Halloween 1/2 Marathon Recap.

The race didn’t start until 9 a.m. so it was kind of nice to ‘sleep in’ a little before getting out the door to race.  We met at the mall to jump on the busses and they took us to the canyon for the point to point course.  It was cold at the start but luckily we weren’t standing around for very long at before the gun went off. 

The Provo Halloween 1/2 Marathon course changed about a week ago…. the previous course was VERY downhill (super hard on the knees) for the first 5 miles and they changed it to more of a rolling hill course for the first while followed by a gradual downhill followed by some flat miles.  

Not my picture (I know… worst blogger ever.  I don’t take my phone anymore when I am trying to go fast).  But this is a picture from part of the trail that we went along.  



I was in the lead (for the women) for the first 4 miles and then a lady dressed as Cruella Deville zoomed past me (she finished in 1:19:01) and she looked incredibly strong.  At that point I just wanted to keep my effort the same throughout the course and finish with a pr (and hopefully keep second place).  This course was harder than my previous pr course so I was working hard to keep my effort strong.  

I really wish I had an awesome recap for you but I kind of don’t remember the majority of the race.  I definitely had the home team advantage since I run parts of this course almost daily so I went on autopilot and focused on my mantras to get that pr.

My three mantras from yesterday:

1.  You can do hard things.

2.  Dig deep (loved this one for the uphills)

3.  Pump your arms (I repeated that 45 times during the last 2 miles).  This always works for me when my legs feel dead.  Focus on pumping those arms and your legs will follow. 

I left my pirate hook on the bus and I am still kind of upset about that because I sort of wanted to run the whole race with it… now that would have been hardcore.

I ate shot blocks and water throughout the race… I kept asking for gatorade but I would just miss the gatorade section by a little bit.  I was definitely missing the gatorade, that always gives me an extra boost of energy.  

Sure love seeing that finish line. 

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And the results.  2nd female overall, 1st in my age group, 6th overall and a 6:24 average pace.  

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My favorite fan in the world was there to cheer me on.  I think she was a little confused about what I was wearing.  

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Paige’s husband did not train at all for this race and finished in 1:49.  His friend runs 3-4 miles a few times a week and finished in 1:29.  Seriously?  How do some people just pull that off?  Boys.  

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Quite a party.

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I LOVE racing in my PureDrifts and like usual I used my BlueBuds X for my running tunes.  I wore ProCompression socks and got some sweet tights, an eyepatch, a headband, a vest, boot cuffs (that I put around my socks) and a homemade skirt for my costume.

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I sure like this girl and she told me that she will be running the race with me next year.  Converting people to running… the best.

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Pretty sweet medal if you ask me.  

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Overall the race was really great.  The course was marked perfectly, there were a ton of volunteers, it was easy to jump on a bus and the energy from all of the racers in costumes was awesome.  Everything was perfect except the gear bag busses got lost and we had to wait a while (like 1.5-2 hours) after the race to get our bags… other than that it was a party.   


What are your Sunday plans?

Have you converted anybody to running?  Who?

Any good mantras to share with the class?

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Nice job. It’s pretty impressive when you can run a pr in costume! I was wondering if you ran with the hook. I think I even asked that out loud to my husband. I have a 5k today. I am surprisingly nervous since 5ks kinda hurt. I’m hoping for an age group award. We will see what happens.


Oh I hate 5km races too. They’re so fast & hurt so much. I’d much rather do the longer runs.


Great job Janae! You’re a superstar :)



You are such a strong runner!! They say that after a woman has a baby she is even stronger and faster than before. I’d say, in your case, it’s true! Fabulous job there lady. To hard so ready to sub-3 hour CIM!!


To hard = you are, stupid iPhone! Lol


wow you are so speedy


Awesome costume but even better time! Congrats on the amazing PR!!


Amazing job!! It’s even more amazing that you did it all in a (awesome) costume!! I can’t wait to get back into racing next year after our baby arrives!


You amaze and inspire me. Awesome on the PR. All that training is worth it! It looks like a beautiful course.
I wish I could run today but I have a nagging calf or knee something going on in one leg and ran on it anyway yesterday, must have over compensated and now pulled some odd little muscle on the top of my other foot…so no running today …boo.

I would love to know your secret to staying injury free since I was doing great with this for two years and suddenly the wheels came off and I am having all sorts of little nagging injuries lately ( most have not stopped me from running ,so that could have something to do with ongoing issues).
By the way, I love seeing photos of Brooke, she is just adorable and growing way too fast!


