The best ab workout and some more weekend happenings.

The only physical activity I did yesterday was some levitating with my sister.  We take great pride in the tricks that we have taught ourselves to do over the course of many many late nights of randomness together.

If you are looking for a great ab workout, levitating is the way to go. 

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My mom prepared quite the feast for us.  It’s like she reads my blog or something and knows that these are my current favorite foods… sweet potatoes with bbq chicken and salad. 

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And the bowl of chocolate happiness for dessert.

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Have you ever tried this kind of ice cream?  It is my favorite (along with red velvet Blue Bunny ice cream) store bought ice cream.

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A few more things from this weekend:

It is tough work to try getting a huge mountain and your face all in the same selfie during a trail run.  

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My 9 year old heart breaks every time brooke rips off the tag of one of my old beanie babies.  I was sure that I was going to make millions off of my beanie baby collection back in the day.

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The best way to ride the train.

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-Not the best food picture but it was great fuel for my trail run on Saturday morning.  Cinnamon raisin bread with a lil’ butter and cinnamon/sugar.  

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-I loved taking Brooke to the Delta Center (well, now it is called the Energy Solutions Arena) because I have SOOOO many good memories of going to watch the Jazz play with my brothers here as a kid.

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Are there any foods that you eat every single day?

Any other Beanie Babies obsessed people back in the good ol’ days?!

What is your mileage goal for this week?

-35 with as many as possible out on the trails.

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I also have a big box of Beanie Babies that I’m counting on becoming popular again so I can retire early. I probably shouldn’t hold my breath on that one. Everyone knows you can’t take the tags off of them!

I’m still trying to build up my miles again, so I’d be happy with 20-25 this week.

Brownie + chocolate ice cream = the best. That looks so good!

Have a great Monday!


Tilamook makes ice cream! Amazing!!! LOVE it! I HAVE to have dessert every single day. people think elites are really restrictive and have like a few jelly beans, but I have to devour a huge dessert every day, and actually, it involves ice cream probably 5/7 days a week :) Have a wonderful monday! I will remember to give levitating a try next time I need to work on my abs :P


My parents read my blog ha. No secrets in my life. That salad does look good. What kind of dressing is that? On a random note, I’ve been really into Italian dressing. Ha.

Anyways as far as running goes, I would like to be around 50 miles next week but we will see how life goes!


energy solutions arena is the most awkward name for a bldg, ever. I haven’t had that ice cream, but I have had (Sat) NUTELLASAGNA!!


Some foods I eat every day are bananas and spinach! Honestly I can’t remember the last time I went a whole day without eating a banana.
Im hoping to get my mileage up to around 30 miles this week. Last week I got to about 24 and that was my first week running after my marathon…but I’ll see how I feel and may do some cross training instead of running every day.


I’m cringing at the sight of that tag off the beanie baby, lol! After seeing you + your sis levitate I’m proud to say I can now do it :) I eat oatmeal every day!


I eat oatmeal and a yoghurt for breakfast every single day unless it’s a special occasion. I pretty much eat the same sandwich everyday at school too, I’m a very simple person when it comes to lunch and breakfast! I really want to try that ice-cream flavour, but they definitely won’t have it here in the UK, which basically means I’ll have to make my own smores ice cream :)


Did you see that old American Girl dolls that have been either unopened or barely used are going for thousands on ebay?! I am kicking myself for undoing my Kirsten doll’s hair and making her look like a hot mess!


My sister is very protective of her old Beanie babies! I think I eat eggs every single day in some form. Also, levitating looks tough.


I drink warm lemon water every day. That’s such a boring answer:(
Weekly mileage: 79!


Same here! About 35 miles although I can only WISH I had trails like yours!

I am still in shock that I am not a millionaire from my Beanie Baby collection. I mean I had some pretty rare ones, like the purple hippo. I mean in my whole life I only ever saw it one time and told my parents I HAD to gave it! hah!


I eat a banana every day!

My mileage goal is 20 this week.

I loved Beanie Babies!!!


I eat turkey bacon probably ALMOST every day!

My mileage goal is teeny tiny this week, like 12-15 since it’s my last taper week! Marathon on Sunday!


My mileage goal is 35 also! Sadly, none will be on trails :(

It loos like you had a great weekend!


