Pick or choose—-> speed or endurance?

Yesterday we ran on a path that I have been on close to a million times over the last 16 years.  Josse (my running partner) started talking about the candy bag.  I had never even heard of such a thing.  A candy bag?  

We stopped along the trail and she showed me a bag that contains candy that has been there for a very long time along the path.  Somebody refills the bag for people that need some emergency candy while they are out running or riding.  

This is a total game changer for me.  

I guess I will be taking this path even more often now.  

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Blurry picture because I took it while I was running but it sure was a gorgeous morning.

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My legs felt like lead just like they did during my long run last week.  I have been feeling great during my speed workouts but endurance runs have been feeling hard for me the last few weeks.  I think my body can only zone in on one at a time—> building up speed or building up my endurance.  Lately it has been choosing speed and wanting to take as many breaks as possible during the long runs.   I also know that it always takes my body a few weeks of adjustment time to get back into marathon training, I just need to be patient.  I’m not very good at being patient.

My lovely training partner:

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After the run we went back home and I did some 8 minute abs (for some reason this never gets easier for me) and like usual, the second it finished Brooke made sure to tackle me.  

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And 4 things from yesterday:

1.  Went to dinner with my mom, dad and aunt.  My mom said, “Janae/Brooke is to Cafe Rio as Seinfeld is to Monk’s Diner (the coffee house they hang out at a lot).”

Yep, this place is kind of our second home.

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2.  After dinner I put my coat on and was out and about and realized a few hours later that it was inside out.  

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3.  Domination.

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4.  And some Aristocats watching before bed.

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PS I am super excited to be a part of Daily Burn’s 9 Bloggers Who Changed Their Lives One Post at a Time!

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Are you working on your speed right now or are you focusing more on your endurance?  Or both?

Most interesting thing that you have found while out on a run?  Ever found money?  Candy?

3 things you are doing today?

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Love the candy bag idea – how cool is that?!

Working on my speed! :)


You know that is a West Coast thing (the candy bag). Out in the East, someone would ruin it. Most of the things I have found on runs are not PG related so that proves my point I guess HAHA.

Congrats on being featured in that article. You deserved it. :-)


Haha I was just thinking the same exact thing! I’d never find a bag of EDIBLE candy on a run!


On the trails in AZ, it’s pretty common to find little emergency packs. One trail I used to frequent had water bottles which is kind of important In the desert. Candy would melt in two seconds ha! Three things today->. Going to the gym with Mom, then out to breakfast and watching Packers beat Seattle! I want my team in Phoenix for Super Bowl. I live 3 blocks from where the Super Bowl will be held. It would be amazing if my team were playing!


I am supposed to be running a 15k in 1.5 hours but it is POURING outside. Should I suck it up or run those 9.3something miles on my own? What do you normally do when the weather is bad for a race that is not a half or full marathon?


I love that candy bag idea! That could really help people out, and is so thoughtful to have it filled for others. Today I am going to church and getting ready for the week. I am not training for anything right now so I’m just going with whatever runs I want. Yesterday I did 7 miles because it was in the 40s :)


Heading to the gym to run and then hitting up the farmers market for ALL the produce!

I’m wired for endurance, but I’m trying to get better at speed right now. One thing I love about speed workouts is that they fly by!


Most interesting thing I “found” on a run is a Moose! Fortunately it didn’t follow along :) also a graveyard in the middle of the woods that is from 1700ish-1850ish. Kinda cool to see the names of the first residents of our village.
My endurance is where it needs to be for my next race so I am focusing on hills/overall speed throughout the whole distance.
Going for a run later, watching some movies/playing chutes and ladders with the boys, and some meal prep for the week on the agenda today. Love Sundays!


Love the candy bag idea! If I had extra cash I would start that here!

Endurance comes easy for me but speed does not. I can knock out ten 20 milers in a season but struggle putting together a good yasso session. I long to be speedy!


I do track and a temp weekly, but my main focus has been endurance.
I found $20!3 things: gym, church, and lots of errands:)


Going for a walk (this no running is hard)
Eating a delicious muffin for breakfast
Watching packers Seahawks.


I’m focusing more on endurance right now. My actual training doesn’t start for another week, so its just been about getting in the time and being used to being on my feet. I just want to come into this training cycle with a strong base.

That candy bag is kind of awesome. What kind of candy is in it?! I’ve found cash when I’m out running before, which was pretty awesome.

Today I work, catch up on some reading and hang out with my husband. Have a great Sunday!


