Reunited with Bangs and my race this month!

On January 26th I will be running 13.1 miles through hills and trails while exploring the wilderness and trying not to trip.  I have heard REALLY good things about this race from a few different people so I knew that I just had to do it especially because I have been so obsessed with trail running lately.  

Come run Coyote Hills with me!

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Bangs (although her bangs are pulled back for our run) texted me this morning wondering if I was running outside today.  I knew that was code word for ‘if you run outside today then I will go with you’ so of course I decided to run outside so that I could go running with her for our first time ever.   I think Brooke is giving her the evil eye because she knew I was going to be talking to my friend more than Brooke during the run.  

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We hit up the trail nearby for a run that went by WAY too fast because we had a lot to catch up on.   I did 7 miles total.  

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We came back to her house and she forced us all to do planks together.  Those were literally the hardest/longest/most painful/tearful 3 minutes of my life.   Brooke held hers for 5 minutes… show off.  

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I tried out these WIRELESS headphones (I wore them today on the way to and from my friend’s house), the BLUEBUDS X and so far they are my absolute new favorite piece of running gear.  I will do a full review after I use them some more.

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I haven’t had a chance to tell you about what we had for dinner last night:

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Don’t be all impressed thinking that we got together calamari, shrimp, mussels and scallops for our dinner last night.  It came frozen from Costco and we put it on the stove and on top of spaghetti noodles.  

If you:

1.  Like seafood.

2.  Go to Costco.

3.  Enjoy eating delicious food.

then please go buy it.  It is called Cioppino and it is in the freezer section.


How long is the longest plank that you have held?

How often do you do core work?

-I have a new goal to just do SOMETHING 3 times a week.

Ever ran a trail race? GIVE ME ADVICE!!!

Inside or outside run today?

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Hahaha ” Brooke held hers for 5 minutes… show off. ” I love you. That is awesome. What a fun run!


I love that plank photo.
I. Need. Me. A. Brooke. Or. Ben.
Which ever.


One of my New Year’s resolutions has been to do more core work! I need an accountability partner though haha! Outside run today in the mountains! Altitude is no joke but my uncle ran with me and I LOVE when I have company!


Advice for a trail race- don’t wear white. Its gonna be all sorts of dusty/muddy/ect after.


Yay! Doing the 10k :) just signed up for it this morning. It’s going to be a fun race :)


I had a goal to do a 3 minute elbow plank hold by December 31st. I did it, but it took training all month (like you train for a race) to do it. You just up and went and did 3 minutes?! So awesome. I contemplated doing four, but that sounds dumb. I do however keep doing a push up or elbow plank hold for at least 2 mins, every other day :) I love that Brooke was planking. She is awesome.


Gutted, I’ll be in the UK for that race. I’ve heard so much good stuff about that trail racing company, I’m itching to do one of their races. Good luck!!


How funny, I’m actually based in the UK but am going to be in California and doing the Coyote Hills half!


That is SO funny…I’m running the Longleat 10k when I’m there! Think of me when you’re running Coyote Hills :)


That race looks amazing! You will rock it. My first trail race was a half marathon and I was not prepared for it. It went fine but looking back I should have actually trained on trails. My most recent trail race was a 50K and I ran about twice a week on trails for a few months to prepare. I felt good and didn’t fall at all this time :) Trail races are so much different to me than road races but in a good way.


I’ve done a 5K trail race and half of it wasn’t even on a trail, it was just through the woods! My only advice is to not worry about time, have fun, and WATCH THE GROUND! I almost rolled my ankle!


I did a trail race last year, and it was a lot of fun. So much different than the road races I was used to. Our race was in a maze of trails in a state park. The people putting on the race had marked the trails well, but if you weren’t paying attention it was really easy to make a wrong turn. A lot of people made wrong turns at some point during the race. So my only advice, if there are multiple trails, look up every now and then and make sure sure you’re on the right trail:). Have fun!


Go girl with the plank! and yay for a race!!!!
The longest I have held a plank was 7 minutes, but I don’t even think I could hold it for 5 at this point. I’ve been slacking on the planking.
That dinner you had is my favorite meal – If it is on the menu at a restaurant, I get it every time.
I’m running inside on the treadmill tonight


Yeah, so excited for you and your first trail race – you will love it and be totally sucked in – I promise. Get some good trail shoes, I love the Brooks Cascadia. Get a hydration pack and/or handhelds. Do not be afraid to power hike the inclines – everyone does it! Study the map ahead of time, know the course and watch for the trail marker ribbons. No music on the trails, enjoy the scenery and stay alert. Bring baby wipes to clean off with afterwards and flips to let your feet chill. If you are out of reception area turn your phone to “plan” mode so you don’t kill your battery constantly looking for signal. You will LOVE the aid stations at a trail race, huge buffets with tons candy, cookies, fruit, sandwiches – eat. HAVE FUN!!!!


