An early morning party, nap and run.

I know I am really fun to hang out with and all but Brooke wanted to hang out with me a little too early this morning.  Good thing she is cute.   After a few hours of playing I decided it was time for a nap (who takes a nap at 8 in the morning?) while watching a little bit of Everybody Loves Raymond in bed.  When you are on vacation (okay, my whole life is kind of a vacation) then anything goes.

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As soon as I woke up again my mom took care of Brooke and I went on an eight mile run with an 8:10 average pace and for some reason my lungs still aren’t used to the idea that I want to run fast when I am 555,555 feet above sea level.  

Chick-fil-a.  It has been way too long and so my mom took me for a grilled chicken sandwich and lemonade.  Next time I am in the food court I will be trying out Charley’s Grilled Subs behind me, how good does that sound?

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You may think that these two flavors mixed together sounds gross but you are not allowed to think that until you try it because it was actually quite good.

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Yogurtland was across the street from the mall and I had some 10 ounces free coupons.  Because of the fact that I have bought thousands of froyo cups over the year I was able to fill up both of our cups with exactly 9.9 ounces.

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The grand finale of our errands out was to find Brooke a Christmas(ish) dress because obviously that is really an important and pressing matter.  We found a winner.  Baby cardigans will always win.

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Brilliant.  I hate to admit this out loud but fruity/sour candy (I will always love swedish fish and candy corn) just doesn’t do it for me like it used to but luckily all I can think about anymore is chocolate and I think these might be just about perfect.

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What time did you wake up today?

Has it been a good running week for you or a hard running week for you so far?

Last thing you bought at Target (because I know we are all obsessed with that store)?

Do you like peppermint flavored foods?

-I sadly found out today that my mom doesn’t.  I personally love peppermint and chocolate combined.

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I’ve concluded from this post that I need to get to yogurtland ASAP. And then go to chick fil-a for a cookies and cream milkshake. In that order. I might want to go for a nice 8 mile run (at sea level) before I do both of these things to make sure I have room in my stomach. That is all :)


HAHAH Yes you do! I have never tried that milkshake… I am going to trust your opinion and get it next time and yes to the sea level thing!


The sleeping thing gets better! I woke up at 7:15 because our 8 month old now sleeps from 7pm-7am!! It’s amazing.

I feel like my life is a vacation too since I stay at home with her :)

Taper runs this week since its my first post baby half on Saturday!

I just found peppermint bark muddy buddies at the store yesterday.. Whoops!


AHHHH You have to let me how your first post baby half on Saturday goes, that is so exciting! Good to know… 12 hours of sleeping! I MUST find those peppermint bark muddy buddies!


Good running week= restful. Since I just finished a marathon on Sunday, I’ve been taking it easy this week, focusing mostly on upper body strength training and some light running.
Today, I woke up at 6:32am without the alarm, but I kind of dozed off again until 7:20am when I got up. It’s because I fell asleep pretty early last night.


LOVED reading your race recap, you are incredible for running CIM this year!!! I am glad you are resting and focusing on strength training.


What time did you wake up today?
Ugh. 5:30. Don’t remind me. I’m STILL sleepy.

Has it been a good running week for you or a hard running week for you so far?
Good, because I am sticking to my training program for my half marathon. I love a program. It tells me when to run and rest and I do. It works. :)

Last thing you bought at Target (because I know we are all obsessed with that store)?
OMG. Let’s not talk about how many times I go to Target in a week, K? (My hubby works for Target so the extra employee discount – in my mind – means I can totally buy more.) Last thing I bought was Horizon Lactose-Free Milk. :)

Do you like peppermint flavored foods?
Nope. Unless it’s something sweet covered in chocolate, like Junior Mints. Those are bomb-diggity.


5:30 is early! I would still be sleepy too! I am so glad that it has been a good week for you, what plan are you following? That is SO awesome you get the Target discount!


I’m following the plan for the Sub-2:15 Half Marathon by Jeff Gaudette on RunKeeper’s website. I’d link to it, but I’m too lazy so… you’ll just have to look it up. ;)

Also, in regards to laziness… Is there a way I can get an email when you (or anyone else) replies to a comment that I post on your blog? Or do I have to come back and check myself? It wastes precious seconds of my day, all this clicking and scrolling… :-P

You have great hair, BTW.


