I am going through the hardest time of my life.

As you may or may not know I recently filed for divorce.  

I am having an extremely hard time with this sudden event.  The last few weeks have been the hardest of my entire life.  

Thank goodness for my family.  

DSC 5582

I just need some time to process everything that has happened.  In the meantime I would like to continue to blog about the best parts of my day, like I have always done.  I am aware that every single human has trials and really hard times, and I am not exempt from this, but I am a positive person and I like to focus on the good things in life and on the blog. 

Don’t you worry about me, I am strong and I will get through this.      

Brookers is in heaven being near her cousins/grandparents/Mer/aunts/uncles, my parents’ dog and a whole house to explore.  I don’t know what I would do without her, she is my world.

And a picture of Brooke eating ice cream because she makes me happy.   

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I really do love you guys and I am so thankful to have you in my life.


In the interest of protecting the people involved, I hope that everyone will respect the sensitive nature of this situation. 

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I didn’t realize how emotionally invested I am in your blog, you, and little Brooke because I cried at this news and couldn’t stop thinking of you. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Everyday when I run, you pop into my head and I just think “janae can do it, so can you!” you are an inspiration to me and your many readers who (from all the posts) clearly love you. hopefully we can all help you and Brooke get brought this…and remember, everything happens for a reason!
Love, Julia


Thinking of you, Jenae and Brooke. <3 Hang in there!


I am sorry you are going through this tough time, but so happy that you have such a loving and strong support system with your family and friends! Thank you for being so open to share with all of us who love your blog and feel we have come to value you as a friend/sister. My thoughts and hugs are with you and Brooke.


A long time reader and stalker, I feel like my good friend is going through this. I only wish I could reach out to you in person and hug you and that sweet Brookers. Whatever the reasons are and no matter how illogical it all seems now, God has a plan. You’re so amazing to stay positive and to be smart enough to surround yourself with loving family. I’ll keep you in my prayers and look for updates. Hang in there, sweet friend.


I have been there and you can do this. You are such an amazing individual and I hope you know by looking at all of these comments, that you have nothing but support and love coming your way. Divorce is very hard. When I had mine, I felt so lost and I remember my dad telling me that life is about finding what makes you happy and sometimes we go through some painful things to come out happier on the other side. I can attest to that. I have never been happier than I am now. My thoughts are with you and your family. You will get through this.


I have read your blog for the last two years and always enjoy how you incorporate showing off good food and running. I started picking up running a bit after reading your blog and reading about your running helps motivate me to go running for the day. I can identify with your past and eating struggles and just want to thank you for being helpful in my life! I’m sorry to hear about your struggles right now!


I think I read the first line in this post 10 times as I stared at the computer in shock, waiting for it to sink in. You’ve shared so much of yourself and your family here that we can’t help feeling like we know you, and there’s nothing worse than knowing a friend is hurting. I hope you find comfort in the fact that so many people are pulling for you, praying for you, and sending positive vibes your way.

However you’re feeling on any given day – strong & determined, or broken & defeated – know that you are exactly where you need to be on the path to healing. Janae, you are loved!


Hello Janae, I read your blog daily but never comment… I am so deeply sorry that you are going through this. You are so positive (and witty!!) and I am inspired by you on a daily basis. My heart and prayers go out to you and your beautiful daughter!


You & Brooke are in my thoughts during this time in your life. I am so, so happy that you have the amazing family that you do to help you through this. Love you to & Brooke. You are on my heart & in my mind.


Oh Janae! I don’t have much else to offer that hasn’t been said. I just want to let you know you have someone up in Oregon thinking about you and Brooke. You can get through this. xoxo


thinking of you and how hard it must be at this time. but you are obviously a wonderful person, woman and mom so keep on focusing on the positive.


I was stunned when I read your blog post. I feel like I know you, even though its just through your blog. You are such strong woman and mother. Take the time to take care of yourself and Brooke and you will get through this! Your such a ray of light and inspire so many, including myself. I admire your positivity and love of life. So many people care about you both and support you! Keep your head up :)


I was so sad to read your news this morning… we don’t even know each other, and I felt such a sense of sadness.. I also know growing up Mormon, how difficult this must be for you- (not that divorce is easy for anyone in any religion). you know what I mean. You are always so positive and upbeat, and while I’m sad for you, I DO know that you will come thru this with your positive spirit and happy outlook. God Bless you and your little girl… xoxo Tami


So sorry to hear this news and sending you positive thoughts. lean on your family as much as you can. You are so strong- you will get through this!


