Successful race necessities

Eating York Peppermint Patties while getting my hair done during Brooke’s nap time was a great idea yesterday.  

The head massage that they give you when they wash and condition your hair is probably one of the best things ever—>  anyone else agree?  

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I FELT MY SISTER’S BABY KICK FOR THE FIRST TIME.  Actually, I think that the little one wasn’t kicking but instead giving me a fist bump and communicating to me that we are going to be best friends.  

I have a lot of veins in my hands.  It’s genetic, I think. 

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And then the girls showed off their greatest skills on the tramp.  

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Last night I picked up Megster and we went in to Utah Run to go find a MARATHON OUTFIT (and also this adorable purple jacket) for St. George…  race day outfits are extremely important.  I guarantee that when you walk into Utah Run you will see about 45 things that you want/need, it by far has the cutest workout clothes around.  

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I grabbed some of the Honey Stinger Chews to try out later on this week.  

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I have heard that SportLegs are pretty awesome so I picked some up to try out.  They are said to safely tame the lactic acid ‘burn’—>  I will definitely let you know what my experience is with them.  I will probably try them out once I start the long runs again after this next marathon.  

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Two workout clothing addicts feeding their addiction.  We need help.   

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I officially have every word in this book memorized.  This one is a good one because it explains how Clifford became a giant dog, something I have always wondered about.

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And then this happened while I watched The Mindy Project.  

Better safe than sorry.  

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You can find my marathon playlist HERE!  

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Your favorite playlist + the right shoes + an outfit you feel really good in + the right fuel/hydration = a successful race.  I guess training for the race probably plays a big role in having a successful race too;)


If temperature isn’t an issue—>  do you prefer running in capris, shorts or pants?

Any pregnant readers?  How far along are you right now?

Last book that you read?

-Clifford.  It was quite the page turner.

What is your favorite running fuel lately?

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I did hair for a couple years and I found that if you give a good scalp massage you always have your clients come back! Lol


Definitely would rather run in shorts! I’m like you and get SUPER hot, and the more of my skin that can breathe – the better!

I remember my little brother used to love those Clifford books! He’s 20 now, so that shows you how long those classics have been around! :)


Ha – my little sister is 40 and I remember HER reading them!


New running gear, I don’t think there is anything better.

I prefer running in capris most of the time. They’re comfy, I never get hot in them, don’t have to worry about chafing or riding up like shorts can sometimes do. Almost never run in pants unless its freezing outside.

I’m currently reading Marathon Man by Bill Rodgers. It’s really good and I like his story of his journey to winning the Boston Marathon. I’d recommend it!

I LOVE Honey Stinger products. By far my favorite chews. I was skeptical about the waffles, but they are really good too. I use those for a snack sometimes. I order in bulk now, too expensive to buy them individually!

I haven’t seen last night’s Mindy! It’s on the agenda for my lunch break today!


I MUST run in shorts and a tank top or I overheat. Idk why but I just get really hot super quick…and I sweat a ton. Gross, I know.

Pregnant…not yet. Working on it but not having much luck here.

Last book I read was If I Stay…I want to see the movie so I physically needee to read the book first.

I dont use fuel…my stomach doesnt even like gatorade while running.


I try to wear shorts right up until it’s freezing so I guess I like shorts the most! I use powerbar performance energy blends and they’re just like baby food pouches and really easy to digest for me.


Capris! I always run in my lulu crops and love them!

Also a children’s book… All about hockey since my two year old is obsessed.

Shot Bloks. They’re the only thing, that I’ve tried, that I love!


if temperature wasn’t in question – shorts and a tank top/just my bra. I like to run with minimal clothing on.

The last book I read was MWF seeking BFF.

Running fuel and I are having some issues…so I’m testing out a whole bunch to see what sits the best and doesn’t give me GU burps haha


I’ve only raced in pants once! I know right! Anyways, I prefer to race in runderwear. I don’t do a lot of winter or cold races so that probably explains that. We just got a bunch of new GU that I want to try when the time comes again.


I loved the Clifford books when I was a kid! And incidentally, that specific Clifford book was the first I’d ever read. Great books!


I wish I could run with shorts but my thighs chafe really bad. Not even the body glides help. Capri and compression pants are the only things I race with. I always refuel with Gu. I love it but some of the flavors are a bit to much for me.


If temps aren’t an issue I prefer shorts. But fashion-wise I really want the patterned capris I’m seeing everywhere! Mine are all black. Blah.

