10 pick-ups on the treadmill and I don’t leave home without it…

The treadmill won again today.  I am way too afraid to run in the dark by myself.  You gotta do what you gotta do and that meant I was sentenced to doing my workout on the treadmill.   My running partner is going to be back in action starting tomorrow which is really great because I am craving an outdoor run with a lot of good girl talk.   

10 x 45 second pick-ups.  I did a few miles for a warm-up and then started.  These pick-ups aren’t meant to be sprints but I like them because they get your legs really moving for a little bit.

Runner’s World’s definition:

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I needed all the spicing up I could get today.  

With each pick-up I increased the speed a little bit and took 45 seconds of running at a slower pace in between each one for recovery.  Started at 9.0 mph and my last one was at 10.5 mph.  Ended with a few miles for a cool-down = 10 miles of mainly an easy pace other than the pick-ups.

And the song that I listened to for each and every pick-up.  Once I find a song that makes me want to run fast I just put it on repeat and go for it.   

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My calves are still super tight lately so I have been putting my Tiger Tail in my bag and taking it everywhere I go in case I have a chance to roll them out throughout the day.  

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If you are wondering what Brooke is pointing to in the above picture it is a little dog.  This little dog (right by the sidewalk) was chilaxin in our front yard for a little while and tempting me and Brooke to go out and get a dog for ourselves today.   A dog would be a really good birthday present right?!?

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I told you, it is a good thing that I bring this thing with me.  Good thing that Paige doesn’t judge me.  

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Yes, I know.  I really need to wash my hair.  

And now Brooke copies me by dipping her fork into the salad dressing and then putting it onto the tortilla.   

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The reason I love gloomy days:  You feel like it is a requirement to stay inside for the rest of the day in pajamas and drink multiple cups of hot chocolate.   

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Last thing to tell you about in this post:  

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A few times a day Brooke will randomly lift up her shirt and point to her belly button and then do a little giggle of relief.  I think that she worries it is going to disappear or something and so every time that it is still there when she looks she gets really happy.


Are you afraid of running in the dark by yourself? 

Dog owners:  How did you decide on getting the breed of dog that you have?  How long have you had your dog?

Favorite song to run to lately?

What is the weather like where you are at today?

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I have a 7 year old and a 2 year old dog. We rescued from an animal rescue group which is what my family always did and I love it. We picked them based on their personalities and temperament and of course cuteness even though we didn’t know too much about the breed beforehand. Actually both are the same breed and nothing like each other so I think it’s more important to decide on the individual dog, it might not conform to the typical breed characteristics! Mine took instantly to our nephews which was huge, they are both so great with kids which we needed with so many running around family gatherings :)


My advice on the dog question is go to your local shelter and meet a few dogs in person. Many shelters also have a return policy if it doesn’t work out. There are so many homeless pups out there needing homes I’m sure one would love to go home with you and become a blog super pup!


I do that, too. If I find a song works for moving fast I stick with it. For some reason, if it works it doesn’t get boring…at least not for me!


Love that about Brooke! We should all look at our stomachs and smile!! She is a genius.


I ran in ran dark by myself most days the past few months but I always bring my id and phone! It’s a pretty safe area though.
Washing your hair is so overrated.
A dog would be the perfect addition to your fam :)


My doggie kind of picked me. He is the absolute love of my life and is spoiled rotten! He’s a cross between a springer and cocker spaniel and so gentle and kind!

Weather today is sunny and cold…a storm is moving in tomorrow and for the weekend unfortunately! I am so done with this cold weather!


I grew up with a Beagle and he was absolutely wonderful. He went to doggy heaven like four years ago and my family still talks about him every time we are together! People think we are weird, but we just loved that pup!

It is COLD here in NYC..snow coming, so I’m getting out for ten miles tonight before it hits!



We have a 6 year old corgi and a 7 year old greyhound and they are both awesome! Our corgi likes to play and go on short runs with me and our greyhound is a big ol’ couch potato! My husband and I kept a list of breeds that we wanted and then watched a lot of Dogs 101 on youtube to check out the breeds. We have had our corgi since puppy hood and we rescued our greyhound a couple of years ago, he had been at the shelter for 3 years! Good luck on your puppy search!


I’m a huge fan of goldendoodles (we have 2)! They’re so sweet and loyal, but also are incredibly intelligent. You also can’t go wrong with the classic golden retriever (we have 1)!


I used to run outside before work fairly regularly. I’m talking 3 a.m. it’s not so bad when it’s warmer, but the last time I did it the temperature was 8 degrees. I have been on the treadmill since.

