What did people do before the internet to make them laugh really hard?!  Thank you Facebook once again for making my day.

Photo 4

After lunch I went across the street for a surprise visit to see Billy.  I knew he was in the library so I went straight to his favorite chair to find him.  Not going to lie, taking a baby into the law library is a very scary experience because it is SILENT in there but I bribed Brooke by telling her she could have all the Milky Ways she wants when she is old enough to eat them if she didn’t cry.   She didn’t make a peep.

Photo 2

We hung out outside and ate popcorn while watching this squirrel hanging out in the trash?

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Another notable thing on campus was this awesome bounce toy.  I was really tempted to wake Brooke up so that I could go jump around in it and use the excuse that I am doing it for my baby and not for my own pure enjoyment.  

Photo 1

I was on my own last night because of all this important law school stuff but my dinner was amazing.  Leftovers from Sunday night.  I know I say a lot of different foods are my favorite but lasagna really and truly is my number 1.  Mom, please verify that lasagna is my favorite food in the comments… I request lasagna at every birthday dinner and could eat it for every meal.  

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Since I have a phobia of being home alone at night I went over to my friend’s house to sit on her couch and eat her banana chocolate chip muffins.  

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I thought you might enjoy a picture of feet this morning.  


Somehow my mind is drawing a blank on questions to ask today (I know, I am worried about myself too considering the fact that I normally ask you 12 questions a day) so instead tell me about the most delicious thing you are going to eat and the most fun thing you are going to do today!

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I used to go to the law library during my undergrad at Florida State to study and I couldn’t believe how QUIET it was. I could hear myself breathing while studying and it used to distract me so I would have to put headphones in. Sometimes when I was typing on my laptop it would be too loud because it was so quiet ;)


I think Brooke would’ve totally understood being woken up to go in the bouncy castle ;)

I will be eating banana bread oatmeal for breakfast (I can’t wait!) and going to kareoke tonight!

Have a great Tuesday Janae!


I had a big cereal bowl for breakfast (with a combo of 4 different cereals…yes, seriously) and am heading to pack my lunch right now :)
I’m taking a rest day today, but I had two great runs the past two days! I was kind of in a running slump so those were exciting :)


I honestly hadn’t had anything exciting planned to eat for today, but I’m looking forward to finding something now!! :D
And literally as I was typing this I got a call from work to come in and cover a sick-call. After a night of insomnia post 3 overnight shifts. It’s going to be interesting — and that’s an understatement. Fingers crossed I stay awake through it all!!


Haha, nothing like muffin and feet to get my day started! :)


Haha that squirrel pic cracked me up for some reason.. hehe My favorite thing to eat is definitely either Alfredo pasta or mac n cheese- Interesting thing I’m going to do… Fun thing I’m going to do today? I have to go back to the office which is a bummer, but I get to see all my amazing work friends (they are actually my real life friends also!)


I hate being home alone at night, too, but that’s why it’s great having a dog. Even if Bungee wouldn’t really protect me against intruders, I can convince myself otherwise when I’m scared.

Why was there a bouncy house on campus?


So I went for my first run outdoors today in forever….5 miles and it felt SO good :)!


Most delicious thing I’m going to eat…probably a hot bowl of chili for my lunch.

I’m going shopping for veils today. Hoping it will be fun and stress free. Here’s to hoping!


The best thing I’m gonna eat today is probably gonna be the thai-inspired soup i have lined up for dinner… the most fun thing *might* be the yoga class, but will probably be the loud music & me dancing in the kitchen as I make our dinner ;)
Have a great day! :)


My breakfast today had three courses:
1. Large bowl of Chocolate Lucky Charms and Macadamia Nut coffee
2. Large slice of 5 Points pizza (toppings: banana peppers, pineapple, spinach)
3. Glass of eggnog (2/3 eggnog, 1/3 milk, freshly ground cinnamon on top).
Cannot predict what I will eat next, there for this is the most delicious meal thus far!

Most exciting thing is our last ultrasound is in 3.75 hours!!! Today I am 32 weeks and 6 days and this is the 4D makeup session since Baby Boy Baxton decided to put his hands AND feet in FRONT of his face last time and stay still for the entire hour. Wish us luck!


