I did it and knowing YOUR pace!!

Every morning I wake up with way too much energy.  I want to jump around and get everything done.  I am really good at being lazy at night but in the mornings I go full out.  Last night when I was pretty tired I told myself that I was going to have the easiest, laziest morning in the whole wide world today and space my energy out throughout the day and that is exactly what I did.

My set-up:  A soft blanket, the first of 12 water bottles I went through, Biggest Loser, the Boppy (the case for that thing is in my car still in Utah… my sister is driving it here soon though!) and just imagine me sitting there for 7 hours straight in leggings, a race t-shirt with at least 9 stains on it and holding the cutest spiky haired baby.  

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For breakfast I had a bowl of yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit and granola.  My poor stomach is going to be very sad when my mother in law leaves and we don’t have food stocked for us daily.  About an hour after bfast I had a pb and j sandwich on sourdough bread (yes, that is weird) because my body has decided to make up for lost time and eat all the pb possible.

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For lunch I had a big old salad and an  raisin apple walnut bar.   One thing making me extremely happy is that I got to the end of my bag of frosted mini wheats (don’t worry I have three more).  This means I am just hours away from an entire bowl of the sugary crumbs. Sugar high of the century is about to happen.

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During my relaxing time this morning while Brooke was napping I read a little more from Mile Markers because as you know I am obsessed with that book.   It was exactly what I needed to read today.  Knowing ourselves and what we are capable of at the moment is so incredibly important. We have to adjust to our situations and learn when we need to push and when we need to slow down.  

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From that same chapter she included something else that I absolutely loved!

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Isn’t comparing running to real life the coolest thing?  During labor with Brooke my MIL kept making comparisons of what I was going through and a marathon, it worked wonders for me!


What time of day are you most productive and energetic?  Are you able to take mornings easy and relax?

What are you reading right now? Do you recommend it?  Any good baby books you can recommend for me?

What is one thing making you extremely happy today?

Are you at a time in your life that you need to slow down or speed up?

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I’m actually most productive in the evenings. Right now I’m reading Where We Belong by Emily Giffin, she is one of my favorite chick lit authors, I recommend anything she’s written. I am happy to have the day off from work and time to relax today. I’m at a time in my life where I need to speed up!


I’m reading that book right now too :)


I think it’s her best book! Though I really liked Heart of the Matter.


I am reading David Rakoff books since he just passed away. His books are really good. I want to read Jaws next since I have never read it! What made me happy today? I made an awesome pot of coffee, which made me super productive. :-)


I am definitely most productive in the morning! I usually wake up relatively early (7:30ish) and like to get my workout in. Nothing beats laying in bed with breakfast and tv though! I’m reading Gone Girl right now and it is SO GOOD- and I bought it at Costco for half the price it was at Barnes & Noble! The weather in Boston right now is absolutely perfect which I am loving since my morning runs have been incredible this past week!


I LOVED Gone Girl. Everyone should read it!!! Hope you like it as much as I did. After that I picked up Dark Places by Gillian Flynn (same author).


I think workout wise I definitely need to speed up. Note to self, an weekend full of naughty eats and 4 days off the gym= worst DOMS everrrr! I needs to get me a foam roller ASAP!

Books-wise I’m definitely drowning in course books, but really want to get into running books, and @pbfingers book club one called gone girl!

Loving how cute your little family are, big loves to Brooke!

Ps, I need to learn to love early mornings, send some smiley wide-awake wishes my way please!!


That last quote from Mile Markers really makes me want to go sign up for a 5K! It’s definitely a good one. One thing that makes me crazy happy is my dog, Maggie. I’m sure it’s not the same as having a kid, but until I have kids, she’s my fuzzy baby.

Have a great evening!


I am definitely more productive in the evenings lately. It takes me a while to get going in the morning.

I have been looking for some good audiobooks lately since I am not really the sit-down-and-read type… I am currently on the waiting list at my library for Gone Girl, which looks like other people are interested in too! I hope I like it as much as everyone else!!

I always start to get extremely happy at this time of day because the work day is almost over and I get to see my hubs soon!! I love that finding your pace thing, by the way. It’s definitely something to think about.


I bought shredded wheat cereal this week because of you, thank you!


Definitely a morning girl (after a cup of coffee, of course :).

