If it wasn’t for the fact that Brooke was in my stomach for 9 months then I would probably think that my niece and Brooke were sisters.  Can you believe how much they look alike?  

Just a little Curious George watching.  

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My sister really messed up her back:(  She is in a lot of pain so we did the best thing possible to cheer up a person = we watched an episode of The Mindy Project.  I have never laughed so hard during a tv show in my life.  This show has turned my mood around many times in the last 6 months.  

Closet doors make great coat hangers.  

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Remember how I said I was determined to make dinner last night?  Well, I had all of the ingredients out to make a pesto and shrimp pasta but then my dad told us he wanted to take everyone to Subway for dinner (he is still rocking his weight loss and Subway is one of his favorite dinners that fits into his plan).  I couldn’t say no to that offer.  Pasta will have to wait for another night.  

PS my sister just got that adorable green jacket from Costco.  I need to go get one. 

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She is kind of a big deal.  

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And this is about to prove the theory that I get way too excited about small things—>  It made my day to get front row parking when Brooke and I went to get groceries last night.  It was SOOO cold and this parking lot is always packed.  

I will run 10 miles out in this weather but walking from a far away parking spot to the store is just too much to ask from me.  

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When I got home I was in one of those cleaning modes and went crazy cleaning every square inch.  I couldn’t stop.  I take full advantage of when I have a cleaning mode like this because it doesn’t happen that often.  

We kept the streak alive last night.

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I always think after I finish my cup of froyo that I could really go for round 2 but then I never do.

Jess went for it.  2 rounds of froyo.  I was proud and jealous of her all at once.  

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And then we closed the place down.  And I wonder why I have a hard time waking up to work out lately…  Ice cream and staying out way too late but I like it like that.


Where do you usually grocery shop?  Just one place or multiple?

Favorite comedy tv show or movie to watch to put you in a good mood?

Anyone hurt their back before?  How did you fix it?

Are your parents healthy eaters?  Do they exercise often?

-After dinner my mom and dad went walking at the mall:) 

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I usually go to Trader Joes- the best and most affordable in NYC!

Favorite feel good comedy movie is Bridget Jones Diary

And yes- my mom goes to the gym most days of the week and my dad has run two marathons! My dad will beat me in a road race any day…



My parents are the most habitual eaters ever. Every Monday is Chinese, every Friday is pizza and and on other days, my mom cooks and rotates between one of about 10 possible dishes. No surprises, ever.

I like watching good standup comedy to cheer me up, or episodes of Friends even though I’ve seen every episode at least 15 times. Somehow, they still make me laugh.


When my parents used to want to go out to eat I would never complain either….though the same kind of goes for now. I could honestly eat out at restaurants for every meal if I could afford it. I guess we all have goals to work up too LOL.

My dad runs and works out a lot (he got me into running). Mom had serious spinal surgery a while back and can’t but they both eat pretty healthy…


My parents are the same way! It’s too cute!


My parents are the total opposite of healthy and excersie doesn’t exist. :-(


My favorite TV show right now is Rules of Engagement – hard to not laugh at every episode. I love subway! Their seafood sensation is soooooo good!! :)


I’ve never gone for round 2 of froyo but now I want to. I have a feeling my friends would judge me for it though… So I’ll have to be picky about who I bring. My parents are really health conscious but we always have dessert. Our meals are always balanced but we save room for the fun foods too. You have to or life is boring.


I go to multiple places, depending on what I need. Trader Joes is probably my favorite, followed closely by Super Target.

Love your sister’s jacket! I may need to get one too :)


I mostly shop at Publix & Target. :)

Modern Family & Golden Girls are my 2 favorite shows that always make me smile.

My dad has recently got very healthy this past year. He’s actually lost well OVER 100 LBs! I’m sooo proud of him! He’s a truck driver so he sits all day long but he’s started eating mega healthy & walking every chance he gets. He is hardcore. So proud of him!


Whole Foods when I have time since it’s a 40 minute drive. Otherwise its just one of our local grocery stores which aren’t bad!

My parents like eating healthy but sometimes it just doesn’t happen (I think everyone’s like that though). My mom will cook 3-5 days a week and when she does its always relatively healthy and the rest will be leftovers. Fridays and Saturdays they go out. They walk the dog a lot too!


I love the Mindy Project- when Danny danced to Aaliyah for Mindy’s secret Santa present, it was one of the greatest things to be shown on TV. My mom is a pretty healthy eater, but my dad is not. A complete meal for him is meat and potatoes.


