I NEED you to do something for me.

Let’s play a fun game and see how many pictures I can post of me and Brooke in one single blog post. As you can tell Brooke is really happy about playing this game and loves having a camera pointed at her 400 times a day.

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Last night we were invited to a soup party (even though it was 75 degrees here yesterday we can still love and enjoy hot soup). Brooke wanted to look gangster and festive at the same time so she wore her pumpkin beanie.

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The final game of the World Series was on and our team did in fact win. I don’t think the boys moved from the couches and I don’t think I moved from the dessert table. BIlly was really happy that we got there early so that he could reserve the best spot on the couch.

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We all brought different soups, sides or desserts and I brought my usual cream cheese chicken chili. There was tomato soup, dinner in a pumpkin, vegetable cheese soup and a few others…. I tried almost all of them and they were all incredible.

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You can’t really see the roll that well but they were in fact the best rolls I have ever had. I will make my bangs friend give me the recipe so I can share it with you guys. She is an amazing cook and so I have started compiling a list of foods that I want her to make me for my birthday dinner (so far it is an 8 course meal) and I added these rolls to the list.

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They really do look like twins. Their cries are even identical. They even both wear halloween beanies on the same night (okay, I texted her to tell her to have her daughter wear hers too).

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As if 12 different soups and 10 rolls wasn’t enough… we had to have a huge selection of desserts too. Please notice the Diet Cokes in the background… I was tempted beyond belief to have one because I truly do love the taste/bubbles of diet coke but after my last experience with caffeine and Brooke I decided to steer clear of it. Diet Coke, I have truly missed you in my life.

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I had some of everything and there was also a caramel apple bar with apple slices. It was perfect.

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Don’t worry, they are all used to me forcing them to take a girls picture with me every time we get together. They will thank me one day.

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This whole no running thing (hurt my back falling on stairs last week) is starting to really get to me. I need you to do something for me. I need you all to chant at the same time: ‘Janae’s back heal NOW so that she can be her normal bouncing around the room self.’ I would really appreciate it.


Since I am forced to live through your running… what will your run be today?

Best weekend food that you had?

-Definitely those rolls.

Any diet coke lovers? Can you tell the difference between coke and pepsi?

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Just clicked through to your blog from SR. Why can’t you run!? I’ll have to read more! Congrats on the Giants.. my husband’s from southern Oregon, so he’s a Giants fan too. SO, today I’m not running at all because yesterday I did my first marathon!!! It was so freaking amazing and awesome!! I feel bad even saying that since you can’t run. :( I was going to go to the gym and do some bike, but I’m kinda stuck at home with this hurricane stuff unfortunately! I’ve been up since 4am and have been eating for three hours. Starving! Any tips on how to deal with that? What was your other question… oh Diet Coke.. I gave it up, but then last night splurged and had one at a movie. So delicious, and yes, way better than Diet Pepsi.. do they even make Pepsi any more? Ha. Hope you can run soon!



really hope that helps :) x


awwww, I just read about the fall. You poor thing. :(


Love this! LOoks like that was an awesome party, I LOVE The idea of a soup theme!! And yay Giants!!! :)

Brook/lyn look so cute in their pumpkin hats :)

YES YES YES i can tell the difference between coke and pepsi. Recently (it’s bad, but) I have gotten back into drinking diet coke. it’s a bad habbit but sooooooo good. funny story though about the coke/pepsi thing: when I was about 13 years old, I remember I had a bet with my dad. I told him that I could Definitely tell the difference between sprite/7up. He put me up to a challenge- if I could do a blind taste test of the two, five in a row, he would give me $50 (a ton of money for me then). Anyway, I was thisclose, and just missed the final one! BUT my point is, it IS definitely a taste difference in the two!!


Sorry no run for me today, I finished Marine Corps Marathon yesterday! Now suck in DC until Tuesday.


Hope your back is feeling better soon! I know being injured sucks, but you’re smarter than I usually am and are taking time off so you’ll be back in no time! Diet Coke is a bazillion times better than Diet Pepsi. And Coke Zero is not the same thing. Blech. Diet Coke is probably my worst addiction in this world. I’ve quit several times for a few months but always come crawling back.


I used to drink Diet drinks loads but haven’t touched one this entire year! However I can vouch for there being a difference between Diet Coke & Diet Pepsi…the latter is soo much better!


Aw, I hear ya hun. Running injuries are the worst! Last year I suffered a stress fracture in my foot and hated that I had to stay off of it for 6 weeks but I know in the long run it was worth it because I’m running today. Take it easy love, you’ll be back in no time!


