I like to fool myself when it comes to running.

I tricked myself.

Before I started running this morning I told myself that it was going to be an awesome run no matter what.

I told myself to just quit complaining about the ‘altitude’ and suck it up and run.  It worked and I had an awesome run.  After we turned around and we were on our way back some construction workers told us the trail was closed and so that meant we had to run the other way home which involved a steep 1/2 mile uphill.  It burned so good.  Conquering hills feels really good.

I sure do miss those mountains back there.  Not the snow part.  Just the mountains.

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Sister and I got to my mom’s house (she watches the girls for us while we run) and Curly joined me for some planks.  No exaggeration- she held her plank for a full minute and it was a double ab workout for me because she had me laughing at the same time.

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We ate blueberry muffins for breakfast (Brooke LOVES them).

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And the wrap from my dreams for lunch.  Fancy turkey meat (not the cheap stuff I buy), salad mix, feta and salsa with some mini cucumbers, grapes and yogurt.  Washed down with some more muffins.

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Have you noticed that I have been having the same tortillas with every meal here in Utah?  It is because these are officially the best kind in the whole world.  My Costco at home better carry these or else I might start a strike in front of the store and you can all join me.

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Seriously Brooke looks like a 2 year old all of the sudden.


Do you live near mountains?  If you could, would you change the temperatures/climate of where you live to something else?  What?

What was your lunch today?

Mentally how was your run today:  easy, challenging, fun, blah?

Do you fool yourself into a good run?

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I don’t think my Costco carries those tortillas, but I’m going to keep my eye out for them. Brooke is getting so big and as always she’s the cutest ever!


Love Brookers hair!!! Your niece is so precious and tiny! Love babies! I always lie to myself when I run. I say you only have to run one more mile and then you can stop and I keep repeating it to myself and it works. Those tortillas look yummy, going to have to look for them. My husband loves Utah, he likes snowboarding in Brighton,
Does your family live close to that ski resort?


I grew up down the canyon from Brighton and my whole family has worked there at some point or another! Great place :)


Awesome! Are you still there Alyssa? We’re planning to go next winter.


I actually live a couple of hours away now but my parents are still in the area.


I do the same thing when running Adriana! I say 1 more mile or 1 more minute (on treadmill). It works! Well sometimes. Skiing? I’ll come but I’m a VA girl and don’t know much about it!


Great minds think alike ;)


Aw what a fun day! That tortilla looks great, thanks for sharing! I normally bring salads for lunch but this would switch things up a bit haha.


I do live near the mountains! It’s a big deal for someone from the flat midwest. I just moved to the Hudson Valley from NYC, and it is mountainous and gorgeous. Right now, I have no gripes about the weather since winter is over ;-)

Lunch today was my usual ridiculous monster salad – it was just as good as always.

This morning’s run was slow – I took the dog for a 3 mile run, and when I run with him, I don’t go for pace. It was beautiful watching the sun rise over the mountain!

Brooke is the cutest baby ever!


I love, love, love, love living by the mountains! They are so pretty. I wouldn’t change a thing about my area’s climate.
I had left over turkey foccacia sandwich from yesterday and I’m currently having a mid afternoon apple. Delish!
Cute little niece! And Brooke really does look so big! Looks like you guys are having beautiful weather down there. It’s all dark and gloomy up here.


No mountains in Ohio.. I wish. Your view is AMAZING!
I would love to live in the Carolinas.. Beautiful and nice weather year round.
My lunch was subway.. I know its not good as homemade but I had a dentist appointment and had to eat on the road :-)
Bigger bummer was that I did not run today… I am planning to go tomorrow before work and run.

Do you fool yourself into a good run?


Do you live near mountains? If you could, would you change the temperatures/climate of where you live to something else? What?
No mountains here! Alabama is pretty though but I would love to live near water! I can’t stand the weather most of the time. It’s either tornado season or horrible humidity/pollen. Ugh!

What was your lunch today? I had 2 rice cakes with almond butter for a super fast lunch and then at 3pm I had a homemade ceasar salad with grilled chicken from last night. I’m obsessed with Simply Dressed caesar dressing!

Mentally how was your run today: easy, challenging, fun, blah?
I ran 7 sloooow miles this morning. They were slower than normal but it still felt good. I started Crossfit 3 weeks ago so my body has been so so sore! I got in 5 faster miles last night plus Crossfit so I think my legs were just uber tired.

