It is a good day in the Jacobs’ home when we get a new running magazine in the mail.  Billy is starting to get jealous of my love for Brooke because I never let anyone read my magazines before I read them…  Except for Brooke.  I think she has a grumpy face in the picture because there is an article in that issue about how babies are too little to start running.

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This whole mother business is doing weird things to me, it is making me want to cook every night.  Long time readers of this blog know this is really strange considering the fact that I used to live off of baked potatoes, broccoli and macaroni and cheese for dinner every night unless my mom was cooking for me.

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I saw Enchilada Sauce at TJ’s the other week and that inspired me to make enchiladas.   I didn’t follow a recipe but instead just mixed together things that sounded good.  Chicken, sour cream, green chiles, green onions, garlic powder and cheddar cheese mixed together for the insides of the tortillas and the sauce and more cheese on top.  I know it is a winner because billy went back for seconds which is unusual for him (that is probably because I have already eaten everything and there is no longer any food left for him to go back to get seconds).

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We ate dinner while watching SEINFELD!  The crazy part is that it was an episode that I had never seen before, I thought I had seen them all.

It is a scientific fact that I need some form of dessert after dinner, it has something to do with my heart ventricles needing it or else my heart will stop beating.  I froze the last brownie from Sunday night because I have this weird thing about freezing everything I love and let me tell you, it was delicious frozen.

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Goals for tomorrow:  Wear something other than leggings and green zip up hoodie (but it is so comfortable) and try to remember how to do hair in any other style than a ponytail.

Now we just need to get Brooke’s neck strong enough for the jogging stroller so that we can overtake this city with our running trio.


Are you a Seinfeld fan?  Favorite episode?

Do you always follow a recipe or do your own thing?

What was the last magazine that you read?

What time do you usually eat dinner?

-I have been trying to convince billy that we need to eat it earlier and earlier… 

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I swear you guys are the MOST adorable family ever! (and the comment about the urinals was hilarious! lol)

I do love Seinfield. I’ve probably seen every episode. Same with Sex and the City.

I always follow a recipe when it comes to desserts, for savory items I may follow a general one, or I just kind of go with the flow. It usually comes out pretty good.

I have “Everyday with Rachael Ray” on my desk. My coworker gave it to me because it has tons of Pumpkin and “Fall” foods in it.

We usually eat around 6:00. Early to eat, early to bed. :-)


You guys are going to be an awesome running trio!

I always follow a recipe–or make simple substitutions. I have made too many major fails when trying to wing it–I figure they make recipes for a reason;-)


janae, i am not sure which photo made me laugh inside more: brooke with the magazine or billy plus the urinals -> too fun!!!
so funny that you mention seinfeld: i had not watched a rerun in YEARS then this past weekend, at my parents, watched two in a row and laughed for the hour straight. i cannot pick a favourite episode…or even a favourite character!!
have a great thursday!


So glad I’m not the only one who enjoys frozen dessert..frozen chocolate is where it is AT!


You three are going to be the cutest running trio ever! :) I prefer following a recipe. I’m not very good at throwing things together.


Seinfeld is my favorite show of all time!


I can’t wait to see the first running trio photo!

Seinfeld fan: Yes. I love the one with Courtney Cox when she plays his “pretend wife” so she can get a discount on dry cleaning.

I almost always follow a recipe. But I do try to alter things sometimes. For example, the cover of this month’s Food Network magazine (see, this answers your other question) has tomato soup with grilled cheese croutons on the cover. I really wanted to make the soup for my upcoming lunches but didn’t feel like taking the time to cook it. So, I threw everything in the crockpot when I got home and dialed back the liquid a bit. I brought some to work for lunch, so we’ll see how it goes.

We dinner rather late. We always have. If we get it in before 9, it’s a good day.


I had my daughter 2 years ago… still working on find another hair style other then ponytail.


I need to eat dinner pretty early. Usually between 6 and 7. By the way, I think the ponytail is super cute!


