Exercise habits, the prettiest cookies in the world and Brooke has been partying too hard.

Have you ever seen more beautiful cookies in your life?  I already know your answer… no.

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And a plate all for me.  Yes, they do taste as delicious as they look. 

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I have known these two amazing women for 15 years now.  I had to see them while I am in town.

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The one in the middle is the incredible cookie maker and the one on the left makes amazing jewelry and these bows.  Brooke is going to look adorable with them in her hair.  You should check out her etsy shop HERE and for Utah people she will be selling her amazing things at the art and crafts fair this weekend at the Riverwoods in Provo.  

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I came home and watched my sister’s kiddos for a little while (we had an awesome gymnastics competition and I finally learned how to sing the ABC’s backwards) and then next thing I knew it it was time for dinner.  

Pizzeria 712, you have made me very happy.  

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We started off with gnocchi, braised beef and grilled asparagus topped with parmesan.  

And then the beautiful pizzas came out.

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and THEN the bread pudding came out and the lemon something delicious dessert came out.  

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The beautiful girl (and her husband came too) that took me to my favorite pizzeria.  We met in a spin class 8 years ago!  The gym has brought me together with a lot of my best friends.  Clearly you already have something huge in common when you are both sitting next to each other on spin bikes so of course we started talking and were meant to be friends.       

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Brooke has been partying way too hard and crashed at dinner.


New HRG Baby Post about why working out helps me personally to be a better mom!

To go along with that topic the other day as I was running I was thinking about where my exercise habits came from.  Growing up I remember my mom walking on the treadmill every morning while watching The Price is Right!  My sister (my second mom, she is 7 years older than me) began exercising daily (except Sundays) as a teenager and so I grew up seeing both of them exercising daily and so it just seemed normal to me to make time for it daily!


Where did your exercise habits come from?  

Have you met friends at the gym?  Do you ever talk to people at the gym?

What was the last dessert that you had?

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My habits came from my self motivation. None of my family exercised (and still don’t!), but I fell in love with it because it became my outlet. Unfortunately my childhood wasn’t as awesome as I would have liked to remember and it gave me that push to be involved and do something I truly loved. I ran all through middle and high school and have been ever since!
The last dessert I had were brownies…I’m such a sucker for them ;)


I danced most days of the week for 16 years.
When my dancing wound down in college, I began picking up running, which my mom did, and still does daily .

I think running almost replaced dance in my life as something I just do every day no matter what! (Except days like today :))


What wonderful people you have in your life! My family are also wonderful and did a great job of encouraging healthy eating and exercise in mine. My parents supported my obsession with horseback riding completely (I used to have my own horses before uni!), and I was always sent to school with a healthy lunch & came home to a great dinner. So lucky! My mum is also a great baker though so there was always a homemade dessert. My biggest challenge was only eating one serving of it! (never happened), whereas my mother never touched any of it because she claimed her pleasure came from creating it?!?! UMMM???? That’s a weird concept to me ;)


Oh and this morning’s breakfast probably counts as the last dessert I had ;) – a piece of loaf cake!


My exercise habits came from my dad- he used to run. He also used to take me to the gym most days after school and we’d workout together! The last dessert I ate was maple walnut ice cream- delicious.


Last night I had a bowl of Jeni’s ice cream, which is out of Columbus, OH. They make tons of amazing and funky flavors. I enjoyed a scoop of lemon sorbet and one of chamomile.


My last dessert that I had was banana chocolate chip ice cream (just made from frozen banana slices thrown in the food processor). Yummy! Those cookies look AMAZING, though.


That’s a great idea!


Last dessert I had was Cinnabon and it was amazing! I didn’t meet any of my friends at the gym but most (almost all) are runners from hs and college, does that count? Hope you have a great day :-)


Those cookies look amazing. I was passed out last night probably even earlier than Brooke!


Wow, those are beautiful cookies! I had a bowl of Blue Bell Mocha Almond Fudge ice cream last night. Yum! I’ve met some of my best friends at the gym and at races. My best friend is a spin/Pilates/strength instructor, and we’ve run through four (combined) pregnancies together. When I was growing up, my older brother and younger sister always played team sports and were great soccer players. I was never coordinated enough to run and do something else at the same time! But I loved to swim and after my first season on our neighborhood summer swim team, I started swimming year-round. I didn’t get into running until a shoulder injury ended my competitive swimming days. I joined the cross-country team my sophomore year in high school and have been running since! My 15-year-old self never imagined I’d still be at it and running marathons!