The levitating thing is super impressive, especially for your sister doing it pregnant?! Isn’t she due this month?? amazing!!!

I go through stages throughout the year, being obsessed with certain seasonal foods. Like, right now I’m eating cranberry English muffin EVERY morning and have been every holiday season for the past four years LOL They are the best!!


love those, also love the pumpkin ones. I buy them in bulk each year and ration them out. LOL


I haven’t tried the pumpkin ones but those sound good too!


She is due in February:) Okay, now you have me craving an english muffin! That sounds amazing!


haha still impressive!! and yes, you need to get some of those cranberry English muffins. LIFE CHANGING.


I eat oatmeal every day. I also eat eggs almost every single day.

I’m hoping to run 25 miles this week.

I used to spend all of my allowance on beanie babies! My mom just recently gave all of them away!


Patti the Platypus was my personal favorite beanie baby!

Oatmeal and sweet potatoes every day! (but not together :).

Happy Monday, it’s going to be a good week!


That picture of Brooke on the train is hilarious! Eggs and berries are always a staple every day.


I eat broccoli almost every day. It is so stinkin’ good!!! This week I am letting my mileage go by feel. I am preparing for a trail race in a couple of weeks and want to just push myself hard enough I feel good without risking injury this close to race time!! Also I think you did a great job of getting yourself into the gigantic mountain pic without looking too creepy!! :)


I am pretty sure I still have all of my Beanie Babies somewhere in a box in my basement. I too thought I would make millions. :P

I eat oatmeal with pb every. single. day. :)


Your meals always look so fresh and delicious. I can’t believe how big Brooke is getting.


I like to eat eggs at least once a day (usually more). I also eat a lot of chicken. And broccoli. In summary, I pretty much eat the same things every day.
Our grandparents used to give us a Beanie Baby for every special occasion. So we have a ton. They also bought a ton of them so they are still giving them to my younger cousins, which is really fun!
My goal is 10 miles! I’ve been putting running on a back burner, and I’m going to need it cooking on all four here soon :)


Everyday I eat oatmeal a banana and yams. Usually a salad at lunch- I’m pretty boring like that!


i have coffee every single day. and something green. and a lot of chicken.


Your sister- isn’t she pregnant? She looks AMAZING! You girls have some good genes;) Hope the weekend with the boy was super. You certainly deserve it!


I eat a waffle for breakfast almost every single day.
My mileage for running will be zero again thanks to this sprained ankle. Grr:(
But i did walk a 5k and go on a super strenuous hike this weekend )braced the ankle and then iced it after ) so I have been at least getting my 10,000 steps a day.

I never did the beanie baby thing. But I used to collect Smurf figurines back in the 80s :) (yes I am old!)


I had beanie babies but didn’t collect them like I did Lisa Frank Stickers, Hello Kitty and Barbies. I still have my sticker collection and will not let my son near it — no one is going to mess with it nor are they going to remove the stickers from the paper! lol


Who told us all that we’d make millions of our beanie baby collections one day?! I totally thought that too and was so careful with them haha!

I eat Greek yogurt and oatmeal every day…oh, and ice cream.

I don’t have a mileage goal for the week but it’ll probably be between 35 and 40.


I eat spinach/kale every day.

My mileage goal for the week is about 24 miles.


How in the F can your sister still do that pregnant? I can’t do it while I am NOT knocked up. Core strength apparently ain’t my thing.

I love that smores ice cream. I currently have tillamooks salted caramel toffee crunch in my freezer. It does not suck.

My mom has approximately 350 beanie babies. I not even exaggerating. She would search for the rare ones and travel far to get them. If it is cool, my mom will be all over it. Now they are all in bins and the grandkids play with them. Probably not the investment she thought they would be ;)


BAHAHAHAHA Like usual, I laugh out loud as I read your comment. I would pay big bucks for you to write a blog every day.


I am hoping to get in a 9 mile run today but total weekly goal is 20-30 miles. We shall see how that goes since I am traveling this week for a conference.


I’m proud to say I never jumped on the beanie babies bandwagon!

I still call it the delta center. That’s what makes us sound old!


Chocolate. I eat chocolate every single day. I started today off with chocolate protein waffles.
If I don’t incorporate chocolate into my day in healthy ways I feel deprived and binge like mad:-)


That smores ice cream sounds AMAZING and yes…I was also obsessed with beanie babies!