Last week I used salt water taffies for fuel because it’s all I had in the house. Don’t do that. It was a sticky mess!


Favorite running fuel isn’t very exciting but it works! Half a banana and Watermelon Spark (a natural energy drink that Advocare makes).


Last book I read…Five Little Pumpkins (we read it about 20 times a day).

New running outfits are a must! Way more fun than normal clothing. :)


I defintely prefer to run in shorts if I can get away with it. My legs feel more “free” haha. I have been loving the salted caramel Gu lately. I was wondering if you are going to stick with your Glycerins for the race or go back to your Pure Flows. I actually use the same two shoes and can’t decide which to wear for the Wineglass Marathon next weekend.


I don’t know what’s better in that first picture…the peppermint patty or your nail color?!?

Shorts runner, all the way. I like to feel free when I run!

New fave running fuel = Dates + PB. I know, it’s weird, but its delish and it works!!


I’m 24 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I’m averaging 52 miles a week and feeling great- except that I’m running out of clothes that fit just right to run in!


I love to read this!
So many women talk about how bad they feel in pregnancy. I have felt so good, and running feels fantastic, I actually wondered if that was normal.


I think its totally normal, but I have learned you have to take pregnant running day-by-day.


Yes 27 weeks.

I wish I was running more serious miles to actually use real fuel. Right now I am fueling with jelly beans or peanut m&m’s.


I don’t know why but I prefer capris–maybe I like how it feels tight and secure?

I’m reading Atlas Shrugged! Not a page turner–but it’s super intelligent…makes you think!


Oh shorts for sure, I love the feeling of the wind on my legs, and….I should admit this, but I love looking down at my legs when i run to see the muscles as they contract. Haha what a loser! Love that Clifford was your latest read, I am reading Brene Browns book on vulnerability, and LOVING it! Taper time is coming very soon, so need to get some more books to read :)


I hope you like the Honey Stinger chews. They are my favorite – the two best flavors are pink lemonade and lemon-lime!

The last book that I read is The Book Thief – I’m about 75% of the way through and it is soooo good I can’t put it down!


If temperature isn’t an issue, I’ll choose shorts or a running skirt! I haven’t worn capris in three years while running, so it’s either shorts, a skirt, or pants for me!


Looks like I could find lots of things I’d want to but at that running store.

I’m reading a book about Jane Austen right now.


Brooks essential capris are my fave. I live in them.
I just never feel safe wearing shorts even with anti chafe stuff. Lol.
Although a long compression short would work.

I always eat honey stinger chews. Cherry cola is my favorite. The pink lemon are good but they give me heartburn so I don’t use during a run.

I used to work at scholastic, the publishing company that makes the Clifford books. I know everything about that big red dog :)


I actually find the scalp massage awkward and I love that my hair dresser doesn’t mess around with it. Probably because I am always in a hurry. Weekend time must not be wasted! I am 32 weeks pregnant and cannot wait to meet my little girl. Congrats to your sis :)


I just finished reading Sarah Jio’s VIOLETS OF MARCH and really enjoyed it!

Love your nail polish color! :)


Almost 14 weeks! Morning sickness (really all day sickness!) is finally over! I have managed to work out very day, though!


I love running in capris but shorts are a good choice as well.

Just six weeks pregnant with #3 and we are super excited! Hoping I can run again until delivery!

I love the honey stinger chews but I also really like taking the “squeezy fruits” that I give my toddler. The applesauce ones are the best and I like that it is real food,


Peppermint Patties are a fave in our house – my son (now 4) use to call them patty patties b/c he couldn’t say Peppermint. :)

I prefer running in shorts. I have 2 pair of Under Armour shorts that I absolutely love and wish I had purchased many more of them.

Last book I read was The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells. Loved it!!

The Honey Stinger chews are actually my favorite fuel! The pink lemonade & the cherry cola are the best. I prefer these chews over any & all gels and other fuels out there and they taste so darn good! Hope you like them as well!!

And now, I’m wondering how Clifford became a big red dog too. I don’t remember reading that one. Must.find.out. :)


OMG I loved that Clifford book! We have it inside a Clifford giant collection story book. Oh how I used to read it over and over…My other favorite Clifford is when Emily Elizabeth takes him to school. My son used to walk around with that book wherever we went. Ah the memories…I sorta now miss If You Give A Mouse A Cookie and A Pig A Pancake and A Moose A Muffin…


Sport Legs? I never heard of that. Can you let us know if they work? It may help those of us recovering from injury. I saw your article yesterday. I’m loving all of them!