I am so sorry to hear about this! I’ve been a reader for years and I know you will handle this tough time like you handle all obstacles: with courage, grace and a touch of humor. I wish you and your daughter the best and know you will come out on the other side an even better person :) thank you for opening your world and sharing.


You are so strong Janae! You’re inspiration and I love your positive attitude. You’re really a good example. You’re in my thoughts and prayers! <3


This is a joke, right? You always appeared to have the perfect life!!!!!


Janae, I am so sorry to hear about this. I (and I’m sure other readers) saw your marriage as just about perfect, and am deeply saddened by your heartbreak. You are such an inspiration, and I have no doubt that good energy you put out will come right back to you.


You bring motivation and smiles to my life every day through your blog. While I’m certainly not as speedy as you, I feel that I’ve connected with your quick wit and positive outlook, and look forward to reading your posts during my lunch hour :)

Sending you positive and healing thoughts – and many hugs for you and your beautiful baby, Brooke.


You, your sweet Brooke, and your family are in my prayers today. And judging by the amount of comments, you are in the minds and hearts of hundreds more. Nothing any of us can say has the power to heal your heart, but know that your readers love you!


Janae, you’re strong independent determined woman and amazing mother with beautiful baby girl. stay strong and god bless your family for helping you to get over it and be the rock for you. you’re in my thoughts and right now I just wanna hug you and take you out for huge ice cream treat. take care and stay positive.


Janae, I am so sorry to hear your family is going through this!!! I too have read your blog for years and feel like we are best buds, I couldn’t be more shocked and feel so sad for you!! I have read this post over and over and my heart is heavy for you, but I’ve been there myself and time does heal so much! Take it one day at a time and TAKE ADVANTAGE of your precious family now, let them help you through this and know there are prayers for you and sweet Brooke coming from Tennessee! Love you!!!!


Janae, I rarely comment, but I do want to let you know you and Brooke are in my thoughts. I’m glad you have great support from your family. Clearly, your readers love you as well!


janae, you have so many people who support you and so many people who love you. this too shall pass. wishing you the best in this difficult time.


thinking of you and praying for you, friend. you are loved by many!


Janae, my heart stopped when I read your blog this morning, I could not believe what I was reading. You really are so lucky that you have such a huge support system, in your family and friends, and in the blog world.
Love from an avid reader –


Hi Janae – I tried to comment yesterday but your blog was being overrun by well-wishers. It’s strange how you feel like you know someone when you read their stories everyday. Are you amazed at the number of people on here that care about you? How nice to know that you have touched so many lives! I know you are going through a tough time right now, but you and your daughter are surrounded by your loving family and I’m sure you will get through things just fine. Stay strong and positive – better times are ahead. Thanks for being a part of all of our lives.


I am certainly praying for you during this tough time. Hugs for you and Brooke


Not sure if you will read all these comments or not but, you are so loved through this blog.

I too am in a little shock but its not for me to be shocked its for you to read and see how every one really wants the best for you and your Brookster…..during this time and in the future….God’s plan is a crazy roller coaster sometimes but thank goodness as with every roller coaster there is a smooth, calming, slow down at the end of it all.

(Just to get to the end we need to scream, lift our hands, and maybe puke a little before its over…ha ha ha!)


You are such a loving, fun, and strong woman. You can do this, no doubt. <3


I have been a reader for a few months now but never have commented. I wanted to thank you for your courage to share your life even when its hard. After I started reading your blog a few months ago you really inspired me and I have been hooked since day one. Your positive outlook is really unique and pushes me to try to be better everyday. You even inspired me enough to train for my first marathon this October. My prayers are with you, Brooke, and your family.
Julie in Connecticut


Janae, you know that you will come out of this experience stronger (even though it may not seem like it at times). Just remember, though, that it is okay to FEEL the emotions. No one expects you to be superwoman, even though you are! A good, long cry fest is good for the soul now and then. We’re pulling for you and Brookers!


I sent you a tweet yesterday, but haven’t been able to get on your blog much the past couple days…

Oh Janae, my heart breaks for you. I’ve been feeling sick to my stomach since I first read this. I’ve never actually met you, but I feel like I have (and would still love to someday!). I obviously have no idea what happened, but I trust you’re doing what’s best for you and Brooke. Just know that we all love you, and I’m praying for you. Hang in there sweet girl. xoxo


I don’t know that I’ve ever commented on the blog, but I’ve been reading for a few years now. My heart is broken for you because I cannot even begin to imagine the hurt. Focus on your darling daughter and what you need in order to succeed at each day. Let your family, friends and the Lord carry you through this, for this is not a path that you are going to walk alone. You are on the hearts of many, praying for you all.


