How I started the Hungry Runner Girl and tips to start your own blog.

8 miles on the running trail. My hamstrings are still on fire and when I am running up a hill with that thing I feel like I am running a 5:39 mile. We averaged about an 8:03 pace. It was a good run.

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I wanted to talk about blogging today because clearly I am an expert (please note that is a whole lot of sarcasm. My usual blog posts contain pictures of candy, babies and my treadmill so instead of talking about how to write posts we will talk more about the technicalish ((a word I promise)) stuff).

First of all let’s talk about why I started blogging. I had just ran my PR marathon (3:04) and my knee was hurting so I took off a few weeks from running. I had a ridiculous amount of time and energy on my hands because I was no longer running my life away.  The idea to start a blog sounded perfect.

Picture from my first post ever:

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I started blogging. I couldn’t stop. I was hooked. It was so fun to connect with other fitness and food loving people and I loved expressing myself through pictures and words.

Over the past several years I have had many questions about how to start to blog, how to build readership, hot to create your own domain name, and how I can afford to buy my pricey pink pants from Target;)

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1. When you first want to start a blog there are two options. Blogger or WordPress. With either of these two options you can use your own domain name. Domains can be bought or registered at any number of registrars which usually costs around $10-$15 a year

Both WordPress and Blogger are free and both offer design templates that you can decide from. I started off using blogger but once my readership base started building I switched to WordPress and a paid hosting provider in order to handle the expansion and have more options. Paid hosting can cost anywhere between seven dollars a month to hundreds of dollars a month depending on how much traffic your blog gets.

There are many great articles out there about how to switch from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress like THIS ONE.

2. How to build your blog readership? Here are some ways that I think are great ways to build your readership.

a. Blog about something you are passionate about. Blogging should be something that you really enjoy doing. I am so very passionate about my family, running and food and so I absolutely love writing about it. It helps if you are passionate about writing about things that other people are passionate about too!

b. Become friends with others in the blogging community. I have made some amazing friends through blogging and it all started with commenting on each other’s blogs.

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c. Posting frequently. When I have free time I love going to my favorite blogs that I can always count on to post fresh new content that keep me entertained. I love keeping up with their lives and the fun and new exciting things that they are up to.

3. Advertising. I definitely didn’t get into blogging to make money and when I first started out I had no idea there was even potential to make money. However, as I’ve figured out, you can actually make a decent amount of money by blogging. For me, blogging on the Hungry Runner Girl usually takes about 25 hours a week (creating new content, responding to emails, working with sponsors and projects outside of the blog that I don’t talk about on the blog). I absolutely love it and it works out perfectly with having little Brooker.

There are a couple ways to get paid to blog:

1. Allowing companies to post ads on your site. For this you can go through affiliate networks like Google Adsense or Glam Media.

2. You can reach agreements with individual companies to place ads on your site.

3. As your blog becomes more popular then companies will seek you out for advertising opportunities, promotions and working with them through their social media sites.

Okay, that was a whole lot of serious talk and zero pictures of Brooke so I will throw one in for good measure:

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It is in her DNA to love Sour Patch Kids.


Any other questions about blogging? Or random questions about life?

Why did you start blogging? Why did you start reading blogs? What was the first blog you ever read?

Other jogging stroller runners out there… am I just crazy or is pushing the stroller really hard? Does it get easier?

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I am looking for ways to build more readership, thanks for the tips! :)


You are welcome. I LOVE your blog. You make me want to join a Crossfit gym so so bad!


Wow! Such good blogging advice thanks so much! Did you reach out to sponsors or did they reach out to you? How do you get involved with running sponsors specifically? I ou started blogging last month mainly to share my story of struggles with an eating disorder and how there is HOPE for women to overcome it and find an amazingly better place. I am currently a stroller runner! At first it felt so weird but now it feels weird without it and it feels like I’m flying when I don’t have it! Thanks so much for sharing with us janae. I know I speak for many when I say you inspire us and we love you :-)


My dearest Elizabeth!!! I am so so happy you started your blog because I LOVE IT!! You really do so much good through your blog, I can just tell you are the sweetest woman ever through your writing. As far as the running sponsors go they have contacted me but for races I always contact them. Let me know if you have any other questions gorgeous girl!


I think another good way to build readership is to have an adorable baby and share photos of her;) I am sad if there are no pictures of Brooke in your posts!

I can believe blogging is a lot of work, so I am glad you get compensated for it one way or another!


I think you are SO right. Thank you Brooke:)
Thank you so much for your sweet words Irene and I hope you are having a great night!


I can’t believe did all the design work! That’s incredible!! You were one of the first blogs I read (actually the very first) so you’re doing something right if I’m still reading however many years later. Great tips, girl!


REALLY!?!?! That makes me so so happy! Thank you so much Sarah:) Keep in touch and I hope you are having a great week!


Great post! Thanks for all the tips. I just started a lifestyle blog with one of my best friends from high school so this is helpful.
I love your blog, by the way!


Thanks so much Brandi! Brandi, I just want to give you a big hug.


Awww, thanks Janae. And thanks for visiting my blog.


Wow, that’s quite the direct question that you were posed on twitter. You’re very gracious to answer it!!

I occasionally run with a stroller and it is grim! I did it this morning actually. I ran with my old stroller for various reasons and it was horrible from start to finish. Weighed a ton and kicked my bum! Yours looks much nicer. I would say it does get easier but never easy. On the plus side, it’s a great way to get fitter quickly – I definitely notice the difference in speed after a period of stroller running.I’m still slow, but less slow.


I was thinking the same thing about that question! Geeze people!


You are right.. we are just going to get fitter! Cathryn, we went to the fish n chips place today that you recommended. IT WAS HEAVEN!! THANK YOU!


SO glad you liked it!!!


How long did it take for you to start getting a lot of traffic on your blog? I just started a blog a few weeks ago to chronicle my journey to becoming (hopefully) an elite marathoner because I want to inspire other people to reach for goals that seem out of reach.


Within the first several weeks we were getting several thousand pageviews per day. But I’m sure everyone’s “growth curve” is different :)


Amanda – your URL isn’t right when I click on your name in this post. You’d better fix that to get more traffic! :) (I am guessing you have an extra S in it)


Super interesting post – although, I don’t ever see myself as a blogger – I’m thankful for the ones that follow your tips of frequent posting and passion in their writing. Especially frequent posting. Sporatic posting is the first thing that makes me stop reading a blog – even if typically I like the content.


Thank you so so much Nora for your comment!!! I hope you are having a great day and keep stopping by:)


I almost didn’t get past the first picture of this post out of extreme jealousy that you are wearing shorts and a t-shirt for your run today.

Your tips on blogging are awesome, sometimes I wonder how awesome bloggers get to be so awesome (most of you guys are just born with it)! But I’m someone that has fun blogging, until I HAVE to blog, then I hate it. So light, easy, and without pay are (unfortunately) the way for me!


COME VISIT ME and run with me in the warmth. You are hilarious. You are awesome woman and way way busy! I don’t know how you do it all!


I have been thinking about blogging to connect more with the running/fitness world, but I’m afraid of the commitment (and I don’t think my hubs would be as supportive of my “crazy” ideas). Thanks for the info, maybe I’ll take the plunge one of these days!
Love all the pics!


YES YES YES YES do it:) Just try it out! I am always looking for new bloggers to follow!


