Not to complain or anything (actually I am totally about to complain) but sitting and laying when I am not asleep doesn’t feel so great.  Good thing I don’t have a job or anything to do during the day so that I can just go float around in a pool and feel weightless.

My favorite pool position is to be standing on the side of the pool while reading and every 15 minutes I dunk my head under the water to cool completely off.  I am reading Meb’s book, Run to Overcome and I really like it but I am probably not the best person to ask about running books because I like every single one that I read.  A whole book about running?  Yes, please.

Photo 1

After the pool we hit up the matinee of the new Batman movie.  Not sure how I felt about it (plus I could not stop thinking about the Colorado tragedy) but that also could have been due to the fact that sitting for 3 hours is not on my favorite things to do list.  I did like it but I think I would really like it if I was watching it at home with my 4 pillows.

When we came out of the theater there was a double rainbow, I only took 48 pictures of it.  Too bad Billy didn’t want to waste gas driving around to find the end of the rainbow with the pot of skittles (I would choose that overt a pot of gold).

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Here is where I failed.  Our friends mentioned something about getting sandwiches after the movie.  My knees went weak and everything around me started swirling, challenge smallenge.  I went 16 days without spending money on food/groceries but they caught me in a moment of weakness (um, 8 o’clock at night, hungry and promising me bread with a stack of meat in between) and I was a goner.  Billy actually used a visa gift card his mom gave him for his bday to pay for our dinner and I want to say that since it was bday money it doesn’t count as breaking the challenge but I think it does.

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I had the 1/2 sandwich (how the below sandwich is a 1/2 sandwich I will never understand but never complain) and salad bar.  Jason’s Deli is ranked #1 in the world for best salad bar in case you didn’t know.  Don’t ask for any documentation on previous statement, just go with it.

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Billy’s hilarious friends that Billy grew up with in California had us laughing the entire time to the point that it actually started hurting me and I had to force myself to stop laughing.

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Even if you don’t like your meal at Jason’s or you are having a bad day, I promise that their free ice cream will solve anything.

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It even made me happy at 10 o’clock at night which is the time that I usually start turning into a monster.  Ask Billy, he will confirm.

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What is your favorite genre or book?  What are your favorite things to read about?

Do you have a Jason’s Deli near you?  How would you rank their salad bar and ice cream?

Have you seen The Dark Night Rises yet?  Are you going to?

What time of night do you start getting REALLY tired and start turning into a monster?

-Ten o’clock for me.

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I go to our Jason’s deli a lot. For the most part, I like the salad bar, but I wish that they had more protein choices. I think the only options they really have are hard-boiled eggs and shrimp. I’d feel iffy eating shrimp from a salad bar! I have never tried their ice cream because I am lactose intolerant, but my friends love it! :)


You used a gift card so I definitely think it does not count. You win! That is one tough challenge.


I totally agree with this – you didn’t break your streak because you used a gift card!


I agree as well. If it’s not money coming out of your (or Billy’s) wallet/bank account/credit card/etc it doesn’t count!


LOL…that looks like a full sandwich but I wouldn’t complain either. ;) You technically used a gift card so I wouldn’t say that you lost, hehe. I haven’t seen The Dark Knight Rises yet but I want to. I usually start getting tired around 9:30/10 o’clock. We don’t have a Jason’s Deli near us but I am obsessed with Sophie’s Salad from SaladWorks…I could eat it everyday. Pretty rainbow!!!


Nah, considering you did 16 WHOLE days I’d still consider you a chart! Salad & free ice cream = Jason’s Deli sounds like a winner!!


OMG!! Jason’s Deli salad bar?!?! Best salad bar ever!!! Aaaaaand…now I’m craving it at 7:22am! I could go on and on about my favorite items but won’t; the hummus, mushrooms, bell peppers, chocolate pudding, and little pumpernickel mini-muffins may or may not be my favorite things ever!!

Time I turn into a monster? Hmmm…it actually has nothing to do with night because I’m a night owl…but I would definitely have to say it’s anytime I haven’t eaten in over three hours. That’s when things can get kinda ugly! ;-)


I read entirely too much urban fantasy and biographies. I also LOVE a good history book or archaic medical text. I also LOVE 16th century plays.

