Being the favorite aunt is quite exhausting.

The 3 reasons why the pool was a blast yesterday:Photo 1

You know what is funny to see?  An almost 31 week pregnant woman attempting to do three underwater back flips in a row and having her belly be the only thing that pops up out of the water each time around.   My speed and agility has gone downhill since last summer when it comes to my pool tricks but I can still do a handstand like you wouldn’t believe.

Photo 3

For some reason gummy fruit snacks are a must for me at the pool but those little hands kept sneaking them away from me.  PS I highly recommend Percy Piglets.

My mom made a deal with my niece that if she read 200 books that she would take her to Chuck E Cheese for some partying.  Good thing my niece loves to read and extra good thing that we all got to benefit from her hard work and join in on the skee ball fun.

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I don’t care what anyone says, Chuck E Cheese pizza really is delicious.  I will also go as far as to say that eating breadsticks dipped into ranch dressing will fix any problem/anger/bad mood/fight.

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I am nervous because Curly’s favorite game was a game where you punch the ducks….maybe she needs more breadsticks with ranch dressing in her life.

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You too can spend $50 on tokens to win tickets that will then buy you the cheapest toys in the whole wide world at Chuck E Cheese.  13 out of 15 of the toys they got are already broken.

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Today’s a run day for me and I probably won’t wake up until it is already a million degrees outside= I will be spending my time with my treadmill and Emily from the Bachelorette.


Random question of the day:  Has anyone seen the movie “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”?  My mom, sis and I really want to go see it but I want to make sure it is worth the mula!

What are some of your favorite pool-side snacks?

When it comes to reading, would you say you LOVE IT, LIKE IT or just do it when you have to?

What kind of a run day is it for you?  Easy, hill work, speed, track, tempo, long?!?!

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Favorite poolside snack is pineapple and strawberries. I can’t believe you were doing water flips at 31 weeks pregnant! So funny :)

Easy day for me. I did mile repeats last night and my back is so sore.


You have to be the best aunt ever!!! I bet the other people at the pool got a kick out of pregnant woman water aroebics;-)

I love to read!!! But unfortunately that is one of the things that took a back burner when I became a mom (besides reading kids books;-) )

Still a resting after the marathon, I have a sore ankle, no daycare and no gym…I think it was meant to be a rest week.

Enjoy your run, stay cool—have that fan cranked as high as it can go!


I haven’t seen the movie, but I want so see it too.

Today was an easy run for me, which is fine because our southern humidity can zap all your energy (and make you super damp all over).


Favorite poolside snack is tied with watermelon and pretzels!
And reading- LOVE it! I’m so excited to read more this summer!


Favorite poolside snack has to be watermelon!! It is already 75 in PA today, so I’m planning a long run late tonight when it cools off. Enjoy your run (and the bachelorette :)) today!!!


I would love to see that movie!

Poolside snack…hmmm…Does Sangria count??

I enjoy reading a lot! Just finished the 50 shades series.

I was planning a short run today but then my trainer kicked my butt this morning doing sprints on the treadmill in between weights so I am skipping a run :)


Waiiit a sec- they sell Percy Pigs in the US? I thought it was a British thing! I loved What to Expect When You’re Expecting…and I think you will as well considering you are expecting ;)! Today wasn’t a run day for me but I ran a sneaky mile before my weights!


My hubs and I watched “What to Expect” and we are expecting so it was perfect! It is so funny and totally easy to relate with! (Warning-couple of tearjerker parts and I don’t think it was just my hormones…) Totally recommend it!


I do loves me a good pool snack!! My favorite part about taking snacks to the pool is that for some reason calories you consume at the pool feel like they don’t count so we ususally end up taking full-on meals or tons of sugary goodness. Have you heard that saying “calories eaten while standing up don’t count?” It’s like the same thing: “calories eaten while at the pool don’t count.” LOL!

I’m a big reader! My hubs jokes around and says that I “eat” books. Hmm, somehow it sounds funnier when he says it in Spanish. When I’m in the middle of a particularly good book, I take it everywhere I go! My daughter is turning out to be just like me and loves to read so we read together before bed. :)

My run today is an easy 3 miles in the neighborhood. Tonight is my favorite butt-kicking weights class!!