You are amazing! I can’t wait to hear about your sub 3 marathon in a few months, sounds like you are going to kill it. Pretty incredible pace (that’s like my 5K pace, ugh! can’t imagine keeping that up for 13.1….!!)


Congratulations on a rockin’ costume and an even more rockin’ race! My recent mantra is “I can and I will”… got me through many 18-22 milers. Enjoy your Sunday!


Congrats, Janae!!! You didn’t remember much of the race because you ran it so dang fast!

“You can do hard things” has been my mantra lately. I repeat it in my head all the time, not just when running. Of course, when I’m running I alternate it with “ughhh” and other explicit words. I tried to use the mantra with the clients I train, but they just give me this “uh huh, sure” look haha.


Great job! I LOVE trying to get people to run! I’m working on my boyfriend’s sister recently!

I have a pretty relaxed Sunday. I want to clean my car, paint my nails, read, and go running. That’s it.


Yay!!! Amazing! Ill be going for a run today since I ran long on Friday and took yesterday off. Enjoy your Sunday!


Congrats on your PR! Wow, that’s fast. You are such an inspiration! :)


Awesome race Janae! I LOVE that finish line photo with the beautiful fall leaves/trees- looks really cool. You’re costume is pretty awesome too- I can’t imagine coming up with one to actually run in but it seems you did it!

My Sunday plans are pretty chill- mainly errands, yard stuff, and hopefully lounging around with a good book.


Congrats on another awesome race, Janae! I’ve just started lacing up my running shoes again, so I haven’t converted anyone -yet-, but I think some of my other healthier habits are starting to rub off on friends and family… As for what’s on the agenda for today… church, baking, and dinner with the family.

Happy Sunday!


Love the bling!!! I’ve never run in costume before but feel like it might add an extra bit of challenge! Great job….all your hard training is paying off.


Goodness, that’s some gorgeous scenery! I’m with you; I can’t take my phone with me (much less take pictures) if I’m trying to focus on speed. It’s too darn bulky.

I swear, guys are naturally just so much faster. When I first started running (as an adult), I ran a 6 mile Turkey Trot and my brother decided to come and run with me. He smoked me by about 10-15 minutes without any training at all. Boys!


You killed it :) I’m super pumped for your marathon in December! Today we are doing some family pictures and going to church. Yesterday was more exciting since we had joes company pig roast and I was sent home with a leftover tray of 90 cake balls!!!


Yes!!! I love converting people to running – especially friends and family so I can make them run with me. Love your costume – and amazing job crushing those hills for a PR! Such a rockstar!


Great race!!! You are amazing!!!!


You are amazing, Janae! Keep running that fast and you’ll turn into a Kenyan! ;-)

I am a triathlete, and one of my favorite mantras is from SwimBikeMom that is, “Just keep moving forward.” That helped me place third in my age group at my triathlon this past weekend.


Holy Moly, congrats on your PR, that is so amazing!


Sweet PR – congrats!!! All while wearing a pirate costume = awesome!

Favorite mantra while on a hard training run, “The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.”

Congrats again!


Congrats on the PR! So proud of you.


My son has a soccer game and I have lesson plans to do for the upcoming week. Wah… not an exciting day! I want to run in a costume sometime, not randomly… but you know a costume race haha, but I’m afraid it will bother me. One day!! Great job on your PR :)


Way to go!

Today is a running rest day, a work work day, and a homework work day in our house. I’m looking forward to making some spaghetti squash later and more granola. Mmmm! Must fuel the rest and work!


Extra impressive that you PR’d in a Halloween costume ;-) I’m going to yoga today, going shopping to spend some birthday gift cards I got this week, and going to take the dog to the dog park this afternoon.


Congrats on your PR! I also ran a half yesterday and made a new PR, 1:50. I used your arm pumping tip towards the end, it always works. My race started at 9 too and the weather was great. Today it is snowing so I am so glad it was a Saturday race!


Great job Janae !


Congrats on the PR!
My mantra = Don’t settle for a spark, light a fire instead….
(found in on a Dove Chocolate wrapper – sometimes Dove knows just what to say)
Enjoy your Sunday!


Holy cow. You are a rock star!!

Congratulations on an amazing PR. I’m so happy for you!!!

My Sunday plans are to sew and to practice for a job interview I have coming up.


So impressive! Well done! That would be so annoying to wait for the bags- but the course looks amazing! I would love the opportunity to do more races!