Not sure if I will run today . . .depends how bad the hurricane is later! (I don’t have access to a treadmill either) But I ran 10 total miles this weekend :) I made lots of great food this weekend but my favorite was a new recipe I tried – greek macaroni and cheese! Delicious! I really only have soda if it’s the only thing to drink at a party, otherwise it’s water, juice, or milk. However, I can totally taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke and totally prefer coke.


I love love love soup. It is cold here now so it is total soup and crockpot season. I love that too.

The best food this weekend had to be date night on Friday night. We eat at home about 99.9% of the time. It is always exciting to me when we do go to a restaurant. This one was de-lish. We went to a steak place and I had the special which was filet with a mozerella/tomato/garlic/breadcrumbs combo on top with balsamic vinegar. It was probably the best meal I’ve had in a while. Since we spent our food budget already we decided to hit the grocery store for dessert. I assumed we’d get a single serve of something when my husband walks up with an entire cake. Best moment of my life.


I’m sorry to hear about your back, but it sounds like you’re doing the right thing and that’s something to be proud of! I’m sure you’ll be back at it in no time. ;) I used to drink Diet Coke at the beginning of college like it was my job. It was ridiculous actually. I do enjoy the occasional Diet Coke, but thank goodness they are not a staple anymore! And definitely Coke over Pepsi!


I love Brooke’s beanie! And I was so happy the Giants won and swept Detroit!
Hope your back feels better soon. That stinks!
The best food I had all weekend was probably flax waffles with strawberries and whipped cream yesterday morning…so good!


I hope your back feels better soon!

I had pumpkin spice cookies this weekend that were awesome!!

Brooke’s pumpkin hat is adorable!


I hope your back heals quickly. I swear you are with friends every night. I want to make more friends and spend time with friends too.


You all have so much fun! We just don’t seem to do the party circuit quite right, LOL.

Had to tell you, I ran MCM yesterday and one of the women spectating had a LOBSTER HAT on!! I must have seen her 4 times on the course, and each time I smiled thinking about your adorable Brooke in her Halloween costume–seriously!

Back tweaks are just so hard to work through. In addition to Billy massages, are you doing ice? heat? menthol rub? gentle stretching/movement? I hope you’re back to running really soon!


No running for me today (or if I do, it’ll be a light recovery run!) because I ran a 10km PR yesterday in 40:20. SO stoked!! :D
Okay, not only that roll, but your whole dinner plate AND your whole dessert plate look FREAKING AMAZING!! Can I PLEASSSSE with candy corn on top get invited to your parties??!! I will pay for flights from Ontario to California for every single one. Ohmygoodness!!
I hope you start feeling better soon. I will add a “Get well, Janae” dance to the “Stay away Sandy” dance that I will be doing tonight!!


I’m off for a leisurely 4, maybe 5 miles with the dog this morning. It will be nice next week when the sun is up a bit earlier.


Janae’s back heal now! That’s such a bummer. Brooke looks adorable in that hat! Such a huge diet coke lover over here. I like it so much more than regular coke and SO much more than diet pepsi. My very favorite sushi spot switched sudden;y from fountain diet coke to diet pepsi (without even asking me?!) and I tasted it right away and was so bummed.

Hope you feel better soon!


You and your friends have so many cute parties! I can’t lie I am super jealous.


Fingers crossed for you! No running for me today, since we have a hurricane going on today – also I ran a 50K on a mountain yesterday and can barely move. I want to make that Chili – it looks so good! I made candy corn ice cream last night….you need to try it! I like fountain diet coke, but from a can or bottle tastes terrible to me. So weird.


Sorry to hear about your back Janae- I have back problems and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Have you seen your doctor about it?

I was in a bad car accident 3 years ago and partially tore some muscles in my back and shoulder which has left me with permanent back issues. I started running about a year and a half post-accident and it’s made a HUGE difference! I am now under doctor’s orders to run 5 times a week (best prescription ever!) and it REALLY helps to keep pain and spasming in check. I hope you’re feeling better soon!


Praying for your back to heal NOW!

The best food I had this weekend….I made my famous southwest queso on Saturday and my chili on Sunday and both are awesome in my opinion. ;) I also ate cream cheese sausage crescent casserole (or whatever it’s called) and it’s always a big hit with me!


That party looks fantastic. I could totally be happy tasting 10 different soups. It’s so nice that you’ve found so many friends with little babies too!


Hope your back gets better soon!

I ran 4 miles this morning, and it felt great. A good thing, since my runs haven’t felt very good the last couple weeks.

