When it isn’t convenient.

And another post where I probably over share

Lately I have been really thinking a lot about how to become the person that I want to be.

It happens when it isn’t convenient.

It is easy to be kind to people when life is easy and going perfectly.   It is really easy to be happy when you are in Disneyland and you have a churro in one hand and a frozen lemonade in the other.  Cheerfulness comes naturally when our world is just the way we want it to be. Our smiles are big when we get that job we want, when we run that pr race or have the ‘perfect’ family


we really show who we are and how strong we are when it isn’t convenient.

Our true character doesn’t shine when everything is just great, grand and wonderful.   Who we really are comes out when the going gets tough.

This is something that I have been thinking about a lot over the last 5 months (not good at this principle yet but I am really really really working on it).

My overall goals during my divorce (not the most convenient time of my life;) have been to attempt:

To be kind to others when my day was not going the way that I was hoping it would.

To reach out to others and lift them when I need to be lifted myrself.

To be grateful for everything I have when complaining is a lot easier to do.

To be the best mom for Brooke when being a single mom and providing for my little girl can be stressful.

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Like everything in life I have found a way to relate this to running.

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If you really want to reach your goals as far as running goes you have to do it when it isn’t convenient.

Sure it is easy to run those first few miles of a race at a fast pace because our legs are fresh from the taper. It is easy to go for a run when it fits into our schedule perfectly and the weather is beautiful.

What do we do when the going gets tough?

Do we endure?

We prove what we are made of when we are busy and don’t have nearly enough time to train everyday.  It is when we are half-way through a race and start wishing we were at the finish line when we really show what we are made of.  It is when staying in bed would be so much easier and warmer than hitting the pavement.

It is when the temperatures are extreme and our legs are tired from a previous workout that we show our strength and become the runner that we want to be.

It’s not always going to be convenient to get out the door for your run or to spend a few hours of your Saturday doing that long run but if running a certain race at a certain pace is your goal then you will train even when it isn’t convenient.

It is when we do ‘it’ (*whatever your it may be right now) when it isn’t convenient that our efforts really pay off.

And on an extremely random note, I really want one of these:

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What are you running goals for 2014?!?!

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My running goals for 2014: have fun. This year (2013) was less than ideal for me and 2014 is all about having fun with my runs and just running more by feel than by GPS.

Sending you love and hugs:)


I think you’re doing a great job with Brooke, and keeping a positive attitude through everything! Hang in there!

Running really does help, doesn’t it? My goal for ’14 is to get into the NYCM and to PR in my half time (after recovering from having a baby in January ;)


Great words of wisdom! My goals for this year are all about doing new things and having fun with my training and racing. I’m doing a half tri and a 6-day stage race, which will both be new and challenging for me, but I’m really looking forward to changing things up!


I love that you related such a serious topic to running. It makes it easier to think about. You have amazed me throughout this time with your positivity and I know your strength will continue to shine. I can’t wait to follow your training through 2014!


My running goal for 2014 is to keep going as much as my body will allow. I am pregnant, I finally announced it on the blog this morning. This is new territory for me. I really want to keep up a healthy and active lifestyle before and after the baby comes. The first trimester was rough and I’m hoping for a good bounce back in the new year.


Such a great post and a good lesson. I think you’re a terrific mom, and I’m pretty sure Brooke feels that way, too :)
I don’t know what my goals for 2014 are yet! I had a challenging racing summer, so I just want to have fun and run lots of trails this summer!


I love this! Life has a way of surprising us even when it’s not convenient or we think we’re not ready for it — deep down, we have more in us, and we are.

I haven’t finalized my goals for 2014 but here are a few:
-Run a sub 2:15 half marathon
-Run my second full marathon (I’m thinking of putting a time goal on this one but not sure)
-Add more speedwork into my training

I know that achieving these goals won’t be easy or convenient they also won’t be comfortable. I’ll have to step outside my comfort zone to go after each of them but I’m ready!

Great thoughts for a Monday morning. Thanks, Janae!

Karen @karenlovestorun


I think you are doing a pretty great job :-). You are not only a person I look to for running inspiration, but you are someone who treats everyone like family and you don’t find that much these days. I hope you have a great week with your family and friends. Love u!


I absolutely love this post! I think everyone could and should try implementing this and the world would be a better place. Your doing a great job and just keep taking it one day at a time. Brooke will one day look back and be in awe of you and all your hard work. My mom was a single mom and she’s my hero. Now that I have a daughter myself I realize how hard it was and how amazing she is.
My goals this year are to eat clean, run faster and be less stressed. Life is too short to stress it away.


My running goals for 2014 are to run one race a month.


So true. Great post. And a great attitude :) .


Love love love this post. I try to remind myself of this every time I hit a rough patch. I’ve started a habit of counteracting every negative thought with a positive and its done wonders for my outlook. My running goals are to run a few halfs (first in February!) then maybe conquer a full ;)


This is such a wonderful post and so true. You’re such a good person and a wonderful mom.
My 2014 goal is to run my first half marathon. I was training this past summer but got injured.