Sometimes I enjoy being on my own! It’s nice to have me time :-)


I’m pretty excited about the fact that I am working from Starbucks for a few hours this morning and am having my FAVORITE… grande skinny peppermint white mocha. It’s like Christmas in a cup.


I am a law student, so I totally know what you mean about how quiet the law library is!! I never study there because it just creeps me out. In my experience, though, law students get super excited when they see babies. I wouldn’t be bothered by Brooke! Though I would beg you to let me hold her. :)


My most fun things of the day are my run I did this morning before work and boot camp class over lunch. And I’m super super excited because my aunt and uncle are in the city and we are meeting for dinner at this amazing italian restaurant tonight! I may or may not have been studying the menu for the past 2 days trying to decide what I’m going to order.

Hope you have a great day! I love your blog and look forward to your posts ALL THE TIME :-)


You are such a sweet wife to pop in on Billy! ;-) Your lasagna looks so good and I love lasagna too, especially my mom’s. Have a great day!


I am going to have half of an apple crumb muffin from Costco and I am going to take my dogs for a walk. The walk can go downhill fast. So fingers crossed.


Libraries are TOO quiet for me! I used to go to the agriculture library when I was in school (and I was SO not an ag-major) and I’d fall asleep in seconds. TOO QUIET!!! Great place for a nap, though!!!


I went to go for my morning run outside today…saw snow on the ground and that it was 29degrees out (in WI). So I turned around in the driveway and ran right back into the house; 0.02miles :) Ended up on the couch curled up catching up on missed shoes and eating left over Olive Garden for breakfast.

Maybe we’ll try that run later! Happy Tuesday!


shows…not shoes…


Most delicious thing I will eat today is what I just ate! English muffin with White Chocolate peanut butter dreams. Amazing!

Most fun thing, probably take my nephew on a walk or the opposite is going to try and Insanity video=terrifying!

Happy Tuesday!


I am going to eat chilli for lunch that was simmering away all afternoon yesterday in my crock pot. I’m set for the next 9 lunches! I love doing that when I’m working because it makes my mornings that much easier.

Fun things? Well, it’s report card time so I’m looking forward to finishing testing my students’ reading…does that count?


I have a wonderful casserole planned for dinner tonight that I’m pretty excited about! I think the most fun thing I’m going to do is have a date with my treadmill. We had a big backpacking trip this weekend so I took yesterday off. I’m ready to get back after it today!


Best thing I am going to eat is yet unknown. I have a meeting late after school today so dinner is take out from whatever I feel in the moment. Isn’t there a simple pleasure to satisfying a craving?


Awwr that sucks that you almost had to spend the night alone, but at least you scored some sweet muffins out of the deal :D I really need to befriend some of my neighbors better… I come home sometimes and get hit by the most delicious smells in the hallway and I swear my neighbors are cooking/baking up something fantastic…


Most fun thing I’m going to do today is order a new running jacket online :). And make some homemade hot cocoa for me and my 2.5 yr old for breakfast :)


I’m super excited for a group run then swimming with my tri group tonight!!

Haha venturing into the law library is scary enough without a baby, it’s QUIET in there! I used to have a heart attack if my cell phone went off or something, people would give you death look lol!! Just a bit of a stressful place to be :)


Brooke is such a good baby!! The most delicious thing I’m going to eat today is rotisserie chicken!! And the most fun thing I’m going to do today is finally get to the gym after being away for a few days!


I had some very tasty chocolate root beer muffins this morning. (I know, it doesn’t sound like it would go together, but it did and the root beer makes the batter so light!). The fun thing I will do today is go help out in my son’s 3rd grade classroom.
I am also going to try to run again after taking the last couple of weeks off trying to recover from an injury. I hope it is fun/rewarding and not miserable and painful.


I already did my fun thing for the day: I RAN!!!! Well, I ran/walked as my physical therapist suggested, and I had to stop at 3 miles when my knee hurt. But whatever, I RAN!


Brooke is such an angel! I can’t even stay quiet in a library


I plan to start my Christmas shopping today and that’s very fun in my book! My goal is to order everything online so I don’t have to wait in any lines to buy my gifts.


