Brooke and I sat on the couch for a while contemplating whether or not I should move onto level 2 of 30 Day Shred.  We came to a mutual decision that it was time and dang, level 2 is no joke.  

 If I ever have to do a plank again I will…. I don’t know how to finish this sentence in a way to convey how badly I don’t want to do a plank again. 

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After that I did 6 easy paced miles on the treadmill and stretched for .3 minutes, I really need to get better at that.  


Girlfriend is pooped after her caffeine binge yesterday.


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She has mastered the art of waking up happy though, she did not inherit that trait from me.

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Why did my face play a cruel joke on me and decide to explode on the side that is not covered by my bangs.  It would have been very convenient to use my hair to cover it up instead of 48 layers of foundation. The picture does not do it any justice because I decided to take it after I put 48 layers of foundation on it.  

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PS I won (okay, billy won it for me) my sweet iPhone case off of one of Billy’s favorite blogs.


Billy has this random little wooden doll (he has told me the name a million times but I always forget) that we have been playing a game with.  We hide it in random places for the other person to find.  So far I have put it in his shoes, his side of the bed (by the way, Billy you are a total blanket steeler in the middle of the night and this needs to change) and a few other random places.  Billy always hides it with my food (he will be taking it one step too far if I find it in one of my bags of candy).  

I am emailing one of his law school professors to see if they will play along and use it in one of their lectures or maybe I will bake it into a pan of lasagna or something.  If you have any good ideas of where I can hide it please let me know. 

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I had another omelet for lunch today with bleu cheese because it is my new favorite meal.  My 4 lb omelet is one of the only things that puts a dent in my hunger now that I am running and breastfeeding… let’s just say our grocery bill has probably doubled.   The only changes I made were that I added a potato to the omelet and also some pesto.   It was delicious but I made the rookie mistake of eating an M&M cookie before I ate this so of course I was still thinking about that cookie while eating zucchini’s. peppers and eggs.  

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English muffins are the bread of the week for me.


This is coming in the mail tomorrow.  Any ideas what this MEANS?

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 Outside running adventures with Brooke and less weird stares from people seeing a girl running on her porch while simultaneously eating swedish fish (ps they really do make great fuel).


NEW HRG Baby post HERE!!


What are some tangents from your day?

Have you ever done 30 Day Shred?  Please tell me it made you sore too.   What was your favorite level?

Are you a make-up wearer?  How often do you wear make-up?

Are you good about stretching after a run?  Give me some tips on how to get better at it:)

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A few of my tangents…
-We heard the babe’s heartbeat today! Woohoo! That was easily the best part of my day.
-I got my haircut, and I now have cool bangs like you.
-30 minute naps do wonders when you start developing pregnancy insomnia.
-Aaaaand I can’t wait until dinner because I’m making soup, and it’s totally a soup day here in Utah. It’s rainy and chilly! A perfect fall day.
-Speaking of Utah, it misses you.

Oh, as far as 30 Day Shred goes… I almost feel like Level 2 is more challenging to me than Level 3. Maybe I’m the only one? I despise Level 2.


I used to NEVER stretch after my runs… then I had a 5 month bout with ITBS. Now I’m a super good stretcher after EVERY run… and some days even if I don’t run I still stretch. I never want to be in that depressing “boo hoo I can’t run more than 2 miles before I want to rip my knee off” state again.


I’m not a huge make-up wearer — I only ever put on mascara. Actually, funny enough, I forgot this morning and actually enjoyed how I looked better without it. Might do it more often. :)
As for breaking out — omg tell me about it!! I woke up on Sunday with three GIANT stress pimples (I thought I was chill about running my half-marathon that day, guess not!!) — they’re to the point that they’re just scabs now. But I’m still NOT a fan. Ugh.
I’m not the best stretcher after running — but I love working through my hips and groin area. Pigeon and butterfly are BY FAR my favourites. I always force myself to do those hamstring and calf stretches though, and ankle rolls. They banished the plantar fasciitis and peroneal tendonitis and now keep it at bay — thank goodness


I’m curious about how loud it is to run on the treadmill on the porch. You’re obviously only doing it during the day when it shouldn’t bother anyone, but does it rattle or echo a lot?


Never leave the house without makeup but if I’m staying home it stays off because the Mister likes that for some reason.
I NEVER stretch after a run. Probably should, just don’t. I’m a lazy butt.
I haven’t done the 30 day shred. Only ever used Ten Minute Trainer from th P90X guy. It’s amazing though! You can choose what to target and then stack them once you work up to it. They all kicked my butt but the cardio and lower body were my favorites.


