You can find my first two video posts HERE and HERE!

The important stuff you need to know from the video:

-7.7 miles with friends.   I feel like I have finally recovered from Ragnar and that my legs are back to normal… only took 3 weeks to get there.

-It was 25 degrees at 6:49 this morning and that was at the end of our run… you don’t want to know how cold it was at the beginning.

-2.3 miles on my tready while watching Biggest Loser to make it an even 10 miles today.

-Brooke does our laundry.

-Brooke has to sample all of my food.  She took a bite out of each banana slice on my plate.

-We got the eye of the tiger.

-A cool car that I saw and felt like I should show you.

-Lunch at Zupas.  The Pina Colada salad has my heart.  

-I love chocolate chip pumpkin bread.

-She loves grandma and wearing one shoe at a time.


What are some important things from your day?!?!

Zupas fans… what do you order there?

Best thing that you have eaten today?

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Curly + eye of the tiger was pure genius! Please make that girl a music video!


Seriously.. that girl has skills.


That TJ’s pumpkin bread mix is pretty awesome. My kids LOVE it! Most important things from my day…hmmm…PT was pretty rad, the parking lot at the grocery store was a war zone and I SURVIVED!, and my kids were super sweet when we drove in to school. Best thing I’ve eaten today was leftover roasted chicken and vegetables. It is amazing how good the chicken tastes when you cook it the same day you buy it :P


So glad that PT went well and that you made it through the war zone. HAHAH I agree on the chicken. Hope the rest of your day goes amazing!


Trying out the Kneader’s sugar cookie recipe. Very important!


Let me know what you think… they are my absolute favorite!


Cookies are awesome. The icing was strange to me. Buttercream all the way.


OMG- Curly singing is the so funny!! And then Brooke hugging your mom- so precious!!


Curly knows more words of the song than I do. Hope you are having a great day Kim!


So cute!! Love that she samples all of your bananas to make sure they’re good for you :)
At Zupas I love the strawberry salad!
I ate some M&Ms and they were delicious.


Now I am craving M&Ms!! I need to try the strawberry salad!


Ran 3.5 miles today with a friend that just started running for the first time in her life! It was something I have waited a long time for! :)


That is so so awesome!!! I hope that she falls in love with running too:)


Would you do Ragnar again during marathon training since it’s been hard on your body? Just curious! Obviously I know you had tons of fun and it was a great workout. Just wondering if you’d save it for a different time?


NO WAY!!! I will only do another Ragnar when I’m not training for anything else! I feel like it has taken me longer to recover from Ragnar than if I had done a marathon ha. Hope you are having a great day gorgeous girl! Hope you are feeling well too. So so excited for you!


For the most important thing from today, I have a feeling I should say my algebra final, but I’m going to say running with the Fleet Feet Social Run. It’s so cool because you get to meet new people who love running just like you!! And, there’s a whole bunch of free samples…..YUM!


That is awesome!! I want to join the social run. Good job finishing your algebra final!


Nothing noteworthy here! I am enjoying a week off from my normal nannying duties (their grandparents are staying for the holiday). Silence has never sounded so good! It was soo nice not to have to rush through my workout and shower.
I hung out with my newest love/hate relationship the stairmill and the bike, took a long, hot shower, did a little grocery shopping (salad monster hit hard today) and now I’m curled up with a book and my cats.
It’a currently sleeting outside. Why can’t it be snow?
LOVE the video. Brooke is adorable and Curly is looking so grown up now! Wasn’t it only yesterday she was smiling at us from her high chair and making faces for the blog! Or on a leash at Disneyland. Haha :)


I am so happy that you get the week off. Way to go on the stair mill (that thing kills me) and enjoy your salad.
I absolutely love that you remember her leash/high chair days. That makes me so happy!


Bahahaha! Curly’s singing/dancing totally made my day. And I love that Brooke only has one shoe on at the end!


Haha my daughter (2 1/2) ALWAYS needs to share my food. We could be eating the exact same thing from our own plates, and she needs to sample mine.


Most important would be dyeing my hair… with henna! It’s supposed to totally be natural, make the hair strong and shiny… and probably only tinted reddish since I have dark hair.
Love the video! Such a cool way to sum up your day in less than a minute!


I loved this!! Thank you for sharing. I don’t always comment, but when I do….I do. I’m brilliant :)


Aw, that little hug at the end was so sweet!!