You are so sweet! Thank you!! You better keep me updated with your sub 2:15 training. We actually set it up that it should email you! Did you enter in your email when you wrote the comment? I hope you are having a great day!


Yup! I got the email! So cool!

I’ll be sure to keep you up to date on my training. In case you’re wondering (and I’m SURE you are), I’m going to run the charity relay with my sister at the LA Marathon in March. Here’s a shameless plug:

I’ve been really wanting to snack on Cheez-Its after seeing Billy’s Costco haul. Thanks a lot. ;)


I woke up at 5 something because our dog would not stop barking outside of none other than, my bedroom door. I opened the door and went back to sleep. Got up at 7:01 (have work at 8).

I actually went to Target last night and bought 6 fingernail polishes (christmas gifts) and a bottle of Nivea Firming lotion.

I barely run or eat peppermint flavored foods. :)


Way to get your christmas shopping in… target is the place to do it!


I’ve had such an off week with all my workouts! Ugg. I hate when that happens.


I totally understand… I feel like my workouts have been pretty off since I got to Utah:) Next week will be stellar for us Brittany!


Like Sarah said, you MUST get the peppermint shake from Chick fil A next time. SO good!

Ummm I have experienced just about everything you are asking about on your list in the last 24hrs. We are on the same page or something!….

I actually got the peppermint hot chocolate and smores combo both times I was there with you last week. And it really is super delicious!

I was at Target yesterday & I bought Anna some tights and a sparkle purse she has been begging for for her upcoming birthday. I also bought some Andes peppermint baking chips to make some cookie for a party on Friday. So yes. I like peppermint. A LOT. And with its abundance during the holiday season, I always find myself in big trouble.

I actually bought a bag of rolos yesterday too. We had friends over for dinner last night and I ‘needed’ something for my candy dish. Too bad they didn’t eat any and then I proceeded to eat 1/2 the bag after they left. I need an intervention. But I had a great run today, so maybe I can chalk it up to the rolos?? (I actually did the RW work out you posted a while back – they pyramid one – and it was awesome) Monday’s run, however, was not. I seriously struggled to keep my pace for the measily 5 miles. Oh well. You win some, you lose some! Just think how awesome your first run back in Cali will feel after all this high elevation ;)


I want to go to Target with you… we would have a blast together. HAHAH love the candy dish story. We are so stinkin’ alike and I love it! WAY to go on the pyramid workout!


No runs for me this week. My left knee is bothering me so I decided to take a little break. Maybe I’ll try on Saturday. We’ll see.

Ghirardelli peppermint bark is fantastic even though it’s with white chocolate. Trader Joe’s also has a white chocolate peppermint covered pretzels. It’s pretty tasty. : )


I must get the TJ’s white chocolate peppermint bark! BOO to your left knee, hoping for a speedy recovery for you!


I woke up at exactly 7:13 am. I was super bummed about this because it was not my day to walk the dogs so I thought I’d be able to sleep in. Instead I laid in bed and looked at instagram until the coffee was brewed. The last thing I bought at Target was cookie cutters for Christmas cookies and peppermint bark. I like peppermint flavored foods, such as peppermint bark, cupcakes, stuff like that but not actual peppermints which I find repulsive.


I am a peppermint fiend right now!! Everything must be peppermint flavored. Everything.



I hardly went to sleep! My baby girl was FUSS city last night…obviously she’s sleeping now though when it’s early evening haha. I’m hoping for a better night tonight!! And hopefully Brooke sleeps in a little later for you tomorrow morn!


I am so sorry that she was so fussy last night! Brooke did that same thing, she thought it was a great idea to take a 4 hour nap in the early evening ha. I just got all caught up on your birth story and WOW, you are amazing Char. I am so happy everything worked out and you were able to get through that scary time!


Ya my baby girl got up at 4am today and I have to say I did not mind one bit. Almost 2 years in and still miss her terribly every single night I put her down. I have actually gone and gotten her up to come cuddle in my bed before, bad Mommy. I know you are loving every second of it right now and I can sure you it just keeps getting better and better!


This morning I woke up LATE (around 11 am) but I blame the food poisoning I encountered yesterday afternoon… not fun. I do love peppermint, haven’t been on a run since Saturday, and have never shopped at Target!
That outfit for Brooke is adorable!


