Confessions of a Pregnant Woman + 26 weeks pregnant

25 Weeks

Photo 2

26 Weeks below (last Friday).  In the last few days since Friday I feel like I have doubled…growth spurt!

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-I have become really talented at coming up with excuses to not clean my house because I am way too tired and pregnant but then go on a run instead.

-I walked into the family room and caught Billy.  Doing crunches.  I made him stop immediately because I am not okay with him always getting stronger/more ripped as my belly is expanding.  Isn’t he supposed to be having sympathy symptoms and gaining weight with me?

-I still have bad dreams at night but my cure is to go out into the kitchen and eat a few slices of turkey.  I am back to sleep within minutes.

-I am not really ‘craving’ things super strong anymore (besides fruit) but still say that I am when I am trying to convince my mom to buy me some delicious food.

-Once school is over (FRIDAY) I really don’t think I will wear anything besides workout clothes.  Real people pants aren’t comfortable.

-I still don’t understand why my whole life I have heard that pregnancy is 9 months but now they tell me it is 40 weeks?

-Tying my shoes already feels kind of hard and so I am taking all of my shoes to get the laces out and replaced with velcro.

-Because of this awkward bending over feeling I won’t be shaving my legs for the next 3 months.  (I am kidding about this one, maybe).

-Tomorrow is lagoon day (Utah’s amusement park) for my school and I am not going because I can’t go on roller coasters and would get way too jealous watching everyone else have fun on the rides.  I really need to grow up.

-I have a little hernia (doctors have all said it is harmless) right where my belly button is and now that my stomach is sticking out more and I am getting more of an outy belly button than I had before and the hernia is popping out a lot….be careful if you hug me in the next few months, it might hurt.


Do you have an inny or an outy?  When did your belly button become an outy when pregnant?

Did you have cravings throughout your pregnancy or did they come and go?

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I am not pregnant and I have cravings.


You can finally tell you’re a little bit pregnant!! ;) you look gorgeous as always; pregnany suits you. Also, I have cravings all the time – but I’m not pregnant, so there’s really no excuse for my excessive need for olives and swedish fish (not together though!!!).


I know, I can’t believe that pregnancy really is LONGER than 9 months!!

I remember learning that in nursing school and wondering why on earth we’ve been lied to our entire lives :)


You should try pickles. I love me a late night pickle!


Your bump is really growing! You look pg now. =)

Inny belly button for me. It didn’t become an outy, but it did get kind of flat.


It is a bit longer than 9 months but not much. It is 40 wks, but every month is not 4 wks long (which I assume is how ppl come up with the mistaken idea that pregnancy can be 10months because they take 40 wks and divide by 4wks in each month.

Actually only one month of the year is 4 wks (February) the rest are 30 to 31 days. So take 40 wks, 40 x 7 = 280 days. Depending on what months you are pregnant, so for you it’s something like Nov through August, that’s 5 months that have 31 days and 3 months that have 30 days and in 2012 Feb had 29 days. So on average the months that you are pregnant are 30.44 days long. 280 / 30.44 = 9.2 so if you are pregnant from Nov to Aug you could be pregnant for 9 months and 6 days (of course depending on when you actually have the baby early or due date or late etc etc) :D


wow. I’m a little speechless.


that just blew my mind. my brain hurts now :-)


I love this comment and all mathematical equations. No lie I was about to get paper and pencil and figure out the math myself!


I had a inny before I had kids now it’s a crater sized outy! Thanks a lot kids;)
I craved Mints during both pregnancies.


You look pregnant now! ADORBS!!! YAY! Isn’t it awesome when you finally stop looking like you had too many donuts and ice cream the night before and more like there is a little human inside of you? =)
My belly never became an outer last pregnancy – I did get the dreaded line up my navel – which stayed with me until my son was 3-4 months old (really not attractive). So far, I have neither!


Sad you can’t go to Lagoon. I live close to Lagoon and we have Orange Leaf…a yummy froyo shop! You are an adorable pregnant woman!


I have heard Orange Leaf is SO SO GOOD!! How about we go there sometime:)


We totally should! I think I might get Orange Leaf today…yesterday was a long day and I didn’t get much sleep. Hence the 3 o clock comment!


You look great! Sorry to hear about your hernia!
About the too tired to clean..but will run thing… I am the girl that will search and search and search for a close up parking spot because I don’t want to walk though the lot.. but have no problem running mile after mile….