I don’t find much on my routine run but I would like to find my gym key which fell out of my pocket! I have to get a new one (it lets me in to our community gym. I have been really lazy about replacing it since I rely on bugging my best friend/neighbor for hers instead).


I’m working on speed since I can’t run outside with all the snow and ice, so bringing my workouts indoors would make it better.


Definitely haven’t been working on speed so I suppose endurance? But actually it’s probably neither right now. Just trying to hold onto some fitness!


I’m focusing on endurance right now, it comes much more naturally than speed to me.
Candy on trails is just another thing to add to my list on why I want to move to the West Coast.
Three things today: pancakes, church, and reading/hanging out with my husband.


I’m almost always working on endurance. The only time I ever want to work on speed, is if I know there is a delicious meal waiting for me at home! I need to find some other form of motivation…
One time I found a few dollars on my run! I was very excited about this!


Right now, I’m focusing on being able to do ANY kind of fitness because I’m blessed to be able to do anything at all!!! This is the reason I want to move out west: Happiness. Seriously, whoever fills this candy bag is the Santa Clause to runners.

3 Things: Baking, Diner Pancakes, and Sunday relaxing time.
Have a good one, Janae!


It’s my BIRTHDAY! I don’t know if I’m going to head out for a run or not! I do know that I will be eating my grandmas lasagna, AKA best recipe ever! I should be working on speed but most of my runs are just long and slow. I get enough speed at basketball practice!


The candy bag is awesome!

I’m working on speed and strength. I’d been running a lot (for me) and had been neglecting weights/yoga so I’m incorporating more of those now.

3 things:
checking out a new barn for our horse
watching the Patriots game
cleaning :)

Happy Sunday!


An emergency candy bag?! I think I need to get those in my life and hide them around the apartment ;) Three things today… Teaching BODYPUMP, cleaning (ugh), and taking a nap!


During the NYC marathon I saw a wad of bills on the ground…others noticed it too – I think someone beside me picked it up to give to a race volunteer.

I’m just maintaining a base right now….I’m going to start real training in a couple of weeks. Since I am running 5/10Ks it will be speed!


I thought they were always hanging out at Monk’s on Seinfeld!?


Yes, it’s Monk’s! Best show ever!


You guys are right… they call it Monk’s on the show but it is Tom’s in real life! I get very confused:)


I am working on a little bit of both right now. I’m staying in half marathon endurance shape because I’ve got a couple of those coming up and I want to PR at the one next month!

Love that candy bag situation! I bring a couple of Jolly Ranchers with me on every run just in case since no one leaves candy bags around here, haha


Funnnny because I feel the exact same way! I only had a 10 miler yesterday and my legs were not having it. But if I would have done 5 miles worth of speed they’d be all about it.

Today = church, baking, and sitting by a fire <3


I’m working on endurance, trying to add more miles for some longer runs.

We used to live in a not great area so I’ve found some not-so-nice things on my runs. Lots of drug stuff and once a pair of handcuffs…


I love the candy bag! People can really be amazing. I have found money while out cycling. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dollar, it makes my day! My three today: run (done), movie (Foxcatcher) and football watching while working on my art. Kind of a perfect Sunday.

Congratulations on your recognition from the Daily Burn.
Good job, Janae!


I love 8 minute abs! It does the trick every time!


The candy bag is great! I wonder if I’ve ever seen one and not realized it. Anytime I see a bag on a trail i always assume it has something dog related in it, not candy ;)


Whoa, what a beautiful morning! Utah looks so beautiful.


I think I’m going to focus on speed right now (for a while at least). I’ve been injured and haven’t run more than 3 miles all winter (6 yesterday for the first time in two months at a 10k). But right now my body feels like it doesn’t want to go more than that. I definitely want to get faster after I PR’d my 10k time yesterday though!


A candy bag idea is cool but it makes me a little nervous! I had hip surgery over the summer so I am working on endurance rather than speed! :)


I’m definitely focused on endurance, but need to start more speedwork soon. The most interesting things I’ve seen on a run are bobcats and a tarantula- both in City Creek Canyon. Enjoy the candy bag!

Today I’m going for brunch, hiking, and then out for dinner.


Just wait, I bet in a few weeks you’ll start noticing that a lot of other people are wearing their coats inside out as well. You’ve probably started a new trend!

Most interesting thing found was probably a geocache–one we weren’t looking for.


That candy bag!!! <—-GENIUS. Today I am spinning, working, and eating…eating all day.


1. Waiting for baby
2. Waiting for baby

40 weeks tomorrow! :)


This must be so exciting! All the best!


