29.5 Weeks and My Work Plans

I am really considering cropping my head out of this picture because of my crazy hair but this was after a 10 mile run so i guess I am allowed to pull off a huge birds nest up there.

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And in real human clothes.  PS Billy really loves it when I wear my bird shirt because I like to run around the house flapping my arms, the sad thing is that you know that I really do that.

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Less than 11 weeks until we are due!  I feel really far behind in everything because A) We still don’t know where I will have the baby (Cali or Utah?) and B) We don’t want to buy any of the big stuff to try to move it.  Good thing our laid back approach to life is keeping us sane and happy.

A few changes:

-Sitting up feels uncomfortable.  I would rather be moving around or laying down.  Sitting in the movie theater nearly killed me on Saturday night..

-No nausea whatsoever has been amazing.

-Insomnia is not so fun but I feel very blessed that it kicked in right after I was done teaching because I can nap during the day when I need to now.

-The more I start showing the more excited we both get because it is becoming SO REAL now.

-I changed my mind about the name I had already picked.  Please someone think of one for me.

-Don’t even ask me to touch my toes, it just feels so weird now.

-Still running…slowly but surely…..she is going to come out already addicted to endorphins.


A few people have asked me what I will be doing this fall in terms of working.  So far the plan is that I won’t be teaching (high school).  I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom and I cannot wait to do that.  Once I am able to work out like normal again I really want to teach spinning classes again in the early morning before Billy goes to school so that he can be with her while I teach.  I am also looking into things that I can do at home for work….ie answering calls for Jet Blue (reservations etc) or other customer service jobs…..I will totally be able to pay for Billy’s law school doing that;) —–> extreme sarcasm.

PS you won’t be able to get rid of my twice a day posting, so don’t get excited thinking I am going to blog less once I have a baby:)  Just expect a lot more self-portraits of me with my baby and jogging stroller.


How did your ‘work’ life change when you had a baby?

Future moms out there…what do you plan on doing career wise when you have kids?

What is the BEST jogging stroller to get?

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No baby yet, but when we do, I want to be able to barter babysitting for voice lessons. Possibly someone who wants to take voice lessons, but can’t afford them.

I hear that these strollers rock and I want to get them when it’s time.



How is it that I’m first again?? I also forgot to mention how adorable you are and I’m pretty sure I had a birds nest of a hair-do today too…didn’t realize it till AFTER I finished teaching voice lessons.

I’m sure you’ve heard that once you see her, you’ll know her name, so just have a few picked out and one is bound to fit her.


Your “slowly but surely” pace is my speed workout.

I have always thought Herb was a pretty funny name. I’d go with Herb.


Yes! Your half marathon at 29 weeks was still 2 mins faster than my PR Janae!


Hmm… I have a lot of friends who do medical typing stuff so they can stay at home with their kids. I know it’s boring, but they can email me all the time and they make good money!! Lol. I’m a teacher as well. Not sure how that’s going to shake out when kids come along, but I don’t see myself putting my kids in day care so I can teach other peoples’ kids? But something could work out.. you just never know. We have a pretty laid back approach too. Lol.


You are the cutest pregnant lady ever! I hope when my husband and I have babies one day that I stay tiny like you ; ) love that you work out too! I can’t wait to find out what name you decide on!


I want to be a stay-at-home mom as well, but both careers that I have seriously considered are client-based (midwife and personal trainer), so I would have flexible hours as opposed to long shifts


I either went to school or worked until my girls were 12 and 7. Then my son was born, and because my husband had finished school at that point, we decided that my staying home would be possible. It was the best decision for our family and I have been so grateful for the chance. Now my kids are growing up and it’s time for my second professional career. I just love all of the opportunities the different phases of life offer.