Do you fool yourself into a good run?
All.the.time! I normally tell myself to just go out and do 3 or so miles slow and then I’ll magically run 8-12 miles at a good pace. When I take the pressure off myself it is easier.


I LUV the Marzetti Simply Dressed balsamic dressing!! I almost bought the Caeser the other day and now I’m going to definitely get it since you recommend it!


I got the light version & it was perfect. Try it!


I bought it tonight at the grocery store! So excited to try it tomorrow! Thanks!
PS – I clicked on your blog, and your little girl is adorable!!


About to go for a run and am feeling blah about it. I’m going to take your attitude and go into it saying it will be an awesome run no matter what, so thanks!

p.s. Brooke gets cuter & cuter with each picture you post :)


Today my run was challenging! I did intervals on the treadmill and it hurt so good. That wrap looks yummy!


No run yet today :( hope to in next few days.

Lunch was a turkey sandwich on a croissant (so much better then plain bread :)) and grapes/orange. Followed up with a snack of m&ms


I live in Houston aka the flattest city ever! I love the mountains though!!! Run today was easy. Crossfit not so much :-) Brooke does look like a big girl! Crazy it’s almost her first birthday!!!!


Brooke is a CUTIE!!!!

I need to fool myself into running! :-)
Hopefully tomorrow I can crank out some miles before the dentist!


I always fool myself in my runs, but mostly with distance ;) I had a good run this morning! Still on the treadmill, but whatever, it was good! I have no idea how you trained on a treadmill for a marathon.. I can’t make it past 6 miles, ever.


My lunch today was a subway sandwich – followed by a lot of delicious (and very unhealthy) snacks.

But I did a very challenging workout today: 3/4 mile warm up, 4x1000s and 1×800 with 200m jog between, 3/4 mile cool down; 3.89 miles in 15 minutes on the stationary bike; and finally a 1 hour personal training session.

I’ve decided that because of this morning’s workout, the extra cookies I enjoyed this afternoon were warranted….:)


I live about an hour away from the mountains. I’m so lucky to have them so close.


I live in Iowa and I would LOVE to live someplace warmer….no snow! We had 5″ of snow last week! California, Florida Sounth Carolina all sound nice :).
My run was slow and easy and it still felt hard…I did speed yesterday. 5×1 mile. 6:30,6:28,6:24,6:24, 6:25 with a 2 mile warm up and cool down.
I usually end up doing the opposite of how I feel. If I feel like I don’t want to run I end up doing good and I days I want to run and think I am going to do good, I do bad…whatever!…you just do what you can do :)
PLanks are SO hard!


We live in the mountains- the summers are beautiful but the winter was rough! I had overnight oats for lunch :)


I live on a mountain with more mountains all around a big valley. It’s actually very beautiful and awesome for training.

I can’t trick myself into running better. Whenever I try, it’s like my body calls itself on the lie and quits even sooner. It works better for me to think about what has brought me to the place that I am at, and how proud of myself I am for persevering.

Lunch today: chicken strips, raspberries, and ketchup chips!


My run was awesome today because I tried the Zombies, Run! app for the first time. Nothing like zombies chasing you to get you moving.

Glad yours was good too!


I love your shirt in the last picture. Where did you get it?


Thank you! It is from J Crew!

I wish I lived near mountains. I live in south Florida where it is completely flat, and the only hill workouts I can get are by running up and down bridges :/

My lunch today was this soup from my blog.


And I had a great run today with my little! 6 miles went by so quick, which is always nice.


We live in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains and can get to the AT in less than 30 minutes. And there are great trails for running too. It’s a beautiful part of the country but no tree line or rocky peaks like out west.

I had a great speed workout today. Was so happy because last week’s track workout was brutal and felt pretty crummy. Today’s workout: 1 x 800, 3 x 400, 1 x 800, 3 x 400, 1 x 800. 800s at Tempo, 400s at Interval pace. But I felt so good I ran the 800s closer to Interval pace.

Love the way a great run can set the mood for the entire day!


it was a “sigh” ok run day…trying to get this left knee of mine to co-operate and feel better…but still got out there! (that’s what counts right?!?!)


I live in NH–lots of mountains!!! I totally love it and wouldn’t change a thing! I went to college in OH, and I missed New England SO MUCH while I was away!