Running really is a metaphor for how we should approach life. My goals for ’14 include staying injury free, listening to my body, and thoroughly enjoying the races I do. I’ve been too focused on numbers/time and noticed I’ve been missing out on the atmosphere during the run. I was injured during the Turkey Trot and walked/ran with my hubby. It was a completely difference experience to hear what others were saying around me and be present in the moment!


Great post today Janae,

I’m running my very first marathon in 2014 – and I’m quite nervous about it. I’m normally a 5K runner because I like the speed of the race and the training time is fairly easy to fit in. I know I am going to have to plan out my long run days for sure!


I’m doing my first full in 2014 too! I normally stick with 5ks, 10ks and 1/2s but I’m going to try to ‘go the distance’ here. Good luck to you!


I can’t tell you how much this resonated with me (and I’m in a good place right now but I’ve had lows in life, like everyone, and when I face challenges again, I’d like to be more like the person you are), so thank you for sharing.


Love this! Very cathartic, and personal. My running goal is to do the Year in Miles challenge. Except 2,014 miles is a bit of a stretch for me, so I’m doing it in kilometers (1251.4 miles).


Amazing post Janae. Love you.


Hmmm….goals for 2014, I feel like I might have to many and need to really put things into perspective. I just resigned from my job to be home and focus more on my 4 kids. (13 year olds are a lot of work). I am hoping to run a sub 4 hour marathon this year as well as do a 50K in the fall. We will see how it all plays out.
And for what it is worth, I think that you are doing a great job with Brooke. There are 2 of us and I am stressed sometimes, I can’t imagine being just me. You are lucky to be able to have your family too. Make sure that you lean on them when you need help. Happy New Year!


You are so inspiring!


This was such a great post, Janae…. And just for the record, you’ve definitely shown that you have a wonderful character through this whole process <3

My running goals for 2014… yowza. Seeing as I'm just starting my running journey, one of my goals is definitely to sign up for my first race in this next year, and also to get better at overcoming that negative voice that tells me to give up.


Great post! You inspire me more than you know. My goal for this winter is to cross train and build up my core before marathon training starts in the spring. I want to see the difference in how a marathon feels when you do it right. I said I would never do another marathon…but like I said, you inspire me!


I have a couple goals.

First, I want to run a total of 12 races in 12 months.

Second, I’ve made such great improvements in my running this year, I want to keep getting better/faster.

Let’s keep on runnin! :-)


Some of my favorite quotes that I have on my computer desktop so I can see every day.

When you can’t bear something but it goes on anyway, the person who survives isn’t you anymore; you’ve changed and become someone else, a new person, the one who did bear it after all. -Austin Grossman

I love the person I’ve become, because I fought to become her. Kaci Diane

And this one gives me chills in the moments where I feel lost the most: “I do not understand the mystery of grace- only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” Ann Lamott

And you aren’t oversharing…just keeping it real. Thank you for your inspiring words to start the week. You are awesome!


I love this first quote- so true.


This is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing… You are an amazing athlete who always inspires me to keep on keeping on!


I know that I’m from the outside looking in, but it appears that you are doing such a lovely job of being a single mom to little Miss. Brooke. I would love to run a 3rd marathon this year and hopefully PR this time!


Get back to a Boston BQ after having had my baby!!!


Ps is that a sugar glider? One of students has one and has shown me pics before and I remember it being adorable like that!


Great reminder to keep going when the going gets tough. It is definitely hard to do, but the feeling in the end is totally worth it and you become a better person for it. Thanks for sharing!


PR at the Houston Marathon in January.
Stay healthy and hopefully break 13 hours at Ironman Lake Placid in July.

Keep up the great work. Great post.


So true my best runs are ones that I struggle it get out the door. When I’m done I’m so happy to have put the time in.

I just had my second baby in September. I haven’t ran a half since before my first baby in 2010. I’m ready I want to run at least 2 half marathons and maybe a Marathon this year.


Every person everywhere should read this :). I have no doubt that you inspire and lift up many, many people each and every day <3.


My 2014 running goals – are to do my best – and to better than I did in 2013!

Praying that The Lord will look over you and give you strength this week


I love this post. It is the truth. Nice job putting it into words. :) I believe you can do it!


Oh wise one, your words just kicked my butt – considering I slept through my ‘go running early in the morning’-alarm and I settled for a ‘just chill with a huge cup of peppermint mocha’-alarm….. and my race (Miami Half Marathon) is only a few weeks away. Tomorrow EVERYTHING shall change and Ill be running the streets of Miami before the sun comes up :)

My goals for 2014: run a FULL marathon, and a HALF ironman. big goals. one can only dream big (if you dont set your goals high enough you dont stand a chance of surprising yourself with how much you can do, right?)

I really love this blog entry, you are a smart one you know?
keep your head up when the going gets tough, you are doing a wonderful job with Brooke and your life in general!


Such a sweet post, Janae, and so, so true. I am definitely praying for you this week as you are separated from your little one and for your new year–I have a feeling you will have an awesome one!!