I prefer running in shorts. Living in WI, that will soon be coming to an end. I love honey stinger chews! They’re a favorite of mine. Other wise Salted Caramel GU! I can’t wait to give the caramel macchiato a try.


Is it sad that now that you mentioned Clifford I am actually curious as to how he became a big red dog? Probably.

I am a capris person all the way. Pants feel too stuffy and some short ride up too much. Ain’t nobody got time to pull out a wedgie when I’m trying to run.


I definitely prefer to run in shorts. I used to love my running tights last winter and lived in them (wore them everywhere even when I wasn’t running), but over the past year I had started to love running in shorts and the thought of running with my legs covered now seems sweaty and hot. I’ve never been one for capris, except for going to yoga.


Capris are my favorite to run in. My thighs tend to eat shorts if you know what I mean ;) My latest fuel are those sports jelly beans-so far so good. They’re tasty and easy to eat. I honestly can’t remember the last book I read and that’s just wrong because I love to read. I guess I know what I’m doing this afternoon!


I love capris! I get to air out my ankles. I can’t wear shorts because my thighs chafe. I live in northern VT and I will wear them straight through the winter, I only go for pants if the temperature is less than 20 degrees.


If weather isn’t an issue, I really love running in capris. I feel like it holds everything together and makes my legs feel more stable – which is probably just a mental thing but I love them!

I have yet to try any fuel. I probably should, but the longest I have run is 8 miles so I haven’t felt the need to yet.


Scalp massages feel awesome!! Hands down the best part of the salon visit. I’m not comfortable unless I’m in a running skirt. The super soft built in shorts are awesome and the skirt gives a bit of coverage. I usually pair them with a tank top until colder weather, and even then I’ll layer my upper body but still wear skirts until it’s reeeaaalllyy cold. I like Gu for fuel, but like someone else mentioned some of the flavored are a bit much for me. No kiddos for me, but I have geckos named Dobby and Fred. :) As for the book, I’m finishing up the fourth book of the Game of Thrones series (rereading them) and about to start the fifth. I cannot wait for the next one to be published!!


Shorts! I practically live in Shorts!


I definitely prefer shorts for running!

My favorite running fuel right now is kiwi strawberry honey stinger gels. I like the boost I get from the caffeine.


I am a shorts girl all the way! If it’s over 45 degrees, I’m wearing shorts. I am trying to pick out the perfect ones for my marathon right now too and I’m thinking the oiselle chevrona distance shorts look pretty fly.

I love the salted caramel gu gel, and margarita clif shot bloks for fuel :)


I love Capris!

I am currently 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant!! come on baby!

What to expect when you’re expecting! :)

Currently I haven’t ran for a few weeks – so no running fuel fave – but I did just start getting Stride Box monthly in August – so I have a few new ones to try when I start training again. Can NOT wait to start running again!!


You should come to China, they give whole neck/head massages for like 25 minutes before they cut your hair. Its amazing.


Head massages during hair cuts are the best!

I miss trampolining!!


If temp isn’t an issue I prefer running in capris. That way I don’t have to worry about how shorts can ride up or chafing. :)

I am pregnant- 20 weeks along this Sat! I’m 3 1/2 weeks out from the 1/2 marathon I’ve been training for and it’s been SO great to be able to run during this pregnancy. I’m feeling stronger and better than ever, even though my pace is slowed WAY down.


Sport Legs are a game changer! I use them on my long runs and during marathons (and sometimes before and after a hard effort half) and I SWEAR by them! The manager at my local running store told me about them after I wasn’t as successful as I thought I should have been in my first marathon, and I thank him every time I see him for the solid rec!


I prefer to run in shorts since I get really warm when I run but sometimes the weather here requires capris instead. I’ve never actually ran in long pants before since I warm up pretty quickly after I start running! Can you do a post to show all the cute clothes you got on your shopping trip?


If temperature isn’t an issue? Hmm, I think temp is always the deciding issue for me. But I think I’d choose pants. The swishing of shorts really gets on my nerves, for some reason. If I listened to music it might not bother me. But I don’t like the idea of not hearing what’s going on around me; I always feel like I’m missing something.

I’m reading Outliers. It’s quite good and I would recommend it.

Depending on when you ask me, my favorite running fuel would either be a salad (if I’m in a healthy mood) or a few cookies.


