Runner’s Peer Pressure.

I was told that we were going to have a slow and easy run Saturday morning.   When I got to our meeting spot I realized there were 2 sub 1:20 half marathoners and a 2:4something marathoner in our running group… I knew slow was not going to happen and I somehow got talked into going longer than I was planning too but I am glad I did.    

Runner’s peer pressure.  It is a real thing.  

1st mile @ 9:00 pace…. 6 miles at 7:21 pace…. the rest at like a 7:30ish pace.  Fun times.  Actually, the conversation was so good the whole time I didn’t realize we were going faster than I was planning on going.

Brooke and I went with my friend Sara to Nordstrom Rack and Brook now picks out her own clothes.  She loves fur anything.

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A mango and chicken salad that you all need to try at some point.  The tortilla was hot and fresh.  

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Since it was National Chocolate Candy Day yesterday we had to stop for some of these.  

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Fast forward through a nap/cleaning/random to when we took the Brookers to a play place.

She did laps around this thing and

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after every lap she would come over and give me a high five.

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A little merry go round action.

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And the night ended just right with a movie with this girl.   You aren’t going to the movies correctly if you wear anything other than slippers.  

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Favorite chocolate candy?

Three things you are doing today?

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Favorite chocolate candy: M & M’s (I leave them in the refridgerator so they are cold…yum!).

Three things for today:
-Grocery shopping (yay?)

woo hoo exciting day in our house! ;)

Karen @karenlovestorun


I enjoy running in groups occasionally because it doesn’t feel like you are going as fast as you are. Plus working out with anyone makes the time go by faster.

That is a genius idea to go to the movies in slippers. I’m just resting and recovering today and waiting for my parents to come visit. :-)


Twix bars. They are so delicious!
I’m taking my one year old to the park, going for a long run and doing my food prep for the week. Sundays are my days to get organized for the week.
I wish weekends had one more day!
Looks like your having a fun weekend so far :)


1. Church
2. Running
3. Hitting up the mall

Enjoy your Sunday!


1. Gym, 2. Addressing wedding invitations (!!!!!), 3. Laundry


Love little Brookers’ outfit….. looks like she is doing a very good job picking out her clothes! I’m a huge fan of wearing slippers to the movies. What did you see?

Three things for this weekend:
ice skating


Favorite chocolate candy is probably peanut butter m&m’s :) Even better when they are in cookies!
Three things I will do today include my longish run on the tread…LOVE waking up to 36 below wind chills….Laundry, and working!
Have a great Sunday!


1. Centergy 2. Grocery Shop 3. Watch the Packers and pray they win!


Just any *good* chocolate is good!


Ruining the trails in Durango Colorado! I’m excited! Gosh I love almost all chocolate candy… A few faves are Heath, dove, Lindt, caramels, malt balls from the bins, m&ms…


Milky ways! So underrated. And I love her leggings!!


I had no idea yesterday was national candy day! I celebrated with Haribo Gummy Bears and Sour Patch Watermelons. I had been in the car for more than 6 hours, and was moving at 12 mph on a highway, sugar was my only way out.

1) Run
2) Runner massage
3) Unpacking


Favorite candy – swedish fish! I can’t believe I didn’t find the swedish fish candy canes you mentioned!


Target has them!


Awesome, thanks Jenn!


1. Eat a toasted bagel and cream cheese.
2. Spinning class
3. Watch the packer/bear game.


Favorite Chocolate Candy= Trader Joe’s mint chocolate pieces or Sarris’s chocolate anything. (I miss Sarris and Pittsburgh…)

Three Terrific Things Today= swimming, making my hub a fabulous birthday meal (It’s really tomorrow, but he’s going crabbing on his birthday and the meal takes 10+ hours to cook, so we’re food celebrating today!), and organizing all of the Christmas stuff.

A bonus fourth is painting a chalkboard frame around the chalkboard section on our garage wall. We’ve started converting part of the garage into a trainer/core/other area (aka mini gym a la Us). On Christmas Eve I painted the chalkboard part so our daughter can doodle while we work out, so today is adding the details part with the frame.


we saw the secret life of walter mitty yesterday, and loved it!


What movie did you see? I saw Saving Mr. Banks on Friday and loved it!


Making chili :)


I absolutely love all the clothes that Brooke wears!!! She is adorable!!!


I always loved raisinets and nonpareils from the movies…Now, I don’t care for candy and prefer chocolate cakes, brownies and cupcakes for my chocolate fix! I love running alone but I do wish right now that I had someone to go for a run with this morning just to change it up a bit.


I don’t know if I can pick a favorite chocolate candy! I wore my slippers to a party last night at my brothers. I got so many compliments on my super sparkly shoes with the fur!


Brooke’s curly pigtails are seriously too cute for words… and I’m pretty sure I’ve never come across a chocolate candy that I didn’t like.

3 things today: church, going to the mall, having dinner with my family. Happy Sunday!


