My love of running gets me into trouble.

Sometimes I do drastic things because I love running so much.  

Example A:

I told Billy this morning that if he drives me the 15 minutes to his favorite trail and hangs out with Brooke while I get in a quick run then I will watch (and not complain) every single football game that airs on television for the year of 2013.  I hate watching football.   (PS Billy would have done this without the bribe but for some reason I made the football offer that I now regret)

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It was kind of cold out and so I didn’t want to have B Sr and B Jr waiting long for me so I just went out for a quick 4 miles.

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The trail I went on made my legs feel like I ran 16 miles.  I have a feeling that the day after the Coyote Hills 1/2 Marathon will be one spent in my bed with absolutely NO stairs climbing involved the entire day (or following week).   I think I need to run up hills more often or something.

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I definitely want to get back to this trail to explore a lot more!

We are now getting ready to make some lunch and go eat at a park.  I got out the only necessary ingredients for a picnic.

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On a random note, a few people have asked about the shoes that I wear every single day (other than my PureFlows).  

These babies were picked out by Billy at Nordstrom Rack a few months ago and we got a killer deal on them!  They are Steve Madden Troopa boots.  

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***Edited to add.  Brooke wanted me to include where she got her cool Converse sock shoes.  She got them from Grandma.

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What shoes (besides your running shoes) do you wear the most?

True feelings about watching Football games?

-I only like them if I have someone to talk to the entire time and our coffee table is filled with different delicious football food.  PS I am already planning out the Super Bowl menu.  

How often do you run hills?  Do you live in a hilly area so you can’t avoid them or do you have to go out and find hills to run up?

What food are you craving today?

-I could really go for Wahoo’s fish salad right about now.  

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Oh my gosh Brooke’s shoes- THE CUTEST! I love that Billy drove you to the trail to run. That is called serious best boyfriend award! I have no doubt that you’re going to do awesome in the race- you always seem to pull through :)
P.s- I really hate football. Like, a lot. Perfect time to catch up on some blog reading!


Good call… I will just read blogs during every single game ha! Thanks so much Sarah:) Hope you are having an amazing day!


awww I feel so bad for you!!! football is the worst thing on earth!!!! When I’m not wearing sneakers, I’m probably at work wearing heels or flats depending on my mood of the day… Today its warm cozy ugg boots.


Thank you for your sympathy! UGGS are the best!


I definitely do not have enough hills by me. I totally want to do a trail race soon and I’m looking forward to you running and reviewing this one coming up! :D


Thanks Lindsay! I think we need to find one for you to do too:)


I was going to ask where your boots were from – I have been admiring them from afar!

P.S. Not a fan of football but a fan of football snacks!


The snacks are really the only things that get us through those games:)


I am still addicted to my Toms but it’s been raining for the past two days so I’v worn my awesome purple rainboots.
I crazy love football but only high school and professional. I kind of feel bad for my husband who doesn’t like it so much and comes along to Super Bowl parties because he loves me.
It’s super flat where I live but I’m training for a semi-hilly half in February. Not looking forward to it.


I tried to put on the Toms that you got for Brooke this morning. I seriously can’t wait for them to fit:) HAHAHA so glad that the hubby supports your football love! What half are you doing?


Those views are amazing… just might have to try trail running one day! I don’t mind sitting through football, but I definitely daze and get distracted VERY easily.


YES, you seriously have to try trail running soon!


what is the name of that trail?


Hey Sarah! They were the quicksilver trails in almaden!


Running makes me do crazy things too… Like buy a marathon bib 3 days before a marathon on a whim. So I’m with ya! I really like Toms besides running shoes. And I am craving toffee! Healthy option I know.


AHHHH yes!!! That makes me really happy:) I did that one time too!!! Now you are making me crave toffee too! Hope you are having a wonderful day my dear friend!


I love your boots. Super cute. Your run reminded me I need to hit the trails running. I signed up for a trail run and haven’t been training on hills…
I really dislike football so the only way a bribe would work was if it was a boatload of dark chocolate.


THANK YOU!!! hahahaha yes!! Time to hit the trails, wish I could go with you! I could be bribed with dark chocolate too!


I must know your Super Bowl menu!