Great advice! Thanks for sharing. I started blogging because I’d read other blogs and felt left out haha. Really it’s been fun…I’m still figuring the whole blogging thing out but connecting with people I NEVER would otherwise is so fun and makes it worth it. I started reading home blogs first when we moved into our house, but then I discovered running blogs and blogs of people that run and I’m hooked! I spend way too much time reading about the lives of people I don’t even know {but feel like I do!} and love every minute of it.


Oh my gosh Renee, me too! I started reading Peanut Butter Fingers, HRG, and skinny runner at the same time. I felt like I knew all these girls and felt left out so I started my on blog about three months ago to connect with others in my area.


Melissa! I am so glad that you started your blog too! Your NYE party looked like so much fun!


RENEE!! I am so glad you started writing your blog. Yay for new running shoes and Gracie is the cutest!


Thanks! I love hearing how others started blogging! I started it over the summer for a number of reasons, I actually had no idea about blogs until I randomly found pbfingers on Pinterest one day and decided a week later that it looked like too much fun for me to be missing out on! Now I’m hooked!


I LOVE it…seriously, blogging is addicting. LOVE pbfingers and so glad you found the blogging world through pinterest! Have a great night Julie!


I first started reading blogs when I was trying to get healthy myself. I loved reading about everyone’s day to day eats and exercise, and I figured since I enjoyed reading them so much that I should just go ahead and start my own!

I’m so jealous that your husband is so computer savvy and has done most of your blog coding. I really want to change the layout of my blog but computers are so not my thing!


HEY MEGAN!! I am so happy you started your blog. That burger place you just went to looks amazing! Seriously, Billy is a genius. I would have no idea how to do any of it!


I agree with Elizabeth @ My Neon Running Shoes- Such good blogging advice! I just started blogging back in mid-late November. I had been a blog reading addict for about a year and started reading blogs to stay motivated and then kept following them because they inspire me and make me realize I am not alone in my struggles. I am not sure of the first one that I read but Hungry Runner Girl is the first one that I faithfully follow! I decided to start blogging because you were all such a great inspiration to me and I loved hearing about the connections you were making with others. I am just getting started but I feel like I have started making some of those connections and I look forward to seeing where it will all go. Maybe someday, as a bonus, I can get paid a little and test out amazing products too!
I have been a stroller runner as long as I have been running. It is hard but that is pretty much all I know. When I run without it I feel like something isn’t right. I am not sure if it gets easier or if you just begin to adapt to it and feel more comfortable.
Keep doing what you are doing- Elizabeth is right on with that fact that you inspire us and we love you!


HEY HEATHER!! Thank you so much for your comment. You are SO sweet! Aren’t the connections the best!?!? PS I am glad your surgery went well.
You are hardcore for STARTING your running with a jogging stroller. WOW!


I started my blog because of my passion for fitness, food and socializing. Seriously, I love to be social and blogging is one way I get to do that! I love the connection I have been able to make with other women(and men) who share the same interests as me!!

By the way, I just thought I would let you know how much I adore your enthusiasm for running. While I will never be a marathoner, I do like getting out and hitting the pavement, even if it is only for three or four miles. Reading your blog has brought that running desire back to my life and I just signed up for my first ever 10K. Yea!!!


Suzanne! Seriously the social part is the best part about blogging. I LOVE YOUR POST about what your definition of fit is… such a good read. I also really love the header of your blog!! I am stoked that you signed up for your first 10k, you are going to rock it!


Wow!! thanks for all the info! I literally just started my own blog and your tips are awesome!! :)


You are welcome! What is the link?


I think it was kinda rude that she asked how you afford to shop when you don’t have a traditional full time job. I’m in grad school and have a friend who continually bothers me about how I can afford to do anything. Frankly, your finances are no one’s business but your own. As a long time reader I just have to stick up for you!


hrg puts her business on her blog on the www so ppl are going to be curious. I’m sure lots of readers wondered how one can raise a baby, travel and subsidize a law school education without either partner seemingly holding down a full, time job. people are going to be fascinated by how one can do that in this economy. i think the question was asked out of sheer curiosity, I don’t think the intent was to be rude.


I thought it was rude – look at the phrasing. There was nothing else in the comment, I thought it was nosey and almost judgmental in a way. Bloggers are public but that doesn’t mean they need to answer everything, especially if it’s in relation to a topic they’ve kept off the blog (finances). Also, it was a stupid question. It read like she wasn’t even expecting an answer. If you know anything about the Internet you know that popular blogs can make a lot of money, and it’s not hard to work out this is an incredibly successful blog. More importantly, there are savings (HRG worked last year) and student loans/scholarships, you don’t need to be a genius to figure out how HRG could afford cheap pants. Or maybe commented was insinuating they are independently wealthy, lol. If so, spending the money on further education and looking after baby is an excellent use of it, better than being a socialite.

Sorry, the rudeness just really bothered me for some reason.


I didn’t see the original comment so I don’t know if it was rude or not. But I was really curious tooo!! I’m in college right now and thinking about law school but the fact that law school is so expensive really worries me. I feel like I’m going to be living off top ramen in a few years.


I think the phrasing of the original comment is what made it rude. I think it’s always rude to question someone’s finances but there are way better ways to ask the question nicely.


I love your blog and thanks for the tips. I’ve been taking some of those same steps to build up my readership. I’ve thought about switching to Word Press. What are some pros and cons to each? What do you like better about Word Press over Blogger?


The difference between blogger and isn’t huge. WordPress may offer slightly more customization options in regards to theme layout. I’m not sure – since we jumped from blogger to self-hosted, using the platform. The WordPress platform is like on steroids. You have access to every aspect of your site and in that way is much more powerful. The downside is that in order to use the raw WordPress platform you have to pay for hosting. My advice is this – If you think at any point in time that you are going to make the switch to paid self-hosting, migrate over to now. It will make the transition into paid-hosting a little easier.


I had a friend who convinced me to blog – hers was the first I read back in 05 and I started mine in 06. Only..the only blogs I had ever read were pretty much family journals…or ones about how to save money/grocery deals (I live such an awesome life, I know). I had no idea running blogs even exsisted until my friend told me to read yours in Oct of 2011. So yours was the 1st! And I really don’t read too many more or I could get sucked into it way too easily. I think having a running blog would be fun, but I have never considered doing it for a few reasons….people like ‘Heather’ are one of them ;)


My dearest Megan. So would you mind watching Brooke for me tomorrow and I won’t get her until 3 hours after I tell you I will;) HAHAHAH Okay, I am personally requesting you to start a running blog because I NEED to read all of the details about you. Love you!


I would watch Brooke any day! And if you were 3hrs later, I would just make you run with me or make me some yummy treats. lol. Believe it or not, I have had someone come get their kids 3 hrs later than they told me they would pick them up already.

Maybe one day I will start a blog…and then you can be my only reader ;)


This is awesome, thanks so much for posting!! I figured out a lot of blog stuff by trial and error but I think I’m getting the hang of it all :) I have new ideas now after reading this – thanks!


Thanks so much Jenn. CONGRATS on signing up for your first ultra, you are going to rock it!


