Sneak eating and I am itching to run.

Yesterday we got together with my family and my cutest sister-in-law’s family for a crazy party…you know Utah is the party capital of the world.

Billy felt bad that he hadn’t been on the blog for a few hours and so he made sure to get his hand in the shot.

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Everyone say hello to the table of happiness.

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The fruit was good but the lemon cupcakes were perfection. The whipped cream thing in the back was my absolute favorite.  The base was made with a pastry sheet with banana pudding for the next layer and whipped cream for the topping.  I took a piece home for my breakfast today….if it is a ‘fruity’ flavored food it is more than okay to eat it for breakfast.

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Just chillaxing at the big kids table, now that I am pregnant I have finally graduated from the kiddo table.  It has been a hard transition.

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Even though I wanted a hamburger for dinner I settled for cereal and mac and cheese but I WILL have a hamburger tonight.  It was kind of a make whatever you want night for dinner and so that is exactly what I did.

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He has mastered the art of sneak eating.

Yesterday was a rest day which actually translate to mean that my body is itching to move around and more importantly run this morning!  Maybe I am still riding my running high from Saturday’s run or the sugar high from the cupcakes but either way I can’t wait to move.

On a random note, I went the entire day without my lip gloss.  I put some on in the morning and forgot it at home and then we were gone all day.  My lips have become so dependent on this stuff that I was actually going through withdrawals.  It was a hard day but I have high hopes that I can slowly ween myself off of it.


How often do you put on chapstick/lip gloss/lipstick?

-Waking hours: every 2 hours.  I have a problem, my lips can no longer produce moisture and so I NEED lip stuff on them at all times.

Favorite fruity flavored dessert?  Banana, lemon, strawberry, other?

-I absolutely love banana flavored desserts and lemon is in a close second.

What day(s) are you taking for rest day this weekend?

-Sunday is always my rest day!

What was the last fruit you ate?  The last type of cereal you ate?

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I like to start the week thinking about dessert. Nice :)

I love banana pudding and cupcakes. Fruit flavoured- I love fresh strawberries and raspberries. Or a crisp lemon gelato.

I haven’t planned my rest day- I usually just take them when I feel I need them once or twice a week.


Lemon gelato is the, now you are making me crave it!


All of that food looks delicious! The last fruit I ate was an apple and the last cereal was frosted mini wheats. Today is actually my rest day, and I’m looking forward to it!
Have a great run today!!


Frosted mini wheats are the BEST!!! Enjoy every second of your rest day…not a full rest day because you will be chasing your kiddos around ha:)


I’d addicted to the blue blistex and if I don’t have a full application on at all times I go CRAZY! I literally can not do anything without it on… It’s sick and unhealthy.


Wow, your comment made me feel so much better….I am the same way. I can’t think about anything else when my lips are dry. You are right, it is unhealthy.


You were the one who got me hooked on lip gloss and now you go without!?! Unfair ;). Adorable baby!


BAHAHAHAH Seriously that stuff is addicting. Don’t worry I have already applied it 3 times today, I won’t be quitting anytime soon:)


Haha that pic of your nephew sneaking in some cereal is priceless- love that it’s a bowl of Fruit Loops…too yummy! I love apple and banana flavored desserts, even better when cinnamon is included! And Sundays are my day of rest too…it just feels wrong to work out then!


I hear ya…..Sundays just feel like we are meant to be lazy ha! Good call on the cinnamon, I totally agree with you!


I’m a big lipgloss/chapstick junkie too. My poor husband has to deal with the fact that I’m always getting sparkly lipgloss on his face whenever he tries to kiss me! ;)


BAHAHAH Yep, billy has to deal with the sticky/sparkly face too:) Love that you said you were a junkie ha!


I’m the exact same way with chapstick. When I forget it at home, I cry a little bit or make myself go out to buy some. I probably put it on every 1.5-2 hours.

And banana flavored desserts are the best! :) Have a great run today!


Thanks girl!! Good to know I am not alone when I cry over forgetting my chapstick:)


I have a jar of chap stick / lipgloss on my bathroom counter and a makeup bag full in my purse. Flavors and colors are always at my choosing. :)


Wow, now you are onto something. I bet you never run out….must stock up like you:)


I put Chapstick on. Just about every hour

And I’m eating kashi go lean with dried cherries as I’m reading this!

Lemon flavor wins, but raspberry does too…even better if they’re together

I always rest on Sundays and Thursday I will cross train of some sort

So glad you had a good family day! Enjoy your Monday!!