We got our dog from the SPCA. She’s a beagle/collie mix, and we’ve has her 9 years. We decided on her after the pup I originally wanted was already adopted. She was more social than her brother and had a fat little puppy belly. She loves kids, but isn’t a fan of other dogs. She was attacked once by a boxer though, which explains her response toward other dogs.

I never listen to music running. I love my new Eminem CD for the car though.

It’s 21 here now, but it was -10 when I came into work.

Enjoy your night!


Yeah you guys probably do need a dog. I support it :)
Brooke is the cutest!


we got our lil dog from a shelter, been with us for almost a yr now.. we took our daughter to pick the dog, they kinda picked each other, adorable!
today we are low 80’s… gotta love California…


We have a 3 year old dachshund that we’ve had since she was a puppy. We chose her after we dog-sat for friends of ours that have a dachshund, and we were instantly smitten with wiener dogs! They’re pretty much awesome :)


I always run in the dark. I used to run with my boxer, Bella, and it wasn’t that scary, but now she can’t run for more than a mile or two because she’s getting older and her hips bother her :( So now I take the dogs (we recently rescued another boxer!) for a mile loop, then drop them off and continue on by myself… in the dark… It’s a little scary. Especially when I pass by creepy windowless white vans…


I love Brooke’s high bun!
I will run in the dark but only because I go with my dog.
I love golden retrievers so when we decided to get a dog we went to the golden retriever rescue in Utah. http://slcgoldenrescue.org
Best decision ever and we’ve had her for 6 years now!


Research, research, research….or know someone who knows dogs……they are funny and have lots of different issues… (ha! traits whatever…)We have a tendency to jump into things b/c we thought it was the best deal ever, or simply too adorbs to pass up, or b/c a certain child REAlllllllllllYYYYY…wanted it.

Mistake more than once. However at least you will have your parents to help out …. they are cool about it too right? ;-)


Dark? I’m OK with it as long as I stick to sidewalks and streets. Trails freak me out a little bit. But I usually run with my dog so the boogey man doesn’t creep me out too bad.

Dog? We had two beagles for almost 14 years. I miss them every day. When the first one died, my husband really wanted a German Shorthaired Pointer. His grandparents had had one and he had great memories so he started scanning the paper and tada–Rosemary. She is almost 5 y.o. and a dream. I still miss a smaller cuddly dog but she is my running bud and I really wouldn’t want to give that up either. She has ran 11 miles with me and I know that she could go farther. But best of all is her temperament and attention when running. It is her job and she runs right beside me, whether on lead or off. (I often take her off lead when running on trails in the winter so if I slip, she doesn’t get choked…) I don’t have to worry about her with other people or other dogs, ever.

Favorite song? I run to silence. Always. Since I run with my dog, I feel that I should be fully aware in case she does something stupid (which she never does but just in case…)

Weather? It started out snowy but balmy (10 degrees!) but there is sunshine now. Next week is supposed to be in the 40s which is awesome as we’ve had a brutally cold winter and I’m never had to spend so much time on the ‘mill.


59 degrees and a little wind. All the snow is melted.

“Still into You” Paramore
“My Song Knows…” Fall Out Boy
Are my sprint songs.


I am only afraid of running in the dark if it is super early or super late. I usually run after work around 7-8pm and there are always a lot of other runners out so I feel safe. I once started a long run late and was out past 10pm and got a little bit nervous and decided I would never do that again.

My go-to song right now is Hard by Rihanna, it’s such a good song to run fast to!


We have a part golden part lab. We have had her for 7 years. A preschool student of mine brought one in to show me when her dog had puppies and I fell in love (puppies are WAY too hard to resist…just remember they grow into big dogs :)). Her dog had 10 puppies and we got one of them!
We are prepping for ANOTHER 12-18 inches of snow….making it REALLY hard not to complain!!!!!!!


80 degress in Arizona & going to be a record of 90 this weekend. We have the opposite problem of the rest of the country here! I don’t mind running in the dark by myself anymore. It took awhile to get used to, but now I actually enjoy the peace it brings me.


I have a 16 month old Australian Cattle Dog mix and she is the BEST running partner! We picked her out because she has spots that make her look like a little cow. She’s done several long runs with me without any problem at all.

I refuse to run in the dark, so it’s been 5:30AM treadmill runs at the gym for me this month. Another snowstorm on the way tonight so it looks like another week or so until I get back outside. Is it spring yet?!

I’m not a fan of running with music, so I usually go without!