I had a great run this morning. It was a fast 7 miles. I love when I see pace improvements.


I had a wrap for lunch today! Turkey, hummus, cucumber, and spring mix for this girl, it was so yum. I had a great “mental” run this morning, I listened to a new podcast and it made the time just fly by.


I am surrounded by several different mountain ranges. Only on a very clear day can I see all of them, usually it is hidden by a layer of smog..ekkk..I do like where we live because we are about an hour from the beach, mountains and desert. Brooke is getting so big! It is bittersweet when your kids start getting older. I had a Trader Joe’s chicken jalapeno sausage w/black olives, steamed broccoli, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 chobani bite (caramel/pineapple chucks) and Kombucha (guava). It was very filling.


I live about 3 hours away from the mountains but I WISH I lived closer. We get to deal with all the nasty cold weather and snow without the beautiful views. Talk about being screwed over. But let’s talk about happier things! Lunch. Lunch was an open faced egg sandwich with tomato soup. So.stinkin’.good.


I def trick myself every once in a while. It feels great to outsmart myself :) I love mountains but have NONE nearby. Flat Florida will have to do til I can live in the mountains one day :)


I did live in Colorado but just moved back to fl.. I love the sun and the beach!!!!!


I was just at Costco (when am I not?) and I was looking at those tortillas! They look so good. I think when out pack is out, we will buy those. My kids (and Ross, really they are the same when it comes to food) will retaliate because they love cooking the uncooked ones and watching them puff up ;)

I like that your entire lunch came from Costco. I recognize all those things ;) Sometimes my mom gives me the good deli meat from there too. SO much better than the kind I buy.

I had last nights Thai turkey wraps for lunch today. Just as delicious as last night.

No run today, but yesterday’s was great. Today was a core and cardio class at the gym. I am so happy you had a great run! And you showed the altitude AND that steep hill who is boss. Holla!


oh my gosh! Your niece is SO gorgeous! When was she born? I grew up in Chicago and got out of there as soon as I could to hit the sunshine..first in Myrtle Beach, SC and now in FL, where I hope to stay forever! For lunch I had half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because I only like half sandwiches… so I just make myself half of a sandwich. This goes for grilled cheeses too… I’m weird. My run this morning was moderately challenging mentally, but after I got in my groove, I did it. I definitely trick myself before I run. I also like to tell myself that I have yet to die on a run and that run isn’t going to be the time I do die.


No mountains here in this Midwest city. I miss the mountains of southern Oregon so much!! Will move back there someday, I hope.

Today’s lunch/dinner/supper was a Subway 6″ veggie. Yum!

No run today, but I did have my first physical therapy appointment. It was greeeeat!


We have lots of mountains! I love them! I just wish it would warm up just a wee bit and stay warm ;) And I totally always pep myself for a run! It so helps!


I don’t live near mountains (it’s actually the complete opposite–flat land forever!). However, I’d love to be able to live, whether temporarily or permanently, near mountains one day. Like in Colorado. I think they’re SO pretty. And you have no excuse not to go skiing in the wintertime! :)


post-cinco de mayo potluck a lunch – so good!!!


My run was not the best today. So. hot. I had pizza for lunch:) Yummy!


Love the attitude. It’s hilly where I live, but almost at sea level. I have to go to Utah for work occasionally, and I try to do the same thing – if I tell myself that the altitude ain’t no thang and just go out there and run, I always notice that I finish my runs faster and feeling better than when I get into an “altitude makes this sooo hard, I feel awful” type of mindset. Plus, once you get back to lower elevations, everything feels so much easier!


Aww how old is your niece? She looks about as small as my little one! :)


Do you not have crazy baby fever now after seeing/ holding that little one?? I have it like CRAZY. It’s bad. Really bad. I may be crazy though…haha! She is absolutely beautiful!
Today’s run was great! It was tough- I did 2 mile warm up, quarter mile repeats- 2 miles of them…and then a 2 mile cool down. And then I walked 4 miles with G. Needless to say, I’m beat tonight!!
Hope you are continuing to enjoy every second of your time with your family- Brooke looks like she is really soaking it all in :D


Brooke’s pictures are what give me crazy baby fever!! Cant get enough of her pics LOL!


