Somewhat Silent Saturday.

I took a rest day yesterday but Brooke got in a long ride.  

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Just like her momma…

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Hugs &

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ice cream for dessert.

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Some good conversations with my mom and Brooke at the dinner table.

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And then I ate my mom’s leftover sweet and sour chicken.  It was delicious.

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All ready to look like a grape for my 15 miler this morning.  

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What is your long run or work out for the weekend?

Besides black—>  what color do you wear the most when working out?

Fan of Chinese food?  Favorite dish?

Do you stay up late on the weekends?  

-Friday no, Saturday sometimes.  

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I’m pretty big with pink for running gear as much as I’ll try to avoid. Good luck on the run! I rarely stay up late on the weekends. When I do I wind up waking up the same time anyway so not that much fun :)


I’m a pink girl! Always decked out in pink, gray and black. Those are my colors whether I’m on the road or at the gym. I love your purple top! What brand is that?


I am hoping to run tomorrow – I have a cold :-(

I have lots of purple workout clothes!


I’m injured so no exercise this weekend. Ugh!

Besides black, I wear a lot of purple too!

I don’t like Chinese food, but can usually make it work at PF Changs. I always complain about going there and end up liking whatever I find :)

Annnnd, I almost never stay up late! I’m a morning person, so I’m happy to crash early and get up early.


Runs on Saturday + Sunday (5 miles each).
Pink is my color! Without a doubt (even a pink Garmin).
Love Chinese food!
If we are home, I am up about an hour later than normal, but if we are out, then I stay up as late as needed!! Anything for fun, right?


I wear alot of black, white and gray when I’m working out. Actually, I wear alot of black, white and gray all the time. When I go for color its usually blue or pink.

12 miles tomorrow! I’m excited to be back to training again! I try to go to bed around the same time every night, but Saturdays do sometimes end up later than the rest of the week.

Have a great run!


I wear lots of pink on my runs! Bright pink is good for high visibilty whether it’s dark outside or bad weather.
I usually go to bed at the same time on the weekends. If I stay up “late” it’s only by an hour. I still wake up at the same time!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I’m usually quite an old lady on weekends. Last night I was getting ready for bed around 8…
I wear a lot of neon pink when I am running. I LOVE your matching running outfit! Super cute!


I always go for neon colors when working out, but if I look in my drawer I have A LOT of pink and blue. I like to glow when I’m running for safety, of course ;)

I used to love Chinese food when I ate meat. Although, my area has a running joke of why there are no stray cats around here. I know, I KNOW. It’s a horrible joke but those little bits of chicken do NOT look like chicken lol.


I’m not a big Chinese food fan. If I had to choose, it’d probably be shrimp with lobster sauce.

Today is 19 miles, yikes!!

I never stay up late. If I’m still up at 11pm, that’s late for me. I’m too old, lol.


Wow I’m pretty jealous that you only need one layer… It’s -14 outside right now and I’m doing a 20 miler! Ahh!!!
I try to stay up late but I just end up falling asleep anyway!


It looks like you and Brroke had a great time on her long ride. She is so cute. My workouts this week involve running in rochester, NY. I’m not ready for this cold weather again ha ha.


I live in rochester!!


Me too :)


Toying with the idea of trying out some speedwork on the treadmill tomorrow morning … Wanting to be fast at next weeks 5k!

I typically wear an array of bright colors when I workout and I never match.


I’m just coming back from an injury and this was the first week in months that I’ve run every day :) I’m thinking 3-5 miles to finish off a great streak and then a lovely rest day tomorrow!

I wear a lot of neon when I run. Especially neon yellows and pinks! Recently acquired pink running shoes which I’m VERY excited about!


I feel like I have a lot of fuscia…which is odd. But, my outer jacket and a few long sleeves are that color. I’ve got 20 miles on the calendar for tomorrow! Good luck with your long run!


The boyfriend and I are going on a long bike ride today! I can’t wait!


My hubby and I are going to the gym today. I can’t run yet because my Achilles tendon is killing me! Boo. :(

I usually wear black and pink. The majority of my workout clothes are black with a few pink shirts thrown in.


Glad to see everyone is feeling better over there! I was supposed to ahve my first 20 mile run of my 50 miler training this weekend but the weather is making that impossible. I’m heading to the gym soon and I’m going to try to force myself to do 10 on the treadmill but…ew.


