I must have encountered a tornado on my run.

Back to wearing really thick headbands to prevent my ears from freezing off and some snow-capped mountains.  At least Arizona gave me a taste of the amazing running weather that is coming my way in just a few more months.  

Pretty artistic selfie if you ask me.  I did an easy paced 9 miles.  I am getting really good at planning different routes, I knew I wanted 9 miles and came up with a loop route in my head that ended up being 8.9 miles… pretty close (of course I had to run past my car .1 miles so that I could finish off at 9).

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I have no idea how my hair ended up like this.  Maybe I encountered a tornado along the way and forgot about it.  Thank goodness for brushes.

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Half the apples with almond butter and half of the apples with sharp cheddar cheese.  Brooke was dipping her cheese into the almond butter and seemed to really like it, maybe I will try that for my snack today.   I always add spinach into my soups because it just seems like the right thing to do.

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Brooke has just discovered hopping.  It is kind of a big deal to her.  She is very proud.  

The indoor play place was also a part of our day.

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And I am going to blame daylight savings on my addiction to caffeine for at least a few more weeks.  I try and try to say goodbye to my true love but I just can’t let it go.  Maybe I will need to go to hypnosis therapy to get off of diet coke (aka a big part of my happiness). 


I don’t know how I forgot to tell you about this cookie yesterday.  We mainly go to LGO in Phoenix for this cookie.  If you ever have an opportunity to eat a cookie with the below mentioned items please, for my sake, do not turn it down.

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How often do you try new running routes?  Or do you stick to the same route most days?

Almond butter, peanut butter (creamy or crunchy) or other?  What’s your favorite?

Random question of the day—>  What is your DREAM JOB?

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I have had that cookie and it is a piece of freaking heaven!


That soup and cookie looked amazing.

Running Routes – Stick to the same ones, but I should try new ones.
Butter – Peanut butter for me.
Random Question – Wow I feel like a kid again, but honestly now that I run, I would love to be one of those reps that brings runners onto their brand for sponsorship and works with them to keep them happy and enjoying the products. That would be awesome.



I’m almost always on the same routes but I’d be up for new things with a running partner!

Dream job would be an ice cream taste tester ;)


Dream job…stay at home mom who blogs and teaches fitness classes on the side. :-) Maybe someday right? :-/


And is always shopping, eating out and traveling? She’s like Real Housewife of Utah


Janae is the nicest person in the world and has worked hard to be where she is. :-)


Minus the fact that I am not a wife and spend 25 hours a week working while Brooke is asleep and then taking care of a 1.5 year old when she is awake. I only talk about the good parts of life on the blog so please do not compare me to them. I pay 100% for me and Brooke’s life.


Brooke is absolutely adorable! I want one! Except not really.

My running routes usually involve treadmills. When I do run outside, I like to find running/bike paths and once I find one I usually use the same one, so yeah I guess I run the same routes.

My dream job would be getting paid to do nothing. Like just having money but being able to do whatever I want during the day (most days would totally be taken up by working out for like 3 hours without worrying about things that need to get done). In real life my dream job is to be a professor of biochemistry at a small liberal arts college. Currently applying for those jobs, fingers crossed I find something!!


Brooke is an amazing hopper! Maybe she should jump hurdles when she’s older! :)

I know we’re supposed to like almond butter better, but I really prefer PB!

Have you ever had a peanut butter and American cheese sandwich? It sounds gross, but it’s so good!

I tried a new route the other day on my six-miler and glad I did since I discovered a new to me park! :)


Crunchy Nut Butters are always best ;)


Everytime I am doing an easy paced run I try and do a somewhat different or new route. I’ve found it allows me to focus on running easy and just relaxing. I am loving those sunglasses you have FYI.

I am definitely a crunchy peanut butter type of person.


I like finding a route I really love and sticking to it so I always know how many miles I’m running. It’s easy to not get bored on routes along the water in Southern California!

My dream job would be travel photographer. Someone please pay me to travel.


There is a lot of happiness in this one post. Brooke looks like she is doing the humpty hump from back in the day? Know what im talking about? She is too cute! Carmalized corn flakes? I mean come on!


I literally have a different route for 3.1-12 miles. I repeat those, but as long as I am changing up length that’s a lot of variety.

Hopping made me smile. So sweet.