My running goals this year are to sub 1:30 in a half marathon (30 seconds away!) and sub 20 minutes in a 5k (6 seconds away!).


Great post! I think you inspire, and are a role model for, more people than you realize. You’re doing great, I hope you stop and give yourself that credit!

Running goal for 2014 – BQ again, love the process of training and stay healthy! (eat right, stretch, cross train).


you are an inspiration janae. your classiness, kind heart, and your love for others truly shine through your blog and you make us all feel like family. i wish you all the best in 2014!


I’m doing the 14 in 2014 challenge and I also want to improve my pace because I’m tired of being so flippin slow!


Sending hugs your way. I love how you relate this to running and how you have dealt with this divorce. Though I haven’t been able to see you, it definitely seems like each of those goals are a reality, especially being the best single mom to Brooke! The love you have for her is so amazing.

Goals for 2014, work more towards enjoying my workouts and figuring out what makes me feel the best (cardio every day, only runs, etc..)


Keep running as my body allows. 20 weeks pregnant and all of a sudden I can’t run 5 steps without having to pee and it’s really irritating. Gotta keep truckin’ as long as I’m still able!


Going to tackle my first 26.2 in June, with a bunch of shorter races before then (Key West half in three weeks!) Started my training in October and I am having a blast, feeling super fit and strong already.

I was contemplating hiring a life coach, but soon realized that running and gardening can help me figure things out . Both activities are meditative and provide beautiful metaphors that I can relate to all aspects of my life. So when life poses difficult questions, I highly recommend taking a run and planting some seeds!


Amazing post. I found myself nodding my head after every sentence.

My running goals for 2014 are
To get back where I was last year.
Run another half
PR a few 5ks.
find the love for it again…..


Everything you say is this post is so true! This week will be hard but I know that you will be able to endure through this time when things aren’t convenient! :)

My 2014 running goals are to run more races than I ran in 2013 (shouldn’t be hard since I only ran 4) and PR in the marathon – hopefully even go sub 3 hours in the fall!


I love this and it is so very true! I apply this to running in that sometimes it isn’t easy to do weights or cross train because all I want to do is run but it is the things like that – that get me to where I want to be. To stay strong and focused even when it is easier not too! It’s not always going to be easy but it will be worth it!


I saw one of those monkey’s at my local zoo and really wanted it as well haha. Those are some great goals girly! :)

My running goals are to run a sub 30 minute 5k, run another half marathon, and run more miles than this year (400).


You are such a role model, Janae! Your blog is always so uplifting and happy- I’m not sure if you realize how many people you inspire just by being your super kind and optimistic person through your blog.


Love, love, love this post! And you are so right – it’s when things are tough that we really have to dig deep and make a choice to be the person we want to be no matter the circumstance. For the record, I think you’re doing an amazing job. <3


You are being a super mom and role-model for Brooke. :) And that in itself proves that you are enduring.

I always think that when I have kids I’d like to be a strong running mom like you. Plus, you guys look like you have so much fun together and Brooke looks like the happiest little girl I’ve ever seen!

My 2014 running goals will be to PR in a marathon and to run a 50k race….eek!

Keep smiling…..you’re awesome!


Such a great post, awesome reminders on many levels. There is no perfect time for things in life, there is no perfect day, or person- so do things when it’s NOT convenient because it will make you stronger and because you never know if you will get that other chance.

2014 running goals: Half marathon PR, and complete first Ironman


I really liked this post! Thanks for the reminder about trying to give your best even when you’re feeling low, I’ve definitely got room to do a little more of that. always love a good running analogy to go with it too, this shall be my run motivation for the day :)


Beautiful post!

Running goals are to incorporate things that will make me an even better runner. (strength. stretch, hydrate, speed work, etc.)


Such a great post, Janae. I am struggling with a similar situation of being who I really want to be when the going gets tough. It’s much easier said than done and you are such an inspiration.

I am not sure of my 2014 running goals just yet. Hopefully I will keep running and continue to improve and make new goals as the year progresses.

Have a great day beautiful girl!


I just have to say that I am inspired by you! I am really bad at giving up when things don’t go my way with training for a race. If I have a rainy day and can’t run, or something else comes up I don’t handle it well at all. You have kept such a great attitude through everything you have gone through, and judging by all the smiles Brooke has in every picture you share of her I think it’s safe to say she is one of the happiest ( and cutest) little ones I have ever seen. That says a lot! My running goals for 2014 are to run the big cottonwood full in September. I wanted to this year, but it didn’t happen. And also to just run to enjoy it again. I was so focused on a pr every race this year that I kind of lost the joy that I got out of it when I first started running.


Great post! Hang in there! I think you are definitely being the best mom that Brooke could ask for!

My running goals for 2014 are to run through my entire pregnancy and then, hopefully, run a half before the end of the year post-partum.


No one ever said life was convenient, but a good outlook certainly helps you get through the bad days. And Trader Joe’s pecan pie ice cream. That makes it really easy to not only be nice to other people, but for them to be nice to you.