The 30 Day Shred makes me ridiculously sore! I don’t know how something that only lasts 20 minutes or so can render me practically immobile the next day, but give me 2 hours of running any day over 20 minutes of the Shred. Augh! And level 2 is definitely the worst…I tried 2 and 3 once but always come back to level 1.

And I wish I could tell you that those breakouts go away with age, but I’m pushing 40 and my shopping cart regularly contains both anti-wrinkle cream and Clearasil :) Maybe for you it’s hormonal? I seem to remember having issues after both of my pregancies…I think our bodies go haywire for a bit after childbirth!


I love that iPhone case, it reminds me of the ocean! I’m the wrong person to ask about stretching, I would rather run an extra five minutes than stretch. Oh well!


My face eats foundation so I don’t wear that. But definitely eye makeup and concealer.
I haven’t worked out with Jillian but hear she is tough.
Tangent: It was hair appt day! LOVE hair appt day.
I stretch after my long runs. Or I should say I fall down after my long runs and just stretch while I am there.

The Kidless Kronicles


My mom is in town so we are taking the kids on all sorts of adventures this week.
I wear makeup about 5 days a week. If I wasn’t so lazy I would wear makeup everyday because I look much better with it on.
I stretch if I have time which is about 60% of the time. I like the way it feels so I try to remember that at the end of my runs.
I have only done level 1 of 30 day shred. I really should move on to level 2. Jillian Michaels is no joke!


oOoh I love the 30 Day shred! I throw it into the mix whenever I’m getting bored with my usual routine. It always leaves me feeling the soreness in different areas/muscles!


When I lived with my roommates we used to hide a little man with a top hat all over the place for each other to find. One time we even had it delivered to someones work. It was surprisingly entertaining. I am a makeup wearer but am awful about taking it off before I run so I end up with mountains all over my face :/ I have never done 30 day shred but I’ve done a few of her other workouts and they kick my butt every time.


Oh Karen! I love that you had it delivered to their work! You are hilarious!


Woah. Just had my mind blown. For years, my sisters and I have hidden this creepy little doll my mom has all around her house in the most random places for anyone to find. She loves this game! (not at all). I thought we were the only ones who had such a strange sense of humor. I feel closer to you somehow.


I feel closer to you! What kind of doll? Any good ideas where to hide it?


It’s a little boy doll that looks like an old man: a little boy’s body/clothes but an old man’s face. At least my sisters and I decided that’s what he looks like and thus why he creeps us out. Ideas for hiding spots? Well you already did the fridge which is one of my favorites. But another favorite of mine was putting it in my mom’s purse so that she eventually reached in and grabbed it. BUT since I’d guess Billy doesn’t have a purse, you could put it in a pocket of a pair of pants he often wears. A looser pair would be best so he doesn’t feel the doll in the pocket right away and discovers it in some random place like class. Or you could put it in an oven mitt before he cooks or in a baseball glove. Or where ever. The idea is for him to reach into something unawares and find it. Okay…I just wrote about that for way too long and far too seriously. Now you’re probably creeped out!


I’ve ordered 30 Day Shred from Australia because I can’t find it in NZ and expecting to see it in a few weeks. Excited but at the same time nervous.


Hi Jenae

Exciting news about your strap-delivery!

I work from home so only wear make up on weekends – it feels so special to put it on, I love getting ready :)

Maybe you’ll find stretching easier if you set yourself a goal – I need to be able to do the splits by my birthday & this has helped LOADS with post-run stretch motivation! I have til next Sunday to reach my goal… And blow out my birthday candles.

Tangent from my day – it’s really raining here in the north-east of England and our town is flooding! But luckily for us we live on a hill…

I am definitely going to try blue cheese omlettes. They sound amazing. Also – did you make regular cookies & stir the m&ms into the mix at the end?

Thanks!!! Hope your day is going well!!

Elinor :)


Your town is flooding?!? That is so sad! Thanks for the tip, I will try that! Try the omelet! Yep just normal cookies with m&ms mixed in!


Yeah their cost is $4.25 per square foot. Honestly, it’s a bit evexnsipe, but if you can find other people willing to split it with you, it’s not too bad. The cheaper alternative is to find some used outdoor carpet or astroturf and see if you can soap it up for a drop-in.