I would be way to scared to run in the dark by myself! And my husband and I have three dogs, a beagle and then two mixes that we got from a rescue. They are 7, 5 and 4 and we got them all as puppies. We did some research on different breeds and what they like just get a rough idea of typical personalities before we adopted each dog but it ultimately came down to personality. Vetstreet.com/dogs/breeds is a great place to research. I wasn’t running when we got ours otherwise we would have gotten one that can run more than 2 miles at a time. Lol I have read that Vizsla are some of the best dogs for runners especially those who do long distance running.


50 and sunny here in Houston! The past few days have been gloomy so this is a nice change! I dont mind running in the dark as long as there is enough street lights around.

I have 2 yorkies. I grew up having one and I knew that is the breed I wanted.


I try to avoid running in the dark by myself. Sometimes at this time of year that can be hard, so if the sun just set and there are a lot of runners still around I feel comfortable. But I otherwise try to avoid it.

I adopted my dog from a shelter and we are certain exactly what type of dog she is. But I think mixed breeds are the best! We’ve had her for almost two years now!


Yes! Totally nervous about running in the dark by myself. I never do it.

I’ve never run to music before. Weird, right? Treadmill=movie or book. Outside=outdoor sounds. Maybe I’m missing something?

Cache Valley is gloomy. I declare today a bake-cookies-at-home day!


Dachshunds are the best! I rescued my pup almost a year ago, and she is the most loyal, sweet and playful dog. The rescued pups are always grateful, and loyal beyond belief. Hope you consider going to a shelter or through a rescue group :)


I definitely prefer to run with my peeps in the dark.
We have a 13 y.o. Chihuahua, whic I would not recommend for little people. She is a grouchy old lady and an 8 y.o. pug who is the sweetest animal ever.
It’s in the 70s today! Yay!


I run in the dark on weekdays after work during the winter months. I live in a pretty safe town in Utah and other runners are always around. Need to watch out for the crazy drivers though – you can be lit up like a Christmas tree and drivers STILL do not see you. No dogs but we recently got a Desert/Highland Lynx breed kitten, he is AMAZING! They are known or their dog-like personalities and this is so true, very affectionate, playful and so smart! I am not far from you so my weather is the same, rainy! I will take that over snow any day!


I have three breeds that I’ve wanted for a while now- Golden Retriever, Weimaraner, and Vizsla because they’re all good running dogs…. my heart won and I ended up rescuing a pup in January. He’s a mutt and we aren’t really sure what he is but he is FAST so I’m hoping he helps step up my speed work game. ;)


Your pooch is adorable, but I’m partial to our 10 y/o Vizsla. Best.dog.ever.


I don’t run outside until it is light out. Lately, I don’t run outside at all with this horrendous weather…Favorite song to run to lately is Titanium.


I run in the dark myself but only in my neighborhood. I do still freak myself out though sometimes when I hear sounds. I have a pug that I have had for almost 10 years. I wanted a pug because they are super loyal and just plain funny looking. I also have a rescue mixed breed dog who is just as loyal and super cuddly.


German Short Haired Pointer!!! He is my running buddy so I never have to run in the dark alone :) He also came on every run training for my half marathon- he could probably do a sub-3 full, crazy fast/endurance on him. Also have a one year old red fox lab puppy- she is my cuddle bug!!


I adopted an Australian shephard mix, her crooked ears (one up and one bent) stole my heart! She loves to go on runs with my husband-I’m working on getting fast enough to run with them:)


Hehehhe I LOOVE her little belly! Such a cutie!

I’m not super afraid of running in the dark in NYC because you’re basically never alone.. but I wouldn’t in a more rural area like where you live!

No dog but my boyfriends mom has a pug and I love her like my own :)

Katy Perry- Dark horse gets me amped for intervals while running but ESPECIALLY while teaching spin!! We start on a heavy hill for the beginning of the song then decrease it a little and sprint for each pick up of the song (works out to be 15 secs, 15 secs, 25 secs) PERFECT for intervals!!

Weather in NYC is bitter cold as it has been for the last 2 months. SO done with east coast winter :(


I have a almost 6 year old Shih Tzu named Lola. I love her to pieces. :) A lady I knew was breeding them and I wasn’t even sure I wanted a dog at the time. But I totally fell in love with her. She’s not much of a distance runner though….more of a sprinter. ;)


Sometimes if I’m really bored on a run I’ll throw in a random pickup to break up the monotony. It’s like a mini-fartlek. :) I have a Sheltie and a shepherd mix. I got the Sheltie because I’d had Shelties as a kid and they’re great family dogs. They are very vocal, though. My husband got the shepherd mix from a friend as a rescue (she was found as a puppy on a farm), so he just took her because she needed a home, no breed selection involved. :)


Awww… I hope that dog found its home! It looks cold. :)

I have two labs… one chocolate and one black lab mix. They are the loves of my life and I highly recommend a dog to anyone who is ready for one. They’re my best buds!


we just got a cockapoo (cocker spaniel-poodle mix) over Christmas. He looks like a mini-goldendoodle/puppy for life, which is freaking adorable. We needed something hypo-allergic and low shed. He is also super smart, loyal and loving. Definitely a great dog.