I saw you on that article yesterday…congrats!

I think my body is leaning towards more speed workouts now. I used to be able to run many many miles on the treadmill, but lately I just want to take more breaks. I have been doing a lot of shorter, speedier treadmill exercise in a lot of my cross training classes, so maybe my brain isn’t understanding why I don’t stop after 45 seconds :)


I am working on just running comfortably. Been dealing with so many injuries that a slow 4 miles is about it these days.
3 things:
I was supposed to run 8 miles for my long run today but we got an ice storm and I can’t drive yet or run outside because it’s a sheet of ice. Looks like Mother Nature says I need more rest.
I am going to a family birthday party later (temps are going put to 43 so roads should be ok by then)
I am foam Rollin like mad today!

I found a wristlet with $29 it once. No ID so I ran around the area asking people if it was theirs. No one claimed it so I kept it.


Working on speed for shorter (5k, 10k) distances! After my last half, I decided my body needed a break from long distances… on to getting faster at the short ones!

Reading, grocery shopping, meal prepping. A relaxing Sunday over here!


Right now neither speed nor endurance, just as much maintenance as I can handle as I’m 6 months pregnant right now. But in my experience when training hard it is difficult to find the perfect balance of the two without getting injured (for me at least :) ) So pay attention to what your body is telling you and try not to increase both astronomically at the same time / week but you know what you’re doing I’m sure!


I make reflective headbands – I think you need one!
I would love to send you one…..


I am working on resting my stupid ankle so I can run again. Super mad at it, especially since I don’t know what I did to it.

Today I’m drinking coffee, icing my ankle, and doing some strength training.


Ive been really focusing on my speed- Ive always been good with endurance… and pretty fast but I usually just maintain a consistent speed. Ive been trying to really cut down the seconds! One time I found a four leaf clover while I was running. YES! while I was running! I was going a pretty fast pace too! It was spring time and I HAVE NO CLUE how I saw it among all the other clover out of the corner of my eye while I was running but I did and I stopped to grab it!


I love the candy bag idea – never heard of anything like that here in the UK!

I’m working on endurance – did my 6.5 miles. 13 weeks today will be my half marathon – 1st one in 20 something years!

Today – apart from my run – housework, helping my daughter move in with her boyfriend and seeing my parents

Happy Sunday everyone XX


We live right next to a nicely maintained fire/emergency lane. We are also near a high school, so we usually find teenagers kissing. We’ve also heard some hilarious fights, they always seem to make up before they leave :)

This is where my run ends, and one day right in the middle of the lane – a bright reddish pink bowling ball with the name “Susie” etched on it.


Haha that is so cool. I found 10 dollars on my run once. And I’ve found soo much under garments. Lol

I’ve been working on endurance.



The candy bag is a neat idea but I am so cynical that I would think that someone had done something to them.


I just did my first spin class the other night and I thought of you because I cannot believe you run and teach spin in the same day. The friends that I was with told me this was the hardest class they had ever been to (apparently there are a lot of differences between spin class at a gym and spin class at a spin boutique?) which made me feel a lot better because there were several moments throughout the class that I was looking around to see if there was someone I could catch eyes with and pass a silent “HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THIS IS HARD” to.


I would not dare to eat the candy out on the trail. Most folks are good, but it’s just not worth the risk.

I get sore legs just reading about your marathon training–Sounds like that Hanson’s Method is quite good if you go into the race with adequate rest.

Method works well for Desiree.


I’m sure long runs can be tough, but a candy bag makes it all better! Today, I’m going to a yoga conference, going grocery shopping and maybe out to dinner. Have a great day!


You have the best places to run! I’ve never found anything exciting on a run :( Not working on anything running related right now because while taking care of my 12 yro who has the flu…I got it. 3 things today: homework, laundry, and more homework (law school homework is never-ending).

And wearing your coat inside out for a few hours…yep, I wore a shirt inside out all day to work one time. Why didn’t anyone tell me? It was kinda funny, tho!


My favorite park to go for walks in is right along the river which leads from the mountains straight through the city. Lots of wildlife follow the river into the city – moose, elk, bears. One time I came across a sign that said there had been coyote sightings in the park recently. 20 minutes later I saw a coyote by the river. Needless to say I headed back to the car – coyotes aren’t something you want to mess with.


Endurance. Speed is good for me, but I prefer endurance to speed hands down.

Bday party to attend.
Bible study to host.
Plan my week.


I’m getting ready to start a new training plan that incorporates endurance and speed workouts. I’m not a big fan of speedwork so that should be interesting!