Every hour….I knew we were soul mates:) YUM….I love that kashi, so good! I usually cross train on Thursdays too. Hope you enjoy you monday too!


Apple flavored desserts call my name. Banana flavored things make my stomach turn. I also really like lemon. Those lemon cupcakes are calling my name.

Congrats on moving to the adults table. We have a rule in our family that once you turn 18, you no longer have to get your height measured on the wall each summer. You have the option to if you think you are still growing taller, but it’s not required. That was a big day for me.

Monday is my rest day since I did 12 miles yesterday.


Billy hates banana flavored things too!BAHAHA love learning about your measurement wall. That is too funny, that would be a big day ha. CONGRATS on your 12 miles, you are incredible!


Berries in my smoothie and raisin bran for a midnight snack! (I know raisin bran… I’m such an old lady- especially when by midnight snack I actually mean 9:30pm.. ) what am I coming to? lol… I’ve had to master sneak eating at work- since I’m not allowed to eat or drink at work- except in the back where we have a “break table” But there is never any time to sneak back there so I have to stick bars, carrots, etc. in my apron.. It’s hard to be around food all day and not snack- so I just take little nibbles and pretend I’m wiping the counters down or something. hah


YUM!!! Cereal makes the best midnight snack in the world! WHAT…you can’t eat or snack during work unless at the table, I think I would go crazy or get really good at sneak eating ha!


that pic of your niece and nephew is so cute!!
I put lipchap on probably every 20-30 minutes… I use it ALL the time and can’t leave the house with it.


This makes me feel more normal, what a relief. I think we are all addicted to lip stuff:) Have a great day Sabrina.


Every 2-3 hours for sure. It is a addiction for me!
Love banana, and certain lemon desserts.
Saturday is always my rest day!
I am eating raspberries and Peanut Butter Cheerios right now :)


We are all addicted. UM your bowl of cereal sounds INCREDIBLE, I must have it ASAP!


Lip gloss is a major addiction of mine. I put it on every 2 hours, too.

Banana-flavored desserts rock! Those are my favorite, too.


We need some banana flavored lip gloss that tastes like dessert ha…we are addicted:)


Hi beautiful!!
aww i’m so excited you made it to the adult table :) in my house that’s where the dessert used to be hidden until it was time for everyone to have…but if it’s sitting in front of me I will “sample” it!
I have a need for chapstick at all hours of the day, I think I have a zillion tubes, they always disappear :)
have a great run this morning!!


I feel your pain, I am also completely addicted to lip gloss! Haha I carry 2 types with me when I run – chapstick and glossy gloss.. Can’t handle having dry/ chapped lips!

Is vanilla an option? Always vanilla!

My rest days are usually Monday and Friday… Monday = post-long run day; Friday seems to always be a rest day whether I plan it to be or not, so I just go with it ;)


haha…i’m STILL kicking it at the kiddie table, that’s okay, i feel that’s where the most interesting things happen anyways. :)

okay, i’d say for fruity delights i’d go for strawberry, but if there is anything with a kiwi (rare, i kno) then i’m ALL over it!!

i hope u get ur running fix soon!


YUM banana desserts are my fav too
last fruit was frozen strawberries and a banana on my oatmeal this morn. And last cereal was raisin bran this weekend!


So funny we sneak food in our family too. V will point and say “what is over there” and grab food off of my plate.


You have such a beautiful family–and a beautiful spread of food to match!

I am a chapstick addict; always have been, always will be!


Thank you!! You are so sweet! At least you admit you always will be an addict ha:) Hope you have an amazing day.


Sunday is always my rest day (unless I have a race then it is Saturday). I put gloss/chapstick on about 5-6 times a day. I hear they put something in them to make your lips dependent on the stuff… could be rumor.

Banana flavor is my FAVORITE!


sunday is always my rest day too…if its a race on sunday then yes, i rest on saturday.

i put on lip gloss prob around 4-5 times a day…at work, i’m always putting it on..i hate dry lips.

a combo of strawberry/banana dessert sounds like perfection to me…although i’m a fan of lemon too!

last type of fruit i ate was blackberries..which i’m slowly becoming addicted to because i bought a case of them from costco this weekend too, lol. last cereal i ate was kashi go lean crisp. i cant wait to run today, havent been able to run since weds because of my ankle…its finally feeling better today and its beautiful outside..too excited


I have to have a cherry chapstick with me at all times or I go CRAZY! I like lemon-flavored baked goods, but strawberry when it comes to ice cream. And my rest day(s) are going to be Friday and Saturday (maybe I’ll run 2 easy miles Friday…) because I have my FIRST HALF MARATHON on sunday!!!! AHHH!!!!