What kind of jogging stroller did you get? We have a Schwinn Turismo Double and it is AWESOME! It’s flat enough so L&H can practically lay down and since they are only 3 months old that is what we need. The strap placement adjusts to fit their short frame and last weekend we went on a bumpy hike and the kids didn’t budge! I jogged with it before the hike and it was rediculously smooth! Sorry to rub this in your face, I know I kept putting L&H in each week to see if they would fit and when they did I jumped up and down! The anticepation must be killing you…


Hahaha that first photo of Brooke makes me smile. :) Too cute. I’m sure you’re doing an amazing job at being a mother, and I just love how much you love it too. Keep on doing what you do! You’re doing great! xoxo


Urinal photo has been the best possible start to my day!!!

I aways follow recipes , I’m not that good a cook so I need all the help I can get. I do sometimes substitute things if I don’t have the specific items but that’s as brave as I got.

I’m waiting for my newly subscribed Runners World – they said they’d send it last week. Maybe it’s with my other missing post!


Some might disagree with me on this one but I’ve been jogging with my baby girl in our Bob jogging stroller with the infant carrier attachment since she was 8 weeks old. And according to my pediatrician I could have done it even earlier with her. I bought the infant attachment so her infant carrier would pop down into the Bob and I could strap her in. The pediatrician said as long as she’s strapped into that, I don’t need to worry about her head jiggling too much. And I watch her: she’s really snug down in there and doesn’t move a lot. It’s no different than when her head jiggles a little in the car. I try to stay on fairly level pavement when I run and don’t go off-roading onto paths so as to make for a smoother ride. Just something you could run by Brooke’s pediatrician if you’re getting the itch to get off the treadmill.


I did the same thing with my BOB when my little one was about six weeks because the pediatrician said it was fine if he was in his infant seat…it does make it a little top heavy so careful going around corners.


I am a recipe follower for sure. I have occasionally ventured out and it was successful but I do prefer having it spelled out in front of me.

Your Oreo dessert looked so good I made it for my fam. The boys love it and are eye rolling with delight every time they have a piece. I can’t have it but it does look amazing. Thanks for the recipe. Or what I’m calling a recipe since I’m pretty sure you said, “here’s the stuff, put it all in the pan in layers”. LOL. It worked.



I started pushing my dude in his jogging stroller when he was 3 weeks old. I have the car seat adapter, and I would be very careful over bumps since the sidewalks are pretty torn up. Since I had the Snuzzler around his body and neck, I felt comfortable enough that he would be okay in the stroller.



I have NEVER seen Seinfeld! Deprived, I know. I used to eat dinner around 6, but now that I have night classes I don’t eat until 8 or 9 pm once I’m home… and absolutely starving


“You’re gonna turn down a Junior Mint?!” “It’s chocolate. It’s Peppermint. It’s Delicious!” Love the Junior Mint episode.
I also loved the “The Strike” episode. “It’s a Festivus for the rest of us!”
Good stuff.
I try not to follow recipes too closely. It usually tastes better when I throw it together. We usually eat around 6:00 or 6:30. I usually finish my run around 6:00 so I have to eat ASAP to keep from imploding.


That’s funny. I’m making brownies tonight. I’ll try freezing one of them to see how it is!


What a great-looking dinner!


I agree with Kara and Beth about using the jogging stroller earlier if you take the necessary precautions. Also, if you have the Bob (which I think you do) I *highly* recommend stopping by a gas station to make sure the tires are inflated properly. My husband used a bike pump and I basically jogged for the first month or so using even more resistance than I needed to. Once my dad pointed out that the tires were flat and got them fixed, it was a whole new world of Bob heaven.


Seinfeld bores me…I can’t help it! I usually eat dinner at 6-7pm, I think that’s pretty standard.


I get ridiculously excited for new magazines to come in the mail too. Women’s Health and Oxygen are my favorites.


It takes all my self control not to start dinner before my hubby gets home from school at 5. Usually at about 4:15 I dig into the pb jar and eat about a quarter cup to hold me over the next 45 mins lol (and yes I got through roughly 1 jar of peanut butter a week. It is my favorite.) My family used to eat at 8 or 9 and it drove me CRAZY but thankfully my inlaws eat at 5 or 5:30 so my hubby is ready to eat early like I am :)


I totally never follow recipes….I just do my own thing! Haha. LOVE it. It usually turns out pretty good too ;)

I love magazines too–I need to head to the library & get some (something about saving money right now. Blah)

We eat about 6:30/7 depending on the night. I wish we ate earlier, but I teach fitness classes in the evenings, so that’s a no go. And my husband hardly ever cooks. Hah


My favorite Seinfeld is the one where Jerry and his girlfriend say Hi Schoopy! That and the Soup Man one are my favorite.