Thinking of you and your little one. You are so strong, and I know this will only make you stronger.

Next time you’re in the Bay Area let me know — I will treat you and Brooke to a hot meal.


I’m so sorry to hear this! You are so strong and will get through this. It must have been super hard to share the news and put yourself out there. But you have nothing but support and well wishes from your fans! You’ve been my motivation to get out of bed and run many times! xo


Stay strong! I’m currently in the same situation- and while it sucks, know your not alone :) Keep your chin up lady <3


I am so sorry to hear about this difficult time. I can’t help but think of a quote I once heard: “Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.” Wishing you and Brooke all the best.


Stay strong! Much love and prayers for you and your family as you go through this difficult time –


Janae – I am an avid daily reader of your blog and felt such sadness for you as if you were my own family. You have truly been an inspiration to me in my health journey and you will only be more of an inspiration to me and so many others who love you too. Take care of yourself and that little cutie pie. You are very loved by all of your readers. :)


I am so sorry you are having to go through this. If you’re ever feeling down, just remember that you are a strong, smart, and capable woman and you can and will make it through this. I think you know that, though. Brooke is lucky to have you as her mom. I will definitely keep you and Brooke in my prayers. <3


((((HUGS))), Janae. <3


Oh Janae. I’m so, so very sorry that you’re going through this tough time. My heart goes out to you. I’ve been a dedicated reader of your blog for years (it’s my favorite!) and you’ve turned my day around for the better so many times. I can only hope that you can feel all the love that everyone is sending your way. You deserve only the best.

You and Brooke are in my thoughts.


Janae, I am a long time reader and never have commented. My Prayers go out to you Brooke and family . Sending you Hugs, Prayers from Canada!!


Your optimism has lifted me up in my times of need (usually when I am injured). So, thank you. I hope we can help lift YOU up. Praying for you! Liz


My heart goes out to you and your beautiful daughter. So glad you have such a wonderful support system in your amazing family…praying God sustains you and Brooke and continues to give you exactly what you need through this difficult time. *hugs*


Praying for you and Brooke :*( my heart is broken for you.


Janae…my heart goes out to you. Please stay positive and know we are all rooting for you! You are a wonderful mom to Brooke and she is so lucky to have you! xoxo!


Just want to chime in with all the others. Your blog has consistently been a source of motivation and inspiration for me, and I want to let you know how much I have been thinking of you these past two days. You are well supported beyond just your immediate family – we’re all here for you. Thanks so much for sharing with us, we can help carry some of the pain for you.


It might seem crazy, because I’ve never met you, but this post brought tears to my eyes. I feel like I’ve really gotten to know you through reading your blog over the past few years, so I’m praying for you and hoping for strength for you!


Janae – I’ve never commented before but have been a loyal reader for a couple of years. You are an inspiration and your positive outlook on life truly inspires me. I look forward to reading your blog every day and it motivates me to get out of bed each morning and run! Take care of yourself and your daughter and find love and comfort in those around you. Thinking of you.


Just catching up on blog reading (again) and got to this post. I am very shocked and saddened to hear about this :( The love and support you have from family and friends will get you through this tough time. Sending hugs your way. <3


Janae- I have never commented before but read your blog regularly and have for the past couple years. I think Brooke is seriously the cutest baby and I love watching her grow. I am so sorry to hear your news. God will bring you through this! Praying for you and your sweet family.


I tried commenting yesterday, but I think your blog went down as I tried to submit my comment. I was initially so shocked by the subject of this post, and just wanted you to know that I think it’s very brave of you for allowing us as readers into your personal life! You are so strong and will make it through this!


**hugs** so sorry to hear this, and for the pain that you are going through. You are strong and will make it through this! <3


This just broke my heart a little. Happy and swift healing to you and your family.


i really feel like I know you from reading your blog. you really do make all of us feel like you are our friend and that I think is why you have such a wonderful blog and are not doubt loved by pretty much anyone that has read your blog!!! you are seriously one of the few if only running blogs I read anymore and I want you to know I am sending warm thoughts your way and lots of love. Its wonderful you are surrounded by family right now.

and brooke is the most beautiful, precious little child. give her lots of love and kisses!! that didnt have much to do with anything but she is just so damn cute I had to share



So sorry to hear about this, I’ve been reading (and LOVING!) your blog for a few months now. Sending love and support your way!