You can’t say your life is a holiday!!!! My husband said that once (joking) when I had a newborn and I nearly killed him. It’s become a family joke. Kind of ;)

We are in Tokyo at the moment and there is no Target!!! Fancy that!


WOW!!! Tokyo… that is so awesome! I am so happy for you! You are right about the newborn and holiday thing ha!


I need YogurtLand SOOO badly!

Cute dress for Brooke! I woke up at 8:10 a.m. I slept in & got ready in record time. Woot.


I love peppermint! with chocolate it’s the best. This week I ran 2 miles so far, coming back from 2 MONTHS of no running. A great-tastic week!! :)


I was up at 5:45 a.m., and unfortunately it’s been a rough week for running as I’ve been battling bronchitis. I can’t wait to get back out there!

I love mint chocolate chip ice cream. I don’t care much for chocolate, but will eat it if it’s paired with mint (it’s hard to find ice cream w/o it). Keebler mint creme middles are really good, too. Oh, and peppermint salt water taffy. :-)


First off, as ALWAYS, your positive attitude is just incredibly contagious! Your awesome attitude is the #1 reason why I read your blog every day (oh and of course for the ridiculously cute pictures of Brooke, and your running tips, and candy obsessions ;) ) That little dress with the red cardigan is just darling by the way :D

I wake up at 6:30 every morning for a 4 mile run. Today I was late and woke up at 6:50… but still managed my normal 4 :D

It has been an amazing running week for me so far. I had two really long runs over the weekend and resumed my 4-milers this week… though I have to say I donlt know what’s wrong with me today but ALL I want to do is RUN! I got my 4 miles in in the AM and immediately went for a run again after work. Like it’s just this physical compulsion haha I did have a lot of coffee today but it’s like I just want to be running all the time (addicted lol) And it’s not like I have any mental issues about it… meaning I am happy with my diet and my weight and those things never cross my mind with running. It’s just such a mental release for me. Perhaps it is my bodies way of dealing with stress… or maybe I am just insanely happy and because running makes me happy my body is like GO!

Last thing I bought at Target Boutique was a myriad of randomness which I am sure included things like shampoo, toothpaste, granola bars, cereal, make-up, candles… you name it that place owns my soul once I step foot inside.

I have a love affair with York peppermint patties. They have to be York. They make for pretty amazing early morning fuel BTW. My boyfriend eats Reese’s PB cups before his daily run lol He also gets up in the middle of the night and eats them haha I’m usually like…. “Did you seriously just get up and eat chocolate!?”


WOW! Sarah, your comment made my day, really thank you so much! Way to get in the four miles even though you got up later! I am so happy that you have had an amazing running week so far, that is awesome. TWO long runs over the weekend, you are incredible! I completely understand the mental release, I am addicted to:) I always buy candles at Target too! Hope you have a great day!


HAHAH your bf is awesome ha!!!


OMG you have no idea his chocolate obsession is out of control! Thankfully he is a runner!! haahaha


I was having a tough run week but today broke the cycle with a great run. YAY! I loovvveee peppermint evrything. I wait all year for peppermint bark to be on every aisle of every store. It is perfection.


I am so thrilled that the cycle was BROKEN wahoo!


I feel your early morning pain. Even though today was my off day aka I did NOT have to wake up at 5am, my body decided it would be fun to wake up at 4:52.
Why can’t it do that normally?

Smore’s and Pepermint Hot Chocolate sound hevenly!


Hard running week, not in mileage, but my legs are feeling kind of dead. Oh well, I know the feel good feeling always returns.

Love your cardigan in the lunch shot.


i just saw this list and thought you could use it to edit your xmas list!


hhaahahaha how did you know I have always wanted an adorable cherry pitter:)


8am naps are totally acceptable!! I am jealous that you are able to take them. This morning’s wake up call was 4:30 am. YIKES!

I’m mixed when it comes to peppermint foods. Some I love (chocolate peppermint cupcakes) and some I stay away from (no peppermint ice cream for me…)


After my last marathon, I’ve been trying to incorporate strength training. Have you tried Bodypump classes? I’m addicted. I’m running an 8k on Sunday.. They told me I get jingle bells to add to my shoes, so it’s really the only reason why I’m doing it. Ha. I should be training for the Goofy Challenge in January that I signed up for months ago. It sounded like a good idea at the time.

