A new snack idea and a dog on a treadmill

I never had a chance to tell you about my Sunday.  Obviously it was way different than any other Sunday because this week we hung out with my family and ate lots of food.

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(You are not allowed to make fun of that face that I have been making lately for pictures because I do it without even realizing…you can make fun of me for posting it though because I am fully aware that I am putting it out there for you to see)

BIlly has been just a little hungry ever since our race on Saturday.   That is vanilla ice cream in the picture in case you were wondering but it is the cheap brand and so for some reason it is orange.

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I have helped the masses recently with my brilliant snack ideas of grapes with cottage cheese and string cheese with pretzels and so I have decided to really help you out and share my latest favorite snack:

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They have to be the colors gold fish crackers because they are way more fun to eat and I recommend getting out at least 3 laughing cow wedges at a time so that you don’t have to walk back and forth to the fridge, please learn from my mistakes.

Sometimes I wonder if a person looking at my blog for the first time ever may think that it is actually my niece in the first picture writing this….not going to lie, my snacks resemble a 3 year old’s idea of a good snack.


Today’s workout was boring city.  I haven’t done the elliptical for a few weeks but was reunited with it today for 60 long minutes.  I want to take a few days off from running because my ankle is feeling a little weird and I don’t want to risk it….believe me, I have learned that lesson a million times and I finally think it got through my thick running lover skull that it is better to play it safe than to push an injury.

If I can’t use my treadmill today then I will just watch this adorable video over and over again about somebody else using a treadmill.

He makes it look so easy.

In case you forgot Billy, I still really want a dog.


Was your workout boring, exciting or somewhere in between?  Have you learned the lesson to take a few days off from running instead of risking injury and running through it?

What is your favorite cracker?  Gold fish, cheeze-its, wheat thins or other?

What is your absolute FAVORITE breed of dog?  Anyone have a dog that can walk on the treadmill?

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Cheeze -its!!!!! I love cheeze-its!
As far as my workout… it was actually pretty exciting for a Monday morning. I went to spin, and the music was awesome… it pumped me up for the work week! :)


Cheeze-its are my number one too. SO HAPPY that you had a great spin class, that makes me really happy…the music makes the class!


Goldfish + laughing cow cheese sounds like the perfect snack! :) Yum.


Let me know if you try it and what you think:) Have a great day Shari!


ahhh I used to love goldfish! So fun to eat! And my favorite breed of dog is golden retriever! They are so loyal and smart!


Yep, I am going to have to agree with you about golden retrievers. We had one growing up and she was perfect!


we did too! and now my brother has a 10 month old, Molly, and she’s really fantastic! Ahhh love her.


Favorite crackers are Triscuits – love the Roasted Garlic and the Fire Roasted Tomato and Olive Oil flavors. Of course, they are always better with cheese on top (Laughing Cows, anyone?)

Favorite breed of dog… so many to pick from. I think Pomeranians are adorable and I think Siberian Huskies are so beautiful. Really tough call!

Right now I’m fighting with myself not to train through an injury because I have a 10-mile race coming up this Saturday! So it’s either rest and feel unprepared for it, or run but risk aggravating the injury further. It’s a tough balance!


I haven’t worked out yet, but it’ll probably be exciting! I meet up with my BFF for body Pump on mondays, followed by a 30 min cardio chat sesh.

I love Wheat Thins!!!

We have a boxer/lab mix. so I’ll go with that!


Boston Terriers!!!!! :) :)


My dog is nine pounds of cuteness! She is half Bishon and half Shi Tzu. She may be little but she can still run with me if I don’t go too far…which I don’t!


We have an Irish Setter and he loves to run with me. Unfortunately, the more he does the more hyper he gets :)

Have you tried combining the goldfish with your pretzels? You’ll never look back :)


My workout today was a 15 mile run in crazy windy weather! It was kind of making me panicky when there was a huge gust of wind because it made me feel like I couldn’t catch my breath! So.. it was a little more exciting/scary that usual.
I love whatever my dog is (she is a mutt and we have no idea what breeds have mixed to create such an interesting dog, hahaha). It’s kind of fun to keep it a mystery. :)


Ive checked your blog 50 times today thinking it was today you find out the baby’s gender!! I know you last said it was 6 days away but i guess I can’t count!
my run today was good: 2 babies in a jogging stroller plus my dog by my side and off we went! Can’t ask for much more.
I pick goldfish! Today, anyway. Tomorrow might be different!
I have a golden retriever/border collie mix. She is the perfect running companion!