I have a problem.


Never heard of Jason Deli’s sounds good though….

So sad I am such an early to bed person…if not in bed by 9:30 look out, by 10PM I will be a monster! ;-)


I also enjoy nonfiction books. I like that mantra on the first page-student first, athlete second. So many people forget that in college and end up failing out and then not being able to compete.


I don’t think you failed bc it was bday money!
My hubby went to the movie last night, but I stayed home and went to bed. I only like chick flicks;) Sad, but true. Oh, and it was at 10:30, which is pretty much when I turn into a monster!


I like really girly and light reads, like Shopaholic books, Gossip Girls… haha.
Never been to a Jason’s Deli!
I have not seen but we do want to. I am a little apprehensive though after the Colorado incident and 3 hours in a theatre is way too long for me.
Yeah about 10pm for me too!


i love, love, LOVE jason’s deli! it’s definitely one of my favorite places. their amazing salad bar and free ice cream totally wins me over.
i want to see the new batman movie, but i’m a little nervous with everything that happened in colorado. it makes me sick just thinking about it! eventually i’d like to see it though.
at about 10 o’clock is when i start turning into a monster too. my bed time is 10:30, and i like to be in bed at 10 so i can read for awhile.


We went to Jason’s deli once a year ago. Now I have to go back and try that salad bar! I remember my son got a baked potato which was awesome!
I think if you used a giftcard, it doesn’t count as breaking the no money on food challenge!


I’ve never been to Jason’s deli but, it sounds great!

Rissa saw “dark knight” a couple of days ago w/a few friends. When she left a creepy feeling came over me. I haven’t been able to get the Co. tragedy out of my mind. My heart still heart for all those people. I recently watched a a.m. show & heard that it should’ve rcvd. an R rating instead of PG-13. I guess some of the scenes were hard to watch?

I love running books & biographies. I enjoy reading about people’s real life experiences. :)

By 10-10:30 is where I start to turn into a pumpkin/monster! :) I need my sleep!!

luv ya & have a great day sweetie!! xo


I BELIEVE IT… I agree about some of the scenes being way too much! I am taking you to Jason’s Deli, you would LOVE the salad bar and froyo:) I am sorry but I CANNOT picture you ever being grumpy or monster like:) LOVE YOU!


…”heart still hurts!”


I think 16 days without spending money on food is still considered a success!
I also love running (or any athlete’s) books, but I also can’t say no to a good chick literature book!
i turn into a bear right around 10, too!


probably 10:30. you’ve inspired me to read more running books!


You used a gift card, I think you’re still good for the challenge.

I’m nice in the evening but between 5.30 and 7.30am, I’m not so nice!!


Seriously, Jason’s Deli salads are the best. And the soft serve is heaven. Not much else to say other than that.


definitely 100% agree with you – best salad bar ever.


I saw the Dark Knight. I was apprehensive because of the Aurora shooting, but a lot of the movie was shot in Pittsburgh (where I live) so I wanted to see it. It was fun to see my city but it was also a little eerie.

My monster time is 10:00 too!


Isn’t Meb’s book good! I was sad when it ended!
I don’t think I’m going to go to a movie theatre for awhile… I’m too scared! In New York they have two policemen at every theatre right now. Just in case!
I can become a tired monster at like 9:30! I’m such a wimp with sleep. I need like 9 hours or I can’t function!


Like you, my excitement for the movie has been shadowed by the tragedy. I will still see it, but now I’m waiting.


I always read in that position when I am in the pool! Although, I don’t like to dunk under because I hate how the chlorine makes my hair dry!


I feel like I can read books all over the spectrum..BUT im not the biggest fan of sci-fi. Ive been reading alot of mystery/suspense books lately, so good!

I wish I had a Jasons deli around here because your food looks delicious.