Oh, that baby tummy. So cute.


Def. afraid to run in the dark alone. I still do sometimes though. Depends on distance I need to run. Usually only run alone in the dark for shorter runs. And I stick close to home.

And my husband makes me leave him a map of my run. :)


I’ve got a pitbull who is the biggest baby ever. A 60 pound lap dog (literally, she’s in my lap right now). Obviously, every breed had its bad eggs (bad owners usually), and pits get an underserved bad rap, but Emmy is wonderful with kids and a great running buddy for middle distances!


I would definitely not go running alone in the dark! way to scary!


Oh gosh, that last picture! She’s too stinkin’ cute. :) I’ve never heard of a tiger tail until now, but what a good idea!!! I got a foam roller for Christmas and it is heavenlyyyy!



We’re getting another snowstorm here, so it looks like more time on the dreadmill. Boo. Will have to try your pick-ups!


We rescued our dog, who is a border collie-australian shepherd mix, and we love him!! the best kind of dog is one that is rescued from an animal shelter or other organization :)


I am totally afraid of running in the dark by myself. If I have to run in the dark I make it a short run so I can take my dog with me.

I have a boxer/pit bull mix, he is a total sweetheart and a total chicken. We got him from a rescue last November.

I’ve been stuck on the treadmill lately so I have been watching Harry Potter movies instead of listening to music.

It is super cold out today. It’s supposed to start snowing in the middle of the night, followed by rain and then more snow tomorrow. Because we clearly need more snow…


Brooke has some amazing headbands! She looks so adorable in them all!

I do not like running in the dark by myself. If I can’t get someone to go with me then I opt for the treadmill. I tend to enjoy treadmill running (I know I am strange) so I don’t mind it TOO much. I just am paranoid in the dark alone.


I run in the dark by myself, and I’m usually not afraid, but it depends on where I am. I usually don’t have to run in the dark though because I get out of work at 3 and can usually get in a run before the sun sets.

The weather here is COLD, with a big snow storm on the way! Looking forward to next week when it’s supposed to warm up into the 40’s for a few days!!! HEAT WAVE!


I run on a paved trail maintained by a local park but I never run there at night. It makes me nervous to run it if there are not too many people out on it because it is through a lot of wooded areas. I tend to be a little paranoid.

This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars

Cold, windy, and snowy here. Which means a spend almost all of my runs lately on the treadmill. I can’t wait for spring!

Brooke is so darn cute!!


I definitely don’t run in the dark alone. Sometimes I wish I was comfortable with that, but better safe than sorry. The only exception is an early morning run where I know it’ll only be dark for no more than like 5-10 minutes before the sun comes up. That I can handle.

We finally had sunshine today, but it’s still pretty chilly (or what Texas considers “chilly”) so hot chocolate sounds AMAZINGGG!


That child is hilariously cute.


Those are pretty much EXACTLY my thoughts when it comes to gloomy days! I secretly love them because it means I have more of an excuse to stay inside ;) Confession: summer actually kind of wears me out because I feel like I constantly have to be outside taking advantage of the nice weather. Don’t get me wrong… I love it… but when it’s still warm and bright out at 9 PM and all I want to do is curl up on the couch? Yeah…


I often run by myself in the dark. I figure anyone who would want to do me harm would have to catch me first. Unlikely! :).

Mutts are the absolute best!


I never run in the dark by myself and I live in a really nice area, but I still don’t feel safe. Case in point, Tuesday nite a runner was stabbed by a 13 year old boy! He survived, but seriously, that is scary! This happened very close to my home in Venice. http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20140212/BREAKING/140219880/2416/NEWS

All the dogs I have ever owned are rescues and I like to think that they chose me. I have a black lab and a mini dachshund and they are both adorable and I love them to pieces and you should really get a dog, really. If you need further proof, they can be great running buddies!

It’s mid 70’s here today and storming. We have a cold front coming and it will only get to 58 tomorrow, brrrrrrrr!