I’d recommend any Malcolm Gladwell book too. He’s such a thinker, that his books challenge me to rethink my assumptions about life and find my own answers.
Check out this post where I talked about his books


i usually run in capris or pants.. i have issues with my legs. i think they are huge!! lol :/

last book i read was “if i stay” :D


I love head massages but I do my own hair ergo, I have to give my own head massages. It’s the single thing I miss about salons.
I prefer capris for running, even when it’s really cool outside, I like to have kart of my leg exposed so I don’t overheat :-)
Just finished All Fall Down by Jennifer Weiner. It deals with addiction in a way I’d never though. I have a review scheduled on my blog soon.


Cute purple top! What brand is it? I love running in capris because they provide some compression for my hamstrings, glutes, and quads. I prefer shorts in the summer when my legs have a little color and it’s hot outside.

I always eat a scoop of peanut butter before my long runs and races. During my long runs I always take a GU Roctane and Salted Caramel GU. Yum.


I always run in capris. I’m slightly knock-kneed so capris keep the chafe away.

The last book I read was Running Like a Girl. LOVE! All women need to read this book!


Ps. Please spoil it for me. I don’t know Clifford’s story but I can’t wait to hear how he became the BIG red dog.


I have very veiny hands too! Totally genetic. I actually love it though :)

I’ve been running with SaltCaps this entire summer to help avoid dehydration and muscle cramps, and they work like a charm! I plan to use them for my upcoming (first!!!) marathon on Oct. 11th. Let me know what you think of SportLegs, I’ve seen it in stores but haven’t tried it yet.

Oh and I’m all about shorts and tanks. I sweat like a beast even when it’s chilly out, so the less clothes the better :)


I love Honey Stingers! They are my go to for my nutrition!


After losing my dad last year and learning to give up on scripting a life plan (including a “planned” pregnancy, which wasn’t happening), we’re pregnant! 13 weeks along now – still doesn’t feel real!


Maria, I am so sorry about your father. Huge congrats to your pregnancy! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


Shorts, to my knees.

“The Bully Pulpit” by Doris Kerns Goodwin

Fruit smoothie Honey Stinger Chews, orange Sport Beans and of course salted carmel GU.

Can’t wait to hear about your experience with Sportlegs.


I love running in shorts…the less clothing the better (for me). Those that have to look at me might disagree!
My favorite pre-run food is a Picky Bar.
My go-to race fuel is Chocolate Outrage GU, but I just tried the new Caramel Macchiato and it is awesome!


I love shorts! They are definitely my go to thing and i wear them until i can’t possibly wear them anymore (like my legs will fall over cause they are frozen ) :)

I can’t wait to pick out my marathon outfit!! AHHHHHH!!! I cannot cannot wait!!


Race day fuel – Honey Stingers or PowerGel. Lucky for me, I have yet to find any fuel that bothers my stomach.

Last book (completed), “The Best of Me” by Nicholas Sparks. Now I cannot wait for the movie!!! My child did read some “Scooby Doo” to me the other night.

Running clothes – depends on weather, of course. Summer, sometimes I feel like wearing nothing (but no one needs to see that). Overall it is shorts, but I found some compression capri pants last spring that are fantastic!


Seriously I would pay just to have my hair washed and my head massaged. It feels sooooo good!
Love the Mindy Project. So funny!!


I am in love with your purple jacket! I NEED it!! :) I love getting new running gear because it makes me want to get out and run! The last book I read was a Disney princess book to my 8 month old. She already loves when I read to her, so I need to get her more books :) Any recommendations? Oh and I love your nail polish? Is it a gel manicure?


If temperature wasn’t an issue I would run in tights. I just love ’em. Shorts usually chafe unless it is a shorter run or I am wearing loads of BodyGlide haha. That store looks unreal!


I tried some of the Sportsleggs for my last marathon. It’s always so hard to know whether they made a difference or not (because it could be a million different reasons why you feel the way you do). But I just bought more for my next marathon, so somewhere in my head I decided I needed ’em.

I just finished reading Gone Girl. Wow. Good book.

I’m definitely a shorts girl. I’ll wear shorts in just about any weather. (well, not totally true, I wear capris or tights when the temperatures drop to freezing).

I realized last night when I was at our local running store, that I’ll pay more for quality workout clothes than I will for “normal” clothes.


I like running skirts or shorts to run in!
I am 18 weeks pregnant with TWINS!!
Last book I read was Pinkalicious
I want a new outfit!!