So sorry Janae….the other day when I read your post about your PR I was super jealous, I dream about being as fast as you some day…..but today after reading this post I am not envious one bit. I can only imagine the heartache you are going through right now. I have never been divorced but I have called off an engagement and remember how the pain felt unbearable at times so I will echo what others have written, it gets better, much better, just have faith and keep moving forward. You have lots of supporters cheering you on, stay strong!

And as a mom I know that nothing can cheer me up faster than my daughter, so feel free to squeeze Brooke extra tighter whenever you need to be lifted up, she won’t mind one bit :)


Hi Janae,

Been a reader for about 6 months and I look forward to your positive blog everyday. When I read the news yesterday I was a bit shell-shocked. I’m currently going through a very difficult break up & I wouldn’t wish this heartache on my worst enemy. Know that time does heal all.

Best wishes to you & Brooke.


I couldn’t comment yesterday, but I just wanted to let you know that you are so loved. I was so shocked when I read your post. I couldn’t imagine what must have happened. I am glad that you are with your family for support and I hope that you and Brookers get everything figured out!


You and your sweet little girl are in my prayers, best wishes to you both . . . you have so many people rooting and praying for you – stay strong!


Long time reader, first time commenter, and always inspired by you Janae. You are beautiful and strong in so many ways and you can and will get through this. Believe in yourself, shower Brooke with love, and eat some swedish fish :) Thinking of you!


Thinking of you! So sorry about this. Keep strong!! Xoxo


Loving on you and your family.


Tried to comment yesterday but it looks like you were getting lots of love from your readers all at once :)
Sorry to hear you are going through this. Glad to see you and Brooke have such a strong support network. Hang in there….


I am just catching up on blogs after being away and am so sorry to hear this news and that you are going through this, but I’m happy knowing you are not alone at this difficult time. Hugs to you and Brooke.


I wasn’t able to comment yesterday Janae but I want to let you know you and Brooke are in my thoughts and prayers. I have continued to read your blog, long after I stopped running about a year ago. You continue to inspire me daily with your optimism and love for life. You are 100% right, you are strong and you will get through this. Much love to you Janae!


I am so very sorry to hear of this news. Your blog post is sent to my email daily and I so look forward to reading it. I feel like we are old friends and my heart is so heavy for you. Keep your head up but most of all keep your faith. Read Psalm 139. It always reminds me God is everywhere and there is no place we can go out of His sight.


Long time fan, Janae. I’m really sorry that you’re going through this. Thinking of you and your sweet girl… You are strong and amazing and will get through this.


I wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are to all of us readers. You and Brookers are in my prayers. You give so much to us readers, and I hope you garner additional strength from us and how much we love you. I try to approach many things in my life with the positive light that you shine on all things around you. I thought of you on my run today- I hope that helps :)


Janae, I was so crushed when I read the news yesterday. I am so sorry but I know (and by I know, I mean by having read your entire blog from start to finish) that your strong and loving and kind personality is going to get you through this time and that you will find happiness.

Thank you for being open about your life and for letting us in. I love reading about you and Brookers :)


I prayed for your family on my run to the gym today. Reading your news totally threw me off, and I don’t even know you — but I feel like I do, because you share your life with us like we’re your best friends. I always love seeing pictures of Brooke, and I am inspired by your reckless enthusiasm for life, eating, and running. You’re well loved by this community, and I hope you can take some comfort in that. *hugs*


Praying for you Janae. Keep smiling and running!


Janae, I’m so sorry to hear the sad news. I cannot imagine what you must be going through – my heart hurts for you & Brooke. I’m sending lots of love & positive thoughts your way!

In the meantime, I think it’s amazing how you’re keeping everything together – I’m sure I would be a mess. You’re AWESOME for rocking a PB, being super mama and being out and around and fabulous even though things are so hard. I can’t imagine the strength it takes to carry on with life as usual after something like that happens, but I admire your strength so much! You’re very lucky to have such a wonderful family around you. Hang in there – even though things are so hard right now, I promise it gets a little bit easier every single day. And you will be a stronger person for it! Thinking of you. Hugs!!