I love finding change on the ground when I run. My high school cross country coach used to always shout out, “Running pays in many ways!” whenever we would find a coin on the ground. I still think that every single time I find a coin on the ground.

Today I ran 5 miles and am starting to pack up my apartment!


Since I am not training for anything, I am focused on speed. With a kid and puppy and husband who is traveling for the next 2 months, my windows for running are usually no more than an hour.

I would be too nervous to try the cany, but the idea is pure genius!

Three things for today: 8 miles in 61:47, put my phone in the washing machine, so now it is in a bowl of rice, and movie time in front of the fire with said kid and puppy.

Enjoy your Sunday!


GREAT RUN!!! Boo to the phone in your washing machine! Enjoy that kiddo and puppy of yours:)


I’m focusing on both. I’m slowly building back up my mileage after and injury.
My three things:
Church, work in my GOTR stuff and make yummy cafe rio salads for dinner


read the newspaper/clip coupons
make a grocery list


I love the pictures you take during your runs, the landscape just looks incredible… :)


I don’t think I could trust a random bag of candy on a trail…but that is pretty cool! I’m cooking, studying, and watching Friends today (I’m already on season 4…and I started two weeks ago…I think I have a problem!). I’m making homemade tomato sauce for the first time tonight, so hopefully it turns out ok!


That candy bag is awesome! It’s so cool that someone fills it up :) Today I went to church, made general chicken for dinner, and later my little family and I will go play games with some friends :) I hope you have a great Sunday!!!


I am hanging out in Starbucks doing a little bit of work this afternoon, and then I’m going to eat fajitas for dinner.

There are tons of gatorade bottles out on the greenway near me. I guess runners leave them in advance so they can pick them up on their runs. Although, sometimes I wonder how long they leave them out there, esp when it’s really hot. That just doesn’t seem good to me:)


I have found money several times!!! I always looks for rightful owner or put on closest cars windshield, nearest doorstep, etc. etc. I did keep a $20 once after finding one in the middle of nowhere— couldn’t find a single person or vehicle it may have come from.

Today: 1.run 2. Hang out with babies 3. Gym 4. Family dinner


I am constantly saying I want to work on speed bc I want to get faster, faster, faster (I am pretty average now) but have the hardest time – I think having a solid group of faster friends/training buddies is key. Today, I did FINALLY break 2 hours for my half again (had not done it since my first half 3 years ago!) and got a PR so maybe that will give the push I need – imagine what I could do with proper training (umm, hello BOSTON – lol).

Anyway – CONGRATS on all your success (re: Daily Burn article)!


WAY TO GO ANNETTE on your 1/2 marathon PR today.. that is so so awesome!!!


Thank you so much!


At the moment I’m actually trying to build a decent base in both. I guess if I had to choose I’d say I as building endurance, with the plan to switch to speed training when I start preparing for a race.


Brooke is getting cuter every day!! i love seeing pictures of her! :)

I have a question for you! do you ever have good and bad running days? like maybe sometimes 10 miles feels so easy one day then other days feel like DEATH even with roughly the same fitness level? what do you do when you planned to do a hard or long run on a particular day then it turned out to be one of those bad running days? do you suck it up or reschedule it for another day?


I’m focusing on both speed and endurance right now…but let’s face it “speed” is pushing it a bit when you look at my current “fast pace”. I only run 3 days a week (because I’m so injury prone) so during my 2 mid-week runs I am trying to cut out run:walk intervals and just run my mileage straight as fast as I can (which is still the equivalent of jogging for most people…ALL people?). During my weekend long run I have been increasing my running intervals to build up my endurance. I’m pretty much at the same average speed (or slower) I’ve been at for the past few weeks but I’ve been dealing with a lot of family/friends stuff and my emotions tend to play a role in my performance.

I’ve never found anything cool on my long run…definitely not cash. I think a route change might be necessary ;)


I’m doing better at endurance right now. After being sidelined for a lot of the last year, speed work is a gamble right now and since I’ve got a few halfs coming up, I’d rather play it safe.

I have found money many, many times while running but always small amounts but when I was running the Iron Girl half a few years ago, my husband found 50 bucks! I was so happy because now he really wants to come and watch me race ;0

Today I ran, Mowed the lawn (yes, you read that right, Florida Problems) and I gave the pups a bath.

Have a fantastic Sunday!


Money is the best motivator


I just did a half marathon today and I did surprisingly well. I got a PR for this course considering I got sick last week and have been dealing with injuries. For some reason I have really been enjoying speed work. Sometimes instead of a long run I would switch
it up and do speed work instead.


