Fighting the Mental Demons of Running and 6 Friday Favorites.

Favorite things this Friday!

-Brooke and her bfffffff celebrated their one year (and one day) anniversary last night.  We went to the same restaurant that we went to for our first hangout last September.  

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From last year.  They have sure grown up.


Paige and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary too.

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-Going to my mom’s house to pick up the best package ever from General Mills (I cannot wait to try the chex oatmeal and wear those shirts as much as humanly possible) and a huge bag of peaches from my mom.  I know what Brooke and I will be eating for the next week straight.  

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-This version of All About That Bass.  This girl’s voice… WOW!

-I was never much of a ring person (except when I wore a wedding ring for a few years;) but I recently have started to wear them.  These Madewell ones that I got last weekend are my latest obsession. 

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-My new life goal:


-That Brooke gets just excited as I do about being on a treadmill. 

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A really good friend of mine is running a marathon on Saturday and she is struggling with the mental side of the race.  She has rocked her training and is incredibly strong but like we all do… we DOUBT OURSELVES.  Not fun and it certainly does not help us at all in our race!  

I have two things that I focus on when doubt/negative/lamesauce thinking starts creeping in, this applies to running/races/life.  

1.  Challenge your thoughts.  When a thought comes into your mind you can GO WITH IT/DWELL ON IT or decide that it is silly and PUSH IT OUT/CHANGE IT!  It is up to us what we do with that thought.  

Some common negative thoughts and what you can change that thought to:

-I am slow and everyone is going to pass me—>  I am an athlete and I know I am strong, it doesn’t matter what anyone else around me is doing. 

-I am not prepared for all of the hills—> Oh well, I will try my hardest!  At least I am prepared for those downhills;)

-There is NOOOO way I am going to accomplish my goal—>  Well, when you think like that… you are right.  A lot of times in a race I just repeat to myself over and over again, “I can, I can, I can, I can.”

2.  Take off the pressure!  When I start feeling race day anxiety I think about how Brooke is going to love me all the same no matter what my time is and so will the people that matter most in your life.  Our performance doesn’t define us.  This isn’t our job (well, unless you are an elite reading this and it really is your job;).  Remember the reasons that you run.  You’ve done the work, now just go out there and do what you love to do.  Life is wayyyyy too short to spend it with negative thoughts about yourself.  

PS If you are wanting to work on your mental game—>  I highly recommend the book MIND GYM: An Athlete’s Guide to Inner Excellence.

Some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“You have to train your mind like you train your body.” -Bruce Jenner .

“The mind messes up more shots than the body.” -Tommy Bout

“The most important part of a player’s body is above his shoulders.” -Ty Cobb

“Competitive toughness is an acquired skill and not an inherited gift.” -Chris Evert

“This ability to conquer oneself is no doubt the most precious of all things sports bestows on us.” -Olga Korbut

“Build your weaknesses until they become your strengths.” -Knute Rockne

“The harder you work the harder it is to surrender.” -Vince Lombardi

“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” -Jim  Lefebvre

“You can’t outperform your self-image.” -Dennis Connor.

“I firmly believe that the only disability in life is a bad attitude.” -Scott Hamilton

“A bad attitude is worse than a bad swing.” -Payne Stewart.

“Don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do.” -John Wooden.

“You have to learn to get comfortable with Being uncomfortable.” -Lou Piniella


What are some of your Friday favorites?

How do you deal with with negative thoughts about your running/races?

Are you a jewelry person?  Gold or silver?

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LOVE those mind/body quotes – SO true. Note to self, ahem! :)


I like what you said there… you can choose what to do with the thought, whether it be keep it in or push it out of your head! I have a big race tomorrow and I’m going to remember those quotes when it gets tough :)


Friday Favorite, The Beach, which is where I am right now….can’t think of anything else I’m so excited :)


Awe it’s so cute tosee how old they have gotten.

I have always found that negative thoughts come with the territory. I try and remind myself that it’s only a few minutes (or at most hours) and then it’s done. I normally try and remember I’m making it more of a big deal then it probably is. Once I accepted that mentality I began to really improve in my running both mentally and physically.


I always just take 1 mile at a time so that I never feel overwhelmed!


The last quote about learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable is one of my favorites and I day it to myself a lot.


