Silent (Mostly) Saturday…

3 great things happened yesterday:

1.  It was National Donut Day so we all went to Krispy Kreme and the kids had their free donut in their pajamas.  

2.  4.2 pain-free miles of trails/roads/park city goodness.

3.  Pizza and tacos all in one day.  The carb loading for next week’s marathon has already started.  

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One of the many reasons that I love blogging:

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I would like to finish every run with one of these.  

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Lindsay and I finally meet after years and years of being pen-pals!

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Enjoy your Saturday and I hope you have a really great run/workout today and that you get some pizza and/or chocolate soon too!

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I’m bummed my flight got in late and didn’t get to meet you!


I’m coming back up today! See you soon!


I’m happy you were able to get some pain-free miles in, Janae! What great news!
Have a great weekend! xoxo


Hooray for pain-free miles!!! Welcome back to the world of running :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


It was so great to meet you this year, Janae! See you later today ;)


Glad there was no pain! Enjoy your weekend! I know I will…it’s my birthday today!


Super excited for you, Janae. You are going to be amazing in your marathon!


yay for running pain free! so cool that you get to meet “online friends”…such an amazing opportunity. enjoy the weekend!


That looks like SO much fun!! I can’t imagine running among all those running friends-that’s so much fun! Glad you ran pain free!


Those tacos look so good! I want one right now, even though it’s only 8:30 in the morning. :)


I had a brownie to celebrate donut day ;). Do happy the run was pain free really wanting this marathon for you!


Looks like you are already having an awesome weekend. Mine is off to a great start since the baby let me sleep for two four hour stretches instead of being up every hour and a half!


Everything looks so yummy! I hope they have a cool retreat like that in the DC area sometime, it looks like so much fun :)


How fun! I would love to go to the Blended retreat and meet bloggers! And that food looks incredible :) Yum!


Yay for pain free running! :D That’s so awesome, Janae :)


So glad to hear about your pain free run, and how awesome that you got to go running with blogger friends! All that food is making me drool while I sit here eating a bowl of plain grits! After my long run I’m definitely treating myself to something good :)


What’s up to every body, it’s my first visit of this web site; this
blog includes remarkable and truly excellent information for readers.


Good morning and happy Saturday. I love weekends. Yay for 4.2 pain free miles. I didn’t known there was such a thing. LOL! Your morning looked like a blast. Today I am going with a buddy (first time) on a road trip to Red Lodge solely for the purpose of running 8 miles on a gorgeous highway. Then later to the local brewery here because my company holds an annual fundraiser for the Relay for Life.


Glad you had a good run. Take care of that beautiful quad – it has lots of work to do!


so glad you got to run!!! i did twelve miles today, and now have stomach issues #runnerproblems. Have a great weekend :)


Oh no! Stomach problems are the worst!!!!!!


You can never start carb loading too early :)


So glad you got to run and it was pain free, that’s great to hear! Have a great weekend.


I so thought of you yesterday on donut day!! :) And I want to run with that group of people! Looks fun!



What’s the significance of the ties hanging off the ceiling (at KK)?


I think it is for Father’s Day? We were confused too ha! Have an awesome day!


I’m hoping to have some pizza (and maybe chocolate?) tonight! Yay for a pain free run!!


Sending out good vibes this coming week for your race.

I can’t wait to carb load again.
Thanks for sharing your fun/yummy pictures.


Yay on the miles!!!

…and the doughnuts.


First of all, a National Donut Day outing in pajamas sounds like the best start to a day, ever.

Also, that green pathway looks gorgeous! And all the food looks SO good.

I just found your blog today, can’t wait to read about the marathon :)


I think I ended up having 3 Krispy kremes after buying donuts for my coworkers! I ran 10 pain free miles today! Such a good day!


Looks like a lot of fun. I wish you a great week of tapering.


Pain free miles!!! Woot woot!!! And those desserts don’t look too shabby either. Mmmmmmmmmm!!!


I spy a Cotter! <3 Pain-free running and so many yummy things! WOOT!


Looks like you are having a great time! It’s awesome to hear you were able to run pain free :) Those tacos look delicious!


OMG are those tacos from el chubasco in PC?!


Yessssssssssssssssss!!!! The best!!!!!


I’m so jealous! That was a regular spot for us when we lived there. I miss it! That orange salsa/sauce is the bomb!


Yes!!!!!!!!! I could drink that one! Move back and we should go together!


So cool seeing myself in a picture on your blog :) So nice to meet you! You are one of the nicest people I’ve met.


So nice meeting YOU!!! See you in the morning with Brooke!


What a blessed day!! So much love for you friend!!


Congratulations on a great run!


Looks like so much fun! Oiselle, running, and bloggers=best combo ever!


I can’t believe I missed national donut day!! I’m going to have to make up for it :)


Brooke looks like a big kid in the first picture!
Congratulations on your pain free miles!
Oh those tacos and whatever that dessert was looks so good. Now I want some!
I made cinnamon rolls all by myself today for the first time and they turned out so good. (I’ve already eaten 2) I need to try your recipe now.


Hooray for running pain free!!
Love the picture of you and Lindsay!!
I spent Saturday morning doing a trail run with my son – it was his first half marathon (he’s 13) and a super great experience!!


I spot someone who never runs running? Wait, that’s me! Thanks for leading it!


Yay for pain-free miles and some wonderful friends and food!

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