Purple is my 2nd color, but pink is definitely my top running clothes color. I do stay up late when it’s the weekend. I don’t run early on weekend mornings usually. Those are my family mornings. Pancakes!!


You have great fashion sense, lol! I look like a homeless person when I try running because i put on crap clothing.


I wear black and some pink or yellow. I really just wear black most the time though.
Saturday workout was a 5k and shoulders and some planks. Nothing too crazy!


I have that same purple top! I saw it in the store and then my friend bought it for me for Christmas! It’s great.

I am really not a fan of Chinese food. I think I ate it too much when I was growing up and now I can’t stand it. Oh well.


I used to love Chinese food mainly for the vegetable dumplings and boneless spare ribs. But then I went vegetarian and never had a boneless spare rib again which made Chinese food less appealing to me lol….I guess I wear pink as often as I can but since I try to buy everything on sale at Lululemon when I can, I take the colors I can get which means I rarely match and wear a lot of yellow I think!


I almost never wear black when I’m working out, except in the winter, since lots of my tights are black. I like blue and green best, but I’ve recently bought lots of pink workout clothes.

My long run might not be too impressive today. I’m afraid I might have a stress fracture in my foot, so if it hurts I’ll stop.

Chinese eggplant dishes and cabbage are the best! I lived in China for a little over a year, and became addicted to lots of the veggies. Most of the food was pretty different from what we’re used to here, though.


Yay for grapes.! Lol. I usually wear pink.
I’m going to attempt to run tomorrow and see how my groin feels. I’m beyond excited.

Little Brooke is styling on her bike ride :)


I love all the purple!! I wear lots of pink when I run, along with black. However, I do have a REALLY bright yellow shirt that I love to work out in. At least I know the cars can see me!
I love Chinese food. Now I’m hungry. lol. My favorite is Mongolian Beef.
Staying up late is my thing…I hardly ever go to bed before midnight. I’m such a night owl. Then I wonder why I have such a hard time getting going when they schedule races at unGodly hours, like 7 am!! I need to get better at going to bed earlier…
Speaking of running, my long run is today, 6 miles. Longest I’ve done is 7, and that was for a race. I am looking forward to today’s run, since Thursday’s went so well. The Run Walk Run method really does work.

Have a great weekend!


I wear a lot of black but pink or blue is my go to color after that. Met the “half” training group for our run of 7 miles this morning. Big deal to me. Haven’t run 7 miles in years and at least one child but…..I did it. Kicked my butt, but I made it.
Love Chinese food, PF Chang’s is the best. Stay up a little later than usual, but not a lot on weekends. I love being productive early.


I wear a lot of pinks and blues when I run. I find that during races, if I am wearing bright pink, a lot of people will cheer for me and yell “go pink”!

I typically go to bed around the same time every night of the week. If I stay up late or go to bed earlier, it tends to through me off my schedule. If I am tired I take a nap. I love my naps.

Good luck on your long run!!!


I think my long run is supposed to be 11 or 12 miles. I need to check. And fingers crossed that my ankle is up for it…

I oddly have a lot of this peachy/orange color workout clothes. And pink. I don’t have a lot of normal clothes in those colors though. It’s weird.

I love Chinese food! I love anything spicy :)

I stay up late on Saturdays, but not Fridays. I have an early group run on most Saturday mornings.


Fingers crossed. I like pink, too. Mostly I got a giggle out of your blog name. I’ll head over there now and read it. Have a good run…


I think I have a mix of alot of different colored workout clothes besides black. Several items in blue, pink and purple but I always try to find other colors when I am buying new stuff.
I only did 6 miles today but it was SO COLD here. The wind and 5 degree wind chills were no fun.
I always go to bed by 9, even on the weekends, unless I am out doing something (which doesn’t happen very often:))


I love purple workout clothes! If I cannot find purple, I gravitate towards gray with some coral or blue. Chinese – general tso though I don’t get it often.

I’m looking forward to 6 miles on a hotel treadmill today but will be taking it east as I am just getting over a clogged milk duct. Love your pictures of Brooke!!


Sweet and sour chicken is delicious!!


I love your grape outfit! I’m hoping to run outside or go on a hike with the fam today!


I feel like I should be honest and disclose a little something here… I am completely riding on the coattails of your training plan. I’m planning on racing a marathon next Fall, and I’m going to follow your stuff as close as I possibly can! Honestly though, there is no possible way I’d ever be able to match your Yasso 800’s on the treadmill. Your speedwork kicks my ass… I guess that’s something I need to work on more than distance. Okay this comment is long. Blah blah blah.