I’ve seen the peppermint bark muddy buddys at Target.. And that dress for brooke is super cute. :)


I love the christmas dress for brooke! Too cute. If you love chocolate and mint together you have to try this. Make your own chocolate mint covered pretzels with andes mints ( you know, the mints they give out at olive garden ). Its amazing. I make it wayyy to often this time of year. They sell Andes baking chips at the store and you just melt them in the microwave for about a minute and it makes perfect pretzel dipping chocolates. These are wayy better then any store bought chocolate covered pretzels i can assure you :-)


I woke up at 5:30 this morning, but got out of bed at 6:20….thank you snooze bar!

It’s been a so-so running week for me. I ran 7 miles on Sunday, 4 hop-on, hop-off the treadmill miles on Monday (I would hop off and lift weights in between miles), then yesterday, I did 6. Today, I’m just plain lacking motivation to hit the gym or the road. :(

OMG – I just came home fromt Target! I bought mini chocolate chips, chocolate almond bark (to make xmas cookies), soy milk, and flavored bubbly water.

I like peppermint! I’m in a cookie exchange by mail thing ( ) and I just received chocolate peppermint chip cookies in the mail today! WOOHOO!!

Have a great rest-of-your-day! Did you eat your snowman donut yet??


This weekend I went to Target and found some Diary of the Wimpy Kid and Captain Underpants books for my daughter for Christmas. Unfortunately, we also found a Justin Beiber stocking that she realllly wants.

I am not a huge fan of the peppermint/chocolate combination. Every once and a while a thin mint is ok, but I’d rather have an oatmeal raisan cookie any day!

This weekends running sucked because it’s 65 degrees in December and my allergies were terrible. They have gotten much better since Monday though!


There is actually a Charley’s at the mall near me in CT! It is delicious, I promise.


woke up at 4:45 when my alarm off :)
love love love anything peppermint!!! always taste so good!!!! especially with chocolate
i’m always buying granola bar type food at target lol clifbars, lara bars, and good n’ natural bars


9.9 oz in both?! That seriously made me laugh and you rock.

We (my son and I) woke up at 6:30 today…like everyday! When does Brooke usually wake up?

My runs have been amazing this week! Training for a half marathon in March and I want to hold 7:15 pace. It’ll be my first since he was born (a year ago lol).

Last thing at target was a bunch of Xmas gift for a family I adopted through our church. I hope they like them!

Not a peppermint fan… Cinnamon is where it’s at ;-)


I got up a 4am—aerobics!!! I am having a great running week this week. I’ve felt strong and fast on every run. Last week was an awful running week and I don’t know why. Our bodies are so odd, huh? I actually hate peppermint and think the thought of peppermint foods is kinda gross …. Don’t hate me!


I woke up at 6:55 this morning. I normally sleep until about 7:45 {when my kids get up} but I needed a shower and to be ready to go before they got up this morning because I had Bible study.

It’s been a good running week. I’m just getting back into it after pregnancy, so I’ve actually only had one run so far.

I haven’t been to Target since the beginning of September…there’s not one too close to us and I don’t remember what I bought.

I am a big fan of peppermint.


where is your tan sweater from? It’s so cute!!!


Thank you!! It is from the banana republic outlet!


Yes, who doesn’t love Target?! The last time I went (last weekend) I got plenty of Christmas decorations…I’m such a sucker for that stuff, but I’ve decided I’m all done decorating for the season! Of course that just means I’ll find another section of Target to become a victim to ;)


Woke up at 5 a.m. Pst, because I am on vacation and cannot adjust to the time change. Switching from central to pacific time is tough. On the bright side, you start your day much earlier.
Been running while on vacation in Napa. The neighborhoods are full of super cute houses so its easy to get lost on side streets. So far I’ve put in 14 miles since Sunday morning.
I went to Target right before I left for vacation and bought tons of cute socks and tights and a candle that smells like a Christmas tree.
I am a big fan of peppermint and purposely ordered mint chocolate chip gelato for dessert the other night so I didn’t have to share with my brothers because they hate it.


Have you tried Riessens…? DO! They’ll rock your socks off!!!