Have fun with that trail race…it looks pretty awesome!


Brazen Racing Races are really well run. I enjoyed doing my first 10k with them near my parents house. The spread at the end is awesome!!!


I have never done a plank! I am the weakest person alive so I REALLY need to start doing things like that.

LOVE your picture of your ear buds because B.’s hair looks so wild and adorable!!


I’ve never done a trail race but maybe it’s something to consider! You’re going to do so well!!


I would have never thought that seafood pasta meal was from Costco! Looks amazing!!


I don’t do core work often but my goal for the year is to do planks and pushups every day slowly increasing the time/reps throughout the year.

I actually just thought of you. Apparently, if you go to Wendy’s and buy a $1 Frosty key tag you can get a free Wendy’s Jr. Frosty’s all year long! I thought I remember you loving Frosties, but I could be wrong.


I was hoping this would be your race announcement! I’m looking forward to it but am also a bit nervous, since I’m a trail newbie and am basically just using it to get the mileage in for my marathon! I might wear my Great Britain arm warmers left over from the Olympics (which I was planning to wear the NYC marathon), but I’m not sure…but if you see someone wearing those, it’s me ;)


My husband and I just ran our first trail races on Saturday! I did the 11k and he went for the 25k. We didnt train, it was just for fun this time and we were honestly super out of shape, hadn’t been running, and got our butts kicked lol – but it taught me a lot to focus on for next year.

Here is my advice to you (and me):

1. Put your watch away, run by effort – not pace. You will be slower, espec. at first and that is OK!

2. Put your headphones away – enjoy nature and also pay attention – branches in the eye, twigs and rocks tripping you and twisting your ankle, animals lurking in the woods (thank goodness just deer and squirrels by me but there was a rabid raccoon out on Saturday that was scary!!) – lots of things to look out for!

3. If you want to race on trails, train on trails! It can be slippery, going uphill on trails is a lot harder than on the road and same with downhill, and you use different muscles for trail terrain which need to be conditioned for race day.

4. ENJOY! Trail running = absolutely awesome!! Trail racing = even more absolutely awesome!! :)


Awesome advice!


TIFFANY!!! Thank you so so much for the advice, it was perfect! JUST what I needed to read. Thank you and congrats on your 11k this last Saturday!


yay for races! I am so glad you found one that looks like so much fun – and different from any other you have done. Plus, it is on a Saturday…that will make your brother happy ;)

I have no tips as I have never done a trail race, but I look forward to your recap so I can learn from you.

I do core work probably 3x a week. Whenever I take a class at the gym/do weights…because then someone else is telling me to do it. I definitely should do it more. I think the longest I have held a plank is 3 min. Brook is hard core!

I have been to the aquarium that was closed and you missed out on. It is awesome. So I definitely hope you get to go back!

7 slow (again) miles on my treadmill today while watching Better Off Ted. Since the cold is still in my chest, I am still taking it easy. But it better go away soon! How is your cold? YOu haven’t mentioned it, so I am hoping you are better. And if so, send some of those vibes my way, mkay? Thanks!


I did a ‘core cruncher’ from the nike training club app. I love it a lot! I think you would to, it’s free!


I’ve always been horrible about doing core work. But once I have the baby, I know I’ll need to be better about it!


The best advice I got about running trails is … DON’T FEED THE BEARS … and watch out for rattle snakes. Other than just watch where you are stepping, enjoy the scenery and follow the signs.

You’ll have fun!


I never do core work …..arrrr. I probably need to start.


Brooke has to have quite the six pack – holding her plank for 5 minutes!

Off to run on the treadmill right now – its in my cold dark basement. Hold me.



A trail race? OOooOO! I love how you’re always challenging yourself to try new things! I’ve never done a trail race, or known anyone that’s done one but I’m looking forward to hearing about your experience… I’m sure it’ll be awesome :D


oh whaaaat, wireless headphones?? I can’t wait to hear about it!!
Race looks like it’ll be great fun :D

I need to get back planking! I think my longest was 2 minutes. 2 long, brutal, painful minutes!


I think my longest is 2:30. My goal is 4 minutes so I have (very slowly) been building up. I am so impressed with your trail running! I am super duper slow on trails and could not imagine running a trail for 13.1 miles.


Yay Brooke! You go girl get those planks in early ;)


I absolutely hate core work. I have just started taking Pilates at my gym. I go twice a week (well, for one and a half weeks now. haha).

I am really getting into trail running these days. I am half way done with marathon training and have done most of my recent long runs on trails. They just go by so fast and they are better on the body.

I don’t think I’d do a trail race though! I would, for sure, fall on my face.


I can only do a plank for about a minute! I’d really like to improve that!