So far we have:
Chicken wings
7 layer dip
Twice baked potatoes
ice cream cake (that one is just for me)
artichoke dip with sourdough crisps

Let me know if you have any good ideas to add to the list!


So far I’m only thinking about desserts, like a football field sheet cake and football cupcakes. There must be chocolate cake.


I might have to copy your cake and cupcake ideas:)


In the winter (and I use the term winter loosely since I live in TX) I wear Sperry’s all the time and in the summer it’s my Rainbow sandals.

I actually love watching football games! I’m pretty sure I know more about football than my boyfriend, ha!

Unfortunately my house sits right on top of a hill so no matter what direction I run, I’m always forced to end my run with a mile long uphill climb.


I have some Anne Kline brown riding boots that I’m loving on these days. And my bernardo formula 1 loafers. I love them both so much. But most of the time I’m wearing my Brooks Adrenline GTX shoes because they’re comfortable and waterproof (a must for Washington winters).

I love the gorgeous pictures from your trial run! Trail running is so much harder than road running and being the wuss I am that means I avoid it whenever possible! You are hardcore woman!


I’m with you on the football games… hopefully delicious food and Brooke compensate for the tv that should be playing Modern Family! :P


I live in the foothills so I am bound to run into them one way or another :) So I run them when I go out. I try to do hill workouts on the treadmill sometimes. FitSugar as some hill workouts:

I don’t mind football. If it gets interesting I watch. But I tend to be doing other things when it’s on. We’re preparing for the big game this Saturday :) Go Niners!!


I am so jealous of your trails! I started trail running this fall but there are only two in my town and they are so flat since I live in Illinois. But I love trail running, for whatever reason I can run faster on a trail than on the road, I think its a mental thing. I really want to try a trail race this spring/summer.

I live in my Tom’s shoes, I have a few pairs I alternate. They are super comfy.

And I love pro football games (HUGE CHICAGO BEARS FAN!) but college football bores me.


I like football – but I usually need a secondary activity while watching it, like a magazine or something.

I live in San Francisco so hills are part of the deal. But when I moved into the city it was a HUGE kick in the butt, but it makes running flat places feel so fast and easy!

I am not sure if you know this… but there is a Wahoo’s in Sunnyvale.


wait. when?? where?? I frequent the Sunnyvale area (like every other day) and haven’t seen it. Where abouts??


691 Tasman Dr #Q
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Between the 237 and the 101 right off of N Fair Oaks – It is pretty new, they used to have one in Palo Alto but closed it and opened this one


oooooh, over there. lol. I don’t drive by there that much, but am so going to now. thanks!

They used to have one at Santana Row and Over by Vallco but those closed :\


I HAD NO IDEA!!!!! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!! I can’t wait to go! Best news I have had all day!


haaaha Brooke’s cute socks!

I’m a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge sports my ideal Sundays is watching 12 hours of football.. :D


why on earth would u make such a bribe lol! I love Brooke’s socks!!


I hate watching football games. I’m pretty sure that I wear gym shoes 99% of the time, except for the summer when I wear flip flops 99% of the time.


Brook’s shoes are so adorable!! I mostly wear flip flops, if I’m not wearing my running shoes. I probably should run hills more often too, but I just hate those suckers!! And I totally agree with you on football games…if there’s good food, I’m in!


Other running shoes that I don’t actually run in.
Football is ok. Depends on who is playing and who is watching.
I run whatever hills I can find. It breaks up the boredom.

The Kidless Kronicles


I wear a pair of flat brown boots most of the time if I’m not wearing tennis shoes, and I like watching football if I’m in the mood and care about the game, but otherwise I’d rather just chat with people or go find something else to do…


I love Brooke’s booty shoes. those are very cute!

I hate football too. A lot of people are into it around me so I’ll “watch” it with them but have something else going on too because I get distracted!

Speaking of shoes, have you tried out minimalist running shoes or zero shoes? I just discovered them. I tried them on and love how they feel but just wondering how you feel about them?

I like your boots (I usually hate boot) because they do not go up too high. I feel claustrophic in boots. Weird, I know!

I could go for some cookies right now, even though I haven’t had dinner yet.


* zero drop shoes


I love reading about your running adventures! Right now my everyday shoes are winter boots which I’m only wearing out of necessity, not choice. And I don’t like football at all, and luckily my boyfriend feels the same. However, the entire rest of my family loves it!