We eat dinner on our coffee table while watching Seinfeld reruns almost every weeknight. No Joke. Impossible to pick just one fav but I really enjoy “I was in the pool!” and the Marble Rye episodes :)
And I usually follow recipes. Unless it calls for chocolate or cheese, then I almost always double those ingredients haha


I’ve been recently gaining more confidence in the fact that I’m not going to kill myself from food poisoning and have been cooking more. It’s usually a toss together, but there are times when I’ll take a recipe and make my own variation (because I’m such a picky eater!) — it’s working well for me so far! :)


Most of the time I follow recipes but with soups and cassaroles I just do my own thing. I love the Soup Natzi one. Let’s see stretch pants and pony tail = SAHM. Love it. I once wore my hair down and my 3 year old told me I looked so pretty and asked why I was all fancy. Ha! Sad really. :)

Janae, you’ll be proud when you see what I’m handing out at the Fitbloggin’ 2012 Conference today, check today’s blog post. I’m on my way to Baltimore now. :) Wish you were going to be there! xo, Jessica


LOVE Billy’s self-portrait! You’ve taught him well ;) Brooke’s grumpy face is so precious! Zack and I watched Seinfeld the other night while eating dinner, too!! It was the muffin top episode! “Top of the muffin to you!” haha looove that episode. It’s just so true: the tops are where it’s at.


Stop, my pregnancy craving is Mexican food and you are killing me with that photo!!! Good job on dinner.

I was trying to figure out the other night why I am so programed that I MUST have dessert after dinner. Like I feel the world is ending if I don’t have ice cream or cookies or something.

Do you have the infant seat adapter for your Bob? She can get rolling before 6 months if you have that attachment.


Yay for you wanting to cook… sounds like you are a natural :)

I cook dinner 5 days a week and I almost always use a recipe I find as an inspiration and make it my own… mostly because I need variety every week (probably because I eat pretty much the exact same lunch and breakfast every day??). I TRY to eat dinner around 7:30/8 but I am always starving after my protein shake from my 5pm work out. I do prolong it as long as I can without fainting since I always find my stomach rumbling when I get in bed and it’s so annoying! Since I can’t run right now I don’t want to eat extra snacks before bed ;)


We love Seinfeld in this house … but there are to many favorites to choose just one.

As far as following a recipe…its about 50/50. Most of my baking is by recipe but cooking is a trial by error. I tend to use the recipe as a guide line instead of folling it close. Check ou if you want some cool ideas for meals.

I must say you amaze me with how fast you got back into running and how amazing you look for just having a baby. Just goes to show that working out really does work…keep it up and great to hear that Billy is back to running without pain.


Last magazine I have read is an issue of SELF that I haven’t gotten to yet. The weather has been so nice so there’s no need to read them at the gym much. I’m saving them (Runner’s World, SELF, Women’s Health, you name it) for when the weather gets crummy.
I also freeze things (like my loaves of bread, haha).


Normal people clothes are overrated. Hoodies, leggings & homeless hair is so in.
That pic of Billy is hilarious!!
I am not a good cook at all. I feel sorry for my husband. Why can’t he just eat cupcakes for dinner!?


Your face looks so much like Curly’s in that picture above ;)


You and Billy are so cute. Where can I find one like him??


Seinfeld! Omigosh LOVE that show… I was so sad when it ended! I don’t think I can pick a favorite episode because so many of them are fantastic, but the Soup Nazi one is definitely one of the most memorable for me. We had a thing going in my house where if you were being a jerk and then asked for something, the person would yell back “NO ___ FOR YOU!!” Was good times :)


Enchiladas is one of the few things I can make by winging it, and almost every time it tastes good. It’s so easy to throw whatever in it, pour sauce on it, and be done. This is quite nice because I usually fail at coming up with my own recipes. Since I started my own blog, I’m trying to be creative and domestic, but nope…I’m much better at following other people’s recipes.


First of all, I thought it was worth noting that your blog is the only blog that I read daily. I will specifically go to whether or not I read any other blogs. It’s like checking in on a friend. I just thought you should feel good about that, because I’m sure I’m not the only one. :)

Second, I want to have a baby just so I can push a cool running stroller. I love babysitting just so I can push the cool stroller. I love it! and it’s a great workout!

