Have you ever seen a purple oreo and why you should love the treadmill.

Now is your chance to see my purple oreo running outfit from this morning:

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I did 8 miles on the treadmill at an 8:05 average pace.  I decided that while Billy is out of school I am keeping all of my workouts to about 60ish minutes and under (unless he wants to go on a long run with me) so that I am not wasting all of the time we have together running.  Once he is back in school I am going to go full force into training for something but I just need to figure out what that something is. 

Did anyone else see the article on the awesomeness of treadmills on Runner’s World

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I actually feel as though I wrote this list judging by the fact that I watched all 20 seasons of Gossip Girl on the treadmill, I love of the cushioned treadmill belt and I love not having to layer clothes so I don’t freeze to death (except my treadmill is outside so I guess I do have to layer up).

So this probably sounds a little strange but I used baby soap today.  My aunt gets Brooke the expensive nice stuff from Nordstrom and the smell is beyond incredible and so I decided today that I was going to use it instead of my 12 cent bar of soap from Walmart.  I now smell like Brooke.  Mission accomplished.

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Like usual we are rushing around trying to pack our entire house for our two week vacation (I know my whole life is one big vacation).  Most importantly we have our road trip snacks packed and ready to go.

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See you soon from Southern California… Charlie is waiting for us!


Are you following a training plan right now or are you doing your own thing for running right now?

Favorite road trip snacks?

What is one of your reasons that you embrace running indoors?  (you can also express your hatred for the treadmill here too if you would like).

Last chocolatey item that you ate?

Ghirardelli sea salt escape… so good!

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Safe travels!

The Ghirardelli peppermint bark is my favorite! :)


Love. Purple. Oreo. Outfits.

I just adore you.


Roadtrip snacks are so good! I swear even if it is the same food you eat at home, being on the road/vacation just makes it taste better. My hubs loves Chex mix and I prefer Chocolate covered pretzels. *also we have a tradition if we are traveling by car that we have to start our trip by listening to ‘Holiday Road’ from Nation Lampoons Vacation. Try it, it makes the road trip so much better.

The Sea Salt Soirée is awesome! That is one of my treats for run days. I sort of panic when the grocery store is out of them.

I started running by solely using the Treadmill so I can’t hate it too much. Just wish my treadmill was quieter or I had louder speakers for the iPad. (Santa? You there??)

Have a great trip!


Doing my own thing right now. Nothing to really to train for when it is so fetching cold in Utah. Probably good too because I have been having shin splint pain so I have been taking it easy when it comes to running. Probably the worst time of year to ease up on exercising though. Lol.

I love the treadmill cause I can set the pace I NEED to go an make.myself go that pace. Intervals are my fave and I don’t think I would last as long outside. Way to go on your run. 60 minutes is still.awesome so don’t act like you are letting yourself go ;)

I had chocolate caramel brownies Sunday night. We made them for Anna’s bday-they are her fave.

Trail mix is the best road trip snack. Sweet and salty. Except I can eat the 3lb bag of it in one sitting. Oops.

Have so much fun with the fam! Drive safe. I sound like my dad. Geesh.


Love treadmills and perfectly fit to me the last bullet…..rs! But GG final episode was yesterday =(


Those sourdough crisps are sickly addicting. Best find at Costco in a long time. Train for the Salt Lake City Marathon! It’s April 20th. And approximately 4 months out for a decent training schedule!


so i kind of love the treadmill for those reasons too. i used to get off work in time to watch Jeopardy!! i miss that. hahaha. my husband has been talking about snacks for our upcoming road trip for WEEKS!


Have a safe drive and enjoy your time down here!

I was following a training plan for the Tinkerbell half until I tore my LCL :( Now I’m just walking for exercise until I can run again. My favorite road trip snack: TEDDY GRAMS! So delicious.


Have so much fun!!


I love the treadmill because I can control my own pace and the weather is always perfect!


I hope someday that I won’t consider 8 miles a “long run”! ;-) Perfect road trip snacks…chocolate and cheezits! Yum.