Thanks for the great tips! I am still a blogging newbie and appreciate any help I can get. I need to find a computer savvy friend to help me out with the tech side of things though :)




An 8:03 pace with a stroller is amazing! We have a stroller for our dog (yes, people laugh at us but he’s too small to keep up with us all the time) and it is hard work pushing that thing!
I’ve been reading blogs for a good three years and just started mine about nine months ago. I read them a lot more than I post though!


A dog stroller… that is the coolest thing ever! All of the vegan treats on your last post made me drool!


Thanks for the post, good one! A few questions:

How many views do you average a day now? How long did it take to go from just a few random views a day to where you are now, was it gradual or one big hit that got it growing like crazy?

Um running stroller, yes hard, gets harder cause they get bigger. I saw a lady, on the trails in El Moro, going up hill, pushing a double Bob with two large toddlers in it and kicking butt!!! She must have been pushing about 90 pounds up that darn hill.


Hi Deirdre! For reasons that aren’t even entirely clear to us right now, we don’t disclose how many views we get on the HRG unless it’s to one of our advertisers/sponsors. The increase in traffic in the beginning was gradual but exponentially so. After a couple of weeks of blogging, we started getting thousands of page views and the number has grown drastically since :)


Thank you so much for this post Janae! I have a small family blog and I am looking into switching from blogger to wordpress. This couldnt have come at a more perfect time!


Oh good Amanda! Let me know if you have any other questions! Have a fabulous day!


Love it! It’s like you read my mind, I’ve been really considering being more consistent with my new blog, thanks for the tips! Can I ask how much a blogger can make? I mean I’d do it for the oversized chocolate egg you received awhile back, money would just be extra!


Hi Sharsti! The amount of money a blogger can make is only limited by how many readers the blog has. The top bloggers in all genres are making well into the 7 figures and we’ve heard unofficial rumors of bloggers within the “healthy living” community making nearly $100,000. Of course, the percentage of blogs (compared to however many millions there are out there) that make good money is probably fairly low. And you’re right about the other perks of blogging i.e. the chocolate egg. I have to remind Janae monthly that we do not accept chocolate as a form of payment ;)


Been blogging on and off for about 2 yrs??? I started off writing about personal project (knitting/quilting) but found my life was too varied to keep going on that because I wasn’t an all the time knitter/quilter. Then I tried to do food based ones for a bit. And my lack of timing during the day and camera knowledge hurt me there. But now feel I have found my niche. I run a few days a week but can talk general life/health/running all the time.

Started off reading knitting blogs about 6 years ago. Then moved to quilting/lifestyle blogs and this last year – running/health.

I love it and really enjoying feeling like I found my niche.


2 years.. that is awesome! I am glad that you have found what works best for you!! I knit too… I used to knit baby blankets for my nieces and nephews!

YAY for finding your niche!


I’m impressed that you could run that long, especially with ~8min mile! I typically push a double stroller for my runs and haven’t done more than 6 miles with it. I push over 60lbs with that so I figure 6 miles is really like 9 if I were running alone. I don’t think it ever gets easier (a little but not a lot) but it makes stroller-free runs feel amazing (and you feel like a speed demon)!!


Thanks Pam!!! Okay, 6 miles pushing 60 lbs = 20 miles. You are strong!


I have actually been blogging for about 14 years (since I was 14!). When I first started blogging, I didn’t even know it was blogging – I thought it was just an online diary. I heard the word blog later in high school from my friend Duke, who had his own (very funny blog), but he has since retired ;)
I had a LiveJournal, a Xanga account, another personal domain, and the domain I have now. I enjoy it but the part I struggle with most is finding time to actually sit down and blog!!


I love your one word concepts for 2013! 14 years, that is so so so awesome! I love that. That must be so fun to look back and read through old posts!


oh thank you!! i couldn’t come up with any definites, so concepts it is! it is fun to go back through (my husband even had my xanga account printed and bound for an anniversary present because it chronicles our dating history in college) but also scary – ah, to be young again! no thank you :o)


Thanks for sharing all the tips, Janae! I’m super happy that you decided to start blogging, and I’m sure I’m not the only one ;) Your blog is always such a pleasure to read. I started blogging to make sense of all the crazy thoughts that went through my head while I was recovering from my eating disorder and to connect with a community of people who were going through the same thing. After that, I wanted to share my experiences with others and show them that recovery, and a happy life after it, is totally possible :)


HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY!! I also loved your latest post about honesty, you are doing great Amanda!
Thank you so much for your sweet words. You really are so incredible!


What a GREAT post!
I started reading you probably 1.5 years ago or so..nice to hear about where/how/why you started.
Great tips as well!


Thank you:) You are so sweet.

PS 30 seconds on the elliptical totally counts!


So um my 5 year old weighs 38 lbs and my 2 year old weighs 25 lbs. I have relatively small kids, but homestly pushing 63 lbs plus the stroller weight feels like pushing 63 lbs plus the stroller weight. Not to mention when they get older they start moving and distributing the weight differently. Currently there is no freaking way I can run with them up a hil for very long and I am ok with that!!! That said, I signed up for a 1/2 marathon in may and I figure if I can run with them for at least 10 by April then the 1/2 should be a breeze with out the stroller!! Of course to do 10 miles with the double, I may have to bring our portable dvd player to entertain the 5 year old.

Oh and by the way, your blog has inspired me to get back into races!


You are my hero. Seriously how in the world do you do it? I can’t even imagine. Your 1/2 in April will be SO SO EASY! Good call on the dvd player ha. Thank you so much Carrie!


I think the correct response to Heather should have been:

“Bill Gates is my Uncle”
“A few years back we put it all on black (roulette). Haven’t needed to work since”
“We collect and recycle aluminum cans”

Anyway, I don’t run, though I did competitevly in high school (no longer have knee cartiledge — genetic issue) and I come here to take in your positive energy. Seriously, if blogging and/or Billy’s law career don’t work out, you need to go work for Up With People.


I like all of those responses. Thanks for making me laugh :)


I don’t love running like you do, but I do like it sometimes. With a two year old, we use a Jeep stroller that we only bought because it was on sale and I had a coupon on top of that. Its ok. But the not being able to swing my arms – that is hard. I notice it so much more when the baby isn’t with me – I swing my arms like crazy and definitely pump them to get a little more juice. Not being able to do that with the stroller is tough.


YES.. the arm swinging thing is so so weird.


I love reading posts like this! The first blog I ever read was Carrots n Cake from From there I sort of just fell into this crazy (wonderful) world! I actually was super nervous to start a blog so would only do it if my friend would be co-writer. Of course, once I started I couldn’t stop, and she eventually dropped off and the blog became all mine! I started on Blogger, too, but I find WordPress so much easier to use. Also it doesn’t block people from commenting like Blogger would.


Loved your book recommendations:)

Yep, you just can’t stop with the blogging!


Thanks for all the great tips! You are great at what you do (blogging, running, entertaining us!). I am glad you are compensated for it!

I started blogging a sporadically a couple of years ago for my family when I moved away from home. Then a year ago I started posting regularly for fun, mostly just to entertain myself. Are you not entertained?! (I think that is a line from a movie?…)


It’s from Gladiator. Love it.


Thanks for posting this! I recently started blogging and found this interesting.
Also, I hate pushing the stroller. It was ok at first but now my daughter is 3 and it’s SO hard. I love the idea of taking her with me on runs, but I just can’t go very far. 7 miles is the longest distance I’ve pushed her and it only happened once. Luckily my hubs is a good sport and pushes her when we run together. If I need a good run and he’s not around I hit the ‘mill.


