Saturday Stuff and Tradition #5

Planking it out with thumbs up after 8 slow miles on the treadmill.

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Megan finished her Master’s program yesterday so salads were necessary!

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Brooke is definitely one of the girls.

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Warm enough to hang out at the park!

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Hit up the Costco for the stars of our soup party coming up on Sunday.

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Tradition Day 5=  Bringing out our Nativity and talking about each different piece.

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One of my very favorite training quotes:

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You can check out my latest Women’s Running post HERE!

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What is your Saturday workout going to be?

Planks—>  Do you do them on your elbows or on your hands?

What are the temps today where you are?

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i don’t have any plans for today – probably clean the house? So exciting!!

It is cold here but not too bad -3C in ottawa


I’m heading out right now to run the St Jude Memphis marathon!
It warm…low 50’s.


I plank on my elbows, I don’t like it on my hands. Today’s workout will be an easy 5 miler. Should be nice.

We are in the mid to upper 50s for the next ten days or so here. This weather is weird! I kept hearing how this winter was going to be so cold and miserable and so far, its been really mild.

Congratulations to Megan for finishing her Masters! It’s a great feeling!!


I’m heading out for ~8.5 miles in a few minutes! Hopefully it won’t be too cold.. right now it’s 18F! I do planks on my elbows but when I do yoga I do them on my hands!

I have to work 12-8 today.. pizza will definitely be made and eaten! ;)


I am going to have to get a spin bike and strength training workout at home today, and then run tomorrow. It’s raining here but not too cold today. Hopefully tomorrow will be ok weather wise for my longer run!


Yoga and rest today for me! Planks always on the elbows.


I’m walk/running this morning. Weather’s too gorgeous not to get outdoors. 72 in Phoenix today. I always plank on my elbows. I do it on my hands as well then do jumping jacks with my legs while trying to balance it’s a great core workout.


Sat workout will be a tempo on the ‘mill during little man’s nap. Probably 7 or 8 miles total


Going to go for my first run with my new garmin forerunner! Hoping to run at least 5 miles. It’s in the 30’s today, so i’m pretty pumped about my run!!

I switch between planks on my hands, and on my elbows!


It’s funny I didn’t expect it to be as warm as it was this morning!

We are currently in the process of making cool traditions for the a Holidays, We are also working on our Christmas decorations now lol.


Planks on my elbows, for sure.

We’re going on a holiday wine tour today where every winery gives you an ornament too. It should be lots of fun!


Congrats on your 8 miles! You motivate me!


Congrats to your friend Megan!

Contemplating a spin class….

I do both hands and elbows for planks. I like to mix it up, but I think being on your elbows is tougher! (When I’m on my hands, I tend to take multiple breaks going back into downward dog hehe)


Mr. 7’s cub scouts made ornaments for a retirement home, we will be going there for singing and distribution.


Besides being one of the most adorable little girls ever, Brooke is so blessed to be surrounded by a small army of smart, strong, healthy, driven women! She could not be luckier ; )


Fran, I keep thinking about your comment. It means the world to me. Thank you!


I’m heading outside with my husband for a 4-miler when he wakes up! My brother-in-law is here and I’m so thankful he can watch our son for us :) It’s a whopping 9 degrees this morning and not quite warm enough for the jogging stroller (even with the weather shield on).

Today’s temp is 9 degrees F with zero wind! It should be a great morning for a run. At least it’s 9 above instead of below zero :)

Brooke fits right in with the big girls. I love it!


Saturday workout is just 3-miles and some weights since I’ve decided to move my long run day to Sundays!

I plank on the elbows! I’ve never even thought about doing it on the hands! Hmm!


Morning run = done. Santa Express train tonight with all our friends (and their kids). We don’t have kids but need to join in on this fun! Colorado weather is perfect. Low to mid 30’s over night (my early morning running temps) and mid 50’s during the day. I’ll take that for December! Have a wonderful weekend.


Its just above freezing and raining in Vermont today, so my workout will probably be a not-very-long run and then some upper body stuff. I always to planks on my elbows, because for some reason they hurt my hands.

Have a great weekend!


That’s an awesome running quote!


I am about to go for a run! I like to do planks both on my elbows and hands but for long planks I like elbows best. My HIIT class teacher has us do plank up downs which is elbows to hands over and over!

45 Degrees here in Arkansas today!


I’m taking Saturday off but have a long run planned for tomorrow. I plank on my elbows (although not as often as I should haha).

It’s 40 degrees and rainy today in Pittsburgh. I’m fine with that though because I am not ready for snow!


It’s cool and rainy here. I didn’t need gloves during my 14 mile run this morning so I am guessing 40’s as the temp…Planks on elbows but sometimes switch to hands when I can’t take it anymore!


Planks on my elbows.
The high will be about 78/79 here today. On the warmish side. ;)


Plank on elbows- I need to do more strength training!

I’m doing 12 this morning at Yorba Linda regional park/ Santa ana bike trail- where there’s a dirt trail <3. I definitely agree with your post about trail running.

Here in SoCal its 52 degrees with a high of 73- I checked for you. I never check the weather here because it's pretty much always the same.

Hope you have a great Saturday!


Its in the 40s and cloudy here in Baltimore today. I just finished a 7 mile run and no complains about the weather!
I usually plank on my elbows, but sometimes Ill switch it up and plank on my hands or alternate between the two.