You are so so sweet…I think that I am the one that doesn’t know how to count. We find out on Wednesday though. TWO babies…you are strong! I am jealous of your dog!


I’ve tried to get Bungee to go on our treadmill, but she just sits down on it and then falls off the back. Something is clearly wrong with her.

My run today was pretty awesome. It wasn’t a special route or anything, but I felt amazing the whole time!


I am going to put it out there but have you ever tried cottage cheese and salsa… best combo ever. Also yogurt and pretzels. I could go on, I am the queen of weird combos.


I ate cottage cheese and salsa all the time in high school, and now that I’m pregnant I’m craving it and had it on Saturday. Sometimes I’d sprinkle sunflower seeds on top, although now that just sounds weird!


I love laughing cow cheese and triscuits. SO good!

I too think I did something to my tendon in my foot, so I am taking it easy when I teach Zumba tonight (and I just lifted this morning). But yes, injuries are NO joke!

I don’t know if I’ll ever want a dog…..Sad, eh?


Taking it pretty easy today after my long run (15 miles) yesterday…!
WHEAT THINS L-O-V-E!!! Dipped in nacho dip- omg to die for…
I have two Labs and love them- but they are not very bright. :-) So cute though!


I did a boring 25 minute session on the bike during my lunch break but I got to watch old episodes of Parks and Recreation so it was a good time anyways!

I have a goldendoodle (golden retriever/poodle mix) and she is amazing!! She is less than 60 lbs and loooooves to run. We don’t have a treadmill at home so we haven’t tried it yet. I think she’s pretty smart so I think she would figure it out. Lol. She figured out how to roll down the car windows when we go for a ride! Thank goodness for child locks!!


Whoohoo!! golden doodles rock!! :)


Not that I’m biased or anything, but I TOTALLY agree!!!


I have a friend that has trained his dog to run on the treadmill– it is awesome!! He totally puts him on it every morning while he eats breakfast so his pup is tired out before he goes to work. Ingenius or what?!


I love goldfish but only the cheddar ones. I also love Stacy’s pita chips, do they count as a cracker.
I have a chocolate lab named Jameson, he is almost 4 and the best dog. We do not have a treadmill, but he loves to go for walks and short runs with lots of sniff breaks.


I hope your ankle feels 100% soon. Definitely don’t push it-sooooo much better to lay off for a few days now instead of make it worse :) Plus you can think of it as a few days to get creative with your workouts or reacquainted with the elliptical!


Ohh, I don’t know that I could pick a FAVORITE cracker, but I have been craving Cheez-Its like mad. My favorite breed of dog is a Bernese Mountain Dog, I have one that I dogsit named Rosie and I just love her so much.


My boys are obsessed with Goldfish colors – we go through one of the giant cartons per week! I am a huge fan of Triscuits, especially the cracked pepper and olive oil kind (which are awesome with string cheese or laughing cow!)

I’m currently dying for a dog, too! I am stalking rescue sites for German Shepherds , but I will have to win over my 7 year old, who wants a pug.


Our Pug walks on his doggy treadmill twice a day – before breakfast and before dinner. The videographic evidence is on YouTube: http://youtu.be/Sima-eKHr_g


The video is hilarious!! And very cute..
I love the huge scoop of ice cream too, something I’ve always wanted to do! :)
I’ve always looooved wheat things ever since they came out!! I think it’s the sweetness with the salty that makes it special…….


I’m a big cheez-it girl :) I just love cheese in general. Although wheat thins are a close second!

I want a dog SO BAD. I love little dogs like pugs and yorkies but alto big dogs like golden retrievers. Once I graduate grad school, I’m getting one!


My favorite breed is a Golden (we have a lab too, but he’s a little crazy). They’re not allowed on the treadmill- I don’t want their claws to mess it up.


I made my elliptical a tad bit less boring by watching the movie 50/50 on my Kindle Fire. I am not running again — surprise suprise. I need to get it through MY thick runner skull that when something hurts you stop — no matter WHAT.

That video is adorable!! I really want a dog too!!!
I love those children by the way and I love when you post pictures. I want those little blonde curls!


