Garmin announced  their newest watch TODAY!! The Garmin 10.  They sent me one to test out and review but since I haven’t been running and won’t for a few more weeks I will just tell you about it and do my own review in a few weeks.  

First of all, the color is sweet.  Billy actually wore it to school today because it is so cool looking and he is hoping it will make him more friends in school.  It is crazy light, comfortable and a lot smaller than the Garmin 305 that I am used to.  This watch is only $129 which makes it way more affordable than a lot of the other GPS watches out there.  

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It is really easy to use, it located the satellites really quickly for me and as you are running you can look at the time and distance display or the calories and pace on another screen.  When you aren’t running you can even review previous runs.  You can also use virtual pacer on the watch which compares how fast you are running to your target/goal pace.  

Forerunner 10 group

At the end of your run the watch shows your time, distance, calories burned and average pace.  I think the coolest part about the watch is that it tells you when you set a new personal record (i.e. your fastest mile) or new personal distance record.  This is going to be awesome for me to use to track my progress once I am back running again.  Here is a little video that shows the watch in action:



Life changing news (for me, 99% of you probably have already done this) but adding cucumbers to your sandwich is a really good idea.  So is toasting the bread (I learned that from my years of going to Subway)

I can no longer eat an apple without peanut butter on it.  

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Today I walked two miles on the treadmill and then attempted to use some of their weight machines.  My goal for this year is to do this machine with weight added onto it…  I kept trying it and then having to move up the little pin thing higher and higher until I could finally do it and that was when it got to the very top.  Obviously, weight lifting is high on my priority list.

Photo 2 copy

During this non-running time I decided to take advantage of the fact that my feet aren’t going to look quite as thrashed as usual.  I even have all 10 toenails currently which hasn’t happened since 2005.  

t painted my toenails while Brooke got in her reading time.    Do you like her Born to Run onsie?  PS sparkles and glitter are awesome at any age. 

Photo 3 copy

We might have another Curly on our hands.  After Brooke’s bath she gets cute little curls but once it dries it goes back to being spiky. 

Photo 1 copy

Since I went so long not liking chocolate while I was pregnant it has become my mission to make up for it and so I had a Snickers bar after lunch (remember, I told you in my last HRG Baby post I am hungrier than I have ever been in my life).  The best part about it was that I froze it a few days before and it is 59 times better frozen than just eating it at room temperature.  Next trip to the store I will pick up a Milky Way to try frozen. 

(Reenactment of getting snickers out of freezer because I wanted to eat it before trying to find my phone to take a picture ((don’t tell Billy I lost my phone for a few hours today)).



Tell me a tangent from your day!!

Garmin owners:  how do you like the Garmin that you are using now?  Anyone in the market to get a new one and try out the Garmin 10?

When you do weights do you weight machines or free weights?

Are your feet pretty thrashed when you are running a lot or have you found a magic way to keep them looking good?

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Ahhh she is SO cute!! I love that she had reading time–and that onesie is adorable!

Random tangent: I’ve never felt cooler–all these nice words about finishing my half ironman. It’s an even cooler feeling to have it done with, though. HAH.

LOVE your sparkly shade. And yes, weight training is the bomb–I use almost mostly free weights.


I always lose my phone for a few hours everyday and it’s always in my bed or some place silly.


Tangent of my day: It was my first day of a new semester at college and I was in the library reading a book between classes. I must say it was the most NOISY library of my whole life! People were talking really loud to each other, talking on phones, watching YouTube videos with no headphones.. it was a disaster! I think they all missed that day of kindergarten where they taught the “inside voice” rule!!!

I love my Garmin 110! Super easy to use and cute (I have the gray/pink one) .

I’m trying to make a resolution to do more weights, but when I do I do machines.. In the free weights I feel like I have no idea what I am doing. Even on the machines I feel like a lost child looking for their parent in a grocery store most of the time (probably why I avoid weights). What can I say..I like to RUN! LOL (:

I don’t run crazy high mileage so my feet actually look pretty good. I think good running socks help me a lot though. The sweat wicking stuff really helps prevent blisters (which I did have a problem with before).

Love the sparkly nail polish btw!! Hope you have a fab rest of your day Janae!