I LOVE reading, but sometimes it is hard to find a good book. Especially, since I have really classy taste and only read the finest literature… you know, like twilight.

JK I am aware twilight is quite poorly written, but it’s kind of like oreos. You know they’re bad, but that doesn’t stop you from enjoying it.


OMG WHERE DID YOU FIND PERCY PIGS???? They are my favorite candy ever but my best friend sends them from England because I can’t find them in the US. Seriously. This could be life changing. Please help a candy lovin’ sister out!


They are my favorite candy too!!! My best friend goes to England all the time and brings them back and we hoard them when we are aboard, wish Marks & Spencer would bring them here! Where did you get them?!?!


I also did a triple take when I saw the Percy Pigs. Have a serious soft spot for them and Percy Pig Tails too. If there is a secret spot to find them stateside please please please share : )


HEY YOU GUYS!!! A friend sent them to me from England and they are the best things I have ever eaten. I need to find them hear because I am going to go through withdrawals without them!


Hey sweetie! I’m so happy you like the Percy Piglets! :-) I’ll totally send you another package soon :-) xxx x x


You really are the greatest! They were so so delicious! How r u feeling?!? I need details!


Nothing beats Popsicles at the pool. I’m spending today poolside with some kiddos and I’m expecting a big dent in the Popsicle stash!


What To Expect When You’re Expecting is hilarious!!! I was falling off my chair laughing. Then again, I’m not pregnant right now. Totally worth it for the laughs though.

Just got back from my morning jog. Love the endorphins!


Now, I want to find some kids and go to Chuck E. Cheese!! Looks like such a fun day!


Just anyone’s random kids will do? Cause, where were you when I was raising mine… ;)


Yes, yes… get them to the Big Apple and I’ll do my best to find a Chuck E. Cheese!


haha. Nice. That’s awesome.


That pool looks so good!!! Its going to be 96 degrees in NYC today… so I would love a pool. Instead a slow run and the office ;)

Where did you get those pigs from? I want some!! ;) I thought you could only get them in the UK??

Have a lovely day Janae!


My kids love Chuck E Cheese, and the prizes are always so cheesy <— Get it, cheesy?! Lately, we have been saving all our tickets for a big item. And I love Chuck E Cheese pizza too!

I love to read. I always have since I was a kid. I just finished reading Drop Dead Healthy. My 11 year old son loves to read too, which is good!

I have BodyPump today and an easy run tomorrow!


I love reading. When I was a kid, that’s all I did in the summer. I’m so lame.

I’m thinking today is going to be a treadmill day because it’s supposed to be insanely hot and I can’t get the motivation up to run this morning.


Pizza + ranch = best combo ever. Well, anything dipped in ranch is pretty much the best.
GO SEE THE MOVIE. You will love it! Seriously :) I go to the movies approximately 2 times a year and actually made it out to see this one. Would definitely see it again!


You have to see the movie!! I’m also pregnant and went with my mamma and two sisters…we had a blast laughing our way through it. It wasn’t exactly what I thought (there were some serious parts in it, and I looked around to make sure I wasn’t the only one crying – and I wasn’t!) but totally worth the money! I heard some people say “that was so cliche” but of course you have to have some kind of labor drama in a movie like this! Go see it :)


I have not gone to see it yet but want to, then again I cheap so I am waiting until its at the cheap theatre here.
Tortilla chips, salsa and guacamole or watermelon.
LOVE reading for sure!
No run today, maybe just a warm up before my legs workout :)


You didn’t have “have to read” as an option. If I ever lost my legs or ability to read, I’d be in big trouble. I’m in post marathon, reverse taper mode here.


Hey Janae! I did see What to Expect When Your Expecting, and it was a lot better than I expected it to be! I loved how it had every type of pregnancy story, and it became not so much a comedy (although very funny, how can Chris Rock not be funny?) but it became very like deep..I guess thats the only way to explain it. Where you just want to go “Awww” at the end, and want to have a baby. You would really like it I think! Can’t wait to see how you do as a mom! I love following your stories about pregnancy!


ah love curly! you’re right, she’s getting pretty good at posing for the camera! so cute.


