Running like a rockstar and a slug.

Thanksgiving workout:

First 5 miles = felt like a rockstar

Second 5 miles= felt like a slug

My mom could watch brooke for approximately 80 minutes and so I really wanted to try and fit in 10 miles.  I headed north on a trail and was cruising, I felt like it was so easy and that I was especially cool.  I hit 5 miles and turned around and then BOOM I realized I would be running the 5 miles back in a crazy headwind.  Turns out that the wind was pushing me big time on the way out and that was why I felt so good, the way home was not the same.  Overall a 7:48 pace and the biggest positive split ever.  

Running in wind = a very long nap on the couch.


Time to show pictures of our Thanksgiving meal because I am sure you haven’t seen 452 pictures just like this on every other blog created.  My mom’s stuffing is the absolute best ever and I will not even argue with you about this issue.  I am right.  

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The kid’s table:

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The responsible people table:

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After dinner we always have some sort of game with killer prizes.  I won both competitions-  1.  Greasiest bangs competition.   2.  Bocci ball competition.  My cousin and I were on a team for bocci ball and we won Belgium chocolates.  

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Have you ever seen anything this beautiful in your entire life?

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This strange child chose a scoop of vanilla ice cream instead of any of those beautiful pies.  Maybe we aren’t related.  She looks rather sad about her decision.

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I am a cream pie person and went for the banana, chocolate and german chocolate cream pies along with a little ice cream.

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I ended the night by watching Burn Notice with my parents.  Pretty perfect day.


Did you run on Thanksgiving?  Anyone run in a Turkey Trot?  Does running in the wind exhaust you too?

Do you have to work today or do you have the day off?

Best thing you ate on Thanksgiving?


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Pumpkin pie & vanilla ice cream- I finally get the pumpkin obsession!


Please send me a piece of the German Chocolate pie – immediately. Do you think you can ship it to Australia? Seriously what a wonderful family gathering, you must appreciate every moment with them so much now.

On a separate note I love your parents house! It always looks immaculate and so sunny and welcoming :)


Thanks Shelley! You are so sweet… I will send you a piece today:) Hope you are having a fabulous day!


those pies look amazing, what is the pie with the V or heart on it?

gotta love a run when the wind is at your back!


What a fun day! I worked Thanksgiving and the rest of this weekend : ( I had pumpkin spice coffee with chocolate from my hospital cafeteria…that was probably the favorite thing I had today!

Those pies look amazing!


Those pies look amazing! We were all too full from thanksgiving for dessert right then, so we waited and ate just dessert for dinner. The ice cream pie was heavenly. I ran a half marathon turkey trot and got a PR of 1:28!!


YOU ARE AMAZING!!! OLIVIA!! 1:28… you are so speedy! Way to go. I am so happy for you! I love the idea of dessert for dinner:)


I ran in my second annual 5 mile Turkey Trot in my hometown. It was actually this race last year that really turned me into a runner. I struggled through the 5 miles with my sister last year (seriously barely finished!) and decided I wanted to get better. Since then I have run two half marathons and easily completed the turkey trot this time around in 45 minutes while wearing a head to toe pilgrim costume!


LEY!!! I loved reading about how far you have come in just ONE year. CONGRATS on rocking the 5 miler and doing two half marathons in the last year!


I ran my first half marathon Thanksgiving morning in Atlanta! Had a blast! Time 2:08. Had a great day!


JESSI!!! CONGRATS!!! That is so awesome, way to go girl! What are you going to sign up for next;)


I have a feeling Curly isn’t letting you (or Booke) out of your sight;-)

I ran a 5k solo for Thanksgiving–no races around here. Working today–but not until 2–so I have time to do some prep/cleaning for Thanksgiving #2 at our house tomorrow.


Thanksgiving was last month for me buuuut I am super jealous of all of these pictures!! Stuffing was (and always is) my favourite thing to eat as well. Those pies look amazing and I will gladly take any leftovers;)


I didn’t run yesterday (Thanksgiving). I was going to, but then realized how much I had to do to get dinner ready. So, I baled on the local Turkey Trot. B.U.T. I am getting ready to go to the gym – and by getting ready I mean drinking a cup of coffee and reading YOUR blog (you motivate me).