My parents are major healthy eaters AND exercisers! They are huge role models for me and I owe my healthy habits 100% to them!!


Brooke and Curly do look like sisters!
I usually shop at the comissary on post but if we had something like a trader joes or whole foods I would go there instead. Hard to find anything organic in this small town. We love The Mindy Project too and The New Girl.
I hurt my back once while James was deployed and Izzy was an infant. I didn’t have any family close by and my BIL drove 8hrs to come help me. It was scary. I did Advil and heat pads. I was breastfeeding so I didn’t want crazy pain killers.
My parents don’t eat super healthy but they always share a plate. My dad also goes for morning walks.


I love old episodes of new girl, I laugh so hard!


Yes I hurt my back every few months I am a strong believer in going to my chiropractor. I had a whip lash injury for years that gave me pain I saw my chiropractor twice a week for a month and that pain is gone. Mindy project is my go to for bad moods too. Have a lovely Thursday.


OMG i just discovered the mindy project and i LOVE it. like an obsessed kind of love. i watched the first season embarrassingly fast.

my parents eat well, but i’m trying to get my mom to workout more. it just gives off so many happy endorphins– everyone should do it =]


The New Girl makes me laugh like no other sitcom. That reminds me, I need to catch up!

I once had a friend crack my back… and I ended up immobile on the couch. The only thing that fixed it was rest and a heavy dose of muscle relaxers. She should check out a chiropractor or accupuncture!


King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond or Friends always makes me smile. I also love the show with Betty White but cannot remember the name, I thinks its called “Off their rockers”

I hurt my back on New Years Day and have just been doing the rest, heat/ice and pain pills.

Your supper idea sounded great but I would put it on hold for Subway. I think we are going for Shepards Pie or Sausage and Potatoes for supper tonight.


I hope your sister feels better soon.

The Big Bang Theory always manages to make me laugh.


LOVE close parking spots! I especially love the ones for expectant moms and babies :-) I’m sorry your sister messed up her back. I hope it heals quickly!!!


I LOVE the Mindy Project, it always cheers me up. Morgan is one of my favorite characters on tv right now.


It isn’t a comedy, but Gilmore Girls always cheers me up! And my parents are horrible eaters- if it doesn’t come in a bottle, box or can they won’t eat it :-S


They look so much alike!
My shopping for groceries is taken place at Aldi, Kroger and TJ’s. So. Many. Places.
The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family always put me in a good mood!
My mom has horrible back pain, she always puts a heating pad on her back and this seems to help!
My rents eat really healthy! They walk a lot and in the summer/spring/fall they are gardening which is pretty intense for them!


Modern Family never fails to make me laugh/put me in a good mood. That show is one of my absolute favorites.


Oh no injuries are no fun. I hope she feels better soon!
I can’t believe how much froyo you eat. You need to invest in a store :)

I love to do my shopping at Wholefoods twice a month and twice a month at Publix (a southern chain). This gives me the best of both worlds. Plus shopping at wholefoods every week would leave anyone dead broke :)


I had menchies last night too! I always think I can go for round 2 but like you I have never taken the plunge! More power to Jessica! That’s awesome!


Every time I look at your blog it reconfirms why I want to have 4 (or more) babies. Look at all the love in your family!!!!

PS. The pic of your sis in that green jacket….totally looks like you there! No wonder Brooker and her cousin look so much alike! LOVE it.


Has your sister seen a chiropractor? That’s what I do when I have pain in my back, neck or hips. Sometimes it takes multiple visits to completely recover, but it always takes care of the problem! Tell her I hope she feels better soon!


I got hit with a big dose of cleaning spree motivation yesterday as well, and you better believe I’m riding that train and cleaning everything in sight when it happens. Otherwise I’ll get a little motivated, clean half the room, and then leave the vacuum cleaner laying in the middle of it because I kind of run out of steam and want to go do something else. I may or may not have also tripped on said vacuum cleaner multiples time, yet still refuse to put it away because I -might- get hit with another bout of motivation in a few days lol.


I always say I can run and run but expect me to walk a parking lot or big shopping center? No thank you….I have gone back for seconds on fro yo or sometimes I go back up just for extra toppings. It’s all about the toppings.


I usually shop anywhere and everywhere, no where in particular…I also hate grocery shopping so if you ask my kids they would tell you I actually don’t grocery shop.

My parents are not health conscious, although they both have some goals to get healthier this year. We had them over for dinner this past weekend and we made chicken, baked potatoes, broccoli and a low-cal jello dessert I made. I’m trying to help them along!