Huge difference between coke and Pepsi. Coke is way tastier! I actually can’t stand diet though. Aspartame is the worst taste. I like regular, but only have it as a real treat once or every other month.


Can’t believe you just moved and you have such ab active social life!!! That is awesome. I must say I have become totally addicted to your blog. I read everyday. You have such a great, possitive attitude and I love that. Just wanted to tell you!!! Xoxo have a great day with Brooke!!


Brooke will thank you some day for taking all of those pictures of her too, especially when they include ones of her in adorable beanies ;) And I’ve just gotta say that no matter how delicious I think my food was, yours always manages to make it look bad. Clearly I need better friends that throw giant parties with lots of food. Either that or I just need to move to Cali ;)

Hoping your back gets better soon, love! <3


I am planning to do 8 miles today but inside on the treadmill because I don’t want to have to map out a trail and I am working from home, so I feel not as bad for taking more than an hour for lunch since I can still see my computer :).
I can’t believe that spread at the party you went to! I baked up a storm for the Halloween party we had last weekend and everyone acted like I was crazy- I need to hang out with your friends clearly!
I have to admit that I love both Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, but I’m usually in the mood for one or the other. People who say they taste the same are crazy!


First of all let’s get this out of the way; I love your blog and you have the cutest baby/family ever.
Now, the HIGHLY important reason for my comment: I’m not sure about where you live but I know in Canada you can purchase caffeine-free diet coke. If Canada has it, you can probably find it! :) A small part of me hopes you were unaware of this fact so that my comment pleasantly surprised you! Have a good Monday!


Oh you betcha I can tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi!!! I really don’t think I could choke down a regular Pepsi. I’m definitely a Diet Coke and Diet Dew addict.
My workout today is supposed to be an easy 4 miler as I’m in limbo between the full I ran last Sunday and my North Face 50K in three weeks. But…..the weather isn’t co-operating. Guess I could muster out 4 on the treadmill. We shall see. I feel for you on your bad back as it killed me to take 4 days off after my full last Sunday. I simply could not think of running due to my quads topped off with the flu. Yuck!!!
Best food lately…butterscotch blondies from a bake sale that my mom magically appeared with. She followed that up with melt-in-your-mouth-fluffiest-ever-pumpkin cookies and “moistest ever” chocolate chip cookie bars.
Maybe I better run more than 4 today???? =)


Oh my what a spread!! Those rolls do look delicious….the salad looks pretty yummy too. I hope your back is all good to go now due to us all chanting! ;)


TOTAL Diet Coke lover — and trying not to drink it. It’s rough! But I just don’t keept it at home any more. Going to run with my dog, Pippa today a few miles and to the gym later. :)


I rarely drink soda but if I do, it’s never diet. I just dont like the taste of it. And I am convinced coke tastes better out of a glass bottle. Best thing I ate this weekend was a cilantro shrimp dish I made. So good! I’m hoping for a 5k run today but somehow managed to plan 142 things to do so my run may be pushed to tomorrow :/ but whenever I get to it I will ve dedicating my run to you! Hope you feel better soon!!!!


Pepsi is gross, that’s how I can tell. ;)


janae, i am chanting away and sending you positive vibes!
i prefer diet coke to diet pepsi – they do taste different! i have not had a pop since january 8th…it’s been tough, but i feel tons better for NOT drinking diet pop!
hooray for the giants winning!!


JANAES BACK HEAL NOW! I really am trying to send you good vibes!

No running today. I didn’t get up at 5 to run before Turbo kick. So I just did Turbo at 6. I better get up an run before Body Pump tomorrow. For you ;)

Brooke is so dang cute. Her cheeks are getting even chubbier and I just want to pinch them.

No to DC. I used to drink Pepsi for like one year before I realized I don’t need caffiene. I am already too crazy without it.

Best thing I had was the carmelitas. Oh they are sinful. I made Ross take the rest of them to work today so I would not have a repeat of yesterdays eating patterns. That party looks off the hook. So much food and deliciousness. I love Fall/soup season!

Go Giants!


It was going to be 6 but I overslept so now I am thinking 4.
I am a diet PEPSI girl here. Yes, I can tell the difference. Or I think I can.
Best food over the weekend was cinnamon apples. Or the pumpkin muffin from Costco.

The Kidless Kronicles


I can’t run today… Thanks hurricane sandy for ruining my vacation from school. I was really looking forward to lots of long runs this week. You and your friend look alike! It’s like you’re all twins!! So cute, especially the matching beanies!
I’m not a fan of soup but the caramel apple bar? Sign me up !