I stay home with my kids. I never thought I would be a stay at home mom, my mom wasn’t and I turned out Amazing. ;-)
Now I can’t imagine ever having to do the whole day care bit. I feel very fortunate to be able to stay home, even if the kids make me crazy sometimes.
I love knowing I have missed anything.
You are so stinking cute, even with crazy hair.
Is that weird? I mean cute pregnant. Not that you weren’t cute before…. I’m going to bed. Sorry. ;-)


I like Nicole / Nikki but I may be biased :-) I think it is awesome that you are going to stay at home and a big congrats on no morning sickness!! I do not have kids yet so I can’t wait to see what kind of jogging stroller you buy..


You are just so stinking cute!! I hope to get to be a stay at home mom someday, however that probably won’t happen. : ( I’ll let you steal my babies name (you know the one I don’t have yet). Her name is going to be Jacey. We want something to honor both our mothers but they have horrid names. So we to each of their initials and made it into a name – J. & C. = Jacey.


You are absolutely adorable!


I’m a stay at home mom and I love it. There are days when it gets a little crazy, but I wouldn’t change my situation. We always planned for me to stay home and when the kids are in preschool I will probably do some consulting part-time. The good thing about being a dietitian is that I could work from home. I’ve heard good things about instep safari jogging stroller.


Stay at home mom as soon as I had baby #1. I wouldn’t have it any other way and we are super lucky we have made it happen. It was and still is weird not earning money…although I did get a whopping $25 check (first one!) from my BlogHer ads last month ;-)


I would LOVE to be a stay at home mom one day, and use any free time to do charity work


I have a Bob double jogger and it is amazing! The shocks are great for uneven ground and my girls are 3 and 4, with their weight totaling 70 lbs and it is still so easy to push! That stroller is my favorite..it’s a bit pricey, but so worth it!


You’re simply adorable!


janae, i love your blog, and someone needs to pay you to blog, that’s all there is to it!
like someone else said, i would have a short list of names, then when you see little baby, you will know!


I can’t believe you are so far along!! I’m so excited for your baby girl! The pictures are too cute. I’m sure you do flap around like you are a bird! haha
I don’t have kids so unfortunately, I don’t have any tips for you! I’m glad you will still be posting between baby time though! If only someone would pay you to blog all day!


My husband and I decided that I would be a SAHM/WAHM. I currently work part time as an admin assistant and as as health coach, blogger, freelance writer and recipe creator. Basically at the end of this month I will no longer be an admin assistant but will continue with my other self-employed adventures.

As for a running stroller we went with the BOB after doing tons of research and having it recommended by a number of people.


We had 3 names we liked and decided to refer to my belly as a specific name for a week at a time. One name just stuck, so now we have a Charlotte!

I went back to work for a month and my husband who works at home thought he could do both…but couldn’t.
I wanted to be home and wouldn’t change it for anything, but it is nice to have something to make some money because I just hate not making anything. I do freelance copyediting and am a minutes taker and newsletter designer, so it’s not much but something!

Oh, and be prepared for the comments, such as “What do you DO all day?”. Saying you play with your kid all day, reading books or grocery shopping just doesn’t sound very convincing.

You’ll be great at whatever you do but it is a tough transition!


I completely agree, do not buy anything big until you need it. You need a car seat to come from the hospital, and you will need diapers. I moved when V was 3 months old and it was horrible. If you plan on co-sleeping you won’t need a bed, otherwise a pack and play will work until you get the crib.

For names…Alessandra Lee (nickname Ali) was going to be V’s name if he was a girl


I always wanted to be a stay at home mom too. I took a year off and then taught 1 night class. Awesome! Kept my sanity. Kids are 10 and 9 so now I teach a couple classes during the day. I also did online teaching. But I’m thinking teaching spinning may pay as well as part time teaching or perhaps even better. It is nice to keep something on my resume. :)


I would go with the BOB or the Baby Jogger brand!! Both are fantastic. I am so blessed to stay at home with my little girl. She will be 6 weeks old tomorrow (crazy!!) and being with her each day is amazing. Tiresome. . . yes! But amazing!


