totally got this!! The taper is HERE and now you can rest and reflect on all the incredibly hard work and dedication you have put in. You are going to be great!!

I like hard boiled eggs with a tiny bit of sea salt

We had a special Easter breakfast, church, egg hunt, and now we are finishing up making our Easter dinner!!

Have a wonderful Easter!! :)


You have been working really hard! You will own Boston!!! No worries at all!!!! You have a lot of people who will be sending well wishes and cheering for you!!!! YOU WILL ROCK BOSTON!!!!

I say no to hard boil eggs, but I really like devil eggs! Does that even make sense?!? LOL!

It was a great Easter spending the day with my Husband and son! Perfect day in deed!

Happy Easter!


Wait…I didn’t know Twix eggs were a thing! UGHHH I want one now!


I Had the same awful and emotional run yesterday too and though the exact same thing about Boston. Going to focus on the pssitives this week – and remember that you are getting it done and you are way faster than me so I can certainly suck it up at my slow pace!


You’ve got this girl! You are amazing, and I know you will rock the Boston Marathon! I watched Conference today with my family and it was just what I needed :)


You are doing so fantastic. I pulled a groin muscle. Had to get an MRI which meant no running for almost 2 weeks. This week’s long run had to be split but I did it. My marathon is in 3 weeks and I am trying to stay positive.

I love hard-boiled eggs. They’re a great go to snack.


I spent the morning with my husband and baby girl :)
I feel like lately I love running more than running loves me. Which makes me sad but eager to change my outlook.
Hard boiled eggs = gross. hands down.
Happy Easter!!


We had a wonderful Easter and hope you did, too!

I love hard boiled eggs, and try to have them for breakfast a couple of times a week.


I did my last long run for Boston yesterday…in freezing rain. Wasn’t raining when I left but once it started raining it was awful. I had to cut my distance short because I thought I was going to faint from being so freaking cold. Don’t know how my Boston is going to go at all. Training through this winter in Nova Scotia has been beyond challenging. And it snowed today. On Easter. Sigh…spring has to come eventually, right?


I haven’t been doing as many miles lately as I want to, but yesterday I did a 10k with all negative splits. Although overall it was slower than last year (which bums me out a little), being able to actually do negative splits was a huge confidence booster! And I love hard boiled eggs! Yum. :)


First let me say that you are going to absolutely ROCK in Boston! You have trained hard for this and have a lot of support from your family and friends and hundreds of blog followers! All of whom believe in you :)

Today my run was more confidence boosting than I expected. It was a slow 5 mile run but I was able to mid foot/forefoot strike the entire time (which is usually hard for me as a natural heel striker). I ended the run with no hip or knee pain (which I have been having recently) but my ankle does feel a little sore so I know I need to strengthen them. But I was proud of myself for being able to accomplish the change in foot strike :) so I’m happy.


I love your blog. I have a few health issues that have limited my running this last couple of years. Your posts are a bright spot in my day. I have no doubt that you are going to kill it in Boston. I’m cheering for you!


Race day will be so very different and I agree with your friend about boys post marathon training no need now;)
Love hard boiled eggs… Today was church, Easter at my sisters was so fun and now travels tomorrow to in laws. Yay spring break boo awful runny nose cold gonna b a long drive with Kleenex.


Just noticed you have your cell in your hand lol I was looking at your perfect stride anyway…you need a mom case I love my Otterbox daughters chucked it and doesn’t shatter…k now I do sound like a mom lol


Sorry to hear about your run! The important thing is you completed it even though it was tough! I think sometimes those runs are more beneficial because we teach our body to keep going even when the going gets tough.
Luckily I’m in the middle of my training cycle (with 6ish weeks left!) so I’m feeling pretty good! I had a great 18 miler this weekend that is making me excited for my race.


Janae!! You are doing amazing. My wish for you is that you always see yourself like we see you and Brooke sees you :) Just like one run doesn’t define you (either as a runner or as a person), also one guy/dating experience does not define you. Try your best to let it go and trust God that it will work out–whether that it is the race or the right person for you! We can be grateful for the times we realize the guys are lame, that’s a helpful hint from the Big Guy that we can keep on looking : )

PS You are going to crush it in Boston!!!!


Hi Janae! I don’t know if you really read all these comments but I have some comments so here I am. I’ll number them because well I’m weird and I like numbers.

1. Your being really hard on yourself about the run. 10 miles at sub-3 marathon pace is LEGIT!! I know that might be difficult for you to see from your current perspective but change your perspective just a little bit. Your running schedule got all mixed up. Normally you take the day before a LR off and this week you ran 7 pretty speedy miles the day before. Also you weren’t feeling great from the beginning of the run but you pushed through and finished. Why? Because you are mentally tough as nails.

2. Tune out your thoughts and start thinking that you are fast. You are strong, you are fast, and you are tough and capable. If I would have told people in 2012 (when my marathon PR was a 3:31) that I would run a sub-3 marathon that year they would have laughed in my face. But I believed in myself and I took a risk without knowing what would happen. The greatest accomplishments do not come without failure and risks.

3. I am SO GLAD that you spent the weekend with your family. People who genuinely love you and will be there to pick you up when your pieces fall apart. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. Throw your phone away and just hangout with people who love you for you.

4. Could Brooker be more cute? Seriously she just keeps getting cuter and I miss her!

5. I love your guts and think you are the most beautiful person inside and out on the planet.


I just saw that Twix egg at Target today – on clearance!


Honestly, that was last week for me. My tempo and speedwork were awful but I was coming off my peak of training and didn’t even realize how tired I was.

This morning, I kicked back in gear. Just you wait – trust the process – you have worked so hard for everything – Boston will be perfect.

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