Well at least you’re honest!
And seriously..can anyone run those Yasso 800’s? It makes me nauseous to even read it.


15 miles pacing a training group for the country music marathon!
I wear a lot of neon yellow and orange…safety colors!
Big yes to Chinese food…stir fry tofu.
I go to bed early on the weekends for long runs.


Besides black and gray, I wear pink the most! This morning I ran 4.5 miles followed up by a short walk. It felt great! Today I also passed the 50 minute mark for planking in the month of January!


I wear a lot of blue when i run………not on purpose though!

I love steamed white rice, chicken and broccoli with no sauce, then I mix them together and add sweet and sour sauce!

I have just an easy run this weekend…………my weekends are Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I usually do my long runs then. I do stay up late on my Fridays (Mondays) and Saturdays (Tuesdays). I am definately a night person!


Just completed my long run of the weekend … completed 7 miles I was aiming for 8 but with two 6 year old twins who keep coming in the room saying “are you almost done.. you’ve been on the treadmill for hours”…. I had to cut it short..LOL…


I do my long runs on Tuesday’s so I only have core work and an 8 miler. I skied yesterday and I’m super surprised i’m not sore!
I love black but I have a bright orange LS and a bright yellow LS that I like to wear when I’m running around town. I just don’t want to be hit by a car. Silly..I know. :)


I did my first 18 miler today! It went pretty well- we’ll see how sore I am tomorrow!

I never stay up late (midnight is late for me) but I typically can make it later on Saturdays!

Hope your run went well!


I have this one outfit, I wore for my run today, that is all shades of blue, including the aqua blue Mizunos. I laugh at myself because I look like a total dork. A person told me I look like a Smurf. Haha! I love it. Otherwise, I’m mostly black, pink, and purple.


Good luck with your run!!! You are going to rock it :) I had a run on the books but was up all night with my baby girl because she had a fever so it didn’t happen :( I probably wear pink,purple, blue the most besides black. I just love color! I LOVE Chinese food so much, too much…General chicken is my favorite!
Besides black—> what color do you wear the most when working out? I stay up late on the weekends sometimes, but I feel like the older I get, the more I just want to sleep. Especially since having a baby!


I love wearing bright and fun colors and patterns when I work out! I actually have better style with my workout clothes than I do my actual clothes, haha!


Mmm I was craving Chinese food last night and didn’t get it and now your picture has me craving it again!

Hope your long run went well! I’ve just got 7 miles on the sched. for tomorrow!


15 miles today in my traditional blue, though today I looked like I was escaping the navy in a blue and white stripped pullover. I tend to like blue because when my face turns bright red in the cold and wind it doesn’t exaserbate the issue.

Lo mein. Extra veggies.

Also- Brooke’s jacket is adorable!


Pink is worn most. Or maybe yellow……I have go check my closet now.
We do not stay up on weekends. Chris works out early both days, and I am a wake with someone else’s alarm kind of gal.


I love my black workout clothes… but I do wear a lot of blue too. Just yesterday I bought a pair of neon striped athletic leggings/tights – and I had to buy a lime green tank to go with them.

We may head to the gym today since it’s cold and windy, but not sure what we will do – maybe some interval sprints or steep incline walking.

We stay up later on weekends, but usually no later than midnight or one.


Haha I look like that when I see dessert too :) I’m a big fan of colours and seem to have a lot of pink in my workout clothes mix! That purple top is too cute! I usually stay up pretty late on the weekends but sometimes I love an early cosy night too :) Have an awesome weekend!


What is your long run or work out for the weekend? Supposed to be 12.5 miles but a bout with plantar fasciitis, followed by a shoe/insole switch, which aggravated my Achilles tendons… Yep, looks like a rest weekend :(

Besides black—> what color do you wear the most when working out? I guess I gravitate toward hot pink, which is funny, because in real life (non-running), my favorite color is brown.

Fan of Chinese food? Favorite dish? Yes, but I haven’t had it since I moved 8 years ago. Nobody can do a hot and sour soup to match our favorite back home.

Do you stay up late on the weekends? Yep. I’m a night owl. Mornings are not my friend.


There’s a lot of lime green and a pinky/purply color going on in my function wear. My winter running/ski/cycling jacket is an obnoxious bright pink that works great and is visible…in fact it always surprises me when people say they saw me out running because I think I’m invisible/anonymous out there. However, I did challenge people to crazy wave at me and I’ll crazy wave back.