I saw Dark Knight Rises on sunday…i was still freaked out by the tragedy in CO, but we had preordered the tickets already. I thought it was really good, but SO long, it was hard for me sit there and im not preggo, i just have a short attention span. haha. I also thought Bane was difficult to understand when he spoke, so i’m looking forward to watching it on DVD eventually with the captions on. (am i the only weird one who loves to do that? its amazing how much you miss when you dont have them on!)


I loved that book too by Meb… I’m a sucker for running books too. I just read one about an Ultra Marathoner… awesome!


I love reading about health and wellness, but I also love those fluffy books by Nicholas Sparks, Kristin Hannah, etc. They’re always fun to read!


I am a sucker for all books. I don’t care for books that seem to be the “cool” thing to read. Although, this summer I read Fifty Shades of Grey and also Girl Gone. Right now I have to start on Tigers in Red Weather.


I read anything and everything (but after trying realized I don’t like romance). I LOVED the new Batman movie. I thought that it was the best one! WHen I visited Utah I went to a place called Legers Deli (I think) BEST sandwich I have ever had! Half there is a whole sandwich too! CRAZY!


10:30 is definitely monster time for me. never fails!

We have a Jason’s deli and I have only been once. I am definitely planning on going back soon though after seeing your deliciousness!

I am also completely jealous of your pool time. Enjoy it girl! :)


I LOVED reading running books, and since my injury I have not picked up one thing. I can’t even go to runners world and look at the website.

I have not seen the movie and I prb won’t I didn’t like the previous one, I thought it was TOO DARK. :)


I love Jason’s Deli! They DO have the best salad bar ever! One opened up on campus my sophomore year of college and it was amazing! I’m also obsessed with their banana pudding-SO SO GOOD!


If I were you, I’d probably spend the next month in the pool feeling weightless! Get a float and maybe you can even sleep there! I can’t believe you went to such a long movie when sitting is so uncomfortable for you. Girl, you crazy! I saw Dark Knight and loved it. I was sad to say goodbye to this version of Batman, but I felt good about how it ended.

My fave books are Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games…anything that’s like an escape. But you are starting to brainwash me into wanting to read running books!

Yes I do. I haven’t been in a while, but I should go. I love their salad and free icecream!

I don’t turn into a monster, I just pass out. Someone could literally be talking to me, and I’ll fall asleep. Lately it’s been happening about 9:30-10ish.


I LOVE Jason’s Deli! I found this place in Birmingham, Alabama when I was visiting my fiancé a month ago… we literally ate there 5 days in a row because it was right down the street from our hotel! The salad bar was so amazing I could never let myself get anything else even though the sandwiches looked amazing too. I’m obsessed and I asked them to put a location in northern California since I live in San Jose so maybe we will both win if they listen to me!!


We saw the Batman movie on Friday and while I really liked it, it took on a whole different (and ironic) tone because of the shooting. I couldn’t stop thinking about it the whole movie. Such a sad an unfortunate thing!

I turn into a monster if I am hungry – doesn’t matter the time of day. And 10:30 is about my cut off time.

I have never been to Jason’s Deli. But funny you should mention it today because just yesterday we had friends over to BBQ and they were telling us how we had to go there sometime. Especially me (because of the free ice cream). Hmmm. Maybe that is why i drempt about getting fro yo last night. Seriously. And the place in my dreams had 50 dif flavors. I even tasted them all. Best. Dream. Ever.


I don’t think I could see that movie in a theater now, I would be so freaked out the whole time, even though it’s irrational to think that would happen again where I am. And I have to say kudos to you for going 16 days without spending money on food. that is IMPRESSIVE.


Love Jasons deli!! Best salad bar ever… that you get the whole hard boiled egg not all chopped up!


When I went on holidays this year I read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, and it’s my favorite book ever! A little bit of running, some history- it’s a fantastic combination. I definitely recommend it!


I saw Dark Knight yesterday in IMAX. I have always loved Christian Bale since Newsies. I though Anne Hathaway was really great in it. I might even see it a second time!


We’re due the same day and at 35 weeks pregnant (when we saw The Dark Knight Rises last Friday) I found the most difficult part of the movie being that it’s 3 hours long. 3 hours, almost 9 months pregnant, in a chair with no pillows and a bathroom you have to walk down a flight of stairs in the dark to…not all that fun. But the movie itself I really enjoyed (3 bathroom breaks and 194810315980935 position changes later).