I don’t discriminate between my nut butters but I prefer creamy in all varieties!! Definitely discovered grind-your-own at the supermarket this year and am hooked. I love trying new routes but it’s hard when you live in a not so safe urban environment. Dream job is Secretary of Education!


I fight my diet coke addiction,too. It makes me so happy!!!! If one more person tells me how bad it is for me I am going to scream. :)


I usually have a few routes and pretty much stick to them…I have a tendency to get lost :)!
I need to join you in that Diet Coke addiction…Diet Cokers Annyomous! I am the same way…it’s bad!
Creamy PB.
My dream job would be trying/reviewing running shoes for companies :)!….if you read this and want to hire me to do this I am available!!!!!


Do I see freckles on your nose? So cute. Brooke kills me with her head wraps. My friend tells me it takes attitude to pull those off. I don’t have it, but Brooke sure does.

Creamy almond or peanut butter.

Dream job, get paid to exercise. Wouldn’t we all love that?


I made cookies with similar ingredients and added butterscotch chips, they were amazing!


You are brilliant


I always run the same route for some reason. Well, I actually have several different routes throughout my neighborhood that I run, but I always know exactly which route to take in order to end my run on the dot. (I am super OCD about this!)

Have you tried coconut almond butter? I just went through an entire jar in a week… (see my Instagram: thatrunninggirlblog). I’m not even embarrassed.

And my dream job would definitely be a nutritionist. I think food is so fascinating.

Glad you’re back to running! Hope you’re having a great week!


I looooooove creamy peanut butter. Nothing better in this world! :) And yes, I am talking about the kind that probably has lots of sugar added!

I pretty much stick to the same route always. I usually run along the beach so if I want to run longer, I just go up further along the beach!


Ugh. That cookie. <3 And cheese in almond butter sounds pretty legit.

Since I live in Chicago, the grid leaves very little to the imagination when considering a different running route. I am curious about getting to a nearby trail system, but I pretty much stick with the same routes.

Gosh. I have to pick between almond and peanut butter? Mean. :D

DREAM JOB = Physical Therapist for the San Antonio Spurs.


It has been a rough day and seeing Brooke jumping just made me laugh out loud! Thank you!


I am so sorry you have had a rough day! I hope it gets better and better Amanda!


That picture of you with the Diet Coke is gorgeous! I never realized that you have freckles. So cute!!


I love the hopping video of Brooke! It’s so fun watching little children learn new things!

I have four different routes that I run on depending on the type of run that I want to go on. And creamy peanut butter for me, please!


I usually run the same route with slight variation simply out of convenience…Peanut butter all the way – Mighty Maple and Crunch Time from Peanut Butter and Co. are the best!


It still blows my mind that you get to run with gorgeous snow capped mountains as your backdrop EVERY DAY! So jealous!

When I’m on my own I usually stick to the running routes I know. I just don’t ever want to get caught without a bathroom or in a sketchy area. But I’m all for exploring when I’m with a running buddy!

Creamy peanut butter is my WEAKNESS. Holy cow. Mouth watering right now. I want a Reese’s.

My dream job would be a running coach (many years down the road when I can consider myself a seasoned expert) AND/OR working at a winery educating people during wine tastings! I’m not an expert on that either, I just think it would be SO much fun.


I love the idea of working at a Vineyard! The sommeliers in Napa seem so happy ;-)


I’ve never had almond butter but should try it. I just can’t imagine loving anything more than peanut butter!

You need to watch this video if you love Frozen. This couple is SO adorable. http://www.babble.com/kid/awesome-parents-sing-disneys-frozen-perfectly-while-daughter-ignores/


Crunchy natural peanut butter! But regular old grape jelly.
Or chocolate. Lol.

I am a creature of habit and mainly run the same routes. But when I join friends we do different routes. So it always adds to the treat of running with the group.

Lately I think my dream job would be a tour guide taking people on hikes through the redwood forest or something. Maybe even working at a winery in napa.


I try new running routes just about everytime I run. There’s nothing I love more than making the on the fly decisions of where I want to turn next when I’m out there.

dream job is to be a sports nutritionist which I am working on by putting myself through school right now!

definitely love fresh ground almond butter from HyVee, I always eat the full pound of it in a week. Always.


I LOVE seeking out new running routes, especially with beautiful views. Sadly I live in central London so there isn’t really much choice! I need to get faster and run longer distances so I can get from my house to exciting new places.

