20 miles with a side of a hail storm.

This was the scene yesterday morning as I was pulling out of my driveway.  Yes.  That is snow on October 4th.   Who does that?  Especially when I am supposed to run 20 miles.

I did the first 8 on the treadmill at the gym because you can’t pay me to run on icy sidewalks in the dark and then Rachelle met me at the gym and ran the last 12 with me outside.  At one point in the canyon we just had to laugh because it was hailing so hard we couldn’t really open our eyes.  It actually turned out to be a great 20 miles with an average pace of 7:51.  I am just happy I didn’t come home with frostbite (I was in shorts of course and forgot my gloves in the car.  I will never let that happen again).

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Paige came over a little while later and we got to spend the day together.  

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She even came with lunch ready for me to eat.  She had leftovers from the dinner she made the night before and had the brilliant idea of giving them to me.  I inhaled this, it was so good.

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First snow fall of the year requires a hot chocolate run and I don’t know how to go into a gas station without buying a diet coke anymore so I had both (don’t worry, I drank a gallon of water too).

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Some random errands.  

IMG 2015

I had a late night dinner with a really good friend.  We went to kind of a fancy restaurant (remember fancy to me is anything that costs more than Subway) and she even had reservations for us.    

We split the pork tenderloin and pork tacos and we both couldn’t stop talking about how good it was (especially those garlic mashed potatoes).  

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Just a block away was the Pie Bar and we both really wanted to try it out.  We thought they would offer slices of pie but it was kind of like a pie mousse dessert.  The sea salt caramel on top was the best part.  

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I am most definitely sleeping in this morning.  I hope you get to sleep in one or both days this weekend!  

PS good luck to everyone running the St. George Marathon today… I hope the weather is awesome for you!


True feelings about snow?

Last restaurant that you ate at?

What is your weekend run?  Are you looking forward to it? 


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I love snow in small doses and as long as it’s not sitting over a layer of ice.


I’m so jealous of your snow I can’t hardly stand it and don’t worry about the hot chocolate/soda combo, I drink coffee and carbonated beverages at the same time on the regular. You look great, Janae!


I like the snow as it’s falling it looks so pretty but then I want it gone! Brooke in those boots the hoodie and little bun on top of her head I can’t take her cuteness! Have a great day!


I can’t believe it’s snowing there already! How crazy. Again, our high is 90 today… Last night my husband and brothers in law surprised us and took us on a date with a limo and everything! We went to a place called Marks which is supposed to be the most rantic restaurant in Houston. I’m Noah huge fan of fancy but we had a blast!!! Enjoy sleeping in!


7:51 in a snow storm?! You are an animal! Specifically a cheetah haha. Have a fabulous weekend m’dear!


I used to love the snow and now as I get older, I hate it! Last winter the constant snow kept sending me inside to the treadmill. I am hoping for a mild winter this year! I ate at a restaurant last night in Manhattan and had an amazing molten chocolate lava cake. I wish they made those gooey centered chocolate cakes bigger though – they are so good!


I can’t remember the last time I got to go out to eat :/ I got to sleep in until 7 this morning! It was nice. Usually I’m up at 6 but the kids decided to sleep an extra hour. Now they are going crazy wanting pancakes… Got to go! Have a great day and awesome job on the 20 miler! I bet you can’t wait until your treadmill arrives!


I have mixed feelings about snow… Sometimes, it’s the best! Other times, I want it to go away. Like, when it snowed this past May in Missouri. Yes, May, as in that spring month with the beautiful flowers. It snowed just in time for my first 10K, which was a shocker!

I don’t eat out a lot, and I honestly couldn’t tell you the last time I did. I do, however, visit Starbucks on a VERY regular basis. As in, the baristas see me and ask what size I want that day.

I had wanted to get a long run in today (for me, long is 8-13 miles) since my half marathon is only 4 weeks away, but I got rained and lightning-ed out :( For some reason, the gym on campus thinks its a great idea to open at 9 on Saturdays, but by that time, I’m already in the middle of things, and the day is half over!

High maintenance early bird, right here.


I would be happy if I never saw snow again. I dread winters here.


Congrats on getting through those 20 miles! Haha I thought mine were rough enough in 70 degree weather last year, I can’t imagine hail!