I always use Lip Rescue about 5 times a day. Favorite fruit dessert is home made apple pie hands down! Rest day was Sunday and I think Wed this week, I change it up based on weather. Last fruit I ate was strawberries, but they needed a little sugar on them.


I am going to have to look up what Lip Rescue is….I bet it is amazing and you are going to get me hooked on it. Good call on the homemade apple pie…I hear ya. That is awesome you change up your rest days based on the weather, taking a rest day on a beautiful day is not fun!


You know I have to say those napkins for a second looked like cheese! HAHA I thought holy cow those are big slices of cheese!! Lately I’ve been drinking smoothies with cheeries.. YUM!


I have chapsticks EVERYWHERE – they’re littered all over my coffee table, desk at work, in every pocket of every jacket I own – I’m addicted.

And lemon all the way! I will always always choose lemon flavoured stuff.


Oh my gosh I think I put chapstick on every half hour to an hour, especially when I am at work, when I am at home I don’t notice it nearly as much but my chapstick sits right in front of my at work so I am constantly putting it on! I think I would have to say lemon if my favorite fruity dessert lemon meurange (sp? to lazy to check the proper sp) pie yes please! Sunday’s are my rest days as well, I feel as though they should be the universal rest day!


I use my chapstick or lip gloss probably 3-4 times a day – sometimes more.

I like some fruity desserts – if they have REAL fruit – like peach cobbler or apple pie or banana pudding. I also like some lemon and lime desserts if they aren’t flavored artificially.

Sunday is my rest day as well, but if I take two my other one is Friday (simply because of my zumba/dance teaching schedule).

I am on South Beach Phase 1 right now, so I can’t have any fruit or cereal. It is sad – I had to have the mangoes left off my salad the other night – I wanted to cry!


Sundays are always rest days, I LOVE apple and lemon, I had 3 apples this past weekend and I love your hair.


I am in need of a party with a spread of random food to snack on-looks delicious. I too am addicted to lip balm. It was 70 here and with the high altitude and extra warm sun my lips got fried this morning! Happy running today.


Lemon cake all the way. Awhile back I made a lemon cake with fresh lemon curd and a meringue frosting. I ate half the cake in a single weekend, and wasn’t the least bit sorry.


Janae, your hair looks beautiful curled in that picture! My favorite fruity flavored dessert is apple crisp. holy cow. nothing makes me happier than those cinnamon-y apples with butter oats and brown sugar crispiness :)


I love blackberry and lemon flavored desserts. I had an apple for a snack yesterday afternoon. The last cereal I had was PB Cheerios.
Sundays are normally my rest days, though sometimes they get switched with Saturdays. It depends on what the family has going on.
Hope you have a great week!


You comment about the graduating from the kids’ table is funny – that’s how it is at our big family Thanksgiving – the rule is that you don’t move up until you have your own kids…. haha I’m 27 and still sitting at the kids’ table every year!!


I’m terrible about putting on chapstick so I have gross chapped lips most of the winter. That’s a really gross confession. I’m sorry.

Sundays are usually my rest days, but when I’m not training, I usually still do a really easy run on Sundays, like with my slowboat dog.

I just ate an apple.


I always have at least 2 tubes of lip gloss with me. I apply it constantly!

Favorite fruity flavored dessert? Strawberry!

What was the last fruit you ate? Banana. Eat them every single day.

The last type of cereal you ate? Cheerios.


I am obsessed with chap stick too :)

and that food plate looks yum!


The fruit you had looks so delicious, but that cupcake looks even better! Now I want a cupcake…thanks :) I love any fruity flavored dessert.

I always have chapstick with me, and I probably put it on 5 or 6 times a day. Mike is even worse with it than I am!

Sunday is typically my rest day, but because I wasn’t feeling good Saturday, I took that as a rest day. It must have worked because I went on an unplanned run yesterday and ran 6.1 miles, my furthest distance yet!

I had a banana for breakfast this morning, and the last cereal I had was Krave.

Quick question for you…I’m looking at buying a spin bike and I wondered if you like yours and if you would recommend it? Thanks!


MELISSA!! Sorry to make you crave a cupcake ha:) I absolutely LOVE my spin bike. I have zero complaints and totally recommend it. I have it on my gear page and going through Amazon is where we found it for the best deal! Let me know if you get it, it is so nice to get in a quick sweat anytime you want at home!


I have a chapstick addiction. I always use Sunday as my rest day.