I know exactly what you should do, and you could makes some extra money, and you would be fabulous at it!….. Become a certified running coach! You could coach people all over the U.S. (and world) online by e-mail and such, and you know you would love talking about running all the time!


Love, love, love the pictures! You are going to rock at pushing that baby stroller. I would recommend getting a BOB–I didn’t get one (but will get a double if we have more kids), but from what I hear, they are the best.

I went from working full-time to part-time. Now I work full time, but a late shift and the husband works an early shift–so the little one goes to daycare 2-3 days/week, but it only averages out to about 12 hours per week total.


My work life changed from 5 days a week to 4. And I used my breast pump in my office every 3 hours. :) I use the Baby Trend jogging stroller and it came with the infant car seat to use when they’re tiny. I used it for both my kids and it still works great! Good luck with your job search. A running coach sounds like THE perfect job for you!!


I’m so thrilled for you! I’m hoping in the somewhat near future to have a baby and stay at home, too! I think it would be the best job ever. Maybe you could tutor or something? I’m a teacher too so I might try to do that!


I’m a dietitian and was able to job-share when my first kiddo was born. I was lucky to have family near, so they watched him while I worked 3 days/week. Absolute best of both worlds!
All you really need is a car seat….both my kids slept in theirs for at least a month! Glad you are so laid back! That’s awesome! I’d be a total stress ball!!


I junior high part-time for 3 years after my first & second came along… then quit to stay home when we made the big move to Heber. We needed more mula, so I started teaching piano lessons & have ever since.

I never had a jogging stroller I liked, so I gave up on them. Took my joy out of running. Maybe if I had invested in a better one it would have been a better outcome.


*taught* junior high


I was going to ask you if you had plans to continue this blog post baby. Question answered and selfishly am ecstatic about it.


I am a SAHM and just had my little guy 7 weeks ago. The husband and I had planned on me staying home but it happened a little earlier than expected when I was laid off last September. Being a stay at home pregnant lady totally rocked! I also have the BOB Revolution and L loves to run with me in it.


I went back to work as a teacher, but only because I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom. I however can tell you especially after watching my sister and my little well adjusted niece that the laid back approach is the best. She read no baby books and followed her own intuition (and trust me no one ever saw her as being the motherly type) and her little girl rocks!! The pediatrician even commented that she is one of the few little ones that he has never saw outside of her normal checkups. She is pleasant, NEVER cries, eats EVERYTHING (I mean chooses broccoli over the copious amount of icing and chocolate I try to feed her as a payback), and has slept through the night with lengthy additional naps since about 6 weeks old. She is a true angel. You are going to make awesome parents, and I look forward to all of those pictures!


You look amazing! Cutest Baby Bump Ever


You are so adorable!!!

Don’t worry too much about all the details… they’ll work themselves out. Trying to stay laid back about it is awesome! I’d be going crazy… but, really– what can you do to try to figure them all out now? Nothing! And, you’d just stress yourself out.

I think it’s awseome if you want to and can stay home after the baby! Every woman and family has to do what’s best for them. :)


you are so cute and still so small!!! you don’t have much longer either.

as for what i did, well, i adopted my baby girl when she was 2. i stayed home 6 months to be with her and make the transition for her. i got bored and wanted some extra cash, so i went to work part-time at my church. my church had cut backs, my ex cheated so this catapulted me into getting full time employment a year after the adoption. single working mom since i got married last april. still work full time. however……i really wish i was filthy rich and could star on one of the bravo tv housewives show :)


First off, you look absolutely adorable!! Your baby bump is so insanely cute! Also, I love those shoes! Do they feel as great as they look? I’m in the marke for running shoes! Have a great day!


I’ve always only wanted to be a mom (even with a college degree), and thankfully my husbands wants me to be a stay-at-home mom too! I’ll probably do something on the side for fun, by my job is raising our baby!


Although I’m only have my first too the only thing I would worry about getting is the cosleeper until you know where your living and etc. All they need at first is a place to sleep and eat. We live in an apartment and we’re not able to go all out on the nursery and they’ll be fine.