Im taking today off because my knee has felt really weird since my run yesterday. the bad part is that I have a full marathon on Saturday.. IM a little freaked out

I love all dogs. I had labradors when I was younger. Now I have two corgis


1. My weekend training was hard. Hill ride :(

2. Crackers I can take or leave, but I do love cheds. The hide them in the filing cabinet at work….

3. I have a White Shepherd that I adore :) Not sure if he can walk on a treadmill though, but when he goes out for a walk he does think he’s a free range dog.

You have to try a peanut butter and mashed banana sandwich. Rules with snacks are… anything that tastes good seperate tastes good together. I get in trouble all the time for the dumb things that I eat :D


My favorite cracker right now is White Cheddar Cheez-Its. Yummy!

I have been considering getting a dog lately. My girls really want one, but I’m not entirely sold on the idea yet. It would have to be a breed that’s good with kids and likes cats. It would also have to run with me and hike with us. At this point, I’m considering a lab or boxer.


So funny… rest & recovery seems to be on everyone’s minds these days! It’s so hard to rest, but so important. Trying to embrace recovery days! My favorite cracker (like, I think I might be addicted) are hazelnut NutThins with cream cheese. So good! And not terribly bad for you ;)


Have you tried Sensible Portions Veggie Straws? They are awesome! The regular ones taste like Pringles, but they also have cheddar cheese flavored and apple cinnamon, which taste like little Churros…mmmm….

We have a little 6 pound Toy Poodle with an apricot colored coat. He’s very loving and easy to “tote” around! Haha!

Today I ran 12.5 miles in the sun and wind. It felt so great to be out on the road. I am loving this mild spring!


Did Billy ate all that vanilla ice-cream in the photo? If I had that big chunk of ice-cream in my fridge right now I would wrap it with a pound cake and drizzle chocolate sauce and freeze it and then voila! big chunk of chocolatey ice-cream pound cake mess. I know I’m going a little nutty here.

I can’t find the gold fish crackers in NZ but I have an idea of jabbing ritz on the laughing cows cheese and drizzle with cranberry jam. Might try this tonight.

My favourite breed would be labrador, siberian husky, golden retriver and beagle. I actually like most dogs so if I can have any, I’ll just take it!


I have been craving cheeze-its for the past 2 weeks. I’ve always wanted a golden retriever! Haha that dog looks like he is dancing. He’s much better at it than me.


I’m sick today so it’s a rest day :( my favorite cracker is definitely the cheeze it!! And my favorite breed is the golden-doodle duh!! :) Sawyer would probably mt last on the treadmill right now- he’s a little clumsy :) hope your ankle feels better soon!!


I LOVE Bernese Mountain Dogs (I have one) they are like big fluffy teddy bears :)
I don’t like crackers, I will eat them If I am hungry but could easily pass.
My workout was great! I put together a fantastic circuit. It left me huffing and puffing and feeling fantastic.


I met a basset hound the other day named “Flash.” I think that pretty much says it all.


I quite enjoy your new picture face, I seem to do strange faces in all pictures :) That dog was so funny, thanks for sharing…it brightened my day!! I saw you leaving the gym today and you look so cute prego, I can’t wait to hear what you are having. I can’t remember if I commented on your race recap or not but that was an amazing time!! You are still speedy even with a bun in the oven!


Flavor blasted (Extra Nacho) flavor goldfist are THE best cracker on this planet! And I just got home from an awesome spinning class workout :)


You are about to have a baby! That’ll be work enough for a while ; ) I love triscuits with cheddar cheese, a slice of pepperoni, and a jalepeno on top. Delicious! Although, laughing cow cheese and goldfish crackers are a staple at my house (don’t think we’ve ever had the colored ones though…).


I don’t know if this counts as a cracker persay, but I can go crazy on graham crackers…especially the cinnamon ones. Dip them in frosting, and its even better!


hahaha love that dog… I also have a major obsession with goldfish crackers right now!


OK is that video for real?? It looks like the front and the back of the dog are two different dogs! I watched it twice … so weird!!


This might disgust some people, but I absolutely LOVE cottage cheese and ketchup as a snack. I also sometimes add a can of tuna to it for a protein packed breakfast. Seriously, one of my favorite combinations. I actually just love cottage cheese all together.

But, cottage cheese and grapes are also a favorite. Same with pineapple. Mmmm … I think I need some right now.


Note: I saw a pregnant lady wearing the same ‘Intramural Champion’ shirt Billy is wearing at the SLC Marathon. I told my brother it looked like she won the ultimate BYU Intramural event. lol.