I did a 4 minute plank during a winter challenge at the end of last year. So hard but my abs felt super strong. This race sounds like a BLAST! I hope to find some fun races for 2013. I am a HUGE fan of the Brooks trail shoes (wore mine today) which might be just what you need!


My longest plank hold is somewhere around 4 minutes. I’m hoping to get to 5 this year though.
I work my core so much more now. Ever since teaching spin, I noticed I work more core so much during the class. I’ve also been more aware of tightening my core in almost every exercise I do. It really makes a difference.


You are gonna be awesome! I have never done any trail running but my hubby just made a date with me to go next Sunday :) Brooke is adorable doing planks! I do core work about 3 times a week. I ran outside today, 1st day in a month the wind hasnt been blowing, it was heavenly.


I am so so excited that you are going on a trail running date with your husband:) Let me know what you think!


I love brazen racing! I haven’t done the Coyote Hills course but have done a lot of their other races in the bay area. Their post race snacks are always delicious and they usually have trailmix (with m&ms) at the aid stations!


That makes me SO SO HAPPY!!! Thanks Sarah for letting me know they put on a great race!


I want to run Coyote Hills so bad it hurts:( Don’t get me wrong, living on Vancouver Island rocks, but the races… Not so much. I hope you have a great time and Ill just pretend Im on Coyote Hills while doing my run January 26th.;)


I always think I’m doing planks wrong because I never feel anything! I like literally get frustrated, but I’m working on them anyway.
I want that food, thankfully we are moving back home where there is a Costco!


Fun outing/run!!

I’ve only ever timed myself twice, and both times was right around 3:30 (but this was when my abs were already crushed). Planks or hovers are tough stuff!

Yay for the awesome-sounding race!


first trail race was pikes peak marathon…car- crazy .Up to the top of Pikes Peak Mountain and then turn around and run back down. My quads still quiver at the thought of that race!

one of my new years goals is to daily do 30 pushups and 8 minute plank routine I found on . Oh my,I am on day seven and finally not sobbing after today’ s session. :)

Brookes hair is incredible!


Have you heard of the Charity Miles app? You should definitely look into it seeing how much you run. It’s a free app that donates 25 cents per mile to a charity of your choice at no cost to you.


THANKS JESSICA!!! I am going to have to use this. You are awesome!


Haha that pic of the 3 of you is too funny- Brooke really is giving Bangs the stink eye!


I did a 25k (15.5mi) trail race last year and it was really fun, but tough! The weirdest part for me was how quickly time passed. I swear I felt like I was only running for a few minutes and the race was over. I guess since you have to stay focused on each step you’re taking, there’s no time to think about other stuff like how long you’ve been running. It was a fun experience, but I really like being able to zone out while I’m running. It doesn’t turn out well if you find yourself doing that on a trail. (Yep, I fell). Guess I’m better suited for the roads. Ah well. As far as tips, wear high socks to avoid scratches from underbrush! (Assuming this is a narrow, single track type trail). Good luck!


Wow a 25k trail race… That is awesome!!! Great tip! I will make sure to wear high socks!!! Thanks!


It’s supposed to be a gloriously warm 42 degrees today, so I’m definitely going outside!

I rarely do core work. I figure, running works your core, so why torture yourself? :)


Ok seriously that pic of Brooke doing her plank is the cutest thing I’ve seen in forever! I love it! She’s so tiny still :)

That race sounds awesome. I bet the time will fly by bc of the scenery. Plus, your speedy!!
I do core work about 4 times a week. It’s a good workout and it only takes 15mins to work every muscle. Plus it makes my back stronger.


Brooke is quite strong to hold that for 5 minutes :)

I will have to check that out @ Costco. I love seafoood.


I think the longest plank I’ve held is 2 minutes. I’m trying to work up to five minutes. I usually do core work three days a week though I hate it! I would much rather do squats all day long then plank! Ha! I’ve never ran a trail race though it sounds AWESOME! Have fun! I’m not running today because I’m going to the doctor for a hip running injury….ugh!


My team does Sunday night plank offs– my longest was this past Sunday at 12 minutes and 14 seconds!!! I came in third… one guy got 15 minutes and the winner hit 20:48?!! I still can’t believe it. (I’ll tag you in my IG pic :) )


Oh my goodness! I can’t even imagine! That is out of control!!!


Haha the plank photo is great!


I am currently still holding my longest plank…I ran inside today on my new treadmill (not sure how long it can technically be new) no trail runs…yet:-) I am currently a yoga instructor in training so my core takes a burn about 5-6 days/week. Whew….this plank is a tough one.


You are amazing!!!!! How long was it? What kind of treadmill did you get?


Ohh that race looks fun! Good luck!

I have been doing plankaday since December 1st and I am up to 3:40 for my plank! My arms are so much stronger now!

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