It should be snowing soon where I am!!! I want a dog so bad, preferably a short haired one that’s happy and energetic. I’d love to have a doggy running buddy.


I have never run by myself in the dark because where I live it isn’t safe to run by myself in the dark (yes- this makes fitting in runs pretty difficult in the winter when it is only light while I am at work).


I’m going to stuff my face with pasta momentarily which might be even better than doughnuts:)
I am curious about the stick. Does it work better/differently than a foam roller? I never foam roll b/c it makes my arms tired to support me while I’m doing it. I better start weight training lol. Anyway my calves have been really sore so maybe I should try the stick….


love that story about Brooke and her bellybutton. she’s stinkin’ cute!

I don’t have a tiger tail but I do have a stick that has 3 spiky balls in the middle. found it at target. I love it for my shins and in-between my shoulder blades. I foam roll everything else.


Our dog was a rescue puppy. She is a mutt, but she is still incredibly smart and delightfully quirky. I say you should adopt/rescue a puppy/dog!


I totally love that Brooke has enough hair to put into a little bun!!! My 15 month old is going to be jealous when I show her this picture of Brooke!


Im terrified to run in the dark at all because lately (3 times in the past month) cars have been not checking the sidewalk before pulling out of driveways and almost hitting me (missed by millimeters or by me slapping the cars so they notice me) and running in the dark makes me scared they will try to run me over even more than they already do.


I ran a long 8.33 miles today. Sometimes the time passes super quickly… other times, it DRAGS by. Lucky for me I had Rachel Ray & Guy Fieri to keep me company (via iPad… not in person, although that would be awesome).


Gosh, I sure do love that little girl. She is just too cute! Where did you get her adorable headband? (sorry if you have answered that before)
& the socks & your boots look SO comfy!


I do not like running in the dark, and the area in which I live is not good for running in the dark – it’s a small neighborhood which leads out to skinny roads that people drive fairly quickly on. It makes me nervous enough running during the day, I just stick to the treadmill if it’s dark (which is fine by me, my boyfriend had the great idea of moving our treadmill into the kitchen so we can see the tv in the living room while running! I love it even if it meant my kitchen table had to go!)

I grew up with a cocker spaniel that my parents got before I was born, then a yellow lab. The yellow lab we’ve had for 12 years (the spaniel died at age 15), and I’m fairly certain my parents researched the breed before getting her. I have a “boxer-mix” that I got from a shelter last June. I originally wanted a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, but my boyfriend wanted a shelter dog (and I didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars), so we went to an adopt-a-thon and immediately fell in love with the first dog we saw. She doesn’t look too much like a boxer, but that’s the breed written on her papers. She actually looks a little like a pit, which was always a breed I insisted I didn’t want, but I wouldn’t trade her for anything! She needs a little training because she learned bad habits from her previous home (I just bought her a spray collar and it’s a life saver!), but she’s a sweet girl. I can’t wait for her to be better on a leash so she can go running with me!


I am totally afraid of BEING in the dark by myself! I’m not really an adult. :)

I have two rescue dogs that are mutts. I’ve always had rescues, and just pick them out by personality. Or they pick me!

The weather is SO cold! At least for Texas!


I have only run in the dark once and it was with my sister. I’ve never done it alone and don’t plan to. I get scared really easily (I’m the person covering my face during an entire movie that is not even classified as a scary movie) so for me it just isn’t worth the anxiety. Although maybe it would make me faster…..


I first just have to say that I came across your blog recently and immediately got hooked! Love it!
Living in Atlanta, we’ve been dealing with icepocalypse and have a little over a half inch of ice. That meant some up close and personal time on the treadmill for me too today (followed by some yoga to keep me from going crazy stuck inside all day!).
We have a 2 year goldendoodle named Wally and I have never had such a sweet and intelligent dog. He still has lots of energy but also has a gentle temperament and loves to give “huggsies” (he actually puts his paw or paws on your shoulders to hug) and kisses! Can’t get enough of him!


We have had our Weimaraner for almost 10 years. We decided on her because my husband had a similar breed growing up (GSP). She is high maintenance, but also high quality. Love my girl!


I have a 6-month-old lab/hound mix named Wil-E (yes, like the coyote), and she chose us (rescue puppy)…and it didn’t hurt that her foster “sisters” felt that no one would want her because she was too “mean” (she’s probably the sweetest puppy ever, too).


Do your parents still have their dog Maggie? I only remember her name because that’s my dog’s name…but I don’t think I’ve seen you mention her lately.