I love taking Fridays off as rest days! Sundays I like to go to dance & spin class or do an easy run on the trail. Just gives me an excuse to have a big Sunday dinner :)

I am obsessive about lip gloss & chapstick too. My favorite right now is Bath & Body works mentha lip shine!


How often do you put on chapstick/lip gloss/lipstick?

– I have a Burt’s Bee’s pomegranate lip balm in my purse; I hardly ever use it.

Favorite fruity flavored dessert? Banana, lemon, strawberry, other?

– Probably banana, closely followed by strawberry cheesecake.

What day(s) are you taking for rest day this weekend?

-I took Saturday and Sunday, as my dad was visiting. No running this week (sad face). Trying to give my piriformis time to relax. Will be doing elliptical instead.

What was the last fruit you ate? The last type of cereal you ate?

– I ate dried fruit this morning (golden berry blend from TJ’s), which was blueberries/golden raisins/cranberries. My favorite dried fruit. That was stirred into Kashi Go Lean, plus walnuts and soy milk.


Favorite fruit dessert is raspberry. I love raspberry sundeas, and I love raspberries over anglefood cake with coolwhip, and I love raspberry poke cake……….yum yum.

Sunday is my reat day! I got up to swim this morning, and remembered just how much I love doing that. What a good monday its been.

I had cereal for dinner last night and it was honey bunches of oats with almonds.


Omg I’d DIEEEEEEEEEE without my Aquaphor tube!!


Strawberries keep being on sale so I think I need to make a strawberry cake. But the last fruit we had was apples!!! I’m thinkin about an apple during lunch too. I guess that’s the only furit we have at home right now besides frozen bananas!


oh man i have vaseline on my lips all day long!! i got really sunburned saturday during my 20 mile long run so my lips are in serious pain :( speaking of long run, i took yesterday and today off of running..back on tomorrow!! its taper time yay!


What a fun day! Aren’t Sundays seriously the best. I am so glad to know I am not the only one that spends all day Sunday eating with my family. ha ha

The cupcake looks delicious and your family is just adorable. Love you to peices Janae!


Did you save a cupcake (or 5) for me?! ;) Your family is so cute! Lovin all the pics!

I’m not a big cereal-eater… I was all growing up, but there’s something about it now that doesn’t really appeal to me. Weird, I know. I should totally have that checked out.

I’m a “if it’s sweet, it’s mine” kind of dessert person! Fruity or chocolatey, doesn’t matter one bit to me! :)


I’ve read somewhere that the more you put on chapstick the worse it is for your lips because you get so used to it! Although that doesn’t stop my from putting it on 8 times a day either.

I’m not much of a fruity dessert person I’d much rather have chocolate.


Looks like a fun party! I love fruit and dessert–it makes everyone happy :)

Fav fruit : pineapple or lime dessert. OR chocolate anything (Except PB, hah).

I had a part of my workout already–can’t wait for the next part! Have a good run, girl.


Ah, that baby is the cutest ever!

I’m not a huge gloss/chapstick person…I only use chapstick in the winter when it’s so dry!

I love raspberry or lemon desserts!

My rest day will either be today or later in the week…depends on if I have time tonight!

Last fruit = a HUGE orange from sam’s club; last cereal = rice krispies


here is a rule I live by for desserts

After midnight all desserts (especially fruit ones) turn into breakfast danish.

Its true! ;)


Cafe Rio =my life is forever changed. Except now I am just plain depressed that who know when I’ll get to eat that deliciousness again!!!


Just think–all those nieces and nephews=== a lot less baby clothes buying for you! I love hand me downs. That baby looks beautiful! e


Apple crisp will always be my favourite fruity dessert.


I am addicted to Burt’s Bees chapstick. I have a panic attack if I leave home without it.

You just got me thinking about strawberry shortcake. Mmmm…..


I totally understand the lipgloss thing, though I tend to stay more with a chapstick. I blame my addiction on my two rounds with Accutane in high school. That stuff stops all your sweat glands (and other moisture-producing glands) from working for about 6-7 months, so I had to apply chapstick at least every hour. One time, hubs (then boyfriend) and I went out to dinner and I forgot my beloved chapstick, so I made him stop at the convenience store so I could get some :)


I was on acutane too….maybe that is what caused my addiction too!


What is your favorite lip gloss Janae?


I love Victoria Secrets lip gloss! I am totally addicted:)


I have NEVER tried theirs, any certain color better than others? thanks!!!


I have never been a chapstick addict. ha ha. But, in the winter I use it almost daily or else I have a bad habit of pulling the dry skin and making my lips bleed and I bet my hubby appreciates it!