That video made my night! Too funny! We have two pups, they’re dauchaund and westie mixes and have quite a bit of character. As I was reading this one of them was on his version of a doggie treadmill which consists of a blanket that he digs like a mad man on with his front paws until he passes out, and sometimes falls asleep with the blanket in his mouth. It’s quite entertaining.


I’m training right now and haven’t have a “good run” for over two weeks. Today I finally had an “easy run” that I finished feeling strong though! So glad for that because those workout slumps are seriously discouraging!


My ankle has been funky lately too! Today was a low key day, upper body weights and 3 miles. I felt tired.

Fav cracker – GRAHAM crackers, or teddy grahams.

We bought a treadmill for our dog a few winters back. She loves to run on it. We don’t use it unless the weather is so bad we can’t take her out. She runs with me everyday so she needs lots of exercise! * Fav dog – MY DOG! cattledog/belgian malinois


Ahh I love all crackers so I don’t think I could choose! I love those pretzel/cracker combinations. Anything salty and crunchy is right up my alley!

Oh my goodness that video is adorable. I thought it was going to be a dog running normally on a treadmill but that is so much better :-)


Hey Janae!

Love your blog…look forward to reading it everyday! Congrats to both of you for awesome race times!


has anyone ever mentioned Billy looks like The BOSS in his younger years? ?



Ellen you are right…he totally does! I love it. Thank you for your sweet comment, you made my night!


OMG that video is hilarious!

Scott and I got a little frenchie Ivan last fall and we have not been more in love. We love him like he is our child, no joke. I know it sounds silly but we just love him so much.

Favorite cracker is Carr’s Whole Wheat. I dip it in my cottage cheese :)

I did repeats on the treadmill today. I know what you mean. You just gotta be smart and play it safe!


This shows real exetreisp. Thanks for the answer.


Goldfish and cheese its are tied for my favorite cracker.


Longtime stalker, here….Hi!
I love your blog. Your running inspires me. I’ve been reading since before you were pregnant, but now it especially makes me wish *I’d* run while pregnant!

Just wanted to tell you about my new favorite snack. I think of you (in a non-creepy, internet stalker sort of way) when I eat it, lately. It’s Quakes (you know, the bags of mini rice cakes?) dipped in cottage cheese. Sweet Chili or Tomato Basil flavors work best. Try it. You can thank me, later. :)


HELLO!! I am so happy you commented, you made me so happy! Okay…I am going to go to the store right now to go buy some Quakes, that sounds beyond delicious….I will thank you NOW and LATER!! Hope you have a great night.


I love goldfish I haven’t had those in so long!!! Must.get.now.

Also Billy holding that ice cream makes me wish more than ever I wasn’t lactose intolerant!!


Ok, its freaky how that dog is only moving his back legs!!
we have 2 boxer mixes…best big dogs!

Love your blog, always makes me smile.


Tara, thank you for your comment…you made ME smile. You have TWO DOGS, I am beyond jealous!


Your new snack reminds me so much of my favorite snack in high school: salty soft pretzel (or hard pretzels) dipped in the individual packs of cream cheese!


ok so first of all–im counting down the days as much as you are!! 3 right? til we know for certain? Second, you must try salsa flavored wheat thins—delicious. and so are the Buffalo. e


You are so cute, yep we find out on Wednesday wahoo. I NEED to try the salsa wheat thins, thank you SO MUCH for letting me know about them. Have a great night Elizabeth!


My workout was somewhere in between … I really worked my legs hard and they got all shaky and jello-y and fantastic. So I appreciated that!

I just discovered the beauty of the Wasa cracker. SO GOOD. But Triscuit =+ cheddar cheese will always be a winner for me, too :)


My favorite breed of dog is the Bernese Mountain Dog. I worked at pet store in college looking after the cats and dogs and the Bernese quickly became my favorite since they are such sweethearts.

My parents have a Golden Retreiver that they put the on theadmill every now and then in the summer when the bugs are too bad outside. Oddly the dog loves it.


My workouts were fun today – they were all group classes! I taught cardio dance, then abs, and then zumba. It was a fun night!

I love all those snack crackers! I think I vote for wheat thins or cheez-its, but it really depends on my mood.