I know I don’t know you, but I just wanted to send my thoughts and prayers your way! I have loved reading your blog over the past few years and am so sad to see you go through this. You are an inspiration to everyone who reads this blog!


Oh my goodness! I have to admit I read the first sentences over and over thinking I read it wrong. I’m so very sorry for this difficult time in your life and whatever happened that led to this. I’ve been reading your blog for years and you are a wonderful strong woman and mother with a supportive family to help you heal. I’m praying for you and Brooke as you move forward and make a new start.


Sending much love. Sounds like your family is taking great care of you and offering you a lot of support!


I’m so incredibly sorry to hear that you’re going through this! You’ve been one of my biggest inspirations for years now and I’ve grown to learn that you are without a doubt among the strongest women out there. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family at this time. Lots of love and support sent your way from me all your other devoted readers! Stay strong! Xo


You are so amazing and strong. You will make it through this!


Oh wow, Janae, I’m so sorry to read this news… You are so lucky to have such a close family, I hope you let yourself totally rely on them for anything and everything you need until you feel like you’re on your feet again. -I’m just so impressed with your ability to see the positive side of things, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve logged onto your blog because I wanted to smile… I hope all your readers can now help you smile in some way.


I just read this today and like so many others commented felt so shocked and could not believe this news. I feel like I know b/c you share so much of your life on your blog-you make me feel like we friends! I’m SO sorry that you are going through such a difficult time, but I’m also relieved to know that you have your wonderful family to support you and that you able to RUN-which we all know is a great form of therapy. You exude positivity, so I’m sure you’ll be able to stay strong for you and Brooke. Good luck-my thoughts are with you and Brooke:-)


Just wanted to let you know you, brooke and your family are in my thoughts and prays. I firmly believe we are never given more then we can handle, even when it feels that way at first.


Thinking of you and Brooke!! So much love for you two, and I’m so sorry to hear this news! <3


Im sorry…thats all I know what to say


Love you Janae! I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this. I hope that time will heal everything and that better things for you will come in the future. You are an amazing person. I’ve always loved how kind you are to everyone around you. Stay strong! But also, don’t be afraid to cry or do whatever you need to do to heal. I’m so glad you have your family to help you through this. You and Brook are in my prayers.


Hey lady, rarely comment but always read. I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years a few months ago, but still have no idea the grief and struggles you are going through. If it’s any relief, I am slowly beginning to find and regain some of my sparkle that made me, me. Hold on tight to your strong sense of self and courage of conviction (just like Elle Woods said in Legally Blonde lol). Thinking of you and Brooke.


So sorry for all that you are going through. Stay strong!!


Thinking of you…I love your blog and I’ll pray for you and Brooke and your family.


I don’t know how I originally missed this post. I started to read the one for today and honestly was confused. I had to come back and catch myself up.

I am so, so terribly sorry you and your family. There is nothing worse than having to separate from the one you love more than life itself. I don’t know from personal experience in my own marriage, but I witnessed it with my parents just 4 years ago. I’m still healing from it.

You are doing what is best for you, and sometimes that is the hardest decision a person can make since it can effect those around you. But your own personal happiness is most important. You need to be in a happy place for not only you, but for Brooke. I want you to know I am praying for you, for Billy, and for both sides of your family. Know that we, all of us bloggers, are here for you! Although I’ve never met you in person (even though I desperately want to!) I turn to your blog to brighten my day and I’m sure if you bring me happiness, then know how much you bring to all of us! xoxo


I think about you often because you are such an inspiration with such a kind and giving spirit. I am so sorry to read about this. I know you must be hurting. You and your family are in my prayers.


I’m so sorry to hear about your difficult time. I’ve been reading your blog daily for over a year and you’ve been a source of optimism and inspiration in every post, and I truly appreciate the way you’ve impacted my life. I wish you all the best <3


So, so sorry. I am thinking of you and Brooke during this difficult time!


Bless your heart. Sad to hear the news of divorce. I love your blog and read daily. You are an inspiration to all of us readers. You are beautiful woman and awesome Mom. You will get through this with the help of your amazing family, friends and us bloggers! Its always nice to have support from so many people that care for you.
Keep your head up and continue on to enjoy your family, beautiful daughter and joy of running!


I’m so sorry to hear of the challenge you’re currently facing; but I know you have a wonderful, loving family (and a beautiful baby girl) to help you through it, day by day. I hope all the positivity you’ve sent out into the world via your blog is reflected back to you as you work through this!