I love your niece’s (?) toothy (or tooth-less) grin by the way- toooo adorable!!


omg I LOVE Menchies but I only get to go when I’m in Denver visiting my BFF. And I also love the Mindy Project, I need to catch up on the last episode on Hulu!


I don’t this ‘Jess’ but I think we need to become friends ;) Though if you just get a pound in one sitting, it may not be necessary to get seconds. That’s a lie. I still wanted more last time.

My parents eat healthy food/meals but LOVE their treats/desserts. Just like me. My mom does not exercise at. all. But my dad does every day :) He was the one who I started running with. Love him.

I love The Mindy Project – it always lifts my mood. I like New Girl too, but I feel like it hasn’t been as funny this season?? Ross does not watch those shows with me, but we watch Brooklyn 9-9 and I find myself laughing out loud a lot to that show. If you have never watched Better Off Ted, do that on Netflix. There are only 2 seasons, but I love it.


I go to a sports chiropractor. Fixes me every time.

My parent eat lots of fruits and veggies, but they don’t exercise often enough.
That silver glitter head band is so cute on Brooke. I got a black one and a silver one. I just can’t pull off the silver.

Modern Family is our favorite comedy.


I go to so many different grocery stores to get all of the things that I want…. Costco, Trader Joe’s, Kroger, and Target. I’ve always wanted to go for round 2 too!!!


I usually just go to Wal-Mart (the one near us is pretty new and not too bad…at least yet) or Smith’s. I WISH so badly we had a Trader Joe’s closer to us because I’d totally shop there. Maybe it’s a good thing though because I love TJ’s EVERYTHING!

I’ve been loving How I Met Your Mother lately – it’s hilarious!!


Hahah what you said about the parking lot is so true! I’ll work out almost every day but when it comes to little things like parking lots and staircases I’m just not having it! It’s funny how randomly lazy we can get, even when we love exercise.


That’s too bad about your sisters back. I have had back problems off and on and I really like going to the chiropractor. I know its sort of controversial, but it always works for me.

Also, I’m the same way with parking spots. I will run far, but I must have the closest parking spot possible. haha


I used to hit up multiple grocery stores for sales, but I’m gotten lazy the last couple of months. Which isn’t a good thing, because I’m definitely spending more money than I used to!


The Mindy Project has come to be one of my favorite shows EVER. I laugh out loud and so hard. It makes me want to be friends with Mindy and I desperately want to work in their office. Morgan would keep you on your toes all day long! How I Met Your Mother and Friends also are my go to shows!


I feel for your sister. I hope she gets some relief quickly! I hurt my back two years ago and had to get spinal epidurals with medication in them to ease the inflammation and the pain. Lots, and lots of core work later and it’s doing pretty well. I had to say goodbye to marathons though. I’m pretty good running up to about 14 miles, so I’m still running halves.

I hit of Costco about once every two weeks, and a regular grocery store several times a week for my food shopping.


My parents are healthy in different ways. My dad has a sweet tooth, but he also plays tennis 4 times a week, 3 hours at a time. My mom doesn’t exercise (just walking at the hospital as a nurse), but she eats and cooks very healthy dishes. I’m quite a bit more like my dad… big sweet tooth!


I usually shop at the local Giant, but I love TJs and the Fresh Market too.

So cute that you parents go mall walking. :-) My mom loves to exercise and she hits the gym almost everyday.


I LOVE Mindy Project. I really hope it stays on the air. It is hilarious.

That shrimp and pesto pasta sounds amazing! I wish Mike liked seafood.

My parents are healthy, but nothing crazy. They are both really active, though. I remember when I was a kid, if I ever told my parents I was bored, they’d make me go run around the house or play in the yard. Most of our vacations involved hiking or biking.


I shop at lots of places depending on what I need and most importantly what’s on sale.

I love Wilfred, it is the most awesome show ever and if you love dogs you need to watch it.

I have scoliosis so back pain and I are besties.

My Mom eats fairly healthy, my Dad never did and my Mom loves to exercise though she doesn’t do it nearly as often as she used to.


I LOVE watching impractical jokers on TRUtv, I always crack up it is so hilarious!


Your poor sister. I hope she get on the mend soon.
I went to Menchies last night too! So so good. Round two always pops into my head as well. But sometimes I eat so many samples that my actual Fro Yo purchase is round 2!


My parents are healthy eaters, not so much exercisers tho. Well, my mom goes to Curves.