What shoes (besides your running shoes) do you wear the most? Lately it has been my brown boots with heels. Love them!

True feelings about watching Football games? I don’t mind watching a game if I am watching it with other enthusiastic people.

How often do you run hills? Do you live in a hilly area so you can’t avoid them or do you have to go out and find hills to run up? Lots of small, rolling hills here.

What food are you craving today? Sugar, unfortunately.


Watching football throughout all of 2013?! Eeeeek poor girl! I couldn’t imagine that… I’m not the biggest fan of football, and I partially blame that on being Canadian (it’s not as big up here as it is down there I guess) and partially on some of the football-obsessed guys I dated when I was younger. Kind of turned me off it forever…


I pretty much live in my toms, keen boots, or uggs when I’m not at work (I wear heels there, yuck)

I don’t really like football although I had a deal with my husband that he could watch as much football as he wanted as long as he cleaned the house every weekend. This worked out great! I haven’t cleaned the house in months.

I live in Seattle and there are hills everywhere in additional to some great mountain trails so I run on hills a lot…I’m waiting for them to get easier.


So yeah- I am addicted to football. I live for football season!


I live in mocassins from LLbean and my toms shoes. It’s all about comfort to me :)

And i LOVE football!!! How do you hate watching football!? It’s so exciting! And you get to yell at the screen every five seconds, so it makes it much more worth it than baseball haha!

This is weird but I’m craving a Spinach, onion, and blue cheese omelet. Don’t ask because I have no reason haha.


I live in Texas, so if it is cold I am in Sperrys or if it is warm, I am in flip flops! I have never tried trail running and you make it look so fun I think I might try it!


I’ve heard that trail running can really help prevent injury (and is even sometimes reccomended by PTs as a way to strengthen after injury) but I don’t really know why. I guess because it forces you to recruit more muscles and/or move in ways that aren’t just linear? Has anyone else heard that or am I totally making that up?

Oh, and I’m in boots all winter long.


That trail looks amazing, and wow, what a view!!

Love your boots. I mostly wear slippers around the house (and sometimes out haha) but my favorite casual shoes are actually a pair of Mizuno trail minimus running shoes. They are like wearing ballet flats. Ironically I’ve never tried running in them.


That is a trail I’d love to run, it’s so beautiful!! I’m sooo jealous!!

I’m craving chocolate. I gave it up along with cookies and cake 9 days ago. I love my sweets and it was getting OUT of control! I might have to allow dark chocolate back in???


1) gahh I want to trail run.
2) Brooke is adorable and yes, I still love that we share the same name! hehe
3) those boots are AWESOME.

well done.


Because I am married to a Wisconsinite I pretty much have to like football now otherwise I will be very unhappy on Sundays during football season. I am slowly hating football less and actually like watching the Packers now. I love little kid shoe socks. They are super cute. I wear ballet flats pretty much all the time, except for when the snow falls and I have to get out the boots.


I wear plain flats when I am not wearing my running shoes. If I even think about high heels, I get achilles tendonitis.

I actually really enjoy watching football, but only when my team (Broncos) are playing.

I love to run hills when they are a part of trail running. I hate running up hills on streets. I moved to DC from Colorado, so there are definitely less (and smaller) hills here, but there are still plenty to get a good hill workout in.

I was craving cherry tomatoes today (okay, every day). I bought myself a pint when I was at the grocery store and at them on the way home =).


Lunch is always better when it’s eaten “picnic style’!! :)


I’ve been wearing my Converse shoes daily. But that’s going to change soon because I start substitute teaching tomorrow. Ugh, back to work!


I’m a weirdo, I’m from Florida but LOVE hills. I only get to run them on weekends and I savor every moment!


I just posted about the hills in Maine and how they are so hard for me! We lived in Alabama for 5 years and I liked football there because football= friends+food. Now we live in Maine and my husband still loves his Alabama football but no one here does so I have to watch every game with him. I usually paint my nails/ do a facial/ something to keep me busy :)


Im craving roasted veggies bad!


Scored a sweet pair of brown leather boots from Marshall’s a few months ago. With snow on the ground, I dare not wear boots. Snow + flats = wet cold feet.

I like watching football, but I rarely get a chance to focus on the game with the little guys underfoot.