I had no idea it was national chocolate day..I need to make up for that today


Peanut M&M’s or Ghiradelli Intense Dark chocolate squares =)
Today I’ll be:
1. Putting laundry away
2. Cleaning my office (a.k.a. “The Dumping Ground”)
3. Buying a sink faucet at The Home Depot

Yesterday was much more exciting =)


Awesome! Nice that you got such a long & speedy run in! I did 4.3 miles & then lunch + college basketball game with my husband. A really nice Saturday! Oh, and favorite chocolate would have to be when chocolate is mixed with nuts & caramel (like Turtles or something like that). But honestly, when it comes to chocolate, I will eat it all!



3 things: run (check!), church with fam, movie with my brother! We’re seeing Walter Mitty and I’m pretty excited about it ;)

Love Brooke’s leggings! Really I’d like her wardrobe.


I cannot locate guise chocolate bears anywhere which is quite a shame because they contain two of my favorite things: chocolate and cinnamon! (Fireballs are my fave candy)
Favorite chocolate? Hmmm. Peppermint bark…does that count??
And as far as three things I’m doing…I really don’t know yet- just playing it by ear!:)
Enjoy your day!! :)


Love chocolate coconut candy…or anything chocolate peanut butter. Yummmmmy. Peanut butter can be a problem.

Today ill be resting/cleaning. :-)


Favorite chocolate candy Milk Duds. We are driving back to Seattle today. Hopefully we will get back in time to pick up my pup at the sitters house.


Fav choc candy = choc truffles

today = packing for my move to Boston, visiting with my friend robin, treating myself to a manicure


Favorite chocolate candy= tough question. My go to chocolate candy is snickers and M&ms

Today I will be working out in the rain, cleaning my home, and doing laundry.


Beginning our adventures in potty training, planning my potty training boy’s 3rd birthday party and watching Face Off. Oh and going for a 8km run at some point. Not much!


Watched Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Bizarre and laugh out loud funny.

I have to prepare a Sunbeam lesson today and make a real meal instead of snacks all day.


Running peer pressure can be a great thing! Gotta love training with friends that can push you to run faster and further!! I didn’t know yesterday was chocolate candy day but thankfully I still celebrated with some chocolate covered almonds! YUM!


Favorite chocolate candy is just plain dark chocolate. As dark as I can get it. I’ve never had cinnamon chocolate bears! I’ll keep an eye out for them…. Three things I’m doing today: Going to see the Hobbit, eating food at some point, and hopefully going to the grocery store…I’m tired of toast and crackers…I need food in my fridge!


I pretty much wear slippers everywhere so I completely agree, haha. I am making apple butter, doing a workout DVD, and hopefully cleaning up my house a bit!


Favorite Candy? Hersey’s Chocolate bar with Almonds.

3 things? Ran 5k in the snowy trail / Cleaning / meal prep time for the upcoming week

What movie did you see? Looking forward to seeing some of the movies that the other bloggers commented on.


omg do they make Brooke’s leggings in my size!?? Those are so cute!


You’re going to think this is nuts but I don’t like chocolate candy!

Three things: a run around a lake, watching a soccer game with my family, giving the dogs a manicure ;)


Favorite chocolate candy would have to be the York Peppermint Patty. I would say that it was the Reese’s Big Cup, but I literally cannot stop at just one of those so I’m not allowed to have them at all.

Three things? I’m going to work at Fleet Feet Raleigh, I’m going to go for a short run, and I’m going to paint my nails while I watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta :)


I don’t know if I can pick a favorite chocolate candy! That’s like picking my favorite child! (if I had children of course)
I went to the movies last night also. I finally saw Frozen. It was cute!
Today I have church, eating and hanging out with my family since my grandparents are coming into town and my siblings are going back up to school tomorrow.


Do you think they make Brooke’s outfit in my size??? Because I NEEEEEED it! She is so cute!

And dang, you run with a fast group. I’m trying to torch my half marathon PR in March so I’m trying to find a group that runs log runs at 8-8:30 pace which may kill me but I’ll die trying! :)


of course Brooke would like anything furry. It’s so soft and of course it would remind her of doggies! :)

I love chocolate covered gummy bears never tried cinnamon ones. My favorite is dark chocolate but I will be happy with any kind of chocolate.

If anyone here prays, would you please send up prayers for my friend April’s family? Peace and Comfort please. She has 4 little kids that now have no parents after an awful tragedy that occurred yesterday. I’m in such shock I can’t even believe it.
Hug your families a bit tighter today too.


#1 blogging

#2 Running

#3 Watching Hockey


1. Lunch with family, siblings, parents.
2. Cleaning house.
3. Bake some banana bread.


Haha, glad that she enjoyed the play place! Favourite chocolate candy? Does Reese’s count, or is that just considered chocolate? If it needs both the chocolate and the candy element….then Pretzel M&Ms ;-)


Fun fact: I’m pretty sure Brooke is more fashionable than I am. ;)

3 things I’m doing today:
1. going to church
2. working out!
3. possibly baking?!


Heading off to Big Bear right now! And my current favorite chocolate candy is pretzel m&m’s.