Haha I’m thinking what everyone else is … you finally look pregnant!! Yay!! Before you looked as teeny as ever!! ;)

I don’t get the 40 weeks thing either. Maybe 40 weeks sounds so miserable that they think people are more likely to WANT to have babies if they cut it down to 9 months? But it’s definitely false advertising! ;)


I wish I was still teaching I get so excited for the last day of school!


I’m not pregnant, but I have food cravings all the time – aaand I complain that I’m too tired to clean my house.


Oh I wish I could hug you!

You look fabulous, if I didn’t know you were so far along, I would guess you were about 18 weeks.


You are SO cute!! I get so excited to read your pregnancy updates. . . probably because pregnancy is still SO fresh on my brain.

I had cravings (beef, salty stuff) during pregnancy and I actually still prefer these things even 3 weeks post partum. Weird! I wonder if my love for fish will ever return???

My belly button just got flat with pregnancy :)


Hm I’m not pregnant but I’m still too lazy to clean my house! I also have chocolate cravings everyday…this is a problem.


I got a hernia on my 4th pregnancy, I had a hernia op to fix it, now everything is fine. It wasn’t a probem either, but started getting a litte sore by pregnancy nr 4 so definitely wanted it fixed.


Mine is starting to get a little sore too so I will probably do what you did!


You look great, Janae! I love your pregnancy cofessions. My son had a herniated belly button when he was born and his belly button was HUGE. We used to call it his power button and flew him around the room like superman…it was funny at the time.


I remember hearing that pregnancy is actually longer than 9 months…but why? Why have people lied to us? Haha.


MILF (ok not that I’d like to since I don’t swing that way) but you’re one pretty mama!!


BAHAHAHA Best comment ever!


My sisters-in-law and I were all pregnant at the same time and we used to joke that when your belly button popped out the baby was done, lol! Sadly, even with twins, I had some sort of freakish cavernous hole of a belly button that never did pop out. It amazed me, honestly, considering how big my stomach was!


That is crazy that it never popped with TWINS!! Wow. Seriously, how did you have twins? I am worried I will have no idea how to handle just one!


I totally wouldn’t go to the park if I couldn’t go on coasters either. That would be like cruel punishment.


I was wondering if you’re ever going to do a running post with paces? I know you’re not watching your pace closely, and I know obviously you slow down and have to keep your heart rate low when you’re pregnant, but I usually race I think about 20 secs per mile slower than you, and so I’m really curious (not pregnant, but just wondering). Do you slow by a min per mile from easy pace? Two minutes? Four minutes? You don’t have to do a post about it if you don’t want, but I think it would be interesting to read. I don’t think anyone would judge, obviously running while very preg is very different. Just an idea!


I have an inny and am waiting for it to pop out. My stomach is ginormous (it is obvious I am having a boy, it looks like I stuck a basketball down my shirt) but my belly button still hasn’t popped. I am waiting for it to happen.

I haven’t had too many cravings but I pretend I do when I want to eat somewhere and my husband doesn’t really want to.

I wish my job had summer break! I am really enjoying my maternity pants though – I think I may wear them forever. They are so much more comfy than my regular pants!


Hi Janae! I’ve been reading for awhile, but am shamefully too lazy to post. :( In any case, you look adorably pregnant! I would go to the amusement park just for the ice cream and funnel cakes! Of course I haven’t gotten to ride a real ride at the amusement park in about 7 years….thanks to having small kiddos! Pregnancy is just the beginning of sacrifice! ;)


Thanks Nicole for commenting:) You are so right…I totally should have gone for the funnel cakes ha. I didn’t even think about the fact that I won’t be doing rides for a long time with a little one! Let the sacrifices begin. Hope you are having an amazing morning!


You are such a cute mama! I have an inny. My belly button never popped out, but my kids came 5 to 6 weeks early, so it probably didn’t get a chance. It would get pretty flat and then I would have the kiddo. Although one day I sneezed and my belly button popped out and then back in! I laughed a long time about that.

I had some cravings that lasted through pregnancies and then some that came and went. For some reason, biscuits and gravy always sounded good when I was pregnant. Other cravings were more in spurts. Veggies in the beginning then steak later. Fun times!


I have an inny until around 5 months, then it pops out. Or at least the upper lip of my belly button pops out – makes it look like I have a bucked-toothed belly button. I usually end up wearing a band-aid over it because it gets very sensitive from rubbing on my clothes. And then you don’t notice my buck-toothed belly button either, so it’s a win-win.