Thanks so much Amanda. Okay your now 3 year old is GORGEOUS. She is so beautiful! You are a rockstar for going 7 miles with a 3 year old!


Way to go on answering that question with such class. Thank you for the tips and advice. I really look forward to reading your blog every day.


Thanks Samantha!!

PS I am your newest blog follower:)


Thank you so much! :)


Janae, I really appreciate this post and how direct you were with Heather. She may or may not have been trying to be rude with her question, but in any case you were so great to take it at face value and answer with tact. I think that’s a fabulous lesson for blogging AND life. As an occasional visitor to GOMI, I know that readers get upset when they feel like their questions are ignored by bloggers. Given that readers = page views = money from advertisers, I don’t think it’s a stretch to (as a blogger) think of readers as “customers.” At a typical business, if the customer service is poor, the business income will suffer. That line is not as direct with blogging but I think the basic idea still stands. By answering Heather directly (and not dismissing her as a “hater”), you demonstrate another important blogging tip about treating your readers with the respect that (I think) they deserve as the ones who are, indirectly, paying you. Anyway, as a longtime HRG lurker, thanks for this post!


Hi Emma! Thanks for your comment. Regarding the GOMI readers who feel like their questions go unanswered, I have a little bit to say. Bloggers are openly public people. They have to be, right? Here on the HRG, just like on many other blogs, many details of our life are posted for everyone to see. We enjoy the fact that people find our lives entertaining, and likewise, we find other people’s lives equally entertaining. However, just because bloggers post much of their private life online, doesn’t mean they want to post everything. That would be silly. Even within the unique universe of blogging, there are limits and boundaries. I don’t believe that because a person chooses to make much of their private life public, they must be willing to answer any and all questions that their readers may have about topics which have never been posted. I don’t know, to me, GOMI seems like a cesspool for bored people to create and share rumors. GOMI visitors are no more entitled to have their personal questions answered than is a stranger on the street. So I guess the point of all of this is that I don’t feel bad for the GOMI participants who are “upset” because they don’t receive answers to the speculative and oftentimes off-base questions they create. It seems silly to me that GOMI participants feel entitled to receive answers. That being said, you put it best when you said a blog is a business. GOMI traffic = money in bloggers’ pockets so I say GOMI can Stay On My Internets :)


Hi Billy! Thanks for your response. I completely agree with you about bloggers having a right to keep parts of their life private. I personally think HRG is great at this. That said, I *DO* believe that there are bloggers who draw attention to certain parts of their lives and then turn around and refuse to answer any questions about it and/or ignore well-meaning advice, THEN get mad when people (their former loyal readers!) complain. I personally find that annoying, and I guess I like it when GOMI calls those people out. At the same time, the old internet about adage, “if you don’t like a blog, don’t read it” is something I believe in, too. Anyway, while I don’t agree that GOMI is a “cesspool”, I do think you’re right in thinking that, like a lot of the internet, GOMI is definitely frequented by plenty of people who are bored at work (although I feel it’s worth pointing out that, like bloggers, GOMIers are a pretty diverse group). For what it’s worth, I think HRG is a great example of what TO do as a blogger and I hope I didn’t offend you or Janae with my comment! Brooke is the cutest and I love thinking about how you started running as a “present” for Janae….You think showing him that post would convince my boyfriend to do the same?


Thanks Emma. Sounds like we are on the same page. I just have strong feelings about GOMI because it seems to me like there are a lot of very mean people who have nothing better to do than gossip and complain that comment in their forums. Haha about the trying to get your boyfriend to run thing… It might be worth a shot. Just know that it took years of Janae trying to get me to run before I gave in. Persistence is key ;) Have a wonderful night!


As a blogger, I figured you made quite a bit from your blog. (more then target pants LOL) I do agree though, it’s quite an adventure in that store. Anyways-these are such great tips though for anyone starting a blog. I’m really impressed that Billy does all your layout work. You guys could team over the blogging world that way LOL.


Thanks Hollie :)


YOUR blog was the first one I ever read! :)
I started my blog because I had just started training for my first half-marathon and now I’m continuing to log progress on my marathon training (along with other random thoughts/stuff).
I used to go walking with a bunch of new moms and I’d push my boys in a double stroller that my mom got for free from a garage sale. I think it would have been a workout to push it without the kids in it!!
PS – love that you call Brooke “little Brooker.”


really?!?! That makes me so happy! You are going to rock your marathon and YAY for your new garmin! That makes me so happy. DOUBLE STROLLER…wow!


My running partner and I have now run through all three of her pregnancies. She never lets me push the jogging stroller because she wants all of the fitness benefits from pushing it. Rude. I say. :) she does say it’s a whole lot of work. It’s also made her a whole lot faster.


HAHAH that is awesome. Kind of rude though ha;) You can come run with Brooke and I and I will let you push her!


I just wanted to say that I love your blog, look forward to reading it every day, anddd you inspire me to run more. thank you for everything!


WOW! Thank you so much Tessa, I really appreciate that! Hope you are having a fabulous day!


Great post. I still consider myself relatively new to blogging (less than a year) and your post was very helpful! Thanks.


Can’t think… the cake on your blog has taken over my thoughts.


After talking to you and some other running bloggers a few weeks ago, it actually made me decide to start my own running blog too. So, there you go, pretty much how you described it too.


HEY KELLY!! Oh that makes me so happy! I can’t wait to stalk you now!!!


Thank you! A blog about blogging from my favorite blogger… That’s better than peanut butter chocolate ice cream! I just started a blog as a way to combine my journaling, stories about my girls, running notes and the random thoughts I amuse myself with. Other than my friends’ blogs which I read to keep up with their lives, yours is my first that I like enough to read consistently.
I’m a stroller runner and it does get easier. I’m fact it got so easy after 2 years, I decided I needed to add another baby and get a double jogger :). On the rare occasion where I run without it, it feels like flying… Great for training for a race!


You are so so sweet! Nothing is better than pb chocolate ice cream though. I am loving your blog and your two girls are beautiful. DOUBLE!


Thank you for that post! I just started blogging very recently out of boredom! I’m not working full time at the moment and we’ve moved so much it was a great way to keep in touch with people :). I also read blogs all the time ( like yours!)
and they gave me much inspiration to start my own!


AWESOME circuit workout on your blog. I want to try it.

Thanks so much Andrea!


I stinking love you. Awww……… you really do amazing me with all you do on here. You’re an inspiration for sure. Hmm.. the stroller. It doesn’t really get easier because the kids gets heavier. LOL.




Thank you so much for this wonderful information! I would love for my blog to get the attention that yours does, so I don’t feel like I am just writing to myself! I started my blog about 2 years ago, when my husband and I started training for our first marathon. I did well with posting on it throughout the training and the marathon, but stopped after that. I recently started a new one on wordpress, which I love, but I just haven’t had time recently to post as things got really busy with work. I want to continue blogging, as I love running and sharing my experiences. Plus, we are going to be moving overseas and I want to be able to share my experience through all of that! Thanks again, and I hope to get a new blog post up soon! :)


Thank you! GIRL… way to go on your 13.1 for NYC fundraising, you are absolutely amazing!