I’m actually not a peppermint fan, wonk wonk…I’m all about the pumpkin flavored everything! Love the christmas outfit ;) My running week has been good so far, I got an amazing workout in yesterday that’s left me sore in the best kind of way!


I love peppermint and chocolate together! I had hot chocolate with a candy cane stirrer today. It was yummy.

As for running this week, I’m having trouble finding motivation because I’m feeling really stressed about finals/the end of the semester and my normal running schedule is feeling overwhelming. I’m training for a 5 mile run in January but I think I’m going to cut myself some slack this week and try to get back to it next week.

I was up at 7 per usual but I should’ve slept in because I’m a dying right now. Yaaaawn.


I am going to Chik-fil-a for the first time ever pretty soon. What should I get as a first-timer? Need advice!!


Today was day 11 on my little break from running!!! Can’t wait to run on Saturday!:)
Ahhhh, I Just made homemade peppermint patties with my kids – so easy, so good! A fun little Christmassy thing to do:)


I was up at 4:30 this morning to run. Blah. My week of running has been good. I bumped up the miles a little this week and I can feel it already. I’m ready for a rest day!


Unwrapped ROLOs!

i was just at a party where the hostess served Rolo pretzels (mini twists with a Rolo on top, baked for 3 minutes, another mini twist placed on top). She said the hard part was unwrapping all of those Rolos. Genius to sell them without wrappers :)


6:30am – too early for me – lately my body just wants to sleep in a bit. (Although my hubs gets into his office at 6:30 – so I really shouldn’t complain!!)

I haven’t ran enough lately to have ‘good runs’ when I do run. Today was a short run due to time and it was a reminder that I need to run more frequently to have good runs.

I am LOVING the Peppermint Shake at Arby’s right now. I am a sucker for Peppermint Ice Cream with chunks of candy cane mixed in.

Last thing at target…hmm…I can’t honestly remember anything non snack/kid related I have bought recently there. I really want some holiday jewelry and a new jacket though!


That Charley’s is the BEST! It is always my first choice at the mall. Go before you leave town. Get the Philly Steak Deluxe. Tell them I sent you. Okay. Don’t really. That would be awkward. Plus they don’t know me. The fry sauce is good on the sandwich and the fries are amazing. You have to try it! Okay. Think I’m obsessed much??


I woke up at 6:50 which is when I have to get up for work. Boo! I am NOT a morning person

Its been a bad running week. I hurt my knee on 16 miles 2 weeks ago and can’t figure out what’s wrong with it. I’ve tried 2 short runs since then but am still in pain when I run (fine when I walk though). I have a dr appt tomorrow. Hopefully I get fixed soon because I have a 5K next weekend, and a half marathon in 5 weeks!

Ooh! I am in Target like 2 times a week. Today I bought just essentials like toilet paper. But oh, I found a Christmas notecard of two puppies that look like my puppy (a Yorkie) and my parents’ puppy (a Westie) wearing Santa hats so I got those too.

I love mint chocolate flavored anything!


It makes me sad when people don’t like peppermint and chocolate concoctions. I mean…Andy’s Mints? Junior Mints? And especially Peppermint Patties? They’re all so goooood.



can’t wait to see Brooke in her little outfit!
I was off work today but was up at 7am..go figure. Grr!


JANAE! Did you see the Marchesa and Jason Wu dresses for little girls at Target?!!! You have to buy one of each for Brooke. All of my friends have boys and it’s killing me that I don’t have anyone to wear these dresses!!!


I didn’t see them!?!?! I have to go back now!!


Peppermint hot cocoa flavored yogurt? Holy cow, that sounds amazing!


I woke up this morning at 6, but then went back to bed until 7.

Running has been tough for me this week because my Achilles has been bothering me, so I’m taking a few days off.


I wake up at 530 every day. This week has been hard. I haven’t had much motivation to do anything this week. So I am calling it a cutback/rest week.
At target I bought some holiday decorating items.
Put those rolo’s is some brownies or blondies. UNBELIEVABLY good.
I do lile peppermint flavored things. Especially the peppermint mocha’s from Starbucks.

The Kidless Kronicles



Oh and Brooke’s dress is gorgeous. Just like her momma!!


Haha I love that you knew exactly how to get under the 10oz froyo limit for the coupon!

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