I love the way you dress Brooke, her boots are adorable!
My favorite chocolate candy is Lindt Dark Chocolate truffles.
Three things I’m doing today.
1)Making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
2)Go to the store to buy bacon, we ran out and I couldn’t make bacon and egg tacos this morning which was really sad.
3)Since the hubby doesn’t work today we’ll probably make a final decision on vacation plans. Izzy had been asking to go to the beach and we are deciding between clear water Florida or Naples. And I promised the hubby I would snow board this next year so we are looking at Brighton.

Have a great Sunday Janae!


My favorite candy is Tazo salt and pepper chocolate. You have no idea how good salt and pepper chocolate is until you try it. As for my day, I’ve blogged, I’ll run to the gym, and I’ll probably be a bum the rest of the evening. Go school vacation!


Slippers and comfy clothes in a movie = necessary!!



Ghirardelli 70% cacao dark chocolate squares!

1. Work
2. Blog
3. Make running goals for 2014


Favorite chocolate: peppermint patties. I still have I do my “long” (6-mile) run today; other than that, it’s a laidback day, hanging out with hubby. I am still suffering from holiday hangover (ie, exhausted from go, go, going over the past few months)!


I’m amazed by how fast you run (kudos to you!), but even more amazed that you can actually keep up with good conversation at that pace? I don’t think I’d be ever to even mumble.


Snickers is my favorite chocolate candy.

3 things that I am doing today:
1-Grocery Store
2-Giving the puppy a bath

Productive day today!! Feeling so domestic. :)


Salad with the tortilla looks so good! Yum! I don’t eat meat but the warm tortilla thing sounds really good with a salad.
Three things: going to my parents for dinner/buying a weight bench/attempting a workout after kiddos go to bed.

I do not like chocolate covered candy. Unless chocolate covered marshmallows count ???


I need to find that candy!!!!!


Every time I see choco covered gummi bears on your blog I remember that I want to try those so bad!!! Gotta locate some soon :)


Milky Way! Or Rolos!

Grocery Shopping – done
Run – done (though it was not a good one…)
Watch 49er game!


3 things today: Running, eating crepes and going to a museum!


Just found your blog through PBFingers… I LOVE it!! I just started my own blog this week- thanks for the inspiration!


Brooke is seriously the most stylish child I’ve ever seen.


I missed chocolate candy day?! UGH. I like running with people faster than me because otherwise I never push myself to go fast alone! 3 things today…
I made homemade pies with my grandpa!
Basketball practice..
and going to a fish fry tonight! YUM! Fresh lake Michigan perch and walleye :)


My favorite chocolate…hm, can’t really go wrong there. As long as it’s real chocolate and doesn’t taste fake, it’s a favorite!
Three things:
1. Church
2. Pedicure (like, at home, for my poor blistery feet)
3. Watch the Saints game. Who dat!


My favorite chocolate candy is Mounds, followed closely by M&M’s; otherwise, I’m not a big candy fan. That mango and chicken salad, on the other hand…


Stepmill/stairmill 11 miles, cleaning house top to bottom since family guests just left and hopefully relax for a bit. My fav candy are any type of gummie but chocilate…hmmm tough call Rolo or my mom almond bark:)


Anything with carmel and chocolate.
Church, dinner, mission farewell open house.

I would love to know how to make the mango chicken salad – or where you got it.


Chocolate almonds are my favorite! But like all sugar I can’t have too much or else I get sick. :(

We are having a big extended family party tonight. And like all family parties everyone runs late… Like WAY late… Like 3-4 hours late!

That’s all that we’re doing. :)


Mmm, I love just about anything covered in chocolate (go figure)!


Brooke is on stylish little girl.
Three things today…
1) Saying goodbye to my sis, bro in law, niece and nephew. They are heading back to Hawaii.
2) Reading a really good book.
3) Starting a I hate boys club… cause right now I really do :)


Question: did you sneak DQ into the movie? Because that is BRILLIANT!


I’m unfortunately currently trying to wean myself off chocolate because pregnancy has made me lactose intolerant! I can still have dark chocolate, at least, but it’s not the same.


Fave chocolate candy is M&Ms. I will eat them whenever they are put in front of me, no questions asked.

I love Brooke’s leggings!


Chocolate covered ruffle potato chips – it’s that perfect salty/sweet combo and really hard to find.

1. Work out – check
2. Work – ugh
3. Hang out with bestie and our kiddos tonight


Favorite chocolate candy? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!!

1) Run
2) Work. Gotta write a column.
3) Sew my costume for the Walt Disney World Half Marathon


That question is WAY too hard! I love so many different candies!! I’m so intrigued and kinda gross out, at the same time, by our choco covered cinnamon gummy bears?!?


Those little leggings Brooke is wearing are precious! My fave chocolate candy is a Heath bar.


Love this picture of Jessie at the movies– awesome. Sounds like you guys had fun hanging out. Glad you got some distractions with Brooke gone! She is adorable and I am sure having her gone is hard. It was so fun to see you both when I was in Utah!


Dove Dark Chocolate! My favorite!

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