I love this post. It’s so true, and I can totally relate. You become the runner you are when the going is tough and other people would quit or come up with an excuse. I had never thought about that before but the same does go for life.

My goals: run boston, and if I get into NYC, run that one too! I’ve never run two marathons in a year so it’s a big goal for me!



It’s so true and we adapt to that so willingly as runners but for some reason struggle with it so much more in our personal lives. For what it’s worth, I don’t know you but you are so great at putting on this positive outlook and moving forward despite all the turmoil and you can see from Brooke’s happy little face that you’re doing a wonderful job of imparting the same on her.

Also…what kind of monkey is that?! He is SO cute


Great post! I think everyone needs reminders for those things, especially right before the new year!


Great post!! I never thought of it that way, but you are so right!!! I’m just trying to get faster! I’m really hoping to do a 5K in 21 minutes!


Running a marathon in 2014!! Only race goal I have ;).

Great post. Very true on a lot of points. I give all my worries and stress to God for him to worry about so that I can concentrate on being the best single mom for my kids. Otherwise I wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning.

I know u love Kristin Armstrong and her work in progress “an unfinished woman’s guide to grace” has been so uplifting and helpful. Check it out :)


Janae, I hope that you continue to share your tough moments with us in addition to your happy ones because they are so relatable and they help us all through our own tough times.

Also, we want to be there for you – through the good, the bad, and the ugly. This post was so real and absolutely refreshing! Sending you much love <3


Holidays are extremely hard for me since my divorce. I actually just got back from taking 3 weeks off blogging because I was an emotional mess. I hate that you have to deal with those emotions but I really do feel a connection when you post about your struggles.


Beautiful post Janae. You are an amazing writer, and I love how you relate tough times in life to running- seriously MAKES sense. & I feel like yes, it’s a REALLY hard situation in your life, but girl it is going to make you SO SO STRONG! Stronger than you already are, and you are one of the strongest women that I know. XO


Beautiful post Janae!! So so so relatable, I found myself agreeing through the entire post. You seem to be nothing but an amazing person and an amazing mother to you’re daughter (wait there shouldn’t be “seem” in that sentence, you ARE an amazing person/mother). You are eachothers’ blessing :)

Goals for 2014? Not positive yet, I just know I want to start crossfit and grow to love the person I am. Both challenges I am willing to take on!


Thank you for this! I’m in a not-so-convenient time in my life right now, and this was something I needed to hear (and now need to practice).

I’m just returning to running after almost 8 months off due to injury and overhauling my biomechanics and form, so my running goals involve trusting in the process (it’s going to take some time to get back to where I was in speed and endurance) and embracing racing and running for fun (not always for a PR).

Keep up the great work in running and in life, Janae!


I love this Janae and I needed to read this today, too! My running goal for 2014 is just to keep running :)


Girl, I love this this post. I think part of it is also being able to make amends, forgive yourself, and move on when you *aren’t* the picture of grace and perfection.

Your post also reminded me of a quote I really like from Buffy: :)
“Bottom line is, even if you see ’em coming, you’re not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come. You can’t help that. It’s what you do afterwards that counts. That’s when you find out who you are.”


Have you read this poem? After reading your post, I was reminded of the sentiment of The Dash. Since hearing this poem in church one day, I have tried, and often failed, to be nice when it is inconvenient. I’ll keep trying! Your words were a reminder.



Awesome post! And what is that cute animal?!


There is so much truth here. It is so hard to be that person when times get tough, but if you can manage it, it will only serve to lift you higher. Good luck and know we’re all rooting for you!

My 2014 goal is to finish my first half-marathon!


Whenever you are having a hard day read this post back to yourself and it will encourage you to push through the hard times with grace :)!
My goals in general for running are a 1:30 1/2 and a 3:15 full…..any step I make toward these goals in 2014 is great for me :)!


Great post!! You’re doing a great job I can tell :)


Love this. Hang in there!


Proud of you janae :) you’re an awesome mom and person! We all love you. My main running goal for 2014 is to continue running through pregnancy and have a healthy baby in May!


Great post! Love that pic of you running–so awesome! My goals are the run a 5k in under 27 minutes in the spring and under 26 minutes in the fall. Little compared to most people’s running goals, but it’ll be a big stretch considering in the past, most of my 5ks have been in the 32-35 minute range. :)


YOU.ARE.AWESOME. I loved this post. You are such an inspiration & an amazing mother. Keep on, keeping on. You are going to be an even stronger person at this time next year! I saw a quote from Runner’s World after reading your post that reminded me of you this morning….”Running has taught me, perhaps more than anything else that there’s no reason to fear the starting lines or other new beginnings in life.”-Andy Burfoot

Have a wonderful day Janae!


I love that you over share, it’s part of your charm.

I just wanted to say 2 things: 1) I too struggle sometimes to adhere to my “no excuses” rule – you know, like when it’s freezing or raining outside or when youre tired because you stayed up too late or had too many cocktails, or when you don’t have a lot of time to spare or you Just Don’t Feel Like Going – but, you go anyway. It kind of how they call yoga a “practice”, because it will always be something you work hard to improve at.