I find that visualization helps me prepare a lot for a marathon. Seeing myself cross the finish line strong at a time I want. I also visualize everything that can possible go wrong, and figure out how I’d deal with it on the course!


I try to distract myself by taking in the surroundings or thinking about what song I’m listening to and each memory I have associated with it. I also try to remind my brain not to be too hard on myself, and that I’ve trained to run the race the best I could. Of course, I’ve never run a full marathon and that’s a whole other beast!


Thanks for the advice! I’m doing a half tomorrow and I’m nervous! I love what you said about taking the pressure off!


Negative thoughts are inevitable in running and in life! Sometimes it helps to dissect them and understand what the truth behind them is, and then possibly makes changes from there, or decide that they are just nerves and decide not to listen to them. Or maybe it’s just a perspective shift to running as work to running to do something good for yourself. Accepting reality and being honest with yourself are also important in deciding if a negative thought has merit or is just your nerves talking.


I love to challenge my thoughts and turn them on their head. Also, such a great quote!


Friday Favorite – already finished my run and getting out of work early so I can relax all evening! I love the pics of Brooke and her bff from a year ago and now! So cute!

I try to break down a race into smaller increments. If I think of the marathon as 26.2 miles, its overwhelming, even after doing 33 of them. I break it down into 5k or 10k segments. Sometimes toward the end, mile to mile. It helps me alot. I have to remind myself that no matter what my time is, I’m still out there doing something that so many people haven’t, and that’s pretty cool.

I don’t wear alot of jewelry. Wedding ring, occasionally one other, sometimes a necklace and almost always a watch. Usually silver, but I have been really liking rose gold lately too.

Happy Friday!! :)


Thank you!!! I needed this post! I live in pancake flat Florida and am running my marathon in Portland. I’m nervous about some of the hills but you are right, I’m prepared for the downhills :) That is a much better way to think about it!!! Plus I have been running bridges so I think that will help.. we’ll see! It’s almost here!! Ahh!


beating down the “I CANT” sometimes is tough…. but i have to remind myself of ALL my awesome training runs, and also, i tell myself “its only 20 minutes/90 minutes or 3 1/2 hours of your life, Nicole…YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!”


Brooke and her bestie are so cute! They’re going to be friends until the end of time, I know it :) I had a friend like that, and even though he moved to the other side of the country when we were young, we still love to see each other and are two peas in a pod.


My negative thoughts usually stem from comparing myself to someone else. When that happens, I try to think back to the beginning of my fitness/running journey and think about how far I’ve come. There is always going to be someone better, so I try to only compare myself to my old self.


Kid President really just GETS it doesn’t he? So much wisdom there ;)

I’m not much of a jewelry person. I”ll switch out necklaces, but I never mix up my rings and it’s rare that I wear earrings outside of my normal rotation of two or three pairs.

I’m having my whole family over to celebrate my mom’s birthday, and that’s what I’m looking forward to thsi weekend!


Brooke has gotten so big over the last year!

I’m definitely a silver jewelry person. I think I have one gold piece and it was a gift.


I made you one of my Friday Favorites on my blog today…love your site!
I have a few go-to mantras when the mental game gets tough during a race.
And, I love all jewelry. It just depends on the outfit!


I love Kid President , hahaha
I approach a race very relaxed. My goals are simple and not too hard. I know I’ll never be fast and so I just have fun!
Favorite today. My PT taped my knee after the beloved Graston Technique. (Ouch) and now I have a scrotee! ;)
Hoping to start running next week.


I can completely relate to that post about doubting myself. Most of the time I prove myself wrong but before I do it I feel a sense of dread and anxiety. I just have to tell myself I will do my best, and I can’t be disappointed if I tried my best.

I’ll tell you what I’m real excited about: FALL!


I love those thoughts!
Brooke’s bun has tripled in size in a year!
I still love silver best and just haven’t gotten on a gold kick yet.


Friday favorite–I went home sick yesterday, and some of my students sent me an email saying they missed me.
I think I am going shopping for new workout clothes at Athleta this weekend. Love it–unless I am still sick then I will sleep all day.

YOU MUST MAKE MUDDY-BUDDIES WITH THOSE CHEX. SO AMAZING: Friday special=muddy buddies!!! (Or puppy chow–whatever you want to call it.)