I am jealous of the snow! It has been in the 80s here the past couple days (I live in Ohio!!) and I am ready for some cool fall weather. I am running a half marathon tomorrow and it is calling for 80 degrees and severe thunderstorms! I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, I have never had a rainy race yet except for a few sprinkles. WAHHHHHH


Don’t hate me for saying this but… it’s kind of nice to see someone else getting hit by snow before we do lol. I live in the Canadian prairies and we’re pretty notorious for our cold, long winters, so I’m sure that’ll be the scene around these parts in not too long as well. But I don’t mind snow TOO much. I snowboard so I kind of need it. The worst part is driving in it… I swear, people just forget how to drive.


Ugh I live in Erie, PA and I HATE snow! i can’t wait to move soon, but for now I will have to suck it up and deal with one more winter. I guess that is why I have become so fond of the treadmill!


I hate snow. My friend lives in Summit Park, It (or Park Summit I get it confused) and he posted pics of snow on Facebook. No thank you. I’m taking it easy for a few days. I did something unpleasant to my knee during my 23 miles on Thursday. I figure a few days off is better than a lifetime injury. At least that is what I keep repeating in my head. Enjoy your weekend. I’ll live vicariously through you.


I like running in snow better than rain, but it is snowy here from Oct – April so I guess I’m just used to it.
Awesome job on the 2o miles! did you like your shot bloks?


I used to love snow… in theory. It rarely snowed as a kid, so when it did, it was a big exciting event! But as I got older, I started to feel the cold much more acutely, so I don’t really like snow as much anymore, heh. I also don’t like how everyone drives like an idiot when snow is on the road. I do think it is pretty when it is fresh and new, and I never tire of the view of Mt. Shasta all covered in white.

My best friend’s husband is supposed to teach me how to ski this winter, so I’ll be out there sometime! I want to try it, and maybe I’ll like it.. or I’ll end up inside the lodge crocheting with my best friend. Either way, it’ll be great!


Hmmm my true feelings about snow..I love the first two or three snowfalls, but after that I get sick of it! I live in MN so I just have to deal with it. But I do like Nordic skiing so I guess snow isn’t too terrible, as long as it falls exactly when and where I want it. I last ate at The Nook, a local place famous for their Juicy Nookie- a burger, stuffed with molten cheese. It is truly a wonderful experience.


I hate snow. Cannot wait for summer again!! But I do like fall running. I have an easy five mikes lined up tommorrow. In a few weeks I’m going to ramp up my Half marathon training. That food looks delish!


I love snow! It actually snowed juuust a little bit last night at the football game. Running in the snow is fun because it cools you down! Now that it’s not Subtember anymore my beloved turkey sub is 1.50 more. That is a big deal considering I get Subway about 4 times a week.


You’re definitely dedicated to run in hail! I’ve run in the rain, but not snow yet. I’m hoping it’s not too dangerous because I much prefer to run outside than one a treadmill!


The only thing I don’t like about snow is driving in it. I even ran all winter last year outdoors. I’m in Wisconsin so this does mean something. I’m not ready for snow running yet though.


Ugh I hate the snow. It’s pretty to look at but once you need to do anything at all useful outside, it’s the biggest hassle. I’m running a glow in the dark 5k today and thankfully here in New York it’s like 75 degrees!


I like snow in a few circumstances:
— the first snow of the season, because it’s novel & pretty
— Christmas Eve/Christmas morning
— and if there’s a big enough storm that I get to stay home from work :)


I totally slept in this morning – I’m still recovering from Thursday night when we went out to a very posh restaurant with friends. I fully partook in cocktails, wine, fabulous food (including a cheese course), etc. It was a rather late night!

I love snow although it does make the practicalities of life quite hard! But walking through snow is fun :)


Whhhaaa??! Snow? Man that’s crazy! We have frost here in the mornings but thankfully our snow season usually holds out until November. Crazy. That’s always a bummer forgetting gloves. I love snow though :)
The hail u can keep.
I’m running my 5th half this morning! Woke up with a sore throat so I hope it doesn’t hinder me too much. We have perfect fall weather today so I’m really looking forward to this race.