Ran 8.2 miles on the first “long” run of marathon training! Weather is great here (low 50’s)- I hope it stays this way all winter! Weather should listen to use runners more often:)

Watching some football and basketball games today since it will be raining, but I love cozy weekends!

Have a great day!


Nice and moderate weather in SF this weekend. And I plank on my forearms. A trick to make it harder? Pull your elbows in toward your hips and feel the burn the whole time. Happy Saturday!


6 miles today, long run tomorrow! :) I prefer planks on my elbows, my wrists always hurt when I do them on my hands!


I just finished 21 day fix today and start body beast monday! I plank on my elbows- I have a cyst on my wrist that hurts whenever I do anything on it!


I ran 3 miles this morning and then did an ab workout before heading into work. Easy day before my long run tomorrow! It was 32 when I set off this morning. It’s cloudy and gloomy today!

Planks on elbows. Always


My Saturday workout is looking like a rainy run because the rain doesn’t look like it’s stopping soon! It’s 55 degrees in my part of North Carolina today.


Either going for a run or doing a HIIT workout in the garage :)
Planks on my elbows…
It’s going to be sunny in the mid 60’s today – super spoiled on the California central coast!


I am obsessed with that soup from Costco… good choice!


It’s a beautiful sunny 64 here today, after another rainy week. The North Face Endurance Challenge 50k/50 mile is here today and I’m sure all of the runners are relieved!


Planks on the elbows
It’s 45 degrees and raining here in New York City
I walked a 5k today that I was supposed to run. Ankle injury forced me to walk it but I had fun anyway and still went out with my friends who ran for breakfast!


12 miles of the Honolulu marathon course. 8 days!!! 72 degrees, 69 at 5:00 am.


I just did the Ugly Sweater Run with my running friends (about a 5K) super fun and some super awesome sweaters and costumes! It was about 35 degrees!

I plank on my hands, even do my side planks on my hands…..what is better or harder, I don’t know!


I’m doing some cross training on the bike right now :)


Soup party?! I like it! I’m jealous of your lovely weather, it’s raining here in NYC but at least it’s *almost* 50 degrees. Nothing is worse than painful, icy rain. And I even ran today too!


Ran in the OUC Half marathon here in HOT Orlando, Florida with my brother, soon to be sis in law, and great church/work friends!! Best kind of Saturday workout! Have a great weekend!


Did a 16- miler today…it was brutal. I rechecked the distances and I’m pretty sure it was closer to 18 miles…ugh. Marathon training is intense. I’m pretty sure this will be my first and last marathon. Halfs are more my style. There was just nothing fun about that 16 miler :/ now that I’m all Debbie downer…it is my 6 yr anniversary so we will be eating out tonight to celebrate and I’m getting a cheeseburger!

Planks on forearms.


It is still super warm in Provo huh? So surprising, yet awesome :) I love your Nativity set tradition!


Technically today is my rest day but I did both Christmas shopping and Grocery shopping so I’m calling that my workout.
It started off snowing. Then sleeting. It turned to rain while I was shopping. So I guess it’s warm but blah.
I like both varieties of planks. And I love to hate the exercise where you go from one to the other and back again. Plank pushups maybe?


My husband and I explored more of Chicago by walking about 6 miles today. I am somehow more tired from all the walking than if I had just run it. Maybe bc it took up so many total hours.

I do both types of planks bc idk if one is more difficult than the other and I dont feel like looking it up.

It’s in the high 30s here today but the wind is blowing, so boo.


I am not really a fan of planks because I get scars from them. The rubbing just burns. I’ve tried to do them differently but still.

I am stuck at work all weekend. Boo!


I think I do both planks…I can’t remember? I love them though…in that ~I really want to die now~ way.

That smile on Brooke is hilarious. She really is one of the girls.

And it looks like you are buying multiple cases of individual soup. They don’t make it in bigger cans? That’s nuts.

Treadmill and strength…hopefully. I have a lot to do today.


For planks, I try to use both my elbows and hands each time that I do them. Too much on my hands hurts my wrists a bit, plus I feel like I get a little different workout with each.


The cart of premade soup is painful to my eyes.

Brooke’s face soothed them. She’s so gorgeous, Janae.


It’s a chilly 72 degrees here in Gilbert, AZ. No workout today. Cringe. I just am way bogged down with stress and haven’t had the energy, the anxiety is taking a toll on me. I guess I’ll reconsider in an hour or two and hopefully squeeze in a nighttime run or workout. I do planks on my elbows usually but the T25 DVD always does it with hands, so I do what I’m told! :)

XO, Jess


My Sunday w/o was a 5k fun run! I always planked on my elbows. It was in the 60s/70s here today…winter is still missing Houston!


Love love love that quote!!


That’s a great quote and soooo very true! Thanks for sharing!


Congrats to your friend!

I just tried that Costco chicken tortilla soup over Thanksgiving at my best friend’s house, so good!


Temps cold….mid 30’s…I had a 10k in the morning which was a ton of fun!!!! I alternate when I am planking…I start on my elbows and will move to my hands and back to my elbows throughout the duration of my plank. Although, sometimes I feel lazy and just stay on my elbows!!


I try to do the plank on my elbows!


I love your traditions with Brooke, how did you choose what to do each day?


Love this nativity, where did you find it?

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