The treadmill allows me to run at any time I choose- dark or not, hot or not!


I like treadmill running simply for the fact that I am a huge weather wimp and you can control your pace. Other than that I haven’t mastered the art of reading/movie watching while running indoors. I am doing my own thing for training right now but it’s working… I will reevaluate after a half marathon in March and see if I need something more concrete! It’s so funny you titled this the purple oreo… I was just thinking how I have been so drawn to the color purple lately and was gonna look up what it symbolizes (I know I am lame and semi weird ha.) Have a great night!


Have a safe trip!
I’m doing my own thing right now, and I love it! No races for a while so I can just train as I please.
I’m not a treadmill fan, but the other morning when it was -30, I definitely gave our treadmill a hug!


I just ran my goal half marathon…and hit my goal time of sub 2 hours! (1:59:02- can you tell I’m proud?) so I don’t have anything in particular I am training for now. I’ve been taking some time off before I decide what to do next…


Laura!!!! Congrats!!! You are amazing and should be so proud of your half!


I’m doing my own thing right now, since I just finished a marathon, but I just signed up for the next Fitmixer Boot Camp that starts in January so I’m excited for that!

And I just made a BUNCH of chocolate-y cookies for a cookie exchange this weekend! So there may have been a few finger swipes of cookie dough here and there ;)


I love the treadmill for all of those reasons and more. My favorite reason though is that I can zone out and not worrying about getting hit by a car or trip on a pothole. I had mint chocolate m&ms with my lunch today and they were fantastic.


I’m still recovering from CIM, so I’m pretty much doing what you are. I love being free to run everyday if I want, however fast or slow. Lately I’ve been surprised by my paces. With less miles, they are much faster/easier than before the marathon taper when I was running twice as much. Shouldn’t be surprising, but yet it is. I almost forgot what running rested feels like :)


Are you following a training plan right now or are you doing your own thing for running right now?
-Doing my own thing, actually trying to decide on a spring marathon but enjoying not having a strict plan at the moment! Allows for more time for cross training and not getting burned out from running. ;-)

Favorite road trip snacks?
-I usually like salty foods like chex mix for road trips!

What is one of your reasons that you embrace running indoors? (you can also express your hatred for the treadmill here too if you would like).
-It’s nice on days when I am pressed for time since I have to be at work at 9 am. Must be nice to have all the time to run in the morning, if I did I would probably run forever!

Last chocolatey item that you ate?
-Some candy off of my coworkers desk.


I agree, I love the treadmill! Have a safe drive!


Love the purple outfit! Have a safe trip–and yes, TM lover right here, baby :)


Running indoors is the least amount of thought possible. Less thought, less stress…..full on endorphins.


I am currently training for a 5-mile race and am using the Hal Higdon intermediate training plan. I have done ALL of my runs outside (I’m in St. Louis) and can’t believe you don’t run outside in California! I do not like the treadmill. I have access to one all the time but it is so boring even with TV or a book. Outside runs for me always!

Today I haven’t had any chocolate, but I do have a Godiva truffle sitting on the table that I may or may not eat today.


As much as I complain about being forced to use the treadmill, I have to admit that I wouldn’t be able to get by without it. I’m a complete wimp when it comes to the cold, so the treadmill has basically become my savior during this time of the year. And I couldn’t help but laugh at the Gossip Girl comment, because I’ve watched pretty much every GG episode that I’ve ever seen on the treadmill as well.

Hope you guys have a safe trip!


Training for a 15-mile race on Feb 23rd. I wanted something to keep me accountable during the winter months. And I use the treadmill when it’s icy outside or the weather is bad and I have Fiona home with me. If Mr J is home, I will run in the rain– no problem! I love it because I can talk to Fiona and interact with her while I run on the treadmill, versus just playing chauffeur to her in the BOB stroller.

And I made Turtles tonight for a squadron Coffee– pretzels with melted Rolo and a pecan to smoosh it together! I’ve got about 40 left in the freezer. They are fast to make and delicious… if you like caramel and crunch in your chocolate!