My husband and I play the same game! Some crazy friends of ours used to hide oddball goodwill finds at our house when they would dog sit for us.. One time we came home to 2 framed kitten pictures hung neatly in our bathroom… But the last time before they moved they hid a framed picture of some random 80’s senior picture (yes someone donated it to goodwill without taking the picture out). So hubby and I have named lost girlSandy. He often flies late at night and showers when he gets home, so last time I put Sandy in the shower caddy.. Perfectly staring at my naked husband as soon as he stepped in the shower! Hah :)


It really is the best game ever! Your friends sound awesome and I bet those kitten and senior pictures are beautiful. BAHAHAH I love the Sandy story, hilarious!


Where did you get the car seat adapter? I have been wondering where I can get one. I learn so much from your blog :). Love Brooke, she is adorable!


HEY YOU!! How is everything going for you?!?! I got it from REI. What kind of stroller do you have? They make them specific for different brands. I can find one for you!


I think level 2 and 3 are pretty similar in difficulty so really you’ve hit the top here, congrats! And maybe hide the doll in his backpack or lunch? Does he have a locker at school? Maybe carve out a hole in the pages of one of his books and leave it there… Lol that would only be funny if replacing the book wasn’t so expensive. Inside a running shoe! A cereal box? I’ll keep thinking…


My son’s school is doing a plank holding contest. So far he is in the lead (of 4th grade) with 10:15. I made him show me and he has great form. Also, his abs are on fire.
I wear make-up daily since, at the age of 39, I have been blessed with the occasional breakout. Nothing like sporting wrinkles and acne at the same time.
I hate stretching and rarely do it. I need to get better at this also.


I like the Shred! I’ve never gotten past level 2, but after my half-marathon training I’m picking it back up along with P90X to get in shape for my Spartan Race in March. It always make me hella sore! But I love it!

I just recorded an accent video and it is so unbelievable that I never knew how strong my Southern accent is. Holy cow its funny!


I like this game witht he doll. I hope you can get the professor in on it ;)

I think I will be making these m&m cookies this weekend because, like you, I can’t get them out of my mind.

I wear make up probably 5 days a week. I didn’t wear any yesterday. I definitely feel better when I wear it. But I am also lazy, soooo. Ya. I like Shred. I usually do level 2 and 3 back to back. 3 is probably my favorite. You should try Jackie Warner’s Extreme Shed and Shred DVD. It is another 30 min workout that I LOVE.

I am pretty good at strecthing, but there are times when I am rushed and that is always gets cut. Like today. And I am paying for it already.


I did the 30 Day Shred, but I didn’t make it past Level 1!


You and Billy are so cute with that game!!! Maybe you could put it in his gym bag….ooh! Scratch that. Put it in that chair he likes to sit in at school!!! :)


Haha I love the creepy doll game! I have a crazy passion for finding weirdly great hiding places and since it looks like the doll is small I recommend hiding it in a roll of toilet paper. You could unroll the roll 10 times or so, then cut a hole in the remainder, shove the doll in there, then roll it back up and put it on the little TP rack.

This requires a little commitment because you’d have to make sure only Billy is using that roll so it doesn’t just fall out on you but I think it would be worth it!


I bought 30 Day Shred online, and it arrived Friday. I have yet to try it, but the more I hear about it, the more scared I get.

My roommate and I used to “hide” a big teddy bear container than held animal crackers. It was a foot and a half tall, so instead of actually hiding it, we’d put it in really obvious but strange places – under a couch cushion, on the toilet, in the fridge.


Cutie pics of Ms. Brooke!
-Today I worked out in my office gym and all 3 of my bosses were there as well- awkwarrrrd!
-I can’t get past Level 1 on 30 day shred because I do the video once then it makes me too sore to do anything for a few days. I made up my own weight routine and will keep at that until I don’t get so dang sore!
-I wear mascara because it’s the only thing I know how to put on. It’s really sad that I’m 28 years old and have no idea how to put make up on. What kind do you wear? Yours always looks good!
-I’m getting better at stretching after my runs. If I don’t, my hips will tighten up and lead to injury so that’s motivation enough to do it!


I have never met someone else with my last name before!!!


Me either!! Best last name ever though!


That level 2 business sounds AWFUL. Brooke is just way too sweet – you’re lucky I live in Australia, because I would love to steal her to cuddle for myself.


I have never heard of 30 day shred, it sounds like fun though!!

I wear eyeliner on my top lid everyday, sometimes i don’t on the weekend, only if i’m not doing anything. but that’s all i wear :)

i stretch after every run, i just feel better. just enjoy it, its calming and relaxing :) make it a routine. no matter what.

you should hide it… your candy bag, he’ll never find it there!!


