In case you were wondering how it feels to be in the car for 9.5 hours when you are 8 months pregnant, it stinks big time.  I started counting down the minutes until our arrival 6 minutes into the trip.  Maybe my constant moaning and complaining is why Billy bought earplugs at the gas station.

Okay, it wasn’t that bad at all and I accomplished something incredible along the way.  If there was a way that billy could drive straight from Utah to Cali without stopping he would do it in a heart beat.  I am the kind of person that likes to stop at each city to go buy candy or souvenirs but because I love him I have changed my ways.  I made it 6 hours without having to use the restroom and timed it perfectly for when we needed gas.  He has never been more in love with me.  To top all of that off it was my idea to get Carls Jr. for lunch.  The baby wanted it real bad.

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Since I had 9+ hours of free time I went through my photo library on my computer.  This is one of the only things I keep really organized and so sometimes it is a fun game for me to look back on the previous years to see what I did that day.

Last July 1st:

We were living in Cali for the summer and went to my favorite, WAHOO’S, for lunch and I had my mahi-mahi salad.

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Went to a movie, although I can’t remember which one.

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And ate Yogurtland for dessert with Billy’s mom.

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I think I am going to force billy to reenact last July 1st with me tomorrow.


I don’t usually set goals for the month/week etc because I forget to do it but once again I had a lot of time on my hands today so here are some of the things I want to do this July:

-Take my two nieces and one nephew each out on their own aunt date before I move, I really want to spend a lot of time with them before I go.

-Get in at least one double digit run (10 miles).

-Finish season 3 of White Collar (I really shoot for the stars with my goals:)

-Go to a pump class twice a week to attempt to stay strong.

-Remember how to drink water again because I hear it is good for you… especially when you are nursing.

-Pack or recruite people to pack for me.

-Find a place to LIVE this weekend when we are in Santa Clara.

-Continue to enjoy my burger and cookie cravings with a few vegetables and watermelon thrown in there.

-Extra Billy time before life gets a little crazier in August.


What are some of your JULY goals?

Any running goals for this month?

Was your life pretty similar to last July or have a lot of things changed?

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I was just thinking about last July today actually. They couldn’t be more different. Last July I was packing up my things and getting ready to move across the country to get married. July 24th is my ‘anniversary’ of living in Wisconsin (I moved from Cali) Last July I wasn’t married and this July I am. It has been quite a year for me! Everything has been different and new. I love going new places though so it has been a good different.

My main goal of the month is to train well and rock my July 28th half marathon.


WOW JESSICA, you sure did have a lot of changes this last year. I am so glad that the changes have been so great for you. I want to hear ALL about your half marathon at the end of the month and girl you WILL rock it!


Jessica – I’m from Wisconsin too! I live in Milwaukee, how about you? If your 1/2 on July 28th the Heatbrakers?


Hi Laura- I am in the Milwaukee area. I live in West Allis. I am doing the Wildcat half marathon in Wild Rose. The Heatbreaker would be so much easier to get to but the thought of running around a track 6000 times does not appeal to me. I am doing the Brewers mini in September as well. I really like the half marathon distance.


Jessica – this is so awesome, I actually live in West Allis, too! Just West of the Fair Park. I’m also training for the Brewers 1/2 marathon, and a couple other fall races, let me know if you’d like to get together for a run sometime! I’m slower, but miles are miles. My email is [email protected]
Thanks to Janae for introducing us! :)


I’m originally from WI and grew up a few towns away from Wild Rose… we competed against them in cross country. :) Yay Sconnies!!


Last July I was in Upstate NY…this July…Central Jersey :( no specific goals other than cutting out artificial sweeteners and diet soda and doing more strength training…I hit 250 miles last month so cutting back a bit this month :) glad you made it thru the long car ride!! They can be doozies. Your hubby and u r too cute for words…enjoy each other like u said before life gets really crazy (a good crazy though hehe).


250 miles last month…MELISSA, you are incredible! Way to go girl. You can quit the diet soda, you can do it you can do it. Thanks for your sweet words and seriously congrats on that mileage.


