Altra Running Shoe Giveaway [CLOSED]

Altra sent me a pair of DELILAHS to review and they are also going to give a pair to YOU!!!  I have been wearing these shoes for the last few weeks for everything from running to kickboxing to going to Costco and overall I can tell you honestly that my feet are in heaven in these shoes.  Added bonus is that they have purple on them (or pink if you want) and it’s the little things in life like this that make everything so great.

Altra is known for their drop zero specialized shoes and you can hear all about the amazing benefits of drop zero here:

Like all of Altra’s female shoes, the Delilahs are designed specifically for the woman’s foot.  They are a minimalist shoe. I am really enjoying using them on all of my training runs, I haven’t raced in them yet but I can’t wait to try them out in my next half.

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I was a little worried to run in the cold or in areas with rocks with these shoes but in both circumstances the Delilah offers a great protection and they are very durable.

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They only weigh 6.5 oz which means you aren’t carrying as much weight around as you would with a normal running shoe which for me =more energy used towards speed!

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I have loved my previous Altra running shoes and I am in love with the Delilahs!  Hope you win!!

Giveaway will end on March 24th, 2012.

PS Men, you can enter in to win the SAMSON!!!


To enter giveaway, tell me in the comments why you want a new pair of Altra Delilahs or you can also tell me what your favorite distance would be to run with them would be.

Extra entry:  Tweet about giveaway and tell me that you did in a separate comment.

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Oh I would so love to win. I have heard so many great things about the Altras and would absolutely love the opportunity to try them.


I’d love to try out those shoes for some shorter runs! I have been using shoes with an 8mm drop and I really like them so I’d like to try these out. Pluse, they are really cute!


I would love to try these minimalist shoes. I am in need of a new pair of running shoes, and I have tried the Nike Free Run. I would love to run them in a 5K.


Love the shoes super cute! I want to try them!


I would love to try these- I’m a sucker for shoes, and I also need neutral shoes to pair with my orthodics. So, these sound perfect! I’d use them for short distances…i.e. 5k. Mostly, because that’s the distance I’m allowed to run for now! :)


I’ve never actually ran before but its on my list of goals for the year, to get in shape. I’m hoping to run a 5k in the next months. i’m seriously out of shape so I’m taking it slow.


I need new training shoes! I would love a pair of these!!


I’ve always worn New Balance shoes, so I would love to try these out!! Pick me!


they look awesome! I currently on the hunt for a new pair/brand to get behind. I’d definitely use them for my April half. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!


I need new shoes for my upcoming 10 mile race!


I love light shoes and would love to try out a pair that weighs only 6.5oz!!! I would wear them for 13.1 miles :)


I would LOVE these shoes! I really have been wanting a pair that is lightweight but most aren’t padded enough and hurt my feet but these seem fantastic! I bet I could run like a cheetah with these! =D and I would love to run everywhere with these shoes!


Amy needs these shoes! I am done with injuries. :( I am training for my first marathon in June and have been struggling with injuries in both legs for the past few months. I’m thinking these shoes could be my answer! :)


I would love to try a 10k in the Delilah’s as I think the lightweight nature could help me be super speedy!


I will happily run a marathon in the Altra’s!


Oh, I want those!
I would need to buy new running shoes anyway since my feet are very delicate and I need to have The Best shoes in order to avoid problems.
Of course, I would run the whole marathon with those! Yes, please! ;)


Hello! I would love to win these shoes because the weather here in Canada is finally warming up after a cold winter and I can’t wait to get outside and run leaving the treadmill behind till next winter!


I would LOVE to try these shoes as I’ve been battling ITB and hip/knee problems for over a year now, which has been so hard not only because I love running in general and can’t do it now, but these injuries have even made me miss running Boston both this year AND last year after qualifying in 2010 :( The last thing I’m planning on trying is a minimalist shoe and this would be an amazing opportunity!!


awesome giveaway! I’d love to try them out.. I’d probably wear them on my shorter runs so that I can get used to them.


I’m desperately in need of a new pair of sneaks AND especially if I wanna start training again :D


I would love to try them while running my next 5k with my 68 year old grandma. Yep, my grandma rocks. She is still running at 68 and wins in her catagory everytime :)


I NEED a new pair of kicks – I am almost ashamed to tell you when I bought my last pair…


I looooooove minimalist running shoes! I’d absolutely love to try another pair out–I’ve been with my Saucony’s for awhile, and love them–but would like to try another pair out!


I would love to try these! I have never had a minimalist shoe before and have been wanting to get some!