Oh Regina. Your explanation of what you had to do during the movie sounded exactly like mine and I showed Billy so that he realizes I am not crazy:)


PS how cool would it be if we both had our babies on the same day!


I say it’s not REALLY breaking it. SO GO you!!!

I LOVE Jason’s Deli. It’s actually my favorite place to eat! I always get the salad bar and then like 2 cones of the good stuff ;)


You used a gift card, that definitely means you haven’t lost yet.

I turn into a monster during the middle-of-the-night wake-ups calls from my 8 month old and I’m always a monster in the morning pre-coffee.

I just found your blog a few weeks ago and love following along- I have 2 kids under 2 (they are the BEST!) so I can 100% relate to all that you’re going through with your pregnancy. I am blown away at the strength you have to continue to run the distances you do while in your 3rd trimester, you are such an inspiration! Thanks for pushing me to up my runs every day.


My favorite books to read are running books & chick lit ( sad but true!) I definitely want to read Meb’s book!


I have been craving Jason’s Deli the last couple days! Their salad bar is delish, and anyplace that let’s everyone have ice cream is A-okay in my book!!!


I have never been to Jason’s Deli, but salad bar and free soft serve sounds amazing! I need to find one ASAP. This has me craving self-serve frozen yogurt for dessert tonight :)
You are totally still winning your challenge a Visa Card is just an amazing gift card to the place of your choice.
Currently I am obsessed with sci-fi-esque books; Hunger Games Trilogy and Divergent series so good! Usually I am a total Chick flick type, shopaholic series bergdorf blondes etc.


You are so right! You better get some froyo today! Hunger Games was absolutely amazing. I am going to have to look into the Divergent series!


I am surprised I am not banned from Jason’s deli. I get the to-go container, even if I eat there, and fill BOTH sides. I haven’t been on a while, probably because they likely have my photo on their wall


BAHAHAHA I think I did see your picture on the wall there…..


ugh, that looks perfect: spending all day reading in a pool. yes, i need to make that happen. soon.

i love classic books, like “to kill a mockingbird” and “gone with the wind”. i love tragic romances. but also adventures. (harry potter!!) ha! i guess i’m all over the place. reading in general is pretty much my fave.

never heard of jason’s deli, but any place with free ice cream is a winner in my book!


Oh goodness I am about the same time of day as you. 10 pm. I get GRUMPY. Lately I have been grumpy a LOT. The best surprise I ever got (exaggeration maybe) was a gift card to my favorite running store from my fiance last night. He hid it in a bag of running clothes he brought over to my house that I’d left at his. I have never loved him more.

I like fiction. My favorite book… that’s a toughy. I’d say the 3 musketeers by Dumas… probably. I like lots. I need more time to read for pleasure though.


I don’t think you broke the challenge streak- it was a gift card!


Also, I totally agree a gift card doesn’t count. You didn’t take any money from your budget did you? If you budgeted in the gift card then maybe you did… if you didn’t (and not having a budget fits in this category… I don’t have one either) then you didn’t.

You’re free and clear to say you’re on day 17 in my book.


If you are going to lose at something, getting to have an awesome sandwich and free ice cream is a pretty sweet way to lose don’t you think? I wouldn’t say using a gift card counts as losing though, gift money isn’t really money…


Great photo of the double rainbow! It’s always so hard to get the second rainbow to show up in pictures.

I always have a ton of reading to do for work so I don’t have a lot of extra time for leisure reading, but when I do make time it seems like I’m always reading a book about running. When I do have time to read other books, I think I generally read books that win awards so I don’t feel so bad about not having read them. Or books about zombie apocalypses.


I love suspense! Or anything by Nicholas Sparks. :)

I am going to see the Dark Night Rises….I just stole my brothers copies of the first two movies to get caught up. I had seen the first one a long time ago, but not the second one. Mainly because of Heath and being his second to last movie. Anyway…:) I hope to see DNR’s soon!