I don’t blog–but yours is the first blog I ever read! I have read every post. I know read about 20-30 blogs–but yours has remained my fav;-)


BECKY!!! Seriously, thank you so much! You always make my day!


I am a different Heather, and I just love you & your blog!! :) You are one of just a couple that I cannot miss! Thanks for making me smile! :)


Haha I love that you differentiated yourself from the other Heather. That made my night.


I love stroller running! It’s so nice to have the cupholders to store all of my stuff, plus I use it as an excuse to go slower (clearly you didn’t).

Thanks for sharing your blogging info. You are so good at making daily life sound interesting. Or, maybe your life really is just that much more interesting than mine. LOL I love reading–keep it up!


You seriously are so right about the cupholders. I also love that I can store my jacket in the bottom compartment.
I am good at making it sound interesting ha.

PS I want to play Farkle.


I love this!!! I just started my running blog and your blog was one of the reasons why!



Reply thanks so much for all the amazing tips!!!


My question is what are your favorite running blogs!? I follow a lot of blogs but most of the people I follow have gotten a taste of the cross-fit punch and I need some more runners to follow!


Haha ditto on the entire blogging community getting a “taste of the cross-fit punch”…funny!




I started blogging because I got a boring adult job out of college and REALLY needed the creative outlet. I love documenting things so I enjoy it, but I probably should put effort into gaining readership eventually :)

I found the blogging community from googling recipes… I think one of the firsts I read were Coconut and Lime. I can say 100% that reading running blogs is the sole reason I started running… you and others are such an inspiration to me!


Those peppermint bark brownies on your blog made me drool!


I love following your blog! You always write about such awesome posts. Whenever I need some motivation to keep running, I stop by HGR. I started up a blog again and this post came at a great time! Thank you!

PS: Brooke is the cutest!


Thank you so so much Ashlyn! You are so sweet!

I LOVE your 13 songs for 2013:)


I used to get prescriptions filled out Target – what a dangerous thing, to do in there once a month!!! Somehow, I always left with more than my prescription…

A funny-timely post you have here – after dabbling in some blogging over the past year, I just buckled down and launched my very own WordPress site. From this more permanent place, I’m looking forward to taking a more active role in the fitness blogging community, and connecting with like-minded folk back at “home” (in the US) and in my new home (Singapore).

Your blog reminds me to keep things simple, light, and fun – thanks! :)


That would be extremely dangerous Holly.. we would be bankrupt.

I absolutely LOVE the header picture on your blog!

Thank you for your sweet words!


Is that just because you’re newly converted to trail running? ;-)

It’s on the Hooker Valley Trail, on the South Island in New Zealand. Honestly, it’s hard to take a bad picture in New Zealand. :)


I have been dreaming of writing a blog someday. Would you recommend joining a community like blogher?


Hey Stacy! YES start one:) I was with Foodbuzz for a while and I loved it! I haven’t learned that much about blogher though!


I seriously have wondered the exact same thing that Heather posted about you being a stay at home mom, running, and your husband is in law school (at a bargain of a school :-))


Make no mistake, just like the rest of my graduating class, I’ll be in some serious debt when I graduate. They tell me it will be worth it ;)


I’ve been blogging on and off for years – I always laugh at the scene in “Social Network” when Zuckerburg is complaining about that girl on Livejournal – I was doing the same thing (about guys) during the same years. However – only in the last year have I become serious about blogging. I went the self-hosting route and haven’t looked back :-)

I think building readership is the hardest part! I am seeing an increase in readership, and I know it takes time.

So – Hi People, visit my blog :-)


I love your blog! Your chicken pot pie looks so so good!


Thanks :-)


Good tips for bloggers. I am trying to get more serious about my posts/frequency etc. Your blogs was actually one of the first one that I got hooked on and read regularly. I can’t wait to buy a jogging stroller. :)


MALLORY!!! We have been friends forever! Yay for a yoga filled weekend. I can’t wait for you to get a jogging stroller either:)


Thanks for all your great tips! That’s so nice of you to share:) Your blog was the first one I read. You have always inspired me and blog stalking lots of people quickly became a fun hobby. I just started my own running/personal blog in Sept. and now I’m big and pregnant and don’t run as much(thought I could still rock 10 miles at this point like you haha…it’s not happening: ) but still love blogging! I will definitely be following your stroller pushing example soon with my own baby.

I love that you post so often. I know I can always count on you for a fresh read:)


REALLY!?!?! That makes me smile:) You are seriously the cutest pregnant girl ever! You are in the 30s wahoo! I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it didn’t show up!


Thanks for sharing!


I started blogging as a way to hold myself accountable and believe it or not, there are not that many 46 year old blogging about running and fitness! I would love advertisers but how do I know they are legit?


You do not look 46.. I DON’T BELIEVE IT!!! Yay for joining a new gym!

I only agree to advertise for companies that I actually enjoy using their products:) Does that make sense?


Awe thanks! I have been contacted by a few companies but I have no idea what their products are or have never heard of them! Thanks for the advise.


Did you feel weird about the ad thing? I wondered about putting those on my blog.

The Kidless Kronicles


It really doesn’t distract from the content and even if it did, people understand (at least now they do) that ads help support the existence of the HRG. I say put them up – just make sure that they aren’t they annoying pop-up kind ;)


I’ve been reading your blog for a month or more and I am enjoying your posts. You wrote the post today about exactly what I was thinking..

My blog.. I’m too cheap to pay for a blog so I create a new one each year.. last year was


Thank you so so much!! GOOD LUCK WITH THE ACE TEST, you are going to rock it!


Your blog has gotten me through my first two half marathons (and hopefully my third this year)… so it’s great to see how it all started. Keep up the awesome blogging! :)




Your blog was the first one I ever read, and it’s one of three that I religiously follow. I have been reading your blog since I think 2009. I missed a few months, when I was making a huge transition in my life and then I came back to you and found out about Brooke!!! I was so excited!!! I just started blogging this year and hope to get a little traffic. I am doing it more for myself to keep track of my running and ramblings, but wouldn’t mind a few visits. I am really happy with the home tabs of my blog, now I just need to get writing posts.

I can always count on you to have two posts for me to read before bed. Thanks!


Thanks so much Mollie. You are so sweet! LOVE your new Newtons! Yay for teachers:)


I’m so happy you wrote this post! You answered a lot of questions I didn’t even know I had! Thanks for sharing all of your expertise :)


Oh good! Thanks Sharisse! Let me know if you have any other questions!


My question is, how are you so awesome?! You are not only an amazing person and runner, but you are kind and honest enough to do things for your readers such as share blogging tips with us. Plus, you take the time to reply to comments/e-mails and that means a lot. Keep up the great work with the HRG blog! Looking forward to the new changes. For starters, I did notice the new mileage counts! :)


How many blogs did you comment on in the beginning?


Hmmmm that is a great question and I can’t really remember but probably around 10 a day!


Awesome way to handle that snotty little comment!




Heyo, Heather person, chill out! Obviously there’s money to be had in the blogging business when you’ve got thousands of readers. Also, ever heard of student loans?


Nailed it.


great post, i just received a question on this the other so im directing people to you from now on :)


I need to direct people to you for every running related question I get.


Well, I don’t have a running blog, but your blog is still one of my very favorites! I love, love, love how real you seem and you are so funny. Really – I always look forward to reading your posts!