Aw thanks Janae. And thank you for your confidence in quitting the diet soda/artificial sweetener habit! I think it’s great you really support/encourage your readers/followers and you make a genuine effort to connect with them…it’s very admirable!


SO much has changed for me since July 1st of last year! I graduated college, moved to a new city, trained for and ran my first half marathon, got married (!!), went on my honeymoon, and am now a licensed teacher searching for a job! The fun thing about blogging is having those days documented.


Danica, yeah you had a ton of changes this last year. Keep me updated with how your teaching job search goes!


My main goal is to survive the final month of studying for the bar exam. And remember that maintaining my sanity is just as important as passing, which is why I’m allowed to exercise daily, and even sneak in a double-digit run every week.


LEAH….good luck with your studying. I seriously can’t imagine how stressful this time must be for you. Good for you to get in exercise every day..that will keep you sane.


I just posted my July goals on my blog this morning! Manly, trying to pass the time while my girls are away visiting family.

My July was pretty similar.


Good luck finishing up those projects, running more and hanging out with friends…that should make the time go fast!


Thank you!


You’re so cute. Kudos to you for being a super fun pregnant lady, I don’t think I can think of one time you’ve actually complained. Are you sure you don’t want to move to Ohio instead of Cali??
Can you give some basic tips to new runners? I did my first 5K about three weeks ago without really ever running much at all before. As I’m going to the gym to run on the treadmill more I’ve learned 1) I need to drink A LOT of water or I’m cramp-city and 2) don’t eat a fiber bar on your way to run. Any and all advice is welcome! I get super bored and find it hard to get motivated to continue to run after I stop and walk a few minutes. I do love the results I’m seeing from running so I want to continue. Thanks Janae!


Hey Christine. Thank you so much for your sweet words… I think I might have to come to Ohio now:) CONGRATS on your first 5k, that is a huge accomplishment. Good call on not eating fiber bar before a run.
Get your gait analyzed for proper shoe fitting.
Find a training plan and stick to it (maybe try a 10k next:)
ICE after a run if anything is feeling a little off.
Double knot your shoes (that one is from Billy).
After a TOUGH workout I refuel with chocolate milk.
Do some cross training to keep you strong and injury free!


good luck with the house hunt, janae!
i love your goal of spending time with your nieces and nephew, 1:1. that is awesome and fun for each of you.
it’s canada day (july 1st) up here and i am off to our rooftop bbq in a minute – i went a year ago today, too!
primary july goal: spend as much time outside as possible. i LOVE the heat and sunshine of july!!


Happy Canada Day and I hope you are having a blast at your rooftop bbq, that sounds like a blast. Gotta love being outside, enjoy:)


This July I’m going to drink more water, drink more protein smoothies and swimming more so I can do a triathlon! I’m training for my first marathon in September :)


I love all of your goals! I can’t wait to read all about how you rock your marathon in September.


Goals for the month: Keep my blog up and find more ways to get the word out, and to not get discouraged or give up. Do a lot of interactive things with Pax.
Running goal: To get up to doing jogging straight for 5 miles with no back pain.
My life is much different than last July, I was sick and pregnant and am so glad that is not the case this year!


Girl, you are rocking your blog! No getting discouraged:) WAHOO for 5 miles with no pain, I wish so badly we could run together!


Great goals! Are you having a baby shower before you head off to Cali for good?


I think so! I can’t wait wahoo!!! It is almost your bday gorgeous girl:) How about you guys come cool off here in S. Cali and we will celebrate together!


I LOVE looking back at old pictures and seeing what I did a year ago…one of the reasons I wanted to start a blog! :)


It really is the best to look back at old posts!


I never really thought about going back and seeing what I was doing last year on my blog. Going to check it out now.


Um…you should do it! Everything on your bake sale list made me drool!


You look so cute!! My July goal is to log my nutrition since I tend to slack & snack. :) I’m oddly excited about it. :)


I LOVE remembering what I did in previous years on a day!
I bet your nieces and nephew will love having a date with you, without their siblings. So cute!
Jul goals: stay injury-free and spend more time with the fam!


Aww I love looking back! :) Lots has changed for us since last July. Last July, we were living in good old Wapakoneta, Ohio. Now we’ve moved to Atlanta and have a beautiful new house! And we’re leaving for our Europe trip super soon! Yahoo!