Janae, I read your blog everyday, and everyday you make me smile and inspire me to be a better runner and mother. Brooke is so lucky to have you and her loving family. I pray for strength for you all in this most heartbreaking of times. I know you will come through it stronger than ever! Thank you for being you and fearlessly sharing so much with your online family.

Much Love


You can do this. You have strength you don’t even realize. I don’t even know you, but I know the journey and it will test you like nothing else- but you have done that time and time again through your training for races. Love to you and your little one.



I am so sorry to hear this news but so glad you have such an amazing and loving family to love and support you through this difficult time. You, Brooke, and the rest of your family are in my thoughts and prayers!




As these comments show, you have clearly made a huge impact on all of us. And I think it’s because you are such a genuine and kind hearted person. Your positive energy is contagious and your love for your family is undeniable.

When I read your posts, I feel like I’m having a conversation with my best friend, even though we’ve never met. And I’m reading comment after comment of others who feel the same way. Thank you for inviting us into your world every day. You have so many supporters who are going to be with you to help you get through this. Because hey, that’s what best friends are for.


And sometimes best friends type too fast and spell names wrong…. **Janae!


sending lots of love your way! I’ll keep you in my prayers during this difficult time…I’m so glad you have such a great family to support you!



I have read your blog for over a year now and I can’t tell you how much I look forward to reading your blog each day! It has been so fun to watch Brooke grow, especially because she is 7 months older than my little girl. I feel like we are friends even though we haven’t met. With that said, I was so heartbroken when reading this. I hope you are enjoying being in Utah with your family and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love-


Just wanted to send our love and prayers to you. Life hands us trials and tribulations but we get through and we are stronger because of it. I am so sorry for the heartache you are ecperiencing right now. Hang in there and continue to surround yourself with loved ones. Hugs to you.


I know I texted you already, but can’t stop thinking about you. Sending you prayers and virtual hugs, Janae.



I look forward to reading your blog every day to see your adorable little Brookers and hearing about your daily runs (and amazing eats!)! Your “realness” as a person and dedication to fitness attracted me to your blog about a year ago and I have read it every day since. You are such an upbeat, fun-loving, strong, amazing person and mother. Although this is a very difficult time, I know you have an immense amount of support and love from your family and your blog readers. My heart breaks for you and I will pray for you and Brookers and the months to come. Much love!


I couldn’t get the blog to load yesterday – no worries! – but I just wanted to let you know that you are one incredible person and you stay strong! Take care of yourself and your little wonder! You will get through this! HUGS HUGS HUGS from Oregon!


I don’t worry about you – you are so positive and have shown how strong you are. I am sorry you have to go through this – this is never in anyone’s life plan :( You are a smart chica – you will be fine!


I am just going to say ditto to what has already been said. I have been reading for years (has it really been that long?) and keep up every other day or so. I am heartbroken for you right now and for everyone involved, it’s never easy, no matter what happened. I am so so sorry!


I have been thinking about you since you posted. My heart is so incredibly sad for you and for your family, but you will persevere! You are a good person and great things will come your way. Continue to stay strong!


(((((HUGS)))))) I am so sorry you are going through this. Brooke is so lucky to have such a fantastic mommy. You guys are two peas in a pod and can take on the world! I’m so glad you have your family to help you through this and you and are continuing to take time focus on the positive! You have people all over sending love your way!


I gasped out loud reading this. I so sorry to hear this – my heart breaks for you, and I’m sure it’s for the best.


God bless you and Brooke! She is so lucky to have such a strong and loving mama. Thank you for sharing your life with us on your blog, I really enjoy reading although I never comment. Keep smiling and being the bright spot of joy that you are on the internet and to the people who are lucky enough to know you in real life.


HI! I’m a longtime reader and not a commenter (usually), but just wanted to say that you and Brooke are being thought of! I hope you are doing okay and remember:
p.s. I’m sending you virtual hugs right now!


Thinking of you and Brooke! Praying for peace for you both during this time. Thank you for continuing to be my running inspiration! Can’t wait to see where your running journey continues to go in light of your recent PR. :)


I am not normally a commenter, but I have thought of you often over the past couple of days and I couldn’t NOT comment. Even though I don’t know you personally, your spirit and positivity have been an inspiration to me over the past year or so as I have been a faithful reader of your blog. Please know that even strangers like me are rooting and praying for you. You will get through this and come out even stronger on the other side!!