So great- congrats again on the amazing PR!!! That race looks like fun- is that a hearse in the party picture?! I used to coach a running group that attracted a lot of newbie runners, and I still see a lot of people from my group out running- so I’ll take a little bit of credit for converting them.


Awesome race and PR!!! My husband is kinda like that guy…not 1:29 but he just did a half and hadn’t run for over a month and got 1:49 which is awesome!!!!
I converted my sister to running. She used to never ever run at all and she just finished a half this summer and actually my dad has kinda gotten into running. He used to run a VERY long time ago (like when he was in high school)…so I don’t know if that counts :)


congrats on your PR That is AWESOME!!!! I have NEVER converted anyone to be a runner. I’m still trying though! I love the costume!
Today I’m putting my house back together becasue we had our hardwood floors refinished yday and they look AMAZING. Literally so excited to sit in my living room though!!
Have a fabulous sunday!


How do the Puredrifts compare wit the PureFlows for racing?


I am so impressed about your time – I can’t even run a 6:24 mile, let alone do that for another 13.1!!!!


Congrats that is amazing!!! Looks like such a fun and pretty race!

I’ve got an 11 mile run on the schedule today followed by a trip to Dicks Sporting Goods to get running stuff!

My roommate and I converted our third roommate into a runner! Her first race was a half marathon that we did together in April and now she’s making sure we do it again next year :)


Rest day, at least from running. (Gotta lift my tropical bulbs before the ground freezes.)

“Slow, steady, strong”–I like this one for halfs. Helps me keep the adrenaline from pushing me out too fast.


Way to go! What do you do with all of the ribbons/prizes from your races?


You inspire me. I’m currently injured and hating every minute of it, but I’ll get through it. I’m stealing your mantras!


Congratulations!!! You’re awesome! What an awesome achievement and better yet in a costume!

I always say to myself… Do what you can with what you have…NOW GO! I also yell at myself in my mind to pick it up. You didn’t train hard for nothing! Thanks for sharing yours!


You are completely amazing! Congrats on the pr!!


Wow, amazing speed! I can’t run one mile that fast let alone 13. Leaving the hook on the bus would have upset me too. I get really crabby about little things like that. Even without the hook, you looked amazing.


My fiance is kind of like that guy! He didn’t train at all with me (he MAYBE ran two 5ks with me) and finished right with me at 2:13. Which isn’t impressive at all compared to you but I was pretty proud of that! ;) Congrats!!


Congrats on the great race :)


Congrats Girl! Awesome race and adorable costume! It sure was a beautiful day for running!


You are a pirate star! Awesome job janae.


Congrats on the PR, Janae! What age group was Cruela Deville?


Don’t fear the pain. Push past it.

Don’t puss out.

Just go.

Quick and light.

Spectacular time! Congrats on such a speedy race!! I am almost as bummed as you that you forgot your hook. But I’m really glad you left the phone off the course. In this day and age, THAT’S hardcore ;-)


Congrats, rockstar!! Your hard work is paying off! Being a group-ex instructor and a runner has allowed me to convert a lot of members to becoming runners. Proudly, a large group of my converts are doing a major race this weekend. I hate not to join them, but I suppose I have to keep working/teaching and inspiring newbies! :-)


woohoo! congrats on such a strong race! you are going to crush your upcoming marathon :) i love your pirate costume, too – i ran the rock ‘n roll los angeles half last year & dressed as a fairy. running in a costume is really the best ;) enjoy your sunday!


Way to go, Janae! You are a truly inspiring and amazing runner! That medal is totally awesome!!


You’re my hero. Seriously. So sad I couldn’t do this race this year but I really want to do it next year! You’re amazing!


You are amazing Congrats on this race! Loved your costume and truly love your running ability!…I don’t know of anyone I have converted to a runner but I do know that I have inspired many people to take their running a bit more seriously as well inspired a few people to keep their exercise routines up on a regular basis. So many friends of mine belong to gyms but rarely go; I have been able to keep them motivated and using the memberships they pay for!


you are kiling these PRs! Enjoy your rest day :)


That’s amazing Janae!! Congratulations!!! You are such an inspiration!


Awesome job Janae!! You are an amazing runner and person. Yours is the only running blog I follow daily and I rarely comment, but just had to mention Paige’s husband’s friend is my cousin and grew up right behind me. What a small world and fun to see someone I know on your blog.