I had the same experience at my last 5k run. Rockstar until the turn – then BAM – wind wall! O.M.G. – I was working so hard getting back I felt nauseous at the end. Needless to say, no PR that day! There were times I felt like I was standing still. My Garmin says I was keeping pace, but it was not a nice feeling. blah!

It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. That is so many pies! And they look delish.

Alright, really need to get ready for the gym now. I sure hope they don’t make me push that sleigh! My back is sore from standing (cooking) all day yesterday.



DEB!!! Loved your comment and hope you had an awesome run at the gym today! YES… WIND WALL … killer. Glad you know what I am talking about!


your cousin is Sheldon Cooper? He is very similar!!


HAHAHAH He really does look just like him in the picture, especially the hair!


Haha, we had a “kids” table and an adults table as well. I’m always planted at the kids table with my nephew because it’s just more fun. :) Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!


I did a 10 miler yesterday also. I didn’t set out thinking I was going to run that far but once I realized I was already getting to 9 miles I decided to just round it out to 10. My husbands family think I’m crazy to run at all, once they heard it was ten miles everyone kinda shut up and left the crazy lady alone. It amused me. No work today. Time to hit the sales. This is the first Black Friday that I actually got a full nights sleep since I wasn’t out when the stores opened this year.


so much good food!!

I think it’s great you still did 10 long miles on Thankgiving!
I’m Canadian so ours has day off, just a regular day!


A whole table of pies?! I am very envious. We don’t do Thanksgiving, and Christmas doesn’t normally involve many (if any) pies. I need to have a more pie-y Christmas!


Sounds like a perfect day to me! I love that you and your sisters had to sit at the kids table! I’m the oldest cousin and I still have to too, but I’m still in school so I guess it kind of makes sense?


I hate running in the wind and totally understand your need for the nap. The picture of your niece eating her ice cream is hilarious and super cute! Best thing I ate would have to be pumpkin pie dessert squares. By the way, MY mom makes the best stuffing!! ;)


Nice pie choices! Hope you had a happy thanksgiving! I am pretty partial to my mom’s stuffing too.


The same thing happened to me last weekend. I had two weeks off due to a bad cold and ran for the first time Saturday morning. Felt amazing and thought the rest had done me the world of good, I even said to my running buddy how still it was today with no wind and how we were doing so well considering we hadnt run for two weeks. Turned round and faced the wind all the way back!

Love your blog and all your photos. Brooke is gorgeous. We now get sour patch kids over here and I also credit those for speedy running.


HEY NATALIE!! Thank you so much and I am so glad you agree about sour patch kids making you speedy:) Oh yes… it is crazy how the wind can really slow us down!


Looks like the family had a great day, I can’t believe how nog your nieces and nephew have gotten since you moved! Best thing I ate was stuffing and pie. I have the day off but will be being productive on homework because I feel bad that my husband has to work. Makes me feel lazy if I’m just sitting around drinking hot chocolate!


Enjoy your lazy day… you deserve it! I know… they really have gotten so big:(


I ran in a 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. It was my first-ever Thanksgiving race and also my first 5k since high school cross-country and several running injuries. It felt so good to finally complete a race and run as hard as I could. AND it really felt like I had earned my Thanksgiving dinner, which was amazing. My favorite thing was probably everything (can I say that?) because my plate was more than the sum of its parts.


We always do our own family Turkey Trot. We did 5 miles of trail yesterday………at a pretty good clip…….impressed with the fam!

For some reason the turkey and gravy were better than usual yesterday, so that was my favorite…….but normally it would be something carbolicious like stuffing or mashed potatoes.


I did a Turkey Trot 5K and it was actually pretty windy! Luckily we weren’t running straight into it for too long!


you and brookie look so sweet!

i’ve rocked my fair share of positive split runs when i was living downtown along the chitown lakefront. one way i’d feel awesome and fly, the other i’d feel like hell and as if i was crawling. would eat me up mentally.

hope you’re enjoying your family time!


As much as I love ice cream, I definitely have to agree that choosing it over pie is a very poor life decision – everyone knows you’re supposed to take both! What I wouldn’t give for some chocolate cream pie right now… care to share any leftovers? :D


I’ve been putting off a long run this week because it’s been so windy! AND it’s in the 30’s or lower. I just can’t win.