Last July I was 7 months pregnant and this July, I’m training for my first half marathon in October. My running goals are to continue my training and mix up my cross training a little more.


My life was100% different last July! Actually one year ago today was my last day at a company I had worked at for 13 years. I was heading into the unknown! Spent the summer unemployed and doing fun things like visiting family, vacationing abd having beach time!! Also worked on getting our city house ready to sell. At the end of the summer we listed the house and I started a new job! Now we are in anew home in the suburbs, moved in 6 weeks ago and I’ve been at the new job for over 9 months!! Things certainly have changed…

Running goals – keep building up my distance, push through the humidity and keep running the hills in my new ‘hood.


WOW LAURI…you have had some huge changes in the last year. I am so happy that you are moved in to your new home with a new job, so exciting. YES, you can get through the humidity, you are incredible!


I can’t make it that long without being pregnant…


I just did a midyear checkin post on my 2012 goals, so that was kind of an eye opener. There are a few things I need to ramp up in July… cross training, core work, and I really want to up the mileage a little bit to hit my 1000-mile goal for this year! I’m behind as of now, so I need to get to 100 miles each month the rest of the year to make it.

Good luck house hunting! I know how stressful that can be!


Good luck finding a place to live in Santa Clara! Enjoy finding a place to live and get excited about your upcoming move :)

Packing/moving tip for cross-country moves… use plastic bins (with lids) whenever possible (instead of cardboard boxes). They are much easier to stack and carry, and if for some reason water infiltrates the moving truck… your stuff is safe! And you can easily reuse for future moves or storage. I think I packed 80% of my things this way moving from Seattle to Denver and it was TOTALLY worth it.


I guess my goals for July are to work on cross training and being able to run 5 miles without stopping. Those are my goals in general it’d be awesome if I accomplished them come August 1st. Last July we were brand new homeowners and still adjusting to the newness (and spending lots of money we did that this July too unfortunately).


great goals! Haha I never understood people who don’t drink water, I probably drink a gallon a day! I love it.


I think you need to make it a goal to see me in July!!!


One of my big July goals is to continue to eat well and also to start training for my relay in October! Can’t wait :)

Good luck finding a place to live, thats so exciting!


Hope you get to recreate that day tomorrow–sounds like a perfect day to me! :)

Love your goals. I have a goal to go camping this month, and to get higher in my mileage with biking….!


i love that you look back on the same day last year!! i do that too sometimes. it’s so crazy to see how things have changed! (or not.. lol!)

you have some great goals there! i love that you want to take each of your nieces and nephew on a date! you’re such a good aunt :)


My goals are to focusing portion sizes, blogging ahead, do more yoga, and get wedding stuff done! Ps: WAHOOS rocks!!


Last year: ran my first race (8mi) at a 10:20 pace; was a bridesmaid in my friends wedding.
This year: ran a half marathon at an 8:40 pace; am engaged and getting married in 2 mos.

Goals for July: start marathon training healthy


My hubby just graduated from Santa Clara law school,
You should really check out living in Los gatos, Saratoga or Campbell great areas!
The Los gatos ward is a total runners ward. Seriously check it out!
We loved Santa Clara!


HEY MALLORY!! Thank you so much for the recommendations. Did you move away from Santa Clara? I am going to have to check out this Los Gatos ward!


We moved after graduation, my husband got a job at the patent office
So we now live in the dc area. Definitely different from California.

When we first moved to cali for law school I was a bit depressed but started running with my wards running group twice a week and made amazing friends. I am Headed back in October to run the Nike wonens in San Fran.


We will have to meet up when you are back for the race! I am going to copy you and run with the ward girls:) thanks!


Los Gatos, Saratoga and Campbell are seriously expensive in housing. I am not sure about aprtments or rentals though. The Avalon apartments in Campbell are pretty nice, close to the downtown and right next to the Los Gatos Creek Trail (loads of runners etc).


I am so jealous of your California adventure. Good luck finding housing!