Are you kidding me with that time girlfriend?!?!? You are such a rock star with that costume/PR performance!! Congratulations and enjoy the reward for all of your hard work!


Fantastic job Janae! You must be totally pumped. What a super cool medal as well!

The Mantra I used at my Marathon last Weekend was “Focus on the Finish.” Visualizing the finish always motivates me to get to work when my body is telling me to lay down…lol.


I just have to pop in and point out that you are running so fast, that in the photo of you at the finish line, your outfit (around the skirt) is blowing back!


Congrats Janae! That’s amazing!!!

My boyfriend does the no training thing and got 1:32! So annoying when I train so hard for my 2:05 haha.


I converted my brother’s girlfriend to running and just finished running her first half marathon with her!! So our sunday plans = watching movies on the couch.


I can’t imagine running 13.1 in a costume. You are amazing. Congrats on the PR and great finish!


Its funny – last night a few of my friends back home who always have said “I don’t think I can run” were telling me about their races this weekend and how they want to plan to race together in the spring – see, running is addictive and friend-friendly!

I raced today and PB’d in the 5K – which made the 3rd time I’ve PB’d in the race this season – the last two KM were awwwful! One of my words I repeat is ‘fearless’ which was our key word during track season this past summer. I had it written on my hand!


Run 5 miles.

Oh and I’m sure I’ll be forced to watch football at some point.


Last long run before NYC 5 miles done. Football and errands.
Mantra Left, right repeat.


Wow! Your time is so impressive! All your hard work is for sure paying off!! Love your costume, too! This looks like such a fun run!


You are so incredibly fast, it blows my mind! My Sunday plans include grocery shopping, going to our local farm to get milk and carving out pumpkins.

I recently converted my sister in law (who never did anything active before) to running, in just 2 months she went from not being able to run one lap to running 2-2.25 miles without stopping, she is my new hero, I am SO proud of her!

My mantra when I run is to remind myself that I am fortunate enough to run while so many people cannot. It makes me work extra hard.

Happy Sunday!


I can’t believe you can run that fast while wearing a costume! I always think they would make me slower? You are awesome.

Well I’ve tried to convert several friends to running, but so far no takers. I’ve also tried with my 17 yr old (that’s a big old no!). Now I’m working on my 6 yr old, lol. We actually just did a 5k fun run/walk/bike (she biked and I ran next to her). She really liked getting that medal, so maybe there’s hope!


congrats! i know, boys. they don’t make any sense


I converted my husband to running, and of course, he was immediately faster than me. I do hold the house record for the marathon and 10 miler (for now).
Congrats on the PR!!!


Awesome job! But it’s so much better that you did it all as a pirate


way to go– you’re so speedy!! My Sunday already included brunch, workout with the boyfriend, re-organization of my closet, and now some food prep!


Ahhh you are so inspiring!! YOU converted me to running!!! :) Not even kidding! I always just tell myself, “You can do this” and it seems to work well :)



Go Janae!!! You are amazing girl! 6:24 avg mile… that’s faster than my 5k avg pace! I don’t understand those crazy no train people. Not fair! I converted my cousin to running and she’s now done 2 half marathons! My dad also wants to start running.. yay!


You’re amazing! I ran a 10K with hills today and thought I was going to die. Obviously someone needs to add hill drills to her workouts! My third half next week – hoping I finish strong! My favorite mantra: “your feet hurt because you’ve kicked a$$.” Also your photos make me wish I lived in Utah. We have the lovely ocean close to where I live, but I am a mountain girl! And that pirate costume? Too cute.


Also my boy cousin who never ran before ended up running his first 5K in 18 minutes. Why God? Why?


*gasp* 6:24? Seriously??

I am in awe. Your daughter has so many reasons to be proud of her mom. The most important, of course, if the example you continuously set. Crazy, Girl. Crazy!


Wow, congrats on the PR! I’m super impressed you were able to run so fast in a costume too. :) I’m officially adopting your “you can do hard things” mantra — I think we all tend to underestimate our abilities sometimes and it’s good to remind ourselves that we should keep pushing!


Congratulations, Janae! What an awesome run and in a costume! Can’t wait to see you kill your marathon in December!


Congratulations!!! Awesome job! :-)


My friend ran, but I don’t think she enjoyed it as much. We got out on the trails the other day, and she ran harder and longer than ever before. It was just what she needed and now she is getting more into running, and we plan our runs out together when it can work out. I love that we can motivate each other.