I like snow on Christmas, but it seems we never have it for Christmas anymore!! Good job on your 20 miles! I can’t believe it’s hailing already and snowing. Craziness!! I slept in this morning, and it felt great not to wake up to an alarm! I’m hoping to get a workout in today, though.


I just had to say how much I LOVE LOVE snow. Of course the first time I actually saw snow was in New York beginning if this year. I live in a sub-tropical part of Australia which is always hot. It’s spring at the moment and we have temperatures around 35 (90-95ish in Fahrenheit). I hate to see what summer will be like this year!


I’m seriously considering coming up to visit you to enjoy some cold weather. So hot and muggy in Florida yuck!! Ill only last a couple days in the cold but at least I could try cafe rio :)

Last restaurant I went to was last night. A place called Stonewood that I would call fancy too! When appetizers cost the same as my budget for th evening = fancy.

No weekend run, but walking with my cousin today, hopefully rollerblading later, and skydiving tomorrow!!!


I always love the first few snowfalls–it makes it seem like everything is new and exciting! Once there’s snow on the ground for good, I get sick of it quickly. I hate not being able to run on trails when there’s too much snow, I hate falling on the ice, I hate being cold all the time. You get the idea. :) I liked winter a lot more before I become a runner. :) BUT, that said, I’m thankful that running motivates me to get outside and DO SOMETHING when everyone else is bundled up on their couches watching tv all winter. :)


Great job on getting your twenty miler in! I love snow, but we don’t get enough of it here in Virginia! It was one of the things I loved about living in Utah!

You dinner looks delicious! We ate at a sports bar last night with four other couples that we we went to college with. It was so much fun!


LOVE the snow!!!! Probably because I so seldom see it in Arkansas. This last Christmas we were actually under a blizzard warning. Of course I wasn’t home at the time and got a mediocre 4″ there.

Last resteraunt was take out Chinese at work and subway before :)

I work weekends… Nights. So I’ll attempt 2-3 easy miles before work this afternoon. It’s still in the high 80’s here.. And humid. But we have a “cold front” coming through that will take us to the 60’s.


My weekend run is my first ever 26.2….Running the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon tomorrow. Eeeeek!!!

I used to hate snow until having kids. Now it means lots of fun winter activities like building snowmen and sledding : ) It’s hard to dislike something when your children love it so much (still not wild about shoveling it, though).

Congrats on your 20 miler in such tough conditions, and wow on your pace. I can only dream of being so super speedy :)


Fellow Sconnie here (assuming you live in WI) – good luck at Lakefront tomorrow! A good friend of mine is also running it. The weather looks perfect too :)


Thank you!! Hope your friend has a great race, too!


Ahhhhhh good luck! You will do amazing! Let me know how it goes!


Thank you!!!


Good luck Steph! I ran Lakefront in 2008 and it was a beautiful race! I’m not running marathons anymore, but if I was, I would definitely do Lakefront again.


Glad to hear it – thank you!


Snow is awesome and when I saw the photos of Utah yesterday, I missed it. I wondered what in the world we were doing living in a place where it was 60s and sunny. Then I remembered the sun rarely shines here so I should enjoy it- and go clamming at night!

We went to a Chinese place in our small town a week ago. It was superb!


Way to get that 20 miler in despite the weather! I am NOT excited about snow. We’ve had a very mild fall in Wisconsin so far and I have been loving it!
Enjoy your weekend :)


I hate snow! I hate driving or running in it.. so maybe if I didn’t do those 2 things I wouldn’t mind it haha. Great run btw- running in hail is tough. It’s 90 here in the DC area today!

I think the last restaurant I ate at was Chilis- can’t remember for sure though.

My “run” this weekend is elliptical and walking because I’m injured right now.

Love Brooke’s outfit and bun- all 3 of those kiddos are adorable!


I am not a fan of snow, or being cold in general!

I ate at Whole Foods, I think that counts :)

Yes! So looking forward to my 9miles! I’m running with two other women and it’ll be the first time I’ve ran a long run with other people (who aren’t biking next to me). Should be fun!


I am not a fan of snow at all. I can tolerate it for a couple of days, but that’s about it. ;) Great job on your run!