And 2) as much as you are dying that Brooke isn’t with you, enjoy the time to yourself. It is a rare occurrence that we get “time off” from the job of full time parenting and it can be really rewarding and relaxing if you can let go of the angst. Which, by the way, is another practice. :)

Hang in there girl, you can do it!


I felt so unmotivated last night. No matter what, I try to run at least a mile a day, even if it’s technically my day off, especially since I’ve been eating so much garbage over the holiday break.

So last night, I was laying on the couch debating with myself whether I was going to be able to get out and do my mile, and finally, after seeing a commercial for a new workout show, I pulled my butt off the couch, even though I was a little sore and sleepy. I’m glad I did it, but man, taking those first couple of steps was brutal.

My only running goal for 2014 as of today is to keep running, and keep pushing. Maybe even do something I’ve never done – PR on my marathon by actually remaining consistent with training, and maybe running an ultra distance. We will see!


I’ve always like the saying, people are like tea bags, you never know what they are made of until you put them in hot water. I hope your downtime is going great. Here’s a great video by Brandon Heath….”Give Me Your Eyes”. Great lyrics and shows how we perceive people really makes a difference and I think, affects how we act towards them.
Throw in a few verses and I think you’ve got a great sermon Janae! ;=)
I’m trying for a 3.5 hour marathon this year.


Your posts always inspire me to be a better runner, motivate me, or even give me a little push to go a head a go running. But I also love when you inspire me spiritually. I really like this because we all struggle. It’s nice to hear from others who may be having a hard day too and to be reminded to strive through it.
Btw, I’m in the same ward as your brother in Ky. I’m hoping to someday go running with you ;). Have a great day and know you are inspiring!!


Janae, this post was SO GREAT!!! You are doing hard things and you should be really proud of yourself.
I couldn’t agree more…that its easy to be your best when its convenient and it sure is hard to be your best and be jolly around others when you’re not feeling your best. I appreciate you relating this to running and it is so applicable in all other areas of life too!
My running goals for 2014 are to 1. learn how to do negative splits 2. actually *pace* myself during my spring half-marathon (and potentially a Fall marathon) and 3. to not get burnt out on training and remember the reason that I run is for fun and fitness!
Sending you lots of jolly thoughts to get through your day. Thanks for posting and sharing your thoughts with us!


My main goal is to race less. I signed up for way too many races in 2013. It didn’t cause injury, but it did cause burnout. I let peer pressure get the best of me when it came up to signing up for races (and wasting money!) that I really didn’t care to do in the first place. There were a few special races that I really enjoyed, but mostly I just wanted the pressure off at a certain point, and I wish I’d been pickier about what I committed my body to do.


You’re amazing! Love this post so much. I appreciate when you “over share” as you call it. I KNOW it helps others so much. Huge hugs to you beautiful girl!


Such an awesome post and a great reminder for us all. The goals you’ve set for yourself are ones that we should all be trying to achieve everyday (minus being the best mom to Brooke – I think you’ve got that covered 120%! :).

In 2014 my goal is to run my first full marathon. I can’t wait to read all about your race at Phoenix which I am sure is going to inspire the heck out of me!


Wonderful post Janae!! Posts like these are why I love you! You are a strong, kind and courageous lady who not only has the support of a great family but you’ve got all of us too! We love you just the way you are!


Haha, you are too funny. That was a very profound post followed by the cutest little primate. Bravo! Great post :D My running goals for this year are to keep up with running as much as I intend to and to finish my first half marathon by the end of the year. (There is one in my area in November that I am aiming for). Here’s to a great year!


I think you’ve done a beyond outstanding job of staying positive and bringing joy to people on a daily basis through all of this. I’ve often wondered as I read your daily posts if you’re really doing as well as you seem to be doing as you’re going through this time in your life. Hang in there, Janae! I think you’re already a version of the person you described above. Xoxo


Great post! Love it. Something I’ve been walking out myself since my first miscarriage in October. It’s been a long road. And I have three beautiful children.

I decided after the miscarriage to run my first half and full marathon in 2014. Those are my running goals.

Really enjoyed this post. :)


I’m thankful to have a friend like you that speaks right to my soul. Ha ha really though, everything you said hits home. What’s funny is I havnt met you but when im telling someone about something you did or said its always “my friend ” this or that. Your blog helps me want to be a better person and a faster runner. My goal is to go for a BQ. Thanks Janae for putting it all out there.


Amazing!! I agree completely…how you act/treat others when times are rough define you as a person! My running goal is to do a half marathon.


Very well said, Janae. This is my favorite thing you have written.


Usually don’t comment but this was beautifully written. That’s the way to look at things.

Love your blog. Good luck in 2014 :)


Maybe it’s this time of year because I am feeling the same way right now! How to he the person you should and want to be!! Thanks for sharing!

I’m running my first half in Feb, exactly 21 days before my 30th bday! That my goal so far:) but I hope to do at least 1 other half in 2014.

Any advice you can give me on compression socks for my race, and fuel during a half? Do I need it?