I wear only silver jewelry.


I think nerves and self doubt are normal with anything in life that is challenging. You just have to have faith that it will work out the way it’s meant to be. Every time I start a race, I say to myself over and over “enjoy the ride.” I try to focus on the experience and enjoying being in the moment, the scenery and being grateful for my health that I can race.


Love love love those rings! I really like simple jewelery and wear a ring, a necklace and earrings every day. I’m not much for bracelets though. I’ve tried and I just don’t love them. But I loved how they look! #firstworldproblems


I’m not a jealous person, but I have to say I am jealous of your General Mills package!!

Friday Favs: I’m obsessed with Carmex right now, Sriracha, roasted chicken from Costco, and I’m teaching rhetoric right now which is one of my favorite things ;)

When negative thoughts come into my mind during a race, I just try and think about the after and how proud I will feel and that my peeps will love me no matter what.

I don’t wear much jewelry, but if I do, it’s silver.


Love that video……and yes, her voice is great!!!


Friday favorites: about to go running for the first time since Sunday, it’s the last day of the work week, and I have a new book by my favorite musician (Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle) to read!


Friday Favorites – Reece’s pieces straight out of a Costco-sized bag by the handful, and September birthday celebrations in my family!

Gah, the brain is such a crazy thing, isn’t it? Self-doubt is one of those little nuisances that we all face at one point or another. To quiet those negative thoughts, I do a lot of what you already said… I constantly tell myself that I am ready, I am strong, and I am capable. No matter what happens, I did my best to prepare for my race, so I just trust in my body to do the work!

Finally, jewelry… I rarely wear it (actually, I’m notorious for losing it), but I’m a silver-tone lover more than gold I think!


I just talking about retraining our brain yesterday! The mind is a powerful thing but we are in control of our thoughts and must learn to override the negative and unproductive thought processes…As for jewelry, I always was a jewelry girl but once I stopped wearing my wedding ring, it’s like I forgot how to put jewelry on everyday. I end up just wearing my earrings and necklace all the time because I never take them off and forget allll about the bracelets and rings.


I completely psyche myself out before every race. I know, it sucks but I can’t help it unless I am only doing the run for fun. I wish those tricks worked on me but many times my mind wins over. I lovery to accessorize my plain clothes so jewelry is a must. I wish I had more! BTW I just love that shirt!


i love your positive thoughts— i do crossfit and constantly telling myself that i am strong enough, so i challenge myself to do the heaviest weight and Rx everything i can, even if it is challenging and will slow me down— i get stronger and faster that way!!


Just what I needed to read! I’m in the middle if a 20 mile run this morning (stopped to breastfeed my baby) and this was so helpful!! See you in st George!!!


I’ve used a lot of running mantras to help me while living in china. I used to think “I have to run X more miles” but would make myself think “I get to do X more miles and then I will be X times stronger”. In China sometimes I get overwhelmed by the amount of time left on my contract here but instead of telling myself I have so much time left I remind myself I have so much time left to learn and explore


Janae, THANK YOU for this post! I am running the Chicago marathon on the 12th of October and I think that physically, I’m really ready to have a good race, but mentally….eek! I really appreciate this post and all of its positive enthusiasm and encouragement!


You are so welcome! You are going to do amazing in Chicago Jane! Please let me know how it goes!


The only way I got through my marathon was going into it to have fun and enjoy the experience. I didn’t know if I’d ever run one again and I knew Chicago was an amazing course, so I just tried to soak it all in! I wasn’t even nervous at the start line, it just felt right.


I do believe that the difference between an athlete and a non-athlete is the ability to be comfortable with discomfort. When I was in labor with my children, when the contractions would get so bad, I’d get really quiet and inwardly focused and I guess kind of check out. The nurses asked if I was okay and my husband said, “she a runner.” I think that pretty much sums it up, right?

Totally a jewelry person. I particularly like “race” jewelry–a little charm or necklace to commemorate a race or accomplishment.


What a great list of quotes – perfect timing before my marathon in a couple weeks. I always think about doubt like a rock in my shoe. If I can just take a moment and get rid of it, running becomes a lot easier and I can focus on the positives. I always ask myself, “what is the worst that can happen?”