I developed my exercise habits starting with swim team at a young age. I think working out and having it be a positive experience surrounded by friends really makes a big difference. It became something I enjoyed and wanted to continue doing because of the social reasons, and eventually I grew into loving working out by itself. I love fancy pizza places and decorated cookies and gymnastics competitions… I’m going to come crash the party instead of taking my final next week.


Awwww Brooke looks too cute passed out – I’m sure these couple of weeks are such a blast for her! And those cookies are beautiful!!!


Oh my gosh all that food looks SO good! You’re totally right, those cookies are definitely the most beautiful I’ve seen!

I started running in high school as my dad told me I had to join a sport, so I joined cross-country. My dad is a multiple marathoner and triathlete (at 66, he completed the Ironman triathlon)! I was lucky enough to get some of his good athletic genes once I started running plus he’s like the running bible in life form. My dad knows the answer to EVERYTHING that has to do with running! We may run Boston 2014 together for the American Liver Foundation.

Have you met friends at the gym? Do you ever talk to people at the gym? Most of my good friends all ran cross country with me and/or participated in some other school sport year-round. I met one other friend at the gym but mostly, I just like to get in the zone and pump it out!

What was the last dessert that you had? On Tuesday, I ate way too many chocolate dunkers and shortbread cookies from Trader Joes.


Those bows are SO cute. I wish I could pull off bows just for those! And your gnocchi looks absolutely fabulous!

Does nutella count as dessert? If so, my last dessert was breakfast today. ;)


Hmm good question… I started out doing sports at a really young age and then when I stopped in HS because of some joint issues I began working out because of friends. Then college came and I started working out because of booze : ) After college it became a “me time” thing and a way to explore my new city!


Awe those cookies are so pretty! I’ve attempted several times to make my cookies look somewhat nice, but it usually turns out to be a giant sized mess!


My family is all pretty active, so I think I was raised to exercise. I’ve never met any friends at the gym, but blogging about running has certainly introduced me to a lot of awesome people!


Now my parents are pretty sedentary, and did not encourage us to exercise at all, but my dad is a former NCAA distance runner and as it turns out several of us kids have taken up running. But we all started exercising late (as adults) – that is the power of family influence on exercise!


Growing up exercise was not at all apart of the family household. I did participate in sports but that was not enough to keep me from being overweight. I was not used to seeing my parents or brother take time out of their day to exercise so I never thought it was normal or something you were supposed to do. That’s why we can all benefit from teaching our kids at an early age that exercise is important but you must be willing to do it yourself because they are going to do what you do.


I think my exercise habits stemmed from school. Both of my parents were not active at all. If they did anything, it was walking, and that was rare.
I remember having to do the mile in gym. Gym was every other day. So for four gym days in a row, we had to run the mile. Our gym teacher “tracked” our time so she could see if we improved or not. I went from a 12 minute mile to a 7 minute mile! And I think that seriously helped me become a runner! The other gym teacher I had in high school always promoted positive body image and she encouraged us to work out outside of gym!! I think I owe her a letter of thanks :)


I love iced cookies like that! I’m hoping my kids see me working out daily and it becomes a habit for them too.


To be honest, I really have no idea where my exercise habits came from. My dad was a runner, but that was mostly before I was born. My mom went to the gym for a little while when I was younger, but then she stopped… so I guess it was all self-motivation? Or just having way too much energy to burn off after eating cookies and ice cream ;)


Oh my goodness, those cookies are beyond gorgeous! Your friend is very talented. I haven’t made friends at the gym who I see outside of the gym, but I’ve gotten pretty friendly with some of the folks who frequent my yoga studio; such a great community of people there. I think I taught myself my exercise habits, especially after my dad had a mild heart attack and had to have quadruple bypass surgery. That definitely made me realize how important taking care of yourself is.


My habits are inspired by what I read (especially on blogs). I love reading about other girls’ workouts and then I feel motivated to get out there and get it done. My last dessert last night and it was the most delicious cantelope I’ve ever eaten. I wouldn’t have chosen ice cream instead it was so good.