I haven’t had froyo in ages, I miss it every time you post about it!


Ramdom fact today – The last pic from your post today…I have that same sweater in 2 different colours that your friend is wearing


I hope your sister recovers quickly!

I usually go to 2 grocery stores. Trader Joe’s for some things and then a regular grocery store for the rest. In the warmer months, I will supplement with fresh and local fruits and veggies from the farmer’s market.

Some of my favorite comedy shows are Cougar Town and New Girl. Trophy Wife is new and really funny too!

I do not come from a healthy eating family. Sports were always important, but a healthy lifestyle was not promoted in my family. I think it is great that you and your family have such a healthy lifestyle. You are all great role models for the kiddos!


Getting a prime parking spot when you have to shuttle a wee one in and out of the cold is AWESOME! It doesn’t matter if you’re the fittest person on the planet. No one wants to hoof it from the back of the lot with a toddler in tow!

My parents have a lot of health problems. It’s part of the reason I want to stay healthy and set a good example for my daughters to follow. Of course, I’ll still be a little sad when they start kicking my tail in races!


I have hurt my back several times. 3 years ago I couldn’t run for 8 weeks because of a back injury. Ice, stretch, foam roll, ibuprofen. And waiting. :\


I usually grocery shop at Safeway, Target, Smith’s or Walmart. The closest stores to campus! ;) Also, I hear ya on being able to run in the cold but not being able to walk to the store from your car. It’s a challenge ;)


I LOVE the Mindy Project. I re-watched the pilot a few days ago and seriously every episode of that show kills me. Also two rounds of froyo sound amazing right now.


I popped a rib outta place last winter simply by shifting in my chair at work. It was so painful by the time I got home that I had to take leftover Tylenol with codeine from when I had my son just to be able to get a few hours of sleep.

My chiropractor fixed me.

But the muscle that was affected still gets angry with me when I’m in certain positions.

^^ that sounds dirty but it isn’t supposed to be… lol


I’m obsessed with seeing what new hair style Brooke will have each day. I love all the headbands! She’s adorable.

My “feel good” TV show is either How I Met Your Mother or Friends. I’ve seen every episode of Friends at least twice and it never gets old. I always have to stop and watch when I catch it on the TV.


My folks are super uptight about food. It was a really weird way to grow up. Super controlling about portions. “Good” and “bad” foods. Just weird. They exercise a lot, too. My stepdad walks about 10 miles a day. They are a very strikingly attractive older couple. But weird.

I shop at TJs and a local big grocery store, Berkeley Bowl. It’s like Whole Foods in many ways, but it’s not as spendy.

I hurt my back trying on skinny jeans (and posted about it) last fall. I was on my back on the living room floor for 4 days. I saw a chiropractor 3x in a week and the. Once a week for about a month. All good for now :) Hope your sis is feeling better soon. It is so debilitating.


I usually do all of my grocery shopping @ Winco because it’s all around cheap and I like what they have.
Lately, New Girl has been my go-to funny show; although, you really make me want to try out Mindy Project.
I am a huge advocate of chiropractic care :)
My mom is a fairly healthy eater and she likes to walk; my dad, not so much.


Ah the Mindy Project is one of my new favorite shows! I love when Mindy refers to herself as something small and delicate. Hilarious.

You should add Mindy’s book to your list of books to read!


Happy Go Lucky is my favorite “good mood” movie. Friends and I Love Lucy are probably my favorite shows for a better mood. I do like the Mindy Project, too. Such an off the wall show.


I saw that same jacket at CostCo and LOVED it, until I tried it on. I have a long torso and it just wasn’t cutting it. I hope it fits you better because it is seriously so so cute!


ice cream and staying out late! you’re a wild woman haha


THE MINDY PROJECT!!!!! I love it.

Back problems are terrible- I have no idea how to fix them but I hope it doesn’t hurt for too long.


My parents are eating better since I moved back. My dad is pretty active for work anyway. My mom just joined a gym with me! She is doing great!


My mom has recently drastically changed her diet as her lifetime of bad eating finally caught up to her: diabetes, liver problems, etc. I’m proud of the huge changes she’s made. She’s lost 20+ lbs since November.

I usually shop at our local grocery store, TJ’s or Target (for things like tea and Luna bars.)

For laughs, my daughter got me hooked on a show called “Bob’s Burgers.” It’s animated (but not what I’d call a kid’s show) and the writing is top-notch.

Love the pic of the cousins watching TV. Oh, and I can totally relate to the front row parking. I’m too lazy to walk upstairs to get the gloves I wanted before heading out for my 10+ run. Such a weird mentality.