I think I would have a hard time giving up my Garmin 305. Yes, it looks like I’m shlepping around a small laptop on my wrist – but we are connected, running as one. My husband bought it after I became serious about running and it’s being held together with silk tape right now- but I promised to love and cherish her for a lifetime.
I have 3-4 questionable toenails right now. They are always painted purple or blue as to not freak out my pilates or yoga-mates when they see what running can do to your toes.
I LOVE frozen chocolate!!


Ugh my toe nails are thrashed and ugly forever. I keep loosing the toenail on my second toe and even though it does grow back eventually it comes back all funky, thick and weirdly bumpy. Whatever.

Random: can NOT focus on work even though I have piles of it.

I have the 405 and it drives me crazy with the bevel touch thing, hate it. I wish I could trade it in for this new one.


I love my Garmin, but can’t remember which model it is – it’s giant & black. :-) And I know how to use about 5% of the functionality (timing & mileage) but it works for me. :-)

I’m currently in the process of losing 3 toenails & am also growing out two others – runners toes for the win! I only use a dark purple polish on my toes – it covers up all of the bruising


Oh how fun!!! I love the new Garmin!! I’ve been borrowing my neighbor’s for the last few weeks and it’s HUGE compared to this new one!! I need to whisper into Santa’s ear that “I’d like one in my stocking, please…and thank you!” ;o)

So cute that you have another ‘curly’! I love your photos of little Brooke Lin!! So adorable!! And I think glitter is the bomb!! Someone needs to make glitter running shoes so we look extra fast when we run! ;o)


How presh are those curls?!?

The new Garmin sounds pretty good! I’m currently using the 405 and love it. But someday it’ll die, and then I’ll give the 10 a try.

Mostly free weights. I do bodypump and then there is a machine type thing that I use to work on pull ups, and push ups (not the laying down kind) where I can add weight to offset some of my bodyweight because I can’t lift all of me yet.

They look decent. I get a lot of blisters on my toes, but my nails are usually attached.


I have the Forerunner 305 but the 10 looks amazing! Also I want that onesie in my size.


I’m not running too much right now, and my feet are completely trashed. Jason hates when I accidentlly drag them across his legs when I’m sleeping.


Hmm tangent of my day: For dinner, I just ate a big bowl of guacamole with tortilla chips. I justified this dinner by saying that I obviously needed some extra healthy fats in my diet right now. ;)


That watch looks cool, I’ll check that out. My Garmin 305 isn’t holding much of a charge anymore and I don’t completely love packing a grandfather clock on my wrist for every run.

From one candy addict to another…..try a frozen Twix. Two little sticks of heaven.


Yum! I hadn’t thought of freezing Twix! I keep my Yorks in the fridge, though!


Tangent: The song “Stay Together For The Kids” by Blink-182 is the perfect tempo pace for mountain climbers.
I run with the Garmin 110 and really, really love it. However, trying out a new one would always be super fun!!
I’m more about the free weights for arms/upper body and high-rep leg days, but like the machines for heavy-load leg days.
Feet are still looking alright for now, but I’m totally anticipating that changing within the next few months as I start training for my first marathon!!
Ps. Cucumbers on sandwiches rock!! They just freshen everything up! And I seranaded my apple + almond butter combo with Rihanna’s “Where Have You Been All My Life” last week — so I’m totally with you there!! :)


I got the giant Garmin 305 i think. Big, bulky on my wrist and tempermental. There is a new GPS device coming out next year that I supported for funding. I am brain farting on the name, but it’s cool because it’s smaller than the Garmin and has an emergency button. Like if your running out in the trails and get injured, you press the button and it’s like a 911 call i think. Must find link.

I haven’t had the toenail issue yet. I tend to keep my nails cut short anyways. From my water polo days ;)

And a frozen snicker sounds delicious right about now. milky way even better, but I find they are so hard to bite into once frozen.


I currently have my husband’s hand me down Garmin 305. I hate how big it is but I love this new one and in PINK! I have sent it to my husband to add to the Christmas list.

I use a mixture of free weights and machines. But mostly free weights while sitting on a exercise ball. When you sit the ball it forces you to engage your core so you kill two birds with one stone. Focus on only moving the body part that the weight is working and keep everything else completely still.