No matter how well I’ve trained, I always start to doubt myself the night before a race! I just try to get lost in my music and the scenery, and focus on finishing strong.

My Friday favorites = coffee and cooler weather!


When I have negative thoughts, I just tell myself someone is telling me I will never do “so and so” and it motivates me to prove them wrong. Usually myself!: )

I love love Teil Duncan art! It’s so pretty and beachy.


Sometimes I have negative thoughts thinking about how I am running so much slower than others, but then I remember that I am running……….which is more than a lot of people are doing so cut myself some slack! I usually finish races in the top 25-50% and I am so proud when I come in ahead of folks………… boosts my confidence. And when I can sprint it in at the finish………feels so good!

I am not much of a jewelry person, except for the engagement ring and a few necklaces I wear occasionally. (My job with animals doesn’t work so well with jewelry.) I am definately a silver girl!


Love that image you posted with the quote! I’ve seen it before and it’s always been a good reminder for me of who I truly want to be.

I’ve become more of a jewelry person over the last year or so, but I still don’t love a ton of it. I struggle with necklaces a bit, but I love earrings, bracelets, and rings! And typically I go for silver (or white gold), but I’ve really been loving yellow gold lately, or even better, a mix of gold and silver!


Negative thoughts are probably the hardest thing for me when it comes to running. Its all about knowing that your body is able to accomplish so much, no matter what your mind tells you. I also find that the runs which are mentally tougher really do help to build up your mental strength. At the end of the day we all have our bad days and that’s ok, you just need to learn from it next time!


Love all of those quotes! I feel super inspired this morning now :) Time to rock my workout!! As for jewelry, I used to be alllll silver all the time, but now I am LOVING gold jewelry! Have a great weekend!



I’m definitely a silver girl all the way! I wear gold costume jewelry sometimes but not fine jewelry.

Some of my Friday favorites are the Taylor Swift “Shake It Off” song and music video and the Jenna Marbles my drunk art school balloon animals video on YouTube! So funny!!!


It probably sounds weird but whenever I can see the finish line, I get anxious and nauseous (instead of excited). I just start counting, 1-100, and the monotony and predictability of that calms me down. I’ve tried a lot of things but that one works for me!


For the first time in my running life I am a little nervous before a race tomorrow! That is totally unlike me and this is exactly what I needed to read.

Thanks Janae!


I’ve had leg and arm injuries lately. This morning at 5 am I went to smuggle with my little boy and thought, “This is what my arms are for.” I am disappointed with my injuries, but there are more important things. I will heal. Focus on what I can do and not what I can’t!


I like gold and silver but my wedding rings were silver so I mainly wore that colour. Now I can expand my accessories ;)

I just repeat “trust your training” when I’m feeling nervous and it usually helps!!


Those quotes are amazing. I love love love the last one because I full heartedly agree with it. What a great post! I think that the mental part is just as tough if not tougher than the physical aspect!

Happy Friday, have a wonderful weekend! :)


Great quotes!

I love jewelry, but I don’t wear it much. I always wear the same earrings, the same two rings, and the same necklace. All silver/platinum.

Happy Friday!


Heya! The quote about helping people feel important is incredible. I think that’s pretty much the reason we are here on earth–to love others. Thanks for the inspiration!


The fastest runner and the slowest runner get the exact same medal! Everyone finishes, so everyone WINS!


I love the quote from Lou Piniella. Marathons hurt, there is no way around it you have to get past the hurt.

One of my favorite quotes is from Tedy Bruschi on his first Boston Marathon for his charity. It was going to be 80+ degrees and he said “Left, Right, Repeat”.

Dory “Just keep swimming”


Brook and her bf are so cute together! ;) It’s crazy how fast time flies!


Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right”

Mental barriers were an issue for me about a month ago. I am training for my first half and there was SO much self doubt that I considered quitting my training all-together. Negative thoughts ruined more than one long run for me.

Definitely more of a silver/white gold person. I wear my wedding rings, a simple Cape Cod bangle bracelet, necklace and simple silver ball earrings every day. It sounds like a lot when I write it out but everything is simple so it works.


Just read this! Didn’t know who said it …love that quote!


I like this quote “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

My son is sick home today and got my cold. I’m getting ready to start training again once my energy is back. Hoping a week off doesn’t hurt my training too much. But it’s my first full so all I wanna do is finish.
For Friday snuggles with my middle child:)


I read that book and refer back to it often…there are so many good points in it!