This is a busy week for me so I’m hopeful to fit in about 15 miles.


I swear that every time I see a picture of Brooke lately, I think its Curly!!! They look so much alike! also just curious but hows the potty training going with Brooke? (if y’all have already started). A friend has been trying to get their 3 year old potty trained and are having the hardest time EVER!


SERIOUSLY… they look so so alike!!! I need to start potty training asap. I am actually writing a post for HRG Baby to get tips for this! I hope you are having an amazing day!


My parents’ basement stores several tubs of Beanie Babies! We used to go stand in line and wait for stores to open when new ones would come out! It was so ridiculous! And yes, all of them still have their tags… the ones they thought would really be valuable have little tag protectors :) Good times!

No set mileage goal this week, but hoping to get quite a few in outside. It’s been an awesome December in Nebraska so far, so gotta make the most of it!


I laughed about what you said about the beanie babies–so true!!

Just finished training for a half so I’m on hiatus…Josh and I got passes to the Quarry and have been rock climbing daily. Wanna get my arms, abs and glutes super buff and let me knees and SI joint have a break. So far so happy.

Have a great day Janae, sure think you’re awesome.


Nooo you can’t take the tag off! My beanie babies are all packed away in storage-I’m sure with their tag protectors still on.

My mileage this week is going to be unknown because I decided it’s going to be a Garmin-free week.


Lately I have been eating sweet potatoes every single day, but I love them with everything!
I was hoping to get in roughly 25 miles this weeks, next week I start training for a marathon in the early spring, and a buddy of mine has convinced me to try a sprint triathlon which makes me really nervous because I haven’t been swimming in years!


I had so any beanie babies back in the day that I had one of those shoe hanger things over the back of my door to organize them! And every time I got a new one I got one of those plastic protector thingys to put over the tag! hahah


I’m impressed with your levitating move! Oh yes, Beanie Babies were all the rage when I was younger. I was planning on being uber rich some day from those things… ;) I eat peanut butter pretty much every day. It’s a sad day if I don’t eat it!


I thought that toast was a steak! Ha!

The only thing I consume every day without fail is coffee. I am a routine eater though, I rotate between the same few things throughout the week.

Mileage this week? Between 10-15 from today-Thursday, then 31 at the race Saturday. So, 41-46 total!


Whoa beanie babies, I loved them. But I never played with them, I was also planning on making my millions that way ;) And my day is not complete without some greek yogurt with cocoa powder!


I am so impressed your sis can levitate while pregnant! I’m pretty sure my son would have popped out…of course I had early complications, but still WAY impressive. Does the baby move or anything while she is doing that?

I’m training for my first marathon and struggling….my goal is just to finish…alive, but I have gone from running 4 days week to 3. I :-(

I eat spinach pretty much every day. and an apple. and milk.


She only was able to levitate for about 1 second but when she isn’t pregnant she can last for a long time! GET SOME REST RANDI!!! That is the perfect goal for your first marathon:) You’ve got this!


I love your mountain selfie :)

It would drive me crazy to see someone rip off the tags on my Beanie Babies. However, I suppose it would be different if I had a child and he or she did it :)


That ice cream looks awesome!


Never a day passes where I don’t eat bananas and I usally have almonds and/or peanut butter. And I always have my coffee :)

I was really obsessed with beanie babies when I was a kid. My mon saved them all for when I have kids!

Aiming for 30-35 miles this week, and from the looks of the forecast most the miles will be on the treadmill.


I eat apples, spinach and avocados every single day!!


If you want a sad start to your morning, I watched this a few weeks ago about someone bankrupt by beanie babies. It’s only like 8 minutes, but I thought it was pretty interesting:

I didn’t have too many beanies when I was little, but I did get all of the teeney beanies from McDonald’s. Yeah… kind of a big deal :-P

I don’t know of anything I eat every day. I go in spurts and eat exactly the same for a few weeks and then get sick of it and start a new routine. Bananas are fairly constant though… What I COULD eat everyday are birthday cake golden oreos. :)


Yep…still have all my beanie babies saved in a bin somewhere. Some even have the protective case over the TY tag. Like, really!? Who made up that rumor that those things were valuable?


I miss Tillamook ice cream! I can’t get it here in NY :( Oregon Strawberry is the absolute best.