You are the cutest pregnant girlie ever!!! I wished that I had been that cute when I was big and PREGGO!!!


I have an innie! And I can’t answer the other questions… never been pregnant!


Can I gain sympathy weight on behalf of Billy? hahaha


Yes, yes you may:)


I never had an outy, but did have cravings that would come and go. I went through a time when I ate applesauce like crazy. I had to have like 3 jars in the fridge at all times or I’d be freaking out. You’re doing great, hang in there!


Oh no….now you are making me crave applesauce ha:)


WHAT??????????????????????? 40 weeks? How is that not 10 months? That’s almost a year.


I know!!!!!!!! It is pretty much my whole life it feels like. They probably tell us it is just nine months so that we don’t freak out about it ha!


I was a second grade teacher when I was pregnant, so I would make my students tie my shoes for me when my belly got too big. They also had to pick up things off the floor for me. Oh, and I made them teach while I sat at my desk because I didn’t feel good in the first trimester. Those kids were extremely useful.


So many of these made me laugh out loud. I hope your belly discomfort is only temporary!


So cute :) I want to know when you are going to be on TV, I know that was a different post but oh well. I think Billy should have to gain a little weight too…it’s only fair ;) I’m sorry you had to miss Lagoon, just go for a run and you will feel better!!


WE NEED TO GO FOR FROYO!!! You are so right…my run made me feel a million times better. I will totally let you know when it will be on air and I am trying my hardest to fatten Billy up ha!


aahh, you are such a beeeyooteeful preggo. seriously.

and here’s a fun answer: I have an inny-outie. as in, it doesn’t stick out at all, but you can see the dead end. and the dead end has a little baby nub in it.

I swear it’s not as gross as it sounds. it looks pretty normal if you look at it.

great. now I feel the need to send you a photo of my belly button.


I would definitely appreciate a belly button picture.


Ah you look so cute pregnant!!
Sad about not being able to go on rides :(


You are such a beautiful pregnant woman! And your little bump is super cute :) I have an innyoutty so it’ll prob pop out when I start having kids some day. Have a great day!


You are so adorable. I used to get really bad dreams too and I realized that I only got them when my body temperature was raised. If it’s getting hot at night, that could definitely be why. Plus with all the pregnancy hormones, we’re running hot to begin with! Good luck!


My inny never came outty. But boy, did it need to be cleaned. That belly button was DIRRRRRTY. I knew rubbing alcohol would do the trick, but I was like, “is that okay for the baby?” LOL

Cravings? Chocolate and salty stuff. My favorite food in the entire universe is PIZZA, but everytime I ate it, I puked. ;o/


I had an inny, then an outtie. Now back to inny.
What a weird expression.


Cutie pants! My Mom ended up with a herniated belly button from pregnancy… say goodbye to the two piece! Unless you get surgery, that is ;).

You should invent really cute velcro “pregnancy” shoes and make millions of dollars.


I had an never popped.
You are such a cute mama!! I say enjoy your runs as much as you can over your housework while you are pregnant! You won’t be able to get back out there for about 6 wks after the baby and that’s really tough!! Unless of course, you’re Dr gives you the go ahead early! I don’t remember how that worked for me.


I have an innie belly button and it was so deep that it never popped during pregnancy. My cravings basically stopped but I would tell my husband I had them anyways if I wanted something bad..hahaha!


A friend of mine taught her hubby to shave her legs for her once she got to about 7 months or so. He thought it was sooo gross :P


The whole 40 weeks vs 9 months thing really threw me off…it is 9 months jsut some months have more weeks than others so techinically it is 40 weeks but still 9 months…it’s kind of wierd!!!!


I’m 20 weeks pregnant as of today! My running gal pal who’s been following your blog for a long time suggested I check out your site…I’m so glad I did! Reading your running pregnant is hard blog made my day! I’m still able to log about 100 miles a month…but it’s getting harder and harder to breathe and run! I’m slow as all get out now too. Thanks for your words.

In the first trimester I craved mexican food pretty much daily or cheeseburgers and fries. And I’m a health junkie so it was weird…but now the fruit cravings are there and veggies too so that’s good. I still have some cravings but not nearly as much.

I’m still a deep deep inny! haha!


I was induced with my last 2 pregnancies at 38 weeks. That felt like an eternity. I was ready to have them both at 5 months. I craved ice mostly! Weird, I know.


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