Stories from my iPhone.

I hope you are having an incredible Monday.  Brooke sure is.  

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It has been way too long since I used my SPIN BIKE.  We reunited today.  I used to spend hours each week on a spin bike between teaching classes and taking classes.  Once this marathon is over, I will be back to getting into spin classes like the good ol’ days.  

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I am really grateful that over the years I have realized that you don’t have to decide between egg/avocado or almond butter/apple on your english muffin.  Just have one on each half.  No more making tough life-altering decisions between the two.  I’m just trying to make the world a better place by sharing things like this with you.  PS the egg looks weird because I microwave mine in a mug because I am too lazy to get a pan out to cook it.

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Penguin blanket holds a special place in my heart because it really does a good job at keeping my upper body warm while hanging out in the Provo River.

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My legs just turn a little red while in there… 

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I don’t want to get into any deep arguments over this but Pink Lady apples are actually the best apples offered.  

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This stuff has been helping me with my diet coke rehab.  If I am really craving a dc and water is just not going to cut it then I just grab this out of the fridge and it does the trick.  PS I don’t think there is anything wrong with drinking soda in moderation but I do not understand moderation so it is all (aka all day long) or nothing for me.  

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Brooke always finds a way into my dad’s office and then onto his lap.  I love finding her in there spending time with him.

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I found (and devoured) these in my aunt’s pantry… please, please, please get some of these ASAP.  They are amazing and I am assuming that they are healthy because they are made of fruit and dark chocolate.

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Saw this on Janetha’s blog and it made me laugh:

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These two are going to grow up being the best of friends.  I am sure that Brooke considers Curly her sister because they are together so much.  I hope Brooke has the relationship with my nieces that I have with my sister.  

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Salads and sweet potatoes, I really like you.  

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Share a story/tangent/random… anything at all!!!

Favorite brand/type of apples?

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Allergic to apples so no favorite for me! I really like the really hard blueberries though, aka the sour ones. I pick through the carton for the firmest ones and if I accidentally get a super sweet one, I’m disappointed.

I miss spin class! I haven’t done one in over a year, I think I need to fix that.




YUM Brookside chocolate!!! We have a bag at work of the same kind on the counter, and everytime one of us grab it we say it’s healthy because it’s fruit too! ;-)

My favorite apple is honey crisp, followed closely by pink ladies!


Fujis are my absolutely favorite apple and the only kind I will eat … but I will happily eat more than one in a sitting :)

So appropriate that you use a blanket with penguins on it while sitting in the cold water!

I stuck my legs in the 70 degree pool water this weekend after an 11 mile run and it felt really good. I don’t think I’m ready to brave anything colder though! I did stick my foot/ankle in an ice bath once and thought it was *painfully* cold!


I feel the same way about Fujis. They are my favorite and I will leave one store and go to another if they are out.


pink ladies are pretty awesome — i think jazz and gala give fair competition though!


100% agree – pink ladies are THE best. :)


Ahhhhh!!!!! This cracks me up because I am in a I am giving up DC thing too (3 weeks…but I did have a day that I had one because I just had to have one) and I have been drinking Crystal Light Lemonade when I need a fix instead :)…great minds think alike…I should try Trader Joe’s! I am the same way…all day long or none.
Fuji all the way!!!!…or Golden crisp…but those are only around for a short time.


True story: My Mom lives near an orchard in Tennessee. Every October she brings us a down a bushel of Pink Ladies. We love them. We eat about 3/4’s of the bushel and then she makes us fresh apple pies and apple fritters with the rest. You really should live at my house in October. It is heavenly.


That is awesome!! I am ridiculously jealous!


If you ever come to Florida, you can come and run with me and I’ll bring homemade apple fritters for after :)


I am holding you to this offer:)


deal! :)


I am with you on the Pink Lady apples! Brauburns are also amazing – they also are really crisp and sweet.

I have no first cousins, but I do have two great siblings, so hopefully someday our kids will all be friends.


1. B has a lot of hair.
2. I cannot go on spin bikes. They hurt my…. gina.
3. Trader Joe’s is down the road from me – how did I NOT see their Pink Lemonade? Is it in the cold section?
4. Pink Lady apples are good – but have you tried the honey crisps? They’re my fav.