Is coffee a food? I have that every day. I usually have some form of toast/english muffin most days.

30-35 miles this week for me! I’m just 72 miles shy of hitting 1,000 miles for the year! :)


Hi J! Hope you had a nice weekend. I’m not running outside of group fitness classes this week, but I’ll probably get about 10 miles in within those. I eat Greek yogurt everyday. And I too love sweet potatoes.


I eat Cosi’s seasonal turkey chili for lunch every single day Monday-Friday. People are baffled I’m not sick of it yet. That time will come I’m sure but for now I’m obsessed!

I had WELL over 100 beanie babies back in the day. I think my mom kept some for holiday decorations but she put the rest in a garage sale this past summer. I was bummed I didn’t make millions.

I’m shooting for a 40 mile week! I woke up this morning hoping to get a few short miles in before tonight, but it was 19 degrees here in Boston and “felt like” 6! I went back to bed so I’ll cover some ground tonight (on the treadmill).


I’ve never tried that s’mores ice cream, but it sounds AMAZING.

There isn’t one single food I eat every single day, but I do eat Greek yogurt most. I used to love Beanie Babies. I wasn’t too, too obsessive over my collection, but I did keeps the tags intact. My favorite was my purple platypus. I believe her name was Patty. :)


I’ve never tried that s’mores ice cream, but it sounds AMAZING.

There isn’t one single food I eat every single day, but I do eat Greek yogurt most. I used to love Beanie Babies. I wasn’t too, too obsessive over my collection, but I did keep the tags intact. My favorite was my purple platypus. I believe her name was Patty. :)


My mom just brought me my big box of Beanie Babies and I have no idea what to do with them! I was also convinced they would be my ticket to independent wealth when I grew up.

Not sure for my weekly mileage yet. I’m racing a half this Sunday that I want to run hard, so I’ll probably take it easy this week to make sure I’m well rested!


Yummmm I HAVE to try that S’mores ice cream! Looks amaaazing! And I’m super impressed by your sister’s levitating skills while pregnant! That’s no joke!



I just discovered Jeni’s ice cream this weekend and now I am obsessed. There’s an actual store north of me where I will go to gorge myself on it.

I am a huge creature of habit so once I find a food I like, I keep eating it for months and months. I have been on my same smoothie recipe and scrambled eggs w mushrooms for a year. I have a problem.


If youre into levitating, you’d totall’y be into yoga arm balances! A lot of arm and core work.


OMG I have a ton of beanie babies as well. I am older than you but before these were “popular” I bought 3 to give to the kids I babysat for down the street. Turns out the ones I gave them were the ones that became worth a ton!!!! Figures right? My son has a couple of my old ones now and YES, the tags got torn off and I felt the same way you did, lol.
Love reading your blog by the way and I check in daily through the week to see what you are up to. I just ran my first full marathon in January here in Houston and then did my first triathlon in October. I have also ran about 14 halfs and other various runs, now I have my son (he is almost 9) doing 5K’s with me :) Take care!!!


Thank you so so much Peggi! HOLY COW… you are killing it with your races. Way to go and thank you so much for commenting.


I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You are an inspiration with your running, man you are fast!!! I was diagnosed with Lupus 2 years ago (Aug/Sept 2012), right in the middle of my training for the marathon. I was due to do the marathon in January 2013, and was at 16-17 miles in my training. With the diagnosis and hospital stint I had to start all over again, so 2014 was the year and it was overwhelming to finish that race with my family cheering for me!!! I said right away I wanted to do it again but it would never match what I felt on that day, you know what I mean? After that I had this depression that set in, which I have heard of with runners, you train so long and so hard that you go from an extreme high to an extreme low. Hence the reason I did the triathlon, because it was a NEW goal. I need to find something else now. But for right now family 5K’s are good too, and our Disney World trip is coming up in March so after that maybe another 1/2 marathon. Your daughter is adorable as well and you are such a super mom, kuddos to you! Hugs.


WOW! Peggi, you are absolutely incredible. You are so incredibly strong. I hope you enjoy every second of your Disney World Trip. Have a beautiful day!



Those types of arm balances are SO GOOD for core strength! Look up “lolasana” (or “pendant pose”) and give it a shot. It’s killa on the abs.

Does coffee count as a daily food? Besides that, probably rice of some kind. (Can you tell that I’m half asian? hahahha)


Omg that ice cream looks SO good!