Aww love the pumpkin beanie!

I am obsessed with Diet Pepsi, I was practically raised on it (thanks mom and dad). I don’t drink it as much anymore but can totally tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke. They are just slightly difference. And I’m a Pepsi girl all the way!


I DID IT! I ran my first half marathon this past weekend and blogged all about it. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but so worth it and I can’t wait to start training again. But for now, I’m taking the entire week off. I am sore, but today is much better than yesterday. Praying your back heals quickly!


How about I chant ” WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!! GO GIANTS !!””

Hope you back fills better soon. I can’t stand the taste of any diet sodas and its freakish how many people drink them here in Utah.


Oh i love the pictures of brooke, she is getting cuter and cuter!

Since I am forced to live through your running… what will your run be today?
not sure if I will run today, its my nephews 1st birthday!!!

Best weekend food that you had?
oh i had this pumpkin spice loaf bread and it was amazing!

Any diet coke lovers? Can you tell the difference between coke and pepsi?
coke all the way! not fond of pepsi but coke is the best!


I love diet coke!


Diet coke is my choice when I do drink soda which is not often at all. But sometimes it really hits the spot!

Janae I pray your back is better soon and you are back to your energetic, crazy, running tons of miles on a patio self ; )

I know I have said it but I will keep saying it, you are blessed with such a great group of friends so quickly after moving – it’s amazing.


Sending healing vibes your way.

I don’t always drink soda, but when I do, it’s Canada Dry. (is that considered soda? if not, then it’s Pepsi, but the caffine and sugar in any soda makes me jittery)


being injured is the worst! as in, not being able to run is the worst. feel better!


My run was chilly and windy this morning! I had to break out the running tights for the first time this season. 3 easy miles followed by a big glass of chocolate milk and then maybe a Halloween sized Snickers bar…just maybe.


Hurrah for the Giants win. We were on a wedding anniversary dinner last night in the city and it got crazy when they won! So much fun.

LOVE the photo of sleeping Brooke, btw…


I’ve been reading your blog for a few months and have loved it. We have the same name, only mine is spelled Janee. My husband went to dental school and residency and reading about your law school experience makes me miss dental school in a way. I think being away for school were some of the best years of our marriage.

I hope your back gets better soon. Having a sore back is the worst! I pulled a muscle in my leg a few weeks ago and have taken two weeks off from running and it is no fun.

I’m on day 7 without a diet coke. I’m totally addicted and trying to quit drinking it. Isn’t it the best though? I miss it! Coke is definitely better than Pepsi.


Ahhhh name twins!!! That makes me so happy! I completely agree with you about how moving away strengthens your marriage! It has even so good for us! Way to go on quitting dc! You can do this!


I am taking it easy today after finishing the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday!! Thank you so much for your encouragement and inspiration! I thought of you during the race and finished in 3:43! Hurray!
The best food I ate this weekend was post-marathon homemade pizza. Pizza never tasted so good!


AHH! I’m addicted to diet coke. I’m trying to stop, but it’s. just. so. GOOD.
I ran 12 miles yesterday so just doing a little cross training today after work. I’m running my first half marathon on Saturday! yay! I really really really hope your back feels better soon! :)


Oh I am so sorry your back hurts! Not being able to run is such a bummer…but having lots of friends and yummy treats to cheer you up has to help. I am in mourning because me beloved treadmill had to be taken apart so we could move…it was a sad, sad day! We are in between houses right now so she is in storage and we live in Northern MI so I won’t be able to run before work….I’m just not feeling the whole 20 degree run thing right now ;)


I plan on running 3 miles but have also planned 146 things to do today so not sure if it will have to be nixed :/ but all of my runs will be dedicated to you until you heal! Best thing I ate this weekend was cilantro shrimp I made Friday. YUM. I don’t soda very often but if I do it can not be diet. It always tastes funny to me. I also SWEAR that coke tastes better from a glass bottle.


Awww, Janae!! I’m hoping your back heals up really fast.

You and your friend with the baby almost look like sisters — with twins. How cool that you made a friend with a baby Brooke’s age! I love it.

Those desserts look ridiculously delicious. My stomach is now growling.


YES! I can tell the difference between Diet and Coke and pepsi, and 100% – coke is WAY better! Best weekend food: I made Pasta Fagoli soup and pumpkin cookies. Both. Amazing. And there will be some sort of run today…so probably only 2 miles today? Haven’t decided yet what it will entail!


You ladies are sooo gorgeous!