Hahaha you are hilarious. They aren’t in the cold section at mine! Just with all of the other juices!


Granny Smith and Pink Lady are my favorite! And totally agree, sweet plus savory on the English muffin saves us from decision making and is quite delicious.


1: I ate four drumstick ice cream cones last night. It was epic.
2: Honeycrisp apples are my fave, but that’s probably cuz I haven’t tried Pink Ladies!
3: I’m getting a massage after work tonight. Hopefully it will help with my tendonitis in my leg so I can run again (eating that many drumsticks with no running is no bueno!).
4: Do you think “scraping” might help my tendonitis?? I’m scared, but curious!


What kind of tendonitis?


I love those apples as well and have to agree with you. I have to disagree though, when it comes to granny smith, granny smith and peanut butter are the best! We are having the best weather here!!!


Fuji to me are the best. Granny Smith a close second. I think they sell those chocolates at costco.

I applaud you for giving up diet coke…..I am too much of an addict. I near a support group!


Favorite would have to be organic Fuji apples… organic only because I eat the skin and when it’s not organic, the peel is a little wonky.
Something random… I sweat so much during my track workout today that I was covered in salt afterwards. It’s getting hot these days, and I have extremely salty sweat!


My mom’s request yesterday was do a trail run together.
For some reason I envision you asking Brooke to do the same 30 years from now.


That is my dream:) hope you two had an amazing time together!


Brooke and curly are so cute together!


Fuji or gala are the best. Honey Crisp is good too. Clearly I love apples. Waiting for TJ’s to open near me….just a few more months. Yay! Throwing some ziti in the oven and heading out for my run.


I don’t know if you like Nuun, but I was a once-a-day pepsi or coke drinker and I switched to kona cola nuun. It doesn’t taste exactly like coke, but enough that with the flavor and the caffeine, I can skip the real thing. It’s really helped me cut back! Cherry Limeade is great too for caffeine needs. :)


Hobbled in to the gym yesterday with a knee brace on, got some strange looks. Then proceeded to take the brace off and get on the bike. Felt SO good to finally exercise again.

No arguments from me Pink Lady ARE the best.

What are those cute running shoes you have on that match your red legs?


I love honeycrisp apples- YUM! I have those chocolate covered pomegranates in my drawer at work and sneak a few in the afternoons!


Apples are a daily must for me and Pink Lady is the only brand that can fill that craving! Other apples are just insufficient now… Glad to see I’m not alone :)


I haven’t had a pink lady apple in way too long! Now I’m craving one :) I usually stick with granny smith & fuji apples..

The chocolate covered pomegranates look SO good! I usually overdose on TJ’s dark chocolate covered powerberries so I’m guessing I’ll have a hard time w/ the pomegranates as well!


Love apples + PB!
Yesterday my twins went to nursery for the first time in almost 5 months (since their baby sis was born). I snuck out and after a minute my girl realized I was gone. She teared up and found her brother and they hugged and patted each other ok for a minute. Then they remembered they like nursery and played for the rest of the time. I wish I had a twin growing up!!


I saw that penguin blanket in another photo and I was in love. Is it something that can be purchased somewhere? I am obsessed with penguins. I often find that iphone dumps are the easiest way to tell stories.


Apples and PB are one of my favorite snacks. So is bananas and PB – I think PB just makes everything better!


New favorite apple is Lady Alice.


Pink Lady apples are the best! Jazz apples are pretty good too.


I regret to inform you that pink lady are #2 on the apple list. #1 in honeycrisp. #3 jazz

I devoured the bag of dark chocolate pomegranates you gave me within 24hrs of opening them. They are so addicting.

My baby is the size of a bag of chips. A hard bag of chips that makes it difficult to breath and like to kick my bladder so I almost wet myself.

I think we need a lunch date soon. I miss you and brooke.


My favourite apples would have to be Honeycrisps — they’re just SO GOOD! :)


Pink Ladies are my favourite out of the readily available, mass-produced apple varieties, however I also really love Cox’s Orange Pippin and Snow White apples. I just can’t get them where I live!


Oh and I want to try a Honeycrisp but they have only recently been brought to Australia and I’ve never seen one!


Pink lady or honeycrisp, sometimes the pink lady’s are pretty bruised. However, the honey crisp are twice the cost of other apples during the winter.