I set goals every month for myself on my blog so that I have some sort of accountability that I have to hold to. It’s not always super specific, but they at least give me guidelines. My running goal (which I strangely did not include in my July rundown) is to really get my mileage back after injury.


I’ve seen a lot of people in the blogisphere documenting goals for this month–I think I’m going to have to jump on the wagon!

I really like your goals–good luck with everything this month! My running goals for the month are to run at least one half marathon on my own (well, with my husband), include some speed work for my upcoming 5K, and to increase my mileage overall.


How in the world did you make it that long without a potty spot at 8months pregnant? You deserve a metal!
Keep up with all your great workouts. You’ll be glad you did them once that baby comes and you bounce right back.
The water and nursing thing works it’s self out. You will crave, CRAVE water while nursing. It will feel like you can’t get enough. Our body just knows. ;-)
Good luck house hunting!


My July goal is to make my wedding happen without any major issues so that I can get to my awesome honeymoon ASAP :) So, yes – this July is very different!! Have a great time in Cali. Next time you’re here and I’m not about to get married I *am* forcing you to meet up with me!!


I love that one of your goals is to spend more time with your nieces and nephew :)! This has inspired me to think about setting some goals for myself this month!


Running goals-i would like to keep my long run distance up-having a week break though, since I did a half marathon on Saturday-then run a half at the start of august


Good luck with house hunting. We went to Seattle for 5 days and looked at about 15 houses. We didn’t decide on one until we were back in Boston. I have no idea what the house looks like, except from pictures. I have a busy July we are moving mid-August also. I have a spreadsheet a mile long, along with a trip to Vermont this weekend for a hilly HM and a visit to UVM for my daughter.


I need to be better about organizing my pictures. Or just taking pictures in general. Yet ANOTHER reason to get an iPhone. You have inspired me.
This month is crazy here as well as we are moving 2100 miles to Arizona. So my goal is to get all 5 animals across the country without going crazy.

The Kidless Kronicles


My biggest goal this month is a running one. I want to run my half (the hobbler) in 1:45, but I would be satisfied with breaking 1:50. (last year I ran it in 1:52). So I am kinda pumped for that.

I also had a goal to get my hubby to take me to Lagoon today for our anniversary, but I don’t know where we’re going yet, since it’s supposed to be a surprise, but I’ve got a good feeling about it.

Have fun in Cali. I’m impressed you made it 6 hours in a car with no potty breaks and you are pregnant! You go girl!


Last year June was pretty terrible. We were supposed to be on a late honeymoon in Thailand and Singapore for 3 weeks but we had a diasater at work and had to come home after 3 days. July of last year was a big stress. This year it’s a big month for change! I am in the middle of packing, ugh.

I am looking for a race to sign up for…that’s my July Running goal.


you are a brave woman!! Now that I’m 6 months preggo I can barely sit for 15 minutes without my legs going numb or my tummy cramping up!


Hi Janae!

I have been reading your blog/developing a friendship crush for a few months now, but this is my first comment! My husband is about to start his third year of law school, and I remember the excitement and anticipation before he started! I am so glad that yall are getting to spend all of this one on one time before he starts lawyer-ing and you are baby-ing. It was a huge adjustment (we’d been married 2 years) when he started school, but I couldn’t help but be proud of what he was doing for our future. There will be times during finals when all you want his for him to be home (or at least to be in a better mood!), but I have to keep reminding myself “short term sacrifice, long term gain.” AND when he started law school is when I started running/doing tri’s, I’m signed up to run my first marathon in January so I LOVE all of your encouraging posts.

Congrats on all the wonderful new changes…praying from Texas :)



HEY MEREDITH!! Your comment absolutely made my day, thank you so much. Congrats on your husband getting to the THIRD guys are so close. I think it is going to be a huge adjustment and I might have to vent to you ha. I love your saying, ‘short term sacrifice, long term gain’ and I will be using that. PLEASE let me know how your training is going…you are going to rock that marathon. Thanks again, I really appreciate you!


Definitely finish season 3 of White Collar soon. Season 4 starts next Tuesday. I am counting the days. :)


You lasted SIX HOURS without going to the bathroom??? I could never do that!!


I love your goals! I have a bunch of fitness goals but never thought to do personal goals. Good idea!