Fun shoes! I go to DSW way too often so I have tons of shoes, mostly Steve Madden and Madden Girl.


Lovin’ on hills. Enjoyed a summer cruising around the mountains of So Cal very much. Now, I’m adjusting to a considerably flatter island. I think all my hill training these days will be on the treadmill. Bah!

Let’s see…other than my running shoes…I most often wear a pair of Naturalizer sandals. OK, *maybe* I own the same sandals in three colors, so I wear them pretty much all the time.

Except when I’m at home – then I’m wearing my Adidas nubbly flip flops. You know, the ones with the little foot-massaging nubs all over the bottom? I adore these sandals, even if the nubs break off and hide all over the house (and drive my husband crazy…)! It’s like a foot massage, but I don’t have to let anyone touch my feet. Winning.

I think I’m craving watermelon right now. Yummm….watermelon!


I’ve been admiring your boots because I have a similar pair that I literally never wore because I couldn’t figure out what to wear with them. You gave me ideas!

And I LOVE football and running hills. Football and hills are two things you can’t get away from in Pittsburgh!


What kind are yours? I seriously wear mine with everything!!!!


I’m a sucker for cheap, cute things… So they’re from Target.


I do live in a hilly area so it is hard to avoid at least a little incline. Why in the world did you make a football promise like that?? You should have just said 1 game! I hate watching football, luckily my husband doesn’t love it either.


I’ve been craving a grilled wrap all day and I’m heading to make one for diner right now! plus some sweet potato fries to go with :)


That trail looks amazing…what a lovely morning for it.


I have a pair of KEENS that I wear all the time! I can’t stand football. I truly don’t get it. Give me baseball any time!


I also love your boots!!! That trail entrance looks a tad creepy! :-/


I have no problem finding hills to run as my neighborhood is full of them. I actually drive so that I can run in a less hilly place. I am no super runner like you though so hills KILL me and my knees!!

As for shoes, I wear my flip flops as often as I can but when I have to put on “real” shoes, I tend to go for my cute knee high black boots I got on sale at Target last year. They are super cute and so comfy!!


Well I as well had a turkey sandwich for lunch and did a 3 mile trail run around lake forest. It was a good day!


Great minds think alike!


Ha I blog while Matt watches football. I can only handle about half of the game lol thanks for the shoe dets! Not that I need another pair of boots or anything ;)


I’m from Australia and even I understand your pain! My hubby loves American Football and he watches it whenever he can. But it is so boring and the games go on forever!
As its summer over here my favourite shoes at the moment are my Havaianas flip-flops as they are comfy and keep me cool.
I’m trying to run more hills at the moment as I am preparing for a 15km fun run in March. Oh, and I am craving a Milky Way right now…


brooke’s converse socks are the cutest ever!

reading this post forced me to online window shop on lol i love those steve madden troopa boots – have you seen them in purple? :)


Those are beyond beautiful…. I must have them!!!!!


I enjoy watching college football, especially when it’s a team I care about. But I could care less about the NFL … other than the Super Bowl, because of the commercials. ;)


What a beautiful place to run, and I love Brooke’s shoes!


There are absolutely no hills in my town (Chicago suburbs), unless you count the overpass ;). All of my hill training is done on a treadmill. I am jealous of all of your scenic places to run!


I walk hills. On my treadmill. With Ellen. :)
I am CONSTANTLY wearing my converse, even in the winter. Which can cause a lot of issues because, well, of the snow. And the whole melting problem when it seeps into my shoes.


oooh, that trail looks awesome! I want to move to California and run trails with you! I read every single one of your posts and I save them in my google reader because I want to comment on all of them, and then I never do because I’m barely on my computer anymore! on it too much during the day for work. miss you! every picture of Brooke somehow gets cuter than the one before, and I loved following along on your Cali road trip. Billy and I did the trip from Napa to L.A. and stopped in several of those places – amazing time! the beaches and scenery can’t be beat. love ya, friend. xoxo


p.s. I’m not a football fan – at least not in the way Billy watches is (all day long, every single game), but I’ll watch a good match up and I’m usually down to attend a game live if we have the opportunity. we totally make bets during football season..”if you do this for me, I’ll let you watch back to back football games” etc. we make it fun! but I’m glad the season is almost done.