My dream job = a combination of being a human rights lawyer and a travel writer… Pretty impossible I imagine but never mind! Did I miss what yours was?


My dream job…to be a Broadway star! :) Seriously though, that would be pretty amazing!

Brooke…I could die! So very cute!
Those cookies look incredible! Must check out that place in Phoenix!


Oh my gosh, Brooke & her hopping are too cute!


Crunchy peanut butter!
Same routes every day–I need to break out.
I have my dream job now–brand new! I am a therapist! I hope to speak at counselor conventions one day and help to form a coalition against child sex trafficking. I am also applying for a professorship to teach a class on the side in the fall–just because I want to. Feels good to go for dreams!


I think my dream job would to be a therapist. You get to listen, help people, and you are the person they can tell anything to. However, I saw today on another blog that Ben and Jerry’s employees get to take home 3 PINTS OF ICE CREAM A DAY for free!!!! So it’s a toss up ;) Where do you find Brooke’s headbands?


I like to try new routes as much as possible. If I have the time I will metro into DC and go exploring! Other wise I’ll just run around different trails in VA.

I like crunchy peanut butter and crunchy almond butter, they MUST have salt.

I LOVE my job developing websites. If I had more time in the day I would love to be a personal trainer.


My brother lived two houses down from LGO for several years. He moved back to Utah but it would almost be worth him staying in Phoenix just for the proximity to the amazing breakfast sandwiches, juice, desserts, pizza, should I go on???

As far as the Diet Coke, I figure I do a lot of other healthy things. For the moment, I have embraced my soda habit.


Dream job? Working/motivating others to help them reach their best…to allow them to see the confidence that is underneath. I’m taking baby steps to get there!!


Very rarely do I try new running routes. I wish there were new places to explore that were easy to get to. And creamy peanut butter!


The butt wiggle there at the beginning of the hopping is pretty hilarious! Oh my gosh! She is an expert hopper.

Could I be a jack of all trades? I want to do everything. But only part time. I like going home at 2:30. It gets my errands done. :)


Aaah! Brooke’s booty wiggle between hops is just fabulous!

Cashew butter is my thing and I would love pretty much any job that pays off my student loans at a fast clip… or really, at this point, any job at all… =(


I <3 apples with cheddar cheese!


I am very habitual in my running routes but I do quite a few of them.

No almond or peanut butter, I love biscoff spread.

My dream job, hmmmm a running concierge for a major hotel chain, now that would be epic!


That cookie looks amazing :)


I’ve been trying new running routes as my mileage for marathon training increases. I have to branch out from my usual 4 mile route now. :)

I love crunchy peanut butter. And I would love to be a baker or own a bakery.


NEVER give up on diet coke;) Let’s just be happy in our diet coke addiction together:) Also…let’s run together again soon!?!?

Now I wish I had tried that cookie when I was there. I had the salted chocolate chip one though. It had salt which I needed for race day–very important pre-race food item;) LOVE YOU FRIEND!


I have to tell you, I recently kicked my diet coke habit. I would drink it from sun up to sun down. Hardly ever any water, except on long runs. I did a cleanse back in November (the 18th, to be exact!) and gave it up then. I still fight the urge every.single.day. It was/is the one thing I really enjoyed and found comfort in. I don’t run enough to eat all the yummy foods you do! :) In any case, I think now I could control my intake of DC….but I’m kinda an all or nothing person. It’s a good/bad trait, I guess.


I have a VERY important candy announcement for you. Swedish Fish Jelly beans!!!! They as awesome as they sound. You are welcome!


Since I mostly run in my neighborhood, it’s kind of the same but I change up which way I go and where I turn, etc. Last week I drove to another part of town for 2 of my runs and it was awesome! Might do that again tomorrow. I will eat any and all nut butters with any texture. I am beyond addicted. I would love to run a foundation to help people that really just need some assistance in life. My husband and I always say that if we win the lottery, that is what we will do. Other than that, I always thought Oprah had an amazing job. I am very interested in people and hearing their stories.


I love trying new running routes! I am always in search of new trails. It’s a little hard to find safe places to run with all the traffic and crazies around here, but I try!

Creamy peanut butter. YUM!

My dream job…weird, I haven’t really thought much about it since my #1 priority is to support my husband’s military career. I guess maybe a professional organizer, if there is such a thing?! I love putting things in order. I’m weird, I know! :)


Wow that cookie looks amazing. I love chunky peanut butter and smooth almond butter.