My boyfriend & I went to a birthday party for his little cousins at Chuck E Cheese and decided to get a pitcher of beer to go with our pizza, so when we asked what kind they had they just said “beer”… probably the nastiest tasting thing I’ve ever drank, but the pizza was great!

And I LOVE to read, getting ready to hop on the 50 Shades of Grey bandwagon! ;)


I’m a big reader. I love books! My Dad got me into reading when I was really little.
My poolside snack is lots of water and watermelon. I love it!
I have an easy little run today. I’m thinking three or four miles.


I LOVE to read.

I haven’t seen the movie, but I heard it was funny. I want to see it though…even if I will want to punch Cameron Diaz in the face for being ‘pregnant’ in it. I mean come on, those arms? I know it is not real, but still….maybe I need more breadsticks and ranch in MY life. Geesh.

Today was a Fartlek run. The foot is holding up. I got it taped and some inserts…so here is to hoping it works!

I would have to say grapes, watermelon or licorice. None of that weird licorice your mom has though…Sorry HRG mom if you are reading this ;)

Have fun on your run! Say hi to Emily and her teeth for me (she is gorgeous – not trying to be mean here – those veneers are mesmorizing, no?). I am liking Sean more and more these says.


Pool days are so fun! I’m always so jealous of teachers in summer time!
My favourite poolside/beach snack is cold, fresh fruit, 5 cent candy, or shave ice/sno cones- I feel like a little kid when I eat that!


Chucky Cheese looks like so much fun! And your nieces and nephew are the cutest ever.. My sisters need to hurry up and have babies so I can hang out with them and be super aunt too!

I loved to read when I was younger.. Law school ruined it for me! Before then I used to read all the time, but we had to read SO FREAKING MUCH in school that I never wanted to touch a book when I didn’t have to and kind of started hating it. Even now, 4 years after graduating, I still have no desire to be anywhere near a book.. It’s too bad, I miss loving reading!


I used to LOVE chuck-e-cheese! Their pizza was always delicious. I love to read if I have a book that I enjoy :)


How did you get Percy Piglets?! I’ve never seen them outside the UK! My favourites are Percy Pigs and Phizzy Pig Tails ;)


I love pool days :) me and fiance went last night after work and it was so much fun and kind of frezzing :)
My favorite pool side snack…. i would have to say skittles :)

And i have gotten to where I like to read..but sometimes i get into little phases where i LOVE to read!

And I used to beg to go to Chuckecheese all the time when i was little.. That is to much fun!! I think i need a “curly” so i can go do all those fun things. I am gonna go find me a baby kid to play with :)


favorite poolside snacks…my dad likes to buy the frozen fruit bags from costco and lets them sit out for us while we swim…cold melon balls=yum!

i LOVE reading and always have since I was little…i dont get to do it as much as I’d like to sometimes now that im an adult but sitting down with a good book is one of my favoritest things in the world.

today is an easy run day…but I was way too tired at 5 am to get up so looks like i’m treadmilling it on my lunch break…not too bad considering its 98 degrees here today :(


I love to read. It’s so relaxing. Today is a recovery run for me since I raced my mountain bike last night. My lungs are still burning today.


What To Expect When You’re Expecting was so cute! Def a chick flick bit my mom and I got a good laugh outta it. Plus Chase Crawford and Joe Mangienello are a good enough reason to see it :)

Who doesn’t love watermelon as their pool snacks?!?!

I love reading but I dreaded it when I was younger.


I used to think Chuck-E-Cheese pizza was the best but I haven’t been in so long that I wasn’t sure if that was because I was a kid or if it was actually good. I’m glad to know that it’s because it’s good!

I love to read! I got a kindle fire for Christmas and I love being able to download new books whenever I want!