Wow, Christine! Thank you so so much:)


Thanks for the tips! Blogging is indeed time-consuming!
Your blog looks great as it is, but I look forward to what you’re going to do with it in the coming months!


Thanks so much for this post, Janae- really helpful! I started my blog because I was bored while looking for a job. A few posts in and I was hooked! And funny enough, I only discovered the HLF after starting my own ha!


you are the best. i’m so glad you created your blog so i can add another way to stalk you! this is some interesting information that I had wondered about before. There is so much that goes into it! Perfect job for your stage of life right now. i wish i would just blog MORE! why don’t i do that? I don’t know that I could make a career out of it, but at least my grandma would be happy to be more informed.


That was very thoughtful of you to post all the info in this post. Thanks! Also, did you know they now make Sour Patch Kids popsicles? They are new in the shape of the Sour Patch Kid!


Perfect post, love all those tricks and tips, thanks! Been trying to figure out how to up my readership lately and you have given advice for that. I love your blog too and could only dream of having one as great and successful as yours!


Okay seriously I love the fact that you and Billy are both responding to comments! I do not blog but if I did, it would be super boring about all the boring medical books I read since I am premed and about how much I miss peanut butter and would include pictures of gangrene and gross things instead of cute babies like Brooke. That is why I have to read fun blogs like yours!!


I know a million people have said this already, but your blog was the first I started reading a few months ago, and is still the only one I follow regularly! Thanks so much for all the great posts and advice. You are so positive and happy and I love it! I just started my own blog because I’ve decided to finally get more serious about running and really want to document my progress. I was going to email you to ask for some advice but thanks answering without knowing I had a question :)


I actually started moving my regular blog into a running blog after I met your husband at Wasatch Back and read your stuff. I thought it would be a great way to meet other runners and share information! I have lots of work to do still, but I love it so far!
Thanks for the information! Your awesome….and so is Billy…oh and Brooke!


Thank you for sharing these great tips, Jenae. Your blog tempts me many times to quit my job as a teacher and blog but a) my blog would not be as interesting or funny and b) I don’t run nearly as many miles as you! There are definitely days when I don’t want to run but then I read what HRG did that day and you inspire me to get out there. You also have opened the doors for me to the world of running bloggers which takes up at least 2 hours of my day, 2 hours that I really enjoy, so thank you!


I read the blog (on my lunch break! ;-)) and only comment here and there. But I just wanted to say that you both handle the blog, the comments here, and seemingly life in general with such a dignity and grace- it only reaffirms my desire to read about your adventures (and I’m still working on pulling some of that enthusiasm you have from running out so I can harness it!)


Wow! Mandy, thank you so much for your sweet words! I hope you are having an incredible day!!!!!


Hi, J&B&B. I love the blog and have been lurking for a long time and it’s a huge inspiration. I run with my 11-year-old. She wants me to blog about us running together, so I told her we could when we ran a 5k in 26 minutes…we aren’t fast ha ha!
I was wondering when it’s ok to link to another blog. Like if I was talking about jogging strollers and wanted to add a link back to your blog because you had a post about it too. Is it always ok to do that, or should you “know” the blogger first? I’d love to hear your what you guys (or anyone) do/think.
Keep up the good work!


Hey!!! Thank you so much for your comment! I love that you run with your 11 year old! That is so awesome!!! You’ve totally got that 5k time! I am more than okay with people linking my blog, it makes me really happy and I think most bloggers feel the same way!


I’m not sure if I’ve told you this before but I love reading your blog. I hate when I get busy and can’t keep up with it but then I get to read like 10 posts at once! I don’t think I discovered your blog until about a year after I was blogging. One of the first blogs I read was Skinny Runner. Go figure lol.
I started blogging to keep track of marathon recaps and had no idea that i would recap every single race I run and would make so many friends by doing so. I would love to blog more and always seem to have a 1000 things to blog about but sadly get too busy with my real job :(
I have not ran with a jogging stroller but I can’t wait til I can. I used to push my sister in a stroller and it was the hardest thing to do. I image it is a crazy workout.


Your blog is my absolute favorite and I don’t even run! I come here because you are just so refreshing. I can’t read your blog and not smile. It’s impossible. All three of you are just the cutest!

Also, how on earth did you make it out of Target with only hangers and pants? I can’t go in there and not buy 10 things that aren’t on my list.


I started reading blogs when I decided to get healthier and fitter. I loved all the information, workouts, and the recipes you guys shared. HRG was one of the first I started reading, including Carrots n’ Cake and PB Fingers. I loved all the advice, and decided to chronicle my fitness journey. I haven’t blogged in several months, but I do want to get back into it.

Thanks for sharing how you guys became successful. Now I will blog 8).


Thank you! I literally started my blog this week. Great tips!


Thank you so much for all of the great advice! I just started a blog this past week actually, and I feel so out of the loop and inexperienced. I read your blog every day without fail, and when I look at my views per day it is so so small! I definitely need to learn how to grow my readership, and to get people to actually make some comments to open up the communication!! Keep doing what you are doing, you are so great!!


My blog is private (more a journal of my family’s life, for the grandparents and aunts and uncles that we live nowhere near, and myself of course), but I still like to follow tips from experienced bloggers to make it better and more fun to read. I love writing, especially about my cute kids, travels/adventures, and now running goals. I ran competitively back in high school and college (15+ years ago), then sporadically until I had my son back in 2009, and just started up again last January when my daughter turned 18-months and I realized I still had tons of “baby weight” to lose. I read a lot of running blogs now (for inspiration, advice/tips, and just for fun), and yours is my most favorite. I love your content (and your mix of content) and your style of writing. Keep it up!


Thank you for this post! I am trying to be a better blogger and find my niche! I have a blog I HAVE to have for my grad program and my own I started for fun. I am trying to find a good way to combine the two or divide them up!


Thanks for the tips! It is so refreshing to read your blog because you just seem so happy and real! Plus, Brooke is adorable :)

I started blogging because I had been reading other blogs for a while and was super bored while I was looking for a job. It is definitely not lucrative for me and it has become harder to blog now that I have a full-time job but connecting with other bloggers and readers is so wonderful that I try to make the time!


Your blog is such a treat to read! ha ha ha – I’m laughing that someone asked you how you afford to shop. Seriously though, you have cute outfits!


Janae and Billy: I am huge fans of yours as you already know (and am excite to become Brooke’s MIL down the road…) thanks so much for this awesome and honest post!!! I did have one question: How do you find 25 hrs a week to blog and do all the other housekeeping associated with it? I am barely finding the time with the 2 little ones, running, cleaning, cooking etc. I get up at 5 to run and am in bed most nights at 10. My husband is understanding of my blog but he is not a fan of me doing it every single night b/c we really never have time alone. I sometimes feel like I’m being pulle in a million directions.


Sorry to stalk to your post. I’m a new fan of your blog. Love it!!


MICHELE!! Okay, first of all… 2 kids is a whole different story. I can’t imagine doing all that you do with two. I also don’t really cook or clean ha so that doesn’t take much time. Billy also really helps a lot (he is extra supportive because he knows it is our only income;). I don’t know how you get up at 5 every day! I think you are doing an incredible job Michele. Added bonus… you are going to get a PR at your marathon:)


I don’t know how you find the time to write multiple detailed posts. With two little ones and work, I barely get a chance to update our measly family blog – let alone workout :( What kind of jogger do you have? When I do get a chance to run, I prefer pushing the BOB stroller. I’ve tried a few other brands, but none are as smooth and ‘easy’.