Mile Markers is such a great read…and re-read. It sounds crazy, but it seems like the section I read in the morning is exactly what I need for that day! This morning I read about conquering, yet loving, the hills :) So motivational!


I love the bottom of the mini wheats bag!! Glad I’m not the only crazy one haha.


I’m happy you got to enjoy a lazy morning – but I have to say, I’m a little upset there was no baby picture for me to enjoy!!! :(


Sometimes I wonder if I have to slow down to speed up, if that makes sense. I am t.r.y.i.n.g. to get a baby in this belly. However, I have never been that I NEED A BABY AND I NEED IT NOW, so as I wait on my body I tend to live fast……..I run, I vacation, I work, I build relationships, I live……… The confusing part is I know when I am running from something, or busying myself to not have to cope, and this is not one of these times. I just really like life and I like experiencing it, so I struggle to slow thinking it is possible to get pregnant in the midst of enjoying each day.


Hi Janae, you sound like your doing well and handling motherhood like a pro! I have to be switch on morning and night but between 10-11:30 am i do nothing more than sit on the couch and watch THE VIEW:-) Thats when my youngest has her nap. Today is super exciting because my awesome hubby gets back from overseas after bring away for the past 4 weeks! Plus i will definatly be getting a sleep in this weekend!


Mornings,for sure.I have always been like that,but since having kids…forget it.I have not slept later than 7 since….my oldest was born,12 1/2 years ago!!
I am great at relaxing in the evening,but not until then.
No signs of slowing down at 42,but definitely realising that my body doesn’t recover as quick as it used to,so MUCH better at rest days and easy days.
I just finished Chrissie Wellingtons book,”A life without Limits”-loved it.She is amazing.
Here’s what’s making me happy right now(and thank you for the reminder-sometimes I take this stuff for granted)-my sweet,lovely 12 year old daughter is sitting patiently on the floor playing Jr Monopoly with her 6 year old brother.Love them!!


I think my brain is awake in the morning but my body doesn’t wake up until later. I can get up and study like crazy but my morning workouts are never as good. On test days, I go to bed at 8 and wake up at 2am to start studying before the test. Works wonders for me. But I don’t think I could work out at 2am ;-)

Hope everything is amazing with the beautiful Brooke!!


Morning…morning…morning…Oh, I am such a morning person. I could be up at 5 AM…cooking/baking/cleaning/exercising etc…but by 9PM I want to be IN BED (so that really means start getting ready for bed by 8:45) and lights out around 9:15.

Boring? You Bet! Do I care? Nope! Does it ever happen? Nope! One day maybe?!

I know what is not making me happy right now….this crazy sweet tooth that hit about an hour ago…what to eat to satisfy it is the question? ;-)


I’m definitely more of a morning person, but not TOO early in the morning haha. In the evening though I hardly ever get anything done, its awful.

I love the quote about knowing your pace. Thats something I certainly need to work more on now, both in life and running :) I think I push it too hard sometimes and thats when things get stressful or go awry.


I get quite hyper in the evening. When everyone else is falling asleep, I just want to talk and hang out. Yet, on the nights I’m sleepy super early, everyone else seems energetic. I can’t win.


Oh my I am loving all the Brooke pics!!!
I am a night owl all the way..my hubby is a morning person so we balance each other well! Haha.
I am not currently reading a book but just finished the run less run faster book.
I have slowed down the past two days to really enjoy my boys and the last few days of summer vacation before school starts!!


I am 10,000 times more productive in the mornings, 3pm and I am useless!

Right now I am reading a Sharon Kay Penman book. She writes amazing historical fiction books about Mideavil Europe is you’re a hyper nerd like me.


that is my absolute favorite breakfast EVER. minus the pb&j :P

mornings are definitely my productive time! i used to be the BIGGEST night owl ever, but things shifted after i graduated college, and now that i don’t work as a server anymore, i’m finally back on a normal sleeping schedule! (i.e. not getting home from work around midnight! blech!)


I’m wired after 9 p.m. Depending on when I slept, I can also be wired at 4 a.m.

I was wondering if you had many running type books. I’m just starting and need some guidance, what would be your top 5 (or 10) books?

I recently finished the Fool’s Gold series by Susan Mallery. Sweet romances but you may (or not) want to skip some pages ;-)

My youngest is 23 years old. I have no baby book recommendations.

Extremely happy? When M gets home safely. Traffic is horrible today.