I agree. No matter how many times I’ve tried 8 minute abs, no matter my level of fitness, they feel like torture.
aroind this time last year, on a run in Central Park, I found a NY state ID and picked it up to drop in the mail when I got home. And a little further in the run, I met the lady whose ID it was.
You can read the full story here: http://runwright.net/2014/01/30/how-running-saved-me-49-cents/


totally off subject but i just tried on the brooks purecadence and i am in love.


That makes me extremely happy Marcy!


3 things I did today: 1. ate breakfast (my fave). 2. went grocery shopping (another fave). 3. homework (not so much a fave ;)).


ah, I’ve been there with the coat thing. I felt like such a goon!


I’m focusing on pacing myself while running. I had to work today, but spending the rest of the evening watching football with my hubby!


We had a car accident this morning, there was black ice. We are ok, car not so much. I had to go for a run on the treadmill this afternoon just to clear my head. Now I am cooking and playing with the dog. My best $ find was $40. That doesn’t happen often. Congrats on Daily Burn.


1. I worked on a memory quilt for a coworker to give as a gift.
2. I walked the dog; I did not run because I ran trails yesterday and plan to again tomorrow. I am still extra careful after IT band syndrome prevented me from running for months.
3. I did weight training. I started weight training about two months ago and love it!
***A BIG congratulations to you for being highlighted on Daily Burn’s list! So happy for you!***


Yay! I saw the article on Daily Burn! That’s awesome!!! :-)

I just finished my first marathon- so I’m still in “rest” mode.

Most interesting thing that you have found while out on a run? Hmm…the cutest dalmatian puppy EVER! I didn’t so much *find* him, as I just saw him…leashed and on a walk, but it was still the highlight of (that) run.

3 things I did/am doing today? $2 sangria, haircut, grocery shopping.


The idea of an emergency candy bag sounds awesome. :) I love the early morning pic.. blurry or not it was beautiful. Glad I came across your blog.


I’ve totally worn leggings inside out before. Never realized until I went to the bathroom and saw the tag in the back- oops! Today I went to yoga, got a massage and hung out with my cousin.


At the moment just some easy base building, no speed work until summer. We’re traveling for 6 months, so I just fit in runs when I can.

I love the idea of a candy stash on the trail, but I’d probably be too afraid to eat it!


Isn’t anyone afraid that bugs, or creepy things-or people might get into the candy bag? I’m still afraid to take candy from strangers….after all these years.


I will be working on speed and endurance when I hopefully get cleared to run later in the week – woo hoo!!

I haven’t found money or candy – but deer… yes!

Three things today – gym, grocery shop, play with my kiddos/hang out with my husband.

Happy, happy day!


Aristocats is one of the best ever. My husband must hold the world record for number of times viewed…it was our oldest daughter’s signature movie for a few years while we were doing a lot of traveling. Jetlag and regular toddler sleep weirdness meant they watched it several times in a row for several days a week for many, many months. I think our whole family can recite it and act it out from memory. “Ah’m the leader! Ah’ll say when it’s the end! (Long pause)… It’s the end.”


I am working on endurance mostly, since I am running my first marathon I figure it is kind of important! Speed is coming along all on its own…not your kind of speed but speed for me! I love feeling faster and hopefully this year is my year to really do something with that!


Brooks hair is so long! My daughter is 4 and doesn’t have much at all.


I like both and think they both make us stronger runners! I don’t think I can pick one over the other! Sometimes I like to trick my body and do them both together!:)


I am trying to focus on speed right now. I have a 1/2 on 3/1 and I want to beat my time from last year and hopefully PR :)

Most interesting thing that I have found on a run is a brand new iPhone. It took all day, but we finally tracked down the owner when his dad called.

3 things I am doing today: eye doctor, shopping for shoes that don’t make my PF mad, and Paddington with the littles.


The candy bag is a cool idea, though I would caution runners on picking up random colorful, tied-up bags. I saw the thumbnail of this post and thought it was a dog doo bag! :)


Whoever said patience is a virtue is just plain crazy, in my opinion ;)
The candy bag caused me to have a “say wha???” moment. Kinda brilliant, kinda amazing.


I’m ok to do both endurance and speed days…what I am REALLY focusing on (and REALLY learning to appreciate) is the EASY run days. I now see how I reap the benefits on the tempo and speed days. So awesome. Why did it take me this long to understand this?? LOL


I love a Seinfeld reference! :)


Haha I love the candy bag, such a cute idea!

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