AHHHH Megan. You have TWO kiddos and you work:) That is why you don’t have time to update your blog! I don’t know how you manage a job and 2 kiddos, you are amazing!
I am using my sister’s old jogging stroller, the baby jogger and I love it!


Thanks :) Work is the easy part – it’s my girls’ who are 21 months apart in age, and VERY active, that wear me out!


Thanks so much for sharing! I LOVE reading blogs and as a new runner I’ve learned so much. Plus, being as I live in a VERY rural area, it is a way to be a part of the running community…..and live vicariously through others:) SO, keep posting lots of pics of your adventures!! I started blogging several years ago and in the past couple months 2 of my friends and I combined our blog and we are having SO MUCH FUN!!


Wow Janae, I must say, you are so sweet for answering that question so nicely. Some people are just plain & simply rude.
As for running with a stroller…isn’t it insane?! Oh my gosh. BUT it has made me so much faster!! Now when I go run without it I am seriously blown away with my times & I wasn’t even trying that hard. (I don’t mean to sound arrogant, I just agree with you about how it’s going to make us stronger :D )
LOVE you & you KNOW I love your blog, really liked reading your tips!


Thanks for the information about blogging. I have been following you for over a year and I look forward to reading your posts everyday :). I finally started a blog a few weeks ago…. Only to become injured (stress fracture in my foot) a few days after. I am hoping to post more once I am running again (and, hopefully, that it is before Boston)!!


Thanks for the tips! I started blogging after reading your blog and a few other favorites. I love the personal connection you feel when reading blogs; I always think I would be BFFs with every one I read! My husband thinks I’m a crazy person for talking about other bloggers like we’re real friends. Ha! You are too cute and so stinkin fast! Amazing!


Great post! Thank you for the tips! :)


Stroller running is tough, at first, but gets easier! I promise! You are tough! You got it!!!

I find it helps to stroller run with other mamas too… That way you keep a better pace!



I am currently training for my first marathon and you are great inspiration and entertainment!! Your daughter is an absolute doll.

I’ve always wanted to blog because I love to write…but I don’t have anything I’m particularly great at (like you are with running). Is that a necessity for a successful blog/followership?

Thanks for being super cool :)



Thanks for the tips! I just started a blog [a mom blog mostly] and you should check it out! I’m super new to the whole thing and I’m still figuring out what to post about that is interesting enough [ha, what I think is interesting might not be to others!] so bear with me! :) Also, I LOVE your blog.. I pretty much stalk it daily. :) Brooke is SO cute!


I have to say, I didn’t realize there was this much to blogging! I juuuust started mine, but it’s mostly so I can yammer on about running and stop boring my non-running friends. Who knows where it will go … thought this was an interesting post though!

-From a Heather who wouldn’t ever inquire about another person’s finances, on the interwebs or otherwise


Thanks so much for posting about starting your own blog because I just (like monday) started blogging. I started blogging because I have this deep seeded need to write things down in order to sort them out in my head but I held off on starting a blog because I was still holding onto the pen+ paper model. I’ve never commented here but have been tuning in to hear about your adventures for awhile now. I guess I never felt worthy of commenting -how silly is that!

ps, would love to see these pink pants from Target. I’m curious cause I was just at Target this weekend but don’t think I’ve seen them! Please and Thank you :)


I have always wanted to do a blog, but it seems WAY more intense than I thought it was. I had no idea you had to design it, etc. It seems intimidating! Is it overwhelming at times?

I don’t remember the first real blog I read, BUT I do know that I loved reading yours the first time and I am SO glad that I have been reading your blog. :) You make my days brighter, that’s for sure!


Thanks for posting about how to start blogging! I love reading blogs (I mostly read running blogs) and I am teetering on the edge of starting my own… we will see. I actually started reading blogs because I came across a running blog when I was searching for information on a local race I was signed up for. Lo and behold it not only led me to a running blog (and many other running blogs), but a new running buddy as well! :)

You are awesome pushing that jogging stroller! I can’t wait to get my “mom guns” someday when I have a baby, haha. I bet you’ll fly in your next race when you run without the stroller. I was a competitive swimmer growing up and we used to wear two swim suits and panty hose during practice so that during swim meets we’d feel light and fast in the water.


You read my mind! This is exactly the post I needed to see. I have been reading blogs forever and tossing the idea around for way too long. I finally created a blog months and months ago but never actually posted. I was so afraid to make my first post, until last week (new year’s resolution?!)! I’ve still got a long way to go and I know it’s going to be a work in progress for a long while but stop by some time! Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


Thank you, Janae for these amazing tips. I discovered your blog in 2012, and have looked to you as an inspiration not only in the running community but in the blogging world as well. Thank you for these awesome tips, I hope to utilize them in hopes of growing readership for our little blog in 2013!


I recently discovered your blog and I am soaking it in! I started my blog in October following an injury to help deal with the boredom and still have a way to be involved in running even though I couldn’t do it. Now that I can start up again, I’m starting to post more frequently and have all sorts of ideas to keep building on. I’m also looking forward to making blogger friends along the way. Thank you for sharing these great tips!


Thank you so much for this post! It has answered so many questions I’ve had!

I started blogging because I LOVE the blog world and my family sometimes can’t keep up with my thought processes/ rambles :)


I love your blog and decided I should finally let you know. The first blog I ever read, since I had never heard of blogs before, was Gourmetorgohome. Megan is a friend of mine’s daughter-in-law. You had a comment on there and I clicked on and haven’t left since. I love that you post twice a day, I miss you when you only have time for once. You have spoiled me for other blogs that only post once in a while. I’m not a runner but you and your followers have helped me understand my daughter-in-law’s obsession with running. She is the only person I know that lives to run so it’s good to see that there are a lot of women in the world like her. She won the very first Fresno marathon and also the Fresno 1/2 marathon a couple of years later. I sent her your blog address and she has been keeping up with it when she has time. She emailed you and was happy and surprised with the quick response. I’m enjoying watching Brooke grow up. My granddaughter is 10 and we go to all her sporting events; soccer, basketball, cross country, track and softball. You may find, like my DIL, that when Brooke starts competing in sports, you won’t have as much time for your own races. You’ll also find out how much fun it is to be in the same races with her. My son, DIL and GD run in the Father’s Day race every year. Son & GD run together, DIL runs to win. My job at all these events is head cheerleader and my husband is the family photographer.
On another note, I kept trying to guess where Billy’s family lives. My other son lives in Lake Forest(he used to live in Irvine) and we go to all the places you went to over Christmas so I’m thinking(big mistake) that Billy’s family is close by my son. But as he always tells me, everything is just 15 minutes away!


Your comment made my day!!! Thank you so much for your sweet words! Your daughter in law must be crazy fast!!! Billy’s family is in rancho Santa margarita! I think that is super close to lake forest! Please keep in touch!


Hello, I know that I am a little late to this post but I want to do the self-hosting thing and I am SO confused. I had a blog and then paid the $18 for the domain name for a year thinking that I could put ads up. Negative. Is that what you did and then paid a monthly fee to a self-hosting site like Hawkhost or godaddy? I am afraid to sign a contract and then not get to keep my domain and content. Thanks for your help!