And I have never had any problems with my toenails (knock on wood). However my husband’s are so gross from his marathon training. I won’t let him wear open toed shoes in public.


She is so stinkin’ cute!

After 4 stress fractures, I am finally healed and taking a new approach to running: DO IT SLOWLY. I’m training for my first marathon (for the 5th time), but I’m increasing my speed and distance so slowly. On top of that, my hubs and I just moved to a new state, got new jobs, bought a new house, and have a new life! This can only mean one thing: Getting lost on my runs :) So yeah, I’m in the market for a Garmin!! I think I might be sold on that one, too! Great price!

I use weight machines – free weights scare me and I look silly.

My feet are a disaster.

Have a great day!


When I was an infant, my hair got KINKY. So kinky,my mom actually checked my wrist band when she bathed me at the hospital before they brought me home. And now, it’s stick straight, except for those odd humidity-formed waves that never look good, just weird. Brooke is soooo cute, though!!!
I’m 18 days away from my first full and still haven’t lost a toenail, and I feel like I’m being left out. Is that crazy? My feet don’t look much worse than when I played soccer- just one odd blister/callus spot on the side of my big toe.
I use free weights every night- same 4 arm exercises, varying reps, but Every night.
And if those aren’t random enough, I just made frosting with the sole purpose of spreading it on graham cracker for the next few days. And ate the first batch while reading this post. Good thing I ran today.


I’m so old school and still use a target running watch haha.

I’m horrible about doing weights also- it’s so boring! Maybe I should do them more though since I seem to get injured every other day ha. Your gym looks really nice- it’s great that you can just go down there with Brooke- and seriously what a good baby.. I have friends who try and use their treadmill while the baby sleeps and it NEVER works.

and yes Frozen candy > room temp. Have you tried the ice cream snickers bars?? Those are AWESOME.


I’m kinda glad you said your feet are thrashed from running because I really just thought I run horribly or something. I got a blood blister UNDER my toenail a few weeks back – that one felt pretty weird! My toe is still recovering, but I doubt my feet will ever be worthy of showing up for a pedicure until I have my baby in November. Maybe I’ll give it a shot then!! Haha


I now know what garmin I am going to get!!!!!!!

hahaha your blog has made me eat more candy than I ever had before

Free weights all the way!!!!! The machines make you use “form”, and I suck at “form” so I stay away from those.

Minus the weird bump (calluse?) on my big toe, my feet actually aren’t thrashed, probably because I don’t put in the mileage you do haha I do a tiny little 6 mile run.



I’ll be really interested to hear how you like the new Garmin 10 once you start using it on your runs. I use a bulky 305 right now, too, and the 10 looks interesting because it’s inexpensive and smaller, but I don’t know if I’d miss any of the features on the 305.

I generally use the weight machines instead of free weights. I feel like there’s less of a chance of me hurting myself and/or making myself look like a huge dork in front of a bunch of people.


I need to do more weights! I have been totally neglecting lately, cardio and yoga just sound like so much more fun!

I run and dance so my feet are pretty much permanently trashed, luckily I’ve learned to embrace my calluses =)

And Brooke’s little curls are absolutely adorable.


LOVE the new Garmin! It looks so much smaller and the colors are awesome! I need to go buy a new one and I’m glad I was so lazy that now a new and improved one is out there. :)

My feet are a mess. I’m the only person I know who doesn’t paint their toenails. Ever. I don’t want to draw any attention to them! Over the years, I have lots all but my big toenails to running and none of them have ever been the same since. Oh, well!


Ross hates my feet. Just last night he was complaining about them again. Like, if they touch him at all he acts like they were dead animals touching him or something. He is always telling me how running has not been so kind to my feet. I would be bothered, but that is the only thing he complains about..and I really can’t blame him ;) I just wish they weren’t so gross so he would massage them.

Everyone needs more curly’s in their life. I can’t get enough of Miss Brook. She is so dang cute.

Frozen Charelston chews. Mmmm. They aren’t good any other way. And Junior mints, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Right now I am eating butterscotch chips. You should be jealous.

I do free weights and machines. Just depends on my mood.