So far I have made Oven Baked Chicken Fajitas, Spanish Rice and Black Beans to deliver to a friend who just had a baby. I also made a Hot Artichoke Dip for a dinner party we are going to this evening and a fresh batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies. Not sure how I haven’t sampled it all, but my house smells amazing!


Today I tried a new-to-me spin workout on Studio Sweat on Demand and loved it!! I’m now doing homework, and the best thing I ate today was the new (almost gone!!) organic baby sweet potatoes roasted with a red pepper seasoning!


Never heard of or been to Zupas?! Best thing about my day??? It’s the end of the week~packing tonight~heading up north to the hometown tomorrow. ;-)


Omg Curly is too cute!


Oh my goodness. Curly!! lol. Between her break dancing and her lip syncing – she needs to audition for some talent show ;)

I licked the spatula after making the mousse for the chocolate trifle pie. Definitely the best thing I have had today.

Brooke is such a sweet heart. And you are all hard core running super early in the cold and wind and busting out 10 miles on a weekday like it aint no thang. <– Ross would kill me if he knew I just typed that.

A friend took me to Zupas last week and that was the 2nd time in my life I have ever been there. What is wrong with me? So I , obviously, haven't tried that salad, but it sounds heavenly so I think I need to change that. Can we do lunch when you get back? When do you get back? Perhaps next Thursday with Ashley and Megan?


<3 Brooke hugging G-ma's legs :)


you’re my hero! Who can do a long outdoor run in the freezing cold then do some more miles just because you’re awesome! If I ever see Brooke, I am warning you that I will steal her. She is too cute to handle.

I had a cheesy garlic bread knot with my salad today that rocked my world.
Most important part of my day are mornings and evenings with my nugget. Her laugh is contagious!


Zupas? What is Zupas? Please enlighten!

I’m currently trying to work up the courage to run. It’s below 40, and it’s FREEZING. I’m super envious that you can go out in the TWENTIES and it not be a big deal! Also, Brooke and Curly.. too stinkin’ cute.


Today’s run: 7.27 miles to celebrate my 27th birthday! :) Curly singing is wicked cute and everytime I hear that song I think of these amazing children:

A must watch!! So inspiring


Wow! Absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing that with me!!!!!! Happy birthday! I hope you are having an amazing day!


What a great video!


Brooke is just too cute!

Sadly, I live in northwestern Montana and I’ve never even heard of Zupas. Best food so far today? Probably the Campbells Chicken and Dumplins soup I had for lunch – love it!


Curly needs her own TV show, that is all.


Great video! I love how kids look drunk when they are hurdling forward haha – Important tid bits from the day… taught my mom how to squat, lifted with her, ran 4 miles on a track, baked pumpkin pie – twice


Oh heavens!!! Curly is cute! Brooke hugging your mom’s leg=melts my heart :). Never heard of Zupas. The best thing I have eaten all day will be the bowl of ice cream I have later :)


Dang that was a cold run!! You’re impressive!

I love zupas too :)


I love your video posts!! They really capture your personality in essence :) Which sounds kind of creepy, but I mean it in a good way. Haha! I love how Brooke walks… the characteristic of a toddler!


Best thing I ate today was some pb m&m’s left over from seeing Catching Fire last night! Great movie, great snacks!


Body pump and 2 mile run :-). Off to get Subway in the pouring rain…and it’s 33 degrees.

Yay for recovered legs!!


*Curly may be my fav in this video!
*Best part of my day – I turned in my last final for this quarter (MA in education) and I don’t have school again until January!
*Best thing I are today – white chocolate covered pretzels. Yummo!


Last day of school until next Monday!! :) I made a grilled cheese with pesto and tomato for dinner, yum!


I think doing a Ragnar would be A TOTAL BLAST. But, I’m the only person in my friend group that actually enjoys running to any extent, haha. Most important things from my day? Well, I found out my car battery is SHOT (boo) and in Anatomy class today I did some dissecting. So, I learned important things? We’ll go with that. ;) It all got better though because I just got back from eating heaven at Black Bear Diner. SO GOOD.


I want to say that my sushi lunch was best thing I had all day but the warm cinnamon apples I just made topped with Mighty Maple peanut butter may just take the cake for today.


Aww, so sweet that Brooke has her grandma there to love on! You are super awesome for getting up super early to run and being an amazing mom!