I have been following your blog for a little over a year and I was so excited when you guys announced your pregnancy and then I pretty much stalked the blog when you were in labor! I love that you share so much with us, but I would never expect you to share financial information haha!

Subscribe and watch my journey to running my 1st half marathon.. I’ll be showing you what I eat, how I train, and various Health benefits for runner and Fitness enthusiasts. Enjoy! Share with a friend if he or she is into being educated in Health & Fitness. Check it out :)


I just started a blog last week. I am a SAHM and a runner who is currently sidelined by a terrible cough that has left me on the couch and off the roads for the past 2 weeks. So, like you, I was bored and decided a blog might be fun because I love to write. Thanks for this post, and your tips. Your daughter is adorable. =)


Thank you for this post! Well, I am only quite new to blogging. Started a Happiness Project (and a blog to go with it) and then because my passion is running, I just wanted to write about it – so now I have two! Have no idea if that is “right”! Ha ha.. So now I’m putting it to good use by fundraising to run my first half marathon as well. Two kids under three and it’s the “me” time I need. I was just searching for some running blogs for ideas and yours was the first one I came across. Inspiring! So much material to help me – I’ve subscribed already! Thanks again and check out my blog sometime (in your spare time.. ;) K


hi! so i am also a hungry runner momma! and, i run with a triple stroller!!!
i also just started a blog. i have had a personal blog since i got married 4 years ago (, but just started a new blog mostly because i had twins 16 months ago when my son was 19 months old and i get so many twin questions on am almost daily basis (which i totally love!) but figured i should start a blog to help me answer those questions once rather than a million times. blogging is also a fun distraction for me… my life is a bit crazy with 3 boys under 3. anyway, i’d love any help you could offer me! i’d love for my blog to help other mommas and also be a fun distraction (and possibly make a little $ in the process) for me! THANKS! love your blog. love running. love food. love running with my triple stroller! (ps- we lived in palo alto for years before we moved to UT 3 years ago)


thanks for this post. it was helpful to read. i am a seasoned veteran and mostly graduate of jogging strollers. and sorry to say that no, it does not get easier. my first just kept getting bigger and heavier. then i went and had another so the stroller size doubled along with the weight. hehe. but good news, you will get stronger for pushing it. but now that they are getting too big to push and the weather in MN is cold and snowy i run at the gym!


Thanks for sharing!!!


I just started blogging (like a few weeks ago!) and have been trying to read up on getting more readership and different tips and discovered your blog! I have now fallen in love with it (and Brooke!) and have added it to my reader to stay up on! Thanks so much for posting this! I have been reading blogs for over a year and finally decided I should start one to share my passion for fitness and healthy living! Thanks!


Thanks for the hints and expert advice.


Thank you! Somehow I missed this post! Love your blog:)


This is such a helpful post! I have only been blogging for 3 months so I have so much to learn! I still haven’t figured out how to gain readership but i’m working on it


My name’s Lucretia from Gunzenhausen, Germany and I have to say your article is quite informative. The clearness of your post is very nice and I can suppose you are an expert on this subject. With your authorization, would you let me to grab your RSS feed to keep up-to-date with forthcoming articles? Thanks a ton and please carry on the awesome work.


I read this a while ago and follow your blog regularly but I just wanted to say that these tips have honestly been the most helpful out of everything we read when starting up our blog! Thanks so much for the honest, straight forward advice :)


Thank you for the blogging tips! Your blog is SO awesome – it’s cool to read how you initially started out :) And, yes, the first blog post is definitely like an awkward first date… I had the hardest time figuring out something for my blog.

I started blogging recently, but I initially started out as just a blog-reader. When I was pregnant, I read a ton of blogs that covered the issues of running while pregnant. I wanted support and information from other pregnant runners and that was the only place to find it. Most people I know in the “real world” thought I was crazy.

Now I am a jogging stroller runner :) My son and I just ran our first 5k together yesterday; of course, with him in the jogger! We averaged 7:51/mile, which is faster than I usually run with the jogger :s I think it’s getting easier as my body has been getting used to pushing the extra weight. Eli’s not that heavy yet, only at 3 1/2 months, but that stroller still has a ton of wind resistance!


I’m new to blogging, and also new to running, I’ve really enjoyed reading some of your blogs, and intend to check in more often. My own blog is only 3 posts long (one more than than the amount of runs I’ve gone on). I don’t know where either blogging or running will take me, but I’ve signed up to run a half marathon on Aug 31st this year. You can follow my story on

I hope that if you take time to read my blog you’ll enjoy the story. I’m a 38 year old, unfit at the moment, father of two, from Ireland, and I’m looking forward to challenging myself over the next 10 weeks at least.


Wow, I love your blog! I’ve been following your posts since I’ve become a regular blogger in Feb. 2013. Your posts are so positive and real. I love your pictures of food, and of course Brooke. :) How cute is she!?

Thanks for all the great reading and tips. ;)


Hey! Found your blog tonight because I was bored with my usual ones. How do you decide what to blog about? I end up blogging about food a lot when I have a running blog! I would also love to boost my number of readers. Any advice!? thanks in advance! I’m going to add you to my normal route! Lol!


I just wandered over to this post from your link to it in your most recent post, so feel free to ignore me. Your tips are wonderful! I just started my blog this summer and I enjoy it a lot. It’s great to see tips from those who have been successful at it.

And great pace while pushing a jogging stroller! I’m lucky if I can hold an 8:03 pace for more than three miles without dying.


Just found your blog a few days ago and have been reading since. Love it!!


I discovered your blog, by a new teacher at my school whom you are friends with her sister. I shared I had a blog and she mentioned you, I have been hooked ever since. You inspire to stop making excuses and JUST RUN! Thanks for your blogging tips! I am now writing for a major website for Divorced Moms and I get to talk about RUNNING! Chee Hoo! Check out my blog Sweet Cicily if you are interested at ALOOOOOHAAA


Hi, I do think this is an excellent website. I stumbledupon it ;) I will revisit yet again since i have book marked it.
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Please let me know if you’re looking for a article author for your site. You have some really great articles and I believe I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d love to write some articles for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please send me an e-mail if interested. Regards!


Hmm it seems like your site ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I wrote and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I too am an aspiring blog writer but I’m still new to everything. Do you have any suggestions for newbie blog writers? I’d definitely appreciate it.


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I am late to the party but I recently found your blog and was reading some older articles at work and I am so glad I found this one! I have been writing my blog for a few months now and I am always looking for tips on getting it out to the masses. O
It is really helpful to hear how you got started since your blog is consistently rated as one of the most popular women’s running blogs.

Your stories and pictures are great, keep up the awesome work! Thanks for everything you share.


Am I glad I came across this post! I am just starting my running blog! My first post will be after my first half marathon on Sunday! Thank you for all your tips and advice!


Hi, I know this blog post is rather old, but it came up with searching for tips. How often did you post when you started your blog? I feel like when I post I get some good views and likes but no comments? Also, Did you feel like it took a while to get some followers? I don’t get that many and I’m wondering if I need to spend more time talking to other bloggers or change my content or make it more frequent. Or maybe shortening my posts? Sorry for all the questions, I’m just not sure if what I am doing to going to make my blog successful. Love your blog by the way. :)


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Reading this in 2018 and just starting to read/write running blogs which I’m loving. Thanks so much for this!

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