I used to be afraid to run in the dark solo, but eventually I realized I had no choice – whether I ran in the morning or after work, it would still be dark regardless! Now, I actually feel more comfortable running in the dark alone. It’s as if the night hides me from the world :) But I have a bad confession – I don’t like to wear night gear because I don’t want to be seen…horrible I know but I love the stealth-like calmness!


i think a dog would be the BEST birthday present ever, plus it’ll make brooke’s entire year :)

we decided on a dachshund because we fell in love with one on a local rescue shelter’s website, but when we were unable to adopt that particular dog, we decided to adopt another dachshund from the same shelter. i’m glad it worked out that way because he’s the best dog ever and i couldn’t imagine life without him. <3


I run I the dark alone but live I a small rural area where I know every second person and it is well lit.

We got our dog at the SPCA. she was really cute because she was sitting there not barking and every other dog was going nuts. She still doesn’t bark except to go out, but almost 6 years later she can easily keep up with a 8-14k run with me so she has lots of energy! We found out he was Australian shepherd so that explains the energy.

It has been cold here. -20 celsius most of the time plus a windchill off the water. Brrrrr. And no music for me unless I am onthe treadmill.


I get really tight calves a lot too. I’ve started rolling my calves with my stick (similar to the tiger tail) before every run and that has helped me a ton. I found a good stretch to do after too. I put my toes on the bricks by my front door and my heels on the ground and then hold on to the door handle and lean forward with my legs straight. If that makes sense. It stretches my calves really good. I hate having tight calves.


I want to listen to that song- I loooove finding good ones that you just want to blast on repeat!

Brooke is too flippin adorable. Thanks for sharing her cute stories with us :)


I’m afraid to run in the dark by myself which is why I’m getting a big, scary dog to run with! This weekend! He’s still a pup but in a year? Watch out ;)


I run regularly in the dark. I leave for work most days really early and by the time everything gets done it is night time and dark so most runs during the week happen after 9pm at night. I stay in my neighborhood along the road with houses and I am ready to run for whatever house I need to if someone tried to get too close. I am very aware of my surroundings and I keep my music low enough so I can hear the sounds around me.


I am SUCH a scaredy cat about running in the dark alone. I think no matter where you live, especially if you run with music, it’s just smart not to do alone. My favorite running song lately has been “All I Ever Wanted” by Basshunter. It just has the perfect tempo to get a good stride going and its a definite pump up song!


Great Dane named Moto Moto (from Madagascar 2). He is 36″ tall at his shoulders, very intimidating and protective but excellent with my young children (ages 1, 1, 5, and 7). He is also an amazing running partner! He can keep up with me at any speed and I’m never afraid to run anywhere, anytime when he’s with me.


My favorite song right now is Sweater Weather. It really keeps me going! Brooke is too cute :)


Aw the photo of Brooke at the end is too cute!

We had a Maltese growing up and I loved having a dog in the family – mainly I wanted a small fluffy dog and it turned out to be a great match!


I can see how Brooke might think that her belly button would disappear. Never really thought of that from a child’s perspective but it makes complete sense. Too cute!
Actually, I love running alone in the dark. Something so peaceful and serene that I just love!!!!!


It’s super snowy here and now sleeting…no bueno. We had a cockerpoo when I was growing up (cocker spaniel-poodle mix) and I loved her- I think she and Brooke could be bffs :)


What a cute little dog. I chose mine based on size, temperament and energy.
A cocker spaniel because they are small but not breakable, always happy to see you and high enough energy to enjoy a good run. The energy aspect if you pick a high energy breed is tough to deal with in a puppy when they are too young to run but man it’s worth it when you see the excited face looking up reminding you that running is fun!!


It’s a snow day in Charlotte today! (which is a lot of fun with a new puppy btw). Certain areas I’m okay running in the dark by myself, and some I am not comfortable at all. I have a 3 year old black lab. She is wonderful, snuggly, great with kids, has a ton of energy and loves to run with me (not quite at your pace or crazy long length, she does 5 miles with me max because I’m afraid of her getting hurt) but a good running dog will make you feel comfortable in the dark and also will help you run even when you don’t feel like it because she needs the exercise too!


Belly buttons are so underrated. I should smile more when I see mine. Your daughter is adorable.
I don’t like running in the dark.


We have a little poodle mix, and she’s a little older, but she’s SO much work. I walk her in the morning twice before work, run to work. Then I go home at lunch and walk her, and I usually walk her a few times in the evening because her little bladder is so small, and if we leave her too long, she will poop on my floor :) we’ve only had her for a little while, and even though she’s a lot of work, she brings so much joy to our lives.