Hi Janae, I just discovered your blog via your guest post on Fitnessista, yay!
I totally understand you on the road trip thing.. I like to stop at places along the way but B prefers to keep going and get to our destination as soon as possible so I now time gas/bathroom breaks as well!
I’m glad you got me thinking about what I was up to last year, as I sometimes feel like I’m not where I “should” be, but really a lot has changed. Last July I was a newlywed and my husband and I were still living in Australia. Since then we have moved countries, spent time settling in the States, celebrated our first wedding anniversary, started new jobs and I’m now studying again (nutrition), as well as lots of road trips discovering new places and seeing my American family. So despite my worries, I think I’m doing ok. Thank you for the reminder. :-D


Hey Jodie! Thank you so much for commenting! Girl, you have come a log way in the last year! Studying nutrition…that is so awesome! I like our method for road trips much more!


Haha, me too! Good luck with the move, and I look forward to following your blog :-)


Oh wow, you are moving to Santa Clara???? That is where i live, well San Jose! Let me know if you have any questions about good areas? I have lived here my whole life!!!!!!!! P.S. I love your blog, just started reading it! You are hilarious and love the inspiration you give me to run more! :) I teach “The Dailey Method” classes and also run! Not half as much as you though these days.


Stefanie!!! Can we be friends when I move there and we can run together and I will come to your class?


Of course! :) I might have missed a post! What are you moving for? And where exactly? I can definitely help you with if places are good areas or not? Do you know anyone here? Thats so fun! Go ahead and email me if you’de like :)


We are moving for Law School…my husband will be going to Santa Clara University. We have no idea where we are going to live and are going up this weekend to find something. Any good/cheap apartments in the area that you know of?


Thats awesome!! You will love it here!! Ok is there somewhere I can send you a list of places? I can do that tonight but going to take class at Dailey method now and teaching hehe (like u needed to know that) haha…. Is it Santa Clara university!? If so how far can you be from there? I know a Lot of places in Campbell and San Jose! :))


Thank you so much! We can be anywhere within twenty minutes of the university! Could you email me at [email protected]?!?


First, I finally found you again!! I read your blog for a while before and then I forgot the name and couldn’t find it until Fitnessista just posted your guest post.
So, wait, Santa Clara CA?! Born and raised in this town! Actually just moved east of Santa Clara to the foothills, but work just right around the corner from parents home. Training for the rock n Roll 1/2 marathon in San Jose this October. I like to say I know the South Bay Area pretty well. There a several run groups that I know of am going to start joining this month. Check out the Sports Basement in Sunnyvale (just north of SC) it has one of the run groups and loads of fun activites including a Mommy workout group.
If you need anything, just let me know. (Yes, I know creepy for a stranger to say ^_^)


HEY SONIA!! I am so glad you found me again, that makes me so happy! AHHH You live in Santa Clara?!? This absolutely makes my day! We will have to be friends mkay:) Thanks for letting me know about the Sports Basement, that sounds awesome! You are not creepy at all, I am so glad you commented!


Janae, you should check out It links to your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc), and every morning, it sends you an email with what you were up to on this day last year. It’s so fun to get reminded every morning of just what’s changed in one year’s time!


Wow! Last July was soooo different!! I was a bit thinner and wearing cute minikilts and combat boots while playing the bagpipes in a pub in Honolulu with an Irish rock band! Hahaha! Later in the month I moved with my husband and five children to England! Now this July I am barely getting in three miles at a time, haven’t played the bagpipes since March and am up 30 pounds – and due in 10 days with baby number 6! Big change! My only running goal for this month is to run this coming Thursday once my husband is back from France, to run Saturday, and then to run Monday again (if I’m still not in labor.) If labor still has not come by Monday, then I plan to run every day til I’m in labor and run through it as long as I can (run through the pain!! Hahaha!) My last labor I walked about 8 miles the day I delivered, lots of it pretty fast on a treadmill, but I FELT like running! I hadn’t been able to keep it up due to some cramping and bleeding at 4 months with that one, but this time since I’m still going, I hope to be running on “labor” day instead to see how it helps things along!! :)

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