My habits come from my family! I’m actually the least athletic of the family, and having everyone make fitness such a huge part of every day life since i was a baby has been very motivating (its actually very ironic that i am now the one with a fitness blog, trust me you probably want to hear from them more than me :) last dessert i had was a lemon thing and it made my heart sing :)


I definitely don’t get my exercise habits from my family! I only started running 3 years ago and that was largely inspired by my friend Melissa (who also follows your blog). She used to run to burn off energy and deal with stress in university and she inspired me to challenge myself. She still inspires me today and is one of my biggest supporters. We’ve both gotten into races now and it is so great to be able to share training stories with each other.


It seems to me that our work (career) can impact our level of fitness, too. When my hub left the Special Forces, he needed something to do with the level of physical activity with he he was accustomed. He turned to running and tris, and found due to his time in the SF, that he was quite good. Plus, he was a champion swimmer in high school.

On a side note, at about the 4 month mark of his recovery after being hit by a car, spending 1 week in a coma and 3 months in ICU, my good man was able to leave the rehab facility. He wanted to go for a swim.

His parents took him to a nearby pool (this was about 1 year before we met) and he swam a 1600 with only his right arm, as his left side was still severely paralyzed. So, you ask where it comes from?

True desire within? The world around us? Something other? I don’t know. I’m just sharing another perspective.

All the best.


I’m super anti social at the gym, even in group classes. I just want to do my workout and rarely speak to anyone…yeah I’m that person, haha


Probably my husband, when we met I was 18 and had next to no workout habits. He already did so I started joining him. I had no idea it would become such a huge part of my life.
I say hi to a few people, but rarely say more than that, I am the get in get out type!
Homemade apple crisp and vanilla ice cream!


The last dessert I had was ice cream.

My exercise habits come from my family as well!


My older brother is 7yrs older than me as well. He is the reason I run. He ran track and cross country for UT Austin and was the SouthWest Conference Steeple chase champ several times. I loved going to watch him run in those big stadiums he is and will always be my hero. He entered me in my first race when I was 12 and pushed me to join x-country in high school. When we run local races together of course he is much faster so when he finished he comes back to find me and cheers me on and helps me pass several people before the finish line. He’s been an inspiration to all of us. My dad runs now and so do all my brothers,
In fact my baby brother followed in his foot steps and ran for A&M International Nd holds a record there. If it wasn’t for him our family may never have become a family of runners.


Hmmm, funnily enough, I’m not sure where my exercise habits came from. I was a skinny little girl in high school, and after I gained a few much needed pounds, I started to exercise. Then, once I saw how great it was for my body AND self-confidence, I kept to it. I’ve been hooked ever since.

I just moved to a new place, so I’d love to make friends at the gym…but I’m not sure how. How does one strike up a convo at the gym?!

I have ice cream almost every night :-) Caramel Coconut Cookie is my favorite.


I know your question was posed to Janae, but I would say maybe take an exercise class (like Zuumba or a strength training class). That’s how I made friends at the gym. The more you go regularly, and see the same people, conversations are bound to happen, especially if you miss a class. I’ve had people check up to make sure I was ok or say they missed me last week, etc. :-)


If you run, most cities have running groups you can join. People naturally talk as they run and there is some social time afterwards while having Gatorade or water. In my town, there is one group that meets at a local Whole Foods style grocery store, so half the people hit up the salad bar after the run and eat together.


Good brooke. Don’t fight it. Just sleep ;)

Pizzeria 712 has been on our list of restaurants to try for the longest time. We need to get there asap. That all looks so good.

My dad got up between 4:30 and 5 every morning to exercise. He was definitely my example!!


My exercise habits stem from friends exercising. I have gym friends that I see at the gym, but never really outside of the gym. Ya know, the person you sit next to every spin class. I try to talk to people, but it’s difficult when everyone at the gym seems to be in a rush.


My exercise habits started when I moved to California. I did play sports growing up but that was followed by a lot of fast food so I gained a bunch of weight. I moved back to LA when I was 20 and realized how unhealthy I was. I joined a gym and never looked back.


Girl, do you ever take bad photos? I want to hate you (but I can’t!) every time I read a blog post…esp as I’m sitting here unshowered and disheveled from my swim this AM. =)


My parents weren’t and still aren’t big exercises and my sister isn’t crazy about it either, so for me it takes a little more effort to make a point to do it every day. I started focusing on how I feel after workouts and on days when I don’t work out and there is a huge difference. I like feeling like I accomplished something and I feel good when I’m lean and fit, so I try to stay on track that way.

That gnocchi looks amazing! My boyfriend introduced me to it when we started dating and I love it. We make it with a butternut squash cream sauce with bread crumbs, so good!