Brooke is growing up too fast-is she eating “real real” food now? She is so adorable!
I play mind games with myself about running all the time. It would be so much better if I could run with one of my sisters! I ran/walked for the 2nd time tonight since Feb. (trying to heal an ITB injury) I was really nervous about it and had to seriously talk myself through it, but it went okay. I guess it’s something I’m going to have to just deal with. Came straight home to stretch, foam roll, and ice. I seriously HATE to roll, but it does feel better afterwards.


I fool myself too. I focus on running one mile then one more, then one more… ;)


How on earth did you train Brooke to smile at the camera like that?! She is just the cutest thing ever!!


I love living in UT! P.s. meet up?! :) Yay Shelly–her baby is so adorable!


Yay for a good run! I had a great, fast, semi-long run w/ friends today. Such great therapy. I live near the beach!!!!!


No mountains around here! If I could change the climate, I’d go with something a bit warmer…i don’t do well in Canadian winters!


Awww your little niece is so cute!!! And yes, Brooke seriously looks so big already! But as cute as ever :) And yay for planking. I love that she did it with you! My husband always makes me laugh when I’m doing planks too :)



I would change our temps to slightly lower in the summer and get rid of this east coast humidity!

HaHa! Love the planks!


I love closer to the oceans than the mountain but at the end of the month, we will be spending 10 days in Colorado and Utah so I will get to check out the beautiful mountains there!

My lunch was a yummy burrito from a local restaurant. Classical Mexican with tofu. So good.

My run today was okay. I am on day 23 of a streak and had a PR half on Sunday so my knees were aching a bit still.


I do have mountains nearby and they are beautiful! I will take the altitude over humidity any day:) I tried running in Cali and it just about killed me!


oh yes, momma is the best for running dates. I bet you are wishing she lived closer. What a blessing to see her and be with family though. There’s my random comment for ya. LOL!


Aw, Brooke really is growing so fast! Crazyness to see her next to a newborn. And way to conquer steep hills! Running really is all mental. I gotta snap myself out of my recent negative mental slump.


We have some beautiful mountains near Seattle and I love running in them. If I could change one thing I’d have it rain less, but only if it could still be green and beautiful!


I live near you in California, I love our weather and mild rolling hills. I never fool myself into running. If I have to I say today you can run slow (running fast is really hard for me-I hate it). When I give myself permission to run slow it takes the pressure off and I enjoy the run-and! I usually run faster.


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I wish I lived near the mountains…what a nice view!

I had an almond butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread and a key lime Chobani flip….those things are so good!

I always try to have a good run, but sometimes there is just nothing I can do to talk myself into it. :)


I grew up in east Tennessee right by the mountains, but I’ve been in Connecticut for so long that I don’t even remember to miss the mountains.

Yesterday I did 6 miles with speed work, but today is a cross training day.


I live near the Poconos, and wouldn’t change it for anything. There is no way I’d be able to live away from the mountains.


I used to live near the mountains and now I live in DC…I would trade the weather/climate/views back for Colorado any day. I hate how hot, humid and muggy it gets here and I miss my beautiful mountain views.

Sometimes I have to trick myself completely into going on runs or working out..I’ll just tell myself to just change into my clothes, that’s all I have to do. Then, when I actually head out the door, I tell myself I only have to run one mile, and then I can turn around. Naturally, once I’m out there I love it and end up running what my original plan was (or longer).




I’ll have to look for those tortillas the next time I’m at Costco. I bet meeting your new niece for the first time was a lot of fun. You’re right; she is really tiny! I’m always so surprised by how small newborns are for some reason. I used to live in South Carolina near the Blue Ridge mountains, but moved to the Chicago area not quite 6 months ago. I do sometimes miss being near the mountains, but luckily it was really hot there, so I can concentrate on how much I don’t miss the oppressive summer heat and humidity. :)


I live about 2 hours from the “real” mountains, but if you drive about 25 miles towards the South Carolina border there are small mountains there. We hiked them last Saturday!!

My lunch today was some Kind granola and I juiced this morning with tomatoes, carrots, an apple, celery, kale and spinach so it was a lot!!

I had a fantastic run yesterday…I was NOT in the mood to run at all and I told myself to suck it up and ended up having a great one! So funny how that happens :) So yes, I definitely think I fooled myself into a good run!


My run today was the WORST!! I didn’t stretch enough last night, then I ran without warming up, I was rushing to get home so hubs could leave for work…it was terrible. Good thing yoga later was awesome and turned the day around.


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