The Accidental Athlete, by John Bingham (also his older books, The Courage to Start, No Need for Speed, Running for Mortals, Marathoning for Mortals, all good for beginners). Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes, The Extra Mole by Pam Reed, Running on Empty by Marshall Ulrich, Eat and Run by Scott Jurek, all memoirs by ultra runners. Marathon Woman by Kathrine Switzer. The Long Run by Matt Long. Born to Run by Christopher MacDougall. Staying the Course by Dick Beardsley. Duel in the Sun by John Brant. My Life on the Run by Bart Yasso. I Run, Therefore I am Nuts, by Bob Schwartz. These are mostly memoirs and bios, because inspiration is much more important than instruction! Also check out the movie Spirit of the Marathon, for inspiration and entertainment!


I meant The Extra MILE, not Extra MOLE. Oops!


Thanks Kristin, I went shopping at amazon :-)


I have crazy energy in the mornings. Well, does 3:45am even count as morning! haha!! It lasts until about 3pm and then I want to cry when I am forced to go back to the gym and train/teach until late into the evening. I am on go constantly and know I need to slow down; I just don’t know how to do it. My schedule is completely full with every minute of every day planned. Yikes. Sometimes that really sucks, but most of the time my crazy personality accepts it.
What an awesome comparision…running and real life. It’s completely true.


Love the quotes.. inspirational quotes always get me moving! I wish I had your energy in the morning.. my bed just sounds way better than getting out of it. Ugh.

AWESOME baby book is The Happiest Baby on the Block. I have babysat for many years and almost everyone that I babysit for has read it. Highly recommended by all!


I recommended that too! The shushing technique is amazing!


Definitely recommend Happiest Baby on the Block too! Still just expecting baby (due in October) but at a meetup for other preggo women this morning everyone agreed that is the book to get. It’s one that has resonated a lot for me so far.


I’m definitely a morning person and am much more productive then. I need to calm down..I get antsy when I’m not doing anything but I need to learn that I don’t have to have something to do all the time lol. Have a great and relaxing night! ;)


I’m the same way-I’m a go getter in the morning and have a hard time sitting still. So proud of you and getting some good relaxing time in. It has taken me a while to not feel guilty when I’m not being productive, but I’ve learned that taking time for myself (and tending to your adorable baby girl) is more important!


I used to have a lot of evening energy, but lately my job has been pretty stressful and I come home exhausted. At least I get my workout in early, so I’m not too tired to run or lift weights.
Can I just tell you that your baby posts have been totally charming? Every word. You’re a champ to handle all these changes at one time and I think it’s just the cutest thing ever how fascinated you are by your beautiful baby! You’re pretty much giddy and I love reading it all! XO


mornings definitely! I read Mile Markers during my marathon training and if I were to ever write a book it totally would have read like that one. It was so therapeutic for my runners soul. As far as slowing down, I am trying to now. Trying being the opportune word. Once we announced baby number 2 the looks I get while hitting my runs on the treadmill were enough to make me want to slow down. But I just smile and turn my music up a bit louder and know I am doing what I need to do for me and baby! Running definitely makes me a better mommy for sure!


I can be really productive in the mornings if I get enough sleep and I don’t get up too early. In general it depends on the day though. Weekends I am more productive i the morning, during the week it’s the opposite. Just started reading “The Girl Who Plays With Fire” (as in the second Girl with a Dragon Tattoo book). Happy today was getting an extra hour of sleep because I decided to run after Zumba instead of way before in the morning. Not the best idea after all, but made me better this morning. :)


I have loved summer break for being able to wake up early still (5:30) but not have to do my workout right away – normally I am go-go-go but over summer I would read, eat a well prepared bfast instead of something fast – then head out for my run when my tummy settled. Gotta love those days!


I’m a morning person, so I get everything done early. By around 6 I just want to zone out.


Totally a morning person, I love to get up and get lots done then nap!

BTW…started reading my Womens Running mag that came in the mail today and you are the featured blog :) I was like, hey I know that girl. lol


You could not have posted those quotes at any better time for me to read–love them so much…thank you!


just read a nice tip about babies and thought of you.