Best part of my day was eating soup and grilled cheese with my 2 year old sidekick and she LOVED it! Hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving!


lazy me loves all the videos!


Three important things…
Great workout this am.
Clean house.
Time with my youngest sitting on the stairs. (It’s our spot now.)


Sweetest thing at the end of the video. She loves her grandma <3
And YES, Gabriella is the same way with food. I will be eating the exact same as her (PB toast & banana slices), but she will spit hers out and then eat mine. Crazy girl ;) And she totally knows if I am 'faking' eating food so that she will eat it. Lol!


These are such cute videos!!!


Brooke doing the laundry!!! Soooo cute! And omg 25 degrees?! I’m freezing when it hits 50 here!



4 easy, slow miles today on the treadmill. Still sore from my half marathon I did on Sunday, not to mention I hate the treadmill! Then did some Christmas decorating!


Best thing I ate were turkey tacos with chocolate covered pomegranates for dessert. My run did not go well so fingers crossed for a better run tomorrow!


Fun day, I’m glad I could start it with you. Biggest Loser is my fav!
Apple pie I made for my sons class:)


Love this!! Brooke is the most adorable child I have ever seen!


I just made TJ’s pumpkin bread with chocolate chips too, it is the best!


those are some precious moments friend! curly does a great katy perry too! hehe


oh i love your vlogs! your niece is quite the singer:)


I am LOVING these videos!!! Keep them coming


Is your mom wearing crocs? Because my mom wears crocs & I’m pretty sure moms/gmas are the only people that can make crocs look cool :) lol
Curly is awesome! She can give Katy perry a run for her money!


Brooke should have her own show on the style network. She has the best wardrobe! :)


30 minute run in the crazy wind, green smoothie, new running shoes, mac and cheese for lunch, grocery shopping, relaxing with tv


My favorite part is that she was wearing one shoe at the end, I get that.


I love how Curly sings that song. That is one of my kids favorite songs. They will just sing their hearts out and especially love the Roar part where they both proceed to roar like a Tiger.

The most important thing from my day was making sure both kids didn’t throw up everywhere. They are both so sick and we just cuddled and laid around all afternoon and evening. I feel so bad when they are sick!

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bread – YES!! Just bought this the other day and made it for my friend who just had a baby. She said it was absolutely delicious. I really need to go get another box and make one for us.

Love how Brooke steals your food. Gracen does the same thing. Must be a girl thing!


Ok Curly is hilarious. I want to be her friend.
I love Zupas!! Summer Chicken Salad with raspberry vinaigrette is where it’s at.


One important thing from my day is that I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award! I don’t know if you accept blog awards as I’ve noticed that some people don’t but yours was the first blog I ever read and introduced me to the whole blogging world so how could I not nominate you! :-) Details can be found on my latest blog post at


Love the videos! Please keep them coming.
Highlight of my day = fastest run ever (4.2 miles); I don’t know what Zupas is but looks amazing! And the best thing I ate was chicken stir fry + brown rice made by my wonderful husband. Food always tastes better when someone else cooks it, am I right?!?


Three important things of today:
*running 8km at -8°C (=17,6 F)
*breakfast with two great friends
* I’m going to register for my next marathon (27th april)


I love your video posts..keep them coming! I also love how Brooke ran up to Grandma and hugged her. That is priceless.


Love the video posts! Brooke is so adorable!

The only thing I’ve eaten today is cereal, so I guess that’ll have to count for the best thing I’ve eaten.


I love the Biggest Loser! I am rooting for Rachel, Matt and Hap!
Last night’s episode was so amazing and so sad!


The biggest loser is great. Glad you are starting to recover from Ragnar!

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brooke is such a cutie!!! melts my heart :)!


These videos are seriously the cutest things ever! how do you link them all up together? That’s better then 365 pictures a year – do your day in videos… love it!


I really love the video! Curly cracks me up. Seeing brooke run is so entertaining. So cute.
I dont even understand 25 degrees..I dont think I have ever felt that temp in my life. (Sorry)


I loved that video! Brooke & Curly are too funny! You come up with the next desserts ideas! That sounds so good! I made peanut butter banana bread tonight & had lunch with my mom at Jasons Deli. I’m off from work today so it was good to get some girl time in.


That little giggle melted my heart <3

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