Wow, snow already?! We don’t usually get snow until late December, if then, and it won’t stick around for more than a few days. I love it though!

Today’s run will be my first in just under 2 months, for a variety of reasons. But today is my birthday, and I want to start my 32nd year on the right foot (followed by the left foot…ha ha ha…yeah, I know that was bad…)


You have some great girl friends! Lunch and dinner both look fantastic, they know the way to your heart.
Congrats on the 20. You make me want to take a really long run today.
Happy sleep in.


True feelings about snow – I hate it ( except on Christmas eve and day… Those are only acceptable snow times). We got snow here in Denver too…I could not believe I was clearing snow off my car on Oct 4!!! I was not a happy camper.

No long run this weekend…I’m racing a 10K with a friend. Hopefully it doesn’t snow again tomorrow!!!


Oh my gosh it looks so cold there!


Congrats on 20 miles!


Now that’s dedication! I would have just ran the whole thing on the treadmill lol. I like the snow, A LOT. I need to move somewhere, where it’s snowing and/or cold all the time!! Going to hop on the treadmill this morning and set it at race pace, and hopefully make it 6 miles!!!


I have never lived in the snow and honestly don’t know that I ever could. I am not a cold weather person!! I can’t believe you ran in that weather in shorts!!

I have today off from running cause tomorrow I have the San Jose RNR! I’m excited, my first race since May. Congrats on your run!!


Hey i recently started following your blog and i love it. I used to be such a good runner till i got into a dirtbiking accident and had a cast on. I kinda slacked off on running after that and now im just starting it back up from square one. So your blog is very inspiring. Keep up the great work.


Is it weird that I am jealous that you have snow. I used to live in Minnesota but now Oregon and I miss the snow every fall and winter!


I will never be able to run in the snow with how much of a clutz I am each step. I take an extreme risk even WALKING in the snow. Kudos to you for braving it and making it out safe after 12 miles!


The boots! The pink hoodie! The ponytail! Brooke is so cute I can’t stand it! Have a great weekend!


I have 20 planned for today, but it’s crazy humid and hot outside. 80 and humid in October.


True feelings about snow? Well, I’m from Florida and I’ve actually never seen snow that didn’t melt when it landed (once I saw snow fall when I was in Tennessee – but that’s it), so snow actually scares me! I don’t want to run in it, I don’t want to drive in it!!!


True feeling about snow, I do not miss it. Don’t like it. It always screws up plans. Last restaurant was the Rouge Brewery. I’m running the Portland Marathon tomorrow!


Ok I can’t lie, this post gave me a little bit of a panic attack…I’ll be in Utah soon for work and I am not mentally prepared for SNOW! Great job on that 20 though, you certainly rocked it.

My weekend run is the Wineglass Marathon tomorrow! I’m excited and terrified all at the same time.


you ran in the hail? whoa, you’re a champ! i’m such a wimp when it comes to cold weather (that’s what happens when you’re born and raised in so cal, i guess) so i’d probably just stay inside and run on the TM. hope you enjoyed sleeping in! have a fun weekend! =)




I usually enjoy snow until January then I wish it away. I think I’d enjoy it more if I didn’t have to drive in it!

I ate lunch at Chipotle yesterday! YUM!!!!!

No long run planned. I’m focusing my next 6 months on strength training instead.


I’m definitely not a fan of snow, but I have to admit that I’m excited to see my dog in the snow for the first time!


A PIE BAR????!!!!!!! Ummmm, yes please. I am coming to Utah. I will run with you anytime. And I want to meet Mer. She seems like the bomb (and I think you look like her? Lucky woman, you are).

Snow? Hate that white fluffy crap. haha. We get loads of it in my hometown, but luckily we live in a ski town and I partake–cross-country (skate skiing is akin to running) and downhill (we have some of the best powder in North America, no joke). Plus we go backcountry skiing which is like hiking in skis with a heavy backpack. Super fun.

Does HRG like skiing? You should pick up skiing. Really fun and best part is you can be a Lodge Bunny. Lots of apple fritters, poutine fries, and of course Hot Chocolate & Diet Coke (excellent combo).

Love you Janae and Brookers!! Have a wonderful day and a great sleep in!