I was actually given a free sample and coupon on those dark chocolate pomegranates at the grocery store last week! I haven’t tried them yet, but now that i know how good they are I am excited to try them out!


I JUST saw a Cafe Rio for the first time like 15 minutes from my house. I had no idea they were in Maryland. All I could think about was you and your love for their food. I’m really excited to go try it out purely because you’ve brainwashed me into thinking it’s gonna be epic.


I am truly so happy for you;) please let me know how much you love it!


I don’t love apples but if I find myself with a craving then it’s Red Delicious or Pink Lady. I don’t do sour. ::shudder:: and I love almond butter on it.

My grandson Eliot does the same thing with my husband. Seeks him out and hangs with him in the office. Something about the peace in there. It’s my favorite.

I’m a Vitamin Water Zero Lemonade flavor person. It’s sweetened with Stevia and has a very very light lemonade flavor. It’s saving me from my soda craving.


I love spin! I go a few times a week when I can fit it into my weights and runs.


love pink ladies! My other favorite is Fuji, and my other other favorite is honeycrisp


I don’t have a favorite apple, I like tart, crisp ones, though. Super sweet ones bum me out.

Random – boyfriend is back on Wednesday after being gone over two months! Yay!

Also, I have 4 kids of ice cream in my freezer. It’s awesome.


I don’t want to be rude but you are so very wrong. Honeycrisps are the best apples. There is no discussion.


Pink lady apples are my #1 favorite too!!! No one should argue about this. Ever.

Once upon a time my parents bought a huge bag of those chocolate candies from Costco and I proceeded to demolish it. I agree…dark chocolate and fruit make them perfectly healthy!


Let me share with you my life-changing microwaved egg trick.
You get a wax-coated paper plate and crack an egg onto it. It will spread out. Put it in the microwave for 15 seconds on 70% power. Flip, and cook for 10 more seconds at 70% power (or longer if you don’t like it runny).


I got into St. George!! Did you? Hope to see you there!

And thank you for the email response, by the way. You are awesome.


Yum, I had an almost identical dinner! Looks awesome!


Love the choc and pomg food.


Gala apples for sure and reading your blog is my current escape from my very tense living room. The Bruins are playing right now and my boyfriend is very upset.

Thanks for the distraction!


Try putting the dark chocolate pomegranates in the freezer!! They are amazing!!!!!!! :)


Best apple…cameo crunch. It’s a really crisp/crunchy sweet apple. Love!!

Random…evening rolls around and I just want to eat junk. Resisting so far but the night isn’t over yet!


Honey crisps are the only apples I eat! It is the most expensive part of all my grocery trips, but an apple a day keeps the doctor away’


those brookside chocolates are pretty darn good. I always think the same thing when I eat them…yup they are def healthy! haha

did you ever try getting cans of flavored sparking water (I like the lemon lime ones)… they give you the sizzle your lookin’ for. try it out! if you havent that is…

and my favorite is honey crisp- ill have to agree with brianna up there but yours is really good to..close second.


I’m a Fuji girl, through and through!! Have you had Powerberries from Trader Joes? Dark chocolate covered fruit balls – HIGHLY addictive!! Right now I’m having a blast watching my girls play in the tub with a watering can ;) And my 4year old rode a two-wheeler without training wheels for the first time today!!! It was AWESOME to watch!!


Sooo, the Mister and I went to Denver for a long weekend getaway. On the way there, we had a layover at SLC. I was famished, saw Cafe Rio, thought of you, and decided to eat there. The people working were assholes. But… the food was great. And the guac (yum!) gave me gas the whole flight to Denver! But it was worth it :) Thanks for the rec!


Brookside chocolate = made in my town!


I didn’t know you used to teach spin! I love spin class! It’s one of my favorite group fitness activities!

Those dark chocolate pomegranate are very addicting! I try to hide them in my cupboard so I don’t see them and overindulge!