I’m a coke zero addict and I DO really taste the difference between diet coke/diet pepsi and coke zero!


Love your dress in that first picture!! Where is it from?!


It is from express 7 years ago ha!


chanted it! and prayed for healing! i think the soup party is a great idea. maybe it will bring healing, yes?


No run today because I need a rest! I did 30 miles yesterday through soft dirt. 15 miles were for me and 15 miles were for you! :-)

The best weekend food that I had was my mom’s homemade Portuguese doughnuts and these pumpkin cinnamon sugar dumplings fried in oil. I wish I knew the name of it in English, but then I don’t know the name in Portuguese either!

Janae’s back: Get Better so I don’t have to run twice as much for the both of us!


I ate at an all-you-can-eat sushi place… that was the best stuff over this weekend (or also this honey toast dessert from Cafe LaTTea).
My run today will be about 16 to 18 miles in San Francisco along the Pacific Ocean. I’m super excited!
And I LOVE the beanies on the babies :) They’re so cute!!


Awww I didn’t know you had fallen & your back hurt! Praying that it heals quickly!

WHat a fun get together! That food looks delicious.

Best food I had all weekend: sunflower butter. So so good. Oh and dark choc toffee almonds. mmmmmm!


K Janae, I feel like I’ve seen that salad with the strawberries on another post you’ve done in the past… can you post the recipe for that one??? I will love ya forever if you do!


Let me get it from my friend!!!!


I ran/walked this weekend for the first time in 3 weeks and it is amazing that I felt like myself again immediately afterwards! At least 1,000 times happier and funnier, just ask my husband. I had some pumpkin dip this weekend that was the best!


I can’t run or do any major cardio because I’m preggers :( I’ll be power walking instead. wooooo!

Pierogis and polish sausage were the best things I ate this weekend :)

I’ve never had any soda at all in my entire life so I have no idea what it tastes like. I’m not kidding.

PS did you know if you go to Chipotle on Halloween in costume you can get a burrito, burrito bowl or tacos for $2?!?!?!? I have done it every year. It is my main reason for celebrating Halloween next to all the free candy.


I’m feeling bad about your back! I’ll try to send good vibes and hopefully Hurricane Sandy wont throw them off course. Today I hit the treadmill for a quick 3.5 but then the babies woke up so my run was cut short. I was going to wait until the Hubs was done with work but if we don’t have power then he already said we could not hook the ‘mill up to the generator. (sad face, sad face…). On Saturday night I make London broil with sweet potato fries, quinoa and a beet & goat cheese salad. It was so tasty! I wish I made enough for leftovers!!! As for soda, I’m not a big soda drinker but I do love me some seltzer every now and then and when I’m really feeling like a treat: “FANTA!!!! Do yo wanna?”


I’ll start chanting for your back to heal! And I love Brooke’s beanie, so gangsta.


Sorry to hear that your back is still hurting! It stinks to be injured and to not be able to run! Sending positive thoughts your way!


NO chanting – but I’ll pray for your back !

I will be on a 2-3 mile run in the cold tonight after work :-)

Best weekend food — definitely the Jello cake with cool whip at my dad’s house on Saturday.

Any diet coke lovers? Can you tell the difference between coke and pepsi? I can tell the difference between them yest but I don’t drink diet drinks!! They are bad for you. When I did drink sodas I drank Dr. Pepper…………love it but now I can’t drink an entire drink anymore. Took three weeks for the cravings to leave but once they’re gone – they are gone!


I actually considered not catching up on your blog because I have a jacked up knee and would be jealous of all the running you’d be doing. I’m glad I’m not the only one sitting on the bench. I saw three girls running together today and it made me sad that I couldn’t get out there.
I’ll chant for you if you chant for me!


I am chanting for you right now!!! Hope you heal ASAP!


Sorry to hear about the injury. I’ve had a few friends who have had to deal with knee/ankle issues that prevented them form running; it seems awful. Hope you heal soon! Also, that soup party sounds right up my alley :)


Looks like such a fun and delicious night!


I’ve been out of commission for running for a few weeks now too, which completely bums me out. My glute has been bothering me since running high mileage (105 miles in one week) and then racing a marathon. So I know how you feel about not being able to run!

Best food over the weekend was some Oatmeal Pumpkin Bread I made.

I don’t drink Coke or Pepsi.


Can we take a second to talk about your bangs friend’s hair? It is truly gorgeous and I want to know her secrets.

I will be chanting for you!


Everyone loves it when individuals come together and share views.
Great blog, stick with it!

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