This post is just what everyone needs for the New Year. Janae your power word for 2014 should be “Resilient”.

I’m going to attempt 2 marathons to qualify for Boston
attempt a sub 1:40 half marathon
And run a really really FUN race that is untimed


Well, you are doing a great job. You are an amazing friend with such a great attitude and personality. I love being around you because you always bring such positivity even when you are going through hard times. I love this about you and you are such an example to me because of it.

I will have to tell you my goals tomorrow ;)


Thank you so much for writing this and then sharing it with all of us.

You are right – it is easy to be pleasant and wonderful and breezy and smiley when everything is going your way. It takes a little and sometimes a lot more effort when you are going through a low spot. I’ve been struggling with this myself in a different area of my life, and when everyone else seems to be getting the great news that I am waiting for (sometimes patiently and sometimes not), it’s hard to always keep a smile on my face. But I’m trying every day to do just that, and live in the moment, and be grateful for what I have and recognize and count my blessings.

Thanks again for sharing this. It is actually exactly what I needed to read this very morning.


I have been reading blogs for years now, and I have to say that your blog is seriously the most real and down to earth blog out there. I find it SO incredibly easy to relate to you, which is why I have been a reader for so long! This post was so moving and so true, and just what I needed to read this morning. I may not be going through a divorce, but everyone struggles at various points in their life and it’s so important to focus on the positives and all the good we have in our lives rather than the negatives. Even though I live across the country from you, but I feel like I know you as a friend – I’m sure many other people feel that way as well! You are an incredible mother to Brooke, and she is so lucky to have you. Thank you so much for posts like these!


Great post! My running goals for 2014: run the Berlin marathon(my first!!!) and a few more races!


Beautiful post! This is a very tough time for you, and you are being so strong! My running goal is to run a full marathon!


Keep strong Janae. You’re doing a great job. Keep pushing forward. My running goals for 2014 is to build up my mileage. This year was a rough running year.


Wow. Thank you so much for this reminder! You are so inspiring and my New Years Resolution is going to be “be kinder to people even when it isn’t convenient.” Thank you for the awesome start to my morning!


So true! I love the analogy about Disneyland…def something I need to work on too.

My goals are just to have fun and try to run as many races as I can. My first race was this past November and I would just like to have more experience running races. No matter if its a 5k or half marathon!


i really loved this post! it was so honest and very inspiring – and i love how you were able to relate it to running. it makes SO much sense and i think a lot of us can relate to this message. you’re doing a great job with brooke! sending you hugs & prayers :) i hope 2014 is the BEST year for you both!


I love this. So on point! I have really been thinking about this a Lot lately – I have to remind myself to be kind and grateful…and remember to breathe!

Running goals:
-stay consistent with training
-pay more attention to nutrition & core strength
-run a strong spring marathon
-run a bq marathon in the fall (eek! I said it!)


Great post Janae! My goals for 2014 are to run my first marathon (LA in March!) and perhaps PR in the half and 10k distances. I’d also like to get a little leaner and stronger, need to increase my weight lifting.


This is an awesome post. I need to be more like you. It isn’t easy being a single mom, as you know, I have been a single Mom to V his entire life.


Beautiful post! For what it’s worth, I think you’ve done a wonderful job of achieving your goals. Your posts are always motivating and uplifting. By the way, I hope you don’t mind if I steal your goals for my own!


Your honesty is always refreshing! Having been through my own relationship challenges, this really resonated with me. Reaching out can be so important when you just want to wallow and wait for your friends to call you. I can definitely get better about that!
My running goal for 2014 is to run a sub-2 half marathon, try a tri (I guess that’s not exactly running) and find balance.
Wishing you peace and warmth in 2014 as you find your new normal for you and Brooke :)


Love this post!

I have a daughter a month younger than Brooke and I know how hard it can be doing things on your own. I love how you are able to see the positive side of things even when you are facing such a tremendous challenge.

Running isn’t something that comes naturally to me but it’s a goal of mine to run a half. I’m signed up for the NYC half in March and I am determined to do it! Lately I’ve realized that I need to train my brain to push through my run even when it starts to feel really tough. Bad weather, being bored on the treadmill, etc. are no excuse!

Thanks for the inspiration!


You really are an inspiration. This lesson is applicable to so many things in life and is such a simple but important concept to keep echoing in our minds. Brooke is a lucky girl!


I hope things get easier for you. I know what difficult times are like and yes they definitely show our true colors. You will get through this. There are much worse things that could happen even though I know this is really hard. You are a good mom so just focus on that and how happy you make Brooke.
I have lots of goals but being more consistent with strength training is on top of my list.


I think everyone could take advice to be a little nicer to other people even if they’re having a bad day- I know when I have a migraine, or have had an annoying day at work, my temper is a lot shorter with those ppl that I love, as well as strangers I encounter. One of my resolutions for 2014 is be more appreciative of what I have, and to be kinder to others. Running goals are to run a sub 1.50 half and a sub 4 marathon! I think you do a great job at maintaining a friendly, open voice through your blog- it would have been easy not to have. big love x


well said! I had a terrible day yesterday and was just thinking about everyday life along the same lines as what you have stated. When I worry, I tend to get angry, mean and bitter to all those around me. It’s my family and close friends that I lash out at. I need to work at becoming more compassionate when others are in need and not so mean. Everyone deals with their emotions in different ways. I must continue to work on dealing with inconveniences in a better way in 2014. Happy New Years!!!!