I’m by far more productive in the mornings than at night. In the evening I either nap, watch tv, or eat, walks just don’t happen for me haha

I’m reading Eclipse, and I highly recommend it!!!! Love that book

Well since my bf left for school, i’d have to say that surprisingly my class is what makes me the happiest

Speed up!!!! I only say this because I don’t like slow lol


I am normally so much more productive in the morning..although today was a lazy one thanks to jet lag! Love these quotes, especially as I constantly feel like I should “go-go-go”


I have always, always, been way more productive in the morning. Once the clock hits 9pm I am no good for anything. I was the fun college roommate who would plan to stay up late talking, watching movies, etc and then be passed out by 9:05 sharp. Ha!

I let myself get too overwhelmed the first few weeks into motherhood. My advice would be to keep your “to do lists” and goals realistic. I eventually told myself “you know what, I can’t do it all.” So I would write down maybe two things to get done (on top of feeding/caring for the baby) that day (you know, instead of 50) and then at the end of the day I felt a sense of accomplishment and not disappointment/stress. This mindset helped me SO much!


I love that quote about pace. I am 11 weeks pregnant right now and am starting to realize that waking up before the sun to get my run on isn’t always the best thing for me before a long day at work. I’m in a place in my life where I need to slow down a bit…at least until that 2nd trimester energy kicks in! :)


I am most productive in the morning too. I never thought of myself as a morning person, but I think I actually am.


I don’t think I have a really productive time of day, it kind of just depends on the day.

I just finished reading the second book in the Divergent series. It’s awesome! I like that series better than Hunger Games, I think.


Those are great quotes. I think that for me I have slow down moments most at night when my 2 young kids are in bed. That is when I get to run and then I like to shower, turn all of the noise off in the house, unplug and I pick up toys, clean up, and get re-organized for the next day. It’s so therapeutic to just go about my business in complete silence after a day of going full force.


Your breakfast looks yummy. We are running out of food at our house so I had to eat Honey Bunches of Oats. This is the best cereal ever but it doesn’t fill me up – so I am starving again.

Pregnancy has me pretty tired these days but normally I am an early bird. I like to get up early and get going. As the day goes on I like to relax a bit more. Currently I just take a tiny bit of energy wherever I can, regardless of the time. Having to get up for work at 4:45am zaps my energy though…

I am reading Jasmine Nights right now. We have a family book club (we all meet on Skype once a month to chat about the book) and that was the book chosen. It’s an easy read and I’m enjoying it. The most useful baby book I found (when my sister had her first daughter) was The Happiest Baby on the Block. I found the information so useful and I plan on using it on my baby when he arrives in the next couple of weeks. I don’t know any other baby books, but I am anxious to see what other people recommend.

What is making me the most happy right now is knowing that it’s the weekend. It’s my last week of coaching my little golf girls and I’m excited to go to Golf Galaxy and buy them some fun golf things. I usually coach the fall classes too but I’m taking this fall off since I’m giving birth – but I will miss their cute little faces. It was part of “slowing down” – realizing that I can’t have a baby, work, coach golf, take nursing pre-reqs, be a wife, mother, sister, etc. all at the same time. It’s hard to slow down at times though!


I’m energetic all the time! Seriously – it’s annoying to some people. However, I can also relax. In the summer, I definitely could have a lazy morning, but now that’s school is back in session that gravy train has ended.

I’ve been slowing down in my life recently, and it has been glorious.

I’m reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan (for the second time), and it is amazing!!!


I am definitely more productive in the mornings! Like you I wake up full of energy and want to run or do something to utilize it. I really need to get that Mile Markers book!! Oh and what is making me happy today – finally got my certification to teach SPIN!! I am so excited but NERVOUS to audition! I need to pick your indoor cycling brain for tips. ;-)


I’m a morning person for sure, so I’m way more productive in the mornings. Just finished a book “Those Who Save Us,” loved every second of it and was sad to finish it last night. Next on my list is “Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas.”

Happiness today: Tomorrow is our 11 year anniversary, yay!


I really need to read Mile Markers! It’s on my list! I really love all of the quotes.

My happiness today is traveling with my husband to California to visit my MIL & GIL! Looking forward to seeing them!


I`m a morning person too! I hate late nights. So, your car is actually magically going to make its way up to you! I knew it was going to happen ;) You have the best family!
I`m at a time of life where I need to start speeding up again as the summer vacation of laziness is coming to an end and I need to stock up on the typical back-to-uni supplies, get study ready and adapt my timetable to get all the workouts and meals in ;)


I am so hungry seeing all of the delicious food you had in this post! haha

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