I eat some sort of nut butter every single day. I’m not sure I could ever tire of it. I used to eat it on pancakes sandwich style. But a few weeks back, you posted a picture of an open faced almond butter sandwich – that’s how I eat it now! Smeared on top of a couple of pancakes open faced :)


I’m pretty sure I eat an apple every day. I’m eating one now!


I never did the beanie baby thing, but I was so rough on all my toys they wouldn’t have lasted anyways! I have a doll from when I was 3 and while I think she is beautiful, I can also admit she has seen better days!

I eat in cycles, the same thing for 2-3 weeks before I decide I cant take another bite then its on to the next food, so the only thing I know I have every single day is COFFEE. I am completely obsessed so I am thankful to have a loving husband who makes me my first cup every morning.

We were just talking about how we think Tillamok is the best ice cream but I have never seen that flavor, off to the store!

I am planning to run about 10-15 miles this week!


I have coffee, an apple, and oatmeal every day!!!


Are there any foods that you eat every single day?
-Broccoli. Every single day of my life. My son loves it, too. I could also eat sweet potatoes every day. So yum!

Any other Beanie Babies obsessed people back in the good ol’ days?!
-No, but I think I am too old, it wasn’t popular when I was a kid. Or I was just a weird kid. lol

What is your mileage goal for this week?
-No goals. I worked out for 8 days straight and had a crappy workout yesterday, so the next few days are about hydration and yoga and balance. :)


Hahah. Omg I am laughing about that beanie baby memory. I sooo thought I was going to make millions also. . Unfortunately none yet :/

And yessss. Tillamook ice cream.!! From Oregon :) everything from Oregon is awesome


When I was younger we had a yard sale, and I was going to sell some of my beanie babies for $2. This random man comes to shop, and asks me if I had another other beanie babies I would be willing to sell. Of course, I had my favorite animal, a monkey, inside and I told him about it. Apparently, the one I had was retired/authentic because of the name and asked me if I would sell it for $1,000! Of course I said yes! He gave me cash right on the spot!! I was in the right place at the right time!



HOLY COW!!! That is seriously so so cool!


I’m hoping to run 10 miles this week. Not a lot but enough to keep my sanity during the holiday season! The Hubs and I have tea time–really it’s a cup of coffee-but we call it tea time right after work. It’s our quiet time together before the evening rush of activities.


I did my first trail race this past weekend. It was a 25k. It was pretty (differently) amazing. So different from a road race…in so many ways. This week, my mileage tops 60 miles. I have my first ultra (52 miles) in less than 8 weeks.


That beanie babies reference made me crack up !


my friends mom passed away and we went to help him go through her stuff… She had thousands of beanie babies!!! All with tags on. We had a really good laugh about it! I’m glad you’re getting some happiness back in your life (boy wise, I know that Brooke keeps you happy) and I can’t wait to hear more!


Brooke seriously just keeps getting cuter and cuter! I have a 10 month old so it is super fun for me to get ideas of fun things to do with her when she is a little bit older :) I normally eat chicken almost every day in some form or another. I had some beanie babies that I loved when I was little, but my collection was nothing special ha. This week I am just going to work on getting a run every day that I can. Right now it is more about getting a run in at all, rather than a set mileage :)


Eggs! Love me some eggs. I stopped eating meat so eggs really help me from falling into a constant caloric deficit.

70 miles is the “goal”. Hoping for no ice!!!


I bought a book for Beanie Babies and kept a chart of how much my beanie babies would be worth one day. HAHAHA. I ended up sending all my beanie babies to Iraq and Afghanistan back in the early 2000s.


I eat a smoothie every morning (ingredients differ), a Lara bar every afternoon, and sunflower butter with choco chips for dessert every night. I also eat the same thing for lunch every day, all week and switch it up weekly.


I eat a piece of dark chocolate pretty much every day. (I even buy some to take with me if I’m traveling.)

I’ve got a fairly low mileage week planned (around 20) — but with lots of cross training (lots for me anyway).


I eat a sweet potato every day too :) and yesss beanie baby lover back in the day too…


The levitation thing is actually one of the poses in Ashtanga yoga. And it’s hard!


Gahhhhhh, beanie babies!!! I still have way to many, good to know future children may enjoy them :)

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