I always run in shorts. Even when it was 30 degrees for a marathon.
I am having a c-section on Tuesday! I ran 7 miles today and hope to run at least a little every day until then.
I finished Orphan Train by Christina Kline for our book discussion group. It was really good and not what I normally read.


I would rather run in shorts any day and I will run in shorts through most of the cold weather… I over heat really easy so I try not to go over board….

The last book I read was The Little Pigs to Brady last night….

My fav running fuel is the salted caramel gu… you introduced it to me, so now i’m looking for something new… suggestions?


29 weeks preggo here. I’m sidelined from running this pregnancy. Yes, I am living vicariously through you all :) Where did you get the journal you write a couple of lines in each day, J? I love how it has a space for 5 years if I remember correctly. Love your blog!


HEY AMANDA! I am so sorry that you can’t run but yay for being 29 weeks along. I got the journal from Soel Boutique and I think they deliver! 801-426-9644


Workout clothes shopping = the best. Although, I’m partial to lululemon :)

So excited that you felt your sister’s baby fist bump you! I am just over 7 months along and was training for my first half marathon when I found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately I had to stop running during this pregnancy because of a hemorrhage really early on, so I’ve been all about the pool runs & yoga, etc. Can’t wait to get back at it! My goal is to be running again by February and I’ve signed up for a second “first half marathon” come August 2015.


I’ve not heard of Sportlegs before so I have no idea if the product works or not, but I’d be super skeptical of a supplement that claims to help with lactic acid burn since that’s a myth that has been debunked for quite some time. You can read about it here: or through a simple Google search. Maybe the product somehow helps with the hydrogen ions that are causing the “burn”, but I sure wouldn’t trust putting something like that into my body if the company can’t even correctly explain what their product is doing. Just a heads-up!


Hey! Thank you so much Traci! I will do more research! I appreciate you!


I have a pair of Lululemon (I mean I have 2 pair) capris that have side pockets on the thigh. Kinda like cargo capris! Haha. I love how I can fit my phone in one and it doesn’t move. A gel in the other and it’s super handy. But lately I’ve tried to keep with shorts. I’ve been wearing my compression sleeves and they are too hot with capris.


Head massage is basically THE reason I ever bother to get my hair cut. Combining with York peppermint patty = GENIUS.

I love new workout gear. But I’m always fearful/superstitious to wear new anything on race day.


I am 7 weeks today, and soooooo sick. Ugh. I am reading the murderers daughters right now, and I am in love with it. Such a good read!!!


Oh Laura, I am so sorry that you are so sick! I hope you start feeling better asap!


I have to just say, that York peppermint patties are my faaaaavorite and now you’ve made me want some. As far as running, I prefer capris if temp isn’t an issue! They’re just the cutest always :) The last book I read was “Where’d You Go, Bernadette?” and I HIGHLY recommend it! SO funny!



i LOVE your ring. And can’t wait to hear about how Sports Legs work for you! Sounds really interesting!


Totes agree with the head massage thing! Last book I read was Little Big Lies. Really, really good! I like capris better but I live in Louisiana so it has to be fairly cool for me to wear them & not die. Energy Bits are a great fuel!


I run in Nike 10″ compression shorts. Regular shorts just ride up constantly and my capris want to fall down. Anyone else have that problem with capris? First it was finding the right sports bra and now my pants want to fall down…ha! Would like to find capris or long pants soon….especially for Wisconsin weather!

Last book was Wild by Cheryl Strayed. Just downloaded Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. (I like the power of three’s so I guess I’ll need to download another book by a Cheryl next lol)

No fuel. I only run 3 miles a day…5 days a week. Still trying to “master” those three and increase from there. Taking a lot longer than I expected… :( Reading your blog and a few others keeps me going…and learning :)


Lately my faves are my Nike pro compression shorts.
I start IVF next month for baby #2. I hope it goes as smoothly as the first!
Love, love, love the Mindy Project!


berry honeystingers are the only fuel that works for me at all ever, can’t wait to find out what ya think!


Capri’s are my favorite and feel most comfortable to me! I am not pregnant but had my 3rd in April, and would love to be pregnant n soon….but probably will wait a bit! :) last book I read was to my little kids but can’t remember the name, something about a deer! Haha also had a question about where you got your doll house for Brooke? My little girl turns two in November and I’ve been looking for one!