Hi Janae,
I thought of you while I as in spinning yesterday, as I’ve loved your spinning playlists lately. They played a remix (I think it’s just the sped-up version) of Gavin DeGraw’s Best I Ever Had, and I thought you might like it for your spinning classes too!


Ahhhhh thank you!!!!


Thank you for the book recommendation! I have been looking for something exactly like that!


Do you realize that YOU ARE that somebody….thanks for making me feel like a million bucks :)

I can totally relate to your friend and the mental marathon crazies. After I ran my last marathon in May (and crash and burned), I told myself I was going to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I was going to the track to do speed work (I LOATHE speed work) so I could get faster.

Then after a few slow track sessions, I invited some fierce competitors to do my speed workouts with me so I could get faster. I was nervous about looking like an idiot. Being too slow. BUT they pushed me to get faster (the ultimate goal). The uncomfortable wasn’t as bad. I started to hit my times.

Thank you for reminding me the work has been done and it’s time to reap the reward. Sometimes we just need a good friend to tell us to put on our big girl panties……


I like necklaces, that is about it!


I love the rings, too cute!


My favorite is: Take the pressure off. When I was competing for a school, I always felt so much pressure. I always thought about how teammates were counting on me, I was representing the school, and my coach would be disappointed. Now, I remind myself that this is all for ME! If I do poorly, nobody else will be disappointed. In all honesty, nobody else really cares how fast I run. Most of my friends and coworkers are impressed just by the fact that I do run, and they couldn’t care less how fast I do it. This helps to calm me down and usually leads to an even better race! Because the best kind of pressure is internal pressure, and when you remove everything else you can really push yourself to be your best.


My Friday favorites are going to Disneyland with my son to look at the Halloween stuff then watching Charlie Brown’s The Great Pumpkin while eating and drinking all things pumpkin!


Sounds like the perfect day! Enjoy!


Cute rings! I like silver/white gold and rose gold :)


Loved your quotes! I just put a “life is not a competition” quote up in my bathroom this week :)


Thank you for your good advice (and your fantastisch blog)! Within 2 weeks i am going to run my first 15k race since i was sick for a long time. I was very nervous, but i feel better now! Thanks Janae!


My 3 year old is in love with that All About That Bass cover!


Thank you the great advice! I am running my first 10k next week and I’m nervous about it.


My Friday favorite is that it’s Friday! :) Also: I love that All About that Bass video, and I’m really excited about my dinner tonight – red curry with broccoli and spinach!

I hate when I start getting bogged down by negative thoughts when I’m running. It helps to remind myself that every run can’t be the best run ever. In races I take things a mile at a time, remind myself about how much training I have put in, and think about the fact that I can relax after the race.

I like simple jewelry, silver for the most part. Mostly I have a few things that I wear every day (rings/earrings)


thanks for sharing the All About That Bass video…incredible!!

I get really anxious before races, so I just tell myself that it’s a tempo run, just with a ton of other people!


Here s a mental running demon: marathon setbacks. I ve been training HARD for the 2014 Boulder Maraton, and today, TWO weeks out from the race we find out the race is cancelled. :'( Anyone else planned to run this? Boooo


BOOOO why did they cancel it?


I’m curious to find out what blog platform you’re utilizing?

I’m having some minor security issues with my
latest blog and I would like to find something more risk-free.

Do you have any recommendations?


Hi Janae, do you have any advise for groin strain? It just happene to me month before half marathon and don’t know what to do.


I am going to finish my 4th half marathon this Sunday, my mind has been playing evil games this training session.


“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” — Just what I needed to hear! Thank you! You’re simply amazing! All the best! :)


I love gold jewelry, but most of my earrings are silver so I rarely wear gold rings, etc.

I love the quote you posted from Kid President. So inspirational and moving. I’ve watched his videos before; they are good as well…especially the one about teachers!


I run cross country for Lipscomb University, and our coach has had the book called Elite Minds: Creating the Competitive Advantage by Dr. Stan Beecham passed around our entire team. It is a really quick and easy read that our whole team has loved, and it brings about some really good points about our mindset as an athlete. I think you might really like it!


So many inspiring quotes!

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