Brooke’s probably so happy when she looks at her tummy because she realizes she got her mama’s genes and will always have a flat stomach.


maybe you can get a dog big enough to protect you for night time runs!! I too am afraid to run in the dark. I’m going to try to convince all those concerned that when we get a dog it needs to be a big running dog! I like to listen to Ellie Gouldings “only you” on repeat for my hour long runs :)


scared of running in the dark?-yes (my dad was a homicide detective)
No dog yet – We want one but I know I can’t handle the extra responsibility right now
Katy Perry Song – Broken Hearted
Right now its absolutely pouring with rain which is pretty unusual because it hasn’t really rained here for a month


Our city is on an extreme weather alert…for a few inches of snow…DRAMATIC. But anything to get some snow days and lots of comfort food in, is okay by me. What is it about snow days and the craving for comforting foods???
We got our dog 3 years ago. He was 4 years old at the time. He’s a rescue dog. It warms my heart that we gave him a home.
So scared of running alone in the dark, and the dark in general.
Love the “missing or not?” belly button pic!!!!


We ear getting a major blizzard here today, it’s going to be crazy!!

I keep begging my husband for a puppy and he says no!

Fave song on repeat lately is eric church “give me back my hometown” I love it!

I’m not afraid to run solo at night in the dark …in the morning I am terrified bc of wild animals!!!

Umm I think today is somebody’s bday??? Happy birthday!!!!!


Totally agree! I have been known to bring The Stick to my practices, on trips, etc! That and my trigger point foam roller…excellent for recovery!

Love the earlier picture of Brooke with the apple. I have a similar grip on mine! Gotta love ’em : )


I rescued a terrier/retriever mix three years ago! She is amazing running motivation!! Although we do have to stop 100 times for bathroom/smell breaks!!

Weather in Wisconsin- negative degree . . . . again!


Oh, you have to get her the Belly Button Book! My niece had that book when she was little and we still call her/our belly buttons Beeboos! (she is now 8 yrs old)
its a great book!!!


I adopted my dog and she’s a dachshund/terrier/golden retriever mix and I can’t imagine my life without her.

Running song is All Night by Icona Pop

I’m in the northeast so it WON’T. STOP. SNOWING

Happy Birthday!


I LOVE my dog. It took us a few months to decide, we knew we wanted a dog that I could run with so we targeted active breeds with short hair (we live in TX). We got a German Shorthaired Pointer, and she is the sweetest, most wonderful dog ever. Gentle with my little niece, playful, and best of all, I don’t have to guilt one of my friends into running the bayou trails all day! We’ve had her about 2 years now. Also, she makes running in the dark way better. She’s big enough that I feel pretty safe running at night with her.


We have two dogs, my 13-year old Cairn terrier (sturdy little buddy type dog, up for anything, LOVES kids) and a 2 1/2 year old Black Lab-German Shorthair Pointer mix. I got her specifically to go running and skiing with me (and she LOVES it). The Lab part of her makes her friendly, happy, and eager to please. The Pointer part of her makes her lankier and leaner than a Lab, so she’s better build for running. Our last lab was quite stocky and ended up with some serious back and leg issues over the years from the exercise we did with her. Plus, a mixed breed dog is less likely to have congenital issues that are common with many purebreds.


A dog would be an excellent birthday present! I say go for it! We chose our dog because we wanted a dog that would be fun and active outside and lazy and calm inside. We also wanted one that was super friendly. Plus, labs are so freaking cute. We’ve had Bungee for almost four years, I think.

I definitely don’t run in the dark alone. That seems like a recipe for disaster.

We are getting a massive snow storm this morning.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL! You deserve an amazing day-today & everyday.

Brooke is just too darn cute. So glad you have her in your life through the good & the bad times. Enjoy your day!


I run in the dark if:
– It is early in the morning, not night time. (I have this theory that most of the “bad guys” are still sleeping and that most crimes occur later in the day)
– I run on a main road. When there’s traffic from people headed to work, I just feel better knowing that if something were to happen others would see it.
– I don’t feel skittish…
I ran the morning after watching a horror movie and it was the worst thing ever!! It made me especially paranoid and I’m already cautious. It didn’t help that it was really foggy that morning and a dog came running up to me from behind. Friendly dog, but my heart rate was ridiculous after that.
I actually opted not to run this morning because I wasn’t feeling up to running outside in the dark. I hung out inside and did weights and abs instead.
When you run in the dark, it’s just important to have a plan and feel comfortable!