Is chocolate a fruit? No…hmmm, then I would say bananna cream pie or that strawberry pretzel jello dessert. yum!

I always take Saturday and Sunday as my rest days.

Last fruit I had was applesauce and raisins, together. Weird I know.


Oatmeal Squares was the last cereal I ate, it was good. I live for my chap stick. Lipgloss only comes out for special nights, like a date night with the hubby or a fun occasion ;-)


Banana Cream Pie!!! But lemon anything comes in at second with key lime close behind!
I have 2 rest days. One is over the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday, then the other is Monday. BUT Monday is also clean the house day so it’s a give and take!!
Last fruit I shared with my daughter…BANANA!
And yes, lip gloss is the key to a happy smile! I have all sorts, so I’m not bias.


Banana, strawberry [with chocolate], or lemon are my fave fruits for dessert :) I just finished a grapefruit [sticky, citrusy fingers]!


What kind of chapstick do you use? Did you know some chapsticks actually dry your lips out MORE in turn making you need more chapstick?! I forgot what the ingredient is that causes the addiction but I know its in blistex and lip smackers!


Ahhhh that is rude of those companies! I use Victoria secrets lip gloss:)


Ever since having a baby, I haven’t been using lip gloss or lip stick since I kiss her all the time.. but I can’t go without chapstick, and yet I always forget it at places, it’s pretty common for me to end up buying new chapsticks at a drugstore!


I have a Corn Pops obsession. And Golden Grahams. It’s the taste AND texture that gets me. If I open I box I eat the whole thing.

Not sure if you’ve ever tried it, but Elizabeth Arden’s 8 hour cream (it’s more like a fancy vaseline) is amaze balls. I think it comes in a stick for lips but I have a pot of it and a squeeze bottle and put it right on my lips :-)


Chapstick a few times a day.

Lemon. Lemon cake is delish!

I took friday as my rest day, and it sure did feel good!

I had cutie oranges this morning.

It’s been a while since I’ve had cereal, the last was Fruit Loops. I used to have it every day, but I can’t seem to use my self control and can go through a box in about a day…which is obviously not a good idea.


I don’t last long at all without chapstick. Just the thought of forgetting it at home makes me cringe. And when I realize I don’t have any I end up licking my lips like crazy, which just makes it worse.

Fridays have been my rest day recently.

I’ve been craving either lemon icebox pie or lemon bars…

And the last fruit I ate was a pear. Also had mango, strawberry, and a banana for breakfast.


The last fruit I ate was strawberries! The last cereal I ate was Rice Krispies. I am addicted to my chapstick like you are to your lip gloss. I usually have 3-4 of them in my purse, one in the car, one in my desk at work, and one in my running bag! Talk about obsessive :)


Ok, I just tried your cottage cheese / grape combo for lunch. First impression: weird. But, after the first few bites it started to grow on me! Granted, I’m the type of girl who eats one thing at a time on her plate (i.e.: all my veggies, then all my meat, then the starch – my hubby thinks it’s weird I won’t combine things or eat a little bit of everything. I start at one part of my plate and then move around in a circle!) So, to say that I liked a ‘combo’ meal is really saying something!!
Thanks for something new!! :)


You are so welcome and I am so happy you liked the combo:) next you have to add jam to your grilled cheese!


I have done that before, and love it!!
If I’m too lazy to make a grilled cheese (ok, did I type that out loud? How lazy do you have to be to NOT make a grilled cheese?) I’ll just make toast with jam and put slices of cheese on top. Jam + Cheese = YUM!!!!
Ok, maybe that’s not really less work, I just don’t have to wash a frying pan!

Ok…. now I want a grilled cheese!!! ha ha


I love that it took you getting pregnant to finally graduate to the grown-up table :)


I want to steal your plate of food, it looks super good! I love the floral print on your outfit, cute. Also, your baby niece is precious!


Love that spread of food :-) Food at parties always makes me happy! It’s always so good!

I have to put on chapstick every time I brush my teeth, but that is 3-4 times a day.

I always take my rest day on Tuesdays because we have early meetings at school and I refuse to wake up at 4am, and after school I am always too tired :-)


For some reason I thought I was the only person that called it “lip stuff” – being an product used for moisturizing lips other than lipstick.

The worst is when I forget the lip stuff (or worst yet, forget to put it on before) for a long run. Not cool!


I use chapstick every 2-3 hours. I feel like chapstick makes me have dry lips so I use more! Or maybe because I like moist lips I am reapplying the moment it feels dry. It’s weird. It’s addicting…even the motion of putting it on your lips is addicting. Who knows!

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