My dream job would be not working at all but instead volunteering for a cause.

BTW I have a compression sock giveaway: wp.me/p4fmQC-68


My dream job is anything that I can do from home. I am not picky :) Brooke’s little headbands are adorable!


That cookie looks delicious! I think my sweet tooth is about to kick in. Good thing I’ve already got a plan for that :)


I vary my running route a little but there isn’t a lot of different areas to go here. Definitely have to go with the creamy peanut butter and I can’t stop thinking about that cookie!

Dream job is a riding stable owner and trainer. If I could spend the rest of my life riding horses that would be more than enough :)


Brooke is so cute – the video of her hopping is adorable especially when she adds that little shimmy!!!
Glad that you are back to running – I know that runners have to run!!!


Creamy peanut butter is my favorite. However, I have not tried Almond butter so I may just like it better if I try it!

My dream job would be working in the school setting counseling children. I am a social worker and I do counseling in the home, but I would love to work in the school setting. I love working with children and empowering them to reach their potential! But I think I would also love to be a professional athlete!!! If only I could run at that level!


I believe RunEmz brought you one of those cookies and you posted about it, correct? Because I think I hunted down a recipe and pinned it shortly after. I have yet to make them though for fear they aren’t the same. They sound so delicious.

I like to run different routes. However, sometimes I will do the same 3 or 5 miles loops and try and beat my time (not right not, unless beating it means did I get it slower).

I like crunchy, smooth, peanut butter, almond butter, walnut butter…basically, I don’t discriminate. I love it all so much.

Brooke is so cute. Will you take me little girl clothes shopping? Since Anna and this baby will be born opposite seasons, most of Anna’s clothes will not work for this baby.

Also, you seemed to have transitioned back into running high miles quickly. I am so happy you are back on track and everything is going well! Three cheers!


I love crunchy pb!

Dream job: get paid to be a SAHM or volunteer at a charity for kids in need


Oh my goodness, the video of Brooke jumping is too CUTE!! She does a little gig in between jumps….so adorable! :)


I tried almond butter once and just wasn’t a big fan. Maybe I need to give it another try! also, that vid of brooke was just the cutest thing EVER. so funny to see little kids’ excitement over things that we take for granted :)


I usually stick to my usual running route, but I’m coming off an injury so I’m trying to mix it up a bit this time around :)
Gosh, that’s such a hard one! I love peanut butter, but I also love Justin’s brand maple and vanilla almond butter. So good!
Dream job would be pro-runner! Would be so cool to get paid to do what I love!
And that cookie looks amazing! I live in Mesa, and when I’ve been in Phoenix I somehow have not found my way to La Grande Orange, but have heard great things!


THAT COOKIE! I make a similar one called “Junk in Da Trunk” which is absolutely perfect with salty and sweet. I am no longer sure of what my dream job would be. I know I would like to have some customer service element because I am a people pleaser and would like to not sit at a desk all day. Maybe something with food and exercise and health. Who knows :) As for nut butters, any and all – just pair with a spoon and maybe some chocolate chips. Actually nut butters go on anything!


My dream job is definitely Samantha Brown’s job!


I need to get better about switching up my running routes! And my dream job would be a yoga instructor / health coach :)


I LOVE when kids discover jumping! It’s so adorable to watch, especially when they can’t quite get it right: all the motions but they don’t get off the ground.
I’m addicted to the park by my house and yeah, I should change things up more. I’ve done lots of double digit runs just in that little park. Lately I’ve also done some loops on the dirt path on the outside of the park, rather than just the paved inner loop, to at least give me some new surfaces.


Crunchy peanut butter is the best. I eat it daily. Usually with an apple. Have never been able to embrace almond or sun butter.

I have a great trail three houses down. It’s hard to vary from that since it’s so convenient. It can be just about any length. Weekends I try to mix it up a bit and hit the other side of town or nearby trail systems.

Dream job? I’d love to be a travel writer. I’d plan my travel around awesome running events.

I stuffed my key in my running shorts pocket for a 10-mile trail running event this weekend. Around mile 4, I realized my key was gone. I decided to keep going forward and crossed my fingers that somebody would find it and turn it in. No luck. So, I had to make that phone call to my husband. He was very kind about it. As soon as I hung up, I got this strange “premonition”. I start feeling around in the lining of my shorts. Turns out I’d run 6+ miles with a key in my crotch. How does that happen and you don’t know it? Seriously. It’s a Honda key. They’re not small.