This is such a great post – you’re right that our characters both show through and are actually shaped and forged by difficult times. They’re kind of the testing grounds to see how we’re made and it strikes me that so far, you’re doing pretty incredibly! And somewhere along the line, good will come of this, I’m sure.

One of my NY resolutions is to be braver. I’m such a chicken, I am so risk averse. This year, I want to live bravely. That may be finally learning to swim properly (ugh) or it may be facing up to horrible, big challenges like you did in 2013. But I hope I learn courage in some form this year.


My running goals are to run when I want to and let go when I dont. I run for fun and when I lose sight of that it becomes an exercise addiction/control issue for me.

I like the idea of finally running a marathon and would love to run it in less than 3 hours :) But we shall see how the year goes for me running-wise. It is a hobby, and not my only hobby, and I need to be better at keeping it in its place.

I love what you said about being grateful when complaining is easier. I fall into the complain/mope trap wayyy to often, and I really have so much to be thankful for. So thanks for putting that goal out there! I am going to go for that as well.


This is a great post! You are always so positive and uplifting…so keep up the good work!

My running goals for 2014-run a 1:45 half marathon. My fitness goals in general are to be skinny and strong for my wedding.


My running goal next year is to win the UP Finals. Last year I got 4th as a freshman without really training hard. Next year I’m determined to train fast and WIN!

a non running goal is fully recover from my ED. I’m happy to say I’ve made so many improvements but it’s a long road to fully recover. You’ve helped me so much!


Great post! Especially for someone who just finished school and is now being rejected from job after job. Thanks!


Running goals for 2014:
run my first marathon in February!

After that, I just want to find races that sound fun and possibly run an ultra also!

I may not be going through a divorce, but I related like crazy to what you said. We’re all just trying to do the best that we can – and I think you’re doing great :)


My running goals are simple – not suck like I did this year!

I totally agree with you – the true nature of a person comes out when things aren’t ideal. You’re doing a great job!


Janae, you are such a great inspiration! Really proud of how you are representing yourself and caring for your daughter during this difficult period! Seriously, you are amazing:)

My running goals…. For the first half of 2014, just maintain my fitness and have a healthy pregnancy. Running is pretty much done for me until after baby, so I plan to do lots of walking, yoga, spinning & body pump. For the 2nd half, looking fwd to getting back to running, doing a few 5ks and losing the baby weight!


What a great post this morning. I’ve been following your blog for about a month now trying to invoke the inner runner in me. I’m slow- as in, I ran 3.7 miles in 40 minutes- building in some sprints and felt so accomplished until I saw the time. Ugh.

But your blog- it’s inspiring. And today’s post? It’s pushing me to run even though I have a bit of a head cold and would love to just stay in. If I wait, I’m never going to improve on that time.

My goal for 2014- run a 1/2. Women from a boot camp I used to go to did it last year- I can do it this year.


Thanks for lifting me up when you’re the one who needs more of it!
I hope to actually run in a race this year – hopefully a half marathon. I’ve always been turned off by races and running surrounded by so many other people running, but my blog reading has inspired me to give it a try!


I needed this post. My running goal is to do a full in a time I am proud of (my previous full was a disaster). It has been COLD in Texas and I’m not loving training and a million other excuses. It’s not convenient but it is worth it. Thanks for the continued positive example. May your new year be full of blessings and opportunities.


SUCH good advice! Through my own divorce – and many other little (big to me) trials throughout the years – I’ve also learned that you find what you are made of when you GO THROUGH the trials! Everyone with a perfect life and lots of money can be happy (at least that’s what we all think…) but it’s how you handle yourself when things are out of your control – your response. Too many times, I think people try to avoid facing what they are going through and feeling and they never really learn who they are or what they are made of – and then they drag that baggage around for years to come. As hard as it seems NOW, your doing the easier thing by facing everything NOW – for both you AND Brooke! The things we learn through trials could never be learned without them! :)


A beautiful post & an important message. It’s something we all need to be reminded of. Thank you for sharing! I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to continue to thrive & motivate others to do the same. My running goals for 2014 are simple: run my own program, don’t compare myself to others (or even to myself when I was much younger), stay injury free and have fun! May you be blessed in 2014!


Thank you for this little bit of inspiration! I am hoping for 14 races for 2014.


I do not know you , but think you have done a great job handling your situation over the past few months. I think it its the people who overcome thinks that appreciate the good in life more. I survived breast cancer in 2012/13 and I’m running the Boston Marathon 2014!


I love you, Janae! We are going to hang when I get home! We can laugh, cry and talk our little hearts out! I’m so proud of the woman you are becoming, you are a true inspiration to so many! I am proud to call you my sister!