I love my Garmin, but lately it has really been hurting/diggin into my wrists. I think it always has, but is tolerable when I was 10-13 miles…when it is 20 it reaaaally bugs. But not as bad as chafing. Can we discuss that? I need to get this under control before the marathon and body gluide and band aids aren’t doing a dang thing anymore. Help!

Tangent – I just picked up Annabelle from her 1st day at school and she loved every minute. Not that I didn’t think she wouldn’t, but still, it made me happy :)

Have a great evening!


Ummm that Garmin sounds amazing, especially for my budget! I want! We can wear sparkles and glitter at any age, you are right? When does Curly and crew get to meet the baby??


oh i want the new garmin and i love the price! thanks for sharing, i am in the market for a new watch!

i love frozen snickers…yummy!


She gets cuter every day!!! I meant to say that in the last post but got distracted with the It’s It. ;)


I LOVE her curls! I hope she keeps them forever! She is so stinkin adorable, I can hardly stand it.

That Garmin sounds amazing! I have never had a Garmin watch before, but have been coveting/looking at them for the last year trying to decide on which model to buy haha. I need to just do it! Maybe I can drop enough hints for the hubs to get it for my birthday in a couple months!


I have a Garmin 305 that I love but I really wanna try out the Garmin 10! I just heard about it today. I like the idea of saving personal records & letting you know when you beat them. I love being able to see progress!


I love frozen snickers, and twix… frozen chocolate bars are magical. I have a big old 305, that new Garmin looks super sweet, I cannot wait to hear how you like it. I need to paint my toe nails, in general my feet are not pretty but two nails are bruised and gross!


Brooke’s curls are too cute!

My tangent: I just realized I have 22 books out from the library. Someone stop me from putting any more on hold.

P.S. I’m scared of losing my love of chocolate when I’m pregnant, that would be traumatic.


The magic to running feet is totally not caring anymore how ugly they get! Ignorance (or ignoring) is bliss.


I have the 305 and I LOVE it! I think my issue with this new one would be that I can’t look at time, distance and pace all at once. Although if I wore it around in public I think it would make me tons of friends :) oh and a frozen snickers bar sounds amazing right now!


Available October 1, all devices now inudcle a new lane assist feature and the Nuvi 775T inudcles maps of both North America and Europe.Garmin is releasing its latest nuvi-series GPS navigators on October 1, though all four sets are available for pre-order now. Each device now offers lane changing assistance to help drivers with merging and turn lanes a feature introduced by competitor Navigon as Reality View along with live traffic reports and a 4.3-inch touchscreen display. This is the primary feature-set of the base model, the $500 755T, with the $600 765T adding the ability to stream music and phone calls over Bluetooth. The higher-end models also inudcle Bluetooth support, but the $800 775T touts maps of both North America and Europe while the $700 785T bundles in a trial subscription to MSN Direct services.


I have the Garmin 405 now, but it’s getting a little testy in it’s old age. I may have to try out the new one. I like the look of it too!


I have two toenails that are on their way out, lol. I have the Garmin 210 and it does everything I need it to so it makes me happy. FYI, I love having my chocolate candy bars cold! I use free weights 95% of the time. Brooke’s little curls are too cute!


I’m not a runner, but I want one of those Garmins. Adorable!!


I love my Garmin forerunner 405 or 450 (can’t remember but I got the green one:)

I sometimes do a kettle bell workout but recently started taking a boot camp style circuit class that is kicking my butt!

Also, I feel fortunate that I don’t have problems with my feet despite long runs. Just an occasional callus or blister every once in a while. But my mom was getting crazy blisters and lost at least one toenail when we were training for her first half marathon. Crazy right?

Brook’s hair is adorable by the way! Love the wet curls, maybe she will grow more as it gets longer :)


My tangent thoughts for the day:

•Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than for the US Treasury
•Only bird that can fly backwards: Hummingbird
•Jupiter is bigger than all the other planets combined


I would love to try the new garmin, but I do love the one I have-305. My toes look okay except for this one. It just gets so neat up no matter what.I’ll have to try the cucumber trick and I love on and apples too.


I saw the new Garmin on Runner’s World’s Twitter today and almost whooped for joy at work! I have never been able to justify spending the money to get one of their other versions but I will be putting in an order for this ASAP. I’m glad to hear you liked it!
P.S. the crunch factor cucumbers add is epic!