It’s not chinese, but Pho’ cures everything.

Staying up late is usually a result of watching “just one more” episode of House or Parenthood.


I have a looooooot of pink workout clothes. And my sneakers are blue/grey so I rarely ever match.

I LOVE shrimp lo mein but I haven’t found a good take-out place in my new neighborhood yet :(


I wear mostly pink and black, but I have all sorts of colors of everything. I don’t always match or look real put together… BUT I always have a headband on that matches something I’m wearing :)

Workout was spinning…I’m living long runs through everyone else this weekend!! I’m down and out with some mystery issue on the top of my foot that they say isn’t a stress fracture…hopefully I’ll be back soon! Oh yeah, Friday night bedtime last night was 8:45, and I’m not ashamed :)


You should get brook a strider bike, or other similar running bike. Our kids could ride a two wheeler by the time they were four because of them! She is just too cute!


I probably wear blue the most when it comes to workout clothes. My favourite Chinese food is probably ginger beer or dry ribs.


I am a huge fan of Chinese food but only when I can eat it in Jamaica (where it is literally the BEST Chinese food ever!). I wear purple a lot, but I also try and incorporate different colors (purple is my favorite color though). Sunday is my LR day so Saturday night I try to be in bed by 8pm. Friday I only stay up late if I’m going out…so basically no (my social life is pretty sad).


Injured, so no running. But I did take a long walk and explore a state park!!

I love the color blue, even my shoes are blue.

I try to stay up late… And always fall asleep.


Oh my goodness, I literally ha one of the best meals of my entire life today and it was Chinese!

My Chinese friend took me to an Asian grocer with a café instead. I was the only non-Chinese person there and had the most incredible squid and it was soooo amazing!
My 5 miles turned into 12 today, wohoo!


Love Chinese, crab wontons is my fave.


Brooke looks so cute with her red sunnies and bike!
I love authentic Chinese food! Peking duck, Gai Lan and steamed barramundi. MMmmm. I stayed up late last night – Australia won the Asia Cup. Hurray!


My long run was supposed to be this morning but I only got in 7 miles this afternoon. I woke up with a lil stomach bug so I’ll try again tomorrow…


I wear a lot of blue for running – gray also.
Love Chinese food.
I go to bed pretty early on the weekends – so tired from the week!
Hope you had a great run!!


I went to Jason’s deli today too! Love that place!


I feel like companies send me a lot of purple and it’s my least favorite color to wear. I mean, I’ll take what I can get, but you asked :)


I did a half marathon run … just because if you hit 13 miles, you HAVE to do the extra 0.1.

I wear pinks and reds the most, other than black. A bit of purple too.

I’ll stay up a bit later on a Saturday night, but that still means I’m in bed by about 11pm at the very latest. I’m such a nanna!


I rarely wear black when I run. I love wearing bright colors… the brighter the better :)


18 miles – 10 on the street, 8 on shoreline trail. Dog probably did 19 including chasing a million deer.
I wear orange.
I like hot and sour soup.
Friday no, Saturday maybe….


I love your purple top!

I’m doing 10 treadmill miles tomorrow as it is so stinkin cold here right now.

I wear lots of pink and LOVE Chinese food!


I pretty much always do my long run on the weekend.

I love all things bright when working out :)

I <3 Chinese food, especially orange chicken and noodles.

I rarely stay up late. The joys of teaching an early start school and working out before the sun rises!


I finally was able to get in a 6 mile run pain free from my plantar fasciitis. Progress!! I like to run in really cute bright colors. I like to stand out because I have almost been run over before on a run.


I wear gray, gray, and more gray. goes so well with black! I sometimes add in orange or pink-to be more visible and not look like a running rain cloud.


ALWAYS black and with a tiny bit of grey mixed in if I have to!


Hello :) I’ve had the purple pure flow 2s and loved them! I bought the blue pure flow 3s and have started running in them, and they feel completely different. I even get a little pain on the top of my foot while wearing them. Have you tried the pure flow 3s yet? Just curious if it is just me or others are having issues too. I’m going to have to go back to the purples! :)


Love your running gear, it always looks so fun!


Probably pink or purple…but green is good too! LOL

I play field hockey early Saturday morning and long run Sunday morning…so I try not to stay up late either night!!

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