HEY!! I got the doll house at Toys R Us! AHHH three! you are amazing!


Oh thanks! Sometimes I think more crazy than amazing, ha ha. They are all under 4 so it gets a bit interesting! :) And thank you so much, I will check it out!


I’m a 3/4s kind of girl – shorts are fine, but sometimes I get chub rub and it’s uncomfortable to shower, especially for anything over 10 miles!


i just started watching the mindy project and i am totally addicted.


Capris are my favorite. I can’t wait to hear about the Sportlegs! And Clifford ROCKS! But I say that because I am a children’s librarian too.


No matter the weather, I only run in capris. I can’t stand shorts riding up or shifting, and I live in California by the beach, so pants are usually to hat regardless of the season :)

York peppermint pattys are awesome!! They always remind me if my grandparents, because they always had a bowl of them out when we would visit them as kids :)


The Clifford part was really funny :) I’ve always wondered too.


I’m pregnant, delivering on Tuesday! And reading daily, jealous I can’t run right now, but eagerly anticipating getting back to it in a month!


AHHHHH YAY!! Tuesday! Good luck!!! I am thrilled for you!


I remember that Clifford book too lol…

Can you write a post about recovering from a stress fracture and learning to run again? I have a stress fracture right now and have been given the green light to train, but I’m scared to get hurt again! Help!


YES!!! I am so so sorry Elizabeth!


Hair salon head massages are the best part of getting your hair done! :)


Utah has the best dancers, as per SYTYCD, and the best bloggers, haha!


20 weeks with baby #3! I think I’m due on or around your sister’s due date, Feb 6th? It’s getting harder and harder to run but I’m hoping I can stick with it for as long as I can. I know I’ll lose all motivation once the weather gets colder!

When I can actually train for a race I choose Gu. I like most of the favors, peanut butter is one of my top choices, but I really want to try the salted caramel. Best of luck in St George!


Ooh, shorts are always top choice! Mostly because I love running most when it’s warm out but also I just love letting my legs run free, leggings or capris seem so restrictive. Also, shorts come in more colors and are cheaper so I can buy more of them. Hence: I have 100 pairs of shorts and like 2 long leggings. That serves me really well in the winter.

I actually have gotten heavy into Cinnamon Chex as running fuel. Not technical, I know- but I can eat half a box and still run pretty soon afterwards which is a win for me. Also, have you eaten the Honey Stinger waffles? They’re the best!


Ahahaha. I just laughed out loud when I read, “it explains how Clifford became a giant dog, something I have always wondered about.” lol!


If weather is no option, capris. No chafing, good coverage, still some breathing.

My last book- some truly terrible regency romance novel. However, allow me to state the present one is Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel (much less embarrassing).

Race snack- I swear by the Honey Stinger vanilla gels. They taste way better than gu and the consistency is a bit better. However, the cherry blossom chews are good on warm days.


I love running in shorts… and I love the coverage of capris. Shorts are usually cheaper than capris so I have more/ wear more of them. :)

I’m 33 weeks prego! Running still feels SO good… although I go so slow now. I love it though… healthy mom = healthy baby!! :) Is your sister planning to keep running/working out?

I last read the Silmarillion (tolkien)


I prefer capris or shorts. I’m not a fan of running in pants, but maybe I just haven’t found the right pair yet. As for fuel, I only replace electrolytes with nuun…. Haven’t gotten to the point where I need more fuel than that.


The head massage is the best part about getting your hair cut – I love it!

I wear capris pretty much all year round unless it is really hot or really cold out. Love ’em!

The last book I read was Running like a Girl: Notes on Learning to Run – it was a fun one to read.

My go to running fuel lately has been margarita Shot Bloks and salted watermelon GU.


Please share your thoughts on Honey Stingers! I am ordering some today and am hoping I will love them!


I love your watch in the top picture! What designer?


I am 28 weeks pregnant this week with my first :) so exciting and scary at the same time!


I’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow and proud (or perhaps lucky) to say I’m still running every other day. I’m slower than molasses but I’m still going :)


1. Your nails look amazing, cutest color :)
2. I would rather buy workout clothes over normal clothes ANY day..I think I have a problem !


So many cute outfits, and I like your nail color!

I’m so happy Mindy Project is back, so good!


Honey Stingers have always been my favorite until last weekend…I won’t be eating them for awhile now.


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Im 4.5 months and struggling to do anything but walk. And here I was so certain I could run while preggo- my lungs disagree :(

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