I have been waiting to buy my first Garmin for a few months after FINALLY realizing that there may actually be a benefit to owning one. I kept waiting because of 1) price and 2)how large they were. These new ones look PERFECT!!! I am so excited to get one now. The only problem – which color!??!


I’ve been in the market for a real GPS watch for quite a few months now. I’ve been waffling between the Nike+ Sportwatch and getting a Garmin, but have been researching the Forerunner 10 for a few days and think I’ve finally settled on getting that one!

I usually prefer free weights over machines. Sadly, we quit our gym membership when we moved and only go to our employee fitness area (since it’s free), but they only have a rack of dumbbells. I miss squats and bench press. :(


I’ve been eyeing fancy shmancy watches but couldn’t justify the price tag…I am so excited for the Garmin 10! SR posted her review of it today, I can’t wait for your full one – even though I’m pretty sure I’ll buy it anyways! Yay!


Aw, her little curls! So cute!

I love the color of that Garmin–so bright so that I can’t lose it!

I used to always use the weight machines but now I do free weights and feel like I’ve gotten a lot more muscle tone from this method. Maybe that’s all in my head though–haha!


I’ve got a 305, too, and next time I get one I want one simpler. The 305 just has more stuff on it than I need. The 10 sounds pretty great, so now I’m conflicted! Have you heard of Bia? That’s the one I’ve been wanting. It’s a new sports watch/GPS I heard about through Kickstarter a couple of months ago. It’s in production now and will be available for purchase in the spring of 2013. My favorite part about it is that it has an SOS button on it! It’ll contact anyone you program into it with your exact location if you push it. That totally sold me on it! I do all my runs by myself, lots of them on back roads with no other people around, so I think it would make me feel a little safer to have that feature.


I prefer free weights, but I try to mix it up between free weights, machines, and body weight to keep me interested and my muscles challenged. :)


okay, i need to go freeze a snickers bar ASAP.


That is one cute, ALERT baby you have there! And yes, i find my garmin 305 to be really bulky, so maybe i’ll try this one even though mine works great. It’s ugly and manly, so there ya have it

I hope you detail every MINUTE of your re-entry to running. I was excited to read your two mile walk today, cuz you’d mentioned treadmill walks and I thought, “how far? how fast?”
Just having come off an injury, I am retraining, too, so hoping beyond hope that you share your runs (details. Time, distance, how it felt, rest days) with us!


That new Garmin looks sweet! I may have to trade in my 305 for a 10!


My husband just gave me the Garmin 210 for my birthday this past weekend but now thinking he could have held out for this new (cheaper!) one!


I am in the market for a garmin and I think I’m in love with that green color. And, I’m a part time teacher. So I guess this price point is perfect, too. I course I also think that Brooke is mighty cute, but I definitely am not having a baby anytime soon. :)


The new Garmin looks amazing!! Random tangent from today is that I can’t believe a Qdoba Naked Taco Salad (vegetarian) is less than 400 calories!!


Brooke is so stinkin’ cute! Love those wispy little curls!

I use free weights the majority of the time, but there are a few machines that I like.


Milky Ways are really good in the freezer but I always find it takes too long to eat a frozen Snickers or Milky Way. Either that or I’m going to break my teeth! The best candy bar frozen is Butterfingers, the snack size. Seriously, when Halloween candy is out buy a giant bag of the snack sized candy bars and freeze them. They are awesome


Today’s tangent: Princeton went for a run in the backyard, found poop (maybe from a raccoon or squirrel) and ate it. I tried to chase him to get it out of his mouth be he is so darn fast. I was not impressed.

I have a Garmin but right now I am using this other contraption I bought called the MOTOACTV. It’s pretty decent but I really like the look of that one you got!


you need to try a snickers almond


The picture of the snickers wrapper totally made my day!!!! Hahaha!! Brooke is so cute, she almost gives me urges for another baby, but I already have 4 and I need to close up shop!


OMG!!! Ive been waiting for this day for years. I have refused to buy another big bulky garmin, but now i can finally order oneASAP! I heard rumors that a smaller one was coming out and ive been so excited! I have really tiny wrists so hopefully this will fit.


Brooke is precious, I love the little curls!!