Today’s plan was to run my very first half marathon! I ran the Niagara Falls course and was aiming for 3 hours. I managed to finish in 2:39! I’m super psyched! Of course, it would have been more awesome if I was wearing a pirate costume like yours but I’m just happy I’m still up and moving!


My Sunday plans were racing a half in Saint Louis as well. I also got a PR :) Not nearly as fast as you, but I’m OK with that one ;)


WOW. That is all I can say. WOW o WOW! GO JANAE :D


Congrats on the PR! Love the costume!


1:23:55 for your half! That really is amazing…nine minutes faster than my half PR. I know I shouldn’t compare, but that really makes me motivated to one day reach a time like that. Congrats!


Wow! Way to go!
That is one crazy fast run!


apparently a costume does NOT slow you down!


Way to go girl! You are super fast! I spent the day going to church, hanging out with friends and relaxing. Ran my second half marathon yesterday and PR’d.


What a FUN race and awesome looking medal! I wish I knew about this stuff when I lived there. I might have to make a trip out for it next year.


Hey! I met ya on the stage at the race & I remembered your blog address! Way to PR! Your costume was darling &Brooks ate the best shoes ever!


You are totes amazeballs lady!! Well done. I can’t even run that fast in my wildest dreams… Haha. I think I may have one or two running converts :)


Loved the race recap. Did you coordinate your costume around your Pure Drifts? :)


Seriously awesome job! You killed it and rocked a pretty killer costume. It really is unfair when people are so fast without trying. I’m jealous.

I converted a friend from work to running a couple of years ago. She moved, but she’s currently training for her first half!


Are you going to change your name back? Just curious.


Incredible job Janae!!! you are so strong right now and just keep getting better and better.


AWESOME!!! Way to go.. love the pirate costume!! Congrats on an awesome race!


Amazing job!! You were flying. I love your mantras- they really can make such a difference. And the costume is fantastic!


Congrats! That is an amazing time!!

I ran the Halloween 1/2 in Provo in 2011 when I lived in SLC for grad school. Super fun race (still holds my half marathon PR, thanks to that huge downhill – I was definitely sore afterwards!).


Great job! I love your pirate costume. I ran as Robin in a local costume 5K yesterday with my friend being Batman. Lots of fun people watching!


You’re a rockstar (or well a pirate)!


Huge congrats on your fantastic PR!!!


Great job! Running in costume and a PR-way to go.

Birthday day was Sunday so that was fun!

http://expertbrand.com-Quality performance apparel no matter the activity.


Congrats on your race! So awesome.

I *may* have converted my husband. He signed up to run a half in NOLA when I’m running a marathon. Before signing up, the most he’d ever run was about 2 miles and hated it. We’ll see where he nets out, but he’s up to 6 miles! I’d love for him to catch the bug and keep doing it.

QUESTION: what do you eat the morning before your runs? Does it depend on the run? Track vs. easy? Race vs. long training run? etc.


Ok seriously?! Girlfriend you are just an inspiration.
#1: You are A-Mazing. Like just amazing. Amazeballs. That’s how amazing you are.
#2: If I could ever even run like an 8:00 mile avg I’d be over the moon.
#3: Running in a costome is awesome, but running that fast in a costume is just plain crazy.

You rock.


Congratulations again! I actually think hills (and digging deep on ’em) HELP in a half marathon. You’re running right at your lactate threshold, which buuurns, right? So then on the hills, you change your turnover and effort, which can actually clear some of that lactate. Plus you can recover slightly on the downhills. My HM PR is on a very hilly course. Strange but true.

Oh, and as for who I’ve converted to running, I am super proud of this: my dad! It started when he bet me he could beat me in 100m race (he did not; he’s fast, but I’m a sprinter…). I said that maybe it would help if he ran more than once a year, that he might stop wheezing after 60 meters. So he started running regularly 5 times a week. Later that year he actually got diagnosed with artery blockage. They caught it in time and placed a stent but the doctor said that had he not been running, he would have been in far worse shape, heart-wise.

You see, after he began running, his heart rate was down from 75 bpm to 55. All of the rest of his health markers have improved, too, and I helped coach him to race a 7:23 mile. His goal was to run the ‘Double Bannister,’ i.e. a mile half as fast as Roger Bannister’s sub-4. Well, he totally smashed it. :)

So that is my running conversion story.


Dig Deep is my favorite mantra! I saw it on a sign during my first marathon and have never forgot it.

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