Don’t really know much about snow…from the desert of AZ! Of course, we have snow in AZ up north, but in the Valley, nope.

I ate at a Mexican restaurant for lunch yesterday and it was really good! I also got a Sprinkles cupcake…yummy!

I just finished my long run of 8 miles and am so proud of myself because I ran 2 miles of those under 9 minutes! I just felt like I was flying…best feeling ever:)

Enjoy your Saturday!


Would have gladly taken snow this morning over chitownlove weather. 68 degreas with 100% humidity and a dewpoint of 66 for 20 miles does not equal anything fun. It was awful and I feel wiped now!


Don’t mind the snow but I just don’t do ice at all! Living in MI we get plenty of both that’s for sure.
I ran a new 10 mile hill loop today with two friends that was so calm and peaceful.
Tomorrow will be easy recovery miles of some length.
Have a great weekend!! =)


All of your meals look heavenly, especially all of the pork dishes! But the dessert looks even better! I love salted caramel ANYTHING!


I hate the snow and if I never saw it again I would be okay with that. In the south, EVERYTHING shuts down when it snows, except for the hospital which is where I work. So I literally enjoy no benefits. Give me sunshine and a pool any day of the year.

I ran 8 miles this morning which is the longest I am getting this week and felt great!

Congrats on an awesome 20 miler!


I think snow is magical and beautiful, but then again I’ve never lived in a place where it snows, so I think my views on it might be slightly different if that were the case ;) Your first paragraph cracked me up- “Who does that?” Easy runs for me this weekend! :) I’m looking forward to them!!


You are so fast! :) Jealous …


I like snow, but it’s always shocking when I go out to run in it the first few times. Last time I ate out was last weekend at Brio’s Tuscan Grille-it was okay. I had an awesome run this morning! Enjoy your sleep in tomorrow. Brooke’s little boots are so cool! And that little girl in the picture with her is so pretty!


I know this makes no sense whatsoever but I read your entire blog post backwords. You and your friend have the prettiest blue eyes.

As far as snow, I’m not a huge fan of it unless I’m in a place like Colorado. In Chicago it tends to be more or less dirty slushy stuff.


I’m from England and where not snowing yet!

I don’t mind running in the rain, but this is the first year I’ve seriously taken up running, I’m dreading the snow! I can see me slipping and sliding down the path rather then running!

Well done with the 20 miles! :D


I love the snow. We got a record breaking storm Thursday night that went on through last night. We ended up getting 16, yes 16, inches of snow yesterday. It was crazy! Last restaurant…does Wendy’s count? I’m working my way through couch to 5k. Halfway through week 3 right now. I have big dreams of being able to have long runs one day.


You’re crazy for running in the hail!

I’m running 20 miles bright and early tomorrow morning.


It’s been snowing here in Denver also! Although I’m not as hard core as you, lady! I was on the treadmill for my miles this AM. 13.1 done and done — more challenging mentally than physically. I thought about you often during the run — when you ran an entire full on the treadmill!


I have only seen snow fall one time. I am a California (so cal & now SF) girl through and through. I can’t imagine running that fast for 20 miles.. especially in snow! YOU ROCK! Last night I ate at a burger place where I got the best chicken salad in the world with a side of sweet potato fries… SOOOO GOOD. I am going to be in the boot for 2 more weeks at least so I am researching pool running and will look back at your old posts about stress fractures/pool running/etc. (SO grateful for you and other runners being open about their injuries.) :-) HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


We got 3 inches in Bozeman on Thursday! It’s crazy… almost all of it has melted now, but there’s still some in the shadowy places! I don’t think I could run 12 miles outside even in GOOD weather! ;)


It’s so weird that’s it’s snowing where you are! It’s been hot here in Baltimore and I just hope the fall weather returns before my marathon next week.


Are you doing the Baltimore Marathon? I wanted to do that one, but it fell on the same day as Freedom’s Run in Shepherdstown WV


Yep I’m running the Baltimore marathon next weekend! I’ve done the 1/2 before but never the full. (I hear its somewhat of a hard course because of the hills). Good luck in your race next weekend!