I liked What to Expect When You’re Expecting ok but not as much as I’d hoped (sounds like I’m in the minority though since most others are saying they loved it!) I hadn’t read the book, so I didn’t know it wasn’t total comedy and wasn’t prepared for the sad parts (there aren’t a ton, but if you are expecting Bridesmaids the pregnancy version, this isn’t it just FYI!).
I LOVE to read. I have got to figure out a library situation so I stop buying books.


My kids have to have a box of Cheez-Its and a box of Frosted Flakes cereal poolside!!! Crazy I know, but we are at times!!! :)
And I love to read, when I have time. I love Nicholas Sparks, read all the Twilight books and I think I need to get sucked in to the 50 shades of Grey triliogy!!!! Last night a friend and I ran and it was HOTTTTT and HUMID here in good ole KY!!! It was hilly at times, so we only made it 3 miles!! That was all I wanted!!!!


your nieces and nephew are too stinkin cute! you are one lucky aunt!
i used to despise reading and only did it when i had to for school, but now it’s growing on me more and i find myself actually enjoying it because i know i don’t HAVE to do it.

here is my blog, I try to update on a regular basis, but sometimes I fail, lots of times I fail!!!


I havereally been getting back into reading lately, which i like! I would say i LIKE it but LOVE it sometimes :) haha
and favorite poolside snack is melon and potato salad MMmm


Such cute kiddos! I really want to see that movie too! But I never go to the theater because I’m too cheap haha

I LOVE reading but I’m not good at staying constant with it. I go through periods where I read for a bajillion hours a day, then periods where I don’t read for a whole week.

Only did a mile today but used it wisely to do some speed work on the track this morning.


I want to see that movie too!

I love, love, love to read!! I am currently reading the Outlander series of books and just finished book 3 of that series. It’s kind of a historical/romance/mystery/battle-ish/scifi book series. Weird genre, I know :) After I finished book 3, I started reading Treasure Island. It was a free Kindle download, and it’s not bad.

I’m running with my running group tonight – hoping to do 4 miles. The Texas heat is killing me, but I’m trying to forgo gym fees and just run outdoors instead.


I feel like Chuck E. Cheese pizza is like CiCi’s (Do you have CiCi’s around you? You’d love it) you can eat 6 pieces before you get full……

I absolutely love Deal or No Deal at Chuck E. Cheese. So addictive.


Your nieces and nephew are so adorable. I bet the pool time with them was a blast! I love having something salty by the pool – chips, goldfish, etc. Fresh fruit is always good too!

I LOVE to read, but when I was in middle and high school I didn’t like to read what we were told to read. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the books they chose, but it’s just that I don’t like being told what to do in general so as soon as they assigned a book I immediately wanted to read something else. I’m stubborn.


I’ve heard “What to Expect” is really good and I want to go see it!! And I would say that I love to read, but I don’t do it nearly as much as I used to!

P.S. I love Curly. Love love love her!


I love reading! I used to do this thing through my library every summer where you read 20 books from some list they created. I’m pretty sure we were bribed with some sort of prize at the end, but I always loved doing it anyway.


I would love to see you do those flips in the pool! And I agree with breadsticks and ranch! especially if they are the cheese breadsticks from pizza hut with extra seasoning. Yummmm!

My fave pool side snacks are vanilla sugar waffers and reese’s. Our pool always kept candy in the fridge so the reese’s were always nice and krisp! so good!

I love to read! but nothing too serious.


Pretzels and grapes are my favorite poolside snacks. I went swimming with a friend the other day and beat him in both forward and back flips–he was so mad! But he did beat me in handstands. Lol. (Also, I’m 30 and he’s 40…you’re never to old for pool tricks!!) No run today–its crosstraining day–yay :) I love that your mom gave your niece a reading challenge. I love to read and can’t wait to be done with school so I’ll have more time for it.


I have really been enjoying doing tempos on the ‘mill lately, especially because it is getting so HOT/humid in TX! I did my run on the treadmill this morning and it was great! I am very much an outside runner but it’s a nice change of pace from pounding the pavement all the time.