My favorite thing from Thanksgiving was probably stuffing as well. I won’t argue with you on whose recipe is better, but all I know is my grandma’s pretty darn amazing.


Oh, WOW! Those pies look sooooo awesome!
I ran a 10K yesterday (but ran an extra 3 miles going back out on the course and running in with people who were racing for the first time). So much fun!


I’m glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Then again, with a table full of pie, how could you not? I love the look of those chocolatey pies – I only have eyes for those.

In the Northern UK it always seems to be windy. It’s more of a swirling wind though, so basically whichever way you turn the wind has a clever way of being against you :P I ran a half marathon back in October where literally half the course was with a headwind because it was an out and back – absolute nightmare and some serious positive splits. I hate the wind – it’s the one thing that makes me go ‘wah, I don’t want to run!’ because I’m so time driven and hate seeing slow numbers on my Garmin. I’d rather run in the rain than against the wind!



Swirling wind?!?! I do not like the sound of that! I totally know what you mean about being time driven and I would so much rather run in the rain than the wind too!


Oh my gosh, that pie table looks ridiculous! Didn’t you tell Curly she could have ice cream AND pie? :)


We did and she still chose plain ice cream?!?!?


I ran my first 10K yesterday for Turkey Trot- so fun!! I’m hoping to do a half-marathon next. Those pies looks so delish!!


CONGRATS JESSICA!!! That is so so awesome and I am so happy you had so much fun. Let me know what half you sign up for:)


If all those pies were at my thanksgiving, I might have cried.
I ran 4 miles yesterday so I could eat. A lot.
No work for me today. I took today off from work because I can.
Best thing I ate was EVERYTHING. No joke.


Ever since my rowing days I have a real aversion to wind. I see the trees move or the water ripple and I go “Ut oh…” in my head and want to just curl up on the sofa or under the covers. So yes, wind does exhaust me…emotionally and physically!

I ran yesterday and ran faster than I have in forEVER and it was awesome and filled with gratitude and I had the biggest, dorkiest “I LOVE RUNNINGGGGGG!!!!!” smile plastered on my face the entire race. And I finished first woman…which isn’t saying much but still ;-)

Best thing I ate yesterday…hmmm…the sweet potatoes that I made. I tried a new recipe (meaning I actually added stuff into the mashed sweet potatoes!) and it was super easy and delicious.

I love that picture of the kids’ table…and the corresponding photo of the responsible people table :) So glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving!


I agree, stuffing is def the best food at thanksgiving. I ran a 5k yesterday and can’t wait to get in a run tomorrow after carb loading all day yesterday and today ;)


My favorite thing yesterday were my mashed potatoes. Holy Moses they were delicious. I am off today and I’m catching up on my reader while my girls are playing at a new indoor playground. So thankful!


My brother, boyfriend, and I ran in a 10K Turkey Trot….I got my fastest 10K ever! 46:30! I surprised myself, since I was only aiming for 52 minutes. I just found a guy running at a good pace and rode his shadow for the 2nd half.

Thank goodness today is a work holiday!

Best thing I ate on Thanksgiving was sweet potatoes and homemade cinnamon ice cream. :D We had a small group this year, so we just did game hens and rice – no stuffing. :( Usually that’s my fave!


I did run on Thanksgiving, just a couple of miles and it was AMAZING!!! Had to earn my pie, right?! ;)




That sounds like the best Thanksgiving ever! I love pies :) mmmmm there was a plethora of cream pies at my cousins wedding. Unfortunately I had food poisoning from thai food the night before, so I could only get down 2 pieces ;)


I ran an annual Turkey Trot 8k with three of my best friends and my mom, her bff and my sister walked the Turkey Trot 5k.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Wow, so many good looking pies! It must have been hard to pick! I got to the gym and I was able to bike on Thanksgiving. :)


I can’t believe that there are other people out there that start off a run and feel awesome- like a rockstar- and then the second half they feel like a slow slug! I am so glad that we are similar! :) However, hopefully we will both feel like rockstars for our whole run next time! :)

Glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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