I read you almost daily and almost never comment. I’m just so sorry. Sometimes life can blow. I will keep y’all in my prayers.


You don’t know me but I’m an avid fan of your blog and, having just gone through a divorce myself, I can tell you that although the coming months won’t be easy that things will definitely get better with time. My mantra throughout the whole thing was ‘This too shall pass.’ I’m also a runner in the SLC area so if you ever need a running partner up north hit me up. Would love to meet you and Brooke sometime! Best of luck as you navigate the next journey.


I started reading your blog a few months ago and it has really helped me on my running journey! Like everyone else I feel like I know you personally, and my heart breaks with this news. My thoughts are with you and your family during this trying time.


*hugs to you and Brooke* thank you for being such an inspiration to us all. I am glad that you have your family with you through this hard time. Take care of yourself lady!


I’m so sorry janae I was catching up on your blog today and read this post. I’m thinking of you in this awful hard time and hoping that you and dear Brooke weather this storm. I truly love your blog it’s one of the first I found when I discovered the world of running and blogging. I feel like I know you from reading it and you are one strong amazing lady. Thinking of you and Brooke and I’m so glad you have a great family support system.


O Janae … I am behind on HRG blog posts and I just got to this one and am shocked. If I could give you the biggest hug and bowl of fro-yo in the world right now, I would! I’m so glad you have the support of your awesome family and loving friends – online and in person – to get you and Brooke through this really tough time. *big hugs* I am so sorry you are going through this but you are one of the strongest women I “know” and you CAN do this!


Janae, I am SO incredibly sorry to read this. I have to be honest and admit that when I first read this I was hoping it was a joke, that your blog had been hacked or that somehow I was actually reading an April Fool’s Day post. Many hugs to you and sending massive amounts of encouragement your way. Of course your privacy should be respected. This is between you and your family.

Focusing on the happy things is a great idea. I think you are fabulous. Keep on keepin on my friend! It’s all we can do!


The fact that you have been able to remain so positive in your posts (let alone the incredibleness (word??) of continuing with your running program!!) is truly amazing. But, what is really inspiring is that you were brave enough to be honest to the whole world about your tough time. Thank you for your honesty and continue to inspire girl!!


My heart felt like it dropped through my chest when I read the first line of this post. I can’t imagine what you must be going through and I’m so sorry that this is happening. I’ve seen a lot of divorce in my own family and it’s never easy, but it will get better!! Psalm 118:6


I don’t usually comment but i have been reading your blog for about a year now! (actually i think i found it on anothers Blog when they were mentioning you having Brooke!) I love your blog! And I wish you and Brooke the best and just know that you are a wonderful Mom! You two always look like you are having a great time and Brooke is so HAPPY!!
PS! My son and Brooke share a Birthday~ August 15. Happy Early Birthday to Brooke!!


Thinking of you! It’s amazing you are staying so positive. You are an inspiration!


Been reading the blog for a month or two now, but never commented (although I talk about your blog to my friends, “Janae made these delicious smores bars” “Janae went to this cool salad place”, etc.). As a reader, I’m grateful that you let us into your life, your running, and your adventures with Brooke. My thoughts are with you now, and I’m so sorry to hear about you going through this. But with your attitude and Brookers by your side, you can get through anything!


I just wanted to tell you that I found myself thinking about you this morning after reading this post last night. I am so sorry that you are going through this right now. Obviously I don’t know you but for some reason it bothers me. My thoughts are with you. I am praying for you and that beautiful baby of yours.




You are courageous, classy, and a daily inspiration to so many!


I have been following your blog for years now and you have truly been my running inspiration. You are one amazing, beautiful, and optimistic woman!
I can’t fathom what you’re going through, and the strength you’ll need in times ahead but in addition to your incredibly beautiful daughter and loving family, you have hundreds upon hundreds of us blog readers standing behind you, supporting you, and wishing you nothing but the BEST. Sending hugs, prayers, and cinnamon bears your way :) xoxo



You are so strong and positive, you will get through this. Glad you have Brooke and your family around you to support you. My heart goes out to you! Stay strong and eat lots of fro-yo! My prayers are with you. :)


I am late getting to this post but am sending my prayers and love your way while you go through tough times. Your strength is very apparent and I admire your honesty and optimism. I’ll be keeping you and adorable little Brooke in my thoughts, you are amazing, girl!


wtf? you’ve barely been married.


I wouldn’t call 4 years “barely.”