I am so jealous!!! I would LOVE to be a stay-at-home mommy!!! Ugh. I am thinking of baby #2 but even then, I will definitely have to go back to work. I’ve also thought about getting my certificate in Personal Training so I can also teach classes. Perhaps it’s an option. I did see that my hot yoga studio is doing their annual teacher session — just don’t know if I can pull out $3,600 from my … LOL

I think that’s great that you can be a SAHM. If you can do it, DO IT!!! They grow up way too fast. I ended up having to go back to work 6-weeks post-baby. It was difficult, but my husband got laid off so he was home with her for a good month before he had to go back to work. Also, we are very fortunate to have both our parents watch her during the week.

As always, you are CUTE as a button. As for joggers, we have a BOB and absolutely love it. I’m already shopping for a double stroller — it can be PRICEY. I ran my first race w/ the jogger this past weekend. It went well… I still need to get used to weaving in out of people w/ the jogger — OH and not running into the back of people’s feet. WHOOPS.


I’ve been doing a lot of research on jogging strollers and surprisingly, i’m leaning towards the Joovy Zoom 360. It gets great reviews. Most reviews say it’s as great as the Bob, just cheaper. About $100 cheaper. AND they just came out with their infant car seat adaptors. AWESOME! Anyone else have any experience with these?


I have this stroller and love it! I don’t have any experience with using it with a little baby, but I am still using it with my 5 year old!


I’m so excited for you guys! You are still so tiny! I keep waiting for you to poke out a little more!!! This summer will be an exciting time of change. And I have a girl baby name for you that I wanted to use but likely will not because I’m pretty sure I’m done. I’ll text it to you because it’s top secret! ;)


I started teaching online classes for BYU-Idaho when my first baby was born. I love it! It’s flexible, I can do it from home while she’s napping, and I get to stay in my field.


I love your carefree approach, it is wonderful. So sense in stressing out cause 10 years from now you would just look back and laugh anyhow so enjoy the ride! Faith that everything works out as it should is the best approach to life – and it will all work out!!!

I have an extremely unique situation. I work full-time out of the house and needed to keep that going so I figured I would be dropping her at daycare 9 hours a day like most of the world. Not excited but we do what we need to. When I asked my boss if I could work from home a few days a week to ease back into into work he replied with, “No I want you in the office so why don’t you just bring the baby?”

So she is now 17 months old and she comes to work with me full-time, all day, every day since she was 3 months old. It is amazing, I have the best of both worlds and am beyond thankful. I can’t imagine being away from her and stuck in an office all day.

Like I said very unique situation. It is a small office of just the owner and myself, he is an amazing guy, I have been with him for 13 years, I have a whole baby area set up to the left of my desk and we just work it out. Some days are hard and I wonder what I am doing but 99% of the time it works and I am just thankful. Many days where she falls asleep on my chest while I am working and I come to tears just realizing how lucky I am. Clients love her and if I have to go out to their office or to meetings she comes with, totally bizarre but it works. She is super calm and easy going.

BOB is the best jogging stroller there is. Some people use it as their only stroller but I don’t get that, doesn’t seem great as a day to day to me. They are expensive especially if you get it as an “extra” stroller. I found mine at a garage sale for $100 so go check those out or on craigslist. Lots of people have a second baby and have to upgrade to the double and sell it off. Good luck!!!


I knew that if I ever had two kids, I’d want a BOB duallie, but then remember how freaking expensive they are. I was determined to find one since they’re like the cadillac of strollers and baby #2 comes in 7 weeks so I finally scored one off KSL.com…that place is awesome for strollers and baby stuff, FYI (to save you money)
I thought I’d go back to work part time after Sam arrived, but quite honestly, I couldn’t imagine leaving him and missing a lot of his milestones and only seeing him for an hour in the morning and a few hours after work during the week and ultimately, I feel that being with him all the time was for me (and it’s definitely not for other women, I get that) Best decision I’ve ever made to be with him all the time! When Dad gets home, he gets to play with him a lot and I get a break :) I plan to go back to part time work when Sam starts going to school. We sacrifice a lot money wise (don’t eat out much at all, don’t buy all the new gear we want and don’t travel far for the time being) but it’s so totally worth it for these years that they are growing before school.
Best of luck to you!