Can I first say that it is absolutely AWESOME that you grew up seeing your mom & older sis working out daily?! This is one of the top reasons why I started exercising regularly – to make it into a habit that my kids (ya know whenever I have them ;-) will be able to grow up and see both mom and dad setting a healthy example. **My hubby is very athletic, as well… he’s actually the one who got me into running!**

Unfortunately, I didn’t growing up seeing any family exercising regularly. I did go out for runs with my mom occasionally on Saturdays though, when I was young. So, I think I was self-motivated for the most part. I was always active as a teen and got back into it in college (especially after that “Freshman 15” hit).

The last dessert I had was peach chunks – yummy!!!


Pizza and bread pudding? That is a spectacularly good night!


Those cookies are really pretty! I started dancing when I was about 3 years old and when I was about 9 my dad started to teach me how to golf. I also grew up swimming all summer and taking lessons. I eventually played golf in high school, but my senior year my boyfriend at the time got me into going to the gym and I would started to workout more at a gym and then eventually got into running! When we were members at a gym (YMCA), we would always talk to people and became friends with quite a few people.


Those cookies look amazing! So jealous. My mom and her best firend walk 5 miles 6 days a week and she always prepared us healthy meals. I def think I learned my habits from my mom.


I have played sports since I can remember so working out has been in my life forever. Since I no longer play team sports I love working out with my mom!


Brooke looks super grown up in that last picture!

My exercise habits came from myself… my parents were never active and my dad didn’t start becoming lightly active until 2 years ago when he started daily walks around the neighborhood so he “wouldn’t get heart attacks.” I didn’t like the way I looked and felt and so I decided to do something about it! I am so glad that I did.

The last dessert I had were chocolate covered Goji berries last night. The night before that I had froyo to celebrate my 4.0 this semester :D


My exercise habits came from my parents. They were always playing tennis or golf and encouraged all of us to find a sport or physical activity we enjoyed. I played tennis in high school, workout out at the gym in the beginning of college, and then discovered running about 3 or 4 years ago.


The last dessert I had was Skittles. Most of the time I can resist them, but I caved. And they were delicious, so I don’t really regret eating them.


My exercise habits come from the fact that I was a chubby kid… I wouldn’t eat a lot, yet I was chubby :-( Even now, there’s no diet that works for me- I need to exercise or I won’t lose anything! That said, I’m so glad I’m this way because that’s how I came to love running so much!

I don’t go to the gym but I joined a running team two months ago- training together is much more fun, especially when you’re preparing for the same race! Most of them are much faster than me but it doesn’t matter, it’s such an inspiration to watch them and I know that that way I’ll become faster too!

Last dessert? Yesterday evening we went to an Italian restaurant and I had something called GIANDUIA: hazelnut and chocolate pastry with hazelnut ice cream on the side… so yummy!


That pizza looks SO good! BrRick oven style is the best.
Those cookies are really, really adorable. I wonder if she would be willing to give you some tips on just how to do it? :-)


I love those bows! So adorable!

My exercise habits definitely came from my dad. I grew up watching him run every single morning and attending several of his races. I didn’t get the exercise bug until college, but my dad is the one who inspires me. He’s 66-years-old and still runs at least 4 miles every single day. After my half marathon he told me that I beat him distance wise–the farthest he’s ever run is 10 miles. Now I’ve just got to run Bay to Breakers and come in the top 1000 to beat him at another thing!

I met my amazing workout partner at the gym. She’s pretty much the one who got me hooked on racing. The circuit class I attend is like one big happy, crazy family. We even have our own facebook group! Yeah, we’re nuts.


I need to be more social at the gym. I usually only talk to people if I already know them from somewhere else. I’m a bad gym goer :(

My habits I think come from seeing my mom work out every morning and from my own love for running. It’s a nice combo!

Last real dessert…I honestly can’t remember! But I did eat a couple pretzel M&Ms last night. That will count for now.


Last dessert I had … brownies and key lime cupcakes that folks from church had brought us. :) This having a baby thing has its perks!


Gnocchi is one if my fav things in the whole world! Looks delish. I need to be more social at the gym since obviously I already have at least one awesome thing in common with everyone there!


Ever since I can remember (really, since I learned to write), I have always written that working out is a hobby of mine. And, it still is!


Where is that pink shirt you are wearing from?? It’s so cute!


Thank you! It is from Gap!