Maybe you could take your feelings of shock and disbelief somewhere else? Mmmk?


My thoughts and prayers are with you! You can do this girl!


You are amazing!! I just know you have great things waiting for you in life! You are a strong momma and the best for Brooke. I cannot wait to see what the future is holding for you!


you missed your family so you are divorcing your husband? I thought youwere immature from you posts…but not this immature! Go work it out!!


So totally inappropriate. No one knows what’s going on in a relationship except the two people involved.


Don’t put this kind of stuff here. Common now.


*your posts


I’ve been reading your blog for over a year. I started early last summer before you had Brooke and when I started really training for my post-baby 1/2. My son was born in January 2012. I had a goal to run another half within his first year and accomplished that last October before getting pregnant again. Your blog is encouraging, inspiring, it makes me hungry, it makes me jot down notes of “what to buy at Trader Joe’s” and “why I need a Costco membership”. I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult time but I hope the smiles Brooke gives you each day, and the support of your family keep you going.
It took me a while to respond because I feel like although I’m more of a lurker/stalker (I read mostly from my phone and commenting isn’t easy there), that I still feel like I know you so well and didn’t know what to say or how to respond.
I just wanted to make sure you knew you have one more hungry/runner/mom in your corner rooting for you.
P.S. if you ever come to Metro Detroit, let me know. I’ve got a huge stuffed Brooks shoe that I won from one of the Brooks demos at the RNR in NOLA…and I think your Brooke needs it! :)


Oh my gosh. My heart is absolutely breaking for you right now!! There are no words to say, except that my prayer for you is that you will be aware of how much God loves you and values you, and that you will feel His presence in a greater way than ever before. Hugs to you, sweet girl.


How did I miss this news?!
My heart goes out to you and your family…sending hugs and tissues!


Thinking and praying for you. <3


Oh Janae …I am so sorry to hear of this news! I feel like I know you and wish I could invite you over for a cup of coffee (or ice cream, cupcakes, candies) :D lol…a couple of years ago me and my hubby went through a really rough patch that almost ended in divorce. Only the both of you will know what is best for you. I am sure your priority is Brooke’s happiness! Thank God for families and a support system that can hold you up during a time like this! Keep moving forward…God always has a bigger and better plans for us even when we don’t understand why it’s happening. The bumps in the road are there to make us appreciate and enjoy the scenery when the road is smooth! ((Hugs)) to both you and Brooke…and you are welcomed here anytime you are in the Tampa/Orlando area for that cup of coffee, candies, subway sandwiches…etc


I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years now and while I very rarely comment, I always read and come in to check on you guys as silly and strange as that may sound. I can’t imagine what you are going through but I know you are one tough cookie and you can get through anything. <3


I had to read that first line a few times. I feel shocked and confused. I’m so sorry you are going through this.


Oh Janae, I just checked in with you and read this blog. I want to extend my heart and prayers to you and your family. You are a lovely woman and people gravitate to you because of your light you bring to us through your blog. I wish you the best and I will keep you in my prayers. He will give you the strength.


Sending you lots of love and good thoughts. I was driving in my car earlier, on my way home from the gym, and realized your blog posts haven’t been showing up for me so I’ve missed over a week of seeing you and Brooke in my feed. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


I am so sorry that you are going through this difficult time. But, the same things that draw so many people to follow this blog- your wonderfully positive outlook on life, your awesome loving relationship with your family, your talent for running, and, maybe most importantly, your love of candy and ice cream, will ensure that you get to the other side of this difficult time better and stronger than ever. Wishing nothing but the best for you and your sweet girl.


im in complete disbelief. I had to reread this post over and over and i checked your previous posts too to make sure that it was you who was writing and not your sister.

im so sorry to hear that this is happening janae. I will be here for you like you were for me when I was going through depression.

Youre such an inspiration, please stay strong and bubbly!


Janae- I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now and have never commented. I have always felt like we could be great friends with similar frozen yogurt obsessions and have especially loved reading since you moved to my hometown of San Jose. You are simply an incredible woman. The love in your heart and the joyfulness with which you live your life is apparent in every blog post. Your blog has been a source of happiness for me and I thank you for that.

I am so sorry that you are going through the most difficult time in your life. I hope every positive comment on this post provides you with some comfort. I will absolutely be keeping you, beautiful Brooke, and your family in my prayers. Prayers for peace, comfort, and joy. You are so strong and I know you will continue to be.
Jeremiah 29:11

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