I love the name Oliva or spelled Aliva, Leilani (Hawaiian!!) and my sister’s name is Kelcie and I like it too!


Love, love, love the name Jayce Alexis!!! We were going to use that name if we had a third child and it was a girl. J C are my husbands initials and it just sounded so cute! We also have friends whose daughters first name is Jaye. How cute is that? You are going to love staying home with your little girl as well as teaching spinning!!! I know you have taught before but getting back to it after the baby is born is so fun!


I think you should name her Hayley :) I also have a great idea for work for you… I am going to email you!!


I cannot wait to see your posts all about your baby girl!


I worked for the first year of my daughter’s life but then my husband had a job change that allowed me to stay home. I love all the time I get to spend with her now. I would eventually like to work part-time. Maybe when my little one starts preschool.

I have the BOB Revolution stroller and I love it. I have run long runs and even races with it. I had considered the BOB Ironman but that is better if you plan to run long and on a trail. It is difficult to maneuver in residential areas.

You are the most adorable pregnant woman ever!


Have you looked at nameberry.com for baby names yet? It’s so much fun to play on (coming from some one not pregnant nor will be pregnant anytime soon!).


I hear the BOB Revolution is the way to go, fortunately my brother lives in Brooklyn with all the hipster parents and hes going to get one used for me. I tried one out in Babies R Us and it was pretty awesome, you could turn /move it with like 2 fingers all the others feeling like pushing shopping carts to me ;) You look soooooooo good!

I have no solid plan for when our baby comes. My husband and I own a business together where we are the only employees. So it will be interesting, yes I can bring the babe to work anytime I want but that will all depend on its personality and how ‘easy’ the baby is. So we will see! So far the hubs is planing 2 weeks solid off then we will just have to roll with it.

Best of luck with the moving and everything, it will be so nice once you are settled into your next home with the baby, you will look back and think you are pretty much superparents for figuring it all out. Cuz you are!


that is the cutest baby bump ever! you flapping your wings makes me think of The Notebook. love the bird shirt!
i have those mizunos and i love the bright yellow.


Awww you look so cute and happy!!


th best stroller is a BOB hands down. i use mine to push jaymo around all the time.

or not. my sister in law has one and it is awesome, super smooth and light but big.


I got laid off at work (and then got a fat severance so I was happy) and then got pregnant so it worked out since I wanted to be a SAHM anyways.

BOB Revolution for sure. I got a Baby Trend because I tried to be cheap and it was awful and I had to buy the BOB anyways. You can save money by buying it used on Craigslist, new ones are about $450


Found this for you! For just $1,000, you won’t have to stress out about this baby name! :) http://www.groupon.com/deals/groupon-baby?c=all&p=31#


You look adorable :). I thought about working for Jet Blue also but mostly so I can get tickets to fly home. Flights from New York are not cheap! I just need to figure out how and when I can go through a 4 week training….

I didn’t know you were thinking of delivering here. Don’t worry, it will all work out.


I’m a work-at-home mom of five kiddos. I do programming/software development/support/training… not always the easiest thing to do with endless distractions from a whole herd of kids, but it has gotten us through the past 12 years of parenting and raising our kids ourselves!
I’ve had so many strollers over the years, I don’t even knnow where to begin! Most jogging strollers are just plain awesome these days, just make sure you get one that works for infants as well as toddlers/older kids. At one point I was running with my infant twins in a huge bulky Graco tandem stroller (small wheels) that held two infant car seats. It wasn’t ideal, but you do what you have to do!
As for being prepared for baby, most of the “big things” that new parents think they need are not really necessary anyway. Some clothes, diapers, and a basinette will get you through the first few months.