Gah! I hate it when a random zit pops up on my forehead, especially when it’s on the side that my bangs don’t go. Definitely feeling your pain on that one. At least there’s cover up though. I tend to wear makeup on a daily basis, but not a lot of it. Concealer, mascara, eyeliner, blush… just things to accent my look. I’ll admit that I do love playing around with makeup though, and sometimes its fun to go all out. And a random tangent… let’s see. Right now there are 4 ladybugs crawling on the screen to my window. I have no idea where they’re coming from, but Im starting to think that I should start fearing infestation…


Um…if you can get the law professor to use it in a lecture that would be the greatest thing ever :D


Fold the doll into Billy’s socks! :)


I know with just the baby in the jogging stroller you aren’t supposed to jog until they are six months old due to all the jostling to their head and neck. Are you able o safly jog earlier using that adapter?


I was going to mention this too. We have a jogging stroller with the infant adapter, but it says all over both pieces that you aren’t supposed to actually run with the car seat snapped in. It’s just meant to be so you can use the running stroller with the car seat, but it’s dangerous to actually run with the car seat snapped into it.


OMG level 2 is soooo hard! All of the plank poses!! Like, really, Jillian?! Ugh. And, yes, it made me sore too! I just did level 1 last night- I like to randomly mix them up, depending on my mood. Call me crazy, but level 3 might be my favorite. Jumping jacks with dumbbells just make me feel like a boss. Annnnd that game you and Billy play with the hiding the doll in random places?! Zack and I do that too!!!!! Our “doll” is a tiny ninja he got from a vending machine. I love this.


Now I’m curious about that car seat adapter. Do you add it to your regular stroller? We have a jogging stroller & a regular stroller…but I had not seen the car seat adapter yet, that is really cool!
Hope you ladies enjoyed your day together….I wish I could wake up as happy as little Miss Brooke :D


I’ve done 30 day Shred. But I never stick with it. I get very bored with DVD’s.

That’s a nesting doll right? I love your idea about emailing his professor. What a great idea.

I only wear makeup for special occasions. I should probably wear it more often.

I learned my lessons about NOT stretching when I got shin splints. And couldn’t run for 6 weeks. Which turned into 5 years…


My legs and hips have too many issues if I don’t stretch. (I sound like an old lady or something.) So, I’m pretty good about stretching. If anything…I just never stretch long enough. It’s just sooo time consuming. Bleh.


I have done all three levels of the shred and level 2 is the worst!! I actually think level 3 is better than level 2. My 4 year old likes to do it along with me and when we got to the last plank exercise and Jillian said “get into plank position” my son Said “again?!?!” my thoughts exactly!!
I wear make up when I go out and usually on weekends but am too lazy to put it on everyday, not to mention I don’t know how! My husband just bought me a gift card for a makeup consultation at Sephora and i can’t wait to learn about makeup at the ripe old age of 37 :) I’m clueless though!
Tangent from my day….i had a cherry coke zero this afternoon and it made me wayyyyy too happy! :)


Level 2 is super hard compared to Level 1, congrats for making it through!
I am on an english muffin binge this week too! They were buy one get one free at Harris Teeter! I always stock up on stuck when there’s a sale like that!


I get to work at home (the BIGGEST blessing in life) so I only really wear makeup on the weekends when we have activities to attend to, and for our Bible study once a week. I like experimenting with different looks when I do wear it.

I LOVE stretching after a run or any workout, to me it’s just a really good way to continue cooling down and to me it feels so good! You might do this already but I make specific cool down playlists that relax my mind so I can bask in my endorphins to my favorite “chill out” songs.


I wear eye makeup and some sort of coverup or foundation most days. I have terrible skin though–it’s gotten better the last couple years but I’m really prone to breakouts. Acne is such a pain.


You should hide it in the gas tank compartment [between the gas cap and the gas compartment door]! I have some friends who do that, except instead of a cute wooden doll, it’s a Barbie head…hahaha.

More ideas–in his notebooks/class stuff, the smallest pocket most jeans have [inside the right front pocket] of his favorite jeans/other pocketed pants/shorts, between the visor and roof of the car, in a jar of his vitamins [if he takes them?], and I think I’m done procrastinating on my work, so that’s all the ideas I have :P


Best idea ever!!!! I am going to do the vitamin one right now! Thank you!!!


I’m thinking of taking the plunge and buying a treadmill. I have no idea where to start, and its such an important purchase! Would you recommend the one you have? I’d appreciate any recommendations if anyone has a favorite!


Yes!!!! We are in love with our Nordic track c900! It is amazing!!


I’m confused, those pockets in running clothes are meant to hold swedish fish, no? Haha : ) In any case I’m pretty sure swedish fish were meant to be eaten while running.