I am close to needing a new watch, though I’m not thrilled with my Garmin 405CX. Nearly $300 for the watch, it’s about a year and 4 months old and it’s malfunctioning pretty regularly. If it doesn’t work on race day I’m divorcing it permanently. The new Garmins are pretty cute – I’m a sucker for anything PINK! As long as there’s no touch bezel… :)


My day was filled with nothing but tangents! It started at 2 am when an ambulance and two fire trucks came on my street and started looking for someone (they say it was for an isolated fire that was reported–but uh, you don’t spend 30 minutes searching through 6 yards to look for an isolated fire in the middle of the night), but my dog decided that meant it was time for him to jump into gear and show me his worth. It ended with me falling asleep on the radiator blocking the window while scolding my dog. He made up for it lots of evening cuddles. And in truth, protection is part of his job and he did a fine job alerting me. But, when I lose sleep my day becomes one tangent after another.

I’ll have to tell my running friends about the watch! They could probably get a lot of use out of it.


AHHHHHH- frozen milky ways= HEAVEN!! YOU MUST buy the fun size- they are the perfect size to eat frozen. Don’t ask me why- they just are.


I saw caramel apple milky way at the store last week for halloween. I bet it would be really awesome frozen!


Frozen chocolate is the best….so much better than room temperature, Milky Way included! Just my luck, I seem to always “lose” my phone when it is on silent!!


I LOVE the baby pics. I’m living vicariously through you! :)

Tangent from my day… my son started a new school today! He seems a lot happier than he was at his old school. Thank GOD we found this place!

I’m interested in the Garmin… but I have an IPhone and I use MapMyRun… can’t see spending money on that right now. They are cute watches, though!

My chocolate fix is York Peppermint Patties. Daily. :)


Brooke is so very very adorable!
And as far as my Garmin 305, I pretty much loves it! I like that this one is super affordable though!


Free weights.
My feet are thrashed at all times. :)
Love the reenactment. I dug a wrapper out of the trash today to take a picture. LOL.


ooooh, new Garmin! I’m impressed how cheap it is?! Wish I would have waited to buy this one — I just bought the 210 a few months ago! Looks cool. Love the colors. Brooke’s shirt rules.


First, those little curls are so adorable!
Second, how cool is the color of that new Garmin?! (Sounds like a total girly thing to say, but it’s the truth). I’ve had the 405CX for the past couple of years and now I have a hard time running outside without it, though it does feel as if I’ve strapped the entire satellite to my wrist, so that smaller size is very appealing. It sounds like it has all the features I use regularly on my 405, so the price is great….plus, that COLOR! lol
I’m thinking maybe I should hand my 405 down to my husband for biking and get a flashy new one for myself!


Aww man, you get to have TOENAILS?! So jealous. Bet you don’t even have blisters. I use a garmin forerunner and I love it long time. Does take a wee bit long to hook me up with a satellite but I do live in a big city.

Also Brooke is so beautiful!


Would love to try out the new Garmin. I have been on the fence about getting one (a bit pricey) soooo the new model might just be up my alley.

I use a sugar and olive oil mix and scrub my feet every once in awhile. Makes them nice and smooth and feels good too!!! Every couple of months I go and get a pedicure!!!!


I’m a BIG fan of putting Snickers bars in the fridge and eating them cold – even more so during this pregnancy! lol Glad I am not the only one.

I don’t have a Garmin but sometimes use my husbands. I’d like to get one of my own once I get back to running (after baby is born) … looking forward to seeing how you like the new Garmin.


I love the colors of the Garmin 10! I used to use a Garmin 405, but I recently switched to the 110 and like it so much more!

I really need to get a pedicure. I feel like my toes should look nice even if the rest of my feet look terrible from running.


this watch looks awesome!!! definitely going on my gift wish list :)


Nice! My husband just got a 610 (our first Garmin) and we are trying that out, but if I get my own I don’t think I need one that expensive. I never use all the fancy functions:)
Janae, can you be my running coach while you are taking a break from running yourself? I am training for my first half marathon (mid -October) and I’m so confused about the best way to train. All of the intro half plans just call for your to increase your mileage steadily, but I’m feel like I keep getting slower and slower and sort of bored so I’m thinking of adding in one faster day ever week, either intervals or tempo (I actually love running intervals – I have missed it) but I’m worried about tiring out my legs too much, especially b/c I want to keep one day a week of lower body strength. Is that too much? My legs are already sore a lot, but I assume that is normal for pretty much the whole time you are training! Thanks so much for any advice!!!