I learned my exercise habits from my dad – also a runner. love your HRG Baby post about running making you a better mom :)

I do talk to people at the gym sometimes but mostly I’m listening to music and sweating a lot!

I had fried green tea ice cream last night…so delicious even after stuffing myself full of sushi!


Haha I actually don’t talk to people at the gym, I put in my head phones and just do my thing! I go to a smaller 24 hour gym though so it’s usually hit or miss if it’s packed or not.

The last dessert I had was 2 desserts in one night :) My neighbors made amazing lemon bars so I had 2….and a half…and then we went out for dessert and I have Pineapple sorbet and it was AMAZING!!!!! Best flavor ever!


That’s so fun that you guys met in a spin class!! Pizza looks deeeeelish.

Are we doing froyo on Sat? I think I can at 1. But WHERE???? :)

I got my exercise habits purely from being a gymnast & dancer all throughout growing up. I loved it & it stuck!


My dad was a really good baseball player and very athletic, so I got my love of health and fitness from him. My last dessert was a brownie with ice cream at a restaurant last week. I met my two best friends through exercising… one from running and the other because I was her trainer and we just hit it off!


I’m not really sure where my exercise habits came from. I’ve basically been a lifelong athlete and my family as a whole has always been active but I certainly struggled with motivation to stay healthy in college. I definitely went through a period where I was exercising for weight loss and not overall health and working out was way less fun then! I guess as I grow up and learn more I just want to treat my body as well as I can.

I have never made friends at the gym but I’d really like to. I can be so shy that it’s hard. I made all my childhood friends through gymnastics though. Maybe I’ll make that a goal for summer.

Last night for dessert I had Chobani bite (coffee w/ dark chocolate). Delicious!


Don’t know where my exercise habits came from but My 2.5 year old daughter hopefully is learning some of my habits because although I get up most mornings at 4:30 to workout, if I wait until evening she’s right there with me “doing the moves” too!

BTW great blog you have and also I clicked the heart next to comments like 5xs before I realized that’s not how you submit a comment. Don’t know what it means but you have 5 extra heart clicks from me!


I love today’s questions! Also, where can I get some of those cookies?? :)

My exercise habits are a direct effect of my husband. Even though I was an athlete in high school, I never loved running or working out, and in college I made sure not to make time for it in between studying and partying. When I met my now-husband, we had been dating approximately 5 minutes and he asked me to join his gym so we could work out together. He’s not a runner, but his love of fitness rubbed off on me and in the years since, we have each found our “niche” in what we like to do to stay fit and healthy, and I credit all my progress to him getting me off my butt in the first place!

I am not really a chatty person at the gym – I am usually in a time crunch so I’m trying to get my workout in and get out of there.

It is sad but I can’t remember the last dessert I had. :( We don’t eat desserts very often.


If I could eat at a restaurant every night I would. I don’t have any exercise friends but I really want some. I think I’m going to sign up for a yoga or spin class! I exercise so I don’t be far… I was getting there.


I’ve never made a friend at the gym! Maybe because I’m not the best at hitting up the same class at the same time every week, but I think that the sweat and smell might have something to do with it ;)

I think it’s amazing that you grew up in a fitness household! Fewer and fewer people are growing up in those kind of homes, but I think it’s a huge influence on later habits :)


My exercise habits come from me just wanting to be healthy.

In Oregon I lived in a small town of less than 20,000 people. I usually ran into someone I knew at the gym. Now, I never see anyone I know, except my cousin’s wife. We are usually in the same yoga class.

The last dessert I had was a mint Oreo concrete at Culver’s after my daughter’s choir concert (she had a solo!) Tuesday night.


I got my exercise habits from my family, also! When I was little, my mom always made time to go for a walk to do a workout tape (no DVD players back then ;)) every morning, and sometimes my sisters and I would exercise with her!


Those bows are so cute! That girl is talented :) I’m not sure where my exercise habits came from. I mean, growing up, my family always did stuff together on the weekends- like playing tennis, riding bikes, playing softball or swimming as a family, and so that was instilled in me- just wanting to GET OUT and do stuff! That has translated into me wanting to get a sweat on every day, in whatever way I can! :)



Those cookies are gorgeous!! Oh my!


My mom was always working out, but it was always for the purpose of weight loss/her form of a diet. It wasn’t until sometime in my 20’s i realized that running could be so.much.more than that.

Last dessert i had: frozen custard.