Hope your sis starts feeling better soon!


I do all my Hawaii grocery shopping at Don Quijote. When we’re home in California, I go to Target – better prices than the grocery stores and I use my Red Card for another 5% off.

My parents were not healthy eaters or exercisers, they both had many health issues and died much too young. It is one of the reasons I started running and keep at it.


I grocery shop all over the place – Walmart for cheap essentials like cereal, pasta, and flour – Trader Joe’s for their pizza dough, tasty frozen dinners, and trail mix – and Ralphs for most of everything else… Grocery shopping takes a while around here haha

I had problems with my back before and sleeping on the floor actually made it feel much better, turned out I just needed a firmer mattress. If your sister’s mattress is really old maybe that’s the problem? :) Hope she feels better soon!


I always shop at the same store. I may not be getting the best deals all the time but I always know exactly where to find everything and that is worth it to me.

That just goes to show how lazy I truly am.


I bought an entire quart of TCBY froyo last night to take home…no more comment on that…

I usually shop at both Target and Sprouts for groceries. Panty and household products from Target, and all the fresh goodies from Sprouts.

I swear my parents are healthier than me…my mom is a Pilates instructor and personal trainer, and my Dad does triathlons and is currently holding a “biggest loser” competition at his office. I think they definitely influenced me growing up to learn to have exercise and health just a natural part of life.


Random question….What ab DVD do you like to use for your core work? My gym just got rid of the core class so now I need to start doing it on my own. I want to keep working on my core and get abs of steel so your suggestion would be helpful.

Have a great day!


I usually go grocery shopping at Harris Teeter if I am going for a big shop. If it is a quick shop I hit the store closer to me or Target (I get into too much trouble at Target).

I watch The Mindy Project and love it :) My “I am in a funk” show is How I Met Your Mother or Brooklyn 99.

My parents do not eat the healthiest. I have gotten them to switch to wheat bread and 1% Milk, which is a start. They go through waved of working and not, mom started going 2 to 3 times a week since the start of the year. I am proud of her and I hope she keeps it up!


Back pain sucks! I’ve had it off and on for awhile now. I’ve gone to the chiropractor/physical therapist and acupuncturist to help with it. I hope your sister is feeling better! What did she do to it?


I tend to shop all over, but mostly Wal Mart (because they ad match), and Smiths (because it is super close to my house). My parents are fairly healthy eaters, and they like to go walking together :) Your poor sis :( The only back pain I have experienced has been during pregnancy, and I am sure that is nothing compared to what your sis is going through. Sending prayers her way!


Second round of froyo sounds like one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a very long time.


We love The Mindy Project! Once in awhile there will be an “eh” episode, but for the most part, we laugh our butts off!


Total Wine. I’m kidding, I almost always shop at Publix! Trader Joes is supposed to open up soon here though, so I’m getting pretty excited about that :)

Friends still does the trick pretty well. I need to try the Mindy Project! (her book was hilarious)

Have your sister look into physical therapy! Try some lumbar stabilization exercises :)

My parents eat semi-healthy, but they are both active, which makes me happy. My mom is getting back into walking a lot which she needs, so I am very very happy about that.

Congrats to your parents for staying so active and healthy! I love mall-walkers. That will totally be me one day


Oh sad that your sister hurt her back–hope it gets healed real quick!!

Mmmmm fro yo is the bomb!


I shop at multiple grocery stores, Whole Foods, Trader Joes and QFC.
I love the Big Bang Theory and Modern Family.


Ouch, I hope your sister feels better soon. :(

I tend to go to Sprouts and Trader Joe’s. If I’m in the area and have some extra cash to spend Whole Foods. In a pinch, I go to Safeway.

My parents…not so healthy eaters and not so active. They try. They’re healthy at least, mostly. So that’s in their favor.


I absolutely love The New Girl!! She is hilarious.
And friends…always friends!!


Mmmmmmmm — I LOVE Menchie’s!!! :)


I am sorry your sister is in pain! I hurt my back lifting weights in college (herniated disk). I had pain all the way down my leg into my calf and couldn’t bend over to put on my socks. Even sitting down hurt! I tried epidurals, but honestly, the thing that I healed me was working on my all around core strength and stability. About 2 months of daily planks, bridges, etc. (no crunches!) and I was back competing again! I even ran a PR after : ) I hope your sister feels better soon!


ahhh love ‘the mindy project’! she is so fantastic and hilarious. if you haven’t read her book-you should (it’s a quick and fun read)! my mom is a healthy eater/worker-outer but my dad on the other hand isn’t. i followed in his footsteps until i was 23 and decided to get healthy! don’t get me wrong…still love me a lot of cookies but now in moderation or at least with workouts in between!