Curly is just too cute! She makes me smile.


aww you win the best aunt award ever…I bet there was non-stop laughter at the pool, this time next year you will be back-flip queen!!
Curly=your twin! :) both beautiful with sassy poses!
I am loving the bachelorette this year (Emily is awesome!)…but slightly disappointed in the men!
WATERMELON is my favorite summertime poolside yum yum, although I haven’t cracked into my first one of the season, and today is the first day of summer!?! this weekend it’s my main goal!
I hope you’re having a great day J!


omg is the bachelorette not the best/worst show ever. what the heck with the trophy wife guy? what an a-hole


You are such a fun aunt and Curly is adorable!!

My pool snacks are watermelon, string cheese, and water.
I also want to see “what to expect when you’re expecting” so let me know what you think if you go!

annnd I LOVE READING. Yup, I’ma nerd.



Hi! Long time reader but first time commenter. I was keeping my pregnancy a secret, but now that the secret is out, I can comment away! :)

I also really want to take my husband to see that movie! Let us know what you think.


HAHAHHAH I really wish you had a video of you flipping! I’m picturing it in my head and it looks pretty hilarious!

My favourite pool side snack: watermelon! I’m very attractive when all the juice from it falls onto myself and then I have to jump into the pool so that I’m not sticky!

As for reading I love it but I just don’t make enough time for it!

Today isn’t a run day for me. It’s a 45 minute tumbling class with a 2 hour cheerleading team practice. In this heat, it’s gonna get sweaty!


Breadsticks and ranch could really solve all the worlds problems.


It’s going to be an easy running day for me because it’s about to get pretty hot mid-morning. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!


Poolside snack – watermelon (& alcoholic beverage)
Reading – love it
Run today – easy! It’s way too hot for anything else!!


Got 10.5 in already this morning, yay! A picture of curly just makes my day- especially ones from her recital!


I agree that fruit snacks are a must when lounging poolside, but the very best pool snack is a frozen Charlston Chew!

I love reading, but usually only non-fiction. I know, I’m weird like that.

It was a warm one again today, so I took it easy with my run this morning. Hoping things will cool off by the weekend so I can really push myself!


I LOVE READING!!!! And as for pool side snacks, when I was growing up we went to a pool with a snack bar and we’d always get lemonade and lunch at the snack bar, usually chicken tenders with fries and honey mustard! Ahhh I miss that stuff.


Ahhhh LOVE reading! Pool side snacks include popsicles, watermelon, and lots of water or lemonade!


Oh my gosh!! Curly’s pose in the last picture at Chuckie Cheese… priceless :)


Cutest kids ever! I have actually heard a lot of people rave about the Chuckie Cheese pizza. I used to love going there as a kid for the games and the breadsticks of course.

I think today will be an easy run or walk day!


OMG, I ALSO need to know where you found Percy Pigs! They are my absolute FAVORITE candy in the world & I’m always bribing people to send them to me from the UK!


Pool-side snacks? Whatever my mom is serving! Their pool is the pool I swim at most often.

I love reading! I always have a book with me.

All run days are easy run days for me! ;-)


I think you’ll love What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I thought it was definitely worth the money and I’m not expecting. I have enough children from 8 to 3 every day! Just wait until you watch Emily. I was a little worried about her judgment until this episode. I’m excited for next week when sh*t hits the fan with Arie. I don’t like him one bit (and he’s from my hometown). I vote for Sean 110%.


I think I’m in the minority, but I did not really like the movie. My hubby and I go to the movies about once a year, and I was disappointed. Of course I’m older (47) and not pregnant, so that could be some of it. :)

I love to read, but I don’t spend much time pool side (see above comment about my age!). Plus, I just don’t love summer; too hot.

Love your blog!


Awww!! Looks like you had so much fun! Definitely will earn you best aunt points.

Today’s a no-run day for me… spinning this morning and sand volleyball tonight instead! :)


I’m the fave aunt in my family too! It IS exhausting. My childrenz prefer gummy sharks! Which would actually be a perfect pool snack, right? LOVE reading!


What a fun day!! I am so incredibly jealous. I freaking love chuckee cheese pizza too! :)


Wow, 200 books, that’s impressive. I love to read. Today, I have a tempo run planned.