My mom used to do Richard Simmons DVDs in the living room and she has always loved to go on walks. I definitely think that’s where I got my love for fitness from!


Hey, I just came across your blog! You’re daughter is adorable. Those cookies do look delicious. The last dessert I had was a trifle that my mom made for a golf tournament and made me a little- its with layers of chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, cool whip and bits of heath bar. Yum!


Those tie cookies are perfect for Father’s Day! We had fro-yo last night!


My exercise habits come from me. My family (extended and everything) doesn’t really exercise or eat good. I have one cousin that loves to work out and that was very recent for him (so proud of him, he lost 50 lbs over the winter!) The last dessert I had was rasberry cheesecake yumm :)


My exercise habits probably came from my older sister. She is a running fool and so I started running with her. I can not let my older sister out due me.. Haha, Actually she is super fast! I will never catch up, but its all in good fun. We get to chit chat and run!
I have never met a friend at the gym, but thats probably because I do not go often enough to make them. I usually go with my hubby or sister and chit with them.
I do chat with other people while there. Just not enough to make friends.
The last dessert I had was a oreo cookie ice cream bar. OMG It was so yummy!!


The cookies are beautiful! Looks like you’ve been able to catch up with lots of people during this trip!


Last dessert I had was gluten free chocolate chip cookies with white chocolate chips, delicious! :) My exercise habits came about a bit on my own. My parents never made exercise a priority. My mom would slip in and out of diets, losing weight and gaining weight, but never really making it a lifestyle. My dad had to be in shape for his job, but now he has a desk job. So neither of my parents really made it an important thing. Starting high school, I began to run, but didn’t seriously get into it until we moved and I began working at a gym. Now I’m a junkie. Ran a half marathon, training for another, along with other races, and I enjoy spin class and zumba! Even though my family thinks I’m a bit crazy, I know they’re happy I make it a priority in life. Especially since high blood pressure and diabetes runs in my family. I always tell myself, I only have one body, so I better take care of it! :)


My family LOVES sports so that is where my interest in ANYTHING fitness stemmed from but I’m one of the only ones who has gotten into exercise for fun and health.
Etsy is the bombdotcom and bought a TON of stuff from shops on there during my wedding planning. So fun to see what people are able to make and I LOVE supporting small businesses.


I think my exercise habits came from a combination of my parents, my own self-motivation, and bloggers. My parents have always been active, I myself enjoy the side effects from being active (think the endorphins quote from legally blonde) and then the various workouts I see bloggers posting encourages me to get to the gym as well.


Brooke is out of it!! I can’t wait to see her with those bows in her hair, I’m sure she will be precious as usual :) I have a friend that makes cookies like that, they are ALMOST too pretty to eat. I love bread pudding, I hope yours was good. The last dessert I had was over a week ago and it was delicious Cincinnati Graeter’s ice cream. My parents did not exercise when we were growing up (great parents, they just didn’t exercise but we did a lot of fun things as a family) My recent foray into a healthy life style was motivated by me myself and I!


My family has always been really active and outdoorsy, but running and going to a gym are definitely self-inspired!

I keep my headphones in and am really anti-social at the gym. The one exception is the yoga class I started at my gym… I’m at least friendly there!


I was the one who ventured out in my family for exercise! I was 13 and wanted to do some fitness videos. Enter Denise Austin haha!


Frozen yogurt…yum!!!

My boyfriend really helps me set good workout habits and just generally good health habits. He comes from a family of personal trainers and physical therapists (he’s a trainer and is going to school to become a PT), so he just devours fitness and nutrition articles like crazy. He knows that running and being healthy is important to me, so he helps motivate me and makes sure that I am doing only the best things for my health.


It would be awesome if your sister wrote a guest post about how in the heck she finds time to fit in exercise 6 days a week with 3 kids! i would love to hear her tips! I bet it would be a popular one!


I was actually very overweight as a kid due to the habits I picked up from my family. After yo-yo dieting in my teens and gaining weight in college, I decided to join the gym. I was sick of diets and sick of not feeling healthy. Four years later, and I’m finally at a normal weight and completely in love with running (and lifting is SO empowering). I just NEED to exercise all the time otherwise I don’t feel like myself. Bonus: I got my family to sign up with me :-D


Exercising daily can seem “torturous”, but if you do it while watching your favorite show, like you said, it makes it so much more enjoying. So I agree that people should be creative in finding ways to wrap exercise around something they enjoy.

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