Um did you see the Skinny Runner post of her 30 miles on the treadmill yesterday? Pure crazy. I get shin splints anytime I run on the treadmill, ugh. If I had the space and the money for one I see how it would be cool though, especially with the little ones at home. Save travels.


I like the treadmill for doing anything involving speed (tempos, 400’s, 800’s, progression run, etc). I also read running magazines while on the treadmill so it motivates me to keep going.


There’s something so different and much better about snacking while on a road trip!! :D


I know that I should run outside, but I have to agree. The treadmill is just so inviting! Maybe I feel bad about it because I don’t use the incline “up” button as much as I should…

Right now I am using the intermediate training plan from Hal Higdon for my 2nd marathon. It’s not going as well as I’d like because my daughter and I keep sick…..I hope to kick these nasty colds soon so I can run like I want….It’s definitely helping me slow down though.


I’m following my own little training plan for a marathon that I’m running in February. I’ve been avoiding the treadmill like the plague because I despise running long distances on it. I don’t see how you people do it. Doing shorter interval workouts are all fine and dandy, but lots of miles on one is my idea of torture.


I am following a training plan but I made it up myself. I ate a super chocolatey cupcake today that my boss made. Yum!


Haha I love the last treadmill reason! Did you watch the series finale last night??


Thanks for sharing this article! Just the other week – didn’t you post the anti-treadmill article? Isn’t that stuff crazy? It comes and goes with the wind! I totally agree with the reasons – it’s nice to not run and get your shoes soaked by rain/snow. I know some people who will ONLY run outdoors (no matter the temp) and I just don’t get it. You can run longer on the mill than you can in crappy weather; that’s why I’ve always loved the treadmill (but like running outdoors in the summer!) Have fun on your holiday!

-LOTR (in Utah!)


i’m almost finished with season 4 of gossip girl and i’ll only let myself watch it if i’m running! it DOES make me feel less guilty for watching!


Best road trip snack: a mixture of dark chocolate M&Ms, dried cranberries, and almonds the perfect mixture of salty, sweet, and tart.

I am currently training for my second marathon and using the FIRST training program and love it.

I have been running my sprints on the treadmill. I didn’t think I would enjoy it but now I love it. Plus I get to watch How I Met Your Mother reruns if I time it just right.


Hahahah you’re certainly a cute purple oreo! I ran on the treadmill for the first time today in years. I don’t know how you do it! It was hard for me to do 3 miles when I’m used to running 8+ miles a day outside everyday! You must have an uncanny ability to distract yourself with Gossip girl and other TV shows. Oh, and staring at brooke, obviously ;)


Love the purple oreo. :) Hope to see you when you’re here!!! :) Safe travels!


Good luck Nd have a safe trip! It has been COLD (well, for So Cal) so bundle that adorable little girl up! Happy Holidays!


I am going to complain to Runners World. Boise has hills. Oh yes, there are plenty of hills here!


Oh I can’t wait to see Charlie!!!! When i first found your blog you were at Billy’s and Charlie was a pup :)

also thanks for the tready post – I really hate mine and I need not :)


You KNOW a product is fancy when there is french before the english writing on the label!!! I still kind of can’t stand the treadmill but then again I don’t have means of watching TV while on it so maybe I should think about investing in an ipad! :)

I’m following a plan for my very first half marathon!!!

I just almost polished off a whole bag of ghiardelli semi sweet chocolate chips… an intervention was necessary by my husband.


I have totally used my niece’s Mustella before… it smells SO good!


Still training for my first half. Your roadtrip goodies just look like my everyday lunch! LOL ;) I love your sentiment about trying not to workout your whole life away, especially when you and Brooke got Billy all to yourself for the next two weeks! Enjoy that family time!


You have no idea how badly I needed to read something positive about running on the treadmill. We got 16+ inches of snow this weekend and I ran outside in it… yikes! I have a treadmill in the garage hooked up but I find that I’m bored. I bought Friday Night Lights (Season 1) so maybe I’ll watch that. We are about to go to MI for the holidays and I’m sure I’ll be on the treadmill then, too!