The most delicious thing I will eat today is going to be my lunchtime home-made salad. I’m going to put in all my favorites: tomato, lettuce, a hard-boiled egg, hot peppers, avocado and maybe a little pepperjack cheese. Oh, and some hummus.


We are babysitting our 1yr old nephew and making butternut squash mac and cheese. Great day!!


I don’t know if it’s fun, but I have to handle a meeting with the state by myself because of a scheduling conflict with my boss. Scary rather than fun I guess! And I made a ton of homemade peppermint patties so I guess I have to eat all the mistakes today ;)


I ran my first marathon Saturday (YAY!) so this week is all about recovery and WHATEVER I WANT, I GET. Today will be eating the Chinese food for lunch that I have been craving since Saturday (ALL THE RICE). Not much going on in the fun stuff tonight, but tomorrow night I’m having my cousins over for dinner – I’m making chili!


YAY that she stayed quiet for ya :)


Toast this morning was tasting pretty good. Today I’ll be catching up on my missed episodes of Gossip Girl and going for a run…..


Haha I love you and your humor! Bouncy houses are my jam. Really, though. I had one at my graduation party. Wait, that’s embarrassing. You and Billy are so cute :)


most delicious thing = oatmeal! just spooned my last bite. most exciting thing? i don’t know, probably riding the subway. that’s always exciting somehow.


I cannot wait to dive into Spicy Black Bean Quesadillas for lunch! I also have to tell you that I ran by the store last night and they had candy corn reduced to $0.19 a bag. I snapped up a ton (I am embarrassed to admit the exact amount I bought) so I can mix it with peanuts and fuel my long runs! That stuff is so addicting!!


.19 a bag?!?!??????!!???? I need to find a deal like that! Best running fuel ever!


I am seriously considering going back after work today and getting more…

I am a candy corn addict…


I tell you I LOVE being at home by myself in the evening. I love it SO much. But I also love the pic with the baby throwing – it is totally correct. I have a heart attack every time my husband throws my little boy up in the air!!!!


The most interesting/fun thing I’ll do today is go to SF MoMA. I’ve never been and I have to go for a class so I’m excited!


I’m going to eat one of the a-MA-zing (if I do say so myself) sticky buns I made this weekend, and I’m going to my daughter’s first volleyball game this afternoon! (As a completely non-team-sports type of person who was a music geek all through school, I’m super excited to go cheer on one of my children in an actual sporting event.)


Sick day today. I’m just hoping to keep some sort of food down. Saltines and sprite for me. The best part of my day will be when my kids take a nap so I can lay down! Lol!


Oh you just wait! Every other bday party Brooke will get invited to will have a bounce house! I love it when you see the parents in there pretending they’re only there to “keep an eye on the kids.” Hahaha! The most interesting thing I’ll do today is go run track in the dark with a headlamp :)


I have always wanted to go on those bouncy things as an adult but you have the perfect excuse to do that now with your baby! And I get your phobia about being at home alone at night…if I’m the only one in the home at night, I lock triple-check that all my doors are closed and am always thinking of what blunt objects are handy. Yea, paranoid.


what is that salad in your dinner pic? it looks delicious!


It is from bucca di beppos! It is apple Gorgonzola! You have to try it!


oooh there’s one like 15 min away from me. I’m there. like…tomorrow.


LOVE that kid-tossing-in-the-air picture. That’s so true!! I’m with you on the lasagna. Mmmm!


My sad tale of woe: The most delicious thing that I WAS going to eat today was the last brownie in my super thick, deliciously gooey, half-underbaked, emotional-eating batch of brownies. I ate a healthy lunch (quinoa + veggies, yogurt + fruit), then opened up the brownie tray. I intended to eat that last one right out of the pan, without shame.

And then? ANTS.

Ants are a major nuisance here, but so far we’ve been pretty lucky. I thought the snap-tight lid on my brownie pan was barrrier enough, but alas: NO. THE ANTS BEAT ME TO THE LAST BROWNIE.

I cried a little, then finished the ice cream. The ice cream was good, but not as good as that brownie would’ve been…


That broke me heart! Ants?!?!? Noooooooo! I am glad you had the ice cream but boooo to the ants beating you!


I love lasagna too and its so awesome leftover… I have had it for breakfast quite a few times :)

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