Ahhh! I would love these to wear for speed work and 5/10k races. They look FAST :)


I would love new shoes because my shoes are giving me the worst blisters that I have to drain every night! I live in New Zealand and so many brands don’t even ship here! My fav distance would be the 10k, light shoe to make me speedy!!


I would love to try a minimalist shoe. I’ve been struggling with plantar fasciitis and wonder if a more natural foot position would help. I usually run shorter distances, 3-6 miles.


I’m training for a 10K right now and would love to wear these during my 5 mile speedwork sessions at the track!


I would LOVE those shoes…They look awesome : )


I would love those shoes because ever since reading Born to Run I have been obsessed with minimalist shoes!


I’m a huge fan of Altra. I have the Intuition and Lone Peak–their road and trail shoe–and they’re nice and wide which I love. I’ve heard good things about the Delilah and would use them for speedwork since I’m super slow :)


First of all, congrats on your pregnancy! I know I’m late but that is super exciting. I am currently training for my first marathon (yikes) and am in desperate need of some new running shoes. I would love to win these!!!


I would LOVE these shoes! I’ve just started distance running in preparation for running in a Tough Mudder in September. These would really help me put a pep in my step. :)


I would love to win these shoes to start my training in.


I would love to get back into running and I know these shoes would help! Thanks for the giveaway! :)


OMG I would LOVE to win a pair of Altra’s! I haven’t found a shoe that leave me completely pain free and maybe zero drop is what I need!!



ALso, just tweeted about the giveaway! YAY!


Those shoes are SO CUTE! Honestly my favorite thing to use minimalist shoes for is doing my weight training and running errands and such. My other pair is basically threadbare and I can’t afford a new pair! I’d love to win these!!


I mentioned this on Twitter, too!

@megsican11: you could win a pair of Delilahs on @hungryrunnergrl’s blog!! enter HERE! (or don’t, so I have a better chance.)


Oh! I’d love to win! I love that their light weight! I’d wear them in the 10K I’m running in June!


I would love to try these shoes because I could use some running form help.


I’ve really been wanting my own pair of minimalist shoes. I would love these light babies for speedwork or my standard 10k tempo run. They seem sturdy enough for a half as well!


In April, my husband is leaving for military training for a month. And each weekend is crammed with a half marathon to get through the time! So I would love to have them for those races:)


I’d want to try them out for a speedy 5k!


I also tweeted about the giveaway on @hungryrunnergrl and @AltraZeroDrop! These shoes look great for helping me bounce back from an IT band/hip injury :)


I would love to try minimalist shoes and these ones are super cute! I am newer to running and trying to increase my distance slowly so I would say 10K would be perfect for me :)


I would love to try them because I’ve never had a zero drop shoe and I would probably try a shorter distance in these shoes, like a 5K.


I’ve been very curious of minimalist/zero drop shoes. This would be the perfect opportunity! I would gradually try to work up to running my FIRST marathon in September with Delilah!!


I love to try a minimalist shoe! Every single running shoe I own is Mizuno. I am always looking for new ones to try… and I would love to try these. Maybe even run a relay in them this summer!


Just tweeted about the giveaway, too! :)


HI – I am training for a 5 mile race (not much for many but a lot for me!) and I am struggling with knee and hip pain. Would love to try a new shoe! thanks!


I am always in need of new shoes and these look incredible!


I so badly need a new pair! I have been running for years and can Not afford a pair every few months, so i just stopped buying, and held onto my dear asics for life. :O

Thanks for the giveaway<3


I want a pair of running shoes because I’m finally getting into running after spending most of life being too afraid!


I would love to win these shoes because I’ve been wanting to try out some lighter-weight shoes and if I win I won’t have to buy them!


I would also love to try these shoes. I’m actually suffering from shin splints for the first time and think my running shoes might be to blame. I’m a little new to all of this!


I love Altras and would love to try these new shoes! Have a few half marathons coming up and these would be perfect!


i have been DYING for a new pair of running shoes and couldn’t decide which kind I wanted… these look AMAZING and so comfortable!


I love minimalist shoes and would love a new pair to start running post-baby (next month…yay!!!). My favorite distance to run would be the half marathon.


i am just recovering from a hip fracture and i am just starting to play with short runs. i do not want to get injured again, and the notion that these shoes emphasize better form excites me!!


I’d love to try the new shoes! I’ve been wanting to try a minimalist shoe! Would be great for the next 5k!


I’m just beginning running after realizing that my “extra layers” were a little more than just extra layers and it’s time to get back into shape. Thank you for the opportunity to win these shoes :)


I would love to try these shoes!!! I have not tried any minimal shoes, but have wanted to for a long time! Plus they are super cute! Pick ME! :)


I have wanted to try minimalist shoes!!! I would run a half-marathon in them if I could.