I’m from Canada so it’s hockey all the way! I am learning to somewhat enjoy football because my fiance is a huge Patriots fan. I gave he and his boys tickets to a game for Christmas. They had a great time at Gillette Stadium and I had a great time shopping at the outlets – win win. I teach middle school and have a lot of outdoor duty. In the winter, I have to go with my Bogs for warmth and to stay dry – not the most stylish footwear but they work and I am much more pleasant in the afternoon with warm feet :)


Janae, I really need your expert advice as to what to serve at my wedding reception along with donuts. People say that donuts aren’t enough? We are also having a candy buffet and drinks. What will go with donuts??


Can I come? Donuts… We are soul mates an candy?!? Wow!!! Email me and we can brainstorm!


Oh my goodness I wish you could come!!! I’ll try to figure out how to email you from here haha!


Truth: I have zero understanding of football rules! Although I don’t mind watching football in the British sense (i.e. soccer)!


Pound Plus is one of my favorite purchases from Trader Joe’s. NOM NOM NOM

I got a pair of Hunter boots for Christmas and have worn them almost non-stop! So comfortable and they look cute too!


Also, I love love love football! I’m in heaven right now :) Tell Billy I’ll take over your football watching duties for you :)


I wear a pair of broken down, gray new balance tennis shoes almost daily. They look horrendous but they are so soft on the inside! I have had them for many, many years! I can’t bring myself to part with them!!

I am not a fan of any sports. Luckily, my husband isn’t either! Yeah! The only sports I watch is the Olympics and we usually watch the Super Bowl for the commercials!! :)


Okay, so this is my first time commenting. I’m a newish reader, but i am addicted to your blog (seriously.) I just recently moved to a HILLY state from a completely flat one. Holy cow what a difference hills make. I pretty much have to go out of my way to avoid hills, but i’m pretty lazy, and like to do no extra work to do my runs:) Overall
I think the hills are making me a stronger runner, so I’m learning to like them.
P.S. I think my sweet tooth/donut love could rival yours…


HEY MIA!! Thank you so much for your comment!! You are so right about those hills… they make us stronger. I challenge you in a donut eating contest.


Bad deal for four miles.


Ah, the things we do to squeeze a run in! I hate watching football, so I feel for you girl.

When I’m not running my feet are stuffed into Uggs. That keeps them nice and warm.


Love the sacrifice you made! Good luck watching the games! here in SA we have Rugby and South Africans are rugby crazy! I hate it! I will never watch and will have to make another plan for a run :)
I only have 2 pairs non-running shoes and wear them to work 3 times per week. The other days I work in old running shoes!
I run hills very often and drive to trails where there are monster hills. All part of my training for tough races.
I am craving a nice rump steak. I think my body needs some protein for recovery.


I just started running last year and I am hooked. I love being outside and when all body parts for running smoothly, it is my favorite time of day. Even though I live in NY, my favorite shoes are my Oofs sandals. Wearing them are better than going bare foot.


During the winter, I usually wear rubber hunter boots and liners when I’m not in sneakers. Any other time of year, I wear Toms.

That trail looks awesome, but I would regret the football offer, too. That sounds terrible.


Oh, that looks like a gorgeous trail! We are under snow here right now, so I won’t see the trails until April or May, sadly. I can’t stand to watch football, either (booooring!), but don’t mind socializing while it’s on. Thankfully, my husband is not a TV-sports kind of guy (he skis, mountain bikes and runs instead), either.
My most common everyday shoes are a pair of black Dansko clogs that I’ve had forever. In the summer I live in flip-flops or my Brooks Pure Connects!


You know I LOVE football. Like in a crazy, crazy way ;)
Wish I could run that trail with you- so pretty!!
G has the same outfit as B….seriously we NEED to get them together to take pictures in all of their matching outfits :D


So funny – I have the exact same Troopa boots! I think mine might be the darker brown – it’s hard to tell. #twinning


My girl twin Amelia wore that shoe onesie yesterday as well. Precious!


I most often wear my Simply Vera Vera Wang Riding Boots and Ugg Moccasins.

I am craving a nice Greek meal of avgolemono soup, saganaki and a big Greek salad!


Football is my absolute favorite to watch! I went to a BIG football school for college..Auburn, War Eagle! So it’s a pretty big deal down there in Alabama :)

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