My favorite book genre is the equivalent to chick flicks. I think they refer to them as chick lit. :) I love a good sappy, predictable love story. No Jason’s Deli that I know of. But your food looks delicious!! I think we might wait to see the Dark Night Rises on DVD but we may see it in a few weeks too when the popularity dies a little bit. I don’t think I turn into a monster at night so much as in the morning. I am much more an night owl versus an early bird. So if you get me up too early I tend to be crabby.


Could you be any cuter!? Love that last picture of you with the ice cream cone!! :)
I still think you are winning your challenge, because like you said it was purchased with a gift card, so it totally does not count against your promise!!


I am also officially ranking it the #1 salad. If two people say it, it’s totally true.


Agreed. We should make signs and things for their restaurant now that let other people know that it is the world’s best salad bar:)


Those Visa cards aren’t real money :), you’re still ok with the challenge.

We saw The Dark Knight on Sunday and loved it. I want to see it again already.


the gift card counts!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE Jason’s Deli! I always get the CLUB on wheat, the salad bar always looks delicious but I ve never strayed from my precious club.. and I didn’t know the ice cream is free!?

I am a batman fantic! Last minute on Thursday, I found out I had a Friday off, so I texted Zack (we were both at work already) “Let’s do the midnight showing of batman!” He agreed even though he still had to be at work Friday by 6am- the only showing i could find that wasnt sold out was @ Cinebistro 1240am! the movie let out about 3am (est) – which I guess its about the time the CO tradgey occured, but I had NO IDEA until late Friday because I slept the day away, and when I turned on the TV/opened FB simantaneously I was bombarded with all the devasting news.. I just couldnt believe it, I still can’t. All the news stories about the men saving their wifes/girlfriends just tugs at my heart strings..I know Zack would have done the same thing for me and I just cant even bare to think of a world without him-so Im not going to haha!

I am more of a morning Monster, if I don’t like how Ive been awaken or didnt get enough beauty sleep then watch out world!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday! Im about to go get my run on!


We have them here, but I have never been there


I used to love Jason’s Deli but it’s been a long time since I have eaten at one. I might have to hunt one down for an extra large salad.

The more I think about it, the less I think I will see The Dark Knight. Living in Colorado has made the whole situation incredibly real and frustrating. I just can imagine 30 minutes into the movie realizing that innocent lives were being taken. If I do decide to see it (I wanted to before the tragedy) I think it will be at home.

My bedtime is 10:00, sharp. :)


I love Jason’s Deli and especially love the free ice cream. My dad is notorious for getting the ice cream in a SOUP bowl and not the ice cream cones. Pretty genius right?

Now that we have Clara here (she will be 3 months next week!!!) I turn into a monster about 8pm. It is crazy. So. Tired. All. The. Time. :) But motherhood is totally worth every second of sleep deprivation! You are going to LOVE it.


Genre – I just love to read – especially Christian Fiction , Amish Fiction and I am reading running non-fiction now! Want to read Meb’s book too.

I love Jason’s Deli – they have GF food now which is perfect for gluten-free me! Haven’t had the ice cream but I love the salad bar.

I hadn’t planned on seeing the new Batman movie – and don’t think I”ll change my mind especially considering the CO shootings. Not out of fear but because I’d sit there and think about it the entire time.
My monster time is 10 – 10:30. I used to not mind staying up late but I have to go to bed at ten or I get OCD about it and then get angry because I know I’ll never be able to get up the next morning to run……….


After reading this post, I searched online for the nearest Jason’s Deli and located 1 in CA. Luckily, it was only a half hour from my house. I thought about it all week & finally got to go today and I had the half sandwich + salad bar and it was every thing I hoped it would be. Thanks for the recommendation! It will definitely be in my rotation of lunch spots!


This makes me so so happy! Isn’t it amazing? Did you have ice cream too? It is my favorite!


I love Jason’s Deli! Their salad bar truly is the best. I made my family take me there before I got my wisdom teeth out, if I wasn’t going to be able to eat solid food for a week, and I wanted my last food memory to be of Jason’s Deli!


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