My favorite distance would be EVERY distance! I have tilted hips so raised-heel shoes are bad for me because they throw my hips even more out of whack. These Altra Delilahs would be perfect.


I would love to run in these! I have heard nothing but good things! Im training for a marathon right now and am in dire need of new shoes! Id love to give these a go!




I have been wanting to try a minimalist shoes, why not the delilahs?! Fav distance would be 5-10 miles.


I am looking for some new shoes to work out in while I am
At the gym! I would love to try these! :)


Ooh fun!! This (+ the weather lately) would be great motivation for me to get out and run more!


id want a pair of delilahs because id love to try something new all the time. i love new running stuff because it motivates me even more to get out and move my butt. my first distance would definitely be a 5k cause i cant run another distance YET ;)


I’ve been reading a lot about zero drop/ minimalist shoes and I would love to try them for any distance. Right now my distances are slow and short since I am 21 weeks preggo with number 4. But I’m planning on getting back up to speed and train for 26.2 in 2013. :)


i would love to wear those delilahs while running my 3rd half marathon in may! =)


I have been wanting to try these kind of shoes!


I need new shoes! Would love to run a 10k in them.


I’m training for my first half, so I would love to have a new pair of running shoes!


I would love these mostly for the color!! I tend to always go for green. Some pink in my life would be fun!


I am at the point where I need to upgrade my running shoe and haven’t tried anything like this! I would love to try them! I just started training for my first marathon and think I could put them to good use! :) I could use a little brighten my day, I just got laid off from my job. Thanks for chance to win! I hope you have a great day! :)


I am at the point where I need to upgrade my running shoe and haven’t tried anything like this! I would love to try them! I just started training for my first marathon and think I could put them to good use! :) I could use a little something to brighten my day, I just got laid off from my job. Thanks for chance to win! I hope you have a great day! :)


oh man i love running shoes!! half marathons are my fave :)


Can I say it’s because they are cute!?!


I am in dying need of a good pair of running shoes. I have just gotten into running and would love to have them to help me with my first 10K!


I desperately need a new pair of running shoes and would love to try these out!


I am attempting my first half marathon this summer so these would be great for training!


Wow these look really good. The video sucked me in lolz! Anyways-I would probably work into a half running in them. I’m looking for a lighter minimalist shoe to run halves in!


I would love to win! I’ve been having so many trials with so many shoes, I would just love to find one that works for me!


I love shoes and would love to try these! My favorite distance is 10 miles and would love to try these during my next 10 miler! :)


I would love to win these shoes! I haven’t been able to afford to try out any minimalist shoes so this would be perfect for me!


I’d love to have them for a half marathon – I’m working on my time right now, and I’m sure having a fancy new pair of shoes would help me out!


It’s suddenly spring in the mid west and I’d love those for my goal of 8 miles on Easter! :)


I tweeted about the giveaway (@carolynn_b)!


i would love to try a zero drop shoe. I would love to run my first half marathon in them.


I recently started running “barefoot” style, in my really old trail shoes (probably shouldn’t be considered true running shoes, but they were the only shoes I had that had no weird padding that altered my true gait). I’m still undecided on what shoes to buy next, but these look perfect! I’ve read so many good things about Altra’s. Also, I’ve got a half marathon coming up in May!


Seeing as I’m a first time runner training for my first marathon, I’d love to run 26.2 miles in them!


I would love to rock the Delilahs for my training runs (mostly under 10 miles..for now :)


I would love to try these shoes. I am curious to see if it will help with my shin splits and foot problems. I would love to use these at my next half marathon in May.


I also tweeted about the giveaway!


I would love to try these out! I’m becoming more interested in minimalist shoes and would like to try some for my next (and 2nd ever) half!


Yay Altra! I have heard awesome things about these and I have been dying to get a pair of minimalist shoes for my stress fracture recovery runs. I was told to start more trail running and the running group around here recommended those exact shoes for trail running! Yay! :)


I’ve always wanted to try a minimalist shoe but have been so nervous to do it! Running shoes cost a decent amount of moola- and I have 2 kiddos- and taking the risk on buying minimalist shoes has always freaked me out! What if they don’t work for me!?!? I overpronate really bad and have had 3 stress fractures- (2 tibial and one femoral neck!)- so they “idea” that they aid in injury prevention sounds SO appealing to me! Ahhh! Pick me! I never win anything! haha!


I’ve never run in minimalist shoes and would love to experiment!


How cute are these shoes?! I’d love to wear these running my favorite distance–the half marathon!