Snow!? Oh boy! We had an abnormal hot day today on the East Coast, but you can keep the snow. I truly dislike running in it. I am a trail gal and when it comes to me running with my YakTrax in the snow, they just get caked in not just snow, but mud as well. You have to stop so often to get the mud off.

The last restaurant I ate at was Coldstone…does that count? But I did have my first experience at the Tilted Kilt. Their California Burger was SOOO GOOOD!

I ran 20 miles today myself. At a MUCH slower pace than yours. I ran on the C&O Canal, a National Park in MD. Nobody listens much to the “Closed” signs since the Government Shutdown. Obviously no one is standing guard if I could run for 3.5 hours with no issue. But it was one of my favorite long runs to date.


I LOVE running in snow but NOT ice or hail! I can’t believe you did that without gloves! Congrats!


FYI – I run in these in the winter and LOVE THEM (but it’s always snow/ice covered here all winter) http://www.borntorun.com/blogs/barefoot-bulletin/7594891-new-balance-mt110-winter-boot-review


Janae! Looks like you lost alot of weight!!


I can’t beleive you ran in that. I’d be frozen!
I love sharing my leftovers with friends!!!


I can’t even fathom snow right now. It was 90+degrees today! That sea salt caramel sounds awesome. I’m currently obsessed with all things caramel :)


Brook’s sweater and boots are so adorable!


Oh my goodness snow already?! And to think me and my friends were complaining of the heat today in NC. It was 88 degrees, ridiculous for October 5th!


Good job on the 20 miles! You’re a crazy woman! I live in Alaska. And so I have to deal with snow in the winter. This will be my first winter running in it, not sure how much I’ll be running on the treadmill (I HATE the dread mill) and how much I’ll be braving the winter with screws in my shoes… We shall see! I do like snow, but not for 6 months of the year! :(


Yeah I hate snow it’s cold and wet. I hate being cold but I love fall for running. Honestly the biggest snow I have seen was a blizzard in the 90’s we got one foot of snow. This was in my home state Georgia and we really haven’t seen snow in a couple of years this past winter was actually warm I loved it. Really weird to see snow in your pictures today it was hot and humid.
Sadly my patellar tendinitis decided to come back even after all my dedicated stretching and strength training. Pretty bummed to have to take it easy again after 2 months of pain free running. I took my 1 year old and 3 year old to our local Chinese restaurant tonight actually definitly what i needed. Still loving the blog and can’t believe you ran in shorts without gloves I think I would have died.


Snow. Blah. I like how it looks, I like when it’s all unblemished and white, but I hate driving in it and I hate when it is gross and dirty.

Ran a 5k this morning, not the best time but it was still fun!


I grew up in northeastern PA so I’m no stranger to snow. I LOVE snow during the Christmas season. I feel it’s a necessity…especially having spent 4 the past 6 Christmases living in either southern GA or now AZ. I miss it during Christmas, but other than that, I’m ok without it. I definitely hate driving in it.


I took my kids to see snow for the first time back in April. They freaked with joy! That made me LOVE snow :) I love snow as long as I don’t have to dig my car out and be somewhere on time ;-)


I LOVE the snow! Because I’m in Mississippi and we never get it, it makes everyone go crazy everything shuts down. Schools, clinics, grocery stores. The next day it all melts away and everything goes back to normal. So its like a break for everyone!


We had snow in Colorado on Friday, too!! I just moved here, so it was the first time I’ve ever seen snow in October, and I loved it. :) But I had to move indoors, too! Kudos to you for doing 12 miles outside in shorts with no gloves!!


Those desserts look deliciousssss!!!!


I love snow, but I don’t think I could handle it this early in the year. Yikes. It’s like 70 degrees here!


I like snow in small amounts.

Last restaurant was a pizza place called Pizza Corral with my grandma.

http://expertbrand.com- where I get all my performance running apparel


That Pie bar sounds amazing! I NEED to try it!

Congrats on 20 miles in the hail/snow!! There is no way I could have done that! I’ve never run in snow and don’t think I would get very far if I had to! haha!


I love running in the snow… not so much ice or slush.
Your blog food photos make my stomach grumble!


My goodness you look gorgeous. Gorgeous enough that I had to scroll past the million comments to tell you. :) I know you’re contending with a lot, but I just wanted to say you inspire me every day.

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