We have a chocolate lab and a blue-ticked beagle (he is seriously the cutest dog ever), but we love pretty much all dog breeds! I love BIG dogs like mastiffs and great danes.


aww I love daschunds! My little brother just got one and named him pork chop :) He’s the cutest!


Pork Chop…that is ADORABLE! I want one!!!


I love Wheat Thins the most. They’re kinda sweet and salty.
I would love a maltipoo. They are cute little lap dogs.


How hilarious is that dog video! That is the cutest dog too! :)

I seem to be on this cottage cheese kick lately…..I like to add pecans or almonds. Yum!


Club Snack Sticks — Honey Wheat. Eat some. Now. I dip them in cottage cheese and they are heavenly. If I hadn’t recently gone, “Chemical free” then I would most likely have some in my mouth right now.


My workout today was 6 recovery miles on absolutely trashed quads. It felt like the slowest 6 miles of my life.
I am not a huge cracker fan, but I do quite like rice crackers.
We have a bichon frise, so I will have to say that is my favorite breed of dog. We put her on the treadmill once, thinking it might be an easy way to exercise her. she didn’t really co-operate though and wouldn’t walk on it so just went sliding off.


Hahaha! That little Puggle is so cute! My favorite breed of dog is the Saint Bernard. They’re just so big and fluffy, and they’re the most lovable and friendly dogs! I have a Great Dane and a Saint Bernard right now, and I’m on the lookout for another Saint to join the family. My son thinks I’m nuts. He may be on to something… ;)


Oh Hey.. I was your stalker tonight at Krispy Cream…..I wish I would have read this post before we chatted because I totally would have tried to pawn my dog off on you :-).. .It is a boxer and an awesome dog it is just so neglected since I have 24 little kids… Anyways so fun meeting you, you are so so sweet!! Hope you enjoyed your snack tonight I sure did. My blog is private so I will email you an invite, but I need your email…Looking forward to a Fro-Yo date someday…


right now, Wheat Thins! Especially with red onion dip from Knott’s Berry Farm. Oh, red onion dip makes everything better ;)

I’d love a Whippet. Don’t want a dog everyday and we have cats. Last time we babysat a dog one of the cats attacked his face! Not bringing a dog into that mess again.

Workouts? right now it’s a struggle just getting to the gym!


Jalapeno flavored cheeze-its are the jam…tastes just like cinema nachos!


that video just made my hubby and i laugh SO hard. thank you :)


Cheez-its are amazing, but I haven’t had them for years. That needs to change next time I come to America.

For a healthier cracker…I really like Ak-mak. They are pretty sizable and have a bit of a honey wheat taste with sesame seeds. I also like Matzo..with butter and salt.

Workout was tough…hopefully get an easy run in this afternoon to shake everything out.


Love the video!


I’m a wheat thins girl…I eat them almost every day and they are super tasty with salads or hummus or soup or…etc.


I am DYING to get a dog and recently have actually been considering it very seriously… I thought I was going to either get a new(er) car or a dog, but now I am thinking they kind of go hand in hand since a dog would be safer in a newer car… and since I am definitely getting a newer car I think it just makes tons of sense to get a dog…right??


Goldfish crackers all the way!!
We tried getting our dog to walk on the treadmill, but he’s terrified of it and just stands until he goes off the back! He needs exercise every day otherwise he’s nutty, but when it’s -30 or -40 out, he can’t go outside…
I think I have to keep working on it!


My favorite thing with laughing cow cheese right now is tortilla chips…and if u mix it w/ salsa…so good! Definitely one of my fave after work snacks.


Goldfish for sure; can’t beat em! So that dog video literally had me snorting out loud at work and the guys were all making fun of me. I could watch that every morning and feel good about it.


I have 2 pomeranians. They are beautiful, wonderful, sweet dogs. They love to snuggle as well as take long walks, but I think a treadmill would scare them.


Ummmm wait, so how is he holding that ice cream, just in his bare hand?????


I am officially addicted to string cheese wrapped around everything … pretzels, almonds, gold fish, etc. My coworker wheeled back to my cube yesterday and said “it’s really funny the way you eat your string cheese”. I wanted to say Mind your own business-thank-you-very-much!! So delicious!


Bahahaha that makes my day! Makes snack time fun!


For the record cottage cheese and grapes makes the best research paper writing snack. It’s eaten with a spoon so I don’t have to taken my eyes off the computer screen and it doesn’t require require much chewing so I can save energy and funnel it into typing furiously.

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