I’m a late eater on weeknight. I often eat dinner at 8 or 9:00 because I’m a slow poke and by the time I’m done taking the dog out, running, foam rolling, showering, it’s late! But on weekends I sometimes eat dinner before 5pm! Early bird special!


I am about the only person I know that didn’t like Seinfeld. Strange, I know.
I tweak most recipes to leave out what I don’t like and add more of what I do.
I last read Running Times!!!! That same one in your picture.
We eat dinner by 6:30. I am in bed by 9:30 so I don’t want to eat too much later than that.

The Kidless Kronicles


We watch Seinfeld EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT! FI insists on watching them on every channel they are on so some nights, we see 4 episodes! Which one did you see that you hadn’t seen before?


Art van de Leigh… Not sure about spelling but thy go wait at that lawyers building to ask her out!


I can’t wait for the stories about the running trio!

I’m not really into Seinfeld…

Women’s Health. I”m still working my way through it because I’ve been so busy!

I don’t usually eat until 9. I go straight from work to the gym (snacking on a protein bar). Usually have workout classes from 6:30-8:30. When I only have one class I head to the park for a run. So I’m always dying for some good chocolate milk and a meal when I finally make it home.


I like to eat between 5 and 6 – I’m usually up early for work and I go to bed early.


The Soup Nazi, of course! I’ve always wondered what made that soup soooo good.


You seriously look like Curly in that picture with the frozen brownie :)
and Billy’s urinal photo is so funny!!


I saw that you are reading running times. How is it? Better than runners world? Thinking of switching my mags….
That dinner looks delicious! I would assume after you have a baby you would want to do the opposite…go out to eat more! Good for you for making homemade dinner!


We absolutely love running times. More running talk and less weight loss talk (runners world)


I love her grumpy face! Maybe you should put your creations down for us to try to copy.


We used the Bob w/ carseat adapter, too! Love the pictures of all three of you. I freeze my favorites, too. My favorite frozen food is chocolate chips.


I always follow the recipes to a T. I wish I was a little more spontaneous but that could be disastrous for my family, ha. Brandon on the other hand doesn’t even need a recipe to make an amazing meal. Thats why I typically let him cook and I agree to do all the dishes. Ha!

We are the standard 6 or 630pm for dinner although it is not uncommon for our friends to eat dinner around 830 or 9pm. That is crazy talk I tell you!

Have a great weekend!


Oh man, I love Seinfeld so much. I started watching in high school and I even own some of the seasons on DVD.

Love the urinal picture, Billy.


I’ve been reading your blog since the week before you had Brooke and I think I found it because someone else on twitter mentioned it. I have to say that I look forward to your posts and this one actually made me laugh quite loudly! I had abdominal surgery a few weeks ago and the comment about the urinal’s almost made me reopen my incisions I was laughing so hard.

Just thought I’d share that (TMI I know)!

– Katrina (TX, ultra-running, 40-something mom to 4)


YAY for Billy!!!!!


I am a Seinfield fan. My favorite episode is where the coat gets thrown out the window

For the most part I follow a recipe..but then after a few time of making it, I’ll start to adapt it.

I get several magazines. I love the country cottage look..and my magazines are usually great toward that, I just got done reading one earlier today, Southern Lady.

Well, it depends. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays are crock pot days, we eat by 4:30pm because my daughters have gymnastics and dance at 6pm. They go to bed for school by 7:30. Crazy I know..but they have to get up at 5:30 and 6am, school here starts at 7:30am, we have to leave the house by 7. Fridays we eat whenever we are hungry….and its usually soup and grilled cheese or ham sandwiches, etc. Wednesdays we eat at church at 5:30. Saturday is our take out night..we usually go to either a restaurant or order in, etc. Sunday I cook…big…roast, baked chicken, lasagna, spaghetti and meatballs…etc etc etc.


love me some seinfeld! all of them. i always follow a recipe because i am terrible and cooking and afraid i’ll mess it up. the last magazine i read was sunset magazine because my husband found my 15+ stack of magazines and threatened to throw some out if i didn’t make a dent (admittedly, some are 5 months old)

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