rescue is the best breed :) Seriously, visit shelters, Humane societies, rescues, etc and visit with several types of dogs. The personality and temperment is the most important, regardless of breed. With young kids involved, it’s crucial that you get a “know quantity”. You want to look for a dog who has a strong social draw towards kids..doesn’t avoid them or simply “tolerate”. I am an adoption counselor for a local rescue and have been involved for years, if you need any help/tips, let me know. :)


I’m not afraid to run in the dark as long as I know cars can see me! I live in a fairly safe area so I’m not too worried about much else. I love listening to Miss Jackson while running too! And Demons by Imagine Dragons. :) It snowed about a foot last night, so we’re going to have a white Valentine’s Day here! I have a cockapoo, we decided to get a one because they don’t shed, are hypoallergenic, and are the right size/have the right mentality to be around young kids. We’ve had her for almost nine years and she’s still as energetic as the first day we got her. :)


SUCH a good song! And I’d definitely advocate for getting a dog. I’m in college right now, so it’s not feasible for me to get my own, but we have two at home and they’re great. A dog can be a great running partner.


Every kid needs a dog while growing up! My husband and I have 3, a chocolate lab, a beagle and a chesapeake bay retriever. When our chessie is older and full grown I’m going to take her running with me. Definitely do your research on different breeds, there are a lot of differences between my 3. Do your parents still have their dog? It would be a good idea to have the two dogs meet before you decide to make sure they will get along too.


We rescued both of our pups (both chihuahua mixes). Honestly, a chihuahua was probably the LAST dog I ever imagined owning and now I’m so head over heels in love with them that I couldn’t imagine life any other way. Adopting/rescuing is the way to go. Growing up, my parents always bought puppies from breeders so I’ve been in both shoes. I’ll never purchase a dog from a breeder again and rather save a life by adopting from a humane society. Go to your local humane society once a month and walk the dogs, play with them, and get a feel for what size, personality, etc you would like. Then go crazy on Petfinder.com finding the exact pup you want and go rescue them! :)


The weather has been a bit crazy today. It started out gloomy, then snowed a little, and now the sun is peeking out but is still pretty cold. A little bit of everything today….except warmth :(


Miss Jackson is a great song – love it!

And the thing with the belly button is too cute!


I am definitely afraid of running in the dark alone. I go for the treadmill every time ha. I am thinking about getting a dog too! I really like Labradoodles, but I’m still researching. Good luck finding a dog if you decide to get one :)


Petrified of running in the dark! I read an article a month or two ago (Runner’s world maybe?) about the author running in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep. I’ve been tempted to do that SO many times, but I feel like it would be too dangerous. Someday, I hope to have a treadmill at home and my problem will be solved :)


Absolutely afraid of running in the dark. I actually end up running much faster when it’s dark and I can’t get my imagination to shut up. I have a rottweiler :) clearly, what I lack in courage, my dog makes up for it. She’s not a runner, but whenever we go out for walks, I strut. No one messes with us. Unless, of course, they get within ten feet of us and see her butt wiggling and jiving. She is the sweetest, most intelligent and loving dog that I have ever owned. And I can’t break her! I’m so clumsy, and I always stepped on my cocker spaniel. Abby, my rott, bumps me right back. She’s now three years old (I’ve had her since she was about 6 weeks old). She’s even FABULOUS with my one-year-old neice. Abby had successfully talked me into getting her another rottie buddy. 200lbs of dog: coming soon to a house near you. Oh, and she is the best sleep partner. I wholeheartedly recommend a rottie.


There is a little part of me that is afraid of running alone at night, but that is basically the only time I can run during the week. Usually very late and very dark. Don’t love it, but I rather get my run .

I have a beautiful Labrador, and I chose the breed for they are known for their sunny disposition.

I don’t listen to music. I am amazed that you can run so much on the treadmill.

Today it snowed … between yesterday and today 10 inches. That for North Carolina is a big deal!


I love Brooke..she is hilarious. Happy Birthday Chica!


We have two dogs, 14 and 7 and they’re both English cocker spaniels. My dad’s family has always had spaniels and their exercise needs fit with our lifestyle, plus they’re just the right size and perfect family dogs. Cocker spaniels for some reason have a bad rep but both are wonderful with children, loving nothing better than to snuggle up. They’re my babies through and through.

Favourite running song… ‘My song knows what you did in the dark’ by fallout boy, I just love it!


I think you definitely have to go by personality and not breed. And rescues are a great way to go!

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Love “Miss Jackson”, it too is my go to song now!! :) Really enjoy your posts!! Thank you!!

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