My resolution for 2012 is to run 2012 km. I’m ahead of schedule to date, but I could use a new pair of shoes since my current ones have seen better days.


I’ve been running in the Asics Gel Excel 33s and I would love to try an even lower drop shoe!


I would love to try these for my half-marathon coming up in May!


My fiance has a pair of Altras, so I’ve been intrigued.


These days, any distance is fantastic.


I would love to win these because my shoes are starting to age! It’s only a matter of time before I need a new pair.


I would love to try a minimalist shoe!! I have always had more padded shoes!


Tweeted! @runschicago


Oh want!! I am in the process of incorporating more minimal shoes (I did a mile in Vibrams yesterday!) and these would be the perfect addition to my closet. Pretty pretty please pick me??


I have lost 30 lbs. running and am wanting to try minamilist shoes.


Oh and I want to wear them for my next half marathon. I love racing flats for that distance.


I would love to try a light pair of shoes! Thanks


i’d love to win these because i’ve never tried out a minimalist shoe before, and i’m curious to see how they’d work for me!


I would run intervals in these!


My favorite racing distance right now would probably be a 10K, but that might change once I run my first half marathon in a week and a half!


i tweeted about the giveaway! :)


I’d wear them for my next half marathon. I think they’d help me knock off the 1:50 I need to go sub-2!


I have been wanting to try a minimalist shoe for running! I’d love to try these:)


I’d run my first 10k since my hip was resurfaced!! I’d love to try these!


I want to win because I have been wanting to try out the Altra’s but am scared to try anything new! I would wear them for my next half marathon.


I would love to run a 1/2 marathon! My mom has a pair and LOVES them.


I’ve read a good bit about the Altras & would love to give the minimal shoes a try. The main I’d love to win is (1) I’m in desperate need of a new pair of running shoes, (2) I’m old with achy joints & back, (3) I’ve got a 1/2 coming up in April, and (4) it takes about 30 min. for me to get those Five Finger things on my feet!!


I am planning to run a 1/2 marathon this spring, so I would LOVE to wear these awesome shoes for that!! Thanks for the giveaway!


some cute new shoes are exactly what I need to attempt to be a runner again :)


I’d love to try these minimalist shoes!!! I think they would be amazing to RACE in. :)


I would love to try out a minimalist shoe and as I am training for a 10k this summer it would be sweet to win these beauties for training and that race !Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!


I just tweeted!!! :)


I would run an ultra marathon in them. So pretty!


I’ve never tried minimalist shoes and I would love to try out a pair!!


I’ve been wanting to try out a pair of minimalist shoes for some upcoming 5Ks and 10Ks – speedy speedy!


I would like to formally enter myself in thine contest, because I read Born to Run and want to get my feetsies strong by running in minimal shoes every now and then. Thank you dear.


I’m a new runner so I’d love to run my first half marathon in them!


I’ve never tried zero drop shoes and really want to!


I tweeted this link!


I LOVE purple! and running shoes. Sounds like a perfect match to me!


I would love a pair because I am moving towards this type of shoe since I just changed my strike to a midfoot strike. I’d love to try a pair!


I would love to win these shoes!! They are suiper cute and comfy looking. I despertly need a new pair. I think mine are 4 years old (and I’v trained/ran in 3 half marathons in them).


I love zero drop shoes!!! I would love some girly shoes instead of my boring block, plus I blow through shoes trail running! I’d run everything from 4 miles to 9 miles to lifting weights in them!


Really, really want to try these. I would run my first marathon in them on May 29! Don’t worry, I already run in minimalist shoes, I’ve built up my mileage and all that. I’ve heard they’ve got great ground feel!


I would love to win these shoes! I’m in need of a new pair, but I love my current shoes, so I definitely need a highly recommend pair :)


I’d love to try them. I’d start in something small, like a 5K!


I am new to this whole running thing and always like to take the advice of seasoned runner like yourself on gear, so I would love to try them, but I would like the pink ones :)


I would love to win these shoes! I have been really interested in minimalist shoes, but have never bought a pair.


I just tweeted about your giveaway :)!/melissa_826/status/182191937254727681


I was fitted for nike lunar something something, and I have been running in them for awhile, I have three pairs of them, but as I am getting faster i feel like they are big and clunky so I would love to be able to try a minimalist shoe!


I need new shoes! I have run WELLLL over 500 miles each on the two pairs of shoes I currently run in but I feel like I just got them! Definitely time for a new pair!


I’d LOVE to try out a pair of Minimalist shoes!! Never worn them before!


I’ve been really wanting to try minimalist shoes so winning a pair would be the perfect time to!

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