Haha I’ve been running the same running route for almost a year now. Tuesday I ran the opposite direction though, and it blew my mind! It was so much more fun for some reason. Weirdo, I know. I love my nut butters crunchy :) And I’m going to hire you to dress my future children. K? Okay.


I think your hair looks real sexy like that.

My travel jealousy has calmed down so I can talk to you again. Will you take me to this heavenly cookie place if we really go?? Uhhhhmazing.


I love trying out new running routines. It stops me from getting bored when I run and it also gives me something new to look at. I like to change routines every couple of weeks, or even just slightly change my current routine.

Creamy peanut butter is my favourite and I love it on toast!

My dream job is one that pays lots of money but requires me to work very few hours! lol. I use to be a town planner, but I don’t do that anyone. I loved what I did, so I suppose being a town planner in a really supportive and non-competitive office would be my dream job.


love how happy Brooke is.

that cookie looks amazing..can you send me one?


I have a couple different routes that I alternate.
Trader Joe’s creamy salted peanut butter. It’s saltier and oilier than most pb’s so it’s the best mixed into yogurt or ice cream.
Dream Job: mostly SAHM with some writing and health coaching on the side.


Brooke is adorable and so good at jumping!

That cookie looks ridiculous. I’d definitely have to say creamy peanut butter is my favorite.

I’ve pretty much been running the same 2-3 running routes around my house for the last 6 months. Either that or I’m sticking to the treadmill. It just seems like so much effort to go somewhere else when you’re pregnant and lazy.


Diet coke is my kryptonite!


Please mail me that cookie ASAP. K Thanx Bye!


I decided that I was going to quit drinking Diet Coke, cold turkey. The first day was really hard. After that, the other days went smoothly, and I didn’t miss it at all. The only thing–certain foods just don’t go with tea and water (desserts and french fries, to be exact). Anyway, around Day 50, my husband (who is an elite runner) and I decided that Diet Coke is/was our only vice–and if that’s the worst diet mistake that we had been making; then so be it!

We bought a case and it has lasted 3 weeks. I don’t crave them like I used to, but I do enjoy one from time to time!


it’s a toss up between two things for dream job:
1. stay at home wife/mom who works out, cooks, cleans & blogs


Stop it with that cookie, I want it NOW! BTW – could Brook be any cuter!

My dream job is to own my own fitness studio… one day maybe it will be a reality!


Living in Texas, my hair always ends up looking like that!

Those cookies sound deeelicious. I need those in my life.


Mmm, that cookie looks delicious!


Creamy natural peanut butter!

I am a creature of habit with running routes…

I love diet coke, but do not have it often. I like iced tea, that works okay as a substitute most of the time, but sometimes a diet coke is amazing


I want that cookie!

I didn’t know you had freckles.


Creamy, salted almond butter. Yesplease.


I love the little hip shimmy Brooke does at the end of her hop!

I love peanut butter but I try not to eat it very often. Trader joes has sunflower seed butter that I like alot but its not as amazing as peanut butter. My friend brought over flourless almond butter choc chip Himalayan pink salted cookies last night and they were pretty delicious. I will have to email u the recipe.


Brooke looks like just like your niece in the picture right below the video; so adorable!


Girl? Just go ahead and drink the Diet Coke.
For the rest of your life.
It’s not like it’s poison! (Well.. not really. ;p)

It’s just a soda.

Think of how much more you would enjoy the DC if you weren’t feeling ANY guilt about it!


I think this is the first picture I have seen of you without lip gloss or foundation… you are lovely no matter what, but I esp love your natural look! Those freckles are adorable, let them out more often!


I think I would look like Brooke hopping around if I got my hands on that cookie. To die for!


I say keep going with the DC!Why quit something that makes you so happy? If a time comes where DC doesn’t=joy then it may be time, but I say keep the smiles coming :)


I live in PHX and never been to LGO. Must visit it soon! My dream is to be a writer.


I’m definitely an almond butter girl. Vanilla flavored is my fave!

Dream job would be a life coach! Totally random and not even close to what I do for a living.


I always kinda explore when I run.. a lot of times I end up lost and have to pull up my phone map to figure it out but it’s all good :)


I could watch Brooke hop all day! Thanks for sharing!

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