I love this post! Its so hard to pretend to be positive and stay on top of your game, when you are emotionally empty and worn out. As a school psychologist, I think you should be allowed to feel your feelings. Let them see where they take you. Research has also shown that when you write about a negative or traumatic experience, even at the very least for 20 minutes a day, each day for a week, you begin to heal. I think it takes a lot of courage to share your story with strangers like myself. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable allows you to access more of the joy that you will eventually feel, whether it be the small things on a day-to-day basis, or feeling joy throughout your day when you finally get yourself back on your feet.


Janae! I read often but never post. I was a single mom at 16. I am who I am now because I suffered and learned “what I was made of” as they say, early in life, with someone else I had to stay emotionally stable for; my daughter was always watching. I’ve read your posts and it brings back that bittersweet time for me.
I cried and lost myself and cursed and was mad at night when she was asleep but in the daytime I learned everything would be okay because I forced myself to stay okay (just okay, not cheery-lets not go overboard) and to learn to be okay by myself. I didn’t need anyone and I got to know myself, every facet of me, really well. We lose this when we are attached to someone else in a marriage because “me” turns into “us” and your identity is changed. Not to mention after a new transition like mom (there is no “I” in mom).
I can associate with a lot of your posts!

Stay real to yourself, never try to fool yourself into being pleasant or funny or anything you know you are not at the moment. Just be you and be okay with you, grieving the loss of your marriage/ relationship/ family and into the scary (BUT FREE!) world of being a single mom/lady.

My fav quote by a great lady:
“A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.”

― Eleanor Roosevelt


My mail goal is to get faster but my piggyback goal is to not let the main goal make me forget that running is fun. I want to get better but I don’t want to lose sight of why I like running in the first place.


Love this. I can’t imagine how hard going through a divorce must be (I’m currently engaged and I can only begin to conceptualize how horrible it would feel if he wanted to call it off) but I am so in awe of how amazingly you have handled it on your blog. You’ve never talked badly about him, called him out, revealed anything about what happened (way to go on that one- I know I’d spill the beans somehow), and have been so focused on what’s best for Brooke. You are such an amazing sister in Christ and I’m praying for you <3


Thank you for this post! Needed to hear this today. My goals for 2014 is to keep running and to do another half. Just trying to decide what one. : )

Praying 2014 brings you and your family peace and blessings so full it overflows.


Love this post! Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way during your tough week!


Wow you’ve really inspired me to run today.. thank you Janae !


Great post! My 2014 goal is to run a half marathon in under 2 hours which means I’m going to have to run when it is inconvenient to me and do speed work when I don’t want to.


oh man, your timing was perfect (for me). I actually boo-hoo’d on a bad run yesterday… because of the wind in my face. So dumb, but it felt personal.

This is such a beautiful reminder that we can keep getting better, at everything – better parent, friend, person, runner. We just have to keep wanting to.

thank-you! {(big huge hug for tough week)}


Thanks for your insight. It touched my heart! I appreciate the relation to running. So true.


My ultimate running goal this year includes finishing my first marathon! Craziness!! I never in a million years thought I would (let alone WANT) to run that far! I’m super stoked and can’t wait to see what the future holds for my running and where it takes me =)


All I can really say to this post:
1. Thank you for writing it. I know it resonates with a lot of people, including me.
2. You’ve been demonstrating throughout this time period that you really are an amazing lady, and a wonderful mom.



I am hoping to get faster in 2014. I would love to take a whole minute off each mile for my half marathon and be around 2 hours.


This is random but I know you’re ok with random… I started watching Parenthood (because of you) and Lauren Graham (Sarah Braverman) reminds me of you! You could totally play her other daughter in Gilmore Girls. Also, in both Parenthood and Gilmore Girls she shows the strength it takes to be single mom. Like you, she shows how maternal love enables you to handle the tough stuff.


I really love when you write long posts like this!!


Great post! I love the inspiration to be the person you’re meant to be and how you allow it to fuel your running. My running goals for 2014 include boosting my 10k time and running my first (and second) half marathon! I’m a fairly new runner, so I’m seeking all kinds of advice and ideas :) Happy New Year!


Janae, it’s these absolute gems of posts that keep me coming back to your page (for nearly three years now, ha). You have such a lovely way of considering the most important things in life, and not getting swallowed up in materialism. A good lesson for us all! All the best for the next week xo


Very well put, Janae! Life is messy and inconvenient sometimes. My greatest treasure is my late mother’s Bible. She had it during an 8 year battle with breast cancer and the loss of my brother. There are SO many notes and they are ALL positive. One of my favorites is “What happens around us is largely outside our control, but how we choose to react to it is inside our control.” You have been an example of this during this difficult time.

My 2014 running goal? Pick up the pace! I have the Honolulu Marathon in December and I’m looking for one in the Spring.


You’re such an inspiration janae!!!!


You inspired me to get back into running when I first started reading your blog a couple years ago and you continue to inspire me daily! My running goals are to run several 5k & 10Ks and at least 2 more Half Marathons and set new PR’s in each half.

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