Ahhh, her curls…..LOVE! :)
I think you should put your baby picture, Brooke’s picture, and Billy’s baby pictures side by side. It would be so cool to see how you both looked as babies, I know you posted them before, but I don’t remember what they looked like.


Gosh Brooke is so adorable!!

I just recently got my first Garmin and I love it! I got the Forerunner 110 and I think it’s sold exclusively at Dick’s Sporting Goods. It shows the distance, time, and pace all on one screen which I really really like!

I always do free weights and machines at the gym. I do 30-40 minutes of cardio and then 30 minutes of weights. I try to keep toned!

My toes have been fine until right after the 4th! I lost my left big toe and that hasn’t happened to me since high school when I played soccer! It is not very good looking, but oh well, I guess that means I’ve been working hard :)


lost my left big toe nail** not toe :)


I have the big clunky Garmin right now and like it. I would buy the smaller, cheaper one when this one dies.
My feet are always trashed. From running. Tennis. Life. Just the way it goes.

The Kidless Kronicles


I haven’t painted my toenails is way longer that I would like to admit. That needs to change ASAP. That Garmin looks amazing, I love the one I have right now but if I didn’t have one I could totally be convinced to buy the new 10. In pink. Obvi.


I don’t have any tangents for today, other than the fact I hate being stuck in an air conditioned building when its so beautiful outside!! I really love that Garmin, I love the colors and the way it looks. I currently have the FR70 and I’m actually a little disappointed in it. I thought it would sync with satellites but you have to use the footpod instead(unless I’m doing it wrong) and I don’t think it is as accurate as the satellite watches. I’m thinking about investing in the 10 after my half marathon in October. My feet, well they are never good looking I try and get a pedicure once a month but it doesn’t seem to help haha.

I’ve been a long time lurker who decided to speak up haha! Love all your pictures, you guys are super cute!


Hey, is that the OPI Katy Perry purple glitter polish? I have the same one!


Love the look of the new Garmin but I’m not in the market for one right not. I just have a regular timex watch but getting a GPS watch would be fun in the future.

I don’t really use weights. I really need to start doing so though! I should just buy some free weights and get started. I procrastinate too much.

Considering I’ve only been running since April and my longest run yet as only been 5.5 miles I don’t know if my feet have been through enough to even think about being “thrashed” right now. Although, (knock on wood) I have yet to get a blister. Just a little bit of callusing. I danced for over 10 years in toe shoes and all so I think my feet are used to being used.


I didn’t know about the Garmin 10. That looks like a great option, especially for beginner runner. Thanks for sharing!


My feet wind up with blisters and calluses all the time, but my husband (who runs more than me) has perfect feet and it drives me nuts!! I typically have all ten toenails, though I did lose both big toenails a few years ago due to an unfortunate downhill run with my Max dog. I try to keep them painted (usually a dark color to hide any bruising) and try to ignore the rest.

LOVE my 405. I got one for my husband for his birthday last year, and decided to order myself one shortly thereafter. We actually just had a conversation about this yesterday – no matter what our financial situation looked like, if my Garmin were to die, I’d HAVE to replace it as quickly as humanly possible. I can hardly stand to run without it now!


I have a Garmin 410 and so far I do not like it. It is hard to use and I find the Bezel very frustrating. I think I am going to have to call their customer service for help because I’m having such issues. I’ve heard that there are a lot of issues with the Garmin in the 400 series. I am hoping that the Bia is a success when it starts selling, I think that will be my next watch if it is.


I have really been enjoying your blog. It’s always a highlight of my day!
I recently started running am not doing anything nearly as impressive as you, but I do enjoy it. My feet haven’t had too many issues but a blisters, so far. However, I use & Love 2 products. Yogatoes to strech my toes after a long day (a lil akward at first but you end up loving them) and Lotion Bars (Belle Esse-Cali based company) is an amazing lotion but in bar form. Wonderful product!
Congrats on Brooke, she is beautiful! Thanks for being an inspiration!

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