I love The Mindy Project, great show!

Sorry about your sisters back, that blows! I have that same Costco jacket, but I got the purple one. They’re great for running (well for me, I don’t live in snow, so not sure how warm they’d be for that).

My mom became vegetarian last year and is still going strong. My stepdad is always trying to get her to eat some chicken or something, it’s funny. They are both retired and go for long, fast walks about 4-5 times a week, so that’s good!


I love that the name of your grocery store is just ‘Grocery’!


I grocery shop at Wegmans.. the best store ever! Occasionally we hit up Trader Joe’s too, but that store is dangerous because I just want to buy EVERYTHING! I think that getting a front row spot means you’re meant to be there… you’re gonna find a really good deal on something! haha


I’m so, so sorry to hear about your sister’s back. I’m hoping she starts feeling better soon.

I’ve had some back issues (mostly sciatic, I think), and the only thing that consistently helps me manage it is regular back strengthening exercises (supermans, one-legged squats, etc). Even then, I still get flare-ups, but they usually tone down with a day or two of rest.


I sprained my back by lifting something wrong, I don’t even remember what. But then made it worse by using heat instead of ice. That evening I bent to pick up a pair of socks, and no joke… my back completely seized up… I literally could not move, horrible horrible pain. So I went to the urgent care and got some muscle relaxers and an Rx for physical therapy.

Turns out it’s really common for young women to throw their back out like this. We lift something wrong and it gets irritated, then it starts seizing up which is so so bad.

I took the muscle relaxers for a full week to prevent the spasms and allow my back to start healing (I also tried to stand as much as possible and keep moving, no bed rest!). Then (with the physical therapist’s supervision) I worked hard to strengthen my hips, butt, abs and back. Now I’m really careful when I lift and I stay on top of my strength training.


Round 2 of fro-yo! Sounds so good at the time, but is never worth it later haha. I’ll have to try The Mindy Project, I’m looking for a new feel good show :)


I can always count on New Girl to put me in a great mood! My parents exercise every single night together. My mom is super healthy, but I got my huge sweet tooth from my dad! Loooove those little boots on Brooke! I hope your sister gets better soon!


I get most of my groceries at Walmart – no Whole Foods or Trader Joes or Costco anywhere near! :( My parents weren’t healthy eaters but when I started making changes so did they!


I LOVE The Mindy Project! I want to be best friends with Mindy Kaling. My favorite show to watch when I’m sad is Parks and Recreation. I also want to be best friends with Leslie Knope :)
Can you believe I’ve never had froyo before? We don’t have self serve places where I live! :(


Superstore for groceries, and I love friends to put me in a good mood :).
I have been craving slurpees and froyo lately! I think I’m gonna take my kids for slurpees or froyo tomorrow. Now to decide which is more fulfilling.

I’ve been on a major clean streak lately. I’m in the process of moving so it’s making me donate/dump run/organize and sell so I have less to move into the new house.


The she is kind of a big deal photo made my day. I love how great a relationship you have with your sister. As an only child, I envy that so so so much.


I love the Mindy Project. You should check out her book, it’s hilarious. If you have Hulu Plus, check out Moone Boy. It’s an Irish show but it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I watched it non-stop when I was still at home with my little man. Season 2 is due out soon!!


I LOVE The Mindy Project – she is amazing!!


We pretty much just grocery shop at one store- our local food co-op.

I love Raising Hope!!

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I love watching Big Bang Theory for a pick me up – it’s hilarious! The only danger is that 1 episode will turn into 3!


Costco should give you sales commission because I had to run right out and buy the green jacket! So cute :)


We grocery shop mainly at Kroger and Trader Joes. I do the same thing with parking spaces! haha. And if I get a close one, I’m like, “THANK YOU JESUS!” LOL All time FAVORITE comedy shows – Modern Family and New Girl. All day, e’ryday. Parents – my dad, notsomuch, my mom now lives near me (this is new within the past year), so I have her eating healthier and going to the gym and the park with me. :) At the park, she walks while I run. At the gym, in the classes we take, she kicks butt.


Hurt my back this summer & the chiropractor was my cure-all! It had to do something with muscle imbalance and I was “cured” in just 2 adjustments! Definitely something to consider…

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