I am SO relieved you mentioned the two a day posting. I was literally a little sad and worried that would change :) You look fantastic! Glad you’re feeling better and don’t worry, everything will work out and be setup just fine.


I think I need a bird shirt so I can start running around the house like that too.


I never wanted to be a stay at home mom – I thought I paid so much for school, so I should work. Well, that quickly changed once I had kids! I am very blessed to be able to work from home part time so that I can still contribute to the monthly income but still say with my babies as well. It’s perfect (well, sort of – sometimes the kids don’t want me to work at all!). I had a BOB jogging stroller that was SUPER nice, but I couldn’t afford the double once I had my second kiddo, so now I just take kids for a walk in their wagon and leave them at home while I jog. It’s my “me” time.


I’m not a mom yet, but I am hoping to work part time (3 days a week or so) if I can make it work when I finally convince my husband it’s baby time! I’m not in a very forgiving field (I’m a scientist) so it is going to be interesting to see if I can make it work. I just keep telling myself that I’ll do whatever I have to do, and if I keep my priorities straight, everything else will fall into place.
Wanted to say I’m so impressed with how positive all you ladies are! It is great to see people can still talk about such a charged issue so kindly and respectfully. I hope everyone here finds the situation that works the best for their family!!!!!


I am in love with my BOB revolution. My husband thinks it is a little heavy for everyday but I think he is a whiner.
I am home with my girl and I am happy to be able to do it. Good for you guys.
As far as really needing furniture for the baby, Jacqueline slept in our room for a bit in a cradle, but if you wanted to be bare minimum, go for a pack and play. It folds smallish and she will be happy sleeping in it till you are settled. (at nearly 2 Jax still naps in it at my moms)


The mommy+career question is a tough one. I’m not married or in a relationship but I do have a career and lately I’ve been re-evaluating my views on being a career woman with a child. A year ago I would have said I would manage career and children but now I realized that being a stay at home mom for the first few years is definitely part of the plan. It’s an unfair world out there for us ladies!


You are too stinking adorable. I love you and hate you at the same time =)

I became a stay at home mom when AJ was born. Never planned on doing that until he was born and I realized I never wanted to leave his side. Thankful that m y hubby has a good job that can support the family while I get manicures, go out to fancy lunches, and work out numerous times a day – HAHAHA.

Best jogging stroller – BOB. I can email you with details on which model is best for you !!! =)


Get a BOB Revolution, they are the best, by far!

I work from home, my kids are 4 and 2. It is hard to get it all done, but you really get into a routine.

When my son was born I worked full time out of the house until I had my daughter. I miss it a lot, some days more than others :) But being able to stay home and go on impromptu fro yo dates and playdates is really priceless.


Long time reader, first time comment-er. You look fantastic! I miss the baby belly!

My work-life didn’t change too much. I has 8 months off with my son (now 3) and my husband too the remaining 4 month of the leave to be home with him.

I do miss the time I get to spend with my son. By the time I’m home from work, its dinner then bedtime. I must admit, I’m jealous of the day care workers that get to spend all day with him!


You are so tiny…I’m telling myself that you look so much smaller than I do (I’m 23.5 weeks) because I have a short torso. You’re adorable though! Glad you can still run…my shins have been killing me the last little bit, and I’m trying to figure that out, but I hope I can continue because nothing else hurts.

We’re going with the BOB Revolution SE…already bought it during REI’s anniversary sale for a good deal. They (REI) have a no-question 100% satisfaction return policy, and said we can even bring it back years down the road if something rips or anything. It seems like a really great everyday stroller too – even though it’s a bit big, it’s really easy to maneuver. We’re probably going to get a used “snap and go” stroller for a smaller option to have around, but mostly the BOB will be our main one, and we’re excited!