I have to work on stretching too! I’m just so darn impatient!


I am a makeup wearer indeed. I wear it most every day, but sometimes I am too lazy. Okay, a lot of the time. Sometimes all I do is hang out at home and exercise, and what’s the point in getting dressed up for that?

I only (and I mean only) stretch because I have taken some ahhhmazing yoga classes. highly highly recommend Vinyasa yoga. Because of yoga, I have a ton of stretching ideas in my head and I can pick and choose from the ones that I like. Stretching is better when you know which ones feel awesome. :)


I love that game idea!! I need something to hide from my husband!? His wallet. I hate stretching. Zero patience. I’m always looking at my phone while I’m doing yoga (at home!) — not very zen.


hilarious game! going to copy cat!
your little bundle will LOVE the jogging stroller and will most likely fall asleep. it’s also great that you’re starting now. she won’t think any different when she’s older and won’t mind when you and Billy go on long runs together!!!


Not good at stretching at all! Today I was completely unhappy that the pulled groin muscle from last week (that I forgot about) popped up during my wonderful run today.
I have never tried her Shred – but I have her Yoga DVD and it kills me – speaking of planks!


Two words: Tight Abductors…only reason why I stretch after a run!!


i am the chronic stretching dodger too!! it’s pathetic but i’m actually really proud that i HAVE been sticking to my little post-runs stretch routine every day for over a month now….the pathetic part is i still am a good foot away from touching my toes. ;)

and i don’t wear make-up…i think if i tried to apply eye stuff i’d wind up blind. #lostcause


my tangent of the day….i experienced the VERY BEST BISCUIT of my life today and now all other biscuits will fail in comparison. i also read ‘parks and rec’ quotes for 27 minuts online and picked up garbage on my walk to dinner tonight.

and yes, 30 day shred is serious. i’m still too scared to go to level 2- well done!


Hi Janae, my first time commenting here. Your posts have helped me a lot, with running and with procrastinating at work :)).

I’m too lazy to do full makeup everyday, so my solution is to just do one thing a day – it’s either eyes or lipstick. No foundation or blush, too lazy for that. I don’t know, it kind of works for me.

It’s a matryoshka doll!! I think cooking/baking it into something sounds great :D, but I might not be the best person to listen to, I get overly competitive in every little game and I have to WIN it even if it’s not that kind of game.


You’re right! Level 2 really is no joke! I have a love/hate relationship with Jillian :)


my husband and i have a similar game (like your wooden doll) except it’s with this random hair clip of mine. i’m not even sure how it started but it’s been going on for years! the best was when he flew to wisconsin earlier this year and i had snuck it in his shoe in his luggage. he came home a few days later and we had a laugh about it. then, about a month later, i was so excited because i got a package in the mail from WI (we have family there) and it was just the hair clip. haha!


I love the game you are playing with Billy. We used to have this weird funnel that we would try to surprise each other with by wearing or putting it in a weird place around the house. I can’t think of anything good for the doll, though.


hahaha I fuel with Swedish Fish too. It’s good stuff!


30 Day Shred is so hard!! I started it last year and never got to level 2… Maybe I should try again! It’s such a great workout!
I did just start taking Pure Barre classes which are awesome! I feel like you would like the class!
I’m pretty bad at stretching after running… I need to get better!!


I think that Brooke looks like Curly sometimes! :)


The omelets you are making are getting super fancy, nice job!


level 3 of the shred is my absolute favorite. I don’t know why, but I still go back to it when I need a new workout. It’s great. Level two was my least favorite . . . sorry! ha. At least you have something to look forward to, right? I think level three was the best because I saw the most results in the fastest amount of time, and I felt really strong by then so it made me confident doing the moves.


I never made it past level 1 of shred.


Ahhh I have so many of those wooden dolls around my house! It’s called a Matryoshka (


Slow reply, but still… Definitely stretching – I think of it as a 5 minute investment in not getting injured, and therefore still being able to run!
After every long/hard run, and every night before bed when increasing distance.
My basic set is: hold each at a point where you have good form and can stay for 5 breaths. Discomfort is okay, pain is bad.
Calves – straight leg
Calves – bent leg
Hip flexors
ITB roll
Each on both sides, obviously.
This might be a handy visual reminder:


I love any of Jillian Michaels dvds but 30 day shred was the first one I ever did. I can’t really pick a favorite level because there are parts about every level that I love and of course parts that I hate ha ha.

For me coming up with a stretching routine (i.e. doing the same stretches in the same order every time) helps me to stretch after any workout because the routine is now so ingrained in my body I just do it on autopilot.

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