PERCY PIGLETS?!?! Where did you get those?! I thought they only sold Percy Pigs in England! And I didn’t even know percy piglets existed! I LOVE those things. My sister just came back from London and brought me a bag of those, digestives, and cadbury chocolates. It was like Christmas came early!

I have just joined a book club in hopes that it will get me to read more and read new, different books. I used to be a huge reader but have gotten out of the habit. And Vampire Diaires and Dawson’s Creek on netflix seem to win out over reading these days.

I have taken a hiatus from running but am starting up again this weekend!! Fingers crossed that my stress fracture is healed and will hold up so I can train for and run the NYC Marathon! AHHHH!!!!!


By the pool or the ocean… or really any body of water- watermelon and fresh pineapple!


Apparently my husband and I are the minority in this, but we didn’t think What to Expect was as funny as we expected. I am sort of a movie snob though. I’m super picky about what movies I will pay full price to see and especially chick flicks because they usually aren’t that good. We went to an early showing of the movie so it was probably worth the cheaper ticket price, but I could have waited for the dollar theatre or redbox on that one.

I couldn’t decide on a good pool snack until I scrolled through the comments on here, but now I’m thinking watermelon and popsicles sound amazing!

I like reading but I need a good book suggestion right now….

No running for me today. Its my 5th 12 hour shift in 6 days so I think I will go home tonight and pass out. Off until Monday now though, yay!


LOVe reading, always have, always will!

2 a day for me – did 3 miles this AM and will attempt another 3 this evening, though it is going to be in the uppers 80s at 6p so we will see how that goes! morning run was really nice though


I am at the pool right now, and of course I brought snacks: makeshift trail mix of peanuts, craisins, and chocolate Krave cereal.
Reading is something I LOVE! As an English teacher, that is probably not much of a surprise. In the last week I read The Forest of Hands and Teeth and Sarah’s Key. I just started Midwives. Love reading in the summer.


I received strict instructions from the BF to not run in this heat wave. I am loving The Bachelorette this season and desperately want to raid her closet.


I dragged my boyfriend to see What To Expect When You’re Expecting and we both thought it was alright…of course I couldn’t relate to much in the movie either so I wasn’t crazy into it. I will say it was quite funny though!


I’m hanging out with Emily and the tready today, too! As soon as Elmo finds his way off of our tv that is…. ;) My hubs and I saw the movie and both liked it for mindless entertainment. As long as your expectations aren’t very high, it will be good!


i totally used to volunteer to take my little bro to chuck e cheese simply because i loved their pizza! haven’t had it in years but i’m glad to hear its still good :)


200 books! Wow! Your mom drives a hard bargain. I love reading. Sometimes at work all I can think about it how I can’t wait to get home and read. other days, I can’t wait to run. I’m often in the middle of 3 or 4 books at a time. Currently, I think I’m reading 4. I am reading Rich Roll’s book “Finding Ultra” and I really like it! It’s super inspiring. I’m also reading a holocaust book and some contemporary fiction. All across the board! :)


I was expecting a picture of the backflips!

The Kidless Kronicles


I *love* to read, and I have ever since I was a little girl. I have a little light that I clip onto my Kindle so I can read after my husband goes to bed or before he (and the baby) wake up in the morning. It’s also very useful with my pregnancy insomnia!

No pics of the somersaults?!?


What to Expect is so funny! I took my husband to see it with me right when it came out as I was a few days away from my due date and we both loved it. It’s especially funny I think when you are pregnant because you can totally relate :)


I hope one day I have super cute and super cool nieces and nephews like you! I, too, think that gummy/fruit snacks should have their own huge chunk on the food pyramid…right next to warm bread and ranch! I think a friend and I are planning on seeing that on Sunday (before it leaves theaters, right), so if you see it before then, please update us on it!


I pick up a bunch of fruit at Costco and I bought those cups and lids (throw away kind) and make fruit cups.


The WTE movie is great…totally go see it!


Yum those gummies look so cute! What flavor(s) are they?


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