Ahhhh I love it, your baby bump is PRECIOUS!!! You are hands down the absolute cutest pregnant person ever. I seriously hope I look half as good when I get knocked up some day :) :)

As for working… Children aren’t in my near-future plans, but I will definitely have to go back to work post-baby… a) because the kid would end up far too weird and no amount of therapy would make it normal if it spent all day every day in my company… Even the dog can’t handle too much time with me! b) I would go bonkers without working; and c) I will paying down law school for the next 46 years, and I am hoping baby happens sometime in that span… which means I will have to work! I think law school should be cheaper!!


You are so cute. I’d totally do the same thing if I had a bird shirt. :) I’ll be a stay-at-home mom once the baby comes too. I’m really excited about it and luckily, we have family close by so I won’t go totally stir crazy in the beginning!


This week is my last week teaching [wahoo] but I won’t be relaxing this summer, rather I start my new job on Monday! One of my students thinks that I’m not coming back to school because I’m getting married over the summer and that means I will be having a baby… OYE :P


I like Emily, Molly and Lucy for girl names


I’m so glad that you will have the opportunity to stay at home with babygirl. I hope that I am able to do that when I have children. You and Billy seem to have such an amazing relationship, so I know that you will work together to make it work! I can’t wait to see pics of your babe every day!


Hi! I love your blog and read you everyday. I just wanted to chime in and tell you my favorite name: Imogen. Pronounced just like it looks: M-O-jen. I thought you might like it too. :) Take care!


I seriously love your blog. You make me laugh every day!! I have the BOB Revolution stroller and I love it!! It is super easy to push and comfortable for the kids. The front wheel can either swivel or be locked depending on where you are using it. There is a stroller outlet in Bluffdale (Utah) called Stroller Depot and they offer a 5 – 10% discount if you pick it up there and don’t make them ship it.
PS…I think the name Alexia is cute because that’s my daughter’s name. haha


Seriously…there are no other options to consider besides the Bob. It has everything! If you need convincing hit me up and I’ll let you try it out and push my baby around. No joke :) it makes running while pushing a stroller fun.


Hey – I did tons of looking around when researching jogging strollers. I wanted something that I could use either jogging or out and about. There are 3 big ones. The BOB, Baby jogger, and Mountain Buggy. I choose the mountain buggy. It is super cute, I also got the bassinet so my little girl could lay down and you can run with her before the recommend 6 months. You can get a car seat adapter. And the seat reclines fully which is another plus with infants. It comes with water bottle holders. Easy to fold. Easy to push. And has a hand brake (another thing I was looking for). Feel free to email me (katherine.hampton.5 @ gmail )with any questions. I love my stroller and my daughter is 3 months and loves riding in it making returning to running very easy. :)


Yes, you’re really cute! :)

And I think your approach to parenting is just great, so mellow and easy going, I love that.

I think I’ll stay at home the first year or so because this is actually the shortest length of time you can stay at home with your kids here without being called a bad mother (“Rabenmutter”). And we actually get paid for staying at home, so it’s different here, but I am in med school but I can’t wait to have kids too, we’ll see how it works out!


Bob Stroller, hands down!!
So exciting!! : )


You’re so gorgeous momma! <3

I miss the days when I had a 'easy' job where I could just read blogs all day… now I am working in my career and don't have 8+ hours to surf zee internet so I'm super behind on all your posts.

I'm so excited for you and B$ to expand your family. I too; if my husband and I have kids, want to be a stay at home mom… :)

Can't wait to see it all unfold! :)


BOB’s are the best, hands down. Worth every penny!


You’re adorable and I love stopping in here a few times a day to see what you’re up to. I’m a runner and a mom, though not in that order. I started running about 3 years ago when my kids were 5 and 2 and I’m hooked now! I wanted, and was able, to leave my job to be home with the kiddos – great decision for our family. I’m done having kids, but if baby girl landed in my lap, I’d name her Tess.


I have been following you for the past year and am soo happy for you and Billy! I’m a flight attendant for JetBlue so I totally think you should do the JetBlue job! It’s a great company!

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