I made two kinds of puppy chow (or muddy buddies–whatever you want to call it).. including a regular version and a brownie-mix covered version. Those were my big contribution to our Mother’s Day feast, and they loved them, plus I figured since it was cereal then the leftovers could be consumed for breakfast :)


I love many apples. Honey Crisp are my fave but you can totally spend $4 on a single apple.
My randomness:
1. I signed up for my first half marathon yesterday. It’s in September and I’m really excited.
2. I’m in love with my foam roller. I’ve been home bound today with a digestive issue and my sciatic is groaning about my inactivity.
3. I made and amazing side for dinner tonight with brown & wild rice, lentils, mushrooms and spinach.
4. I ran a 5 mile race this weekend and PR’d (not saying much since is the first year I have really trained for it and still only did 4 minutes better…. But I will take it)
Thats it! Brooke is a doll. I just love seeing her adorable pics on your blog.


These days, I start to go work on bike, it´s a great experience!!
One month ago, I runned my second Marathon, I´m Happy and full of energy for start training one more, I ´ll hope this year in october, I´ll Try it!!


Hey there outstanding blog! Does running a blog such as this require
a massive amount work? I’ve absolutely no expertise in
programming however I had been hoping to start my own blog soon.
Anyways, if you have any ideas or techniques for new blog
owners please share. I understand this is off topic but I just had to ask.
Thanks a lot!


I went to one spin class and didn’t go back because my butt hurt so bad! Apparently you just have to toughen up or get a comfy seat. I’ll stick to my yoga mat :)
Honey crisp and pink ladies are tied they are both delicious.
Brooke is adorable!

Karen @karenlovestorun


The pic of Curly and Brooke makes me want to go have a picnic!


Agree about the pink lady apples, they are good fresh and also by far the best for baking/sauteeing. When I quit diet soda I had to drink only un-sweet beverages like plain water and herbal tea…only thing that killed the sweet drink craving.


I’m from Washington and I’m a bit of an apple snob – I student-taught in the middle of a bunch of orchards and would take the kiddoes out to ‘learn’ things (aka steal apples…). And my cross country coach in high school would plan run routes based on what trees had the best fruit that day!

Pink ladies are good, but not as good as an Opal! Opals are ugly (IMO) but sooo tasty :)


Pink lady apples are the best!!!


You are going to laugh at my random tangent…I am getting married soon so I have been couponing to get stuff for my home. (I know I am totally lame). A few weeks ago I scored 3 free family size boxes of frosted mini wheats…you were the first person that came to mind haha I know you love them as much as I do. My fiance gave me a nasty look and said “EWWW you eat those nasty things?!?!” Hes a traitor!


Love Brookside Chocolates!!! There are like 4 different kinds and I love them all!


My favorite apples are Honey Crisp, but Pink Lady apples are a close 2nd…and it depends on the season (and price).


I’ll try the dark chocolate covered pomegranates if you try the dark chocolate covered blueberries they have. Deal? Seriously though, my mom just turned me onto them a few day ago and I CANNOT stop eating them. Someone please tell me these actually has some nutritional value or I will be crushed.


LOVEEEE honey crisp apples but they are so expensive. My go-to apple is a granny smith though!


I love Fuji apples but I’ll pretty much eat any type of good apple, haha.




Fuji or Gala for me. My random is that I know I need to give up DC but emotionally I love it. My friend does lots of holistic healing and I want her to muscle test me but I know the first thing my body will tell her is to tell me to stop the DC and sugar. I just can’t…


Pink ladies are undoubtedly the best apples in the entire world. And Brooke is adorable as ever :)


Jazz apples all the way!! My random – so I was at the podiatrist last night to have my ankle area looked at (turns out I have tendonitis – could be worse, I guess) and we started talking about sweaty feet – I didn’t know/never-thought-of putting spray deodorant on your feet to help with excessive perspiration until she mentioned it. Seems akward, but logical at the same time!


I roast sweet potatoes slices and put them on my salad! Love… it.


Um yes, those dark chocolate pomegranate things are CRAZY good…and I typically don’t love dark chocolate, but I am sure that I could eat a whole bag in one sitting, if I let myself.
Courtland apples are my favourite. They are only available during specific times. I live in Canada though, so I am not sure what is available in the Land of the Free.


Those chocolate pomegranate candies are amazing!! I am personally a fan of Fuji and Cameo apples….especially in the fall when I get them fresh from a local orchard!


yeah, I always assume that anything covered in dark chocolate= healthy and delicious.. my co-worker brought those in the other day.. Dangerous!

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