Running the Boston Marathon in April! Keeping to a regimented training schedule from the Boston Athletic Association.
Favorite road trip snack: Twizzlers fo’ sho’!
I am starting to see the benefits of running on a treadmill (ie. running when it’s dark and cold) but its certainly a change. I’m a trail runner girl.
Last chocolate treat: chocolate covered toffee


I am nursing an IT Band injury so I am not training for anything. Lots of cross training.
Gummy bears, skittles and animal crackers. Carrots.
I try not to run on the treadmill, but may need to as I test out the IT Band. Too much camber on the roads.

The Kidless Kronicles


No training plan yet. I’m gaining my fitness back after having a baby 8weeks ago. The half marathon training begins February! Can’t wait!
Favorite road trip snacks are coffee, slurpees, chips of any kind and usually a Tupperware full of fruit. Man now I want to go on a road trip!

Last chocolate was an after eight.


Using the Hansons Marathon Method. Not a fan of the treadmill but may be a necessary evil this winter if I plan to run as much as the marathon plan calls for. Last chocolatey delight was from a local chocolatier called Castelyn — to die for!
Loving the purple — favourite colour lately.


Did you watch the all time finale of Gossip Girl?!
I won’t say anything so I’m not spoiling it for anyone, but I SO knew IT, and am happy about how everythin turns out (although slightly too perfect).
I’ve never done a real workout on a treadmill. I really want to try it, but I dislike gyms (does that make me weird?)


Have a safe trip!! :) Looking forward to plenty of puppy and family pics! ;)


I love the treadmill specifically because of that last reason. Well, just being able to watch TV in general. I’m not so into Gossip Girl! Have a safe trip!


As I was reading that treadmill list I was thinking “Did she write this herself?” It’s totally you. And I’ll say it again I LOVE RUNNING on the TREADMILL! I get a lot of people hating on me for doing so.
I was “snacking” on Cellas chocolate covered cherries this morning. I keep them in my car instead of in the house so I don’t eat them all at once. Just like 4-5 on the drive into work.


I love the treadmill too, mostly because I’m a weather wimp and refuse to run outside when it’s below 50 or about 80. And I like that I can turn out Food Network and watch Paula Deen while I’m running :)


I need to learn to love the treadmill. The weather is cold here and there is a sheet of ice on the ground. I don’t love it yet. It could partially be because I don’t own my own treadmill and I use the ones at the local YMCA and they have dreaded 30 minute limits on every machine. How is a girl suppose to train for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon on a 30 minute limit and having to constantly switch machines. Blah


I ran on the treadmill this morning! 3.5 miles and it felt amazing. I normally dread the treadmill, but lately I’ve been doing tempo runs on it and it really makes a huge difference. I don’t get so bored and I like to push myself. I’ll usually do 1 or 2 slower warm up miles and then push it hard for a mile or 2 and then slow it down at the end. I’m never really on there longer than 45 minutes though, I just don’t think I could do an hour every day on it, I get so bored!


Wow, who you have thought Gossip Girl gets so much play during running! That is what I am watching exclusively on my 6am runs… I’m on season 3 now. Love it! Also love the fact that I can get a workout completed before my family wakes up :)


Okay, I don’t feel so bad for liking the treadmill now that I see so many others do too! I am not a fan of the cold, plus I like TV… A LOT. Soooo great solution!


I love this list! ha I admit I am definitely guilty of watching tv shows during my runs on the treadmill, I’ve heard it makes you not focus on running as much but that is why I like it, I don’t think about how much longer I have, or how much I don’t want to be running on the treadmill right now! ha It works for me! I haven’t tried gossip girl yet though, that should probably be my next series to start! :) ha


I love treadmills because of the incline I can play with!


I just started a training plan last week, but then it got all thrown off this week because I had a stomach bug. Oh well. That’s what happens in the winter.

I love my treadmill because I can watch tv and still get in a workout when it’s rainy and freezing.


I love a good pro treadmill post! I use it for intervals because it keeps me even. Maybe one day I’ll stop getting psyched out and be able to run intervals properly outside.

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